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IS. 1913.




LadiesI Skirts $ 5 . 9 0
These are made of fancy suiting;; many novelties in tans, down g r a y s a n d m i x t u r e s : m a d e p l a i n in b a c k , w i t h i n v e r t e d p l a i t


f r o n t ; h a n d s o m e l y t r i m m e d in s m o k e d pearl b u t t o n s : price, $ 3 . 9 0 . Still another style in tans and prays, with plain box back,

h i g h waist line and t r i m m e d o n s i d e s w i t h s m o k e d price, $7.50. '



Women 'Capture' Audience at Wednesday Night Horse Show

Rain Lessens Crowd but Enthusiasm Over Events Is High Miss Long Tak es Four Blues.
vuinun's night W -h. $1 Ihe Horse Show, l>ecatise the a u d i ence. i t h "s cheering machinery, jnad it so. Men skilled ill the h a n dltng of horses, from the first lesson in breaking l o the lust graceful ring j.ralicmg. ap|>eared in some or III*; sironc.-st e v e n t s , the w o n v n won the hearts of the audience. in the Harness lior.-e (drawing s i g s i I c l a s s ; "Yellooli." owned by Mrs. .Milt I 3 . Mooney of San Antonio and driven | iiy .Mr. .Mooney, took second, and - l i o n r bou K. " owned by V. 1'. Keel of l i - l l l e * ." vilie and .Irlven uy Virgil Keel, thirdArmour's "Six" Wins First.

English Granite Skirts S8.50

T h e s e are made of back and plaited down English front; rrranite. i n t h e s h a d e s o f price. 5S.50. tan and hairline s t r i p e s : t r i m m e d with tan b u t t o n s and self-belt; V shape

Empress Cloth Skirts $12.50

Made of empress cloth, in tan and navy shades, plain with front and back, with to match: plaits on 12.50. side; trimmed elaborately buttons price,

