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ID Fort Worth It': The Star-Telegran Over 25,000 Dail) $ VOL. XXX. NO. 1<J0.

gg^rcn tor Rosenthal Slayers Is Now Country Wide






Comt Forbids First We to Interfere With Ex-Husband

An Injunction was granted Tuesday! ?.ftri 8e S , v a y n e o f ">* Seventeenth ulstrlct court forbidding Teresa Simpson, rormcr wife of' Attorney M. n. timpsoii of Fort Worth, to interfere In the latter a family affairs. In his petition which he filed Tuesday. Simpson alleged that Mrs. Simpson hart caused great annoyance to i" present wife. .Mrs. Edna Simpson, arid himself by threatening him over the telephone, s h e continually asked lor money, it i s alleged, and declared unless her demands were acceded to that her two brothers who reside In Athens. La would kill him. The defendant, it is alleged, has also prejudiced Mrs. Jlclle Johnson, the mother of Simpson's present wife, against him. Mrs. KdiiH Simpson. It Is set forth. W a nervous wreck as a result of thu defendant's actions and the attorney' domestic peace is menaced.

T h e Milk of H u m a n K i n d n e s s


Heading Campaign List.

State Convention Held to Name j Twelve Delegates to Chicago Gathering. Democrats Vie for Honor of

Slayers Hid in Hotel Shadows, Says Report.


Colonel-Approves Term "Bull Moose" as Applied to New Party.
.< w iiir-i ;. BIRMINGHAM. Aid, July StA stoic contention of Roosevelt Republicans was called to'order here today, ludgo O. R. Hundley called the meeting to order and announced that III* country was now a crisis and the organization of a new party promised to make a decided showing. J o . seph O. Thomson, collector of Internal revenue, who yesterday received a letter from. Secretary of the Treasury MncVeagh. urging, him to lender his resignation because..of Ills opposition to President Taft; made a brief address in which he.predioted success ] ,_ . . . new parly. Twelve delegates ' Roosevelt convention next month In i 'lib .-,_-., -. ill l>e named.

- Gambler Loses Fight for Hal |
r %


I'm Just as Much Wilson Man
as Papa," Says PriscLQa Sedgwick, Offering Dollar.

beas Corpus Writ in Higher Court.


I *, Photos of Missing New York Gangsters Sent Broadcast Over Country.
P) AumtiM Prat.

Make Prisoner Talk; Dumb 34 Months


Admirers of New Jersey Governor Expected to Swell , Amount for Campaign. Hardly was the ink dry on tliu first copies of Tlic StnrTclejtram Tuesday when Justice, lioliert T. Peden and his clerk. Ouy K. Dance, walked into The Star-Telegram offico and contributed $1 each to the Wooili'ow Wilson campaign fund started 'by this paper Tuesday afternoon. These loyal Democrats saw the campaign fund announcement onllin first page of The StarTclegfani and decided to walk straight t o the newspaper office and contribute toward tho campaign for the election of the great New Jersey progressive Democrat.

