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as we SHOULD know it

by Anthony Schumaker on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 11:27am Imagine you woke up one day in a parallel dimension full of nothing but a bunch of rocks. These rocks sole purpose are to record, document and store only correct information about the universe. They have no understanding of anything that is anything or even their purpose, but will not retain invalid information. Your job for all eternity was to explain LIFE on Earth, along with its purpose and what you got out of your time spent there. What would you say? Many would probably describe all kinds of incredible things in different ways and all the natural wonders of our planet. I hope you like spending time with rocks if thats what you see.

I see way too many people everyday stressed out and unhappy. 80% of just Americans on average are stressed out. What percent of that even understands WHY their stressed or what stress means? Few if any because the ones that do, eliminate the word and false meaning behind it. Everyone is so caught up in all the trivial, meaningless crap we have to deal with every day to stop and think for a second why? Why are we given unhappiness and heartache and things to be bummed over. Others think "why can't we all just be happy the world will be a better place", "If I had one wish it would be world peace. etc." This is not a possibility because there has to be a balance in everything. Good and bad, evil and righteous, rich and poor, old and young, dumb and smart. people and nature. Stress is something WE have created outside our mind and goes back so far we cant remember what is really important. We are told what is important. We are told what everyone else has and what YOU need to have. We put rims on junk cars while letting our kids starve, we rob the elderly to go buy the newest gadgets, and we follow anything the media tells us is IN.

Im going to start off by saying one of the worst things I think we do is create drugs that ruin lives. We then prosecute to extreme lengths those unfortunate souls who become addicted to them and profit off their incarceration aka rehabilitation. So many people get arrested yearly for just petty possession charges in America, mostly for marijuana! There are more people right now rotting in jail for a petty possession charge than assault or robbery charges on average. They are sent to prison a nonviolent, occasional pot-smoker and come out a hot-tempered, cocaine smuggling extortionist who knows how to get away with murder. Our prison system is so flawed I cant begin to explain everything wrong with it.

(Random bit of information taken directly from the DEAs list of Controlled Substances to this date.)

Schedule I DrugsSchedule I drugs have a high tendency for abuse and have no accepted medical use. This schedule includes drugs such as Marijuana, Heroin, Ecstasy, LSD, and GHB

Schedule II DrugsSchedule II drugs have a high tendency for abuse, may have an accepted medical use, and can produce dependency or addiction with chronic use. This schedule includes examples such as Cocaine, Opium, Morphine, Fentanyl, Amphetamines, and Methamphetamines.

The Federal Law VS State Law in America is absurd. There it is for you plain as day. Our government refusing to acknowledge that one of the BIGGEST STATES within its borders has practically legalized marijuana fully,and medically for anything as minor as my finger hurts..? Some 13 other states have in some way also. Now look at Schedule ll for a second. Cocaine? In the eyes of the people who run this country, the people we elect and are supposed to trust and lead us, would rather have a bunch of Tony Montanas running around with AK47s the Bob Marleys with guitars. It makes me sick. It is still all about balance though. You cant win the war on drugs and keep the prison industrys wallets full. You also cannot win a war declared on an INANIMATE OBJECT. Yea, Thank you Richard Nixon for making us go down in history as

the only nation to do such a moronic act, paving the way for decades of wasted money and lives lost. Hey werent you the only president to ever resign? Yea thats definitely worthy of continuing something so stupid you started for decades.

Tyler Durden in Fight Club said it best when it comes to us, You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the allsinging, all-dancing crap of the world

Technology plays a big role in life and is on both sides of its own balance. It can be our salvation or our destruction. More people become stressed the more we discover things that make our lives easier. Then we work crappy jobs to pay for stuff we dont need and are still unhappy. Were always searching for easier ways of doing just about everything. Many are just a waste of time and resources. Who invented the straw? Someone really sat and thought I sure wish there was an easier way to bring this cup to my mouth??". We are born with the greatest tool in the universe, a brain. We use 20% of it and sadly many probably use under 5. The other 80 percent I don't think was given to create tools of destruction or laziness as that our brilliant minds of today do daily. People need to start tapping into the unknown and step outside their comfort zones that engulf their meaningless existences. Only then will you realize what your capable of and have a have a better understanding of what is really important. Sitting in rush hour traffic really pisses me off in general but is also depressing to watch. All these drones, corporate zombies working your 9-5 office jobs with a 2 hour commute. On your smartphones every waking moment, taking your job home with you. Buying into the garbage all of corporate Earth shoves down your throats. Are you working to live or living to work? Were all capable of so more than we settle for. I think its pretty fucking obvious all the horrible things that were capable of. The great people in our history I'm sure tapped into some of the 80 percent but even they had that same aching question, Why are we here? That question can make or break a person. It can depress/sedate someones hopes and dreams or bring such a "high" feeling of self-worth, destiny, and importance that no drug or textbook or religion could ever offer. It all depends how you spend your life interpreting whats put in front you and if you are strong enough to wade through the sea of bullshit. Its pathetic how much of society never even stops to think for themselves and just follows everyone else. I'm not about to say America is a bad country but for the sake of argument, I'm going to say what we know is true.

