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Spring 2009 Sections 01W Instructor: Email: Phone: Dr. John Humphreys Home: (903) 886-7713 Office: (903) 468-8696 Fax: (903) 886-5702 Office: CBT 304 Office Hours: MTW - 9:00 11:00 AM, anytime by e-mail ______________________________________________________________________________ Required Texts (and journal readings): David A. Whetten and Kim S. Cameron. Developing Management Skills, (7th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. ISBN 0-13-174742-8 (This text will be designated with an W in the course schedules, reading lists, etc.) Paul F. Buller and Randall S. Schuler. Managing Organizations and People: Cases in Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 7th Ed. Cincinnati: South-Western, 2003. ISBN 0-324-11687-X (This casebook will be designated with a B in the course schedules, reading lists, etc.) The following readings will be assigned throughout the term and will be discussed during the first chat session: Ahmed, Z.U., & Humphreys, J.H. (2008). A conceptual framework for developing country transnationals: PROTON Malaysia. Thunderbird International Business Review, 50(1), 45-58. Humphreys, J. (2002, July). The best of intentions. Harvard Business Review, 80(7), 31-34. Humphreys, J. (2003). The dysfunctional evolution of goal setting. MIT Sloan Management Review, 44(4), 96. Humphreys, J. (2004). The vision thing. MIT Sloan Management Review, 45(4), 96. Humphreys, J.H. (2005a). Contextual implications for transformational and servant leadership: A historical approach. Management Decision, 43(10), 1410-1431. Humphreys, J. (2005b). Developing the big picture. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(1), 96. Humphreys, J. (2007a). Weakness or opportunity? MIT Sloan Management Review, 48(3): 96.

Humphreys, J. (2007b). The Chinese are coming: And Im afraid. Journal of Business Strategy, 28(3), 42-44. Humphreys, J.H. (2007c). Adapting the congruent temperament model with culturally specific work motivation elements. Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal, 14(3), 202-216. (this article is also available in Chinese: Humphreys, J., 2006, November. A Chinese culturally specific congruent temperament model. Liaodong University Journal, Dandong, Liaoning, P.R. China 116001). Humphreys, J.H., & Einstein, W.O. (2004). Leadership and temperament congruence: Extending the expectancy model of work motivation. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 10(4): 58-79. Humphreys, J., & Langford, H. (2008). Managing a corporate culture slide. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 25-27. Mobley, M.E., & Humphreys, J. (2006, April). How Low Will You Go? Harvard Business Review, 84(4): 33-44. Course Description: This course provides an in-depth seminar emphasizing the development of the skills and knowledge required for successful managerial performance. It focuses on such areas as developing self-awareness, creative problem-solving, supportive communication, use of power and influence, motivation techniques, and managing conflict. Electronic system to use during the course: Students will find some of the course materials in the eCollege course management program and will become familiar with the features of the program as you use them. Please read the Announcement page of the class site. I do not use all of the features of the eCollege site and will explain my process during our first chat session. You will get the journal articles through the periodical databases. On occasion I will have various papers and slide presentations found under doc sharing. I will correspond with you frequently by e-mail. Please make it a habit to check it daily at a minimum (Leo e-mail). Course Requirements This is a web-based course using asynchronous and synchronous communication for the delivery of course material. Students are expected to participate in all elements of the course. All assignments should be e-mailed to me at I do not use a drop box. Students will only be graded for their participation during the week of the scheduled instruction. While early preparation is valued, I would suggest you do not begin writing your first case until after the first chat session.

Synchronous communications (i.e., Chat Sessions) will occur on Monday nights from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Commerce, TX time. We will have our first session, however, on Wednesday, 1/21/09. Students will use the Chat portion of the eCollege site to participate in these discussions (Please note you must hit the Java button twice to gain entry into the main chat room not class pro live). If for any reason you miss a scheduled chat, these sessions are archived and can be read at a later date. Course Objectives: Demonstrate the ability to access salient literature from various electronic periodical databases Demonstrate the skills needed for managerial effectiveness Identify various types of management/leadership skill assessments & demonstrate a grasp of the value of managerial development Demonstrate applicable knowledge of various human behavior and motivation techniques relating to individuals and teams Demonstrate comprehension of values, power, and influence relating to organizational culture and ethical decision-making in a global context Points 200 100 500 400 1,200

