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Ifona" ... ky Vlldor CII ... kIr. udv. Budapeatu.
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A csatorna fontossaga es sziikseges-
Mczogazda! termenyeinek bovebb
eloallitasara es minel konnyehb el'lekesitesel'e
utaH foldm(vel5 orszagunk viszonyait tekintve,
kOzforgalmi viszonyainkat az eddiginel helye-
sebb iranyban keD fejleszteni s e czelb61 az
0lcs6 szallitas fontos tenyezoit, a j6 viziutakat
be ken vonni a s1.01galataba.
Ezen viziuthal6zatot mindenek e15tl egyse-
gesse kell tenni az altai, hogy a Duna es Tisza
ket k(\lon vizrendszeret mesterseges haj6z6-
uUal OsszekOtjiik, me11 csakis e tranzverzalis
viziut Ielcsithet kapcsolatot az orszag keleti
es nyuguli reszei kozOtt, esakis ezen osszckot-
tetes uljan fogja a melIekfoly6k haj6zhat6va
tetele a remelt kozgazdasagi crteket kepvisel-
A technika mai el5haladottsaga mellett tel-
jesen m6dunkball all a foly6vizekben rejl5
kincsek Idakmizasa, ha oU, hoi termeszetes
foly6k vallnak, azok szabalyozasaval IelesHiink
hajolltat, vngy olt, hoi azok czelszerfi ossze-
kOttctesevel mesterseges viziutak (hajoz6 esa-
tornak) teremtese lllutatkozik szQksegesnek,
ezeket letesftjQk,
A vaslltak is oly m6don epiiltek, hogy kez-
detben omi1l6 es az egyes helyierdekeknek is
megfelelo vasutak kelctkeztek cs csak kescibh
leUek uzok is egymassal osszekolve, olyany-
nyira, hogy ma mar egy OsszefQgg5 h616zutot
A Dllnu-Tisza c)sszckotletcs hiunya fi)kcpen
belfcwgulmunk fejlodesere hat vissza.
The significance of the Canal, and the
need for its construction.
If we take into consideration the condUions
prevailing in Hungary, an agricultural country
which is dependent on the increase in its agri-
cultural product" and the ease with which the
same can be disposed of. we must admit that the
means of communkation must be developed
in a more opportune manner than has hitherto
been the case: and to this end the most im-
portant fadors in the cheapening of transport,
viz. the waterways, must be put at the disposal
of the public.
The network of watel'ways musl, above all,
be made uniform by Iht, connection, by an
artificial navigable waterway. of the two water
systems of the Danube and the Tisza; for this
transversal waterway alone is capable of cre-
ating a cOllnccting link between the eastern
and westcrn parts of the eountry, and it is only
by the carrying into cfl'cct of this conncction
that the rcndering of the tributary
rivers will be of any economic value.
The present advaneed state of tcdlllical
sdenee has enahled us to exploit the treasurcs
latent in the streams of rivers. either by creat-
ing a waterway by the regulation of natural
stremns, or by the creation of artifidal water-
ways (ship canals) - where such seemed de-
sirable - by a praeti('al connection of the
waters of sud} rivers.
Railway systems, too, werc built by the
ereation of lines at fiI'st independent and serv-
ing local. intcrest only: their' ('Olllledion was
curried out al a latcr slage, and today they
eOllstitutc onc, interdependent system.
The lack of a conneding link betwecn the
. Danube and the Tisza elTeds the developmcnt
of inlund tratlie in parti<-ular.
- 4
Az orszag kcleti a forgalom gocz-
pontjliba. Budapestre vezeto vizidt, rna oly
hosszu, hogy a szaUitas idotartarna miaU n
viziut oles6saga nern ervenyesOlhet
Ha tehat egy Budapestrol kiilldulo s az AlfOI-
don at a Tiszaha torkol6 haj6zo esalornn Ie-
tesOlne, akkor az orszag leggazdagabb tel'rno
videkenek rOvid es olcso vizilitja lesz az orszag
fOvarosaba es nyugat fele.
Mar a XVI.. XVII. es XVIII. szazadokhan
talalunk tOrvenyhozlisi intezkedeseket a haj6z-
hato folyamok szabalyozasara es a hajokOzle-
kedes elomozdilasara.
Az li23. evi 122. l-czikk es az 1790/91. cvi
61. t.-czikk a mesterseges v(ziutak szOkseges
voltat hangoztatja.
tgy 1783-ban egy Pest-sajotorkolati, 1789-ben
egy Pest-szolnoki csatorna es 1791-ben a Dunat
a Tiszaval osszekoto hajozhat6 csatornara mar
4-fele iranyra vonatkozo tervezettellahilkozunk.
melyek kOzOI Sax epUesi masodigazgato es a
hozza beosztott Halla, pestmegyei fOldmero egy
Pest-Keeskemet.esongradi irany kOveteset ajan-
A XIX. szbad elso eveiben Vedres Istvan,
Szeged yaros eskOdt foldmeroje egy Pest-sze-
gedi irany tanulmanyozasaval foglalkozott.
Az 1836. evi 25. t.-czikk alapjan Beszedes
Jozscf vizimernOk egy Pest-csongradi es ebbol
alkalmas helyen Szegedre elagazo esalorna ter-
vezetet keszitette el. mely az 1839/40. evi or-
szaggyuJes eIe kerOlven, ott grof Szechenyi
IstVli 11 , Desk Ferencz. Majlath GyOrgy. Kopacsy
J6zsef, Pulszky Ferencz, bar6 Sina Gyorgy 5th.
r(;szerol hathatosnn partoltatott. Ugyanezek a
fCrfink egy n?szvenytarsusagot is alakitoltak es
a tervezo mernOkkel a szerzodcst is meg-
kotottek, valamint az 1840. evi 3K t.-cz. alapjan
n reszletes tervek elkeszftesehez is hozzlifogtak.
Hagyogo tollaval Kossuth Lajos is erdeklOdcst
The waterway leading from Eastern Hung-
ary to Budapest. the staplc of Hungarian trade.
is at present too long to allow of the same
holding its own in the competition for traffil',
despite the cheapness of the transport rates.
Consequently if a ship canal were built
leading from Budapest through the Lowlands
(AlfOld) and emptying into the Tisza. the
richest and most pl'Oductive part of the counlt'y
would possess a short and cheap watcrway
leading to the Capital and to the West.
As far as the XVI. XVII and XVIII
centuries we find measures were taken by
Parliament to regulate navigable rivers and to
further ship traffic.
Acts CXXII of 1723, and LXI of 1790-91
emphasised the necessity of the creation of
artificial waterways. And in 1783 we find plans
referring to a canal between Pest and Sajo-
torkolat. in 1789 one referring to a cunal
between Pest and SZOlllOk, and in 1791 others
referring to the building of navigable canals
connecting the DUlla and the Tisza in no les.o;
than four directions. Of the latter Sax, Deputy-
director of Works and his assistant Balla. Sur-
veyor for the County of Pest, recommended
the line from Pest to Csongrad, passing through
In the opening years of the XIX century.
Stephen Vcdres. sworn Surveyor of the Town
of Szeged, was engaged in the study of a line
between Pest and Szeged.
By Act XXV of 183(\, Joseph Beszedes, an
hydraulic engineer. preparcd plans for a canal
between Pest and Csongl'ad, with a branch
leading to Szeged, to be commenced at a suit-
able point. These plans were presented before
the Parliament of lX3H-10, and received power-
ful support from Count Stephen Szechenyi.
Francis Deak. George Majllith, Joseph Kopacs)"
Francis Pulszky, Baron George Sina, and others.
The same men founded a limited liahility
company, and made a ('ontmet with the en-
gineer who prepared the phllls: and, on the
basis of Ad XXX VIlI of 1 X,W. actually started
to ehlbornte the details of the scheme. By the
keItett e fontos kOzgazdasagi k6rdes irant.
A Pesti Hirlapnak mindjart a szama-
ban irta: "HigyjOk el - Uraim - egy duna-
tiszai csatorna haszmil Rosenberg (R6zsahegy),
egy pest-fiumei vasdt hasznat a
sol a fiumei kikoton javH6 munkak haszmit
m6g a priskopi rusznyak is megerzi". Azonban
a kOzbejOtt esemenyek az eszme keresztOlvite-
let megakadaIyoztak.
Ujra feIeIedt a kerdes a 60-a5 evekben, mi-
don Boros Frigyes egy ugyancsak Budapest-
csongradi, illetve Budapest-szegedi csatorna
terveit keszitette e1, mely tervezetben a csa-
torna m6lys6grt a Duna-Tisza kozotti viz-
valaszt611ak terepalakulatahoz ugy
allapitotta meg, hogy a csatormit t6bb egy-
masho1. 16pcsosell kapcsolt tartanyra osztva. a
sZOkseges Upvizet vagy a Duna feloli oldalon
eszkOzlelldo szivattyuzassal, vagy a Saj6b61
vezetett termeszetes tliplalas utjan juttatta volna
a csatornaba. A szivattyuzasra alapftott terv
keresztOlvitel6re: a Magyar Hitelbank, az Angol-
Magyar Bank es Meisels Salamonb61 kon-
zorczium is alakult, de a vasutak epitese az
orszag munka 6s anyagi erejet annyira igenybe-
vette, hogy a kozmunka es kozlekedesOgyi
m. kir. minis1.terium a csatoma kiepitesere
vonatkoz6 tovabbi targyalasokat kenytelen volt
Legdjabban 1894. evben, Koltor Laszlo tel'-
vezelt egy Budapest-csongradi, iIletve szegedi
csatornat. de ezen terv sem jutott a megval6-
Az altalinos erdeklodes kovetkezteben, mely
ujabban 6s kOIOnosen nehany ev 6ta ismet a
vfziutak 16tesitese irant nyilvanul. a haj6zhat6
csatornak kel'desenek tanulmanyozasat es ter-
vezes6t ismet az ullam velte kezebe s e czel-
b61 a kereskedelemOgyi m. kir. miniszterium
kebeIeben Hoszpotzky Alajos miniszteri
vezetcse alatt kOlan csatornatervezesi kiren-
deltseg lett felaIIitva, mely kirendelts6gnek a
DUlla-Tisza csatormir61 vegrehajtott felvetelei,
aid of his brilliant pen, Louis Kossuth too
aroused public interest in the important econ-
omic question. In the second issue of the cPesti
Hirlap:t he wrote as follows: c You may be
convinced, gentlemen, the advantages of a canal
connecting the Danube Witll the Tisza would
be felt by R6zsahegy, those of a railway line
between Pest and Fiume by the inhabitants of
the Szihigysag (Szilagy District); nay more, the
advantages of the improvement of the harbour
of Fiume would come home to even the Rusniac
of Pliskop.:t But the events that intervened
prevented the carrying out of the idea.
The question was taken up afresh in the
sixties, when Frederick Boros prepared plans
for the building of a similar canal between
Budapest and Csongrad, and Budapest and.
Szeged respectively. In these plans the required
depth of the canal, in view of the formation
of the watershed between the Danube and the
Tisza, was to be secured by dividing the canal
into reservoirs connected with each other terrace-
wise, and by filling it either by pumping the
necessary quantity of water into it on the side
nearest the Danube, or by connecting it by a
natural channel with the river Saj6. A com-.
pany was formed for the carrying out of the
plan including pumping, consisting of the
HWlgarian Credit Bank, the Anglo-Magyar
Hank, and Solomon Meisels; but the building
of railways absorbed the labour and material
resources of the country to such an extent that
the Royal Hungarian )Iinistry of Public Works
and Traffic was obliged to put an end to any
further negotiations respecting the construction
of the canal. More recently. in 1894, Ladislas
Kollor planned the construction of a canal
between Budapest and Csongrad with a branch
connection to Szeged: but this plan, too, has
been shelved.
In consequence of the general intel'est shown
recently, particularly during the last few years,
in the creation of waterways, the study of the
question of navigable canals and of their con-
struction has again been taken in hand by the
State: to tllis end, a special Canal Commission,
- 6 -
tervezesei es ezzel kapcsolatos tanulmanyai HZ
"Adatok a Duna -Tisza csatorna kerdesehez
czimfi emlekil"atban vannak felsorolva. mely-
nek tajekoztato fobb adatai a k<'lvetkezc5kben
vazlatosan osszefoglaltattak.
A csatorna altaI kozvetlenUI erdekelt
terUletek es azokr61 mozg6sftand6 ani-
A mint az elc5zokben eloadoltakbol kitOnik,
a Duna-Tisza csatorna Mtal k<'lvetendc5 iranyra
vonatkoz6lag napjainkig szamos es valtozo ter-
vezetek keszoltek, a melyek azonban leljesen
megegyeznek abban, hogy a csatorna dunai
lorkolatanak Budapestnel kell lennie, a mely
feltetel akar a yaros k<'lzvetlen erintesevel, akar
a soroksal"i Dundg felhasznalasaval eszk<'lz<'ll-
A mi azonban a csatorna tiszai torkolatat
iIIeti, ha egy tekintetet vetiink
terkepere es a Tisza folyonak a Dunahoz val6
fekveset vizsgaljuk, erre tobb hely kinalkozik
alkalmasnak. tgy a felsc5 Tiszavidek erdekeben
feljebb volna czelszel'u a torkolatol el-
helyezni serre nezve Szolnok hitszik legalkal-
masabbnak, mely bely igenybevetele eseten,
miutan ez a Tiszavideknek Budapeslhez leg-
koze1ebb fekvc5 pontjat kepezi, a legrovidebb
utiranyu haj6zo csatorna letesiteset tenne le-
hetsegesse; ezenkivOI Szolnok, mint a tiszai
rendszeres haj6zas felsc5 vegpontja, mar regibb
idokben is a faforgalomnak egyik nagy videki
goczpontjat kepezte es a vasutak Ietesitese ota
vasdli goczponttli valvan, forgalomban is jelen-
tc5seget nyert.