Imported Eponge Skirts $17.50

These come only styles; price, $17.50."
We both in are s h o w i n g

(lack; made and draped Bulgarian

Shirt Waists $1.00

and s t y l e s : made of batiste, l a w n s , and Heavy delivery horses, driven in Tours elaborately trimmed with lace and insertion, medallions, with and drawing heavy delivery wagons, hand embroidered effect: with short, three-quarter and long Chickan Show Success. In mixed events. wltrD woman c o m - rumbled about Hie arena several limes, well known society people i lie Capps. pink draped charmeuse will "The poultry show this year Is a j.*ted on a level with man. the riotous and when the results were announced, s l e e v e s : square y o k e s : l o w and high necks, with stock collars. vacation Wednesday night from . .-ryslal trimmings: Miss Mamie ltlount s-pplauders gave woman the benefit of four of Armour's "Six" had i great success, and I foresee a still more e Horse Show, and used the evening j blue brocaded charmeuse with silver Y o u s h o u l d s e e these w h i l e there is a v e r y l a r g e line from w h i c h their encouragement and m m u i nced- taken the blue ribbon. S w i f t s four the ' extensive exhibition next year," said ' rest from the Insistent round of; lace trimmings; Miss Nancy Kinney, Express Comto s e l e c t : $1.00. .-,1 no unequal sympathy at that, a c - red and Wells-Karso lirtlra for the week. The boxes were, pink accordion plaited crepe with Shel- J. <;. Mrneynoids or Dallas, editor o l ' pany's four the yellow. c r u i n g to the laurels they captured.' antly rilled. ..nd t h - r,>y:.i p.iity. I too tat*: Frank Anderson. C. H. Capps. the Southern l'oullryman. when he v i s It WOUld be privation to eliminate ited the Fat Stock Show Wednesday. The v omen showrlng Wednesday Ith the exception of her majesiy, t n j l p . j | . iiirmingham. nlcht were M h s Lnula l-ong of K a n - the military Jumping event from the He considers the poultry show a cred- ; remained ul Intact. R o x GA. I . Camp: Mrs. A. L. f a s City. Mrs. Milt S. Moony of San Horse Show, since the -regulars" have liable demonstration of the success at- ' M a d e of a p r e t t y q u a l i t y o f v o i l e , t a i l o r e d , t u c k e d front, i m r e wrr. many interesiin* <*it- j Camp, orchid charmeuse. silver lace When Antonio. Mrs. J. M. Axloll of t o r t s e n thrm already this week. L.f-town visitors In the box h o w - j sleeves, with draperies of same, Amer- talned by Texas poultrymen. sailor collar and turned hack c u f f s ; t r i m m e d w i t h crochet b u t "Worth, Miss Mary Grecnwall of Fort III.; army officers from Kurt Sam Hous- I'tvr. and among these wei Mr. Mcrteynolds was impressed espem a n y . i e a n (.eauty sash; Miss Virginia Krirnton cam* into the arena, the crowd Hayne Kllis of Kansas i " t o n s : p r i c e . ?I.9<" The to f o l k i m e i . white charmeuse. panlers of silver cially with the pigeon exhibits. The e them an old-fashioned "glad I'.aiilitul costumes. H , .attended, comfortably attired In llai " , a n d gold lace cloth, paradise aigrette, pigeon show is a record breaker for t/itv -\li.-s Ko,-ni^ of Port Worth. ., ' h a m l as spectacular i,.,. d Ram Lessens Crowd. , T1 e Jumping the simplest Oil A. 1, Cnmp. Melvdl.- I,evy of Dallas. Texas, he said. Rain 1-s.v-r.e.l the s i z e of Wednesday ""' exciting. I.leut. Hrice 1 . Disu.ue'3 traveling dress. " Box Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Long: The boxes will be "main's . r.ovd. but the bright glow of ; ! " " u " 1 * rederlck the Croat," won first mure brilliant than o r r T h u r s d a y , Mrs. I,g. gobelin blue charmeuse. Sam Mathews an Enthusiast. M a d e o j a f i n e q u a l i t y of b a t i s t e , o p e n i n b a c k , fine t u c k s in rs ,, r l d u n the Coliseum * interior banished |il','"" ' ? ?.*^1"": '' ">' Capt. night because "l th.- brief respite jeweled net draping: Miss Marsaret An entry list of 101) in the baby m !'ut of the weather for those who <7;:" - : " "ollyday. took second, and snatched> i,, s ht. front, beautifully t r i m m e d w i t h c r o c h e t b u t t o n s ; w i t h imitation Whiten bin- charmeuse. crystal and heef c l a s s at the 1914 Fat Stock Showdid attend, aim the audience w a s never I U l l ! - " ridd.-n itv J.ieutenant HamIs predicted hv Sam S. Mathews. 