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Colegio Grace School Teacher: Carolina Leiva Palma English Language Teaching Expected Outcome Reading Comprehension:

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Demuestra comprensin de la informacin en textos escritos autnticos relacionados con sus intereses, resolviendo los problemas que el texto presente o la tarea requiera. Listening Comprehension: Demuestra comprensin de la informacin proporcionada por textos orales autnticos, resolviendo los problemas que la audicin presente o las tareas requieran. Writing: Produce textos breves para demostrar comprensin auditiva y lectora.

Test of English 4th Grade Name: _________________________ Date: __________________________

bring up give up

I. Completa las oraciones utilizando los siguientes phrasal verbs. catch up look up grow up save up wake up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ___________! Youve slept in! Lets start _____________for a winter holiday If I only had a dictionary I could _________ it _______. I wish you would ____________ and stop acting like a child. Nobody knows the best way to _____________ children. Hurry up! You go on and Ill __________ you ______! I dont know the answer, tell me. I ___________!

II. Prepositions. Completa las frases con in o to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Wheres Jack? ________ bed Im going _______ the shop to buy some milk. Tom went _______ the kitchen to make some cofee. Would you like to go _______ the theatre this evening? I got a postcard from Sue this morning. Shes on holiday _______ Switzerland. I was tired this morning. I stayed _______ bed until 10 oclock. Kevins sister is very ill. Shes ______ hospital.

III. Complete the sentences using up off through on over out of into etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We jumped _____ the bridge ________the water. Dont forget to put a stamp_______ the postcard before you post it. We walked ________ the museum and saw a lot of interesting things. She took a key _________ her bag and opened the door. You can put your coat ________the back of the chair. I looked _________the window and watched the people in the street.

If Clauses. I. Qu tipo de oracin condicional se ha expresado en cada caso? 1. If it rains, Ill wear a raincoat. 2. Daniel would have been home on time if the bus a) First Conditional (Real possibility) had come. b) Second Conditional (Unreal Possibility or a) First Conditional (Real possibility) dream) b) Second Conditional (Unreal Possibility or c) Third Conditional (No Possibility) dream) d) Zero Conditional (Certainty) c) Zero Conditional (Certainty) e) None of them. d) None of them. e) Third Conditional (No Possibility) 3. If they had driven carefully, they wouldnt 4. My parents would have bought the house if it had have crashed into the other car. been cheaper. a) First Conditional (Real possibility) a) None of them. b) None of them. b) First Conditional (Real possibility) c) Second Conditional (Unreal Possibility or c) Second Conditional (Unreal Possibility or dream) dream) d) Third Conditional (No Possibility) d) Third Conditional (No Possibility) e) Zero Conditional (Certainty) e) Zero Conditional (Certainty)

5. If Lisa had got up earlier, she would not have been late for work. a) First Conditional (Real possibility) b) Second Conditional (Unreal Possibility or dream) c) Third Conditional (No Possibility) d) Zero Conditional (Certainty) e) None of them.

6. If I miss the eight oclock bus, I am late for work. a) First Conditional (Real possibility) b) Second Conditional (Unreal Possibility or dream) c) None of them. d) Third Conditional (No Possibility) e) Zero Conditional (Certainty)

Reading Comprehension.
I. Complete each sentence with the correct name. Example Ravi comes from India. 1 ___________________ doesnt think theres any problem with English as a Global Language. 2 ___________________ speaks one language with his family and another when he is at school. 3 ___________________ and ___________________ think that language is an important part of who they are. 4 ___________________ , ___________________ and___________________ mention learning English because of work.. 5 ___________________ says that about 50% of the languages in the world now will soon disappear. 6 ___________________ lives in a country where there are lots of languages. Vocabulary Find the words in the texts with the following meanings. 1. The results or effects of something ______________ 2. Something that may not exist much longer because there are not many left in the world _____________ 3. Worry for nothing ________________ 4. People who come to live in a country from another Country _______________ 5. An unhappy feeling because something has __________happened that you dont like. 7. The things that people think are important parts of history or culture ______________ Global English

Listening Comprehension. (3rd p39 t 7-8)

I. Listen to the conversation and identify who says what: Vicky or Daniel? a) Ive just read a fantastic book about the Celts! _____________ b) Thats really interesting! _______________ c) Brad and Jennifer have just split up! _____________ d) just gossip Whats the point? ______________ e) Dont be so boring! ______________ f) I cant go out tonight _______________ II. Listen again and choose the correct option. 1. a) The Celts lived in Wales before the Romans. b) The Celts have lived in Wales for a long time. 2. a) Brad and Jennifer have just split up. b) Brad and Jennifer split up some years ago. 3. a)We had an argument yesterday. b) Weve just had and argument.

Good luck!!!

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