A Tiszan lejjebb, delnek haladva, a gabona-
termc5 Alfold es a hajozhatasra alkalmassa tett
K<'lr<'ls a csatorna torkolatanak Csongradra le-
endc5 elhe1yezeset igenyelne, mely vonalozassal
a csatorna egyuttal a Duna-Tisza k<'lzcnek
liszta fajmagyarlakta videket jultatna az olcso
consisting of members of the staff of the Royal
Hungarian Ministry of Commerce, with the
Ministerial Councillor Aloysius Hoszpotzky at
its head, has been appointed. The surveys and
plans carried out by this Commission, and all
other questions I'egarding the canal to connect
the Danube and the Tisza are included in a
publication entitled cData referling to the
question of the Danube-Tisza Canah, the main
points of which are summarised in the following
The districts immediately concerned,
and the goods to be dispatched from
the same.
As may be seen from the foregoing remarks,
up to the pI'esent time many various plans
have been prepared rcfcl'l"illg to the direction
to be pursued by the canal to COllllCCt the
Danube with the Tisza. They all agl'ee, however,
on one point: that, viz., Budapest should he
the sta11ing.)loint of the canal on the Danube.
This condition may be carried into effect either
by direct contact with the city, 01' by employing
the Soroksar branch of the Danube.
As for the point at which the canal should
empty inlo the Tisza: if we take a glance ul
the map of Hungary and examine the situatioll
of the Tisza in reference to the Danube. several
places will seem well adapted for the purpose.
In the interests of the districts flanking the
upper reaches of the Danube, the higher the
point of contact is placed, the better; and to
this end Szolnok seems best adapted. Should
the latter town be chosen, as it is the point of
the Tisza lying nearest to Budapest, it would
render possible tlle construction of the shortest
route to Budapest: besides, being as it is the
upper terminus of the ordinary shipping trade
of the Tisza. in days gone by it constituted one
of the chief provincial centres of the wood
trade; since the buildillR of the railway system,
it has fUIther become an important railway
vfziut elonyeihez oly videket szelne at, mely
jelenleg egyeb eszkOzOkben az
orszag mas videkeihez kepest szegeny.
A Maros, mely Erdely hosszabbilami
meg a kOzvetlen viziutat, a csatorna tiszai veg_
pontjaul Szegedet jelOIi meg.
A Duna-Tisza csalorminak, mint az egesz
TiszavOlgy menten fekvo Osszes erdekelt for-
galmi terOletek sztUUtmanyainak tovabbibisara
hivatott tranzit6-utnak legfobb rendeltetese,
hogy a duna-tiszai relaczi6 varhat6 Osszes
nyugati il"anyu forgalmat rajta legkOnnyebben,
legczelszertibben es a mi fo, legolcs6bban le-
hessen lebonyolitani.
Ez iranyelv mellett vizsgalat targyava teve
azon csatorna-iranyvonalakat, melyek Buda-
pestrol a Dunabol kiindulva. a Tiszaba Szolnok-
mil, Csongradon vagy Szegednel torkolnak be,
a kOvetkezo eredmenyre jutunk:
Mindenekelott a csatorna varhato fOl'gal-
manak megallapithatasa vegeU meghataroztat-
tak ama fOl'galomgytij to teruletek, melyekrol a
tOmegaruk okvetIenOI a vizilitra gravitalnak,
a mely terOletek a Tisza meIlekfoly6i men-
ten, valamint a Jetesitendo csatornahoz csatla-
koz6, a viziutt61 jobbrol-balrol 20-20 km
szelessegben, mint minimalis meretben eIte-
Az egesz forgalomgytijto terQIet ket nagy eso-
p0l1ra osztatott. Az egyik a "sztikebb kOrti for-
galmi terOlet" elnevezest kapta es a Tisza,
KOrOs Maros folyok azon szakaszai mellett
terOl el, mely folyoszakaszok a csatoma elke-
szOltevel egyidejtileg tetetnek hajozhatova, s
(gy forgalmuk mar a csatornan at gravihil nyu-
gatra. E sztikebb kOrii terOlet hatarHt a Tiszan
Tiszapolgar es TOrOkbecse. a KOrOsOn Korils-
tarcsa es a Maroson Arad kepezi,
E terOlet nagy-saga 21,905 km I, vagyis 3'8
millio kataszteri hold.
junction, and has gained in importance as a
centre of traffic.
Further south, the corn-producing Lowlands
and the rendering navigable oCthe river KOrOs,
would favour the location of the Tisza mouth
of the canal at Csongrad, a scheme which would
enable the pure Magyar population of the
district between the Danube and the Tisza to
enjoy the advantages of a cheap waterway that
would cross a district which, in comparison
with other parts of the country, is comparat-
ively poor in other means of communication.
The Maros, which might prolong the waterway
right into the heart of Transylvania, points out
Szeged as the place best adapted as the point
of connection with the Tisza.
The main purpose of the canal to connect
the Danube with the Tisza, as a means. of
transit for the goods of all the districts situated
along the whole length of the Tisza valley,
is to provide for the easy, adequate, and, most
important of all, the cheapest transport of all
wares produced by the district between the
two rivers which may be expected to find their
way west.
With this guiding principle in view an ex-
amination has been made of the various lines for
a canal leading from Budapest and connecting
the Danube with the Tisza at Szolnok, Csongrad
or Szeged; and this examination has resulted
in the following conclusions:
Above all, to determine the traffic that may
be expected on the creation of the canal, a
survey was made of the districts likely to
concentrate the dispatch of heavy goods and
send them exclusively by water: these districts
stretch along the banks of the Tisza and its
tributaries, and include a minimum radius of
20 kilometres from both banks of the canal to
be constructed.
The whole district concentrating its traffic
in this manner was divided into two large
groups. The one was called the exclusive
traffic districb, and stretches along those reaches
of the Tisza, KorOs and Maros which will
become navigable at the same time as the
- 8 -
A csatorna forgalomgyl1jt6 tenUetenek ma-
sodik csoportja tagabb kor11 forgalmi terQlet-
nek neveztetett es a Tisza es melJekfoly6inak
azon szakaszai mellett terfll el,' melyek csak a
csatorna megepitese utan - mondjuk, a messze
jOvOben - valnak haj6zhat6kka. E terQlet
nagysagn 30,408 kms, vagyis 528 milli6 katasz-
teri hold.
A csatorna osszes forgalmi terQlete tehat 908
milli6 kataszteri hold, vagyis Magyarorszag te-
rQletenek kOzeI 1/6 reaze, meg pedig hazank-
nak mezc5gazdasagilag legfejlettebb videke.
A mi a varhat6 forgalmat illeti, mindenek
el6tt megjegyeztetik, hogy csak a szl1kebb kOrl1
forgalmi terolet es a Maros foly6nak Piskiig
leendo haj6zhat6va iCtele jOlt tekintetbe a csa-
torna varhat6 forgalmanak szamszer11 megaUa-
pitasanal, mig ellenben a bigabb kOru forgalmi
ternIetnel a me1l6kfoly6knak csak a messze
jOv6ben varhat6 haj6zhatasa miatt csak azok
a fobb keretek allittattak fel, melyeken belnI
czen terQlet forgalma mozoghat. Az aIabbiakban
tehat csak a szukebb forgalmi terQlet es a
kOzgazdasagilag rendkivQI fontos Maros-videk
forgalmar61 le!!z sz6 es erre flt!zve megkQIOn-
1. "Kezdeli csatornaforgalom", mely a mai
forgalomnak a csatorna leend6 ter-
meszetes fejlodes tekintetbe vetele mellett elo-
all6 mennyisegebol a csatornara fog gravi-
2. Vegleges forgalom", mely mar a csa-
torn a fejleszto batasa folytan, azaz midon e
letesUmeny hataisa mar ervenyesQlhet, fog e16-
3. A "Maros forgalma", mely a Marosr61,
annak Piskiig leendo szabalyozasat feItetelezve,
a csatornaval egyidejaleg fog ervenyesQlni.
A csatornatorkolat kerdesenek eldontesenel
alapul szolgal6 forgalom nagysaga a kOvetkezo-
kep 6llithat6 Ossze:
construction of the canal; in consequence of
wbich fact theh traffic must gravitate westward
by way of the canal. The confines of this
exclusive district are, on the Tisza, Tiszapolgar
and TOrOkbecse, on the K6rOs, K6rOstarcsa,
and on tbe Maros, Arad. The area of this
district is 21.905 square kilometres, i. e. 3,800.000
catastral acres.
The second part of the district concentrating
its traffic in this manner has been called the
cless exclusive traffic districb, and stretches
along those reaches of the Tisza and its tri-
butaries which will not be navigable until after
the consbuetion of the canal (let us say, in the
distant future). The area of this district is
30.408 square kilometres, i. e. 5,280.000 cat-
astral acres.
The whole district whose traffic will grav-
itate to the canal. therefore, comprises an area
of 9,080,000 catastral acres, i. e. about one fifth
of the aggregate area of Hnngary, agriculturally
the most higbly developed part of the countty.
As for the traffic that may be expected:
ahove all we must remark that only the _ ex-
clusive tramc district and the rendering navig-
able of the Maros as far as Piski was taken
into account when determining the figures of
tbe traffic to he expected on the completion of
the canal. while on the other hand, owing to
the fact tbat the tributary rivers will probably
not be rendered navigable until some time in
the distant future, as far as the less exclusive
traffic districb is concerned, this district was
taken into account only in so far as it is bound
to participate in the traffic of the waterway.
Consequently in the following remarks only
the traffic of the -exclusive district and of the
economically important Maros country is con-
cerned, and in this respect the following differ-
entiations must be made:
1. Preliminary canal traffic-. that viz: which
must gravitate to the canal and consists of the
quantity of goods produced in the natural course
of development from today until the comple-
tion of the canal j
- 9
1. Kezdeti forgalom:
TranziteS mennyiseg . 962.400 tonna
A csatoma melletli videk
forgalma, vagy r6viden
belforgalom. . . . . 187.000

Osszesen 1,149.400 tonna
Maros forgaIma . . .. . 860.000 tonna
Osszes kezdeti forgalom a
Marossal . 2,009.400 tonna
2. Vegleges forgalom a
Tranzit6 . .
marosi forgalom
. tonna
. 206.000
Osszescn 1.34t1.000 tonna
3. Vegleges forgalom a Maros forgalmaval
egyOU ...... 2,200.000 tonna.
A felsorolt forgalmi adatok k6zQ) az 1. tete)
alatti, vagyis a Maros forgalmanak betudasa.-
val eloalleS kezdeti forgalom a legfontosabb,
mely mar a csatorna meguyitaslival szamftasba
A hajeSzeS csatorna tenyleges hossztisaga:
1. A Budapest-szolnoki iranyban 108 km.
2. A Budapest-csongradi iranyban 141 km.
3. A Budapest-szegedi iranyban 174'6 km.
Ua azonban az egyes csatornavonalakat a
vontatasi ido, k6ltseg 6s egyeb Ozemi nehezse-
gek tekintetbe veteIevel eShajtjuk 6sszehasonlf-
lani, akkor az elOzoleg felsorolt tenyleges hosszli-
sagok helyett azok Ozemhosszdsaga veendo
figyelembe, melynel ugyanis a tenyleges hosszu-
saghoz minden zsilipeIes utan 2'5 km utlobb)et
lesz hozzaadandeS es pedig azon idoveszteseg
miatt, mit minden egyes zsilipeles igenybe vesz.
A csatorna-vonalak OzemhosszUsaga lehat:
1. A Budapest-szolnoki iranyh811 Hil km.
2. A Budapest-csongradi iranyban 166 km.
3. A Budapest-szegedi iranyban 202 km.
2. Final traffic., the result of the effect
produced by the canal, i. e. the natural con-
sequence of the assertion of the same;
3. The Maros traffic., which must be the
outcome of the regulation of the bed of that
river 8S far as Piski.
The extent of the traffic, which must serve
to decide the question of the point most adap-
ted as the mouth of the canal, may be sum-
marised as follows:
1. Preliminary traffic.
Transit goods . . .
Internal traffic of dis-
tricts situated along
the canal. . . .
a) Total
962.400 tons.
187.000 tons.
1,149.400 tons.
The Maros traffic . 800.000 tons .
b) Aggregate preliminary
traffic . . . . . . 2,009.400 tons.
2. Final exclusive
of the Maros traffic:. .
Transit goods . 1,134.000 tons.
Internal hatfic. . . . ' 206.000 tons.
Total. . . . . . . . 1,340.000 tons.
:J. Final traffic inclusive of the
c Maros 2,200.000 tons.
Of the above data referring to traffic, that
of the preliminary tramc> including that of
the Maros (1 b.) is the most important, and
may be taken into account from the moment
the canal is opened.
The aclual lengths of the ship.canals would
be as follows:
1. Budapest-Szolnok, 108 kilometres,
2. Budapest-Csongrad, 141 kilometres,
3. Budapest-Szeged, 174'6 kilometres.
But if we wish to compare the various lines
with regard to lime employed in towing, ex-
pense and othel' difficulties connected with its
working, instead of the actual lengths above
recorded, we must take the working lengths
of the same into consideration; for every lock
means the addition of 2'5 kilometres to the
actual length, owing to the lime wasted by the
fdling and emptying of the locks.
