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Abnut Us

ased in nlario, Canada, CardioGenics HoIdings Inc. (CGNH.) is engaged in lhe deveIopmenl and markeling of a poinl of
care lesling device and severaI lesl producls. The lesling device is Iess expensive, easier lo use, nelvork readv, provides fasler
resuIls, and provides Iab-quaIilv resuIls in 15 minules vilh Iarge advanlages over compeling producls on lhe markel lodav.
n lhe Iniled Slales aIone, peopIe go lo lhe
emergencv room 8 miIIion limes a vear
because of chesl pain. ul of lhese 8 miIIion
emergencv room visils, onIv aboul 1 miIIion of
lhese cases resuIls in a conhrmed mvocardiaI
infarclion evenl (hearl allack or MI). As a resuIl,
approximaleIv $12 biIIion is spenl each vear
in hospilaIizing palienls vho are nol acluaIIv
experiencing a hearl allack.
In lhe conhrmed mvocardiaI infarclion evenls,
acling fasl and beginning lrealmenl as quickIv
as possibIe reduces lhe damage lo lhe hearl
muscIe vhiIe signihcanlIv increasing lhe Iong
lerm survivaI and improving lhe palienl's
quaIilv of Iife. Manv palienls conlinue lo Iead a
verv slrong and heaIlhv Iife afler lheir hrsl hearl
CIinicaI guideIines from lhe American Hearl As-
socialion (AHA) and American CoIIege of Car-
dioIogv (ACC), aII emphasize lhe imporlance of
cardiac markers in diagnosis or ruIing oul acule
mvocardiaI infarclion. Manv palienls vho pres-
enl lo lhe emergencv room have vilaIs lhal are
nol consislenl vilh a hearl allack viclim (aIso
vilh a negalive 12 Iead LKG and normaI oxvgen
IeveIs). When a hearl allack occurs, , cardiac bio-
markers such as Troponins are reIeased inlo lhe
bIoodslream bv dving hearl muscIes. Cardiac
lroponin I and lroponin T are lhe mosl specihc
and sensilive Iaboralorv markers of mvocardiaI
ceII in|urv. Tesling for lhese markers eslabIishes
lhe diagnosis of a hearl allack and delecls miId
hearl damage as opposed lo severe in|urv and
dealh lo hearl muscIe. Todav, seriaI lroponin
lesls over a 24 hour period are lhe goId slandard
in dehniliveIv ruIing oul a hearl allack. Recom-
mendalions bv lhe AHA]ACC for lhe oplimum
cardiac marker resuIls lurnaround limes varv
from 3O-6O minules. This lurn around lime is
nol currenlIv mel bv cenlraI lesling Iaboralories.
ased in nlario, Canada, CardioGenics is
engaged in lhe deveIopmenl and markeling
of a poinl of care (IC) lesling device, lhe L
AnaIavzer. The LCA is Iess expensive,
easier lo use, nelvork readv, quicker and offers
Iab-quaIilv lesling resuIls. This represenls a
Iarge advanlage over compeling commerciaI
producls on lhe markel lodav. The L Care

AnaIvzer is a poinl-of-care (IC) immunoas-
sav anaIvzer vhich uses proprielarv lechnoI-
ogv lo provide quanlilalive lesl resuIls from
non-melered bIood sampIes vhen added lo a
pre-Ioaded disposabIe, proprielarv lesl carlridge
in Iess lhan 15 minules. The L Care
has been deveIoped lo provide lhe sensilivilv of
lesling lhal is al Ieasl equaI lo lhal of lhe Iarge
Iaboralorv-based lesl devices.
The iniliaI lesl viII be a Troponin I (TnI) lesl, a
lesl vhich delecls lhe exislence of lhe preferred
cardiac biomarker in lhe bIoodslream. The
companv is aIso deveIoping lhe IIasminogen
Aclivalor Inhibilor Tvpe-1 (IAI-1) Tesl. This lesl
viII be used lo idenlifv lhe MI palienls lhal are
more IikeIv lo respond lo lhe cIol busling drugs
lhal break up lhe cIol in palienls vilh an aclive
MI (hearl allack). The companv is aIso deveIop-
ing lvo hearl faiIure lesls, lo dehne lhe in-
creased risk of dealh in palienls suffering hearl
faiIure (HI) so lhal lhe appropriale lherapv can
be adminislered vhen lhe HI palienl is hrsl
idenlihed, as veII as predicl lhe response of HI
palienls lo roulineIv adminisler drugs, lherebv
minimizing lhe lriaI and error melhods nov
used bv doclors.
IinaIIv lhe companv aIso suppIies some of
lhe Iargesl companies in lhe vorId vilh lheir
proprielarv siIver-pIaled beads (paramagnelic
parlicIes), a kev componenl and kev conlribulor
lo lhe IeveI of sensilivilv vieIded bv immunoas-
savs on cIinicaI Iaboralorv anaIvzers.

