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Bibliografie orientativ pentru tema Gnosticismului

Pr. Adrian Cazacu

Edi ii ale Sfintei Scripturi i colec ii de texte apocrife: 1. Biblia sau Sfnta Scriptur, Ed. IBMBOR, Bucureti, 1990. 2. Nouum Testamentum Graece, edited by Barbara & Kurt Aland, Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 19948. 3. 4. New Testament Apocrypha, edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher, english translation adited by R. McL. Wilson, Westminster: John Knox Press, 2003. The Apocryphal New Testament, being the apocryphal Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Apocalypses, edited by Montague Rhodes James, Oxford: Claredon Press, 1924. The Book of Enoch the Prophet: an apocryphal production supposed for ages to have been lost, but discovered at the close of the last century in Abyssinia, translated by Richard Laurence, Oxford: S. Collingwood Printer, 18383.


Surse gnostice: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ANDRESEN, Carl (hg.), Gnosis, erste Band (Die Zeugnisse der Kirchevter), Zrich und Mnchen: Artemis Verlag, 19792. Die gnostishce Schriften des koptisches Papyrus Berolinensis 8502, ed. W. Till, colec ia Texte und Untersuchungen 60, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1972 Evanghelii gnostice, traducere, studiu introductiv i note de Anton Toth, Bucureti: Ed. Herald, 2005. Heracleonis Fragmenta, editit E. Massuet, n P.G., vol. 7, col. 1292 1321. nv tura tainic a lui Iisus cel nviat ctre Toma Apostolul, traducere, introducere, postfa Prof. Dr. Remus Rus, Bucureti: Ed. Univers Enciclopedic, 2002. Pistis Sophia, text edited by Carl Schmidt, translation and notes by Violet Macdermot, n The Coptic Gnostic Library, Leiden: Brill, 1978.


7. 8. 9.

Pistis Sophia, traducere Alexandru Anghel, Bucureti: Ed. Herald, 2007. Poimandres The Shepherd of Men, n Corpus Hermeticum, vol. I Traits I XII, edit par A. J. Festugiere et A. D. Nock, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1945. Ptolme, Lettre a flora,text critique, traduction et introduction Giles Quisppel, n SCh., vol. 24, Paris: Cerf, 1966.

10. The Coptic Gnostic Library A Complete Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices (NHC), general editor James M. Robinson, vol. I V, Brill, Leiden Boston Kln, 2000. 11. 12. The Facsimile Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices, edited by James M. Robinson et allii, 12 volumes, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1972 1984. The Fragments of Heracleon, edited by A. E. Brooke, Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2004 (prima edi ie n 1891).

Izvoare patristice: 1. ADAMANTIUS Dialogue on the True Faith in God (De Recta in Deum Fide), translated with Commentary by Robert A. Pretty, edited by Garry W. Trompf, Leuven: Peeters Press, 1997. 2. Sf. AMBROZIE al MILANULUI, Despre rai, traducere de Pr. Theodor Bodogae, Nicolae Neaga i Maria Hetco, n Sf. Ambrozie al Milanului, Scrieri partea I, colec ia PSB, vol. 52, Bucureti: Ed. IBMBOR, 2007. 3. Apologe i de limb latin, traducere de Prof. Nicolae Chi escu, Eliodor Constantinescu, Paul Papadopol i Prof. David Popescu, n PSB, vol. 3, Bucureti: Ed. IBMBOR, 1981. 4. CHONIATES, Niketas, Thesaurus orthodoxae fidei, n P. G., tom. 139, col. 1248 sq. 5. CLEMENT ALEXANDRINUL, Gnoza i gnosticii Fragmente din Theodot i din coala numit Oriental n vremea lui Valentin, introducere, traducere i note Lucian Grozea, Bucureti: Paideia, 1999. 6. CLEMENT ALEXANDRINUL, Gnoza i gnosticii: Fragmente din Theodot i din coala numit oriental n vremea lui Valentin, introducere, traducere i note Lucian Grozea, Bucureti: Paideia, 1999. 7. CLEMENT ALEXANDRINUL, Scrieri Partea a II-a, traducere Pr. Dumitru Fecioru, colec ia PSB, vol. 5, Bucureti: Ed. IBMBOR, 1982.

