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1chapter 1..the term e consumer ___and___ behaviorf describes two diferent f kinds of consumers.

2.During the ____orientation in business, consumer demand was of ten higher than supply 3.the 4 Ps ofthe marketing mix are _____ 4.successf product postioning centers around two key points: communicating the ul benef to the consumers, and developing and communication a unique selling propositions its T/F 5. Existing customers are usually more expensive to service than new customers but it is worth because they are more loyal. T/F 6. Of the various inf ormation sources available to conusmers,_____ is/are by f the ar most trusted and perceived as the most credible 7. the three distinct but interlocking steps of the consumer decision making process are ______ 8. customer satisf action is a f unction ofcustomer expectations. T/F

Chapte2 1. Consumer research, ______ is inf ormation that has already been collected f or some other purpose, and is of ten helpf in desigining a new research project. ul 2. In consumer research, ______ is new research especially designed and

collected f purpose ofa current rearchprogram or 3. In a ____ , 8 to 10 participants are encouraged to discuss their reactions to product and service concepts or new advertising or marketing communications campaigns 4. Projective techniques are designed to ____________ 5. Test containing ambiguous stimuli, such as word-association tests and ink blots are exxamples of_______ 6. In a ______, every member ofthe population has a known and equal chance of being selected. 7. Judgement samples are used to select population members who, according to the researcher, are a good source f accurate inf or ormation T/F 8. A study is _____ if the same questions, asked of a similar sample, proe the same f indings.

9. A _______is a subset o the ______

Chapter3. 1. ___________ observes patterns in data without pre-conceived notions o what to expect 2. Marketers o ood have

many products such as soup, laundry detergent, beer, and dog heavy users accounts the total product usage. Targeting these

ound that a relatively small group o

disproportionately large percentage o

heavy users speci ically is an example o ________ 3. Age, gender and education are bases o segmentation? 4. Li estyles also known as _____, consis o activities, interests, and opinions 5. The VALS typology classi ies the American adult population into eight distinctive subgroups based on their motivations and level o motivations include ________ 6. Consumer innovators tend to be brand loyal 7. Every segment that can be identi ied is inherently viable and pro itable as a basis

which o


ollowing types o

resources. The three primary

or targeted marketing

8. Di erentiated marketing is a highly appropriate segmentation strategy competitive with other


inancially strong companies that are well established in a product category and irms that are also strong in the category T/F

9. Segmentation will typically result in markets that are more _______ 10. Segmentation better enables an organization to position a product to a target market who perceives their product as have Chapter 4 1. With regard to the motivational process, tension is a consequence o need which in turn, is likely to result in a _____ 2. Needs that we learn in responsible to our culture or environment are called (acquired) needs 3. Needs are never 4. ____are the ully satis ied (T)

ewer substitutes. T/F

an unmet

sought-a ter results o motivated behavior

5. Failure to achieve a goal results in eelings o ( rustration) 6. People sometimes resolve rustration by inventing plausible reasons

or bei g n

or a

unable to attain their goals or deciding that the goal is not really worth pursuing. The is known as (rationalization) 7. According to the trio-o -basic-needs theory, the trio o (power, a iliation, and achievenment) 8. Which o the ollowing research methods are least likely to be used in determining oned s inner motivations? (survey) 9. What theoretical system?

basic needs includes

rame work serves as the basis

10. The VALS acronym stan s Chapter 5.

or (values an

li estyles

i en i y _____ 2. One s sense o


that impels one to act T/F

T/F 5. Theoretically, one s motivations Chapter 6

unction similar to one s value system T/F

2. How receptive a person is to new experiences is known as _____ 3. The i ea that consumer have _____ re lects the observation that healthy or number o 4. Sigmun i erent or social roles. s psychoanalytic theory o

normal people are likely to

isplay a somewhat

i erent personality in each o


personality is built on the premise personality

that _____ are

at the heart o human motivations an

6. The orientation o trait theory is primarily _______

7. Other


consumers pre er a s that contain _______

8. ______re lects

how consumers

_____ re ers to how consumers woul


sel -su icientcy.


like to see

like others to see them

5. Accor ing to Karen Horney, _____ in ivi uals

esire in epen ence sel -reliance,


. whereas

1. There are three basic theories o personality : Freu ian ____ an

4. People with the same basic motivations an

rives will


inner motivations are probably best


as ones ________

i erent behaviors

trait theory

3. A collection o


behaviors that re lect both one s personality an

the own well-being is probably the most basic an

1. We come close to i enti ying an

un erstan ing one s motivations when we

or the VALS segmentation

over arching

Chapt r 7

1.Which ofth

f ollowing typ

ofs lfimag s ar

most p opl

curr ntly working toward?

3.As s nsory input _____, our ability to d t ct chang s in input or int nsity _______

4. th

minimal dif r nc f

that can b

d t ct d b tw

n two similar stimuli is call d th


5. f orm ofp rc ptual int rpr tation?

p rc ptual proc ss b st

xplains _______

Chapt r 8.