Disclaimer: This Profile contains certain forward-looking statements which involve known and unknown risk, delays, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be
materially different from the results, performance, or other expectations implied by these forward looking statements. This Profile is prepared for general information only. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives,
financial situation and particular needs of any specific person who may receive this profile and should be read in conjuction with the Company's SEC filling, which are available on EDGAR. This is not a solicitation of any offer to buy or

Yahia Gavad, M. Ch.., MD., MSc.
Iounder]CL and Direclor
Iames A. Lssex, CA, MA
Chief IinanciaI fhcer
Ms. Linda I. SlerIing, I. Insl. L.C..
Corporale Secrelarv]Direclor
Mr. NeiI Tabalznik
Mr. AIexander D.G. Reid

Kcv 5tnck Data

52 Week Lov $0.12
52 Week High $1.44

Slock SvmboI CGNH.
Shares ulslanding 53,135,553

Cnntact InInrmatInn:

6295 Norlham Drive Inil 8,
Mississauga, N L4V 1W8
(905) 673-8501
Conlacl Ierson: Yahia Gavad MD

Thc QL Carc
All of the company`s tests are being developed as dedicated tests to be analyzed on the com-
pany`s QL Care
Analyzer (QLCA). The QLCA uses a pre-loaded disposable test cartridge. A
non-metered whole blood sample is added to the cartridge to obtain a quantitative test result,
which is then printed and archived in 15 minutes. The QLCA employs chemical light genera-
tion or chemiluminescence (CL), the same technology used in medical labs. The device uses a
patented automated electronic process to trigger CL, which enhances light collection, speeds
up marker binding and increases sensitivity. With 6 easy steps, quantitative testing results are
generated within 15 minutes.

TrnnnIn I (TnI) Tcst
When a heart attack has occurred, cardiac biomarkers such as Tn are released into the blood-
stream by dying heart muscles. Cardiac troponin I and troponin T are the most specifc and
sensitive laboratory markers of myocardial cell injury. They are used to establish the diag-
nosis of a heart attack and to detect a mild heart attack as opposed to severe injury and death
to heart muscle. The company is completing the development of a point-of-care, proprietary
troponin immunoassay which will be used with the QLCA to provide quantitative results of
whether troponin is in a blood sample within 15 minutes from the start of testing.
P!asmInngcn ActIvatnr InhIbItnr Tvc-1 (PAI-1) Tcst
The company is developing a POC test to detect elevated levels of active PAI-1 in the blood-
stream. PAI-1 is an inhibitor of fbrinolysis, the physiological process that degrades blood
clots. Elevated levels of PAI-1 in a variety of clinical situations are associated with increased
risk of adverse cardiovascular events. Forty percent of all patients do not respond to tPA
(tissue plasminogen activator), a clot buster used as the frst line of therapy for MI patients.
People with elevated levels of active PAI-1 typically do not respond well to the tPA, a fact
recognized in most cases after permanent damage (referred to as the golden hour) has already
taken place. Patients that present to a healthcare facility with an EKG-confrmed MI with the
elevated levels of PAI-1 are typically candidates for interventional procedures as opposed to
clot busting drugs.
Hcart FaI!urc RIsk 5tratIcatInn (HFR5) Tcst
The company is developing a proprietary test, the Heart Failure Risk Stratifcation or HFRS
test to stratify the risk of near term death in patients with heart failure, thus permitting the ini-
tiation of appropriate therapy at an early stage. Over the last decade, brain natriuretic peptides
(BNPs) have been shown to be particularly useful in confrming or refuting the diagnosis of
HF as well as stratifying long-term risk profles.
Hcart FaI!urc GcnnmIcs RIsk (HFGR)
The company is developing a proprietary HFGR test that predicts the response of heart failure
patients to routinely administer drugs, thereby minimizing the trial and error method currently
used by doctors. The test aims to be at the forefront of personalized healthcare to determine
which drugs are best suited for each HF patient.

SAVASpheres ParamagnctIc Bcads
The company supplies some of the largest companies in the world with their proprietary
silver-plated beads (paramagnetic particles) under the brand name SAVASpheres, a key
component and key contributor to the level of sensitivity yielded by immunoassays on clinical
laboratory analyzers.

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