. ! '" j ' i ; ' i I \ j


between their two motorcycles. The brothers were returuine from The police, department today sent Mrs. W i l t o n Honored. Winchester, Ky., wlien tlic accident ocout to ovcry'clty In the country phoN]-:\V YORK. July 24Jlrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife o fthc Democratic tographs and descriptions of the men presidential candidate. h.-s accepted .wanted in connection with the killing tho Invitation of the Woman's Naof Rosenthal. tional Democratic League to become Its honorary president. Recently Jirs. Aaron J. Levy, counsel for Shapiro Steven It. Ayr** of this city, correMil Mliky, said today that his home till MSIHMICII f*rr. sponding secretary of the league, sent had lwn entered last night and that WASIU.NC.TON. July 24."I don't Mrs. Wilson the request to assume he helieved someone wanted to do him tho office, authorized by the league's think this committee will give ine a bodily harm, as there were no eviCollgresSRilUi Morris Sheppard of executive board, setting forth the ob- square deal. Ill take this thing ui Texarkana. candidate for "the nomidences that anything had been stolen. ject of the organization. Mrs. Wilson on the floor of tho house." declared nation for united States senator, will Levy stayed at Ills club until an early In her reply accepting the honorary- Representative Akin of New York to- s"peak at the First Baptist Church tabhour this morning and on h i ' return day as he quit a meeting of the housj ernacle at 8:15 o'clock presidency, said: homo found the doors of his apartWednesday to hear his night, and the Sheppard Club has arment had bcen_brokcn oncn. ".Mr. Wilson and I have both read committee which met Trail Slowly Clears. with very great Interest the I n c i s - charges that Secretary Wilson had got ranged for a- larger seating capacity ures and your letter, and he begs mo his son, Jasper, a Job with the Denver than that provided for Cone Johnson The trail that leads to the men who to thank the league -In his name for Reservoir Irrigation Company, at J10,.framed the plot to slay Rosenthal is its powerful support. It would be hard 000 a year. slowly clearing and District Attorney to overestimate the assistance which Representative Ruber of Missouri , A largo crowd is expected to hear tho Whitman hollovcs today that from the tin issarMeJ P r e . sucli a body of women can render t read a letter from Arthur Das*, receiver eloquent congressman who would sucbits of evidence gleaned here and there, WASHINGTON. July SI.tlannis a cause when they feel, ns in (his of the company, stating that Jasper ceed Senator IJaliey In the senate, and he will be ablc'to show that tlic "po- Taylor, former minister to Spain, and campaign, that there are moral issues Wilson got only jr.,00 a year. a large reception committee lias been lice system" and even those higher up a writer on international law, pub- Involved, and Mr. Wilson cannot fall Secretary- Wilson, at a* previous named in honor of his coming. were'behind the conspiracy to silence lished an open letter here today con- to lio profoundly helped by the mere hearing, denied he had got the place Mr. Sheppard spoke at Houston Rosenthal tending that the llay-ruhnccfotc consciousness that such women .for his son. or that the government Tuesday night, and Immediately arter his address boarded a Trinity & lirazos From Harry Vallon. gambler and Ml* treaty is toidablc because of the situ- lleve In him 33 a worthy leader In had aided the enterprise. of the occupants of the "murder car.** ation arising out of Panama's ccdins such a cau^o. Yours very cordially, "I received affidavits this morning Valley train for Fort Worth, ~ . the public prosecutor has learned fur- the canal zone to the United States. "KLLRN A. WILSON." corroboatlng my charges and will give to Arlington, and there took an autother facts that Implicate. "Raid Jack" them to the committee later." said mobllo for Craievine. where he spoke "There Is no room for halr-spllttlng In the morning. In the afternoon he Rose, close friend of Police Lieutenant on that la.lnt." writes Taylor. .Villi Party. Akin. returned to Arlington for a speech Recker and the man who hired the In the cannl zone the United Stales is ASBUIIY PARK. N. J.. there. -Stay automobile that took the gun sovereign for alt the purposes New Jersey le,i the Iiistert. . . . Will Be Met at Arlington. ' men to the shooting scene. Mrs. ternatlonal law. Under that 1- .< it the new party movement yest?rday, He is expected to arrive in Fort Rosenthal, widow- of the gambler, told is well settled that a treaty becomes when a convention of progressives Wortli between 5 and 6 o'clock. A Hie grand Jury that Rose was Ilecker a voidable, but not void, whenever ; launched a separate political organinumber of J'ort Worth supporters of closest friend and charged that Rose change has taken place In the fttnda ze tlon and decided to nominate a ful Money on Policies Taken Out by Mrs, tho congressman w-ent to Arlington to J was the lieutenant's gambling house mental conditions existing at the time state ticket for tho November elec Ocey W a r d l a w M a r t i n Snead accompany him here. " collector. It was 1....". Hon. The convention voted to send Sought. A public reception will be given him The writer quotes Hall, the English lo the national