- 10
A torkolat megfelelc5 valaszt6sahoz az itt k6-
z61t adatok felhaszn8lAsaval a sz6llitasi k61tse-
gek, tovabba az 6pitesi k61tsegek evi kamatja
es a csatorna egyeb Ozemi kolls6geib61 szar-
mazo 6sszes kiadasok egyOUesen nytijtanak
teljes felvilagosftast.
A szallitasi k61tsegek alapjat kepezc5 "tonna-
kilometerek a felemUtetl vonalaknal vegleges
csatornaforgalom eseten a beiforgalom elhagya-
saval a k6vetkez61eg alakulnak:
1. A szolnoki torkolat
eseten 101682 milli6 tkm.
2. A csongradi torko-
lat esetan 83540 mi1li6 tkm.
3. A szegedi torkolat
eseten . 820 25 milli6 tkm.
A tenyleges szallitasi k61ts6gek pedig a Ma
ros forgalmaval szamitott kezdeti csalornafor-
galom mellett, de meginl belforgalom nelkOl:
1. A szolnoki lorkola t
elfogadasanal . . 70421 milli6 kor.
2. A csongradi torko.
lat elfogadasanaI. 63424 milli6 kor.
3. A szegedi torkolat
elfogadasanal . . 66046 mi1li6 kor.
vagyis az evi szaUitasi a szolnoki vona-
Ion 699.700 korona val es a szegedi vonalon evi
262.200 koronlival t6bb, mint a csongradi tor-
kolat valasztasa eseten.
Ha a fenli szallitasi k6llsegekhez hozzaad-
juk az epitesi toke kamatjab61, a fenntartas-
es igazgatasb61, valamint a szivattyuzasb61
eredc5 evi koltsegeket, a k6vetkezc5 jellegzetes
szamokat kapjuk:
1. A szolnoki vonalra nezve 101231 mill. kor.
2. A csongradi" " 92114" "
3. A szegedi " " 98786" "
vagyis az evi 6sszkiadas a csongradi torkolat
igenybe v6tele mellelt 911.700 koronaval keve
sebb, mint a szolnoki vonalnal es 66i .200 ko-
rona val kevesebb, mint a szegedi vonalmil.
Consequently the working lengths of the
various lines would be as follows:
1) Budapest-Szolnok, 161 kilometres,
2) Budapest-Csongrad, 166 kilometres,
3) Budapest-Szeged, 202 kilometres.
In deciding on an adequate point for the
Tisza mouth of the canal, we must be guided
by the outlay on transport the, yearly interest
due on the building expenses, and all the ex-
penditure caused by the other working expenses
of the canal, which can be calculated by making
use of the data given above.
Taking the unit of a ton per mile as the
basis of a calculation of freight rates, we shal
get the following results in the cases of the
above-mentioned roules respectively (exclusive
of inland traffic, and in the case of cHnal
tramc.) .
1. In lhe case of the mouth being situated
at Szolnok, 101682 units,
2. at Csongrlid, 83540 units,
3. at Szeged, 82025 units.
The nctual amount expended in transport
(taking as basis the c preliminary traffic., inclu-
sive of the Maros traffic., but without inland
1. if the mouth be located at Szolnok,
7.042,100 crowns,
2. at Csongrad, 6.342,400 crowns,
:i. at Szeged, 6.604,600 crowns, i. e. if the
choice fall upon Szolnok, the expenditure on
transport amounts to 699,iOO, if upon Szeged,
262,200 crowns more than jf the mouth of the
canal were situated at Szolnok.
If to the above figures (expenditure on trans-
port) we add the annual outlay comprised in
the interest on the building capital, the expend-
iture on maintenance and administration, and
on pumping, we get the following results:
1. in the case of the Szolnok
2. in that of the Csongrad route, 9,211.400
3. in that of the Szeged route, 9,8i8.6()O
crowns: i. e. the location of the mouth of the
canal at Csongrad .an an ual outlay in
Az eloadollak alapj4n kil6nik, hogy ugy az
liltalanos gazdasagi, kOzforgalmi, mint a szallU-
manyozok kOlonleges szempontjabol a csong-
radi torkolat az, mely az erdekeltek legteljesebb
kielegitesevel a varhato forgalomnak legolcsobb
es legmegfelelobb lebonyolitasat biztositja, s
igy a kOzerdek szempontjabol is legindokoltabb.
A csatorna kozgazdasagi jelentl)sege,
haszna es az altaI a elerendl) meg-
Hazank termeIese es a termeles altai moz-
gositott lOmegek elsosorban' a mezo- es erdo-
gazdasag kOrebOl val6k, tehat nagyobb sulyu,
vagy nagyobb terjedelmfi, de viszonl terjedel-
mQkhOz kepest csekelyebb ertekfi nyersterme-
nyek, melyek elsosOl'ban nem gyors, hanem
olcso szallitasl igenyelnek.
Ezen tomegaruk rendszerint a
helyektol tavolabb eso piaczokon lesznek jol
ertekesithetok, tehat nagyobb utakat kenylele-
nek megtenlli; ezek szallitasara a 'viziut a leg-
megfelelobb eszkoz. mivel annak egyik kOlon-
leges tulajdonsaga eppell az, hogy foleg nagyobb
t.avolsagokra biztositja az olcso szallitast.
Altalanos nezet, hogy a nyerstermenyek
olcso szlillitasa a vasullal okszerfien meg nem
oldhato es hogy e czelra vegre nalunk is azon
kozlekedesi eszkOzoket kell fejleszteni, melyek
kQlfoldOn is a nyerstermenyek 0lcs6 szallitas8-
nak regen elismert legalkalmasabb eszkOzei -
a viziutakat.
Ha mezogazdaSaf.,'Ullkat fejleszteni es belter-
jesebbe teve, hasznat novelni akaljuk, 6gy szok-
seges, hogy a mezogazda szOksegleteit is olcsoh-
ban szerezhesse be.
Ha tebat a vizitit tr8gyat, mfitragyat, csont-
lisztet, vasat, gepeket. koolajat, kovet, teghit,
cserepet, homokot, fat. szenet, szalmat, szenat.
erotakarmanyl stb. oleson szallit, a termelot
the aggregate of 911.700 crowns less than that
incurred by locating the mouth at Szolook,
and 667,200 crowns less than that incurred by
the location of the mouth at Szeged.
From the foregoing remarks it is evident
that from general points of view of economy
and traffic and from the particular point of
view of con signers of goods, the Csongrad
route is able to guarantee the perfect satisfac-
tion of the parties interested and to secure the
cheapest and most adequate means of transit
for the traffic that may be expected, and is
therefore, from the point of view of public
interest, the one the construction of which is
most justified.
Economic importance of the canal;
its advantages, and the economy
to be derived from its construction.
The products of Hungary and the masses
of goods set in motion by production are princi-
pally the prodllcloi of agriculture and forestry:
they are consequently raw products of conside-
rable weight and bulk, buttheir value is not in
proportion to their bulk, Therefore they require
above all cheapness of transport, not speed.
These goods are generally saleable to the
best advantage in markets at some distance
from the place of production, and are, con-
sequently, obliged to travel a long way: for
the transport of such goods, waterways are the
most suitable means, seeing that one of the
peculiar features of the laller is that. in parti-
cuhir for longer journeys. they provide cheap
Everybody is agreed that the cheap trans-
port of raw matel"ials cannot rationally be
expected of railways, and that. for that pur-
pose, those mealls of communication must at
last be developed in Hungary which have long
been recognised abroad as the most suitable
means of securing the cheap transport of raw
materials, viz.: waterways.
If Hungary desire to develop her agriculture
- 12 -
beUerjesebb gazdalkodAsra kepesiti es igy 01- .
cs6bban termelhet.
Ha erdogazdasagunk nyerstermenyeit, nyers-
vagy feltermeny alakjaban j6 arakon akarjuk
ertekesiteni, akkor is a direkt es indirekt esz-
kOzOk kozott mindenott az 0lcs6 szallitas fog-
lalja el az elso helyet.
Az ipar legfontosabb anyaga a szen, vas.
nehez vegyi nyersanyagok, az erczek s igy az
0lcs6 szaillitas a gyaripar erdekeben szinten fel-
tetlentll szOkseges, mert ha a nyerstermenyek
0lcs6 szallitasat lehetove teszszOk. iparvallala-
tok keletkezhetnek oly videken is, mely mezo-
gazdasagot liz, egyuttal hozzAszoktatvAn a ma-
gyar fOldillovest a telimunkahoz, emelven j61etet
s ezzel fogyaszt6kepesseget is, a minek kavet-
azutan kevesebb nyerstermeny szo-
nUna kivitelre es tObbet fogyasztanank el itthon.
Az ma mar teljesen ketsegtelen, hogy a j6
viziut nyujtotta nagy elonyOket a gyaripar
kellokep merlegeli es a gyartelepek vizmellelti
fekvese rna mar a egyik Ienye-
ges feltetele.
Hogy gyariparunknak a gyarlas nyers- es
segedanyaganak oles6 szallitasara mily egeto
szOksege van, eIeg rea mutatnunk a szen, koksz
es hason16 ipari nyersanyagok szaIlitasamU
hazai vasutaink altaI iparunk fejlesztese szem-
pontjab61 hozoU nagy tildozatokra s az e resz-
ben ervenyben levo kiveteles dijtetelekre.
Ha tehat a jelenlegi piaczok biztositasa es
'ujaknak megszerzese sorrendjeben elsosorban
is azokat kivanjuk megszallani, melyek jelen-
legi kereskedelmi viszonyainknak megfelelnek,
akkor elsosorban azon <>sszekOto viziut hir
elsorangu fontossaggal, mely termeszetes vizi-
ntainkat, foleg pedig a TiszavOlgyet a Dumival
OsszekOti es e videknek a nyugat feIe val6 koz-
lekedest megkOl1nyfti, vagyis a Duna-Tisza
by making it more intensive, to increase
its profit, the farmer must be enabled to secure
his requirements at a cheaper rate.
Consequently, if waterways are able to
supply him with cheap manure. artificial manure.
bone dust, iron, machinery, petroleum, stones,
bricks, pottery, sand, wood, coal, straw. fodder
etc., he will be enabled to work his farm in
a more intensive manner. and consequently
to produce at a cheaper rate.
In order to be able to sell the raw pro-
ducts of forestry (whether in the form of
raw products or unmanufactured articles) at a
good price, the greatest stress: must in aU places
be laid on cheapness of transport, as the
most important of all means (both direct and
indirect) of producing that result.
The most important matelials for industrial
purposes are coal, iron, heavy raw chemicals,
and minerals: consequently cheapness of trans-
port is indispensable to the interests of the
manufacturing industry. For by rendering the
cheap transport of raw materials possible,
industlial enterprises can be established even
in districts engaged in agricuitUl'al pursuits; at
the same time the Hungarian agricultural labour-
ers can be made familiar with winter work,
their wealth is increased and they are thus
enabled to consume in greater quantities. The
consequence of such a state of affairs would
be that fewer raw materials would have to be
exported and more could be consumed at
There is no longer the slightest doubt that
the great advantages offered by waterways arc
duly appreciated by the manufacturing induslIj;
the situation of a factory beside some water is
today an essential condition of its ability to
The absolute necessity for cheap transp0l1
of the raw and other materials required for
production, as far as our manufacturing industry
is concerned, is clearly enough proved by the
great sacrifices made by Hungarian railways.
with a view to developing home industry, in
respect of the transport of coni, coke, and
- 13 -
Csakis ezen csatorna letesftese utan fog a
Tisza 6s annak egesz vizrendszere forgalmunk
foiranyaban kelloen ervlmyesOlhetni es igy for-
galmunkban az ot illeto melt6 szerepet betoltve,
az egesz Tiszav61gy termenyeit az 0lcs6 szallitas
elonyeiben reszesithetni.
A vizitit Csongradr61 Budapestre jelenleg,
vagyis Tiszan le- es DUlUin felmenve 709 km,
mig a j6v6ben a csatornan at Csongradon
keresztOI a tavolsag 141 kilometer leend, az
utr6vidOies tehftt 568 km, a mi annyit jelent,
hogy j6voben a mai utnak 8O%-a leend meg-
mely rovidOles abszolut erteke
ugyanaz marad a Csongrad f6lotti. 6sszes tiszai
allomasokra, valamint a Korosokre es !<'elso-
Tisza mellekfoly6ira.
Csongradt61 lefele az litrovidOJes fogy es
Obecsenel 221 kilometert tesz ki, azaz az osszcs
tavolsag 41 szazalekat.
A vontatas a 165 km Ozemhosszti csatornan
at 16vontatas melletl tonnankint 156 fi1l6rbe,
azaz a csatorna 141 kilometer lenyleges hosz-
szusagara atszamitva, tonnakilometerenkint 1'11
fillerbe fog kerOlni.
Ugyane szallihisi koltsegek gozvontahis
eseten 100, illetve tonnakilometerenkint 0'7
fillerre tehetok.
A csatorna befektetesi tokejenek reszben,
vagy egeszben val6 kamatoztatasa, tovabba a
fenntartas es igazgatas koltsegeinek fedezesere
szolgal6 vam megftllapHasftra azon elv szolgalt
iranyad661, hogy edItal a csatorna nytijtotla
elonyok, illetve a szanitasi k6Itsegekben 6haj-
tand6 megtakaritasok lenyegesen meg ne cson-
Csongradr61 Budapestre a mai szallihisi dfj
tonminkint ftUag 571 fillert tesz ki, melybol a
fentebb kimutatolt 15fl filler csatornaszallihisi
k6ltseget levonva, a megmarad6 415 fillerbol,
az elozokben jelzett gazdasllgi es forgahni elo-
other similar raw materials, and by the exep-
tional freight. tariff in force ill this respect.
