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FRIDAY. t. 191*



F. C. Agar of T. 0. U, Appears Skilled Car Repairer Tells First Time to Fort Worth Some Things About Plant Audience. Juice.
BY KITTY BARRY. all the boys In ine Those who heard "I am telling about Tiara Juice, Fe yards ynnk C. ABOT'8 SantaMr. J.- A. Hampton, car repairer said opening recital for the Santa Fe. and whose home Is Thurs'lay night at at 2008 Bury street. Mr. Hampton Is the Christian Uni- one of the best known and most popuversity aro clad lar employes of the shops. that he thinks ot "Tes. I am telling them about Plant repeating "t flown Juice and what it has done for me. town. The musi- he said. "A lot of my friends arc now cal people of the taking It and others who are not feelcity who do not ing just right will. I just bought three caro to brave the bottles last night It sura has done Inconvenience of me a world of good. I suffered with the T. C. I J. car kidney and stomach trouble and Plant service may yet Juice Is the only thing that lias ever have the oppor- brought me permanent relief." tunity to enjoy Nearly every man or woman who this excellent pro- takes "Plant Juice" finds In It Immegram. Mr. Acar is the new voice di- diate relief and a quick nnd permarector at T. C. IT- Ills concert Is the nent cure. To begin with, your apopening ot the college music season. petite will improve, food will digest In the initial recital, everyone was better, lose that feclins of depression, Interested first In determining the or languor and ot undue timidity: you character of Mr. Agar's voice. \l*. has will be brighter, feel more confident and more fit day's a steady, darlt baritone, dramatic In In yourselfyou suffer withfor your liver, If kidney, style, and quite powerful In the 'ower work. or stomach ailments, "Plant nerve register. It Is particularly adapted to Juice" will do you more good than the tinging of the heavier and more anything you have ever taken. It will erlous Jnuslc. Mr.- Agar's technique Is put new Bfe. energy and ginger into featured by a dear, definite enuncia- you. Rcnfro's drug store, corner Houstion, though his careful speaking of ton and Ninth, sells "Plant Juice." the words do not Interfere with tone Advertisement. production. It is a voice that everyone will llko to hear because It has no striking defects that- detract from the effect ot his excellent interpretation*. Avenue school faculty, made a short Mr. Agar also has big physical force talk. A dainty luncheon of ices were back of his volco. noticeable especially served. In the robust cadenzas of the nrla from The High School club will meet next "Sampson/* and In the difficult sus- .Monday afternoon and will meet every taining of the llnndel and Beethoven two weeks thereafter. The Denver numbers. And after the exacting pro- Avenue club will meet Wednesday. Oct. gram of last night, with Us seven or 16 nnd then each alternate week thereeight big numbers, no one will doubt after. Ids powers of endurance. The singer took little rest between groups, and North Sid* Notes. snng as freshly at the last US ho did Mrs. E. O. Miller, who has been visIn the beginning. It was the big numbers that brought iting with her daughter. Mrs.- Roy avenue, the applause on the Agar program. White. 1J10 Lincoln visit with has gone Hugo. Okla.. tn These were not merely read with suc- to Harvey, another daughter. Mrs. M. cess as to the technical details but J. Mrs. Beulah Campbell of Tultle. were given form and character with Okla, who has been visiting with her the ease that belongs to perfect fa- sister. Mrs. M. Merrlman, 1411 North miliarity, and to an understanding of Houston street, has gone to Granbury the essential spirit of the compositions. to visit with another sister before reMr. Agar Is a familiar figure to concert turning to her home at Tuttle. fcoers In the East and his program Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thomas have routine Is flawless. City. Mr. "In This Sepulchral Darkness." the moved to Oklahomathe employ Thomas of the Beethoven number In Uie first group, was formerly In Traction Company. w>s beautifully read. sHowing the best Northern Texas The Emergency hold a features of tho singer's voice and style. meeting tonight at Club will Hall. The Googlns The exquisite effect of the "Sapphic Day Nursery and other charitable work Ode," a little Ilrahms song set In con- will he discussed. trast between the opening number, "Caesar's Lament," and the Beethoven selection, demonstrated Mr. Agar's ability as a maker of artistic programs. The program Included a group of Italian songs and a closing group of modern numbers. Much of the success of the recital was due to the good work Seventeenth District Court. of F. Arthur Johnson at the i-lnno. HON. JAMES W. SWAYNE. JUDGE. The program arrangement was as fol- Arlena Christian vs. 1-evl Christian, divorce, decree granted. Cacsnr's I-ament (Scipuo) Ilaendel Fipphlc Ode llrahms Forty-Eighth District Court. In This Sepulchral Darkness.... HON. R. H. BUCK. JUDGE. 'Beethoven Motion for new trial overruled In Songs My Mother Taught Me . . , . Max Simon case, convicted of burglary. Dvorak Motion for new trial In Scotland AnMia sposo sara la mla bandera..Roto)l derson case overruled, convicted of Caro Mlo Ben , Glordanl highway rubbery with firearms. Infelice (Ernanl) Verdi Motion for new trial In George JenHonor and Arms (Sampson)..Ilncndel kins case overruled, convicted of burgTill I Wake Kinder, When I Case , Mnnney |A Banjo Song Homer Sixty-Soventh District Court. Meet Me by Moonlight Alone ...Wade HON. TOM SIMMONS, King Charles White Gertrude Iloag vs. Harry JUDGE. Hoag, motion to have defendant comply with