14. I r i s h l a c e y o k e : p r i c e . .$1.95. Box 4 - D a l l o s N e w s : Miss Hovle l a , 0 ,rilmlng. j , m G r P e r f M r s r.-re int. rested nor the e v e n t s ever of .""">" took third. president of ihe Coleman Raby Beef liar Brown, black cj^aimei LI".?. S h r s w p o r l . La blue charmeuse. chif- Club. ' hither cluss. .. . -Starmore Takes P r i z . flower hat: Miss Mue Adams, %TA fon and gold lace; C I*. Stewart. |!|g ilist horses that draw the heavy . 'armore. ownnl and driven by tailored Swinging his khaki clad legs from a gown, cerise velvet touuc: Box ?Queen's box: Miss Mabel bale of hay in the st.n-k pens In the li.-llver.v wagons of Ihe packing houses I u ' ' - a n e . . r . - - a n A n t o n i o , w o n f i r s t William tletsenbaner. John Sneed. l l a s s : M a d e o f fine F r e n c h b a t i s t e a n d v o i l e , e l a b o r a t e l y t r i m m e d Long, blue charmeuse. silver and rlllne- rear of the Coliseum Wednesday. Sam a n . . H i e e x p r e s s c o m p a n i e s a n d l i g h t e r ! ' . " . ' , ; " ^ , '"*,.'*.'!': ".""" -",nKle Ik.x K. K. Ilaldri.lge; Miss Char slon trimmings; Miss Carrie Kell. discussed horses that draw lighter delivery wag Jiine Bogle." owned and driven by Don future baby beef exhibits w i t h Plauen lace insertion and d a i n t y V a l s . : round y o k e s , w i t h Wichita Falls, white lace and chiffon. and the cattle business in general wllh on.- commandiil the admiration of th. i Riley of St Joseph. Mo. Second, and lie Mattlson. ash lose crepe de chlr.e. Mitchell. lace collars, three-quarter and one-half length s l e e v e s ; trimmed with '>."? p l n k !'',>"'hl"1s: Miss I^irraine Williams great enthusiasm. B,M-rttortf in the flrsi event. "Jim," a I l"Miss N'utpK-k," owned and driven by Mrs. i r e p e de chine; Dr. J. D. Mitchell of Greenville, while chiffon, elaborate gray geldinc. entered by Armour & Co.. Long, third, crochet b u t t o n s ; price. $3.35. "The nine entries made this year In gold embroidery and amber over look firsl prize, while "Prince.-" on-? of pick," a Fort Worth horse, won rib- Gatlln Mitchell. Dr. c . s . Mattison. by myself and the other members of Box 10 1- l \ Itob<-rtsi.n: Mrs. Rob- yellow- charmeuse: Dave Humphreys, tfwifi .v: t'.i.'s gray geldings, and "Ce- I bons all over the country last year, and the Coleman Baby Beef Club have rii." anoIh-T S w i l t gray gelding, took | failed to g e l a place at the Horse s h o w ertson. Mrs. K. I- While. Mrs. Am- M. L. Mas>ingill. Dwight Morgan. started the s o n s of other Coleman bler: K, T. Ambler. K. I . White. nd third prizes in order. i T u . r ? y ' " < h | . bill she redeemed herBox 11Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Carter: county cattlemen to thinking." he deM a d e o f g o o d q u a l i t y o f F r e n c h b a t i s t e , full l e n g t h and Box 12W J. Wortham: Mrs. Wor- Mr. ar.d .Mrs. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. E clared. "There sure will be a bunch T eon,! event s,,,rted off briuhtly **'.'.." "Jnesday night The short sleeves, h i g h neck, crochet w a s h buttons, hand embroidof exhibitors next year and Ihe comMlss Long".s horses mok fir !t and i tluim. Mrs. C. M. Templeton. Mrs. Vic- R. Thomas. Duncan. Ok. r XMlh f.ishiona Hardeman. Miss Morton; C. M. harness horses i ' " Box 13llanford E. Finney: Mrs. petition Is going to be keen." ered front, d a i n t y l a c e and e m b r o i d e r y i n s e r t i o n ; price, $2.9S. f i n s nobby traps. ea<h with a footman- second prlz-s In the owne.1 jTrntplton. Otio H-rold. Dallas; Mrs. llanford FinSam's entry. "Seotty." won the seci lively cuntesiant was applauded' be- class, fur the l>csi ihree horses , by o n e Individual, shown in pa rs and ' * * > * 4^*?. I>. Rf imers: Mrs. S a u n - ney: n i t o Herold. Dallas. Percy Hill, ond prize in the baby beef janlor class. .JVre ihe judging began. single hitch. s oers. nacy s::tln. Irish tacf: Mrs. I". llanford F. Finney. The steer Is I year 1 month and 19 Miss Long W i n s Blue. Miss Long drove "Hevelalioi " and r!. Rushing, while Irish croBox I.".Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ClooKlns: days old, according to Sam and weighs "flea-i.