8. CLMENT DALEXANDRIE, Extraits de Thodote, text grec, introduction, traduction et notes par F. Sagnard, SCh. 23, Paris: Cerf, 1970. 9. Sf. CLEMENT ROMANUL, Memorii, traducere Pr. Cornel Savu, Cluj-Napoca: Eikon, 2006 10. DIONYSIOS of ALEXANDRIA, On the promises, n Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A. D. 325, vol. 20, edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1871. 11. Sf. EFREM SIRUL, Prose refutations of Mani, Marcion and Bardaisan i The discourses adressed to Hypatius, edited by A.A. Bevan i F.C. Burkitt, London, 1912. 12. Sf. EPIFANIE al SALAMINEI, Ancoratus, edi ie bilingv, traducere i note de Oana Coman, Iai: Polirom, 2007. 13. EPIPHANIOS of SALAMIS, Panarion, edited and translated by Frank Williams, Nag Hammadi Studies, vol. 35 36, Leiden: Bril, 1994. 14. EPIPHANIUS, Panarion, n J. P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca Cursus Completus, tom 41, Paris, 1863, col. 173 1199. 15. EUSEBIU AL CEZAREEI, Istoria Bisericeasc, traducere, studiu, note i comenatrii Pr. Theodor Bodogae, Colec ia Prin i i Scriitori Bisericeti (PSB), vol. 13, Bucureti: Ed. IBMBOR, 1987. 16. EZNIC din KOLB, Rfutation des diffrentes sectes des paens, de la religion des perses, de la religion des sqges de la grce et de lq secte de Marcion, traduit par M. Le Vaillant de Florival, Paris: Librairie religieuse de Lecoffre, 1853. 17. EZNIK of KOB, On God, edited by Monica J. Blanchard, Leuven: Peeters Press, 1998. 18. HIPOLLYTE, Contre les hrsies, fragment, tude et dition critique par Paul Nautin, Paris: Cerf, 1949. 19. HIPPOLYTUS, Refutatio omnium haeresium, introduction matter and greek text by Miroslav Marcovich, Patristische Texte und Studien, Band 25, Berlin & New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1986. 20. Sancti Hippolyti Episcopi et Martiri Refutationis omnium haeresium librorum decem quae supersunt, rec., latine vert., notas adiec, edidit L. Dunckler et F. G. Schneidewind Gttingen, 1859.

21. IERONIM, Despre brba ii ilutrii, traducere Dan Negrescu, Timioara: Amarcord, 1997. 22. IRNE de LYON, Contre les hrsies, texte latin, fragments grecs, introduction, traduction et notes par Adelin Rousseau et Louis Doutreleau, n Sources Chretiennes, 9 volume (cartea I. 1., introduction, notes justificatives et tables A. Rousseau, L. Doutreleau- vol. 263; cartea I. 2 vol. 264; cartea a II-a, introduction, notes justificatives et tables A. Rousseau, L. Doutreleau vol. 293; cartea a III introduction, notes justificatives et tables G. F. Sagnard vol. 34, reeditat n volumele 210 211; cartea a IV-a, tome I-ere et II-eme - introduction, notes justificatives et tables A. Rousseau, B. Hemmerdinger, C. Mercier, L. Doutreleau vol. 100. 1 i 2, reeditate n 2006; cartea a V-a, tome I-ere et II-eme - introduction, notes justificatives et tables A. Rousseau, L. Doutreleau etC. Mercier vol. 152 153 ), Paris: Cerf, 1969 2006. 23. Sf. IRINEU de LUGDUNUM, Libros quinque aduersus haereses, edited by W. Wigan Harvey, Canthabrigiae: Typis Academicis. 18571. 24. Sf. IRINEU de LUGDUNUM, Demonstra ia propovduirii apostolice I. 6, traducere,
introducere i note Remus Rus, Bucureti: Ed. IBMBOR, 2001

