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Faculty of Engineering & Technology

SYLLABI OF M.TECH. ( Computer Engineering ) SUBJECTS

Semester I

S. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6

CS 611 CS 612 CS 613

Foundation of Computer Science Algorithem Design and Analysis Wireless and Mobile Communications Open Elective I Elective I Computer Lab-I

3 3 3 3 3 0

4 4 4 4 4 2 22

CS 651

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 Total

Semester II

S. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6

CS 621 CS 622 CS 623

Internet Protocols Parallel and Distributed Algorithems Real Time Operating Systems Elective II Elective III Computer Lab-II

3 3 3 3 3 0

4 4 4 4 4 2 22

CS 661

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 Total

Semester III

S. No.
1 2 3 4

CS 632 CS 662 CS 671

High Performance computer Architective Open Elective II Seminar Minor Project

3 3 0 0

4 4 6 8 22

1 0 1 0 0 2 0 4 Total

Semester IV

S. No.

CS 681

Dissertation work


22 22

0 0 4 Total


CS 611 Foundations of Computing Science

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Discrete Structures -- Sets, Relations and Functions; Proof Techniques, Algebraic Structures, Morphisms, Posets, Lattices and Boolean Algebras. Logic -- Propositional calculus and Predicate Calculus, Satisfiabiliy and validity, Notions of soundness and completeness Languages & Automata Theory -- Chomsky Hierarchy of Grammars and the corresponding acceptors, Turing Machines, Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages; Operations on Languages, closures with respect to the operations. Computability -- Church-Turing Thesis, Decision Problems, Decidability and Undecidability, Halting Problem of Turing Machines; Problem reduction (Turing and mapping reduction). Computational Complexity -- Time Complexity -- Measuring Complexity, The class P, The class NP, NP-Completeness, Reduction, co-NP, Polynomial Hierarchy. Space Complexity -- Savich's Theorem, The class PSPACE.

CS 612 Algorithm Design and Analysis

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Algorithmic paradigms: Dynamic Programming, Greedy, Branch-and-bound; Asymptotic complexity, Amortized analysis; Graph Algorithms: Shortest paths, Flow networks; NP-completeness; Approximation algorithms; Randomized algorithms; Linear programming; Special topics: Geometric algorithms (range searching, convex hulls, segment intersections, closest pairs), Numerical algorithms (integer, matrix and polynomial multiplication, FFT, extended Euclid's algorithm, modular exponentiation, primality testing, cryptographic computations), Internet algorithms (text pattern matching, tries, information retrieval, data compression, Web caching). CS 613 Wireless and Mobile Communications L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Introduction to mobile communication. Cellular mobile telephone architecture overview. Cellular radio system design-- Frequency assignments, frequency reuse channels. Concept of cell splitting. Handover in cellular systems. Handoff algorithms. Multiple access schemes in mobile communications--TDMA, FDMA, CDMA. Random Multiple Access Schemes. Performance analysis issues. MAC layer scheduling and connection admission in mobile communication. Interference suppression and Power control. Teletraffic modelling and Queeuing theoretic analysis of cellular mobile networks. Resource allocation and mobility management.Practical Cellular mobile systems-- AMPS and GSM system architecture overview. Call management and system operation. CDMA based cellular system. Wireless in Local Loop--DECT and CDMA WLL.