If therefore, in securing the markets that
are at present available and getting hold of
new ones, we would endeavour, in the first
place, to make sure ot those which are suited
to the present condition of our trade, the great-
est importance must be attached to the Danube-
Tisza ship-canal, that artificial waterway des-
tined to connect our natural waterways, in
particular to form a connecting link between
the Danube and the valley of the Tisza, and
to offer facilities for the transport westwards
of the districts flanking the Tisza.
Not until this waterway has been construct-
ed, will the Tisza and its whole system of
tributaries be enabled to duly assert itself by
graviting its trade towards the main stream of
Hungarian commerce, and, playing the part in
the traffic of the country which is its due, to
offer the advantages of cheap transport to the
products of the whole Tisza valley.
The route by water f!"Om Csongrad to Buda-
pest (down stream on the Tisza, and up stream
011 the Danube) is at present 709 kilometres
long; whereas, in the future, by canal, via
Csongl'ad, the distance will be 141 kilometres,
a saving of 568 kilometres, i. e. 80% of the
whole route used today; and the absolute value
of this shortening of distance is felt by all the
stations on the Tisza above Csongrad, as well
as by all stations on the two rivers Karas and
the tributaries of the upper Tisza.
Down stream from Csongrltd the shortening
of distance is diminished; at Obecse it amounts
to 221 kilometres only, i. e. 41% of the whole
The cost of towing (by horse power) up or
down the 165 working kilometres of the canal,
would amount to 156 filler per ton, i. e. cal-
culated for the actual distance in kilometres
(141), 1'11 filler per ton per kilometre.
In the event of lowing by steam (tugS), the
cost of towing would be 1 crown per ton, i. e.
an averege of 7/10 filler per ton per kilometre.
In calculating the tolls to be employed to
- 14 -
ny6ket biztositand6 300 OIler megtakaritast
alapul veve, a csatornavamra tonnankint 115
filler esik, mely a csatorna kerekszamhan
140 kilometer hosszara elosztva. tonnakilomete-
renkint ()'82 filler csatornavamnak fog meg-
. Termeszetes. hogy eme, a forgalom zomere,
a gabona es orlemenyekre vonatkoz6 csatorna-
yam az olcs6bb anyagokra: szen, ko, tl'ligya
stb. kevesebb leend, es viszont az ertekesebh
kel'eskedelmi arukra Mbbet is fog kitenni, a
mely 6sszes dijtetelek azonban a forgalom nove-
kedese, valamint a vonlatas olcs6bba Mtele
kovetkezteben ismet lejjebb is fognak szaIlani.
Az c czfmen elert megtakaritasokt:a nezve.
mint jelLemzo adat f'elemIUheto, hogy a Tisza-
videk tranzit6 forgalmaban Budapest fele a
meglakaritas a jelenlegi vasdti dfjtetclekhez
kepest es a mostani vlzi dljtetelek-
hez kepest 30-40%-ot jelent,
Azon forgalmilag es gazdasagilag egyarant
fontos szempontok koze, melyek a Duna-Tisza
csatorna kival6an figyelembe veen-
dok, tartozik a csatorna azon szerepe, melylyel
a mezl>gazdasag, ipar es altalaban a kozfogyasz-
his sznksegleteit. fedezo tomegaruk. az olcso
nyersanyagok szallitasaban fog birni.
E tomegaruk k6z01 knlOnOsen felemlithetok
a kovetkezok:
1. A koallyag, miben AlfOldOnk igen szegeny.
de a mibol eppen ezen a videkell igen nagy
mennyisegre volna szOkseg, hogy a nelkol6z6U
uthal6zatat kiepithesse. Ugyane csoportba sorol-
hatjuk a tegla. csel'ep, homok es kavics auya-
got, meJyek HZ Alfoldon igl'n kim-
A jelenlegi alia pot .iellemzesenl fclt'mlithelo,
hogy daczara az utepfleshez sZOkseges )u}anyag
szaIlitasara fennall6 kiveteles es melyen leszal-
IftoU vasuti tarifaknak, a vasuti szallitasb61 eJo-
pay the interest. either in whole or in part, on
the capital invested, and to cover the expenses
of administration and maintenance, the principle
observed was not to materially curtail the
advantages offered by the canal or the econ-
omy in freight rates, the attainment of which
is so desirable .
Today the rates for transport from Csongrad
to Budapest amount 10 571 filler: if we deduct
from the same the above mentioned cost of
towing on the canal (156 filler). from the re-
mainder (415 filler), allowing for an economy
of 300 filler to secure the economic and traffic
advantages detailed above, a canal toll of 115
filler per ton could be exacted, which, taking
the actual length of the canal, in round figu-
res, at 140 kilometres, would mean a canal
toll of 0'82 fillers per ton per kilometre.
Natm'ally enough, this canal toll, which is
calcldated as the rate for the bulk of the
articles of traffic (corn and mill-produce), would
be less for cheaper materials (coal, stones,
manure etc.)" and, on the other hand, would
be increased in the case of valuable
mercantile wares. But all the toll-rates could
be reduced by the increase of traffic. as well
as by the cheapening of the freight rates,
As fOl' the economy thus attained, as a
characteristic example, we may mention that
the saving in the transit traffic from the Tisza
district to Budapest would be 40-60/
comparison with the railway rales in force today,
and 30-40
in comparison with tbe present
rates for carriage by water.
To the points of view of importance both
economically and with regard to traffic, which
mnst be particularly taken into account in
connection with the construction of the Danube-
Tisza Canal, belongs the part to be played
by the said canal in the transport of cheap
raw materials, and of all the bulky merchan-
dise constituting the necessities of agliculture,
of industry and of general consumption.
Of this bulky merchandise the following
articles deserve special mention:
- 15
aIM koltsegek az utepiles t'lsszes kt'lltsegeinek
mintegy 25-30%-at kepezik.
A kt'lbmeterenkint rendesen 1'5-2'0 koro-
miba kerolo utfenntartasi anyagoknak vasuton
valo szallitasa 6-8 koronaba kerOl
2. A fa-felek. ertve alatta a tuzifat, tovabba
az ipal'i es gazdasagi czelokra szolg8.l6 haszon-,
epito- es hulladekfat sth.. mely rna is nagy
mennyisegben kerOI szallitasra a Felso-Tiszar61.
valamint a Kl>rl>sl>k felso szakasza es a Maros
mellett fekvo videkekrol. A csatorna utjan az
is lehet6ve valnek, hogy a Tiszarol es melJek-
foly6ir61 erkezo fa a budapesti piaczra is
rovidebb uton juthasson el s ertekesebb aruva
alakittassek at
A viszonyoknak iIy elonyl>s valtoz8sa kl>vet-
kezteben az orszag keleti reszeben fekvo erdo-
segelt es fOkeppen az aIlamkincstar a faterme-
lesi es faertekesitesi viszonyok Jenyeges javu-
lasait remelhetik.
Az l>sszes kiviteli czikkeink kt'lzt'ltt eppen a
fa az, melynek kivitele a legegeszsegesebb ala-
pon ;ill, de melynek - mereteineI fogva-
vasuton val6 kezelese nehezkes es draga s
melyre nezve ez okbol a haj6n val6 szallitas
ugy elhelyezes. mint a jarmu teljes kihasznal-
hataisa tekinteteben a legtt'lkeletesebb szallitasi
A Ouna-Tisza csatOrIla vizrendszerehez tar-
toz6 foly6k vl>lgyeben eltel'Olo erdosegek tern-
lete 2'63 milli6 hekbir, tehat az orszag mintegy
7'5 milli6 hektart tevo l>sszes erdoteroletenek
35%.a, a mely terOleten kl>zel 7':i milli6 kt'lb-
meter evi fatermes szamithat6.
A faanyagok elsz;iIlitasa kt'lrul a mai dij-
tetelekhez kepest 35-40% megtakaribis lesz
elerheto, a minek termeszetes kovetkezmenve
az leend, hogy a fa a csatorna
:!gyik leglenyegesebb czikket fogja kepezni.
1. Stone material, in which the Lowlands
are extremely poor, a very large quantity of
which, however, is required in that part of the
country, for the completion of the very defic-
ient network of roads. In this group may be
included. besides, bricks, pottery, sand, and
gravel, the acquiring of which, in the Lowlands,
is an extremely expensive matter.
To characterise the present state of affairs
we may mention the fact that, despite the
exceptionally low railway rates for the carriage
of stone material required for road-making.
the expenses occured for the transport by rail
of stones amount to about 25-30"/
of the
whole cost of road-making.
The carriage by rail of the materials required
for the maintenance of roads (which cost about
'crowns per cubic metre) involves an
expenditure of 6-8 crowns.
2. Wood material (timber), inclusive of fuel,
shavings, and timber of all kinds for agl'ieul-
tural and industrial PUIposes. which is even
tonay h'ansported in large quantities from the
Upper from the upper reaches of the
two rivers Kort'ls and the districts flanking the
:\Iaros. The construction of the canal would
enable the wood coming from the Tisza and
its tributaries to be carried by a shorter route
to the Budapest market and to be thus trans-
formed into a more valuahle article of com-
By such an advantageous change of con-
ditions, the forests situated in the East of
Hungary (in particular those belonging to the
Exchequer) could look forward to a material
improvement in the conditions of production
and sale.
Of all Hungarian articles of export, wood
(timber) is the one, the export of which rests
on the soundest basis, but the transport of
which by rail (owing to its bulkiness) is difficult
and expensive: for this article the most perfect
means of transport is the ship, where it can be
easily accommodated, and the best use made of
the space at the disposal of the consigner.
The area of the forests situated .in the
- 16 -
Nagy jelentosege leend tovabba a csatorna-
nak a dragabb fanemlleknek tavolabbi piaczokra,
kOIOnOsen Nemetorszagba val6 szaIlitlisanal,
tovabba az 0lcs6bb fanemeknek a beltOldon es
Ausztriaban leend6 ertekesitesenel, ftgyelembe
veve, hogy fakiviteliink az utols6 20 ev alatt
csaknem megketszerez6dott.
Az Osszes mellekfoly6k szabalyozasa utan a
messzp. jOvoben rem61het6 evi faforgalom egy-
maga mintegy 1'5 milli6 tonnara becsOlhetO, a
melynek elszallftasa kOrOI milli6kra men6 meg-
takarftasok lesznek eIerhet6k.
3. A szen, az e teren kOlfOldOn tapasztal-
hat6 viszollyokbol itelve, a Duna-Tisza csatorna
forgalmaban igen jelentekeny szereppel fog
birni. Slilyahoz kepest csekelyebb erteke, gyors
szaIlfhist nem igenylo termeszete, nagy tOme-
gekbell val6 8zallithat6saga a szenet a viziut
kival6 szlillitmanyava teszi.
Magyarorszag evi, mintegy 80 milli6 meter-
m8zsa szentermesenek jelentekeny oly
banyakb61 kerOI ki, melyek kOzvetlellQl vagy
kOzvetve Illar most is a viziutat hasznaljak, de
a jovoben meg inkabb igenybe fogjak azt
A hazai kivQI szen es koksz-
behozatalunk tObb, mint 20 milli6 metermazsa,
mdylyel szemben kiviteliink alig 5 milli6 meter
A szenszaWtas kOrOI a Duna-Tisza csatorna
es igellybevetehSvel elel"endo szalli-
tasi megtakarihis even kent 2,260.000 koronara
-to Koksz-, ercz- es vasforgalom.
Szenfajainknak kitOllo minosegOk Mellett
egyetlen nagy hatranyuk, hogy belolOk teljesen
megfelel6 kokszot kello minosegben es nagyobb
tOmegekben eloallitani nem vagyunk kepesek,
mierl is e teren Ilagyobb lllennyiscgu kOlfoldi
valleys of the rivers belonging to the water
system of the Danube-Tisza Canal is 2,630.000
hectares, i. e. about 35", of the whole forest-
covered territory of HunRary (7,500.000 hecta-
res); this area can produce nearly 7,300.000
cubic metres of timber annually.
In the transport of timber, in comparison
to the freight rates in force today, a saving of
35-40", will be attainable, the natural con
sequence of which fact will that timber will
be one of the most important items in the
traffic of the canal.
The canal will be of great imp011ance,
further, in fOI'warding the more expensive kinds
of woods to more distant markets (particularly
to Germany), and in marketing the cheaper
kinds of woods at home and in Austria. N. B.
the wood export of Hungary has almost doubled
during the last 20 years.
In the distant future, after the
of the beds of all the tributary rivers, the
traffic in wood alone should amount to 1,500.000
tons per annum, in the transport of which
millions or crowns can be saved.
3. Coal, which. judging by the state of
affairs abroad, should play a very considerable
part in the traffic of the Danube-Tisza Canal.
The value of coal, which is proportionately small
in comparison with its weight. the fact that it
does not require quick transport (not being
perishable), and the fact that it can be carried
in large quantities, render it peculiarly suitable
for transport by water.
A considerable part of the coal produce of
Hungary (eight million tons per annum) comes
from mines which (either directly or indirectly)
are even now making upe of waterways, and
will in the future make still more use of them.
Besides the coal produced at home, Hung-
ary imports more than 2,000.000 tons of coal
and coke: over against which she can only
show an export of less than 500.000 tons.
The saving to be made in the b"ansport of
coal, hy the construction and employment of
the Danube-Tisza Canal, may be estimated at
2,260.000 crowns. per annum.
- 17
koksz behozatahira szorulunk, mely 1904-ben
242.000 es 1906-ban mar 345.800 tonnat tett ki.
E nagyobb reszben Osztrak-, kisehb resz-
ben Porosz-Szilezi4b61. az Odera meltetti
banyaterOletekrol jOvo koksz a Duna-Odera
esatornan, a Dunan, a Dunn-Tisza csatoman,
a Tiszan es a Maroson fognak szallittatni, mely
czimen even kent mintegy 770.000 korona meg-
takarftasra szamfthatunk.
