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Remedial Reading Remediation or Remedial Education has been applied when some of the students are being left

behind in the class discussion and coping up the lesson in gradual way, they are the what we call novice learners. In other words during the evaluation, they are getting struggle on how to respond and follow the different activities they may be involved. On the other hand it may also intended even to the fast learners for the side of mastery and so with the improvement of the variant skills for every learner which be needed to develop. According to a scientist named Carnegie Mellon just as a disciplined exercise regimen helps human muscles become stronger and perform better, specialized workouts for the brain can boost cognitive skills. So there will be an exercises and or activities that suited for the students to enhance learning. If indeed after diagnosing that students have difficulties to thedifferent areas in communication, now the process of remediation will occur. The process of remedy is deliberated to develop the four macro skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. With this communication skills different strategies and techniques do the language teachers could apply. In some other ways, one of these skills that learner may have difficulties and teachers give their full package of support is in the area of reading. We all know that reading is a very powerful tool. Reading is like a routine for fun at the same time for learning. Nowadays, many of us prefer to watch televisions than to read books and other printed materials and the learners' perception about reading may be affected and probably they cannot develop their skills in this area. Reading is not just a mere subject but rather this is a informationgathering and utilization process and reading specialist agree on five major components of reading. These are the word perception, intellectual and emotional responses, assimilation , rates of reading and comprehension. Children of all ages lack of ability to read caused by variety of reasons. By means of knowing their strength and weaknesses allows the teachers at the same time for the parents which appropriate tools can be applied for the children to develop and practice their skills in reading. Three most common causes of reading difficulties in children are difficulty with the alphabetic principle, or the idea that written words and letters match spoken sounds; challenges with reading comprehension; and a lack of reading fluency. Poor readers canvas when they are enable to recognize words and in actually they cannot grasp any single idea on what they have read. One can be considered as a reader if he/she has this comprehension in specific speed in what is intended to be read not just recognizing the words. Diagnosis in reading directs the teacher to remedial instruction. This procedure begins with what the instructional needs acccording to the students different backgrounds. The teacher finds what and how do the learners read successfully and in contrasts discovers what are the causes of having the problem why they are enable to read. Some of the tips were suggested byVillamin in order to diagnose the learners' reading difficulties and these are word-by-word reading wherein student pauses after each word and does not allow the words to flow as they would in a conversation. This difficulty in word recognition can be seen when students may fail to comprehend and have overdependence on phonics. In order to have remedy on it, the teacher must give the student something to read at a much lower reading level but in some instances they continue to read poorly they maybe in bad habit that is why there must be an available and alternative materials for them to attleast improve. Another difficulty may varied in incorrect phrasing where students fail to read in natural phrasing. They fail to breath at the proper place and neglect punctuation marks. These are caused by insufficient knowledge with the words, lack of comprehension and the students have poor reading habits. Like the word perception, incorrect phrasing may direct by means of giving the

students an unorganized list of all the words from the passage that they will read later. The passage should be at reading levvel in which the students are experiencing difficulty. Another instances that the teachers have encountered are the poor pronunciation and ommisions, wherein when students cannot read and do not know the correct pronunciation they decided to omit it. The teachers may notice that students have weak knowledge of phonics, hearing defects, may not understand diacritical markings, careless readers, and defects on speech and accent. To correct all the errors in reading, the students should be on the process of reteaching or remediation. When the teacher already through with the diagnosis, the students should be motivated enough while the teachers make their own clear and attainable goals. The teacher must be responsible in introducing and preparing reading activities to provide instruction at the levels of the students profit from. Teach them step by step, have proper pacing ang give them an opportunity to follow directions but not require them accordingly unless they know enough about the skills. The teacher should prepare a materials in interesting and attractive then let the students practice the skill in different conditions. In every remediation,, there will be an appriate methods to be applied like the materials to be used. In developing the students skills in word meaning, the teacher should provide some sort of context clues, classifying words, wide reading, word substitutions and ponting out similarities and differences . While for sentence comprehension the activities for punctuations and sentence structures can really enhance their skill and so with the figure of speech and symbolic expression. Perhaps considering their comprehension in paragraph readhing, the studentts should exercise their understanding about the different relationships of the sentences. On the other side, word recognition can be developed with fun by means of word games, word hunts and any games that may use in this area. With the other difficulties, have the children to read materials at the appropriate level, have group activities like choral reading. Therefore the reason of reading should be well realized and understood by the students. For improvement's sake, they must be involved in activities like application oof the comprehension abilities, special vocabulary, use of pictures, graphs, symbols, abbreviations, and different organizations. Moreover to develop their speed in reading, students should have atleast interest on reading materials, trhey must be avoided to be under the state of boredom and fatigue. But most of this possible activities that students be encountered, of course let them pracice on their own and as a teacher be a guide to them.

Just as a disciplined exercise regimen helps human muscles become stronger and perform better, specialized workouts for the brain can boost cognitive skills, according to Carnegie Mellon scientists

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