CS 621 Internet Protocols

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Overview Of Essentials : Physical Connectivity ,Protocols And Addressing , The OSI Seven Layer Model, An Architecture For The Network , Packaging Data, Data Link Protocols; The Internet Protocol : Choosing To Use IP, IPv4, IPv4 Addressing, IP In Use, IP Options And Advanced Functions, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP); Multicast: Choosing Unicast Or Multicast, Multicast Addressing And Forwarding, Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP); IP Version Six : IPv6 Addresses, Packet Formats, Options, Choosing Between IPv4 And IPv6; Routing: Routing And Forwarding, Distributing Routing Information, Computing Paths, Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), IS-IS, Choosing Between IS-IS And OSPF, Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4), Multicast Routing, Other Routing Protocols; IP Service Management: Choosing How To Manage Services, Differentiated Services, Integrated Services , Reserving Resources Using RSVP; Transport Over IP: What Is A Transport Protocol , User Datagram Protocol (UDP),Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ,Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), The Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), Multiprotocol Label Switching : Label Switching, MPLS Fundamentals, Signaling Protocols, Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) , Traffic Engineering In MPLS, CR-LDP, RSVP-TE, Choosing Between CRLDP And RSVP-TE, Prioritizing Traffic In MPLS, BGP-4 AND MPLS; Application Protocols: What Is An Application, Choosing A Transport, Domain Name System, Telnet, File Transfer Protocol, Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol, Choosing An Application Protocol; Concepts In IP Security: The Need For Security, Choosing Where To Apply Security, Components Of Security Models, Transport Layer Security, Securing The Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Hashing And Encryption: Algorithms And Keys, Exchanging Keys, Internet Key Exchange; Advanced Applications :IP Encapsulation, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Mobile IP, Header Compression, Voice Over IP, IP Telephony, IP And ATM, IP Over Dial-Up Links.

CS 622 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Fundamentals: Models of parallel and distributed computation, complexity measures; The PRAM Model: balancing, divide and conquer, parallel prefix computation, pointer jumping, symmetry breaking, list ranking, sorting and searching, graph algorithms, parallel complexity and complexity classes, lower bounds; Interconnection Networks: topologies (arrays and mesh networks, trees, systolic networks, hypercubes, butterfly) and fundamental algorithms, matrix algorithms, sorting, graph algorithms, routing, relationship with PRAM models; Asynchronous Parallel Computation; Distributed Algorithms: models and complexity measures, safety, liveness, termination, logical time and event ordering, global state and snapshot algorithms, mutual exclusion, clock synchronization, election, termination detection, routing, Distributed graph algorithms; Applications of Distributed algorithms.

CS 623 Real Time Operating Systems

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Basic Real-Time Concepts: Terminology, Real-Time System Design Issues, Example RealTime Systems, Brief History Real-Time Operating Systems: Real-Time Kernels, Theoretical Foundations of Real-Time Operating Systems, Intertask Communication and Synchronization, Memory Management Software Requirements Engineering: Requirements-Engineering process, Types of Requirements, Requirements Specication for Real-Time Systems, Formal Methods in Software Specication, Structured Analysis and Design, Object-Oriented Analysis and the Unied Modeling Language, Organizing the Requirements Document , Organizing and Writing Requirements, Requirements Validation and Review Software System Design: Properties of Software, Basic Software Engineering Principles, the Design Activity, Procedural-Oriented Design, Object-Oriented Design, Brief Survey of Languages Performance Analysis and Optimization: Theoretical Preliminaries, Performance Analysis, Application of Queuing Theory, I/O Performance, Performance Optimization, Results from Compiler Optimization, Analysis of Memory Requirements, Reducing Memory Utilization Engineering Considerations: Metrics, Faults, Failures and Bugs, Fault-Tolerance, Systems Integration, Refactoring Real-Time Code, Cost Estimation Using COCOMO

CS 632 High Performance Computer Architecture

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Introduction: review of basic computer architecture, quantitative techniques in computer design, measuring and reporting performance. CISC and RISC processors. Pipelining: Basic concepts, instruction and arithmetic pipeline, data hazards, control hazards, and structural hazards, techniques for handling hazards. Exception handling. Pipeline optimization techniques. Compiler techniques for improving performance. Hierarchical memory technology: Inclusion, Coherence and locality properties; Cache memory organizations, Techniques for reducing cache misses; Virtual memory organization, mapping and management techniques, memory replacement policies. Instruction-level parallelism: basic concepts, techniques for increasing ILP, superscalar, superpipelined and VLIW processor architectures. Array and vector processors. Multiprocessor architecture: taxonomy of parallel architectures. Centralized shared-memory architecture: synchronization, memory consistency, interconnection networks. Distributed shared-memory architecture. Cluster computers. Non von Neumann architectures: data flow computers, reduction computer architectures, systolic architectures.

