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Narberth Civic Association June Board Meeting 6/8/11, 7:00p.m.

Board members present: Deborah Lonsdorf, Christine Jackson, Jim Speer, Liz Brown, Lisa Dribin Minutes: Review of minutes from last meeting, 5/11/11 Minutes from 5/11/11 approved. Reports: Treasurers Report: Savings Account is unchanged from last month. Balance as of June 8, 2011: $2167.66 Checking balance: as of June 8, 2011: $1654.51 May Income: NarbEarth Day Receipts: $854.75 May Expenses: $537.57 (Groundhog Day supplies; NarbEarth Day supplies, Wild Apricot) NarbEarth Day: Total income: $504.75 Total Expenses: $539.84 Net Income: $ (35.09) Presidents Report: Nothing new to report Education Committee Report: Nothing to report. Bridge Committee Report: -Has not met since last meeting -Set to meet next week. June 15, 2011 -May be cancelled; waiting on information from Amtrak. -Jim Speer came across a letter from Penn Dot from 1997 certifying the Narberth Avenue bridge as safe for children to walk across. At the June 15th meeting, Jim would like to present that letter and advocate that the bridge remains safe for children to walk across. Federation of Civic Associations Report: -Nothing new to report. -Theres a meeting on Monday, June 13, 2011 -NCA needs to send a check for dues for $85. -Discussion ensued about a new building going up on City Line Avenue on Bala Cynwyd side. Discussion centered on the impact of the building on the local area, including Narberth, with particular concern to traffic patterns.

Old Business: Candidates Forum -Date set for Candidates Forum: October 12, 2011 pending confirmation of room availability (NCA needs to reserve a room.) -The forum can double for the Civics October meeting / has done so in the past. -Discussion followed regarding possible format of the Forum: -Question and Answer? -Questions submitted in advance, possibly published in advance on NCAs website? - A facilitator would be useful for the Forum. Liz Brown volunteered to facilitate. -At September meeting, format will be decided for certain. -Candidates need to be informed of format and date. -Discussion: Does the Civic want to invite candidates for other positions besides Borough Council to participate in the forum (county judges, school board, county commissioners)? -NCA is contemplating inviting Lower Merion school board candidates in particular, as well as Borough Council. -NCA needs to advertise for the Candidates Forum with flyers as well as online information; not everyone accesses events online. -NCA would like to inform Channel 99.

New Business: Traffic Concerns: -Discussion of traffic concerns. There are many concerns about multiple Wynnewood Road traffic issues, and discussion focused on these issues. Possible Fundraisers for the Narberth Fire Department: -Narbeque. -Restaurant Week-style Restaurant Day: A Taste of Narberth. -Texas Holdem Night. Hire a company to run the evening. -Revisit at the September meeting for a possible fall fundraiser. -A local artist has offered to donate a print or painting for a Civic event. -Issue to address: website responsiveness to email. Residents on occasion are not receiving replies to emails they send to the Civic. Deborah Lonsdorf volunteered to receive general email from the website and respond to it. -Ricklins has offered the NCA use of their window box for a display. Jim Speer is going to investigate putting up a display for the Civic over the summer. -Discussion of the need to budget ahead of time for NCA events such as NarbEarth Day, Groundhogs Day, and so on. Meeting adjourned, 8:30pm.

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