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Curso: Tcnico Comercial 05 Domnio: CLC- Lngua Inglesa Continuao

Competncias de uso de lngua Continuao . Compreender discursos fluidos e capacidade de seguir linhas de argumentao dentro dos

tpicos abordados nos domnios de referncia, integrando a sua experincia e mobilizando conhecimentos adquiridos em outros mdulos de formao. . Escrever textos simples e estruturados sobre assuntos conhecidos e de seu interesse. - Leitura e interpretao de textos longos de forma a reunir e cruzar informaes de fontes diversas.

Nome da Formando: Leonilde Meirinhos Madureira Carreiro Formadora:

Do you play an active role in protecting our planet? What do you do? Are you worried about your planet? Explain. Can you be considered a green person? Why? /why not? Are there any environmental problems in the area where you live? Would you like to become a volunteer? Why? /why not? By becoming a volunteer you can develop new skills. Do you agree with this statement? Explain. Write about 100 words on these topics. Environmental protection I am a person that cares enough about our planet. When I wash the dishes, first I collect all the dishes in the sink just after having filled the sink, to not spend a lot of water and trying to have as little as possible to make the race, so I'm saving. In my daily routine I try to save energy in the washing machine. I put the washing machine always full of the economic program, thus saving water and energy, I try to put it to work always on time of night, ie off-peak. I think when I'm cooking in the first place, I'll need to open the refrigerator only once, I try to avoid opening it many times, less energy it consumes.

As I am changing all the appliances in the kitchen I'm choosing all them of class A, to save more energy. To save energy I usually turn off electricity appliances that I am not using them, I dont leave them on standby, I turn off the phone when I click it, to save energy and always aware when this shot always fully charged the charger plug. The lamp that I use at home is economical because the more you save on energy consumption the best for my household. The illumination of a house is responsible for about 10% to 15% of total electricity consumption of housing. Choosing the right lighting for every room, taking into account the type of activities that take place in each space, it is very important for comfort and more rational energy consumption, resulting in lower electricity bills. Using the most technologically efficient bulbs saves money by consuming less energy, and energy conservation is to preserve the environment. I always turn off the lights every time I get out of each division, lights mustnt stay lit if the next few hours If I will not be in the kitchen. So my wallet is thankful. Here we are a bit limited, but I try to recycle garbage in my village because there is only one place to throw garbage recycled. There are some environmental problems in my area where I live, I do not agree with a lot of garbage on the mountain Other problem is that some farmers use pesticides and herbicides, sometimes people throw the bottles away this way they are contributing to pollution and environmental problems. As the farmers had burned the trash and then grind till it would be a fertilizer for the land and were not contributing to the ozone layer.

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