Electives CS 001 Computational Geometry L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Convex hulls: construction in 2d and 3d, lower bounds; Triangulations: polygon triangulations, representations, point-set triangulations, planar graphs; Voronoi diagrams: construction and applications, variants; Delayney triangulations: divideandconquer, flip and incremental algorithms, duality of Voronoi diagrams, min-max angle properties; Geometric searching: pointlocation, fractional cascading, linear programming with prune and search, finger trees, concatenable queues, segment trees, interval trees; Visibility: algorithms for weak and strong visibility, visibility with reflections, art-gallery problems; Arrangements of lines: arrangements of hyperplanes, zone theorems, many-faces complexity and algorithms; Combinatorial geometry: Ham-sandwich cuts, Helly's theorems, k-sets, polytopes and hierarchies, polytopes and linear progarmming in d-dimensions, complexity of the union of convex sets, simply connected sets and visible regions; Sweep techniques: plane sweep for segment intersections, Fortune's sweep for Voronoi diagrams, topological sweep for line arrangements; Randomization in computational geometry: algorithms, techniques for counting; Robust geometric computing; Applications of computational geometry. CS 002 Computational Complexity L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Models of Computation, resources (time and space), algorithms, computability, complexity; Complexity classes, P/NP/PSPACE, reductions, hardness, completeness, hierarchy, relationships between complexity classes; Randomized computation and complexity; Logical characterizations, incompleteness; Approximability; Circuit complexity, lower bounds; Parallel computation and complexity; Counting problems; Interactive proofs; Probabilistically checkable proofs; Communication complexity; Quantum computation. CS 003 Advances in Compiler Construction L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Review of compiler fundamentals - lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, error recovery and intermediate code generation; Runtime storage management; Code generation; Code improvement - peephole optimization, dependence analysis and redundancy elimination, loop optimization, procedural and inter-procedural optimization, instruction scheduling, optimization for memory hierarchy; Compilation for high performance architecture; Portability and retargetability; Selected topics from compilers for imperative, object-oriented and mark-up languages, parallel and distributed programming and concurrency.

CS 004 Algorithms for Bioinformatics

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Sequence similarity, homology, and alignment. Pairwise alignment: scoring model, dynamic programming algorithms, heuristic alignment, and pairwise alignment using Hidden Markov Models. Multiple alignment: scoring model, local alignment gapped and ungapped global alignment. Motif finding: motif models, finding occurrence of known sites, discovering new sites. Gene Finding: predicting reading frames, maximal dependence decomposition. Analysis of DNA microarray data using hierarchical clustering, model-based clustering, expectation-maximization clustering, Bayesian model selection. CS 005 Performance Evaluation and Reliability of Information Systems L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4 Review of probability and statistics, stochastic processes, Markov Models, Parameter estimation and hypothesis testing. Models of information systems, introduction to reliability measures. Estimation of MTF and other reliability parameters. Software metrics and software reliability models. Queuing network models, Workload design, Benchmarks, Estimations of performance metrics, case studies. CS 006 Advanced Graph Theory L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Basic Concepts: Graphs and digraphs, incidence and adjacency matrices, isomorphism, the automorphism group; Trees: Equivalent definitions of trees and forests, Cayley's formula, the Matrix-Tree theorem, minimum spanning trees; Connectivity: Cut vertices, cut edges, bonds, the cycle space and the bond space, blocks, Menger s theorem; Paths and Cycles: Euler tours, Hamilton paths and cycles, theorems of Dirac, Ore, Bondy and Chvatal, girth, circumference, the Chinese Postman Problem, the Travelling Salesman problem, diameter and maximum degree, shortest paths; Matchings: Berge's Theorem, perfect matchings, Hall's theorem, Tutte's theorem, Konig's theorem, Petersen's theorem, algorithms for matching and weighted matching (in both bipartitie and general graphs), factors of graphs (decompositions of the complete graph), Tutte's f-factor theorem; Extremal problems: Independent sets and covering numbers, Turan's theorem, Ramsey theorems; Colorings: Brooks theorem, the greedy algorithm, the Welsh-Powell bound, critical graphs, chromatic polynomials, girth and chromatic number, Vizing's theorem; Graphs on surfaces: Planar graphs, duality, Euler's formula, Kuratowski's theorem, toroidal graphs, 2-cell embeddings, graphs on other surfaces; Directed graphs: Tournaments, directed paths and cycles, connectivity and strongly connected digraphs, branchings; Networks and flows: Flow cuts, Max flow min cut theorems, perfect square; Selected topics: Dominating sets, the reconstruction problem, intersection graphs, perfect graphs, random graphs.

