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JUNE 24, 20n

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'.Cotneen;FeelThePower ofDrater
I overheard Drater men- are thinking, but. '\ 'ould work, loads of talent, and, tioned by one of the many you rather them r p? I an impressive on-stage kids camped out in my liv- didn't think so. presence, Drater started .. ing room. Drater? That's Tt started back in fourth getting booked. Cole's what? His band? grade. Cole and a classmate But playing various gigs' How cute. They must at Bradfield Elementary, around town and manplay in his garage, bangin' Trajan Acquista, were toss- aging a growing fan base around on drums or some- ing the football ar und, didn't quite register with thing. talking about music. hey the HPMS population. , Dh, not so much. By liked the same stuff and Some knew about the Friday night, I was watch- .discovered they both took band, but most had no idea irig Dr a t e r ("Retard" guitar lessons and thought the magnitude of what spelled backward. Get over it would be cool to Play in they were accomplishing. MERRITT PATTERSON it .; when you have a band; a real band. Then the" dis- That changed the night you can name it whatcovered another Bradfield Drater took the stage at. ever you want) perform at friend, Matthew 'West, Cole's bar mitzvah. here's this kid, Lakewood Bar and GrilL played the drums. I Still, he says withCole Schwartz; The place was packed 'with . All of the parents a!~Teed out seeming to care, who goes to "Occasionally, a kid Highland Park Middle will make fun of what 'School with my kids, so we do." he occasionally ends up And here's what 'on my couch or passes ~ have to say to that .through my kitchen. punk .Great hair - a flow. Very polite. He's hung around Kid. just enough for me to I hope you really love know he's witty, plays eighth grade, because football, is not a big fan you're at your peak. of roller coasters, and This is it, the height of.likes pepperoni pizza. your success. Recently, he showed And when Drater is up for the evening on tour one day and wearing a KISS concert your children are big T-shirt. I'd never heard fans of the famous him talk about music, but Dear Haters: Do you think Cole Schwartz will remember rockers you went to, as it turns out, he's big middle school with,' you when Orater makes it big? Didn't think so .. into rock and had been don't try calling for on the second row, close HPMS students, parents, to support the band, s long backstage passes, because - enough to see sweat marks and other loyal fans willing as grades were a top prior- they won't remember your in Gene SinL1110ns' akeup. to fork over a cover charge ity and everyone played a name. m sport. Matthew's p _ents They won't even have to see one of the hottest There Was a brief menlet them practice in their the slightest recollection of tion of his favorite bands, a bands in town. They mixed some origi- back house, but eventually, your existence since their . widerange of groups tourin order to maintain neigh- days have been filled mak- .: ing decades before he was nal music with a little ing albums, signing auto.born. Pretty impressive for AC/DC and Quiet Riot. I bor relations, they soundproofed the upstairs game graphs, fighting off groupa 13-year-old. One would watched in utter amazeies, and counting their think this conversation ment as kids swarmed the room. money. After adding a lead to be the perfect time for edge of the stage, dancing But yeah, in junior high; -him to throw hi something and cheering when the singer they'd met at music '. about his own musical tal- band started in on "Come camp, ll-year-old Iir a you were the bomb. Yours truly, . the band was On Feel the Noise." I know Fountain, ent. But he didn't. Merritt Patterson complete. With some hard It wasn't until later that what the uptight readers

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A warning to aUthe ~I"~ .haters of Drater [3A]


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SMU's Turner to lead July Fourth parade [GA]

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