-ine" and mate, owned and drove ehet. Miss Amy Maigarit Boytl. Mrs. Mis. .1. II. Congins. peacock blue char- 9'Jli pounds. Dve Smith driven by Miss l-oula Long of Kansas "Hesitation."" and 1'rank Boy.I. blip- and v Chile laffela. meuse. c h a n l i i l y lac- drapary: Mrs.. c:tv. took the Line ribbon: "Hovernor "Ajipreciatioll." the blue ribbon winn e i s : Val Crane of Chicago drove "Con|.|rmd white hat; Dr. I: ay Saunders. W. T. Humble, gray crep.- meteor, flb-i Englishman Adopts Texas. *>Vilson" and male, owned and driven soi.ition" and "Consternation." and . Dr. I'rank Boyd. Dr. F. 1 -:. Rushlne. One of the happiest of the exhibitor* lace; Miss Llizab-ih Humble, white l y Mrs. .Milt S. Mooney of San All- Mrs. Hayne Kllis, Miss"s s i s i e r . ' Box 1 S - J . T. Reynolds lace fro. k. Idi.e ribbons: W. T. Hum- at the Pai s t o c k Show Wednesday was P.nio. took the red, and "Irish Maid" drove "Imitation," the second prize : Williamson. Miss Williamson. Mrs. t:. ble. J. II. (;oogins. G. o . Creawell of Oplln. whose steer and "Attractive l.elle," owned by the winners; Milt S. Mooney drove "(lor- T. Reynolds; N\ Hardinc. Will ReyBradford, won the championship in the Box 19- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall SI. B. Si hofi.ld Company of Oklahoma ernor Wilson" and mate, and Mrs. nolds. ' T h e s e are m a d e of a g o o d quality of F r e n c h batiste and Suuonts: Mrs. Spoonts. white princess 2-year-nld Aberdeen-Angus class. City and driven by -Miss Mary l l r e e n Mooney drove another mate, w i n n e r s : Box 26M. Sansom: Mrs. Henry lace, crystal gnrnllure: Mrs. AI McAn Kngtishman by birth. Mr. Cresd a i n t i l y t r i m m e d w i t h fine V a l . lace a n d lace i n s e r t i o n ; three wnil of Fort Worth, won the yellow. or the third prize. .Johnson. Chlckasha. while lingerie: Fadden. Victoria elegant black jelled well left his native land when a youth Unusual interest w a s attracted to r o w s o f c l u s t e r e d t u c k s in f r o n t a n d b a c k : t u c k e d a n d t r i m m e d Saddle horses In the last even showed i Mrs. Alan Connell. blue china crepe; lace gown: Mrs. W. A. Adams, black thirty years ago. ' the third event because It w a s i h e blKs l e e v e s : w i t h o r w i t h o u t c o l l a r s : t h r e e - q u a r t e r a n d full l e n g t h "What caused you to come to T e x iter. They I'aul SpinninK. Chi.kaaha. blue chiffon, over white satin, silver and s c s t event in the five-gaited saddle three gaits, walk, trot and canfer. Th; , Mrs. were judged h asked a curious visitor with a conformation. satin, brocaded in silver; Henry John- jet s l e e v e s : s i z e s -IG a n d 1 8 : p r i c e , $ 2 . 2 5 . garniture; Messrs. Marshall as?" 3:orse class of the week. The spectators substance, style fondness for personalities. manners and son. Chlckasha; Alan Conn. i Spoonts. AI Mcl'adden of Victoria. ... draped over ihe railing about the ring "Oh." replied Mr. Creswell. tipping his of going, without artificial a p p i - : :: , -s K Mrs. F r e d ' Hox 21--Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stafford: . became playful when the judges s t a r t ianc "Inspiration." owned by Miss (linker. Abilene; l Maderls. j .Mrs. Stafford, lavender crepe de chine. big Texns sombrero on the back of his \;-d their final Inspection of the fine a n i head and puffing his English briar pipe \ -jnals on exhibition and shouted vocif- Long and ridden by J. T. Wood's, took i Abilene: Mrs. Mark Merchant. A b i - . white Isce and crystal trlmm 'Admiration." owned by M i s s l i e n e ; Mrs. George Morse. Waco: Mrs. i " . C W Newby. yellowembroidered with contentment. "I just wanted to see d ridden by John Hook, second.! j . v . Burke. 'charmeuse and lace; Mrs. Harry what sort of a country" this Texas wished to g e t first prize. was. don't you know. And I liked It so May Belle McCann." owned by j flox 30C. 1 Dickinson: Mrs. D i c k - ' Hurl, blue silk over dress of l a c e : First Prixe S125. well that Iha hadecided to stay. y V l r , < i I K , n s o n b : u 'thirrt "''l ' """"red taffeta, hat of ' Messrs. W. G. .Ve.wby and Harry Hurt. The money in this c l a s s was What?" . I burnt straw: Miss Mary Klizabetli j Box 23--Miss l-oula Long. .".Irs. ..First prize w a s J125. second JJ< A few years ago Mr. Creswell paid /third 133. I Dickinson, white crepe embroidered In | Hayne