CS 007 Speech and Natural Language Processing

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Speech and Natural Language Processing: Introduction; Brief Review of Regular Expressions and Automata; Finite State Transducers; Word level Morphology and Computational Phonology; Basic Text to Speech; Introduction to HMMs and Speech Recognition. Indian language case studies; Part of Speech Tagging; Parsing with CFGs; Probabilistic Parsing. Representation of Meaning; Semantic Analysis; Lexical Semantics; Word Sense; Disambiguation; Discourse understanding; Natural Language Generation; Techniques of Machine Translation; Indian Language case studies. CS 008 Machine Learning L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

The concept learning task. General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses. Version spaces. Inductive bias. Decision Tree Learning. Rule Learning: Propositional and First-Order, Over-fitting, Cross-Validation. Experimental Evaluation of Learning Algorithms Instance-Based Learning: k-Nearest neighbor algorithm, Radial basis functions. Case-based learning. Computational Learning Theory: probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. Sample complexity. Computational complexity of training. Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. Artificial Neural Networks : Linear threshold units, Perceptrons, Multilayer networks and backpropagation, recurrent networks. Probabilistic Machine Learning Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MAP, Bayes Classifiers Naive Bayes. Bayes optimal classifers. Minimum description length principle. Bayesian Networks, Inference in Bayesian Networks, Bayes Net Structure Learning Unlabelled data: EM, preventing overfitting, cotraining Gaussian Mixture Models, K-means and Hierarchical Clustering, Clustering and Unsupervised Learning, Hidden Markov Models, Reinforcement Learning Support Vector Machines Ensemble learning: boosting, bagging.

CS 009 Cryptography & Network Security

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Multi level model of security, Cryptography, Secret Key Cryptography, Modes of Operation, Hashes and Message Digest, Public Key Algorithm, Security Handshake Pitfall, Strong Password Protocol; Case study of real time communication security; Introduction to the Concepts of Security, Security Approaches, Principles of security, Types of attacks; Cryptographic Techniques: Plain text and Cipher text , Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques Encryption and Decryption, Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography. Computer-based symmetric Key Cryptographic; Algorithms: Algorithm Types and Modes, An Overview of Symmetric Key Cryptography, Data Encryption Standard (DES), International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES); Computer-based Asymmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms; Cryptography, An Overview of Asymmetric Key Cryptography, The RSA algorithm, Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography Together, Digital Signatures, Knapsack Algorithm; Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Digital Certificates, Private Key Management , The PKI Model, Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS); Internet Security Protocols Secure Socket Layer (SSL) , Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (SHTTP) , Time Stamping Protocol (TSP), Secure Electronic Transaction (SET), SSL versus SET CS 010 Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Processing L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4 Mathematical foundations; quantum mechanical principles; quantum entanglement; reversible computation, qubits, quantum gates and registers; universal gates for quantum computing; quantum parallelism and simple quantum algorithms; quantum Fourier transforms and its applications, quantum search algorithms; elements of quantum automata and quantum complexity theory; introduction to quantum error correcting codes; entanglement assisted communication; elements of quantum information theory and quantum cryptography.