25. Sf. IUSTIN MARTIRUL i FILOSOFUL, Apologia I, traducere i note Pr. Prof. Dr. Olimp Cciul, n Apologe i de Limba Greac, traduceri de Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor Bodogae, Pr. Prof. Dr. Olimp Cciul i Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Fecioru, Bucureti: Ed. IBMBOR, 19972. 26. ORIGEN, mpotriva lui Celsus, traducere Pr. Theodor Bodogae n colaborare cu N. Chiric i Teodosia La cu, n PSB, vol. 9, Bucureti: Ed. IBMBOR, 1984. 27. Origenis Philosophumena siue omnium haeresium refatatio, e codice Parisino nunc primum, edidit E. Miller Oxford, 1851. 28. PHILASTRIUS, Liber de haeresibus, tom 12, PL., col. 1111 1302. 29. PHOTIUS, Quaestio CCXVII (Coisl. CCXLVI, Taur. CCXXXVII) De differentia imaginum, n P. G., vol. 101. 1. 30. Quini Septimii Florentis TERTULLIANI, De praescriptione haereticorum, Ad martyras, Ad Scapulam, Aduersus omnes Haereses, edited with introduction and notes by T. H. Bindley, Oxford: Claredon Press, 1893. 31. TERTULLIAN, Aduersus Marcionem, latin edition and translation by E. Evans, Oxford: Claredon Press, 1971. 32. TERTULLIEN, Aduersus Marcionem, tome I (livre I), introduction, text critique, traduction et notes par Ren Braun, n SCh, vol. 365, Paris: Cerf, 1990; tome II (livre II), n SCh, vol. 368, Paris: Cerf, 1991; tome III (livre III), n SCh, vol. 399,

Paris: Cerf, 1994; tome IV (livre IV), texte critique par Claudio Moreschini, introduction, traduction et commentaire par Ren Braun, n SCh, vol. 456, Paris: Cerf, 2001; tome V (livre V), n SCh, vol. 483, Paris: Cerf, 2004. 33. TERTULLIAN, Aduersus Valentinianos, tome I, introduction, text critique, traduction et notes par Jean Claude Fredouille, n SCh, vol. 280, Paris: Cerf, 1980. 34. TERTULLIAN, Tratate dogmatice i apologetice, edi ie bilingv, studiu introductiv, traducere i note Silviu Prvuloiu, Iai: Polorom, 2007. 35. TERTULLIANO, Scorpiace, editione Giovanna AZZALI BERNARDELLI, Biblioteca patristica 14, Firenze: Nardini, 1990. 36. TERTULLIEN, La Chair du Christ, tome I, introduction, text critique, traduction et commentaire de Jean-Pierre Mah, n SCh, vol. 216, Paris: Cerf, 1975; tome II, n SCh, vol. 217, Paris: Cerf, 1975. 37. TERTULLIEN, Trait de la prescription contre les hrtiques, introduction, text critique t notes de R. F. Refoul, traduction de Pierre de Labriolle, n SC, vol. 46, Paris: Cerf, 1957. 38. THODORET de CYR, Correspondence, text critique, traduction et notes par Yvan Azma, SCh. vol. 98, Paris: Cerf, 1964.

