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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

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Volume 59, No.27

July 3, 2011 Elders

ate to begin our worship and the selected scripture will be listed each week in the Sunday Sermon Preview Box of the bulletin. It is our continued desire that our worship be in spirit and in truth and meaningful in every aspect. In Him, The Elders
Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614

A Message from the Elders

This morning you will notice a slight change in the order of our worship. For several years we have had both a song and scripture before the Lords Supper. Beginning today we will have the scripture reading immediately following the announcements and it will be selected to pertain to the lesson and will be read by one of our deacons. This is not meant to diminish the meaning of the Lords Supper in any way, as we will continue to have an appropriate song to help prepare us for this important avenue of worship and reflection. We believe that a reading from Gods Word is most appropri-

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

When I Speak Your Name

Next Sunday (July 10), our 2011 Summer Bible Camp will begin. JD has led a good effort in getting the camp week planned, and many are working hard in different areas to make this years camp as great as possible. Personally, I am excited about the theme for the week. Our title is When I Speak Your Name, and we will be focusing on the Name of God, and some of His glorious attributes. We live in a time when the Name of God has become nothing more than a byword, a joke, or even a filler word. Our society uses His name more often to express joy over winning a car or loving a room makeover, than we do in expressing true praise to Him in worship. Thats backward, and it is tragic. When we lose respect for the Name of God, we are really losing respect for God. Throwing around words like gosh, golly, lordy, and typing phrases like omg (short for Oh, my God) are a sign that we have lost respect for the holiness of our Lord. Not only is He holy in Himself, but His Name is holy, too. Making

Adam Faughn
His name a byword or nothing more than a comma in a sentence shows a real lack of respect for Him. When we lose respect for God, we have lost our purpose in life, because we are here to glorify Him in every way, including the very words we speak. My prayer is that our young people (and adults), by being reminded of how wonderful Gods Name is, will further be reminded of how wonderful God is! Then, when they speak His name they will doing so with reverence, praise, and adoration. Our world needs to see that we revere Gods Name, and we need to put His name above every name (Philippians 2:9), and remember that His name is holy. Pray for our camp, and pray that we all are reminded about the holiness and glorious nature of Gods Name. How do you speak His name?

Notes from Adam

This morning, since our nation is celebrating Independence Day this week, we will take some time to reflect on freedom, and upon the true freedom that only comes through the blood of Jesus Christ. I have found this study from John 8 to be very encouraging, and it is my prayer that the sermon will reflect that.

Adam Faughn
to find entertainment in our lives. Our goal will be to open our eyes when we choose entertainment, and to set our standards not by the world, but by the Bible.

Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Make sure you take a look at the Mark Your Calendar section on page 3. We have so many important things coming up, and you dont want to miss anyTonight, we will take a look at a controversial thing at Lebanon Road. Lets continue to subject, as we will consider some Biblical strive for Greater Things in the second half principles to help us when we seek out ways of 2011.

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: Freedom! (John 8:31-38) PM: Entertainment: Is Everything Justifiable?

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Maxine Cox had total knee replacement and is recovering at home. Jim Dean has begun his chemo treatments. Rhonda Gentle is recovering at home. Don Morris is at the VA Hospital in Murfreesboro. Tina Rich will be having surgery in Memphis and staying with her son while she recuperates. Cliff Wilson is at Donelson Place room 105. Limited visits please. Martha Wright is moving to Mt. Juliet Assisted Living in the next few days.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) Opening Prayer: Robert Cannon Read Scripture: Tim Roberts Closing Prayer: Joe Adams Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Scotty Studer Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) BJ Turner 1 Jack Vannatta 2 Cary Clay 3 Earl Flynn 4 Steve Ledbetter 5 Wes Carnahan 6 Harry Middleton 7 Adam Wilson 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391) Opening Prayer Sonny Gossett Closing Prayer: Wayne Davidson Read Scripture: Greg Holland Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Scotty Studer Serving Lords Supper (Room) Philip Denny 1 Michael Rader 2 Wednesday, July 6th (Contact: Keith 889-7366) Read Scripture: Mike Markwood Opening Prayer: Tim Hill Speaker: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Scotty Studer Announcements: Harry Middleton - Johny Baker Nursery Attendant: Kim & Cassidy Schow

by Harry Middleton
Back in the middle ages, a dispatcher went out to determine how laborers felt about their work. He went to a building site in France. He approached the first worker and asked, What are you doing? What, are you blind? the worker snapped back. Im cutting these impossible boulders with primitive tools and putting them together the way the boss tells me. Im sweating under this blazing sun. Its back breaking work, and its boring me to death. The dispatcher quickly backed off and retreated to a second worker. He asked the same question, What are you doing? The worker replied, Im shaping these boulders into usable forms, which are then assembled according to the architects plans. Its hard work and sometimes it gets repetitive, but I earn five francs a week and that supports the wife and kids. Its a job. Could be worse, too. Somewhat encouraged, the dispatcher went on to a third worker. And what are you doing? he asked. Why, cant you see? said the worker as he lifted his arm to the sky. Im building a cathedral! Now thats the joy of working.

Thank You
Thank you so much for the calls, cards and visits. I appreciate all of your prayers. In Christian Love, Maxine Cox

Snack Drive
HELP NEEDED It is time to start the Camp Snack Drive There is a list of items needed for camp available on the tables.

Joshs Jargon
This past Monday the youth group and I played Ultimate Frisbee over at Two Rivers Park. Even though it was still around 91 degrees and wonderfully humid outside we played three good games. While reflecting on the Frisbee games we played, I noticed a few similarities between Ultimate Frisbee and our Christian walk. 1. There is no way a one-man team could ever winlikewise, God designed the church to be a team that works together (Heb. 10:24); 2. The team that keeps running even though they are tired will be the team that scores the goalslikewise, victory only comes to the Christian who understands the need for endurance (Heb. 12:1); and 3. There are some things that will not help your team to score a goal: texting on the field (Parker Mullican), taking a nap on the field (Alex Grigsby), or blindly throwing the Frisbee up into the air (Jarrod Barefoot)likewise, living for God is something that requires the focus of our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). May God continue to bless us as we live to glorify Him!

Bible Camp
July 10th - July 15th Valley View Christian Camp When I Speak your name Anyone who has completed the 3rd grade is invited to attend. $100 Applications are downstairs on the table.

Mark Your Calendar...

Saturday: Radnor Lake Hike 9AM Today: Sycamore services at 2:00 led by Tim Roberts, John Smith & Tony Grigsby

Give Away Day

The Record
Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Wednesday Night: Contribution:
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283+5 Pearlington 174 231 186 $9,471.00

Tonight: Visitation team # 1 will meet following services July 10-15: Bible Camp July 23-28: Mission Trip July 30: Teachers Workshop

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