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Paper No.

Ying, Yu
Chen, Jianye

Tsinghua University Beijing, 100084,China

Han, Yingduo' Faculty of Science and Technology University of Macao PO.Box 3001 Macao

Abstract In this paper, we discuss the Single-Machine Intinite-Bus system with one Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) asymmetrically installed as a current source.Together With classical two order generator model, a slmple power equation is drawn to give direct and clear physical concepts on synchronizing and damping torque coefficients. On the basis of the equations, some basic issues, such as the relationship of voltage gain control and damping control, operating conditions and instahtion of STATCOM, are investigated by detailed theoretical analysis. Then with proportional controller for voltage and damp control, the digital simulation proves the necessity of multi-objective control of STATCOM in damping Power System Oscillations and supplying fast voltage support. F M y , nonlinear simulation demonstrates how STATCOM improves the power transfer ability of system after severe kult


system dynamic and hnsient stability increasing power transmkjsion capacity - damping power oscillations -maintaining network voltage. ['I

Keywords: STATCOM, synchronizing torque, damping torque, power system


In power systems, there exits a continuous challenge to control the voltage throughout the network, as well as to damp the power and fkquency oscillations. The rapid development of high-power high-speed electronic FACTS devices introduces p o w d tools to t i energy system. hs As an active element, FACTS device enables the transmission system to play an active role in increasing the flexibility of Power transfer lmt and securing the iis stability of the dynamics of Power systems. Nowadays, major contriiutions of the FACTS device analysis have been addressing the following basic issues:

Among the FACTS devices, SVC and TCSC have been given more attention on their contributions to the system Some universal approaches based on them are proposed for the analysis of the FACTS dc:vices in damping power system oscillations [2][3], while [4] puts forth a unified Phillips-HeEmn model for the analysis of FACTS devices, such as SVC and CSC, i damping Power System n oscillations. Compared with SVC, the most sigdicant difference between STATCOM and SVC is that STATCOM can serve as a controllable current source without changing the network stmctut~ parameters, and beyond the limitation of bus voltage. In multi-machine system, STATCOM would be given more attention on its ability of supplying reactive power to support system voltage. While little discussion w r given together with ee its role in damping system oscillsttions. System Oscillation is usually associated with seven: disturbance,which is a kind of nonlinear phenomenon. Thus Mr nonlinear e discussion on contriiutions of STATCOM to keeping network voltage and damping oscillations will be of necessity.
This paper discuss the nonlinear system of a STATCOM asymmetrically installed in a Single-Machine Inhite-Bus, as shown by Fig. 1, deduced directly h m the classical two order equations. On the basis of t i model, the hs contributions of STATCOM on improving synchronizing ability and damping system oscillations are given detail theoretical analysis and illustmted by phase-plane diagrams. Further, small-signall analysis is adopted to discuss factors that in relation to synchronizing and damping torque. Finally, the role STmCOM played in enlarging transmission capacity and improving transient stability is showed by digital simulation results. The conclusions h w n in ti paper are a l h m theoretical hs l

*copyright 02000 by Tsinghua Univaity, Beijing, China Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,

Inc. wt permission ih

analysis so as to provide an insight and more clear u n d m d i n g of the basic properties of effect STATCOM



In order to clarify the deduction of the equations, Fig. 1 is simplified as Fig.2 where ErLo-represents the infinite bus with constant voltage and fhquency, E, L6 stands for transient EMF of the generator. STMCOM here is consided as a shunt controllable current source PI. Under per unit system, E,' = E,' = 1,
= I,,
tge =

E, = Vm+ j?JL I ,
V, = E,+ j(1- L ) X , I,


a + (1 - a)cos6



x, stands for

Total active power flow can be derived from the superpositiontheory as

1 . p, =p,,+p,, =-sln6-R,{[(l-a)l~]*E,}

the impedance of the whole transmission line, while A

stands for the mtio of left part of line to the whole line,
with a e ( o , i )

. .




i, = I,,qe
1 .

- 90-1 ,(4) can be describedas

n(i - a)z,

P =-ssm6+ ,

,/a2 + (1 - a)' + 2 4 1 - a) cos6



In order to simplify the discussion, only proportion control is adopted in the voltage regulator and rotor speed control,
Fig2 simplised system cllagram
I, =~co+K,(W-w,)-K,(V,-~~o)


From the network equation

we get

Eq. (7) is the nonlinear power equation of the system It provides the basis of h t h e r discussion.