CS 011 Intelligent Systems

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Data, information and knowledge. Model of an intelligent system. Models of knowledge representations: Representation and reasoning in logic. Semantic representations: semantic networks, frames; Frame/script systems; Conceptual dependency and conceptual graphs. Ontologies. Knowledge based systems: Software architecture of a knowledge-based system, Rulebased programming and production systems, Rule chaining and inference control, Inference: reasoning about knowledge, Temporal reasoning, Inference under uncertainty: Bayesian techniques, Fuzzy reasoning, Casebased reasoning. Intelligent agents, The agent metaphor and attributes of agenthood, Agent theory and languages, Inter-agent communication, Ontological issues. Alternatives to the symbolic approach: Foundations of connectionist networks; their history. Applications of AI: Example application domains, e.g. Configuration, Diagnosis, Planning, intelligent interfaces, usermodelling, Practical implications of choosing and applying AI solutions. Knowledge representation and the Web, Semantic Web. CS 012 Theory of Programming Languages L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4 Syntax of Programming Languages, Formal Language and Automata Theory: Finite Automata, Regular Languages, Pushdown Automata, Context Free Languages, Linear Bounded Automata, Context Sensitive Languages, Turing machines and Recursively Enumerable Sets. Theory of LR(k) Parsing, Attribute Grammars. Semantics of Programming Languages: Basic Mathematical Introduction: Propositional and Predicate Calculus, Lambda Calculus, Algebraic Structures. Sequential Languages (Imperative and Applicative): Operational Semantics, Vienna Definition Methods, Denotational Semantics: Scott-Strachy Theory, Axiomatic Semantics: Floyd- Hoare Approach, Temporal Logic, Algebraic Semantics and Data Types.

CS 013 Simulation And Modeling

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Introduction to Discrete-Event System Simulation: Definitions of Modeling and Simulation the Nature of Simulation Systems Advantage and Disadvantages of Simulation Area of Application Components of a system Discrete and Continuous System Model of System Type of Models Discrete-Event System Simulation Simulation Examples: Simulation of Queuing System Communication System Other Example of Simulation General Principles: Event-driven Simulation Word Views List Processing Simulation Software: History of Simulation Selection Process Simulation in High Level Language (C, C++, Pascal Fortran) Simulation Packages (Matlab/ Simulink) Mathematical and statistical Models: Terminology and Concept Useful Statistical Models Psuedo random numbers: Methods of Generation and testing. Methods for generating continuous and discrete distributions. Methods for generating Poisson Process. Queuing Models: Characteristics Performance Steady-State Behavior Network of Queues Random Number Generation: Properties Of Random Numbers Generation of PseudoRandom NumbersTesting of Randomness Pitfalls Random Variate Generation: Invers Transform Direct Transform Convolution Acceptance-Reject Input Modeling: Collecting Data Identifying Distribution Histograms Parameter Estimation Selecting Input Model without Data Verification and Validation of Simulation Models: Model Building Verification and Validation verification of Simulation Output Analysis: Types of Simulation with respect to Output Analysis Stochastic Nature of Output Data Measures of Performance Output Analysis for Termination Simulation

CS 014 Design of Embedded System

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

1. Embedded Computing Requirements: Characteristics and applications of embedded systems;Components of Embedded Systems; challenges in Embedded System Design and design process; Formalism for system design. 2. Embedded Processor Architecture/Microcontrollers: Role of processor selection in embedded system, RISC vs. CISC architectures; overviews of 8-bits/16-bits/32-bits microcontrollers, 8051 microcontroller: Architecture, basic assembly language programming concepts, instruction sets, addressing modes, logical operations, arithmetic operations, branching instructions, Boolean instructions, subroutines, timing subroutine, serial data communication & interrupt process, assembly language programming examples [8] 3. Interfacing, programming & real-time applications: Memory & I/O interfacing, Timer & counter operation & Programming, Serial communication,& interrupt handling, LCD & keyboard interfacing, DS 12887 RTC interfacing, interfacing ADC/DAC, real world interfacing & applications. 4. [12]Embedded Software Analysis and Design: Concepts of concurrency, processes, threads, mutual exclusion and inter-process communication, Models and languages for embedded software, Synchronous approach to embedded system design, Scheduling paradigms, Scheduling algorithms, Introduction to RTOS, Basic design using RTOS Analysis and optimization of execution time, energy, power and program size. 5. Embedded C Language: Real time methods, Mixing C and Assembly, Standard I/O functions, Preprocessor directives, Study of C compilers and IDE, Programming the target

