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Chapter 3 Study Guide

Derivative of a Constant Function: d/dx Derivative of a Power Function: d/dx

(C)= 0


The Constant Multiple Rule: If C is a constant and f is a differentiable function

d/dx [cf(x)]=c * d/dx f(x)

The Sum Rule: if f and g are both differentiable

d/dx [f(x) + g(x)] = d/dxf(x) + d/dxg(x)

The Difference Rule: if f and g are both differentiable

d/dx [f(x) - g(x)] = d/dxf(x) d/dxg(x)

Definition of the Number e:

lim h->0 (eh-1)/h=1


Derivative of the Natural Exponential Function: d/dx(e The Product Rule: if f and g are both differentiable

)= ex

d/dx[f(x)g(x)] = f(x)d/dx[g(x)]+g(x)d/dx[f(x)]
The Quotient Rule: if f and g are both differentiable

d/dx[f(x)/g(x)] = {g(x)d/dx[f(x)]-f(x)d/dx[g(x)]}/[g(x)]2

Table of Differentiable Formulas

d/dx(c) = 0 (cf)' = cf' (fg)' = fg' +gf'

d/dx (xn) = nxn-1 (f+g)' = f'+g' (f/g)' = (gf' - fg')/g2

d/dx(ex) = ex (f-g)' = f'-g'

Lim->0 Sin/=1 Lim->0 Cos-1/=0

The Derivative of the Sine Function

d/dx(sin x)=cos x

The Derivative of the Cosine Function

d/dx(cos x)=-sin x
The Derivative of the Tangent Function

d/dx(tan x)=sec2 x

Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

d/dx(sin x)=cos x d/dx(cos x)=-sin x d/dx(tan x)=sec2 x

d/dx(csc x)=-csc x * cot x d/dx(sec x)=sec x * tan x d/dx(cot x)=-csc2 x

Sin-1(sinx) = x for (-pi/2) x (pi/2) Sin(Sin-1x) = x for -1 x 1 d/dx(Sin-1x) = 1/(1-x2) for -1 < x < 1 Cos1x = y Cosy = x and 0 y pi d/dx(Cos-1x) = -1/(1-x2) for -1 < x < 1 Tan-1x = y Tany = x and (-pi/2) < y < (pi/2) limx-> Tan-1x = (pi/2) and limx->- Tan-1x = (-pi/2) d/dx (Tan-1x) = 1/(1+x2)

DERIVATIVES OF LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS d/dx(logax) = 1/x*ln*a d/dx(ln x) = 1/x d/dx(ln u) = 1/u du/dx d/dx[ln g(x)] = g'(x)/g(x) d/dx ln x = 1/x

STEPS IN LOGARITHMIC DIFFERENTIATION Take natural logarithms of both sides of an equation y=f(x) and use the Laws of Logarithms to simplify. Differentiate implicitly with respect to x. Solve the resulting equation for y' If n is any real number and f(x)=xn, then f'(x)=nxn-1 *distinguish carefully between the Power Rule [(xn)'= nxn-1], where the base is variable and the exponent is constant, and the rule for differentiating exponential functions [(ax)'=axln a], where the base is constant and the exponent is variable. e = limx->0(1+x)1/x e = limn->(1+1/n)n


Finding a Seond Derivative Implicitly find y'' if x4 + y4 = 16 differentiating the equation implicitly with respect to x, we get 4x3 +4y3y' = 0 solving for y' gives y' = -(x3/y3) To find y'' we differentiate this expression for y' using the Quotient Rule and that y is a function of x: y''=d/dx(-x3/y3) = - [y3(d/dx)(x3) x3(d/dx)(y3)]/[(y3)2] = -[y3*3x2 x3(3y2y') / y6] If we now substitute equation 3 into this expression, we get y''=-[3x2y3 3x3y2(-x3/y3) / y6] = -[3(x2y4+x6) /y7] = -[3x2(y4+x4) /y7] But the values of x and y must satisfy the original equation x4+y4=16. remembering

The answer simplifies to y''= -[3x2(16) / y7] = -48(x2/y7)

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