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Loudest Climate Change Skeptic Silenced

Senator Jungbauer now has serious credibility issues about climate change and global warming

Jungbauers creditability and very public viewpoints as an authority on Climate Change and Global Warming have been called into question due to claims he made regarding his education. Many would now consider his previous statements on Climate Change and Global Warming not being real and not being caused by humans to be null and void. Senator Jungbauer claims to have a bachelors degree from the Moody Bible Institute with a background in biochemistry. However, MinnPost reported on June 16, 2011, that he never graduated. His campaign website also refers to Jungbauer pursuing a degree in Environmental Policy at Metropolitan State University, although the school has no such program. The problem is that this state senator has been swaying public opinion by giving Presentations At The Minnesota Climate Change Symposium and currently still has a hand at making future energy policies for the state of Minnesota as a member of the Senate Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee. Senator Jungbauer currently is proposing legislation to overturn a moratorium on

nuclear and coal energy generation, and is quoted in his own position paper as being against rushing headlong into any cap-and-trade scheme and the promotion of green jobs and a green economy.

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