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Comic cit y

Comic City


Logo ........................................... 1 Margin and Size Requirements ........... 2 Acceptable Logo Configurations ........ 3 Unacceptable Logo Configurations ..... 4 Logo Color Palette ......................... 5 Typography Usage .......................... 6 Letterhead Package ........................ 7 Web design ................................. 8 apparel design ............................ 9 Billboard .................................. 10 POSTER ...................................... 11 DIRECT MAIL ................................ 12 Bag design ................................ 13


Comic cit y
The Comic City logo is the first thing our customers see. Therefore to evoke the feelings you would get when you buy and read comics we chose a pow/bam/bif symbol along with our name and halftone dots.

margin and size requirements

A D.C. Entertainment Bruce Wayne 1700 Broadway, 7th Fl. New York, NY 10019-5905 June 25, 2011 B Dear reader, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur posuere massa at sapien tincidunt et posuere orci imperdiet. Mauris quis dolor ac enim vestibulum congue. Sed viverra facilisis tortor, sed pulvinar augue feugiat auctor. Curabitur malesuada ultricies dolor sit amet consequat. Nam ac neque mauris, a sodales eros. Fusce tempor gravida risus id pretium. Curabitur tristique pharetra eros, nec bibendum odio dapibus vitae. Phasellus at magna eget mauris interdum pharetra et vel ipsum. Suspendisse sapien nisl, suscipit in sollicitudin ac, venenatis sit amet augue. Curabitur id neque id justo dignissim elementum dictum eu magna. Aenean mollis nunc et massa placerat tempus. Proin adipiscing dictum pretium. Sed vitae suscipit nisi. Sed varius enim vitae orci consectetur porttitor. Proin odio ante, sodales nec dapibus eget, lacinia quis dolor. Integer nec tortor eu lacus tristique ultrices et non enim. Ut ante ipsum, sodales vitae cursus eleifend, accumsan sed erat. Sed diam dolor, suscipit vitae scelerisque at, blandit ut nibh. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam in nibh non velit eleifend vehicula. Sed consectetur scelerisque ipsum euismod iaculis. Sed sit amet gravida magna. Phasellus fermentum mollis sapien fermentum semper. Ut accumsan lacinia magna auctor luctus. Donec vel metus quis est ullamcorper volutpat. Integer et sem vitae turpis pellentesque laoreet sit amet vel ante. Duis et nisi in quam sodales convallis ut sed nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent dolor tortor, molestie id vulputate et, aliquam lobortis odio. Pellentesque sem neque, cursus ac egestas bibendum, semper quis magna. Etiam suscipit dapibus tincidunt. Sed nunc sapien, molestie et tristique quis, eleifend lobortis nisl. Duis imperdiet, leo eu consectetur semper, neque arcu pharetra lectus, non rutrum libero mi quis neque. Mauris eu leo lorem. Nulla non eros massa. Mauris gravida nibh sit amet elit adipiscing euismod malesuada leo dapibus. Mauris fermentum odio ultrices nisl tincidunt vulputate. Cras vitae felis non sapien semper iaculis at sit amet risus. Etiam posuere scelerisque mattis. Suspendisse sodales rutrum nisl, dapibus mattis libero semper eu. Mauris tempor sagittis enim, eget adipiscing dolor egestas in. Nunc nibh risus, scelerisque vitae porta vitae, sollicitudin vel purus. Donec hendrerit turpis in lacus vulputate at viverra elit pulvinar. Pellentesque ac augue sit amet velit sodales sagittis. Quisque ac risus eget diam volutpat pharetra. Nam tincidunt dapibus egestas. Quisque ut odio nec neque ultrices vestibulum. Praesent id dui purus, vel tristique eros. Nulla facilisi. Nullam vitae augue vel turpis commodo bibendum a vitae lectus. Proin vulputate rhoncus nunc, nec dignissim velit lacinia id. Sincerely, Jessica Sandin Executive Director D E C

Comic cit y
margin key: a - 1.4 in B - 1 in C - 0.91 in d - 1.27 in e - 2.34 in

Please use the margin specifications listed when composing a letter on Comic City letterhead. Body copy should be 11 point fanwood.

| J.R.S. Enterprises Inc. | Comic City | | 42406 Woodbridge | Canton MI 48188 |

acceptable logo configurations

Comic cit y
The success of Comic Citys identity lies on the correct font, color, and placement of the graphic elements. The only acceptable display of the logo is the logo as a whole.