Consideringthe following equations,


ANDDAMPINGABILJ" the M ta equation of the system canbe given as: mi l


1 . Pe= -sin6 XL


a(i - a)zc

Ja2 + (1 - a) + 2141 - a)

sin 6 6

From above equations,we can fhd t a the power P i a ht s function of the power angle 6 , as well as input I,. Thus,
L .

as a reactive current source, STATCOM is able to change the active power transfa, together with providing synchronizing torque. If it three phase short Circuit fault is set in t i system at H . l s and cleared after, we can hs see in the following phase-plane dmg how STATCOM contribute to system synchronizing and damping torque,by comparing the movement tendency of powerangle 6androtoranglespeed w
Fig. 3, depicts an unstable system with out STATCOM whose rotor angle and rotor speed will h d l y increase to infinite in its first swing after 3-phase short circuit fault occm. Compared with it, in a system installed with STATCOM and proportion voltage controller adopted, the stable limit circle, shown in Fig. 4, implies the synchronizing torque provided to overcome the first

a .


* I

U .

. I

I* I . .

I .

! .

Fig4 W - 6 *onlyvoltagemtrol




I .

$4 U




t l

Fig5 W 6 with voltage and speed c n r l oto


oe Therefore, we can c m to the following conclusions:

Firstly, the voltage control can not only keep voltage level but a s enhance the synchronizing ability, which lo contributes to the frtswing stability. is Secondly, under simple proportion speed control, STATCOM only p v i d e positive damping torque to the

lo swing. However, it a s illustrates that constant 1, input

or only voltage control cant provide damping torque. This system will be in a self-oscillation status, lacking enough damping torque to prohibit the oscillation. Thus, after some damping control is adopted, as shown in Fig.5, STATCOM can well damp system oscillations, and help the system go back to stable, with its rotor angle and speed go back to eqdibriumpoint

For a better understanding of these two torque, we can l n a i ethe nonlinear equations as the following, ierz Using Eqs. (2) and (9, can de:he we

With the feedback control

we get

NC =


Km w -W , K ,


A(1- A)K, sin6, A6 (1 + a(i - a ) x L K , ) J a z+ (1 - a) + 2a(1- a)cos6,


Therefore, the synchronizing and damping torque wfficients of the s s e can be given as: ytm


, =-cos 6

a(i - a)zco 6 cos , A(1-A)1~,sin6, Ja2 + (1 - a)z+ 2141 - a)cos6, va2+ (1 -a) + 2q1- a)cos6,

A(l-. A)K, sin 6, (1 + a(i - a)x,K,)Jaz + (1 -a) + 2a(i - a)cos6,

Usually, voltage control is adopted for the maintenance of network voltage. While here, fbm Eq. (14), we can find voltage control proportion coefficient K,, contributes to the syncbnizing torque coefficient K, .Fig. 6 shows the increase of K , results in the enhancement of K,. On the other hand, Fig.7 proves that the input reactive power will in-es the synchronizing toque. A s , it implies that lo more input reactive power will amplify the oscillation amplitude if t h m is not enough damping control, which will bring the negative influence to system stability. The discussion of a leads us to Fig. 8, which indicates that the b s location of STNCOM for providing synchronizing et torque is in the middle of the transmission line.

First, damping torque coefficient is in positive proportion to angle speed control, as shown in Fig. 9; Second, the best instahtion position of STATCOM for damping system oscillations is also in the midpoint of the line, where the damping torque coefficient will arrive its maximal value. (Fig.10); Finally, t m exists a h contradiction between voltage control and damping control of STATCOM. As Fig. 11 illusimtes, more voltage control gain will decrease the damping torque, while increasing synchronizing torque. This is the m n why damping control can stabilize the system oscillations but produces slightly oscillations of voltage, and why too much voltage control will weaken the damping effects by enhancing the oscillation amplitude.


, , .

. ..

.. ,

,, .

.. .

., ,. ,, , . . , ,
7 , .

F i g 9 K D and K,
4 !

Fig6 K, and
. , . . . ,

. ,

....... .,. ......,.......

I 4




L .

a .


I .


Fig. 10 KD and installationposition

F i g 7 K, and Qcn

Fig 11 KD and Fig. 8 K, and instauatiOnposition


As proved above, damping toque of STATCOM is

inmduced by the rotor angle speed control. Considering the get several usehl w r t i m conmL we be out of use, as Fig. 12 shows, K,=O, we can see the conclusions fbm E q (1 5). 759

The following digital simulation results depict the same dynamical process as above phaseplane dmgmns. They canbeusedtoanalyzetherelati~pofdampingcontrol and voltage control. When we set the voltage controller to

system rotor angle and rotor speed calm down quickly. Also, it is notified that there exists small amplitude but high fkquency oscillation on bus voltage. Then, voltage control is added, shown in Fig. 13. The four curves in Fig.