CS 015 Research Methodology

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Open Electives

OE 001 Random Variables and Stochastic Process OE 002 Advanced Microprocessor Based Systems

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4 L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Introduction: Basics of Von Neumann Architecture and the early Microprocessors, CISC and RISC concepts; Parallelism in Processor Architecture: Pipelining, Superscalar, Super-pipeline and VLIW Architectures, Low-power Architecture; Built-in Multiprocessing support; Co-processors; Processor Architecture with hierarchical memory organization: Cache memory, Virtual memory; Built-in Multi-user and multitasking support in 16-bit and 32 bit microprocessors, Built-in memory mapping and management support; Evolution of platform architecture; Special-purpose processor Architectures: Signal processing Microprocessors; Communication processors; Case studies with contemporary Microprocessors.

OE 003 Nano Electronics

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Shrink-down approaches: Introduction, CMOS Scaling, The nanoscale MOSFET, Finfets, Vertical MOSFETs, limits to scaling, system integration limits (interconnect issues etc.), Resonant Tunneling Transistors, Single electron transistors, new storage, optoelectronic, and spintronics devices. Atoms-up approaches: Molecular electronics involving single molecules as electronic devices, transport in molecular structures, molecular systems as alternatives to conventional electronics, molecular interconnects; Carbon nanotube electronics, bandstructure & transport, devices, applications. OE 004 Digital Message Transmission L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Examples of analog pulse and digital transmission systems. Performance analysis of analog and pulse modulation systems. Role and review of probability theory and stochastic processes in digital message transmission. Principles of detection theory: Binary and m-ary hypothesis testing. Bayes' likelihood ratio test. Performance analysis of digital communication systems. Spectrum of digital signals: Spectral efficiency of digital communication systems; Nyquist pulse shaping.Correlative coding schemes. Equalization techniques. Synchronization techniques. Carrier, bit and frame synchronization schemes.

OE 005 Telematics

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Basics of Telephony: Telephone Network overview; Subscriber Loop; Signalling in the Telephone Network; Overview of ISDN, BISDN and ATM Technologies Circuit Switching in Telephone Networks: Crossbar switch; Clos networks; Clos and Slepian-Duguid theorems; Recursive construction of Clos Networks; Time switching, TMS and TST switches; Lee and Jacobeus blocking analysis; Routing in R-NB network; Switch processor, Call processing and overload control; Example telephone switches. Cell Switching: Generic Switch; Input and output queued switches; Shared memory and Shared medium switches, Crossbar switch, Complexity and scaling disdvantage of output queued switches, Knockout principle; Interconnections for large switches, Self routing architectures, Batcher-banyan networks; Unbufferred banyan switches, Buffered banyan, Tandem banyan, Speedup, Parallelism and Channel grouping toenhance input queued switches; Concentrators superconcentrators and Copy networks, Examples of ATM switches, IP Switching from VC based fixed length packet switches. Multiplexing and Routing in Circuit Switched Networks: Abstract System Models Erlang Blocking Models; Overflow Models, Equivalent Random Theory, Haywards Approxmn and Introductory Non Poisson Arrival Processes; Product form solution; Erlang Fixed Point Solution; Techniques to choose good routes; Alternate Routing; Dynamic Routing, Least Busy Alternate Routing;