Izvoare antice istorice, literare i filosofice: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ARISTOTEL, Metafizia, traducere tefan Bezdechi, Bucureti: Ed. Iri, 1999. Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum, Consilio et Auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Regiae Borussicae editum, vol. VI, Berolini apud Georgium Reimerum, 1885. FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS, Antichit i iudaice, traducere Ion Acsan, Bucureti: Ed. Hasefer, 2004. HERACLIT, Fragmente, traducere Adelina Piatkovski i Ion Banu, n Filosofia greac pn la Platon, vol. I. 2, Bucureti: Ed. tiin ific i Enciclopedic, 1979. IUVENAL, Satire, traducere Tudor Minescu i Alexandru Hodo, n Persius, Iuvenal, Mar ial, Satire i epigrame, Bucureti: Editura pentru literatur, 1967. LUCIAN din SAMOSATA, Alexandru sau profetul mincinos., traducere Radu Hncu, n Lucian din Samosata, Opere alese, Bucureti: Ed. Univers, 1983.

7. 8. 9.

PARMENIDE, Despre natur (fragmente), traducere D. M. Pippidi, n Filosofia greac pn la Platon, vol. I. 2, Bucureti: Ed. tiin ific i Enciclopedic, 1979. PAUSANIAS, Descriptio Greciae, recognouit Ioannes Henricus Christianus Schubart, volumen secundum, Lipsiae: Sumptibus et Typis B. G. Teubneri, 1854. PLATON, Parmenide, traducere Sorin Vieru n Platon, Opere, vol. VI, Bucureti: Ed. tiin ific i Enciclopedic, 1989.

10. PLATON, Republica, traducere Andrei Cornea, n Platon, Opere, vol V, Bucureti: Ed. tiin ific i Enciclopedic, 1986. 11. PLATON, Theaitetos, traducere Marian Ciuc, n Platon, Opere, vol. VI, Bucureti: Ed. tiin ific i Enciclopedic, 1989. 12. PLATON, Timaios, traducere C. Partenie, n Platon, Opere, vol. VII, Bucureti: Ed. tiin ific i Enciclopedic, 1993. 13. PLINIVS MAIOR, Naturalis Historia Enciclopedia cunotin elor din Antichitate, traducere Ioana Costa et alii, n, Iai: Polirom, 2004. 14. PLOTIN, Eneade, traducere Vasile Rus, Liliana Peculea, Alexander Baumgarten i Gabriel Chindea, Iai: Ed. Iri, 2003.

Dic ionare, enciclopedii, lexicoane: 1. 2. 3. A Dictionary of Gnosticism,edited by A. P. Smith, Wheaton IL Chennai India, Theosophical Publishing House, 2009. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,edite by William Smith Boston: Littl, Brown & Co, 1859. A Global Dictionary of Theology, edited by William A. Dyrness, Veli-Matti Krkinen, Juan Francisco Martinez, Simon Chan, Downer Grove IL Nottingham: IVP Academic Inter Varsity Press, 2008. A Greek English Lexicon, compiled Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott and Henry Stuart Jones, Oxford: Claredon Press, 1996. A Patristic Greek Lexicon, edited by G. W. H. LAMPE, Oxford: Claredon Press, 1961. BAILLY, A., Dictionnaire grec franais, Paris: Hachette, 20004.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

CHANTRAINE, Pierre, Dictionnaire tymologique de la Langue Grecque, Paris: Klincksieck, 1999. CRUM, Walter & McCONKEY ROBINSON, James, A Coptic Dictionary, Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2005. Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties and Schools of religious thought, edited by John Henry Blunt, London Oxford Cambridge: Revingtons, 1874.

10. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, herausgegeben von Friederich Michael Schiele, Tbingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Siebeck), 1909. 11. Encyclopeaedia of Religion and Ethics, edited by James Hastings, New York Edinburgh: Charles Scribnerss Sons / T & T Clarlk, 1914. 12. Encyclopedia of early Christianity, edited by Everett FERGUSON, Michael P. McHUGH and Frederick W. NORRIS, New York: Garland Publishing Inc, 19972. 13. Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Donald M. Borchert Editor in Chief, 2nd Edition, MacMillan, New York, 2006. 14. Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd Edition, Lindsay Jones editor in chief, MacMillan, New York, 2005. 15. ERNOUT, Alfred et MEILLET, Antoine, Dictionnaire tymologique de la langue latine histoire de mots, Paris: Klincksieck, 20014. 16. GU U, Gheorghe, Dic ionar latin romn, Bucureti: Humanitas, 20032. 17. Lexikon fr Theologie und Kirche, zweite Auflage, Josef Hfer und Karl Rahner (hgs.), vol. 5, Freiburg am Breisgau: Herder Verlag, 1960. 18. NELLI, Ren, Dictionnaire des Hrsies medieval et des mouvements htrodoxe au independents apparus dans le Midi de la France depuis ltablissement du Christianisme, Toulouse: Privat, 1968. 19. RUS, Remus, Dic ionar enciclopedic de literatur cretin din primul mileniu, Bucureti: Ed. Lidia, 2003. 20. The Brill Dictionary of Religion, vol. II, edited by Kocku von Stuckrad, Leiden Boston: Brill, 2006. 21. The Coptic Encyclopedia, vol. 1 - , Aziz S. Atiya editor in chief, New York Toronto Oxford Singapore Sydney: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.

22. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by Gerhard Kittel & Gerhard Friederich, translated and edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing & Co, 1964. 23. Theologische Realenzyklopdie, Berlin New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1985 . u. 24. VYCICHL, Werner, Dictionnaire tymologique de la langue copte, Leuven: Peeters, 1983. Bibliografii: 1. SCHOLER, David M., Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1970 1994, vol. 1 2, Leiden: Brill, 1997. 2. Idem, Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1995 2006, Leiden: Brill, 2009. 3. Idem, Bibliographia Gnostica: Suplementul II / 8. 1, n Nouum Testamentul 50 (2008),pp. 159 202.

Cr i, articole, studii: 1. ACHIMESCU, Pr. Prof. Nicolae, Noile micri religioase, Cluj-Napoca: Limes, 20042. 2. 3. ADAM, Alfred, Neue Literatur zum Problem der Gnosis, n Gttingishce Gelehrte Anzeigen, 1962. ADAMIK, Tams, The Image of Simon Magus in the Christian Tradition, n Jan N. Bremmer (ed.), The Apocryphal Acts of Peter: magic, miracles and gnosticism, Leuven: Peeters, 1998. AGAMBEN, Giorgio & HELLER ROAZEN, Daniel, Potentialities: Collected Essays in Philosophy, Stanford CA: Stanford University Press, 1999. ALAND, Barbara (ed.), Festschrift fr Hans Jonas, Gttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Verlag, 1978. Idem, Erwlungstheologie und Mnschenklassenlehre. Die Theologie des Herakleon als Schlssel zum Vestndnis der christlicher Gnostis?, n Martin Krause, James Robinson & Frederik Wisse (eds.), Gnosis and Gnosticism: Papers read at the Seventh International Conference on Patristic Studies (Oxford, september 8th 13th 1975), colec ia Nag Hammadi Studies, vol. 8, Leiden: Brill, 1977.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Idem, Marcion Marcioniten, n Theologische Realenzyclopdie, Berlin New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1985 . u., vol. 22. Idem, Markion: Versucht einer neuen Interpretation, n Zeitschrift fr Theologie und Kirche, nr. 70 (1973). ALBRILE, Ezio, Gnosticism: Historiy of Study, n Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd Edition, Lindsay Jones editor in chief, MacMillan, New York, 2005, vol. 5. ALTANER, Berthold, Patrologie, Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder & Co., 1938. ANZ, Wilhelm, Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung des Gnostizismus. Ein religionsgeschichtlicher Versucht, in Texte und Untersuchungen, XV/4, Leipzig: J.C. Heinrichs, 1897. ASSMANN, Jan & STROUMSA, G., Transformation of the Inner Self in Ancient Religions, Leiden: Brill, 1999. AUNE, David, Apocalypticism, prophecy and magic in early Christianity, Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006.

10. 11.