Comic cit y
The eligible minimum logo size is 1.1057 in to maintain readability .

unacceptable logo configurations

Com ic ci t y

Comic cit y Comic cit y Comic cit y

Comic cit y Comic cit y Comic cit y

Comic cit y Comic cit y Comic cit y

Comic ci t y

Do not rotate the logo. Do not distort the logo. Do not wallpaper the logo. Do not change the color of the logo. Do not rotate the text of the logo. Do not use the text as a stand alone logo.

Comic cit y

Comic city

logo color palette

Pantone: Red - 1795 White - White Black - Black

CMYK: Red - C 0%, M 100%, Y 100%, K 0% White - C 0%, M 0%, Y 0%, K 0% Black - C 0%, M 0%, Y 0%, K 100%

RGB: Red - R 237, G 28, B 36 White - R 255, G 255, B 255 Black - R 35, G 31, B 32

typography usage

AaBbCc AaBbCc

Badaboom - Badaboom is the font used in the logo and can be appealing on posters with announcements as well.

Anime Ace 2.0 bb - Anime Ace is a comic book style font used for all the speech bubble text as well as the body text (excluding letters).

Fanwood - Fanwood is the body text used in all formal letters due to its legibility and clean feel.

letterhead package

Never fear! Comic city is here! Serving metro detroit since 1993.

Comic cit y
J.R.S. Enterprises Inc. Comic City 42406 Woodbridge Canton, MI 48188

Comic cit y
43538 Westoaks dr. Novi, MI 48377

| J.R.S. Enterprises Inc. | Comic City | | 42406 Woodbridge | Canton MI 48188 |

The letterhead depicts the logo large and centered at the very top . Halftone dots are used at 10% in the background to keep the comic feel. the business card portrays robin making an important phone call about comics. and lastly the envelope uses a speech bubble for the outgoing and incoming addresses.

web design
Simple comic elements are used to get our point across in our website. This includes the speech bubble, boxes, and crinkled paper. this is the only instance where the logo may be rotated.

omic C y ci t

43538 Westoaks dr. Novi, MI 48377

home | shop online | Events | About us | Newsletter | contact

This week at comic city ...

This page is updated every Thursday morning for the following week. Be sure to check back then. The items listed are everything that Diamond Comic Distributors is shipping from multiple warehouses next week. Unfortunately we . can't carry everything, but if you see something you'd like, we can look into a special order for you. Special orders require a deposit/prepay depending on the item.

Upcoming Releases For 6/15/2011...

This file is posted for new products scheduled to ship to comic shops on 6/15/2011 which include Conan: Island of No Return #1, Batgirl #22, Deus Ex #5, Hellblazer #280, Power Girl #25, Dungeons & Dragons #8, That Hellbound Train #1, Deadlands, Undying Love #3, Alpha Flight #1, Uncanny X-Men #538, & more. The products on the list below are expected to ship to comic shops on the indicated date. This list, however, is tentative and subject to change. Please check with your retailer for availability as not all releases may be on , sale in all areas the same week.

omic C y ci t

43538 Westoaks dr. Novi, MI 48377

home | shop online | Events | About us | Newsletter | contact

Detroit's Comic Book & Graphic Novel HQ

Serving the Metro Detroit area since 1993, Comic City is dedicated to providing the quality & convenience associated with multiple locations with the personal touch that only a local store can have. With stores in Canton, Novi, and Pontiac we're right around the corner from most of Detroit.

We stock all the comics and graphic novels you'd expect, as well as many that you wouldn't. Many claim to have the largest selection of graphic novels, come into a Comic City store to see for yourself our dedicated graphic novel section. From DC & Marvel to Boom, Viz, IDW, Dynamite & Slave Labor, there's now no need for you to shop at one store for superheroes, and another for quality independents. And we're always happy to place a special order for in print books if we're out. Comic City also carries an ever changing assortment of TShirts, action figures, posters, and other cool stuff .

apparel design

The t-shirts are the logo screened with a lower opacity over a black or white t-shirt.


The billboard continues with the comic elements and uses a speech bubble and a spoof of the green lantern oath.


i have to go...


The comic convention poster uses bold large print to , grab the readers attention and then explains what and where comic city is in a silly fashion.

fly on in later today!

Comic cit y
located at : 43538 Westoaks Drive Novi, MI 48377

direct mail

This week only! june 19 - 25

25% off all graphic novels

The direct mail is a spoof of a fighting style game in which just the text for comic city rather than the logo was used.

bag design

omic C y ci t

The shopping bag was designed to give a utility belt feel with the logo as a faux belt buckle along with a direct quote from Batman.

Comic cit y
43538 Westoaks dr. Novi, MI 48377 248-449-7114 novi@comiccity .com comiccity .com

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