1. Inf ormation that violat s our ov rlook d altog th r T/F

xp ctations is mor

lik ly to b

ignor d or


3. Id ntif ying/r cognizing n w, incoming inf ormation is g n rally what happ ns during


_____ stag

ofp rc ptual proc ss

xist without making g n ralizations or classif ications T/F

9 chapter 1. Learning is pervasive in our lives, but there are two

i erent theories on how

people learn :

the _____ theories an

the _____ theories

ways 3. Pavlovian theory 4. ______ is our ten ency

to make the same responses to slightly

serve as ________ to help consumers

ul ill their nee s in pro uct-speci ic

i erent

2. In the market place, price, styling, packaging, a vertising, an


7. G stalt th ory is conc rn d with

xaming th

d tails of r ality as th y actually

6. A productd s brand nam


and cl ar positionf T/F can s rv

as an _____ cu

ofproduct quality

isplays all

5. Not all products that

stablish a distinctiv

comp titiv


f ctiv f

adv rtising must

stablish a brand/product as

f igur f T/F hav a

4. With r gard to

f igur

and ground

arrang m nt of p rc ptual stimuli,

2. P opl

pr f r ambiguity to having to put n w inf ormation into sp cif cat gori s ic

2. which ofth

f ollowing p rsonality f ram works t nds to b

most lacking in th ory?


Hotf goals or motivations originat

in th

____ ofth


stimuli. 5. Forgetting is o ten related to the passage o o _____

time, and is known as the process

6. The amount o in ormation available or delivery rom short-term storage to long-term storage depends on the amount o _____ it is given 7. ______are more e ective at generating recall and amiliarity with a product, whereas _____ generate cognitive activity that encourage consumers to evaluate the advntages and disadvantages o a product 8. For high involvement purchases, the _____ is likely to be the most e ective marketing strategy, whereas to be more e ective. Chapter 10. 1. Regarding Classical conditioning, the unconditioned response and the conditioned response are really the same behavior T/F 2. ______ is our tendency to make the same responsese to slightly di erent stimuli 3. In case o _______, behavior is unlearned due to a lack o rein orcement. 4. Cognitive theory 5. The purpose o

or love involvement purchasese, the ____ likely

rehearsal is to hold in ormation in shortterm storage long enough

or ____to take place

6. Instrumental learning theory would predict that people need to be aware o rewarding aspects o a product in order to :learn: to like it.

7. A ter gaining a prospective customerd s interest in a product, the protional model o cognitive learning seeks to gain their ________ Chapter 11. 1. According to the tri-component model, attitudes consis o

components : cognitive , ____, conative Chapter 12 1. The most central or core component o an attitude is the _____ component 2. An attitude toward the object can be measured more speci ically i is de ined T/F

3. The attributes o multi-attribute attitude models are roughly comparable to the _____ o a goal hierarchy




the situation

4. A strict interpretation o possible 5. Which o attitude

or one to ______ without irst orming and attitude the ollowing models speci ically considers the social in luence o

ormation attitude ormation or change would best

6. Most multi-attribute models o

_____ route to persuasion o the Elaboration Liklihood model 7. Attitude ormation that leads to purchase o

begin with a behavior and end up with the 8. It would be di icult

ormation o a

or someone to hold a negative attitude toward a product

o someone he or she know and repects like and recommends the product to do ________ Chapter 13 1. Socialization is the process by which we pass along _______ to a new generation 2. Collective groups o people who share the same core values but emphasize them di erently and give them slightly di erent behavioral expression can be described as ______ 3. Cultural values are di erent rom but operate similary to ________ 4. All o the ollowing are core values. Which one could be considered e unctional according to the principle o unctionalism 5. _____ consist o everyday or routine behavior 6. The learning o oned s own culture is known as ______ 7. The _____serves as the primary agent or institution

or enculturation

8. Like innate biological characteristics, culture is physiological in nature T/F

9. A _____ is a typ of symbolic activity consisting of a s ri s of stp s occurring in a f ix s qu nc an r p at ov r tim

Chapt r 14

1. ______ ncourag th ir chil r n to sp ak-up an pr f r nc s on purchas s

xpr ss th ir in ivi ual

2. During th _____stag ofth tra itional f amily lif cycl , marri to b most f inancially comf ortabl

coupl s t n

10. Pric an chann ls of istribution ar th mark t r s pro uct.

signif icant _____ of th

most attitude theory would stipulate that it is not

it the

a low involvement product could ect

mark t r an

4. Researchers o ten measure social class in terms o ________ Chatper 15


1. _____ is a macro process concerne its source to the consuming public. 2. _____ is a micro process that

with the sprea

a new pro uct

ocusese on the stages through which an

existing substitutes is its _______ 4. The _____ constitutes the

irst hal

the mass market o



purchase a somewahtestablishe

pro uct

3. The

egree to which potential customers perceice new pro uct as superior to

in ivi ual consumer passes when


eci ing to accept or reject a new pro uct

consumers who


3. One s stage in the


amily li e cycle is relatively easy to i enti y/measure T/F


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