progressive convention i With arrests of other gun men. the NEW YORK. July 24.The murder at the Worth hotel from 7:30 to 8:15 international law. In in Chicago the same set of delegate* J prosecutor expects to learn enough to authority on Mrs, Ocey Wardlaw Martin Snead, o'clock. Following that he will go to f Involve Rose further In the murder plot support of that contention. that represented the state at the Rer which her mother and aunt were the place of speaking accompanied by Taylor refers to Russia's repudia- publican national convention, pledged found responsible, is recalled by >nd bv so doing force him to make a Ihe reception committee. ; full confession and reveal those who tion In 1S70 of certain portions of again to vote for Roosevelt. action brought in* the state supreme Congressman Sheppard has a. large the treaty of 1-nris. relating to tin i rrere behind the killing. The convention arranged for the a p urt hero to recover from an tnsur- clement of supporters here, and off Two May Turn to State. lilacl: sea, and contends it set a prece- pointment of a state committee which ce company tho amount of three ficers of the sheppard Club say that KVerybody can Join In this campaign. Tuesday in Denton County. dent upon which tho United States will settle details of parly organiza- policies that the young woman the reception will bc one of the greati William Shapiro, driver of the "niiir- may act. Governor Colquitt spent Tuesday li Fort Worth and Texas should respond tion. The possibility of alliance with out before her marriage. est that he has been given during the V <ler car." and Louis Llbby. one of the e wheat belt of Denton, and m i with more liberality than any part of the writer contends. itlier of the other established, parties One of the pleadings for Mrs. Snead's tampalgn. th nation. . j car's owners, probably will be pernill- In part: heard by large crowds at Sanger. Den. wa s denied 'n TlforotM terms. other and aunt at their trial was ' Cut out the coupon and bring or matl His reception committee fs as fol1 led to turn state's evidence, counsel in city and Ixaiisville. He arrived If "We must take the firm stand unsanity. In applying for the polic lows: W. J. Gllvln, Maj. K. II. Van J for the pair having Informed the public der the well defined principle of interort Worth early Wednesday morning the dollar to The Star-Telegram. J . R. to Make Address, Mrs. Snead signed a paper In wh County Chairman Approves. Standi, W. II- Scott, Hill McLean. O. IS. and went to his room at the West ! prosecutor that Shapiro knows all the national law. as punctuated by the OYSTER BAT. July 24.On his redeclared there was no history Jordan. Sterling P. Clark. R. F. I Roy. brook hotel to snatch a few hours j men who were in the car and that It Russian precedent of 1S70 that after [ turn from New York, where he spent Trie Star-Telegram Woodrow WHj. James Listen Jr"- James A. Todd. John sleep before going by automobile ti son fund should be subscribed to b v T he does not know their names, be will there has been essential change In the j Tuesday. Colonel Roosevelt said he Insanity In hr family. M. Adams, James D. Farmer. E. B. Mansfield for a morning address. every loyal Democrat." declared Chairbe able to identify them. conditions existing at the time the e , p e c t e i l to go to Point of Pines, near Lewis Jr.. C. K., Judge C. K. Hell. Ho left at 9:10 for Mansfield In the man Handle of the county executive BUYS PHONE LINES 'Deputv Police Commissioner Dough- treaty was made. It Incomes vo:a.ible., nston. next month to address a meetJudge W. r . McLean. Judge D. O. Paul Waples automobile. In his par committee. Wednesday. "I believe.that i. rty made It clear that he Is JWK*" In that way wc can Justly 'ift t i i e | l n _ o f 1C x a tir,nal Progressive party t Honing everyone connected wlrh the question out of the domain of inter- o f v , . w England. The date tenlatlvelv Waco Company Takes Over 400 Miles Milam, Dr. If. K. lteall. Hen S. Bald- ty were John Raskin. Albert Raskin It la T8rrant county's duty to conwin. S. T. llucklcr. c . F.-Goodrich, M. Clarence Ouslcy, Senator W. A. Han tribute not less than to the sup-.' rase as to their relations with I.leuten- national arbitration, where wc r .o' rt | selected is Aug. 17. although another of Wire. L Woods F. N. Graves. George Burch ger. Harry* Johnson of the Houston port of Wilson. Contributions 'should .' nt Becker. "So far.- said Dougherty, never obtain a fair hearing, into t h e , , , n r ^M WACO. July 24.A deal has been field, R. "E. Speer, b c c I l 0 sen If Colon-i R,a.?e" W. F.. Williams, i'. "I havo discovered nothing In the case domain of diplomatic negotiations ve i,- engagements niaka it necessary. closed by Bnyliss Karle. president of \ either for or against I Lieutenant with Great Britain, where we will i-e the Rrazos Valley Telephone and Tele- Judge Irbv Dunklin. Tom C. Bradley, T n ( , c o l o n < . , S i l | d ,, would leave for f. Becker." sure to receive fair and friendly con- , | ) | 0 , - | l l c a e 0 convention Saturday of graph Company of this city by, which a. H. Connell. B. K. Goree. J. W. Dallas News. These newspaper men up to that time-' Spencer. Judge T. H. Conner. O. b. have accompanied the governor dursideratlon. , next the toll lines and some exchanges of I Wobber to "Squeal 7 the South Texas Telegraph and Tele- I^ttimore. R- D- 0?8<-. Mitt Rouse. ing his campaign. f There were reports today Day. J. A. The governor .was scheduled to phono Company pass into tho hands of Job" L. Terrell. Tony | , "Bridgle* Webber, now In ci irlMARSHAL SHOT IN FIOHT I G. O. P. Members Spurn Offer, Wright. Howard Mahaffy. E. B- rtan- speak at Mansfield at 10:30 and at ! N K V V J, .had determined to tell all he kn, tie VORK. July 24.Two refusals tho Waco comiany. Exchanges at Port dell, Walter A- Nelson. Warren An Grapevine at Z p. m. Mysterious Whereabouts Excites ExF'T-ai in Webber's poker rooms thai inc. Trouble Starts When Officers Start t o , were received yesterday at rtewbllcaa Arthur and Nacogdoches together with drew.. W. I . " Fuller. L. F. Perkins. A. tit tended SearchMissing Returns Hero at 6 p. m. about 400 miles of toll line are inj? tun men gathered before t i n * went out I i i u u u o ,n l e w en Cattle. national headquarters here from men On* Week. He will leave Gra'pevina for Fort volved In the deal, affording the Waco R Curtis Dr. 11- O. Bronnon. 1. L. . to kill Rosenthal. o have been Invited to become NEW YORK. July 24.A search of DURANT. Okla.. July 21.AS n recompany continuous connection from Covert. John F. Grant. O. U Sweet. J Worth in an automobile about 4 B A large fund Is said to have been sult of a battle between James Parish, b e n of the national executive commitReaumont. Tort Arthur and Houston A. Templeton. Dr. H A Boaz. Dr Jack o'clock and Is expected here shortly hospitals and morgues for the miss\J" raised by gamblers to defend the pris- town marshal o r . IsenninRton. Okla- tee. Charles y. Crooker of Ar.sonla. Marb before C o'clock. A number of his ing Dorcas snodgrass. the Mount Verthrough Waco and I-'ort Worth and McLean. Dr. Clay Johnson. t oners. ami Iman and Newt lluford. brothers, Conn- wrote that he did not "care to Dallas. President Earlc Is out of the Sanson.. Ccorge Mulkey.Zeb Jenkins. supporters will run out In automobiles non nurse who vanished over a week iT V Mean whlle the Investigation by Jhfl on the farm of their father the mar- be tied to a desk." although ho would city. The consideration is not known. C C INtill J- E- - Yates. Dr. T. B. about eight miles and meet the gov- ago, has proved without result, and .."u jury- into the gambling situation bo active in local and state politics at v the girl's relatives take hope that she _-V"*rnd : revelations made by Rosenthal shal Is dead, l m a n . n mortally wounded home and also in New York state. The Waco company will build many D o r r k J. j : Lucac. J. E. Foust, Henry ernor's party. * and the Sanders Clark Corbin. A. W. Lotspelch. nod New* Is In the county Jail. On his arrival at the Westbrook ho- Is still aliveadditional lines. was continued today. There were re- " T h e marshal accompanied by two John G- Rogers of Madison. Wis., wrote, John Walker. Dr. J. A. Cosby. George tel he will be Riven a reception by a A maid employed In a Mount Verports that Important indictments would men went lo the Ruford farm yester- saying that he wanted his time free Maildox. Walter Price. Perry DaMs. number of prominent women non family says she saw Miss Snod-be. found. am Hays. Will Decker, John It. Eaton city. Mrs. Warren V. Galbreath Is the grass on Twenty-third street last Z " to levy on some- cattle to satisfy to devote himself to politics In'Chicago "|5 a JM judgment, 'when the fight took and Wlscot y, , m James. A. C Lowery. W. P. J chairman of the reception committee. Monday. The maid did not speak to Gangsters Attack Patrolmen. rlaco. Craig. Oliver Christian. Charles Han-j The parlors and mezzanine floor have the girl. NEW TORK. July 14.ratrolnian Maine Convention. ger. Jay Grow. Jack Back. Sam Marrs, been given over to the^ ladles for the ' - ~- " ' ' ' " ' " " Francis Rcilly. one of New YorK:s hero PORTLAND. Maine. July 21.Woman Found Murdsred. Harr-\iyn. Charles Murphy. Dr. reception. Land Deal Invoi es Jl,500.000. Policemen. Is dying In an east sine state convention of the supporters OKLAHOMA CITT. July 24.With ' UcKnlCht, Or. J. D. Thomas. Dr. Following Is a partial list of QCANAII, Texas. uly 24.The W Colonel Roosevelt will he held in this Forecast: hospital from wounds receive" in an her throat cut and her head crushed. Pum*t V *'- Wallis. John Moore. J. S. women who will be In the rccel islstln? of 80.000 Oklahoma and West TexasTonight McK nl'ev O- W. Collins. John Yates. line: encounter with gangsters early "nla; O. Richards ranch, o a* 14 citv July St to select delegates to the Mmcs. C.. W. Childress. C il Mrs. Minnie Ralston w-as fouod muracres, has "been sold VSJft dered Jn her home near Helena. Okla_ Last evening Rcilly arrested a m e m , w T third party convention to be held In and Thursday, generally fair. Dickinson, Racon Saunders, R E. = East TexasTonight and Thursday, yesterday morning. No trace of th> <Pf the so-called -pansy gang on a The sale was made through Tullis * Chicago Auc. Z. The Republican ticket murders has re-en fotmd robbery charge. The other members K rbv to a Beaton syndicate The dea will la- indorsed but a new stt of centrally fair; light variable winds on ICONTrNUED ON PAGE SEVEN* (CONTINUED ON PAGE SRVEN.*1 Involves JI.-e-M-.Ovil as the cattle or presidential electors will bc nominated, .the coast