Ellis. Kansas City; Miss Maga visit to his relatives in England. He ,, I Visitors to the s t a b l e s where W. F i coral; Mrs. A. F.. Want, grav chiffon i gi** Belle Long. Selina. Kan. The s e v e n animals in this ever ii are | . \ A Sons' while Arabian horse: over charmeuse. diamonds and p e a r l s : . > o r m a n Box 25Mayor W. D. Davis: Mrs. returned to Texas firm In the convicTalucd at S20.00'i. r ~ . l . i a r * k p < a r ' ' marveling over the his Mrs. K D Capps. nave net with girdle James l.iston. Jr.. grey charmeuse. tion that his adopted country Is a most M a d e of fine F r e n c h l a w n : three r o w s of e m b r o i d e r y inser"Kymokan."' owned by Miss Loula | , o r y o f -Lillian, satisfactory place to live. 1 : C ac *"-|of American le-auty velvet: M i s s | gold lace. Mrs. J. P. > i , Long and driven bv John Hock, on t i o n in f r o n t , c l u s t e r e d t u c k s i n f r o n t antl b a c k ; t u c k e d s l e e v e s , ; f u I mare appeared Tuesday riiaht ladys Medlin. white satin, striped yellow crepe, pearl trimming: Mrs. F, ,first prize, after a long debate a Sells Entire Exhibit. " E . in the high school class. a n d t r i m m e d i n f i n e p e a r l b u t t o n s : s i z e s 4C a n d -18; p r i c e , $ 1 . 2 5 . chiffon, picture hat of maline and lace. I B. Robinson, orange satin, 'hantilly The record for sales at Ihe Fat Stock rJxAK, , - n l " i r r \ - , ' , , h , , - r 5 ' i "r ' ' J " ''"Hard, t h - Kentucky horseman Box 32W- II. King: Miss Mildred | lace drapery.; Messrs. l.iston. J. C. Show Wednesday was made by Dr. W. Gallant King, owned by \ . V. Keel of wh.i rode "Lillian"' In thai class tonlse. hand e m - | Holbroo!;. Dallas: P. U. I!..1 II. Clifton or Waco, who disposed of R , N Calnesville and ridden hy Virgil Keel. . I h . T^ {',,,'",,"', t h i n v l t h r e - ' Wright, taupe charmeuse Mi'ssKlizalnrtlii ' -'" - M r 1""' Mr,t- ! ! ' his entire exhibit of thirty-one Red excelled lh other. "Gallant King" took davs before she appear .1 In trie hizh I hroid-red. nell rose hat ' son: Mrs. Anderson, charmeuse T h e t i m e of y e a r h a s c o m e for p a c k i n g a w a y w i n t e r g a r Polled entile. The last one of the second prize. Sutton's Star." owm-d school c l a s s and al the end of that K i n K . " n i " " n<-< o y c r P 0 , f yH" meai hiffon and lace: Mi -' -in ( l u r i n g was sold a few minutes before f ' . l y J. A. Potts & S o n s or Pan Antonio brief period "Lillian" was sufficient iv ! aline; Miss Prenllee Wright, white pink charmeuse. lac m e n t s , w o o l b l a n k e t s , furs. etc. T h e best moth exterminator garniture o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Clifand ridden hv Joe Potts, took Ihlrd grai-eful and clever to win the red rib- ! repe. Dresden borders: Ballard l l i l l chlfron: Messrs. Rernle Anderson an.] ton will remain here until the close of i is Tarine Moth Paper. T h i s u p - t o - d a t e , m o s t efficient m o t h sufirlze. Ipnn in Tuesday n l c h r s pretty event. yer. tjuinn Curhy. W. K. Logsdon. the show. focatcr. fragrant product of the pine tree, is m a d e i n t o large ; Caualiers Again Thrill. ' Horse show patrons are gratified j Box 31J. F. Hovenknmp: Mrs. IloBox 31Miss Virgle I.ylcs. Miss . The cavaliers' broadsword exercise. over the promptness with which eon- j venkamp. callot blue satin, beaded and m o t h s h e e t s for w r a p p i n g g a r m e n t s , l i n i n g t r u n k s , e t c . Unlike Marie Hildrcth: Messrs. Dixon P e a . Slonday night's thriller, was repeated I testing horses enter the arena. Sin -e (embroidered: Miss Maud., w h i l e , lace cock and L. L. Pollock. other moth exterminators. Tarine Moth Paper diffuses a pleasand those who returned to s e e the e n - " t h e horse show s:arted Monday nighr | over pale pink, pink rosebud garniBox 37I. It. Kerr. St. Joseph. .Mo.; ere not bored. Kveryhody w a s , ihere has never oeen a hitch* I i n g , fragrant odor'and will not injure the finest t e x t i l e , b u t rather Clarence Sloan, klim'5 Lanaux Marston. F. E. Ilovey. St. Joen his and everybody else's t o e s watch- program and usually the events run satin, pink rose picture hat; MIS" Eliz- seph. -Mo.; E. F. Watson, C. I - Overly s t r e n g t h e n s a n d p r e s e r v e s . T a r i n e M o t h S h e e t s a r c -10x48 i n c h e s ; ,lag the mounted daredevils cut the tops ; ten or fifteen minutes ahead of the abeth Ilovenkamp. white crepe de and R. II. Haniman. E a c h , o c : s i x for 2 5 c . ifrom one annthers' visors. A cavalier program. It lends a s n a p to the show chine, black velvet peasant bodice and Box 3?Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Wag(CONTINPED FROM PAGE ONE.) j,who had already lost his. tassel charged I that will not allow interest to lag. sash; Charles Lefrler. Vny Jluckcr of gon-r: Mrs. Waggoner. Irish point lactj'n ihe two survivors and clipped t h e ; To A. I!. sSchell. assistant t o w . II. Cleburne. N e w n i c k e l s g i v e n in c h a n g e w h e r e a n i c k e l is r e q u i r e d . am! white sills: Mrs. Gruver Cuwden, top piece from the v i s o r or one of them. Furse. ring superintendent, for the Box 3SO. H. Clifford: Miss Nona flowered chiffon over blue silk: : l l s s z-ut in the excitement the spectators i last three years, is due credit for the Forhess. white charmeuse. rhinestones; Duck, wlille embroidered mar.| liselte: | The only point not cleared up is failed to notice the violation- The v a n - ! prompt handling of horses. Miss Ellen Price, dewdrop chiffon over Messrs. E. P. Waggoner and Grocer j TCno S | 1 ( ) , first. Dunn in a statement enlshed already had ridden from the I "^"" t satin; Miss Page Pleasants, coral s a t (at the Johnson Sanitarium declared arena. I in. while chiffon bodice; E. H. Kellar. Box 41 II. W. Couch: Ml: I I-.ulajAdams shot first. Ills farm hand. "Prince Zola," owned i Moore. P.osiick. Brown, white chiffon over yello ' r ! y , r ' l l a s s . s a y s the same thing. Adams s a y s Tog of Dat'as i nd d | Box 3SB. C. Rhome Jr.: Mrs. mouse with lar* trimmings; M l F s l , | l o muzzle of his slicrtgiin was pointed Tuck-r of Port Worth, t j Rhome. helioirojK- charmeuse. lace gar- Vivienne Couch. American l : r . . u h hrhlml over his shoulder when he with hon.l-mad nlture; Mrs. w i l l Mulllns. pink chlf- Charmeuse upon the two men. Second, Houston and Main. ron hung over .iiarmeuse, corals: Mrs. trimmings: Mrs. B W . Couch: Messrs. f i r r i , -,],-, simultaneously with i Midline, gray charmeuse with gold plc- I.. \ \ . t o u c h . J o e O K e e f e . T. A. Powell, j ,econd shot by Dunn. jture hAl; 11. C. Rhome Jr., Dr. Frank lox 4 ! Mulllns. Dr. Will Mulllns. Webb. Mrs. U D. Major. Mrs heard the shots, hut there is a revealed to him the plans he had He was almost dead from loss of blood I Box 40II. I". Rhome: Mrs. D. R- Brown: Messrs. Sidney Webb. it. -I-1 o l r r e r e n c e of oolnton a s to what kind " a a " x o a " opinion . d i m , Thev and exposure. The ambulance of the IBrooks. Mrs. II. Wctcher. Miss Emily" Brown. Don Webb, Don Major. Howard | f s h o t was rired first. for runnlns off with Mrs. Adams, t n e j Fort Worth Undertaking Company waa [Wetrher. Miss Anne Rrooks; J. D. Ma lor. I point l ( o f Import .. Box 47Miss l l a l l i e Romlnger. Miss ILoftln, J. K. I.oftin. This point Is of utmost importance, or the far Vvest sa ^ ^ ^ Immediately called'and he w a s taken I Box 12J. M. Reynolds: Mrs. Hard- I^-ona Romlnger. Mrs. W. O. Romlno Dunn in CFO lif shmild recover an<l("* K^inR 10 tpn * > that nlgltt to the sanitarium of Dr. plnk ;1 ger: ' Mr. Corrldon - - 1 Ing. green chiffon, emeralds Manv.dK>. " . ^ ^> to](J 7;* """*' - - - . - Romlnger of Cisco, I .-\uams inc. If _A_8m* shoWlrsl. Dunn -his . / . . r. m. _forJua " ^ iM 1 > u n n . * n m i - u i s am.. ios>. ^uuit;....- a . . . J , o r Clay Johnson and Dr. J. II. McLeaji. i sweet peas: Mrs. Nixon, bluMr. Dean. | ,.,,, , r r , , , s , , | f . d e f e n s e and vice versa.! I-irly Tuesday "'".'"