12. 13.

14. BACONSKY, Drd. Theodor, Originea, doctrina, rspndirea i influen a maniheismului, n Studii Teologice, nr.3 (1988). 15. 16. BAKER, Gordon & MORRIS, Katherine J., Descartes Dualism, London & New York: Routledge, 2002. BALDWIN, Matthew C., Whose Acts of Peter?, n colec ia Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe, vol. 196, Tbingen: Mohr (Siebeck), 2005. BARBARD, Leslie William, Justin Martyr: his life and thought, Cambridge: University Press, 1967. BARDENHEWER, Otto, Die Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur,erste Band, Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 19132. Idem, Patrology, translated by Thomas J. Shahan, Freiburg im Breisgau and St. Louis: B. Herder, 19082. BARNES, Timothy David, Tertullian: A Historical and Literary Study, Oxford: OUP, 1985.

17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23.

BASTIANSEN, A. A. R., Tertullians argumentation in De praescriptione haereticorum 20. 1. ff., n Vigiliae Christianae, nr. 31 (1977), pp. 35 46. BAUR, Ferdinand Christian, Das Manichische Gttingen:Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Verlag, 1928. Religionssystem,

Idem, Die christliche Gnosis oder die christliche Religions-Philosophie in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwiklung, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, s. a. Idem, The Church History of the First Three Centuries,vol. I, translated by Allan Menzies, London Edinburgh: Williams and Norgate, 1878. BAUSANI, Allesandro, Letture iraniche per lorigine e la definizione tipologica di gnosi, n Ugo Bianchi (ed.), The Origins of Gnosticism Colloquium of Messina, 13 18 april 1966, colec ia Studies in the History of Religios (suplements to Numen) XII, Leiden: Brill, 1967. BDILI , Cristian, Glafire nou studii biblice i patristice, Iai: Polirom, 2008. BEHR, John, Formarea teologiei cretine, vol. I: Drumul spre Niceea, traducere Mihail Neam u, Bucureti: Sophia. BEYSCHLAG, Karlmann, Simon Magus und die christliche Gnosis, Tbingen: Mohr (Siebeck), 1974. BIANCHI, Ugo & STOIANOV, Yuri, Dualism, n Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd Edition, Lindsay Jones editor in chief, MacMillan, New York, 2005, vol. 5. BIANCHI, Ugo (ed.), Selected Essays on Gnosticism, Dualism and Mysteriosophy, Leiden: Brill, 1978. Idem, The Origins of Gnosticism Colloquium of Messina, 13 18 april 1966, colec ia Studies in the History of Religios (suplements to Numen) XII, Leiden: Brill, 1967. Idem, Le pch originel et le pch antcdent, n Revue de lhistoire des religions, nr. 170 (1966). Idem, Il dualismo come categoria storico-religiosa, Ugo Bianchi (ed.), Selected Essays on Gnosticism, Dualism and Mysteriosophy, Leiden: Brill, 1978. Idem, Le dualisme en histoire des religions, n Revue de lhistoire des religions, nr. 159 / I (1961).

24. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29.

30. 31.

32. 33. 34.