XB\V YORK, July 24.In* formation given the district attorncy's office today indicates that the hip gray automobile which figured so prominently A-Uendance Slim. COLUMBIA. S. C July 24.The in the murder of the gambler, Roosevelt parly will he officially Herman Rosenthal, more than launched in South Carolina this afternoon when delegates from a fewa week ago, was only used as a counties of the state meet in this city. subterfuge and that the actual Tlic call Tor the convention was sent out a week ago to all sections of the' stayers were concealed in the state, but the response has not been' shadows of the Metropolitan -s ready as was expected by the leadhotel and after shooting the Brothers Collide This cal] provoked a letter to .1 local gambler mixed with the crowd. lew-.-paper from Senator Dixon. Hoosc-.clt campaign manager^ to the effect Supremo Justice Giegerich on Motorcycle^ that It was not authorized by tho national convention. It was announced today dismissed the writ of haby "t tile 1 Dead; Other Hurt those In chargethis letter meeting beas corpus sued out b y ' ' B r i d this morning that had a "depressing effect" on the attendance. g i c " "Webber, one of the prisNevertheless the convention will lie held. oners in the murder case. The Bu AttettateS rrt*s. hearing of the writ of Sam LEXINGTON', Ky- July 24.CharleJ It is understood the organization receiving at a local will negroes, I'mil was adjourned until to- K. Moorrs, hero today tellerlite brothel** John bo composed entirely of the "lilv bank, died and O. Capets, the leader of I. \v; Moorcs, is not expected to live, whites" not having Joined in the morrow. M tlic result of a collision I;tst night movement.