Immense Showing of the Season's Latest Styles in

Just Six Hundred Pairs on Sale

We Want you to look at these. This house docs not sanction misrepresentation. Wc fit all RIOTCS in this sale. They are'dollar and dollar and a half gloves in everything but the price. They have a slight imperfection, not noticeable. There is any color that yon care for. Many women, recognizing their great values, will be permitted to buy several pairs, as there arc no restrictions on this sale like the sale we held a year agothe sale, if you remember, which created one of the greatest glove buying crowds ever brought out in Fort Worth. Extra help will be on hand to take care of you. Sale, the paii 79

Woman's Outfitting AND Millinery Deparlm'ls

Our Women's Outfitting and Millinery Departments have been doing a phenomenal business for the past few weeks. Still the stocks are growing larger as the weeks RO by. Mr. Gecv Monnig is still in the East and We are receiving every day express shipments of New .Model Suits, One-Piece Dresses, Johnny Coats and Pattern Hats. The latest authentic styles arc here, and at very reasonable prices. Call and make comparisons; ict. us convince you of the superiority of the garments sold at Monnig's.

Trade Winning Values in Toilet Articles

It pays the user of toilet articles to watch Stripling's special sales of toilet articlesthey make the pin money go farther. You find those niorc*than useful articles like Witch Hazel Creams, Lotions for the face, .Tooth Powders, Complexion Creams and Powders at a saving of from 5c to 10c, according to the size of the package. We buy them only in small quantities, so to to keep thenl perfectly fresh, so you are assured that when you get them here they have not been in the shelves several years like siorcs which sell them at their regular prices.

Two Specials for Saturday

Choice New Model Suit is made of fine grade all *ooI storm serge; it comes itv navy blue only. The coat is lined with two-season satin, has a collar of velvet, in contrasting shades, semifitted back; complete line of sizes; man tailored; fits the figufe perfectly; Priced at $19.50 The coat shown in cut is a New Model Johnny Coat in browns and grays, made from heavy double-faced coating; edges and pockets are bound in silk braid to match; collar and cuffs are in large plaid of same material as coat; priced at., 13.00 Our Millinery Department is still increasing in popularity. The past month's business has been the largest ever experienced in our Millinery Shop. We at;c showing a larger stock and a greater variety of styles than we have ever before attempted. Small Hats, Medium Hats and Large Hats, Untrimmcd Hats, Semitrinimetl Hats and Trimmed Hats. They arc priced from 95c to $23.00. When you buy one you can be assured that it is absolutely correct in style and price.

More New Millinery

MORE CLEVER PARIS IDEA-MART MODELS PROM NEW YORK What a handy thing the express is when it comes lo keeping in touch with the world's styles. A Paris style which arrives in New York today can be shown here in the Stripling Store by next Tuesday; hence it is little wonder that the crowds of women who have thronged the great Stripling Millinery Rooms the past week have lovcd'to linger and wonder where so much variety of style is shown, who created it, where did it come from. Paris and New York with their thousands of designers, original and copiers, and our own magnificent creations which women admit often excel the imported designs are here for you to choose your hat from. A hat shop extraordinary in its excellence of service if you want something becomingly attractive.

Exceptional Values In the Millinery Shop

86.50 to $7.50 Skirts A Most Magnificent Assortment at

A glance at them tells you immediately what they are worth without eulogies on our part. Look at them, feel of the goods, which consist of serges, cheviots, clever mannish cloths; mostly dark colorsthat's a description of the cloths and colors; but the greater charm lies in the handsome fitting of each skirt. These skirts will require hardly any alteration, even with the unusually hard to fit figure.