5. Tragyafelek.
A tragyainseg egyik alland6 baja a magyar
AlfOldnek s legfObb oka az intenziv gazdalko-
dosra valo' atmenel lassu haladasanak.
Tudvalevo, hogy a termeszetes tragya sulya-
hoz es tOmegehez kepest csekely erteket kep-
visel, ennelfogva a vasuli szallitas nagy kOlt-
seget nem birja el. Hasonlokeppen a mfitragya
hasznalatanak eJterjedeset is a szallftasi kOll-
segek dragasaga akadalyozza ; mar pedig mezo-
gazdasagi fokozasanak allandosi-
tasa es jovoje czeljab61 a tragyazasra az
eddiginel Ienyegesen nagyobb gondot kell for-
dUani, mely okb61 allattenyesztesOnk gondos
fejlesztese mellett elsosorban az Alfoldre kiva-
Man nagyfontossagu a mfitragya altalanos hasz-
nalatanak kerdese.
Az osszesen mintegy 40.000 tonmira teheto
mtltrogya-szallihis korOI evenkent mintegy
135.200 korona megtakarftas remelheto.
6. Takarmanyanyagok.
A Duna-Tisza csatorna kiepitesevel az orszag
keleti es nyugati fele 0les6 vfziuttal kllUetven
Ossze, lehetseges lesz az orszag egyes videkei
k01.0tt a takarmanytermesben idoszakonkent
elofordul6 aranytalan kOlonbozeteket kiegyen-
liteni, a mi azonban jelenleg a kedvezmenyes
vasuti dfjtetelek mellett sem lehetseges.
Ma sok helyen a szalma, sot a szena sem
ertekesftheto, mas helyen ellenben alom- es
kQzd a gazdakOzonseg s
4. Coke, mineral . ." and iron.
With all their excellent qualities. the kinds
of coal produced in Hungary have one great
drawback: viz. perfectly suitable coke, of ade-
quate quality and in due quantities, cannot be
derived from them. Consequently, Hungary is
obliged to import a large quantity of foreign
coke: the imports amounted, in 1904, to 242.000,
and in 1906, to 345,800 tons.
This imported coke (the weater part of
which comes from Austrian Silesia - some of
it from Prussian Silesia, - from the mining
districts situated beside the Oder) would be
transported by the Danube-Oder Canal, the
Danube, the Danube-Tisza Canal, the Tisza,
and the Moros, by which means a sum of about
770.000 crowns could be saved annually.
. .
5. Manures. The lack of manure is one of
the permanent drawbacks of the Lowlands
(AlfOld), and one of the main causes of the
slow progress of the transition to an intensive
system of agriculture.
It is well known that natural manure re-
presents a value that is immaterial in proportion
to its weight and bulk, and is consequently
unable to pay the heavy cost of railway carriage.
In like manner the increase in tlle sale of artificial
manure is prevented by the high rates of trans-
port: yet, ill order to render permanent the
progress of agricultural production and to secure
its future welfare, more attention must he paid
than hitherto to the question of manuring; and,
for this reason, besides a careful development
of cattle breeding, great stress must be laid on
the question of the use of al1ificial manure,
which is one of prime importance, particulary
in the Hungarian Lowlands.
The whole traffic in artificial mallure may
be estimated at about 40,000 tons: in the tmns-
port of the same a saving of some 135.200
crowns could be effected.
6. Fodder. By the construction of the Da-
nube-Tisza Cannl, n connecting link will be estn-
blished between the eastern and western parts
of the country. The cheapness of tmnspolt by
water will enable the disproportionate differ-
- 18 -
ullami segelyre szorul, hogy takarmanyhoz jut-
7. A tozeg is azon tomegaruk koze tartozik,
melyek a vasuti onkOUseget nem birjak el,
mar pedig itt is elsosorban a mezogazdasag
az, mely a tazegre, ugyis mint kitlino tragya-
unyagra, szamot tart s igy a hazai tozegtele-
pekben rejla nagy nemzeti kincs ertekesithete-
senek ugyancsak egyik elafeltetele a Duna-
Tisza csatorna.
8. lpari nyersanyagok.
A kesz ipararuk mint ,ktekesebb aruk a vas-
uti szallftas kOitsegeil megbirjak. mig ellen ben
altalanos a panasz az iparosok es iparvallalatok
reszerOl, bogy a nagy tomegu, de csekely belso
crlek-Ii nyers 8nyagoknak a termeles helyel'al a
feldolgozas czeljab61 az iparlelepekhez val6 szal-
itasa aranylalanul draga, s igy megdragulva a
nyers anyag, cs6kkenti a kesz ipararu verse ny-
A hazai ipar egeszsegesebb fejlodese erde-
kcben bizonyara a leghatalyosabb segitseget
nyujthatja a viziuthal6zat teljesito kepessegenek
Az eml1tett okb61 remelhetli, hogy a vizitit
menten ipal'telepek, teglagyarak, fQresztelepek,
czukorgyarak slb, letesQlnek.
A czukorgyarra nezve felemUtheto, bogy
egy CZukOl'gyar, mely 13,000 kataszteri holdon
termelt repat dolgoz fel, rna kOrOlbelal 1,220.000
komna szallitasi dijat fizet evenkent a v8sutnak,
holott a repat es a repaszeletet onkOltsegen alul,
tonnakilometerenkent 2 fillerert szalUtja a vasut.
Ha a repat es repaszeletet vfziuton szallft-
hatna, evenkent csupan szaIlftasi dfjak czfmen
mintegy ()OO.OOO koronat takarithatna meg.
Hasonl6 forgaimat teremthetne s ugyan-
csak tekintelyes szallihisi kOltseg-megtakaritast
erhetne el a vfzitit menten lCtesOlo szeszgyar .
ences between the several parts of Hungary in
the produce of fodder that occur from lime to
time to be eliminated, a course impossible
today even with the reduced freight rates all-
owed by the railways.
In many places today straw, and even hay
is unsaleable, whereas in other places farmers
are struggling with an absolute famine in fodder
and beddihg for hOI'SCS, and are obliged to
appeal for help to the State.
7. Peat, too, is one of those bulky articles
of commerce that cannot afford to pay even
the minimum tariff (merely the working ex-
penses) established by the railways. Yet agri-
culture above all needs peat as all excellent
manuring material: and the construction of the
Danube-Tisza Canal is a conditio sille qua nOll
for the exploitation of the enormous national
treasure latent in the peat-beds of Hungary.
8. Raw materials for industrial purposes.
Wholly manufactured articles of industry -- as
being more valuable - can afford the cost of
railway transport: but it is a general complaint
of all manufacturers and industrial enterprises
that the carl'iage of bulky mw materials of
small intrinsic value from the place of theil"
production to the factories is displ"Oportionately
expensive, and that the costliness of raw mate-
rials thus caused diminishes the chances of the
manufactured articles to compete in the market.
III the interests of a sounder development
of borne industry, nothing could offer more
effective support than the securing of the ability
of the network of waterways to perform the
tasks that must fall to them ill this respect.
For the reason above mentioned it is to be
hoped that industrial establishments, brick fac-
tories, sawmills, sugar factories etc. will be
cI"eated along the banks of the waterway.
As for sugar factories, we may mention that
a sugar factory engaged in working up the beet-
I"oot grown on an area of 13.000 catastral acres,
is paying about 1.220,000 crowns per annum
for railway transport, though the railway tariff
for the carriage of beetroot (whole or in slices)
- 19 -
Eltekintve az ertekesebb mez()gazdasagi ter-
menyektol I. i, a gabonafelekt61, melyek 8Z
erdekelt vide ken Illa is forgalom turgyat kepe-
zik, a Budapcsll'e vezeto rovid viziul uj vide-
ket nyit meg az 6, n. piaczi termelesnek
Az eVl'ol evre fokoz6d6 nagy varosi fogyasz-
tas ellatasa czeljab61 a budapesti piaczra tome-
gesen iranyul6 ga7.dasagi es kerti termenyek
szaIlUssa jelentekellY reszet fogia kepezni a
Duna-Tisza csatorna forgalmanak,
A kOzelelmezesben mindinkabb jelentos bur-
gonya termeIeset nyomban fokozni fogia a koz-
sznkseglet. a melynek nagy tomegekben val6
termelesere eppen a csatOl'lla aUal atszelt videk
leend igen alkalmas.
Az el6zokben felemliteU arucsoportok majd-
nem kivetel nelknl azokhoz a tOmegarlikhoz
tartoznak. melyeknek a csatorna altai t.;rdekelt
videken meg jelenleg forgalmuk nines, vagy ha
van is, az csnk igen jelentektelen.
A l'salorna kOzgazdasagi haszna ugy a
trallzil6, mint a helforgalomball erdekclt terQ-
leten ketfele, u. Ill, a kozvellen haszon, mely
azon megtakarHasok osszegebol kelclkezik,
hogy a tomeguruk olcs6bban szallillatnak es a
kOzvetett haszon, mely a forgalmi teruletek
gazdasagi crtekemelkedese. a gazdasagi viszo-
nyok fejl6dese, a ncp szaporodasanak nove-
kedese stb. ..even all elo.
I1y czimen elcisll6 megtakal'itasok (kozvet-
len haszon):
1. A Maros nelkuli kezdeti forgaloml1ul az
evi megtakaritas 1,150.000 tonna utan 1 milli6
2, A Maros forgalmaval egyQU el6a1l6 2 milli6
tonna kezdeti forgalomnal 7'9 milli6 korona.
3. A csatorna vegleges forgalmanal kcrcken
X'5 milli6 kOl'ona,
is only 2 fillers per Ion per kilometre (actually
below Ule cosl of working),
By consigning the beetroot (either whole or
in slices) by water. the said factory could effect
an annual saving of (100.000 cl'owns ( 25,000)
on the carriage alone,
A similar output could be realised and an
equally considerable saving eO'ected, in the cost
of carriage by a spirit distillery building alongside
the waterway,
Apart from the more valuable agricultural
products (viz.: cereals), which even today form
articles of transport in the districts concerned,
a short waterway leading to Budapest would
open up a new district for the so-called market
With a view to supplying the demand of
the consuming public of the Capital, which
increases year by year, the carriage of agri-
cultural and garden produce gravitating en
masse to the Budapest market would f01'111 a
considerable palt of the traffic of the Danube-
Tisza Canal.
The general demand would at once incl'ease
the production of potatoes, which are continu-
ally gaining in impOI'tallce as an al'tide of
food, for the production of which ell m a s , ~ e the
district to be travel'sed by the Canul would be
most suitable,
The groups of articles mentioned above
belong, almost without exception, to the class
of bulky articles, in which. in the distl'ict to be
traversed by the Canal, there is little or 110
traffic at pI'esent.
The economic advantages to be derived
from the canal by the districts interested in the
tl'ansit 01' local traffic are of two kinds. viz, :
direct advantages consisting of the mont>y saved
by a cheaper transport of bulky urtic1es, and
indirect advantages, to be attained by the rise
in the economic value of the territory concerned
in the traffic, the development of its agriculture,
and the increase in popnlation etc,
Saving to be effected hereby (direct advan-
tages) :
1. In the case of the cpreliminary traffic
A csatornavam reven varhat6 bevetelek:
A fentebbi 1. tete I forgalmanal 1,140.000 K
" 2." " 1,660.000 K
3. "
1,880.000 K
E bevetelekkel szemben all: a csatorna 46
milli6 korona epitesi tokejenek evi 4%-os
kamatja, azaz 1,840.000 korona, valamint az
igazgatas. fenntartas es szivaltyuzas k6ltsegei-
bol eloall6 Qzemkiadas, mely a fenti 1. tetel-
nek megfelelOieg evi 506,000 koronat es a
2. valamint 3. alatli tetelnek megfeleloleg evi
544,000 koromit fog kitenni.
Ha mar most csupan az epitesi toke uhini
evi 1.840.000 korona kamatot s az 1. tetel szerinti
506,000 korona QzemkOltseget vesszOk alapul,
akkor ez 6sszesen 2,346.000 korona Osszmeg-
terhelessel szemben a szaIlftasi k6ltsegekbol
cioaIl6 4 milli6 korona megtakaritast veve,
1,654.000 korona evi kOzgazdasagi haszon all
elo, a mely mintegy 40 milli6 korona tokenek
felelne meg. E szamitasnal a csatornavamb61
eredo bevetelek figyelmen kivol hagyattak.
Ha pedig a Duna-Tisza csatorna hasznat a
csatornavam figyelembeveleIevel vizsgaljuk, e
csatorna Ietesitesebol keletkezo allami terheket
es a megtakaritasokat e tetelekkel aUiljuk
szemhe, akkor azl talaljuk, hogy az elozokben
1. alatt emlitett forgalom eseten az evi toke-
kamat es uzemk6ltsegek 2,346.000 korona tete-
lebol a csatornavam 1,140.000 koromit fedez-
yen, az evi teher 1,206.000 koronat tenne kit
a melylyel szemben a szallitlisi kOltsegekbol
ehUll6 evi 4 milli6 korona megtakarihist veve
figyelembe, mint k6zgazdasagi haszon evenkent
2,791.000 korona all elo, mely mintegy 70,000.000
koronat tevo tokenek felelne meg.
Hasonl6 eljarast a 2. tetel alalti forgalom
esetere k()vetve, az evi tokekamat es Ozem-
k6ltsegek 2,384.000 korona hHelebol a csatorna-
yam 1,660.000 koronat fedezven, az evi teher
(without that of the Maros) an annual saving
of 4,000.000 crowns (calculated on the basis of
a traffic of 1,150.000 tons).