13 illusirate that system is able to recover its stability after about two times swing, including bus voltage. It is evident to see ta there are no oscillations on bus voltage. ht Therefore, we can conclude that necessary voltage should be adopted so as to k e network voltage. However, this e? voltage control will inpluence system damping. This can be resorced in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14 STATCOM dampmg oscillations with voltage and speed Control. K,*, K,+

*Here K, stands for the voltage CXJ&CI~

coefficient K ,

stands for

When increase the voltage control, i.e. K , changes from 1

to 5 , about 4 h e s , the system would stillkeep oscillation 2 seconds after cut the short fault. At this time, voltage control plays a negative role in damping oscillations.

speed control coefficient

On the other hand, these three figures a s tl us how l o el STATCOM damp oscillations. When no voltage control is in use, network voltage will remain a high fiquency oscWon. It is the fluctuation of voltage right t a helps ht change the active p w r transfer in the system, which oe provide enough damping to weaken accelerate toque of
p, for system stability.

From above discussion, we m understand, for both the i oscillation damping and voltage maintenance, some multi-objective conmller is needed. Generally speaking, at the M m t stage of the system, Merent control approach should be adopted. For example, voltage control is better for small distudma: stability while dampmg control is important when system is affected by severe dis-ce. Further, we could tell the diffepence between STATCOM and SVC if we present


............. .............

And in the linea^ equations of the system, we can get

Fig.12. STATCOM Qmplng oscillationswithout voltage control K,*; KV**


-r* e

Thus, though, as a current source, STATCOM has some similar conclusions as SVC, the mission of STATCOM will not change basic network structm parameters.That m a s by eigenvalue analysis,the input en, reactive power is a control *variable,which itself cant a f f e c t the oscillation %uency of state variable. Iherefore, morx pract~cal controller for voltage maintenance and oscillation damping is in great demand.

Fig. 13 STATCOM damping oscillations with voltage and speed COIIiTol. K,*, K,=l

Dynarmcally, higher power arid angle lmt are of benefit iis in the enhancement of the available transmiss ion capability, which can provide much more margin for system stability when dktwbance occu~s. set up For systems, the best approach for this objective is to p v i d e


dynamically VA c o m o n . Eq. (5) describes the active power transmitted h m the single machine to

disturbance by enlarging the transient stability limit. V. Conclusion

This paper presents a simplified nonlinear model of STATCOM for the study of its intluence on enhancing the stability performance of power lransmission system. With concrete physical meaning, the discussion can be used for the analysis of synchnmizing and especially damping torque of the system, providing a better understanding of the system stability. Analyt~calconclusions about the capability of the STATCOM damping control and their robustness to the variation of voltage and damping controls are obtained. Finally the contribution of STATCOM to impmve system power transfer is demonstratedby nonlinear simulation.

i f i e bus, where nmt

1, nqmsnts

the input reactive

current of STATCOM. Fig.15 illushates how the &ut reactive power improves the steady stability on maximal power and rotor angle limit, For example, the steady stability h t can be i n m e d by nearly 20% if a STNCOM of 50% p.u. capacity is used. Eq. (5) a s lo implies that ti improvement will marase if the hs transmission line is longer.














' on



Fig 15 Power-anglerelationship with STA'KOM

Figs. 16 and 17 represented the performance of STATCOM with voltage and damping mtrol for securing a high level of power transmission after severe fault mditions. With a set of STATCOM of 0.3 per unit capacity employed, we set the system parameters as:

X,,' 0.15p.u.,X, = 0.1p.u. X , = 0.65p.u., = ,,

A = 0.5,

circuit occurs at the sending terminal of one transmiss ion line at H.lm is cleared in 1OOms. Fig. 16 and Fig. 17 compare the intluence of different damping control coefficient on the in&-tie angle 6, angle speed o, power


and voltage


respectively. For Fig. 16, we

4 Fig.17. Therefore, it i s adopt ~ , = 2 0 and ~ ~ - for 0

Reference [1J Analysis of Power System Stability Enhancement By STATIC VA Compensatom, A.E.Hammad, IEEE T~~msactions Power Systems, Vol. PW S-I, No.4, on November 1986 [2] Power System Stability Enhancement by Static Var System using Selfcocommutated Inverters, Katuhiko Matsuno, Takashi Nagasawa, etc., T.IEE Japan, Vol. 1128, NO. 1,1992 [3] Concept for design of FACTS controllers to damp power swings, E.V.Larsen, J.J.SanchezGaxa and J.H.C~OW, T-P W S, Vol. 10,1995 IEEE [4] A United Model for the analysis of FACTS Devices in Damping Power System Oscillations Part I: Singlemachine Infinite-bus Power Systems H.F.Wang, F . J . S d IEEE TI-ansactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 12, N0.2, AM1997 [5] Damping of Power System Oscillations by use of Controllable Components, M.Nomzian and G . h d m o n , IEEET-PD, V01.9,1994 [6] Static Var C o r in Damping Power System oscillations Part I Theoldid Analysis, wang, Haifeng, Li, N a h , P ' gs of the CSEE, Vol. 16, " No.3, May, 1996

evident that with enough damping control STATCOM is able to greatly help the system ride through the major

76 1


' 1

Fig16 System Response wt STATOM; ih K,=2@ K,=l


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