Women's Shoes
The cobbler can supply you with new soles or heels or paste on a patch, but he can't make shoes fit that don't fitand he can't make good shoes out of poor ones, nor stylish shoes out of a pair that has lost its shape. The Monnig Duchess and A. Priesmeycr Shoes are priced right, styled right anil hold their shape. Priced from $2.30 f 0 . . . $ 5 . 0


New SuitsFinished Models of Finished Elegance

Men's Derby and Soft Hats for Fall

If you want to wear the latest and best headwear for fall 1912, visit the Monnig Hat Department." One visit will give you all the data yon need on the subject; it will be correct data, too., Two continents have contributed 'to make this one of the largest' reta'il hat exhibitions in Texas. When you purchase a hat here you can be assured you are wearing an authentic model. New Stetson Derbies, each $4.00 New Stetson Soft Hats, new and staple shapes, $4.00 to.$10.00 New English Waterproof Wool Hats, $2.30 to $3.00 The Trinity, a clear beaver, soft shape; each . .$3.00 German Velours, latest shades; each $5.00 Austrian Velours, each $6.00. IXL Derbies, each $3.00 Exceptional values in other distinctive) styles of Crush and. Scratch Domestic Made Hats at. each, $2.50 and $3.00 MEN'S FALL UNDERWEAR AND SHIRTS Men's Fleece Lined Heavy Undershirts and Drawers at ..MA and * -*&<> Men's Medium Weight Derby Ribbed Undershirts and Drawers
at 50c and '. 5*K:

$10.00 to $25.00
Every garment in the great Stripling Suit Department might be properly called hand made, for it is the inside tailoring, which is all hand made, that gives them the individuality and perfection of fit so universally admired in Stripling garments this season. More charming effects have never been shown. It is the ininor details which, though seemingly small and insignificant and often overlooked in ready-to-wear garments, carried out in all carefulness of the master tailor's craft, that lends an added charm to the perfect fit of the garment. Even in the suits at $10.00 and upward. Wc arc showing models of finished elegance up to -. $25.00 WOMEN WHO DRESS THE BEST DONT WAIT UNTIL THE WEATHER CHANGES TO MAKE GARMENTS A NECESSITY. IT IS TOO LATE THEN TO PICK THE CLEVEREST OF MODELS LIKE THESE WE ARE SHOWING NOW. Avoid the rushes of the first cold spell, when workrooms are over" crowded with alterations. Come while the enthusiasm of the new goods makes the salespeople'as anxious to show the best as you arc to sec them. The prettiest of the dresses for evening, afternoon and party wear naturally are the first to gothe pretty coats, the handsomest and most clever of everything. Slender or stout women have an advantage in this early selection that makes them the envied, good looking, well dressed women when you meet them, because of this earlier selection.

Nile* City 'White Way' to Be Opened Tonight; New Lines

The Great White Way" In Niles City will be lighted tonight. Fort Worth Power & Light Co. gangs have completed the connection. It hoped to make Nlles City the best lighted town in Texas for Its slie. The Diamond Hill road will be a. glare of light and the Nlles City hall will ap pear In the center of the "White Way.' According to Mayor Carson, tlv electric company has placed most of the poles In Nlles City, but on account of a scarcity In poles the lighting of Diamond Hill will not be possible fcr several days yet. More than forly houses have been wired and these buildings.will receive the current tonight.

8uits Filed in District Courts. Beulah Patterson vs. C. K. Patterson, divorce. Suits Filed in County Civil Court. First National Bank vs. James D, Farmer, debt. M. G. Farror and Miss Ella Holly, Fort Worth. E. W. Skinner, Cleburne, and Mrs. Willie M. Followell. Fort Worth. James P. Burtls. Frankston, and Miss Vcrna Howorth. Chicago. A. L McGlover, Comanche, and Miss Ruth McCoy. Ranger. M. G. Grrsnam and Miss Minnie Clary, Llpan.
Marriage Licenses.

'Thank Heaven, Thai Itching Is Goner

Saturday's Specials in Women's Ready-to-Wear

.A FEATURE SALE OF IMPORTANCE100 PETTICOATS IN RICH SILKS $1.69 Petticoats worth $2.08, rich in their brilliantly beautiful colors of cerise, pinks, blues, browns, tans, maize, wines and other colors, including the ever-favorite blacks. Your choice of one or several at only $1.63. There are only 100 in the lot, so come quickly. ONE TABLE OF FLANNELETTE KIMONOS Your long kimono for winter is here, made of handsome figured flannelettes, soft and warm fcr cool weather, stacked on a tabic in great variety right in front of the elevator door as you get out on the second floor. Choice for 51.50 . ONE TABLE OF CHILDREN'S CARACUL COATS $3.98 For ages 8 to 14 years, handsomely made style?, full lengths, good black linings, If you have been waiting for a bargain, this is one. While this special lot lasts at 93.98 t SPECIAL PURCHASE OF SAMPLE COATS FOR CHILDRENHARDLY TWO STYLES ALIKE Without question or doubt, the maker of this lot of coats gets more praise than any maker wc have heard of who makes children's coats. Perhaps it is because he makes children's coats exclusively, anil as a consequence his styles arc copied by nearly all other manufacturers. This assortment of coat styles is the handsomest that has ever been brought to Fort Worth. It is receiving the most enthusiastic praise that we have ever heard. Wc are not quoting prices, tor there are as many prices as there are styles in the hundreds of styles shown. If you come you will not be disappointed in the price.