2. In the case of cpreliminary traffic.
(inclusive of that of the Maros) an annual saving
of 7,900.000 crowns (calculated on the basis of
a traffic of two million tons).
3. In the case of final traffic a saving of
just 8,500.000 crowns.
Revenue to be expected from canal dues (tolls):
1. c Preliminary tramc> (without that of the
Maros) 1,140.000 crowns.
2. Preliminary traffic. (inclusive of that of
the Maros) 1.660.000 crowns.
3. -Final traffic. 1,880.000 crowns.
Over against this revenue we have the
expenditure: 4% interest on a building capital
of 46.000.000 crowns, which represents a sum
of 1,840.000 crowns, and the working expenses
maintenance, pumping), which
amount, in the case of item No. 1. (v. supra),
to 500.000 crowns, in the cases of items No.
2 and 3, to 544.000 crowns.
Taking as the basis for our calculations the
above interest on the building capital (l,840.00{)
crowns per annum) and the working expenses
corresponding to item No. 1 (500 000 crowns)
we get an aggregate liability of 2,346.000 cl'owns
per annum: jf we balance this sum by the
annual saving in cost of transport of 4,OOO.OO()
crowns, we Ret an annual economic profit of
1,654.000 crowns, which corresponds to a capital
of ahout 40,000.000 crowns. In making this
calculation, no account has been taken of the
revenue from canal dues (tolls).
But if we investigate the profit to accrue
from the Danube-Tisza Canal, taking into
acCount the canal dues, and making a balance-
sheet of the liabilities incurred by the State
and the savings effected in the cost of transport,
we Ret the following results:
1. in the case of cpreliminary traffic. exclu-
sive of that of the Maros, of the item of expen-
diture (interest and working expenses) consisting
of 2,346.000 crowns, 1,140.000 crowns are cov-
ered by canal dues: consequently the annunl
.;-. 21 -
724,000 korona, a melylyel szemben 7,900.000
korol1lit tevo szallftasi megtakaritas all, s igy
az evi kozgazdasagi haszon 7,176.000 korona,
a mi kozel 180.000,000 korona tokcnek volna a
4'" kamatja.
Vegre a 3. tetel a vallozatlanul fenn-
all6 2,384.000 korona cvi kiadasb61 a csatorna-
yam 1,880.000 koronat fedezven, a meg fenn-
marad6 504,000 koroua evi teherrel szemben,
a 'szallftasi koitsegbol eredo 8,500.000 korona
megtakarit'st veve, kozgazdasagi haszoll czi-
men evi 7,996.000 korona maradna, mely
kereken 200 milli6 korona toket kepvisel.
Ketsegtelen azonball, hogy a csatorna for-
galma eppen a viziut okozta elonyoknel fogva
a termeles fejlodesevel ugyancsak fokoz6dolt
mertekben fog fejlodni es ha meg ehhez a
kesobbi gozvontatllssal jar6 ujabb koltseg-
megtakaritasokat vesszOk figyelembe, akkOl' a
csatorna vegleges forgalma eseten a befektetes
4%-os teljes kamatoztatasahoz evenkent csupan
80.000 korona hianyoznek.
A csatornall tehat rovid id(> mulvH beallhat
azon allapot, melynel sajat tokejet kamatoztatna,
a mellelt a nemzeli jovedelem az emlfleU
osszegeket, a nemzeti vagyon egy alland6 tokel,
kozgazdasagunk pedig egy oly Idvdl6 fejleszto
eszkozt nyerne, melYllek kozvelelt halasa a
szamszel'uleg kimutathat6 tekilltelyes osszegek-
nel is meg lenyegesen llagyobb volna.
A Duna-Tisza csatornavonal leirasa.
A dunai es liszai torkolati vegponlok czel-
szel'u osszekothetese tobb varians vonal fel-
meresel es megtervezeset teUe szOksegesse, a
melyek helyes megvalasztas'ra ugy a folyamok
kozott elterolo es cszakr61 delfele mindinkabb
kisebbedo vizvalaszt6, az ezeken val6 3thaladas-
sal egybekotott technikai es penzOgyi nehez-
segek. valamint a csatorna-iranyok altai erintell
liability incurred would amount to, 1,206.000
crOWllS, and if we set over against tbis sum
the yearly saving in the cost of transport of
4,000.000 crowns, we get an economic proOt
per annum of 2,7H4.000, which would correspond
to a capital of some 70,000.000 crowns.
2. in the case of preliminary traffic> inclu-
sive of that of the Maros, of the item of expen-
diture (interest and working expenses) consisting
of 2,384.000 crowns, 1.660.000 crowns are
covered by canal dues: consequently the annual
liability incurred would be 724.000 crowns, and
if we over against tbis sum the yearly saving
in the cost of transport of i,900.000 crowns,
we get an economic profit of 7,176.000 crowns,
which would correspond to a capital of some
180,000.000 crowns (calculating interest at 4%).
3. in the case of final traffict, of the item
of expenditure (interest on capital and working
expenses) consisting of2,384.000 crowns,l,XSO.OOO
crowns are covered by canal dues: consequently
the annual liability incurred would be 504.000
crowns, and if we set over against this sum
the yearly saving in the cost of transport of
8,500.000 crowns, we get an economic profit of
7,996.000 crowns, which represents a capital of
some 200,000.000 crOWllS.
There mlO, however, he no doubt that the
traffic of the canal, owing to the advantages
created by a waterway, would develop with
rapid strides, keeping pace with the increase of
production, and jf we take into account the
saving to be effected later on by the employ-
ment of steam power for towing in the case
of the -final of the canal, only 80.000
crowns would still be requil'ed to pay the full
interest of 4% on the capital invested.
Consequently, within a short time, the canal
might be able to pay the interest on the capital
invested; and at the same time the national
income would, in the slims enumel'ated. acquire
a permanent increase to national wealth, while
the national economy of Hungary would be the
richer fOI' a splendid instrument, the indirect in-
llucnce of which would 1)(' far gl'eater thun that of
the considerable sums which have been figured out.
videk erdekeinck merlegeIese es e vonalvezetc-
seknek az egesz viziutluil6zatra kilerjedo kOz-
gazdasagi fontossaga volt bijekoztat6 befolyassal.
Az emlfteU vfzvalaszt6 okozta es a magas-
sag legyozeseben nyilvanul6 nehezsegek annal
llagyobbak, minel feljebb helyezzQk a tiszai
torkolatot, de viszont anmH rovidebb asott
csatormira van szllksegQnk.
A Duna 0 pontja es a Tisza foly6 legkisebb
kOzotti tetemes magassagklll0nhseg
kovetkezt6ben legtermeszetesebbnek kin8lko-
zotl a Dunab61 kiagaz6 csatornat csekely escs
alkalmazasaval es a vlzvlilaszt6 atvagas8val
ugy vezetni, hogy a csatoma az emlitett vizsziu-
klll0nbozetet csup;in a tiszai lejtoben alkalma-
zand6 lepcsol.etcs kikepzes mellell gyozze Ie.
A Budapest-csongl'adi iranynak ez ertelem-
ben val6 kOvetese czeljab61 vegrehajtott fel-
meresek es tervezesek azonban urra az el"ed-
menyre vezettek, hogy ez eljarassal a vizvalasz-
t6n athalad6 sok kilometer hosszu szakaszon
mintegy 15-20 m melysegii bevagas
c1o, melynek fOldmozgositasa, a fold elhelyezese,
vulumint a nagy szelvellyeken atvezetendo at-
hidalasok, a mely bevagasokllal elaaII6 terjedel-
mes rezsObiztosihis, n rakod6 helyei-
nek elhelvezese es hozzUferhctese tetemes kolt-
segtobhl';tet oko7.nak, masfelol a melyell fekvo
Imj6zasi vizszin kc)vetkezteben a csatlalwz6
talaj vfzszinet annyil'8 es oly kitcrjedesben
slllyeszthetne, millek kovetkezh!hen a csatlakoz6
videknek szamszeriileg aIig kifejezheto unyagi
ilIlhatna he. miel"t is a csatornanak
mely bevagasbanc torlena vczetese helyett az
ii. 11. ,.magas vezeh!sc leU a tovabhi tervczetek
alapjuul elfc)gudvH.
Az cmlitett rendszcl' alupjl11l H esatoJ'l1U
tOhb tal'tunyrn oszolva, iigy a dunai, mint a
tiszai oldn\oll Iepesozetcsen nyerne kikcpzcst,
ll1elYllel HZ egycs kuz{)lti usszekoUe-
test a lial1lal'azsilipck vegzik.
Description of the route to be traversed
by the Danube-Tisza Canal.
In order to decide upon the best and most
opportune points on the Danube and the Tisza
for connecting the two rivers, various routes
had to be surveyed and mapped out. In making
a proper choice, the persons responsible were
guided by various considerations: the watershed
stretching between the two rivel'S, and contin-
ually diminishing in size as it passes from N.
to S., and the technical and finandal difficulties
inseparable from the necessity of cutting across
the same; a comparison of the interests of the
districts traversed by the respective routes; the
economic imporlance of the various lines with
regard to the whole system of waterways of
the country.
The difficulties caused by the task of getting
over the elevations are increased, the farther
north the Tisza mouth of the canal is placed; 011
the other hand a shortel' excavation is requiled.
Owing to the considerable difference in
elevation between c10w tide. (0) on the Danube,
and the lowest height (level) of the Tisza, the
most natural course to be plll'SUed seemed to
trace the canal branching off from the Danube,
with the aid of a slight faU and a cutting
through the watershed, in such a manner that
it should have to overc.ome the difference in
level only by terracelike construction on the
slopes of the Tisza.
Thc surveys and measurements carried out
with a view to following this route between
Budapest and Csongrad, however, proved thut
there would have to be a culling from 1;")-20
mctres deep through the watershed (a strekh
of country many kilometl'es long). In this ('ase
the l'emoval of earth, as well as the bJ'idging
over of the more extensive intersections, the
embankmcnt of the sides of the deeper cuttings,
und thc location and rendering of
the wharves, would cause an enormous iJwreasc
jn the expensc, while, on the other hand, the
low level of the canal might n I:onsid-
l'rahle dcprl'ssion of the level of the SIIITOUJ1CI-
A vizvalaszt6 legmagasabb reszen atvonulo
csatornaresz kepezi az oszto-. helyesebben
:tgerincztartanyt .
Az egyes tarlanyok hajozaisi vizszine a csatla-
kozo talajvizszin magassag'ban nyerven elhe-
lyezest, a bevagasok okozta f61dmozgosibls is
lehetoleg minimumra lett redukalva.
A csatornanak vizzel valo ellatasa a Duna
felol eszkozlendo sziyaltyuzassal tOrtenik. mely-
nek sZDksegessegere azonban a talajvizbol ido-
szakonkint varhato taplahis remelhetoleg mer-
sekloleg fog hatni.
A csatorna fobb mereteire altcrve, meg-
jegyeztetik, hogy az 18 meterben megallapilott
fenekszclesseg mellett 2'0 meter, iIletve a fenek-
nek a csatoma teIigelyeben tervczeU 0'5 m.
melyitesellek figyelembe vetelevel 2'5 m viz-
melyseggel, a rendes hajozasi vfzszinben 28
meter, es e f610tt U'5 meterrel duzz8szthat6 viz-
szinbell :iO' meter szeles vizszinnel bir, a mi a
szabadvonalon tahilkozo ket darab (l5U tonnas
uszalynak egymas mellelt val6 kenyelmes elhala-
dasat teszi lehelove.
A csatorna mindkct oldalan elhelyezett von-
tato utR k 3'5 m szelesek, a mely szelesseg azon-
ban a hidak alatt a csatoma nlliszelvenyenek
minel nagyobb merettel leendo tovavezelhetese
vegett 2'5 m-re van megsziikitve. A hidpalya
szerkezetenek also ele ugy van elhelyezve. hogy
ettol szamftva a duzzasztolt viz szineig 5'7 m
szabad magassag lilljon rendelkezesre.
A hidak a szerinl, a mint a forgalomhoz
merten I., II. vagy 1II. osztalyu kikepzest es
mereteket nyertek, 6'0-6'0-4'0 metel' palya-
szelesseggel terveztettek.
Az e ~ e s lalianyokat osszek6to kamm"a-
zsilipek 3'5-4'5 meter fenektepcsovel. iO meter
haszmilhat6 hosszlisaggal es 1n meter szeles-
seggel lettek meglervezve.
ing country. in consequence of which the
districts adjoining the canal would suffer a
material loss than can hllrdly be expressed in
figures. Therefore the construction of the canal
in deep cuttings was replaced, in subsequent
schemes, by a so-called high elevatioll:t system.
On the basis of the said system, the canal
would be divided into several reservoirs and
be constructed terrace wise, on both the Danube
and the Tisza side: and the connection between
the various reservoirs would be established by
chamber locks:t.
That part of the ( ~ t l l l a l passing over the highest
elevution of the watershed would constitute the
distributing or rather the backbone reservoir.
The navigating level of the several reservoirs
would be adapted to the level of the adjoining
country: consequently the removal of earth
occasioned hy cuttings would be reduced to a
The supply of water to the canal would be
carried out by pumping fl"om the side of the
Danuhe: hut the natura I su pply of water from
the surroullding country to he expected from
time to time would probably moderale the
exigency of such artificial expedients.
To pass to the main measurements of the
canal, we may remark that the width of the
boltom has been determined at 1X metres; the
depth of water is to be 2 metres, in the axis,
with a deepening of 0'0 metre. = 2'5 metres; the
ordinary navigable level will consist of a sheet
of water 2X metres wide (together with the
swelling of the level by an average addition
of 0'5 metre. 30 metres wide). a fact that will
enable two barges of ();')O tons meeting in the
open waterway to pass quite comfortably.