Idem, Le problme des origines du gnosticisme, n Ugo Bianchi (ed.), The Origins of Gnosticism Colloquium of Messina, 13 18 april 1966, colec ia Studies in the History of Religios (suplements to Numen) XII, Leiden: Brill, 1967. Idem, Marcion: thologien biblique ou docteur gnostique?, n Ugo Bianchi (ed.), Selected Essays on Gnosticism, Dualism and Mysteriosophy, Leiden: Brill. Idem, Il dualismo religioso. Saggio storico ed etnologico, Roma: Edizioni dell Ateneo, 19832. Idem, Prometeo, Orfeo, Adamo Tematiche religiose sul destino, il male, la salvezza, Roma: Edizioni dellAteneo e Bizzarri, 1976. Idem, Selected Essays on Gnosticism, Dualism and Mysteriosophy, Leiden: Brill, 1978. BLACK, Matthew, An Aramaic Etymology for Jaldabaoth?, n A. H. B. Logan, J. M. Wedderburn, The New Testament and Gnosis Essays in honour of Robert McL. Wilson, London New York: T & T Clark International, 2004. BLACKMAN, E. C., Marcion and His Influence, London: SPCK, 1948. BLOCH, Raymond i CUSIN, Jean, Roma i destinul ei, vol. I, traducere Barbu i Dan Sluanschi, Bucureti: Meridiane, 1985. BLOOM, Harold, Lying Against Time: Gnosis, Poetry, Criticism, n Bentley Layton (ed.), The Rediscovery of Gnosticism - proceedings of the International Conference on Gnosticism at Yale, New Haven, Connecticut March 28 31, vol. II (Sethian Gnosticism), Leiden: Brill, 1981. BOEKELS, Joachim & HAGENBACH, Rudolf, Schleiermacher als Kirchengeschichtler, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1994. BHLING, Alexander, Der jdische und judenchristliche Hintergrund in gnostischen Texten von Nah Hammadi, n Ugo Bianchi (ed.), The Origins of Gnosticism Colloquium of Messina, 13 18 april 1966, colec ia Studies in the History of Religios (suplements to Numen) XII, Leiden: Brill, 1967. Idem, Gnosis und Synkretismus, Tbingen: J. C. B. Mohr - Siebeck, 1989. BOUSSET, Wilhelm, Hauptprobleme der Gnosis, Gttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1907.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

41. 42. 43.

44. 45.

46. 47.


Idem, Die Himmelreise der Seele, n Archiv fr Religionswissenschaft, 4 (1901), pp. 136 169, retiprit n Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1971. BRAUN, F. M., Marcion et la gnose simoniene, n Byzantion, nr. 25 27 (1955 1957). BREMMER, Jan N. (ed.), The Apocryphal Acts of Peter: magic, miracles and gnosticism, Leuven: Peeters, 1998 BREMMER, Jan N. & CZACHESZ, Istvan (eds.), The Visio Pauli and the Gnostic Apocalypse of Paul, Leuvain: Peeters, 2007. BROCK, R. Van den and VERMASEREN, M. J., (eds.), Studies in Gnosticism and Helenstic Religions presented to Gilles Quispel on the Ocasion fo his 65th Birthday, Leiden: Brill, 1981. BROEK, R. Van den, The Creation of Adams Psychic Body in the Apocryphon of John, n R. Van Den Broek, M. J. Vermaseren (eds.), Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic Religions presented to Gilles Quispel on the Ocasion fo his 65th Birthday, Leiden: Brill, 1981. Idem, Studies in Gnosticism and Alexandrian ChristianityLeiden: Brill, 1996. BROEK, Roelof van den & Heertum, Cis van, From Poimadres to Jacob Bhme: Gnosis, Hermetism and Christian Tradition, Amsterdam: Pelikaan, 2000. BRUMLIK, Micha, Die Gnostiker: Der Traum von der Selbsterlsung des Menschen,Frankfurt am Main: Einchorn, 1994. BULTMANN, Rudolf, Das Urchristentum im Ramen der Antiken Religionen, Zrich: Zolikon, 1949. BURKIT, Francis C., Biserica i gnoza, traducere Alexandru Anghel, Bucureti: Herald, 2008. BUSH, Peter, Magie in neutestamentlicher Zeit, Gttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Verlag, 2006. CAMELOT, P. Th. Karpokratianer, n Josef Hfer und Karl Rahner (hgs.), Lexikon fr Theologie und Kirche, zweite Auflage, vol. 5, Freiburg am Breisgau: Herder Verlag, 1960. CAMPENHAUSEN, Hans von, Die Entstehung der christlichen Bibel, n Beitrge zur historischen Theologie, vol. 39, Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003.

49. 50. 51. 52.


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