Fill Bridge Approach. "One Touch, of ZEMO-and the Reliei Mayor Carson of sites City lias a I SnUime, Try It, Folks!" siring ot sixteen teams and dump wagons hauling; dirt to fill the ap- "O my, O my, what a blessed relief. proach to the Twenty-third street Here Fro boen suffering the most bridge. ftwfal tbrtflro for months, sad tried It will require 3,000 yards of dirt and things galore. ZEMO Is magic. The gravel to build up the road leading to the bridge and Mayor Carson Is of the opinion that the work will not be completed for more than a week. The building of the oproach to the bridge Is in keeping with a plan of Mayor Carson lo make eevry street In his town conform to a certain grade. Parents and Teachers Organize. The North Side High School Parnts-Tearhers , Club and the Denver ZlVSL P l , r r n " -Teachers Club organized Thursday afternoon. Meetings of both organisations were held In their respective school buildings
G a Conn

Men's Wool Undershirts and Drawers in medium and heavy' weights at $1.00, $1.50 and .-...$2.00 A complete assortment of Wright's Health Underwear in medi-' urn and heavy weights at $1.00. $1.25 and... $2.00 Cooper's Fine Cotton Underwear in pure white, gray and ecru; medium weight; just right for present season; garment...$1.00 Medium Weight Combination Suits, derby ribbed, just the proper: weight for the fall season: each. $1.00 t o . . . . $2.00 Excellent assortment of Men's Fine AH Wool Flannel Shirts In solid colors and fancies, priced from $1.00 to $2.50 Men's Outing Flannel Night Shirts in a complete line of extra and regular sizes; each, 50c, 73c, $1.00 and .......$1.25 Men's Pajamas made of fine "grade outing and shirting flannels, extra and regular sizes; each, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Don't neglect to see the New Army and Navy Ties. They ate the latest in neckwear; made from fine quality grosgrain silk}, each . 50<J

Men's Shoes
Wherever you go and however you go, you'll have a better time if your feet are suitably dressed in a pair of stylish W. L. DOUGLAS, MONNIG SPECIAL, MONNIG'S BROADWAY OR RACINE SHOES. No "imitation" leather, no ''skimping" of stock, no slighting ii details; eveiy inch of material, every stitch, every model a perfect expression of integrity, and shoe knowledge. Monnig's Shoes, cost no more than any ordinary shoesV yet they are extraordinary in every way. Priced $3.b0, $4.00 and... $5.00

(, c d -< d M , r V'"f,T,v. Kl J!* M was retary'"' >"" Prof M X, ' and

!22i. S


i,< w ~ . ; M orc. treasurer, ef the High School organization A commit tee on beautifying the school grounds first time I applied Itchlnj is composed of Prof. R. F. Ellis, Jlrt. flopped. Now I can sleep nights, ana <_.. I- committee has T. B. Hopkins. '- 0 worth, living." This George and .Mrs. endy planned! . Z F S ! '* * new wondera liquid, to set the grounds In BerVnuda grass" . ermuda ,....., 5 "".""""I to stop Itching. polos sores. North Main street. Pror u 2 L ~ away go eczema, eczemahurry. and Is unIt stops dandruff In a It was appointed chairman of the litav- equaled for prickly heat. Irritated and Inflamed skin,' ground commute. He will arVange Vor bites, stings andskin blotches, sores, pimples. Tou can't extensive playground apparatus nnd anything like It simply because w there's nothing like ZEMO known or nre.ld.rTt . , \ , K Denver aAvenue ,'**CtCd sold today. ''yk'-nd president of the C6 Gl " orranM, A,| rd ZEMO will be a surprise to you Just as it has been a surprise to thousands *,.c:?r"',>nt. and Mrs. n n o who hate already tried It.

"-- ""> See-

9t\SS OUR ^pRS

Mathlns. secretary ,nd treasurer, A"

_im\ i wmaBamsm

.-"f :E ;i, A- i. 1Vo,,ers * district chairman of the Parents-Teachers Clubs, addressed the meeting. Mrs. Walters has nine counties under her direction. Mies Bessie, a tnwnbsr r the Dearer

Don"t ralss It for 2S cents. When you have proven with a ZS-cent bo. lie how remarkable ZEMO Is to yotjr own satisfaction, then you can buy a fl bottle, which contains all times as much as the SS-cent bottle. ZEMO Is sold at drug stores. In IScent and $1 bottles, or sent direct, on receipt of price, by E. W. Rose Medicine Co., St. Louis, MO. ZI2MO is sold in Fort Worth and guaranteed by all drugslets.

.Aik |W74iur;mss>iM>ifcMu- m u i ^

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