The towing-paths placed on either side of
the canal are :J'5 metres broad, which breadth,
however, is reduced to 2'5 met:es helow bridges,
to enable the artificial waterway to be con-
tinned in the largest possible width. The lower
part of the structure of the bridges is to be
huilt in such a way as to allow of a space of
5'i metres between the same and the swollen:.
level of the water.
A felsol'Olt kelh!kekkcl elhithat6 csatorna-
vonalak kozol a felsorolasban az eszakdeli
iranyl kovetve, a kovetkezo iranyok leltek fel-
merve es megtervezve:
1. A Budapest-szolnoki csatornavonal, mely-
nek hossza 107'8 km.
A csatorna epitesi koltsege 4 i, 700.000 korona.
2. A Budapesti.csongradi csatornavoDal ira-
nyaban a viziut hosszusaga 141'1 km, melybol
126'5 km asolt csatormira esik. A csatorna
epitesi koltsege 46'5 milli6 korona.
3. A Budapest-Szeged kozotti viziut 174'6 km
es az asott csatorna 160 kmt tenne. A Budapest-
szegedi vonal 55,450.000 koronaba kernIne.
A felsorolt osszes vonalak kozol a 2. pont
alatti Budapest-csongradi vonal lett a reszletes
targyahisok alnpjaul eJfogadva.
Az eloadottakb61 kitonik azonban, hogy a
Budapest-csongradi csatorna a mesterseges vizi-
uthoz fozoda osszes kovetelmenyek tekintete-
hen csak ugy emelkedik teljes jelentosegre, ha
a Maros foly6 Piskiig haj6zhat6va tetetik.
E szabalyozasi munkak azollban n fold-
mivetesOgyi minisztcrium altai hajtatnak vegre
es fRY az ezzel jar6 kollsegek a
tllrczat terhelnek.
A kel'eskedelemogyi m. kir. miniszterium
megepitendo Duna Tisza csatorna teluit a
kereskedelemogyi tarcz6t csak 46'5, kereken
50 milli6 kOl'omlval terhclne.
The bridges arc of three classes (I, II, and
111) according to the requirements of h'affic
and arC! to be constructed with a carriage-road.
6, 6, and 4 metres wide respectively.
The locks (lock chambers) con-
necting the several ('eservoirs are planned with
a terracelike bottom between 3'5 and 4'5 metres
in depth: they will be 70 metres long and
10 metres wide.
Of the canal routes to the requi-
rements enumerated ahove, - takinR the same
in order of dil'ection from N. to S. - the
following have been surveyed and measured:
1. The Budapest-Szolnok route: length, 107'8
kilometres; cost of cOllstl'Uction, 47,700.ooocrowllsj
2. Blldapest-Csongrad route: length of
waterway 141'1 kilometres, of which 126'5
kilometres would be excavutions (cuttings); cost
of constl'Uction 46,000.000 crowns;
3) Budapest-Szeged route: length of water-
way, 174'(j kilometres. of which 160 kilo-
metres would be excavations; cost of construction,
55,450.000 crowns.
Of all the routes enumel'ated, as the result of
the dl'lailed discussions and negotiations, that be-
tween Budapest and Csongrad (2) was accepted.
Yet, by what has been here related, it will
be seen that the canal between Budapest and
Csongnid cannot answer all the requirements
of an waterway, unless the Maros he
made nHvigable as far as Piski. But the works
conneded with the same would have to be
carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, at
the expense of the said Ministry.
The construction of the Canal to be created
between the Danube and the Tisza would mean
an outlay of 46,500.000 crowns). an amount
with which the budget of the of Com
merce would have to be debited.
(Translated by: Professor Arthur "olland Budapest.)
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lIomyanszky \'. ca. ';5 Ilir. udvari kiln,vnyomd'ja, Budapest.
A termeszeti szepsegekben es tortenelmi em-
It!kekben oly gazdag Alduna a folyam nagy-
saga' es az altala alszelt birodalmak jelentosege
daczara, evezredeken at nem volt kepes rendel-
tetesenek megfelelni, mivel az oUan volt hatal-
mas haj6zasi akadalyok miatt a jelentkezo forgal-
mat csak csekely reszben lehetett lebonyolitani.
Ezen haj6zasi akadalyok elhnrftasa kerde-
Heivel mar a r6maiak is foglalkoztak, a kik a
Vaskapu elnevezes alatt ismeretes s az egesz
folyamot litera nagy sziklapad, az U. n, Prig-
rada megkerOlese vegett val6sziDlileg Trajan
csaszar idejeben a jobb parton egy nagysza-
basu oldalmeder letesitesebe belefogtak, azt
azonban vagy az eloallott technikai nehezsegek,
vagy a Trajan csaszar uralkodasa utan nem-
sokara bekovetkezelt hanyatlas miatt befejezni
nem tudtak.
Az ezutan kovetkezett szazadok nem enged-
tek alkalmat arra, hogy ezen nehez kerdes
megoldasaval barki is foglalkozzek, miglen
183O-ban gr6f Szechenyi Istvan, kit hazajaban
legnagyobb magyarnak neveznek, eletenek leg-
fobb czeljava teUe a sz6ban forg6 folyamresz
szabalyozasat lehetoleg elObbre vinni, de Vasar-
helyi Pal hires magyar vizepito mernokkel, ki
a Vaskapuszabalyozasra vonatkoz61ag az elsa
terveket dolgozta ki, a technikai segedeszkozok
elegtelensegenel fogva hamar belattak, hogy
vagyaik csak aranytalan nagy koltseggel vol-
nanak teljesithetak es ezert a Duna mellett el-
huz6d6, Baziast61 Orsovara vonul6, nagyreszt
sziklaba vesett, ugynevezett Szechenyi-ut kiepi-
tesere hataroztak magukat, hogy alacsony viz-
allasnal legalabb a szarazon lehessen a kozle-
kedest fenntartani. Mindazonaltal az 1834. evi
rendkivOli kis mallast Vasarhelyi pontos fel-
vetelek vegrehajhisain kivol - melyek a ke-
sobbi tervezeseknel is kitOno szolgalatot tettek
The I.ower Danube is the centre of magni-
ficent natural scenery and has been the witness
of memorable historic events. But notwith-
standing the size of the river and the importance
of the territories through which it flows, it has
only of recent years fulfilled its mission, for
the formidable obstacles impeding navigation
were such as to permit traffic only of the most
restricted kind.
The question of removing these obstacles
occupied the attention even of the old Romans
who - wishing to avoid the rocky bank of
Prigrada - which traverses the river its whole
width and is known as the eIron Gates -
attempted, probably in the reign of the Em-
peror Trajan, to construct a great auxiliary
bed; but the project was abandoned, on ac-
count either of technical difficulties or of the
decadence which followed on the death of
In the long centUl'ies which succeeded this
attempt it was hardly possible to' try again.
It was not until the year 1830 that Count
Stephen Sztkhenyi, ethe greatest Magyar,
conceived the idea of devoling his life to the
work of the regulation of the Iron Gates. The
celebrated Hungarian engineer, Paul Vasarhelyi,
drew up the first plans. It appears, however,
that the technical apparatus then at their com-
mand was far too inadequate for the required
purpose, so that the project could be carried
out only at enormous expense. They decided
therefore to limit their operations to the con-
struction of the eSzechenyi Road, a high-way
through the rocks which envelope the Danube
from Bazias to Orsova, in order that at low
water the traffic might be transported by
- 4
arra is felhasznalta, hogy az egyes
zuhatagoknal kian6 s7.iklacsucsokat - Osszesen
mintegy 4000 mS-t - lerepeszsze.
A kriwi haboru utan Wex Gusztav fomer-
nOkOt kiildtek ki a helyszinere a Vaskapu zuha-
tagot- tanulmanyozni. Ezen tanulmanyok alap-
jan tObb alternativ tervezet is dolgoztatott ki,
sot ott robbantasok is vegeztettek. IdokOzben
a Mke Parisban 1856-ban megkOttetett, de a
tervek meg kerOltek kivitel ala, valamint
azok sem hajtattak vegre, melyeket az
I. cs. kir. szabo D. G. T. altaI 1871-ben meghivott
Mac Alpin amerikai dolgozott ki.
Az aldunai haj6zasi akadalyok eltavoht6sa
ezut'n hosszd ideig nem tOrtent
semmi, mig az 1871. evi londoni kOll-
gresszuson megegyezes jOlt letre arra
hogy az Alduna szab'lyozasa Ausztria-Magyar-
orszag- es TOrOkorszagra, mint parti aIlamokra
A 10ndoni szerzodes ide vonatkoz6 czikke
kOvetkezokepen szol:
Article VI. Les Puissances Riveraines de 1ft
Partie du Danube oli les Cataractes et les Por-
tes de Fer mettent des obstacles a la naviga-
tion, se de s'entendre entre eUes a
l'etTet de faire disparaitre ces obstacles, les
Hautes Parties Contractantes leur reconnaissent
des a present Ie droit de percevoir une taxe
provisoire sur les navil"es de commerce sous
tout pavilIon qui en profiteront desOl'mais,
jusqu'a l'extinction de la delle contractee pour
l'execution des tl"avaux; et eUes declarent l'Ar-
ticle XV, du Traite de Paris de 1856 inappli-
cable a cette partie du fleuve pour un laps de
temps necessaire au remboursement de la dette
en question.:.
Ennek kOvetkezteben az emlitett parti alla-
mok 1873-ban szakferfiakat koldtek a hclyszi-
nere, hogy tegyenek tanulmanyokat es azok
alapjan az Alduna hajozhatova tetele targya-
ban terveket dolgozzanak ki. Ezen a nemzet-
kOzi bizottSlig:. elnevezes alatt szerepelt szak-
ferfiak voltak: Wawra Janos, epitesi tamicsos
az osztrak, Bodoky Lajos fOmernok a magyar es
Mongel bey fomernOk a tOrOk kormallY reszerol.
In 1834 Vasarhelyi profited, however, by
the extreme shallowness of the river to make
exact surveys (which proved of excellent ser-
vice to the plan-makers of subsequent years),
and to blow up some 4000 cubic metres of
rock which lay in the cataracts.
After the Crimean War the Engineer-in-
Chief. Gustavus Wex, was sent to the spot to
study the situation. His observations finished, he
tried several experiments, and even removed
some of the rocks by blasting. Peace was
proclaimed in 185(), followed by the Navigation
Act of 1857, but the plans remained in force,
as well as the plan drawn up by the American
Engineer Mac Alpin in 1871 at the request of
the First Danube Navigation Company.
In 1871 the International Conference of
London, in Article VI of the Protocol of the
13th March, enacted as follows:
The River Powers of that part of the
Danube where the cataracts of the Iron Gates
obstruct navigation, agreeing among themselves
as to the removal of the obstacles, the High
Contracting Parties will henceforth enforce their
right of imposing a provisional tax on mer-
chant vessels. under whatsoever flag sailing,
until the debt incurred in the execution of the
work be liquidated; and they hereby declare
Article XV of the TI'eaty of Paris 1856 in-
applicable to that part of the river for such
period of time as may be necessary for the
liquidation of the said debt.
After these stipulations, in 1873 the Hiver
Powers despatched to the spot engineers charged
with the duty of drawing up plans for rendering
navigable the Lower Danube. This International
Commission consisted of Jean \Vawra
(Austria), Louis Bodoky, Engineerin - Chief
(Hungary), and Mougel Bey, Engineerin-Chief
The scheme elaborated by this Commission
was not at that time executed, owing to the
disturbed political situation, - the revolt in
Az ut6bbiak altai keszUett tervek sem kerOI-
hettek kivitel ala, mert nemsokara a boszniai
fOlkeles, majd a tOrOk-szerb es az orosz-tOrOk
luiboru kOvetkezett es csak a berlini kongresz-
szus alkalmlival kerQIt e kerdes ismet napi-
rendre. Az akkor kOtott nemzetkozi szerzodes
szelint a Yaskapu es az ottani tObbi zuhatagok
szabalyozasanak munkalataival Ausztria-Magyar-
orszag bizatott meg, annak 57-ik czikke, az
1871. evi londoni szerzodes VI. czikkere val6
vonatkozassal a kOvetkezoket mondja:
c L'execution des tra vaux destines a faire dis-
paraitre les obstacles que les Portes de fer et
les cataractes opposent it la navigation est con-
fiee a l'Autriche-Hongrie. Les Etats Riverains
de ceUe partie du fleuve accorderont toutes
les facilites qui pourraient etre requises dans
I'interet des travaux. Les dispositions de I'ar-
ticle VI du Traite de Londres du 13 mars
1871 relatives au droit de percevoir une taxe
prOVlSOlre pour cOllvrir Jes frais de ces tra-
vaux sont maintenues en faveur de J'Autriche
Hongrie .
Az 1878. hi julius h6 13-ikl1n kelt szerzo-
desen kivOI 1878 julius 8-an Ausztria-Magyar-
orszag es Szerbia kozt kOlon egyezmeny is jolt
h ~ t r e , mely kovetkezokepen hangzik:
cL'Autl'iche-Hongrie se chargeant de faire
executer les travaux de reglilarisation des
Portes de Fer et des cataractes d'Orsova sans
demander Ie coneours financier de la Princi-
paute, celle-ci s'engage a aecorder to utes les
faeilites qui pourraient etre reclamees dans
I'interct de l'execution des travaux en tant
qu'il y aurait necessite de se servir provisoire-
ment de la rive serbe.
