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CH503 The Next Christendom Philip Jenkins

Brian S. Mackey CH503 Church History May 5th, 2011

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Missions is changing. Missions must change. It is time Western Christians engage the church globally in a serious attempt to understand the Bride of Christ. Britain, France, Spain and Italy are no longer the Christian powerhouses.1 As Western Christians prepare to go therefore and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19 NASB) it is imperative we educate ourselves contextually. It is no longer apropos to assume what Christianity should or even will look like across the globe. It is not even apropos to assume what doctrines will be held as core values as we assume what Christians should or will believe.2 Christianity is not Western anymore. Therefore if one is to be relevant to one s culture missionally, then one must look to the cultures of Latin America, Africa and Asia. For that is where it seems the Bride of Christ if flourishing.3 The first point I found significant is how Christianity overcame the prejudice of being a religion for the white person.4With the expansion of Christianity in areas of the world that are not European or American, this clich is ready for burial. It is ignorant and nave to think Christianity as a white persons religion. Jenkins demonstrates Christianity taking over through the power of the Holy Spirit in areas that are not European and white. This is beautifully described as drops of frozen rain melting on the dry palate of the panting earth. 5 The power of the gospel made its way through uncoordinated steps to be firmly planted in the hearts of these people, so firmly, that even the threat of death could not remove the faith.6 The gospel presented was done after the traditions of white cultures,

Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002,) 2. Ibid, 3. 3 Ibid, 3. 4 Ibid, 40. 5 Ibid, 44. 6 Ibid, 44.
1 2

2 but once it was contextualized it grew with zeal.7 Christians can no longer be comfortable thinking of Christianity solely through American lenses. Christianity is growing, but one must look out over the global landscape to see it thrive. Worship facilities are needed to seat tens of thousands who gather to worship in Asia and Africa.8 Secondly italso seems quite noteworthy how Pentecostalism is spreading worldwide;9the ramifications for Christians in America regarding Pentecostalism is pronounced. Denominational differences will need to be set aside in order to partner with the work God is doing. We can no longer brush off denominations as irrelevant. As we minister in other cultures, or own preferences denominationally will have to be set aside for synergistic evangelistic efforts. Thirdly, as the church continues to spread into parts of the world where cultures are highly different than Western cultures, the need to sort through cultural issues verses biblical issues is critical.10 The need for contextualization evolved organically as Christianity was embraced by cultures other than Europe such as Africa and Asia.11 A fourth highly significant point is that Islam is continuing to grow. The benefits available to Christian missions are also available to Muslim missionaries.12There have been seasons in history where Christians and Muslims were able to exist peacefully side-by-side; the question is can we continue to do so?13 A fifth significant point Jenkins makes is how the face of Christianity is changing. The Bride of Christ is no longer looking like she has for so long; it is imperative to take a
Ibid, 45. Ibid, 9. 9 Ibid, 63. 10 Ibid, 109. 11 Ibid, 44. 12 Ibid, 165. 13 Ibid, 168.
7 8

3 long look at where she is growing to find out what this means. For example, prosperity and the American church is not the way the church looks like in Africa.14 It is imperative we find a way to sit with the discomfort of suffering around the world in order to gain a proper perspective of the Church. The ramification is missional: persistent conflicts and instability, autocratic and corrupt governments, over-dependence on commodities with declining real prices, low levels of education, and widespread infectious diseases will combine to prevent most countries from experiencing rapid economic growth.

How will

the church target these tremendous felt needs in order to build bridges of relationship that will carry the weight of the gospel into the hearts of broken regions of the world? Jenkins material in The Next Christendom is incredibly helpful. The challenge with his material is the American (specifically) church is going to have to get over pride and selfishness in order to continue ministering effectively for Christ. We cannot continue in our pride that believes we are the superpower of the world; and we cannot be selfish believing our comforts and desires need to be met. We are going to have to engage Christianity on a global level. It is imperative we increase our funding for missions with a global focus. Reaching our world is closer than we think. Ignorance and lack of personal cultural development is no longer excusable. Much of the world knows three and four languages while Americans can barely master one. We will need to educate ourselves to other cultures in order to be effective. What a challenge; but with God all things are possible.

14 15

Ibid, 216. Ibid, 216.

4 I. Significant Items A. Christianity is not white -the growth of Christianity on the global scene is showing the Bride of Christ is not most prominent in European and American cultures. B. The growth of Pentacostalism- deonominational lines must not be drawn in an effort to participate in the church where God is blessing. Synergistic evangelistic efforts are demanded. C. Contextualize- cultures that are increasingly more diverse than EuroAmerican cultures are changing the look of Christianity. Biblical vs cultural understandings must be reevaluated. D. The growth of Islam can we coexist with our Muslim neighbors? Rich evangelistic soils are available to Islam just as it is available to Christianity. How will we live peacefully in these times? E. The growth of Christianity- how she looks in America is not how she looks around the world. How are we preparing to meet the growing needs of a different church? II. Assessment A. Fight pride and selfishness B. Funding C. Education III. Question: Am I (are we) willing to put aside your preferences and traditions in order to be used by God to reach the world for Christ? Am I (are we) willing to suffer and wait on the Lord as the nations are reached?

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