OE 006 Computational Number Theory

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Algorithms for integer arithmetic: Divisibility, gcd, modular arithmetic, modular exponentiation, Montgomery arithmetic, congruence, Chinese remainder theorem, Hensel lifting, orders and primitive roots, quadratic residues, integer and modular square roots, prime number theorem, continued fractions and rational approximations. Representation of finite fields: Prime and extension fields, representation of extension fields, polynomial basis, primitive elements, normal basis, optimal normal basis, irreducible polynomials. Algorithms for polynomials: Root-finding and factorization, Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz algorithm, polynomials over finite fields. Elliptic curves: The elliptic curve group, elliptic curves over finite fields, Schoof's point counting algorithm. Primality testing algorithms: Fermat test, Miller-Rabin test, Solovay-Strassen test, AKS test. Integer factoring algorithms: Trial division, Pollard rho method, p-1 method, CFRAC method, quadratic sieve method, elliptic curve method. Computing discrete logarithms over finite fields: Baby-step-giant-step method,

Pollard rho method, Pohlig-Hellman method, index calculus methods, linear sieve method, Coppersmith's algorithm. Applications: Algebraic coding theory, cryptography. OE 007 Advances in Operating Systems Design L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Theory and implementation aspects of distributed operating systems. Process synchronization in multiprocessing/multiprogramming systems. Inter-process communication and co-ordination in large distributed systems. Distributed resource management. Fundamentals of real time operating systems. Case studies. Information management in distributed systems: security, integrity and concurrency problems. Fault tolerance issues. OS issues related to the Internet, intranets, pervasive computing, embedded systems, mobile systems and wireless networks. Case studies of contemporary operating systems. OE 008 Robotics L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Matrix algebra, Inversion of Matrices, Rotational groups, matrix representation of coordinate transformation. Manipulator kinematics: kinematics: Introduction, solvability, algebraic solution by reduction to polynomial, standard frames, repeatability and accuracy, computational considerations. Manipulator dynamics: introduction, acceleration of rigid body, mass distribution, Newtons equation, Eulers equation, Iterative Newton-Euler dynamic formulation, closed dynamic equation, Lagrangian formulation of manipulator dynamics, dynamic simulation, computational consideration. Trajectory Generation: Introduction, general considerations in path description and generation, joint space schemes, Cartesian space schemes, Path generation in runtime, Planning path using dynamic model. Linear control of manipulators: Introduction, feedback and closed loop control, second order linear systems, control of second-order systems, Trajectory following control, modeling and control of a single joint. Robot Programming languages & systems: Introduction, the three level of robot programming, requirements of a robot programming language, problems peculiar to robot programming languages. Off-line programming systems: Introduction, central issues in OLP system, cimstation, automating subtasks in OLP systems.

OE 009 Matrix computations

L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Basic iterative methods for solutions of linear systems and their rates of convergence. Generalized conjugate gradient, Krylov space and Lanczos methods. Iterative methods for symmetric, non-symmetric and generalized eigenvalue problems. Singular value decompositions. Fast computations for structured matrices. Polynomial matrix computations. Perturbation bounds for eigenvalues. OE 010 Advance Mathematics L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Transform Methods Laplace transform methods for one-dimensional wave equation Displacements in a String Longitudinal vibrations of an elastic bar Fourier transform methods for one-dimensional heat conduction problems in infinite and semi-infinite rod. Elliptic equations Laplace equation Fourier transform methods for Laplace equation Solution of Poisson equation by Fourier transform method. Calculus of variations Variation and its properties Eulers equation Functionals dependent on first and higher order derivatives Functionals dependent on functions of several independent variables Some applications Direct methods Ritz methods. Numerical solution of partial differential equations Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Solution of Laplaces and Poisson equation on a rectangular region by Liebmanns Method Diffusion equation by explicit and Crank Nicholson implicit methods Solution of wave equation by explicit scheme. OE 011 Artificial Intelligence L-T-P: 3-1-0, Credit: 4

