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ANTH 101 SUMMER 2008 MIDTERM REVIEW SHEET NB: This review sheet provides a basic outline of key

information to be studied for the exam. The review sheet is a study aid and not a copy of the exam. You must study. NB2: Your exam will consist of multiple choice questions with a few short answer (three words to two sentences) questions. Anthropology as a Discipline What are the four fields of anthropology? What is qualitative data? Quantitative data? How can qualitative data be useful? What are the three main techniques of anthropology, and why is each one significant? How do anthropologists guard against misinformation? What is culture shock? What is socialization? Why is anthropology not psychology or journalism? What, traditionally, has been the difference between anthropology and sociology? Forefathers: Morgan, Maine, Boas and his students, Malinowski The 19th Century: Cultural Difference as Cultural Hierarchy What theory do we associate with Henry Maine? What were Morgans three stages of cultural evolution? What trends characterized the supposed evolution of culture? Define unilinear cultural evolution, cultural relativism, and historical particularism. Why should we understand past anthropologists? The British / Continental Tradition What is a social institution? What is a status? A role? What is the difference between a social person and an individual? What is the technical definition of a social group? What is structural functionalism and what are the critiques of it? Emile Durkheim, Radcliffe Brown, Evans Pritchard What is the link between anthropology and colonialism? What is politics? What is the role of the leopardskin chief? Does institutionalized violence or a practice of financial reparations indicate a more primitive culture?

Family Know the appropriate male/female symbols for a kinship chart and be able to read one. Do young Trobriand Islanders believe they have more than one biological father? Explain. What is endogamy? Exogamy? Definite patriarchal and matriarchal societies. Also: virilocal, uxorilocal, matrilocal, patrilocal. Restricted vs. generalized exchange. Why are anthropologists so interested in kinship? What is a segmentary lineage system? Hominid Ancestors What was the Piltdown Hoax? What is the Taung Child? What trends characterize the evolution of hominids? Why was control of fire important? What are the various tool traditions, when do they appear, and what characterizes them? What groups are they associated with? What are some of the advantages of bipedalism? The disadvantages? What are the differences between Neaderthals and modern humans? What are the two genera currently believed to be our primate ancestors? When did the first true primates appear? Where do scientists believe hominids originated? When did hominids radiate out of Africa? The Linguists What is the sign? (Saussure) Define langue, parole. What is the value of a sign? Why dont we all use clicks like the Zulus? What are the two things we know for sure about language? What does the Koko experiment suggest about language? What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? What are some of the behaviours that Tannen identifies as gendered speech? Anthropology After Colonialism Why did the end of colonialism precipitate a crisis in anthropology? What is the bricoleur? What is a mythology? Robert Hertz: Right hand / left hand What is a binary opposition? What is ethnobotany? Ethnozoology?

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