Here on Earth, it's pretty much a fact Americans are looked down upon in some way by almost every country whether they openly admit it or not. They are either jealous, resentful, despise our freedom, or correctly stereotype us being fat, lazy and self-destructive. When an American goes to a foreign country and just opens their mouth you'll always have those people "oh look at the stupid American blah blah blah ". Americans are even ridiculed in our own country by immigrants! Ever see anyone say "get out of here you stupid Australian! Go back where you belong!" I doubt it. On a galactic scale, Earth is the America of our "known" universe and WE are the stereotypes. I use "known" loosely because everything we currently know, have seen through Hubble or ever realistically hope to travel to, is NOTHING in the grand scheme. We literally are nothing in this universe, maybe multi-verse, just a speck of dust.

Since the Roswell incident, were so terrible that weve stereotyped a species to look a certain way that we dont even truly know exists! How ridiculous is that when you really stop and think about it. If they are here, they are intelligent and deserve our utmost attention and respect. Forget your national security risks, no fly zones. Forget putting us at DEFCON 2, raising the national ERECTION to full mast. I guarantee a full scale war will be ready on standby at the push of a button when we make contact. We are hostile to everything and each other. All we will do on this day is make complete asses of ourselves, in every way. For most it would be just another excuse to go looting and commit crimes. If I ever saw any dumbass people looting during the apocalypse or a disaster like Katrina, I will see to it myself they dont take up any more space on this Earth. Others will stock up for 100 years and go underground scared. Nobody will make a rational decision and the media will distort reality so much, youll feel like your on acid. Anywhere you go though, people think aliens look a generic way. Big bug eyed, slimy skinned beings who shoot lasers, shove probes in our ass and want to invade us. Some go even further with things like praying mantis people who want to eat us, or ethereal body snatching entities. You name it, some idiot swears up and down they saw it or was abducted.

Regardless of what they look like we can be certain of one thing. Countless unexplained phenomena have been witnessed and documented since our colonization of this planet. One of the worst pieces of trash along this subject is people who have the audacity to make a fake UFO video. You make a mockery of something thats plagued our curiosity for decades for what, a couple bucks? You disgust me

Theoretically we know they exist but officially cant declare it a fact yet. Why is that? Because Earth is the America of the universe! It is pretty obvious they made contact thousands of years ago. Who knows why they left, we just know there has been more and more sightings the past 70 years. If they came thousands of years ago and now are coming back year after year but refuse to stop and say hello? It shouldnt take a rocket scientist to figure out they don't want shit to do with us. I believe in some abduction, but not all of them. It makes sense if they wanted to just study us, figure out what makes us tick but not hurt individuals. They can fly in and out of our atmosphere with ease. We still use rocket fuel. Some think they can travel inter-dimensionally, we havnt fully accepted there IS multiple dimensions! Who really has the upper hand? We might have even had one of them hidden for decades in Area 51. Who knows. Who is the government to say what is good for everyone? No, instead of potentially answering the age old question of if we are alone or not, its always a technology race. Lets see who gets their first grubby hand on whatever they can find and use to make more stuff to kill each other. Who are we even to say there is such thing a no fly zone or a restricted area. You really think we own or are in absolute control of things? We dont own shit. Were guests here.