* , , . , Woman T.I Is of Warning. jturooulse jeweling: Mrs. George Ad-I Ad-1 Box 4Si;erl OConnell: Mrs. Bert l IS-1'.ert o c o n n e l l : .Mrs. H e n I M . ' \dam:s K a s at the home of a \ the boy he would have . o go to - rs' \ , , n m . . . jams. Bulgarian Inee over white; Kill- ' 0"Connell. silk voile over Nile green | n eichl)or. Mrs. Allen Dabhs. wife or; at Kennedale. - n d the boy said he neighbor, Kill-' OConnell. Mrs. Gllk-an told "Wilson about Mrs. along, too. as he wanted to son Harding. Ray Nixon. E .E. llewiey. j satin, pearl bodice; Mrs. Claude Spur- , h o section foreman of the Houston & would get some tobacco. Dunn lives about a Dunn coming t o her house Tuesday t of place in the Box 44--Armour & Co. - Leads slipping out of place in tnelI l l o s l l - A r m o u r & CO.: Miss Maude, lock, blue broadcloth, black picture |-rexas Central railroad at Kennedale. hair mile southwest or Y " , " ' ^ e'thls morning and having her telephone to ., , . . ,,h '_.._. running i Adams. El Paso, rose charmeuse h u n g : hat: -Mrs. J a m e s McDonald, princess h f n ,), automobile party consisting II l-iel.llng lives about a half mile this ?r m a l n main running thlrtj-six-lnch water main run.. , w j l h > lace; Miss Mallie M a e . l a c - over satin: Messrs. Bert O C o n - f A s s i s , ; , n , county Attorney Wilson. side of that town. Adams lives within Adams of the report that Dunn K M rI.|r<ess from ihe Holly plant ! the city ,.ul , , . . , . , . , , . _ pml; charm"use. brilliants: Mrs. nell. Claude Spurlock. Depute -'herirr Mit'ick and Andrews a s t o n e s throw of the Kennedale de- going to run a w a y with Mrs. Adams. the climax to a series of accidents o f ! ] i n r r v Weeks, blue charmeuse w i t h ! Box 53Dr. w . i:. Chilton: E. M i r s | p n , ] n reporter f o - The SU-ir-Telcgram The Dunns have lived in the Kermev e l w t . hat , , . h r . ... ihe week and temporarily- int. rfered. pearl garniture: ITank Anderson. J. | Mmi* Gre**nwnll. lilnck Mami--Or. -en wall black velvet H a t s said he and Dunn w-ere walk- dale country for a number of vears. I (h weet. ; , , '11 Ewell Harm- Week-. E.lson l i n n e v . with American lleauty rosr-*:. chiffon I with American Beauty roses, chirfon v;nc is a small woman, with coal Just, in They own a small farm. They have no Importeil Iac#* Jacket. Jblack hair and blue eyes, and fairly l n e toward Kennedale and with water service on the high parts - ^ ^ Manurrlurlng Co.: ! broadcloth, broadcloth. Importe.1 lace Jacket, 4 S _ T ' front of KieldlnK"s house they met a children. American Keauty corsape; Messrs. G. of the south ''de. n J . ' M r = llestJ white lace over black satin: ; Beauty corsage; Messrs. <;. 'attractive. In her statement she said man who asked when within abOM Adams and his wife came to the O. 1'enny. N e w York: Charles II. Fain, I teen feet from them. W . J ho '* Kennedale district several y e a r s ago. I'**rry II. I-'ranciscn, Dr. \V that"" They recognized Adams voice, They have been In poor financial cirMrs. I>abb* l l a s s said Adams hardly finished the cumstances ever since. Adams had Mi.3 l > c - l s n i j . and wa^ npgpinp that her h'?s- question when he shot Dunn, Dunn worked on farms on shares, hut more '!, \t fc .* ri*M As a result rT.mrvo. Best. I t - VU"'?'";; ingerle irvrr \A\ir :;:illn. K-..M( n^i^'it !" ,7T'<,%1 ?OflhAcould make m e n opened fire on Adams. lately w a s employed on a stock farm. nd IhA filter, B i a"J- ^ Iwas ha.1 to river . ater end the filter; > >"-?"'' >Park^. "".jj Mrs. M ^ ^ ' h a . r ornament of rhin-stone. c . r s a r e | , ^ , n f o r ,%r ne'e mistake. They lived In a two-room frame house. While the nrtng went on the r nk ti0 Al You'll notice first thing the Says Man Persuaded H Kennedale people s a y the two fami1 ran to the side of the road. Ada llrown. blue silk. Japanese embrold-1 Ounn came lo her house a s velvety s m o o t h n e s s of C a s c a d e lies became acquainted first at dances, u ery. corsage of violets. Miss Florence 0 r |,er lu-shnnd. sh- said in hej .-.icr.-d'rcll to the ground, shot once In l Pure W h i s k y . The life and Dunn showed much attention to leelare Ills | leg and once In the loI'-ak ones, old . han.ieuse. shad- statement. l i e bega It al) Hodge Mrs. Adams at these affairs. rigor of the p a i n , preserved n K-curred Thursday gold bands and coral: M Beauty larrectlon ror her. and rinally persuaded ' Ihe abdomen. There were thirteen perav American hie with i h e , mai pompadour silk. lace ami silver: a. -^ in the distilllnc. purified to roses: Jliss I'eak. lace gown draped ) l r I - t o r off wltli hiin. and they fixed" foratlons of his Intestines. .morning. u n d e r - : Sparks. C. T. Hodge. Fielding ran out on his porch at the over pink satin, corsage or sweet peas rYiday night a s Ihe date. A train stop Perfection and mellowed by While ihe big compress-mailer ones are r e - Box 52Mrs. Treat. San Anionic and roses; Messrs. " . T. Johns It. M. a t Kennedale early In the night, an. sound of the shooting, and then ran to W time to supreme richnet ] re^-i" Adams" aid. Adams was taken to l-ort doing the work s a t i s f a c t o - i rajah rllk tailored g o w n ; M MontKomcry. R. I', l-'ellman, II. W. . i t w a s their Intention to take tha I ported t We guarantee the purityWorth by Dr. J. A. Hammack of K e n - New Mexican Won in Wires Baby Sick will son. blue tailored costume; I'eak. Jr. . train, she said. ffl n ,, l b e nedale. and was operated on at the you will discover the rest. and Father W a n t . Re- husb.