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Anatomy 1. The fascial nerve : A. Arises from the medulla oblongata B. Traverses through parotid gland C.

Supplies muscles of mastication D. Carrier no taste fibres 2. The parasympathetic secretomotor fibres to parotid traverse through the following, Except: A. Otic gangilion B. Tympanic plexus C. Greater Petrosal nerve D. Aurico temporal nerve 3. Opening of jaw done by: A. Masseter B. Temporalis C. Medial pterygoid D. Lateral pterygoid 4. Following are the T.M. joint ligaments except: A. Stylomandibular B. Temporomandibular C. Tympanomandibular D. Sphenomandibular 5. In dislocation of the jaw displacement of the articular disc beyond the articular tubercle of the temporomandibular joint results from spasm or excessive contraction of the following muscle A. Buccinator B. Lateral pterygoid C. Masseter D. Temporalis 6. Retraction of the protruded mandible is done by A. Medial pterygoid B. Lateral pterygoid C. Masseter D. Temporalis 7. This structure separates parotid from submandibular salivary glands A. Styloid processb. B. Pterygomandibular raphe C. Stylomandibular Ligament D. Genioglossus 8. The maxillary artery leaves the parotid gland through this surface A. Postero- Medial B. Superior C. Antero Medial D. Base of the parotid pyramid 9. Parotid duct is______ cm long A. 2 B.3 C.4 D. 5 10. Parotid gland is______ in origin : A. Mesoderm B. Endodenn C. Ectoderm D. All the above

11. The Anterior border of the parotid gland separates _______surface from ________surface 12 One of these is not found within parotid gland: A. EC A B. Retromandibular Vein C. Facial Nerve D. Lingual nerve 13. Parotid duct pierces A. Buccal pad of fat B. Buccopharyngeal Fascia C. Buccinator D. All the above 14. Secretomotor fibres to the parotid gland arc obtained from: A. Vagus nerve B. Facial nerve C. Auriculotemporal Nerve D. Accesory Nerve 15. Parotid fascia is innervated by: A. Auriculotemporal Nerve B Great Auricular nerve (c2) C. Glossopharyngeal Nerve D. Massetric Nerve 16. Parotid swelling are very painful due to_______________ 17. Nervus intermedius refers to: A. A branch of vagus Nerve B. Motor branch of facial nerve C. Sensory root of facial nerve D. Motor and sensory root of facial nerve 17. All about facial nerve are true, except: A. All four nuclei are situated in lower pons B. In the meatus, motor root lies in a groove formed by ninth nerve C. The first bend is sharp referred as genu D. Facial nerve leaves the skull through styio mastoid framen 18. Facial nerve enters parotid gland A. Antero- Medial B. Superficial C. Postiro- - Medial D. Superior 19. Superficial head of medial pterygoid arises from A. Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate B. Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate C Tuberosity of maxilla D. Infratemporal surface of sphenoid bone 20. Sphenomandibular ligament is: A. Superior to medial pterygoid B. Superolateral to medial pterygoid C Superomedial to medial pterygoid

D. Inferoposterior to medial pterygoid 21. Medial pterygoid is supplied, by: A. Anterior division of mandibular nerve B. Posterior division of mandibular nerve C Main trunk of mandibular nerve D. Nerve to pterygoid canal 22. Temporalis muscle originates from: A. Superior temporal line B. Entire temporal fossa C Temporal fascia and temporal fossa D. Temporal fossa and zygomatic bone 23. Temporalis muscle is inserted into: A Tip and lateral surface of coronoid B. Tip and medial surface of ccronoid C Tip and anterior border of coronoid up to external oblique ridge D. B and C 24. The function of temporalis muscle is: A. Elevation, and retraction of protruded mandible B. Elevation of mandible C Elevation and protrusion of mandible D None of the above 25. Deep layer of masseter muscle originates and inserts into: A. Anterior 2/3 of zygomatic arch and inserts posteroinferiorly into lateral body of mandible B. Posterior 1/3 of zygomatic arch and inserts into middle part of ramus laterally C. Deep surface of zygomatic arch and inserts into upper part of ramus and coronoid process D. Deep surface of zygomatic arch and inserts into lower part of lateral surface of ramus 26. Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by: A. Branch of mandibular nerve B. Branch of facial C Branch of cervical plexus D. Hypoglossal nerve 27.The TMJ articular disc is: A. Concavo-convex on superior surface B. Concave on superior surface C Convex on inferior surface D. Concavo-convex on inferior surface 28. Nerve supply of TMJ is from: A. Massetric nerve B. Auriculotemporal nerve C Nerve to pterygoid D. A and B 29. The parotid gland is invested into: A. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia B. Superficial layer of cervical fascia C. Massetric fascia D. Superficial and deep temporal fascia 30. Parotid gland is separated from submandibular gland by: A. Sphenomandibular ligament B. Pterygomandibular raphe C Stylomandibular ligament D. B and C 31. Stapedius muscle is supplied by A. Facial B. Vagus C. Glossopharyngeal D. Trochlear nerve -

32. Following muscles are supplied by facial nerve Except A. Stapedius B. Masseter C Anterior belly of diagastric D. Occipitofrontalis 33. The posterior division of retromandibular vein joins: A. Facial vein B. Posterior auricular vein C IJV D. Common facial vein 34. Deep part of submandibular gland lies: A. Deep to mylohyoid, superficial to hyoglossus B. Deep to stylohyoid and superficial to mylohyoid C Superficial to hyoglossus and deep to styloglossus muscles D. None of the above 35. The submandibular duct is present between: A. Lingual nerve and hypoglossal nerve B. Lingual artery and lingual nerve C Anterior belly of digastric and hypoglossal nerve D. Hyoglossus muscle and styloglossus muscle 36. Sublingual salivary gland lies: A. Above mylohyoid muscle B. Below mylohyoid muscle C Posterior to mylohyoid muscle D. Has no relation 37. Points to remember A. Total Number of Bones in Human Body _____ B. Largest sesamoid bone in the Human Body ______ C. First bone to ossify ________ D. Largest and most complicated joint ________ E. Floating ribs are ___________

F. Turks saddle are sella turcica is associated with this bone_________ G. Broadest and shortest of the true ribs is _______ H. Largest salivary gland in the body ________ I. Anterior Belly of digastrics muscle is derived from __________arch J. Safety muscle of the tongue is _________ K. Whartons duct is _________cm long L. Key muscle of submandibular region is ____________ M. Key muscle of infratemporal fossa ________ N. Clinically the most important branch of maxillary artery is _________ O. Largest part of the brain _____________ P. Maxilla is a paired bone (T/F) Q. Atlas is __________ R. Yes movements are due to this joint S. No movements are due to this joint

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