A funny but realistic way to look at us I think ,is being our own reality TV show .They are probably chilling comfy up there with eating space popcorn, watching "The Earth Show". This season being titled - "Humanity". They have been watching us kill each other since our beginning for anything and everything. We kill for religion, something that well never get right. As controversial as religion is, it is essential to our survival. Life as we know it today would be so different without the ability to think outside our box. You can't even begin to comprehend not having the curiosity itch we have about anything. I prefer not to devote my life and put complete faith in any given religion, but I respect them all for their overall purpose. No matter what religion or belief you follow, you do it for the same reason. You believe to ease the anxiety of death and give some direction and purpose in life. Why kill each other over and over for it? Why judge people for their different but same basic variation of it? Why devote your every movement, action, or thought to the extremes of it.? Judging and looking down upon anyone who has the brain capacity to dare stray outside this concrete religious bubble YOU live in? If we are all supposed to follow one direction, we would not have been designed with free-will. If it makes you happy and eases that anxiety we all have, more power to you. Nobody should force their beliefs on others through harassment, violence, war or be judged and condemned by their lifestyle. We all just want to know that we aren't wandering this sphere aimlessly, doing the same thing for no real reason. No grasp on life outside ours, no need for change, no desires. Those are called ants. Ants worship life and work together for the colony to survive and reproduce flawlessly. They freak out if you interrupt the constantly working trail. They dont bully each other. You dont see ant drug-lords or poster models. You don't see ant get-a-ways or sports bars and theme parks. They weren't given this kind of brain-capacity to grasp the concept of these things and don't need it to survive. We were though and look what we use it for. We have the knowledge and resources to leave this very planet we live on, as well as potentially destroy it. It would take 40 nukes going off to destroy life on Earth. We have thousands, many of which are unaccounted for. Why the HELL do we have so many nuclear warheads? So really people, whos going to win the "Which country has the bigger dick game? Nobody here on Earth will thats for sure. You terrorist bastards think your going to get anywhere with a few WMDs in your sandbox? Im sure that is exactly what YOUR god wants. Killing yourself , and destroying so much more life and space in the process on Earth. It makes total sense. Why is everyone in the middle east so angry at everyone and each other! GET OVER IT! There is no way to convince a population in its entirety to believe one thing and one thing only. There are too many of us to all witness life altering events, have alien-encounters, or attend church every week. Most people just don't care about anything and choose to take up space anyways. Then you have killers, rapists and child molesters. The worst of humankind that I can't even attempt to explain or make sense of what really goes on in their brain. People completely devoted to a life of crime or greed are pathetic also. You ruin this planet just as much as anyone. 1 percent of our nation controls all the wealth in the country. Keep the rich, rich and keep the poor, poor. Money can't buy happiness but is necessary for just about everything we need to survive these days. If you didn't have a phone or car or money hundreds of years ago what where you? You were just a average person. What are you now without these things? Youre a loser. Were so wrapped up in everything we don't need to survive that we are soon going to forget the essentials that we do.

Imagine what the reviews and ratings on your space "" (intergalactic movie database) for our little show? They are horrible and declining so much since the introduction of technology to the cast. Many complaints from viewers also not understanding the overpopulation and humans blatant ignorance to it. Sex is necessary to us all but many need to just take it easy. If you live in a place its clearly obvious you would be unable to support a child or even yourself. close your fucking legs and don't have 15 kids expecting pity from governments and other countries. We don't care how much money you came here with. Condoms are cheap. Don't complain when you get AIDs or an STD if your taking the risk of paying hookers for sex either. Humans evolved into such sexual deviants since our creation that we have to protect ourselves from everything in order just to procreate, So many sick and twisted people are out there with their disgusting fetishes and sicknesses it would take a day to list them. How in the hell can anyone ever remotely have a sexual thought enter their mind about their children? Or any child? Or animals? We have people sleeping with monkeys in Africa and spreading AIDS all over the world. Thank you hippie movement also. All that free love you were so into really freed quite a chunk of your people from their lives and spread your nasty stuff all over the place as well. Our balance is about to bottom out on the wrong side. The Earth Show has been running strong for many seasons keeping them guessing how or when it will end. Its no big surprise how the Humans 'finale will play out. Its obvious and probably wouldnt even be watched. I

wouldn't be surprised if when we do perish in 2012, we look up and the sky is blocked out by ships. All just watching The

Earths Show's greatest flop wiped away clean. So why wouldnt they interfere? Maybe they want to help us change but
can't? Maybe it has a crazy never before seen twist and will become the greatest ending ever; a brand new beginning? It is a possibility but would cause confusion .In the beginning few episodes a segment titled MAYANS - "Discovering Earths True Path/" How-to think outside the sky" were wiped for unknown reasons. When filming resumed, many red-bearded savage beast explorers on horses killed off most of the Mayans, burning and destroying their codexes, leaving only a few behind. They didn't speak the native tongue and were unaware the few codexes left behind would stir up the greatest cliffhanger of all time. These 3 codexes contain a great deal of pertinent information. Information too controversial and dangerous it had to be hidden. They were hidden in many places, rumor has it the finale may still be hidden under The Sphynx paw. The others were discovered, studied and shrugged off labeled as silly superstitions. They gave so much information but without the finale it was just all speculation of what MIGHT happen. Forgotten for many episodes, the Mayans and their so called superstitions start to surface again. Increasing more and more as people just cant shuck things up to coincidence or freak occurrence anymore.

(Yea I just summarized thousands of years of history into an alien TV show lol)

How about we dig under that Sphynx paw? We excavated Stonehenge, so who really cares. Im kind of getting sick of wondering eh? And people, get your heads out of your asses, clouds, others asses and your lips off youre bosses asses, spouses, officials, and politicians asses. Think outside your mind.

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