Grade Evaluation Exams (2) Participation & Development Plan Case Studies (5) Final Exam TOTAL Grade Conversion A = 1,080 or greater (90%) B = 960 1,079 (80% - 89%) C = 840 959 (70% - 79%) F = 839 or below Description of Evaluation Criteria

Case Studies From five (5) case studies, you will prepare written analyses based on application of management concepts. This analysis must be typed (double-spaced) and turned in (e-mail to at the beginning of class on the due date (100 points each). The cases will be graded based upon timeliness, specificity, depth and breadth of analysis, and SUPPORT for your recommendations. Exams There are two (2) regular exams (100 points each). Each exam will consist of essay questions or case analyses taken from the lectures, texts, articles, and/or current events. The final exam is a case analysis and worth 400 points.

Participation & Development Plan 100 points are available based upon the quality of your participation in class discussion and your personal development plan. Your plan should begin with a personal mission statement. The personal mission statement may be in one of two forms (or a combination): a personal mission statement or a list of personal values statements. In either case students should focus their statement broadly enough to fit their professional and personal lives. In using values statements, students should provide for at least three primary values (probably no more than six or seven). The personal development plan should then offer (1) an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses and (2) your personal and/or career goals. The plan should then identify (3) areas for development and improvement, (4) approaches and/or means for developing those areas, (5) target dates for completion and/or acquisition of skills, experience, etc. and (6) the resources required for your development. Materials included in this plan may be results of some of the assessments done during the term, work performance improvement plans, etc. There is no special formatting for this paper. Students are encouraged to make this plan their plan. The requirement is to include responses to the items listed above. Format for Written Assignments: The following guidelines for all written assignments should be used. typed double-spaced include the student name, assignment information, and date in upper right-hand corner no title page one-inch margins all around (top, bottom, right and left) contain no header or footer (except optional page numbers) Times New Roman 12 font no special spacing, indentation, underline or italics (use bold, if necessary) use headings to denote subject change in the paper All citation to be in APA style STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Office of Student Disability Resources and Services. Halladay Student Services Building Room 303 A/D Phone (903) 886-5835 STATEMENT ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: - Academic honesty is the foundation of the university community. Cheating, plagiarism, or other acts of academic dishonesty compromise the integrity of the academic process and community and are subject to disciplinary action. For this class, plagiarism will result in automatic failure (final course grade of F).

Semester Calendar Date 1/20 Day T Week 1 Lectures, Chapter Readings, & Exams Course Introduction of the W book - Case Analysis, Periodical Databases & APA Style Individual Group Assignments Show up Read B 375 Assign Dick Spencer case Read Ahmed & Humphreys (2008) & Humphreys (2007b) Case #1 due, B 9 Dick Spencer Assign Mobley & Humphreys (2006) for reading Assign Best of Intentions case Case #2 due The Best of Intentions Assign Humphreys & Einstein (2004) & Humphreys (2007c) for reading Assign Humphreys (2005a) for reading Assign Fred Maiorino case Case #3 due, B 233 How to Motivate Fred Maiorino


Chapter 1 of the W book Self-awareness, Perception, & Personality


Diversity & Ethical Decisionmaking


Chapter 6 of the W book Motivation & Rewards


Chapter 5 of the W book Power & Leadership

2/23 3/02


6 7

Exam 1 Chapter 9 of the W book Employee & Team Development & Planning, Goal Setting, & Performance Evaluation Chapter 7 of the W book Managing Conflict

Assign Lincoln Electric case Assign Humphreys (2003, 2004, 2005b, 2007) for reading


Case #4 due, B 279 Lincoln Electric Assign Conflict Management case


Spring Break

3/23 3/30


10 11

4/06 4/13


12 13

Chapter 3 of the W book Effective Problem-Solving Chapters 2 & 4 of the W book Communication & Stress Management Exam 2 Chapter 8 of the W book Work Design & Organizational Culture Chapter 10 of the W book Organizational Change

Case #5 due, B 159 Conflict Management



Assign Final Exam case Assign Humphreys & Langford (2008) for reading Personal Statement & Development Plan Due

4/27 5/04


15 16

Final Wrap-Up Final Exam Case

Final Case due

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