Machine Learning & AI - Introduction, hierarchical perspective and foundations. Rote Learning, Learning by advice, learning in problem solving inductive learning, explanation based learning, learning from observation and discovery, learning by analogy, introduction to formal learning theory. Biological neurons and brain, models of biological neurons, artificial neurons and neural networks, Early adaptive nets Hopfield nets, back error propagation competitive learning lateral inhibition and feature maps, Stability - Plasticity and noise saturation dilemma, ART nets, cognition and recognition. Neural nets as massively parallel, connectionist architecture, Application in solving problems from various are as e.g., AI, Computer Hardware, networks, pattern recognition sensing and control etc. Reference:


CS 651 Computing Lab-I

L-T-P: 0-0-6, Credit: 4

Object-oriented programming concepts and implementation of abstract data types. Implementation of graph algorithms. Linear programming with applications. Basics of OS programming: process creation and synchronization, shared memory and semaphore, shell programming.

CS 661 Computing Lab-II

L-T-P: 0-0-6, Credit: 4

Socket programming, database creation and update, building large client server applications. Basics of compiler writing using lex and yacc.

M.Tech. (CS) 1st Semester List of Text/ Reference Books

Cryptography & Network Security S.No. 1. 2. Title Cryptography & Network Security Cryptography & Network Security Author/Publishers Atul Kahate, Tata McGraw Hill William Stalling, Pearson Education

Foundation of Computer Science: 1. 2. 3. Discrete Maths and Its Application Elements of the Theory of Computation Theory of computer Science Bhupinder Singh, Khanna Book Harry R. Lewis, Pearson Education K.L.P. Mishra, PHI India

Analysis and Design of Algorithms 1. 2. Introduction of Algorithms Fundamental of Algorithms H.Cormen & Rivest, PHI India Ellis Haro Witzand Satraj Sahni, University Publishers

Wireless And Mobile Communication 1. 2. Wireless Communications Introduction Wireless and Mobile System Rappaport Theadores, Pearson Prentice Hall Agarwal DP, Thomson

Artificial Intelligence 1. 2. 3. Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems Artificial Intelligence N.P. Padhy, Oxford University Press Jacek M. Zurada, CBC Peter Norving

M.Tech. (CS) 2nd Semester List of Text/ Reference Books

Parallel and Distributed Algorithms: S.No. Title Parallel and distributed computation : Numeric 1. elements 2. An Introduction parallel algorithm 3. Algorithms: sequential, parallel and distributes Designing efficient algorithm for parallel 4. computers 5. Introduction to distributed algorithms 6. Introduction to parallel computing 7. Introduction to parallel algorithm architecture Internet Protocols The Internet and Its Protocols, A comparative 1. Approach 2. TCP/IP Red Book from IBM Corporation Real Time Operating Systems: Real Time Systems Design and Analysis : An 1. Engineers HandbookPhillp 2. 3. 4. Real Time system Design Real Time Systems and their Programming Language Burns Proceedings of IEEE Special Issue on Real Time Systems (Jan 1994) M. Blackman (New York John Wiley & Sons). C.M. Krishna, K.G. Shin (TMGh) Author Dimitrip Bert sekar, John N J. Jaja Kenneth Berman, Jerome Paul M.J.Quinn Gerard tel Vipin kumar T. leightm

Andrian Farrel

A. Laplante, 2nd Edition, PHI Levi Shem Tov and Ashok K. Agrawala (New York MGH) Alan and Andy Welling (New York, Addison Wesley)

5. The design of Real time Applications 6. Real time systems

Simulation and Modeling S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Discrete-Event System Simulation System Simulation with Digital Computer Simulation Modeling and Analysis

Author 3rdEdition, by Law Kelton, McGraw-Hill, New David M. Nicol, PHI Narsingh Deo, PHI Averill M. Law McGraw-Hill

Design of Embedded System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Embedded System Design: Hardware/Software Introduction Embedded Linux Unified Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, John Wiley Craig Hollabaugh, Pearson Education Fundamentals of Embedded Software Daniel Lewis,Pearson Education Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR Barnett, Cox, OCull,, Thomson Learning Programming and Customizing the 8051 Myke Predko Microcontroller A

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