-ind came home unexpected.bably lie comp : Mrs. Hollyday. pink rosebud | a -.v;.-;.:.s ;.;., --;----:-?*?<:*>*+ Iv Tuesday night, she told Attorney Medical College Hospital. "Please find Harry Kane. HID babyIr.-.idi at the filter plant and I h - crepe de chine, coral plumed hat: I,,, Adams Teills Story. Wilson, and told her that a man named Ms id gow label. is awfully tick. 1 must get v.ord to Adams talked to Dr. Hammack about Kstes had tol.l him that she was goln .iv.,1 er.ire noon Thursdav.' Colonel Treat. Lieutenant Dlsnue. . . . - j i i c i r with I>::nc. S h e confes-cil ' the shooting. He said he shotgun was him somehow." m im>}ir Af, x,mM amm n c i,n , i o , , CE0.A.DICKELXCO P and Adams told her he was going t o , pointed behind him w-hen he ran Into This was the telegram recejved DL;fi'mvs t- kill Dunn when the latter was feeding j Dunn a n d t h a t Dunn first j h o t s:urt. Class 9 Roadsters, trotWednesday by Police Chief Renfro ' his mules next mornning she said. As he w a s getting his gun In . . r ^ n ' l a m p e r m g ^ t h ^ f n ^ c ^ i ^ o x ^ - r r a n k Scofleld. 1 , S. C o m b s . ^ ters, pairs. MsshvUle *. Adams had no gun in ihe house, but position to fire the second shot struck from Mrs. Harry Kane. Ro.iwell. X. Jf. 8:15.Class e6Delivery. ialrs ' immediately lert. said Mrs. Adams, and him. At practically the same time he Mrs. Kane gives a description of her v. ,,._ . , , . - i<; i i o x ;flJ. 1). f a r m e r : Miss Vlr- ;, e:;0. Class 3(1Tandem. r'ishe did not hear further from him un- fired at Dunn. .The latter w a s turned husband and says he has been away ^tiling S: IS. Clcss G-1Jumicrs. : ' III after the shooting. almost around by the force of the from home for several weeks. IJox 1 - Mr. and Mrs. II. V. l l o u c h : , . , :00. Class 37Paddle horse, five v The gun which Adams used was bor- charge of No. 6 shot, and the other u , M.mohis iMm. IT. V. Hou^ll. taupe velvet, em-;.;. gaits. ' rowed from four shots he fired at Adams went wild. - m ^e,as March 1 S - V -broldered lace trimmings: Mrs. W. W. ' . . . Arouses t h . Liver and Purifies tho S:13. Class IfiOlg horse-. Dunn, although the iie.rt of his l>ody > MEM I'll I round Wednesday by Deputy Blood nd electrical storm i .Cirven. rose cut velvet, silver lace and . 9:30. Class r,s Delivery, s i x - i n above his heart was almost torn aw-ay. Sherltr .Muslck. The Old Standard general strengthen real lace trimmings: Miss Lena Ooerte.;4> didn't fall to the ground, but staggered vTsiied Memphis last night ing tonic. GROVE'S T A S T E L E S S chl'.l Boy Tells of Plans. 9:15. Class SARaier'r. brown cloth, chirfon trimmings: Miss. on bach tow-ard home for a distance of tic damage w a s done. a m u s e s ths liver t o action, Andrew H a s s was asked by Wilson 400 yards, and finally fell in an aban- T O N I C 10:00. Class ;'Eour-in-hr.nde. Anne Ooerle. blue cloth; Mrs. Darling-'-. drives Malaria out of the blood 8nd 1 relalc what Dunn had 0 lold him doned gravel pit. 10:15. Class IS-Runabouts. H e w a s not found .^.,Tr,..Z. 1-T7X- C T I B !"" South Carolina: H. V. Hough. W ' " builds u p the system. For adults and j t his relations with Mrs. Adams. Polo game. FOR K K S U L I b T l t Y S1AK. K i n n e y . Darlington, .s. 50c, . TJM boy rcluctanily told or How Dunn until c o u i a a l t e r ti- thoeUne. children. r n B ^t W S V AD*1 1 f _ E rL E aG u A M I P A N T A D i " J T Box 3 - F r a n k .Vndcr=on Miss J I a t - ! > i - i - ; - i i - ; - : - i

in the Boxes


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, Leads Slipping in Big Main Climax to Week of Bad Luck.



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