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fo, CON GRqq,S

FoR coNc*Ess

"**ouNCE in the belief that Honesty in public and private is of first If eleetecl, I will study, stay on, and work at the importanee. job. I wilt give the problems and needs of the Nation, th-e state anel the distriet sober and constant attention. I will not be playboy, but will concluct myself publicly and privately so as not to reflect discredit on the high office'
Born al Whitefield, I. T., eleeted and served four terms' County Attor(cver) r*v, ff"tf."ff Couniy. Married and have three ehildren'


Ecoltorirc Al{r}

socrAl tYj8r:g ALL THE f


The great problems-requiring-.permanent -u"i unemployirent, -distribution' to-ioti?" eonservation of human and natural re'
sources and social securitY.

The seriousness of these - problems is indicaied by various mass movements designed to temedy these slt-u*J"s-lh"n the Towasend movement is prob' ;;ti;;;,

ably the greatest. ---ff,e

must not under-estimate its importq4ee.

fofrnsend movement cannot be lau-ghed off; we

answer to these great-problems but ib

;ffiffi;i#G'h;"ailiii;t in tt',i,wa!. -A wash of program is vital, the back

adequate security the denression shows that very clea?ly. "'-Gie"



a4 sound-and

is xot tne


Back side of card



ate forEver lives lived in terror of unemployment and disaster. of bleak and penniless ald age. --W,i-i"""ot ioive un'empioyment by a policy of ConEressmen-cbnsiantly scrainbiing for public funds for [h"i" districts and t:rading votes for patronage and re-monev. If such methods do lessen unemploymenl iinf as a nerrdanent policv they destroy the value of Governm6nt. We mdy bdild roads and rebrrild- some indusi.rv fut we are ddine nothinE to rebuilcl character and

ndlers oi

our peopl-e are not go-ing to 'toler-

ieitore respect for Taw a4d-adthorit-y-. -Young p-egplq of the eountry are still unhopeful, still disrespeclful of Ieadership, still saying- "it's tll a raeket." . There is a way to rid,rrect un-ernployment and prevent starvation without sacrificing respeet for law. I would advocite Federal aid to education in the manner suggested by the National Education Assoeiation. in thaf such aiit should be made available to the
statbs to the end thab every child antl unemployed youth should be enablod to enjoy his right to fotmal educa-

finaircedl provided always that the expenditure of such funds and- the shaping of educational policies shall be mattets of State and local district control. I commend the establishment of NYA and CCC. Aid of education, is the only increase in Federal expenditure I would advocate, and the only tax increase suggested is the increase of inheritance, income and gift taxes and that on a Eraduated basis. I #ould favor the refinancing of farms on a lotrgterm basis with a view of decreasing tenantry and farmers should have some guarantee of eost of production, plus reasonable profit. i -believe soil conservation and flootl control are proper'subjects of Federal activity. ' i favor -a liruitation of the houis of labor in industrtt and the insurance to labor of its inherent right to bargain collectively. Foreign entanglements should be avoideil a1d profit in war prevented. {over}

tion. and to the end that adult education mav


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