H'j AuotiateJ Preti. SACILAMKNTO. Cal.. July 54. arter applying the ether tents, alienists were undecided today whether Chariot .arson, a convict In Folscm peniten tlary, had been stricken dumb or I-. shamming, lie has not spoken a -word for two years and ten months. The common effect of ether Is to loosen the tongiM while the subj.-ct la going under or coming out of its * ffeets. Not a sound escaped Carson while he was being subjected to the test. Carson was sentenced to life Imprisonment In 1501 for assault and robbery. Two yearn later ho was -tiviii a Sentencu of death for Ids share in a murderous Jail break, but has several tunes been reprieved, lie is a South Carolinian -

M HINTS UNFAIRNESS; Congressman Running for U. S. BOLTS FROM QU Z

Senate to Deliver Address

Colquitt and Sheppard, Both. Here, Expect Victory July 27

Tonight at Church.
Governor, Candidate for ReElection, Will Speak at Seventh and Throckmorton.



List ef Contributions. Those who had responded within a^ few hours are: Justice Robert F. Peden. J l . Guy B. Dance. II. Charlks F. Sedgwick. SI. , ' T. E. Coppage, $1, D. W. C. Pendery. Sr.. SI. Other later contributions have, not yet been listed. There is a Star-Telegram Woodrow 1 Wilson fund coupon printed In each day's issue of The Star-Telegram, and any one can mail one dollar or less with blank Inclosed showing name and address. Each-contribution will be acOne of the greatest crowds that lias knowledged dally and every thirty days ever heard Governor Oscar K. Colquitt The Star-Telegram will remit the In tho present campaign Is expected at money collected to the treasurer of the the old Roc lumber yard block. Sev- national commitee. enth and Throckmorton streets, tonight AH good Democrats, men. women at 8:15 to hear the governor's address. nnd children, aro Invited to aid In the Fort Worth Is widely known as a fund. stronghold of Colquitt sentiment, and Girl to Help Wilson. an enthusiastic welcome awaits him. Little 9-year-old Priscllla Sedgwick, A largo platform is' being construct- tho daughter of Charles T. Sedgwick. ed at the west end of the block, and Is waiting for the afternoon Issue oftho chidrs from the Coliseum h ^ ' e The Star-Telegram so that she can cut been secured to seat a large crowd. the coupon out and send It with her Paul Waples will be the chairman of dollar to The Star-Telegram. Her fatho meeting, and the governor will be ther used the first day's coupon to hui little Introduced by Senator W. A. Hanger. contribute his dollar, nnd daughter said: Sheppard Also to Speak. The fact that Governor Colquitt, "I'm a Wilson man. too. T want to candidate for governor, and Congress give a dollar, for I Just know that he Morris Sheppard. candidate for will be the next President." United States senator, are in Fort It Is conceded tn all political cirWorth at tho same time and biUciio cles that not since the Civil war has make jiolltlcal addresses from differ- the Democratic party had a better ent platforms at the same hour, has chance to carry the election. Just In the manner that tho Terans set the town In a state of political excitement, ojid the followers of each fought for Wilson In the Baltimore conarc expected to vie with tho other In vention, the state should contribute to having the greatest crowd for their fa- the fund to elect him. The contributions to this fund will . Nothing in the way of reception committees, bands and other methods be "one dollar" or less. This Is to be c. of getting out the crowd have been great popular subscription, and If tho one person were,not left undone by either side, and no amount given by who otherwise would restricted, some doubt a cheering contest will take gladly contribute one dollar would lies-, is the two addresses will be ltate for fear that- one dollar might from platforms hardly moro look'small alongside of larger contributhan a block apart.



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ranch also were sold.

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