Le traitement de la nation la plus favorisee
cst assure' a la Serbie par rapport it la naviga-
tion it travers les Portes de Fer.
Les deux Gouvemements s'engagent it faire
approuver, s'U Ie faut, la presente convention
par les corps legislatifs de leurs pays-.
Azutan Ausztria es Magyarorszag kOzotl
folytak ezirant targyahisok, a melyeknek ered-
menye az lett, hogy a berlini szerzodesnek az
aidunai Vaskapu 6s az ottani tObbi zubatag
Herzegovina, the Turko-Servian War, and the
Russo-Turkish War, and the question did not
therefore come to the fore again until the
Berlin Congress took place.
The Tl'eaty of Berlin in 1878 entrusted
Austria-Hungary with the work of regulating
the Iron Gates and the cataracts of the Lower
Danube. Article 57 of the Treaty expresses itself
on the subject as follows:
c The execution of the works for removing
the obstacles preventing the navigation of the
Iron Gates and the cataracts is entrusted to
Austria-Hungary. The River States of that part
of the river will accord all the facilities that
may he required in connection with the works.
The provisions of Article VI of the Treaty of
London, 13th March 1871, relating to the right
of imposing a provisional tax to cover the
expenses of the works, are maintained in favour
of Austria-Hungary .
Following the Treaty of Berlin. on the 8th
July 1878 Austria-Hungary and Servia COll-
cluded a special Convention, of which the foll-
owing is an extract:
Austria-Hungary being charged with the
wQrk of regulating the Iron Gates and the
cataracts of Orsova without seeking the finan-
cial assistance of the Principality, the latter
agrees to grant all facilities needful for the due
execution of the works in so far as it may be
necessary provisionally to make use of the
Servian shore.
The most favourable treatment of the nation
is guaranteed to Servia with regard to navi-
gation through the Iron Gates.
The two Governments agree to ratify, if
necessary, the present Convention by the legis-
ative bodies of both countries.
Afterwards negociations took place between
Austria and Hungary, resulting in the Hungarian
State undertaking the execution of the clause
contained in the Treaty of Berlin with regard
to the regulation of the Iron Gates and other
cataracts of the Lower Danube.
- 6
szabalyozasara vonatkoz6 hat8rozatanak vegre-
hajtasllt a magyar a1lam vallalta magara.
Ezen id6tc51 fogva a magyar kormany vette
kezebe a Vaskapuszabalyozas Ogyet es 1879-ben
azokat a kival6 kOlfOldi szakferfiakat, kiket az
orszagban, de kOIOnOsen a Tisza vOlgyen dult
rendkivOIi vfzllradasok folytan eszkozlendc5
munkailatok fOlOtti velemenyadasra hivott meg,
egyszersmind arra is felkerte, hogy az aldunai
zuhatagok es a Vaskapu haj6zhat6vli tetelere
vonatkoz6lag a nemzetkOzi bizotlsag altai ke-
szftetl terveket a helyszinen vizsgaljak meg s
a szabalymlasra nezve velemenyOket szinten
terjeszszek eM. A kolfOldi szakferfiak ennek
folytan behat6 biralat es tanulmany targyava
tettek e nagyfontossagti kerdest is es erre von at-
koz6lag elc5terjesztett velemenyes jelentesOkben
kiterjeszkedtek a tervbe vett munkalatok minde-
nik reszere, a mllr letezc5 tervekre vonatkoz61ag
tObbrendbeli m6dositaisokat hozvlln javaslatba.
188ii-ban Wallandt Ernc5 magyar kirlilyi
orszagos kOzepitesi felOgyelc5 bizatott meg, hogy
a ietez6 tervek es javaslatok alapul vetele mel-
lett a szOkseges felveteleket eszkOzOltesse es
hogy az 1873. evi nemzetkOzi bizottsllg terveit
az 1879. evi kolfOldi szakferfiak altai tett javas-
latoknak megfelelc5leg dolgozza al
Ennek megtortente utan a munkalatok teny-
leges megkezdese iranti el6keszoletek letettek
meg es 1889-ben Baross Gabor kereskedelem-
ogyi m. kir. miniszter a munkalatok vezetesere
hivatott vaskapuszablilyozasi m. kir. mfivezetO-
seget szervezte, melynek fonOkeve Wallandt
Ernc5 miniszteri oszt8lytanacsost nevezte ki.
A reszlettervek az aldunai vaskapuszabalyozasi
m. kir. muvezetc5seg altai tortent kidolgozasa-
nak befejeztevel Hajdu Gyula mernOk, Luther
Hug6 braunschweigi gepgyaros es a berlini
Disconto-tarsasagb61 vaUalat alakult meg, mely
tarsvllUalkoz6k a munkalatokat 1890. eVI
augusztus h6 18-an megkezdettek es 8 evi szaka-
daUan munkassag utan Rupcie GyOrgy magyar
mernok, mint vallalati igazgat6 vezetese alatt
kiv816 kepzettsegu mernOkOk tgenybevetelevel
s jeJentekeny anyagi aldozatok aran 1898
szeptember 21-en be is fejeztek.
Thus it came to pass that the Hungarian
Government took in hand the important work
of the regulation of the Iron Gates.
After the formidable inundations of 1879
which ravaged the shores of the Tisza and
produced the catastl"Ophe ofSzeged, the Govern-
ment - having deemed it advisable to invite
a commission of foreign experts of high reput-
ation to study on the spot the regular course
of the waters of the country in order to decide
upon the works necessary to prevent a recur-
rence of such catastrophes - took advantage
of the occasion to ask these experts for their
views on the projects of the International Com-
mission of 1875. The experts thereupon drew
up an exhaustive critique, proposing certain
modifications on several points of the projects
referred to.
In 1883 Mr. Ernest Wallandt, Royal Hun-
garian Inspector-General of Public Works, was
charged to make surveys based on previous
plans and schemes, and to modify the plan
drawn up by the International Commission of
1875, conformable to the propositions of the
experts in 1879.
This done, preparations were made to put
the plans into execution. In 1889 Mr. Bal"Oss,
Royal Hungarian Minister of Commerce, insti-
tuted the Technical Department charged with
the work of regulation, and placed at the head
of this Department Mr. Ernest Wallandt, Sect-
ional Councillor.
This Department having formulated the
details of the scheme, Messrs. Julius Hajdu,
engineer, Hugo Luther, constructing engineer
of Brunswick, and the Disconto-Gesellschaft
Bank of Berlin, were appointed Contractors
and commenced the work on the 18th August
1890. By the 21st September 1898 it was
carried to a successful issue, under the di-
rection of Mr. George Rupeic, a Hungarian
engineer, with the assistance of others very
distinguished in their profession.
- 7
Hogy mibol allottak a haj6zasi akadalyok es
az egyes zuhatagokon vegrehajtott munkalatok,
az a k6vetkezokben adatik elo.
Az eltavolftand6 volt haj6zasi akadalyokat
azok a zuhatagok kepeztek, melyek az Aldunan
oly nagy szamban es oly nagy valtozalossagban
fordulnak elo. Zuhatagok tamadnak valamely
szikllis mederbol a1l6 folyamszakaszon, ba a
viz folylisat ural6 tenyezok, U. m.: szelesseg.
melyseg es eses, egymas ullin minden atmenet
m ~ l k O I rohamosan valtoznak s majd sekely he-
lyeket kepeznek, majd robamos folyast es Or-
venyezest okoznak. Az aldunai zuhatagok alaku-
latuk szerint ket csoportba oszthat6k; t. i. vagy ke-
resztiranyban huz6dnak at a sziklapadok a med-
ren s a vizet visszaduzzasztva nagy folyasi sebes-
seget okoznak ; vagy pedig a sziklas partokb61
kiny11l6 hegycsucsok es gerinczek a folyam
medret aranylag kis hosszban erosen Osszeszo-
ritjak. Az elsok kicsiny, az ul6bbiak magasabb
vizallasokn81 kepezik a haj6zasi akadalyokat s
a haj6zast vagy veszelyesse. vagy lehetetlenne
teszik. A lelras targylit kepez6 szabUlyozasnak
eppen az volt a czelja, hogy a folyami haj6zas
a sekelyek megszOntelese vagy a nagy sebes-
segek merseklese altaI a zuhatagok daczara
k6nnyittessek, veszelytelenne tetessek es minden
vfzallasnal biztosfttassek.
A sekely vizmelysegek megszOntetese vegett
a zuhatagokon at a haj6utnak 60 m. feneksze-
lessegben va16 kimelyitese lett tervezve, meg
pedig a legkisebb viz alatt 2 meter melysegre.
Ugy ez a szelesseg, valamint a melyseg teljesen
kielegftik a folyami haj6zas igenyeit, mivel ezek
mellett tooo tonnas haj6k is kOzlekedhetnek.
Csak az Orsova alaUi medercsalornanal es a
Vaskapucsatornanal kivetelesen 0 alatli 3 m.
melyseg allittatott elo, meg pedis a Vaskapu-
csatornanal 60 m. helyett 75 m. fenekszelesseg-
gel. A nagy sebessegek merseklese a medernek
kogatak 8llali 6sszeszoritas;ival tortenik, hogy
az ekkent az 6sszeszukitett medenczek menten
mestersegesen letesflett vizszinduzzasztas aUal
a viznek hirtelen bukasa hosszabb szakaszra
osztatvan, a volt nagy helyi sebesseg szinten
hosszabb vonalon eloszlik.
Before recounting the labours of these
gentlemen, we will review the obstacles to be
There were the numerous cataracts, of varied
fonn, which succeeded each other on the Lower
Danube. A cataract forms on a rocky section
of the bed if the elements which determine the
flow of the water (i. e., the width, depth, and
slope) are rapidly changed and without transition,
forming sometimes shoals. sometimes rapids
and whirlpools. With regard to their formation,
the cataracts of the Lower Danube are divided
into two categories; the first comprises the
rapids cl'eated by the rocky banks crossing
the bed from one shore to the other, causing
an eddy and imparting a tremendous speed to
the current; the cataracts of the second category
are caused by points of rock projecting from
the steep banks which confine the bed of the
river over a relatively short distance. The first
impede navigation, rendering it impossible at
low water; the latter do the same at high
It was, then, the purpose of the regulation,
which forms the subject of this sketch, to remove
the shoals and moderate the too swift currentS,
in order that navigation might be facilitated
and sheltered from the dangers through all the
changes of the water level.
In order to remove the shoals it was
decided to cut a passage for navigation, having
a height of 60 metres and a depth of 2'00
metres below low-water mark. This height and
depth are sufficient for river navigation, as
they permit the entrance of boats of 1000 tons.
The channel of the basin below Orsova and
the passage of the Iron Gates were specially
constructed with a depth of 3 metres below
0., and the height of the latter passage is 75
instead of 60 metres. To check the current the
bed has been contracted by means of a dam of
stones; the raising of the level by the narrowing
of the bed distributes the abrupt fall over a
longer section, so that tile excessive speed at
I .
, .
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. " ...
- 8 -
. Azon zuhatagok, me1yeknel csak a viz alalti
, ': sziklaeltavolitasok altaI kellO' melyseget kellett
': elO'aWtani, Stenka, Kozla-Dojke es Izh1t;-Tach-
tali a ; ellenben a hoI kO'gatakkal is kellett a
szabalyozast kiegesziteni: Greben-Milanovacz,
Jucz es a tulajdonkepeni Vaskapu,
A legfelsO'bb zuhalag a Stenka, melyet az
1600 meter legnagyobb szelesseggeJ bir6 ObIO-
zelben a Duna teljes szelessegeben kisebb
gr{tnitsziklapadok es a mclyebb vizbc51 kieme1-
kedc5 sziklacsucsok kepeznek. Ezen Dunaresznek
val6 haj6zhat6va tetele czeljab61 egy
. a meder kOzepen vegig huz6d6 1800 m. hosszu
Ietesittetett, melynel 18030'64
rna tOmOr sziklat kellelt viz alatt kirobbantani
A Slenka alatt kOvetkez6 zuhatag a Kozla-
Dojke. Ezen zuhatag mintegy 4 kilometerre
terjed es 800-900 meter szeles OblOzetben el-
ter0l6 ket fO' sziklapadb61 melyek a Duna
medrenek majdnem teljes szelesseget atfogjak.
A felsO' sziklapad a Kozla nevii, az als6 pedig
Dojke, a melyek altal okozoU ki .. vizi haj6zlisi
akadaly ugy lett megszOntetve, hogy mindket
sziklapadon athuz6d6 3500 m hosszu cunette
lett kirobbantva. Ezen medercsalorna Ietesite-'
senel 58750'92 rna tOmor szikla vizalatti eltavo-
lilasa vlllt sZOksegesse.
A Dojke alatt 7'5 kilometerre kezd6dik az
.Izlas-Tachtalia" zuhatag. Ez is, mint minden
zuhalag, ket szuknIet kOzti szeles Oblozetben
terOl el es harom kOlonbOzO' sajatsagu reszb61
all: A legfelsc5bb resze HZ Izhis, melynek a me-
der 1 kilometer elfoglal6 sziklapadon
atbuk6 hullamai alatt kOvetkezik HZ ezek altai
felvert habok ala rejtett, eles csucsokkal bir6
cTachtalia,. sziklapad. mig legalul, kOzvellen a
Greben csdcs felett a c Wlasch. nevu szikla-
csoport van. Az ezen zuhatagot kepezO' rideg
reteges porfirb61 8116 sziklapadokba a folyam
altallinos irainyat kOvetve, a szerb part kOzeIeben
halad6 3500 m hosszu medercsatorna Jelesitte-
tett. A kirobbantott tOmOr szikla tOmege 32266'80
AUg hagyjuk el az clzlas-Tachtalia" zuhata-
got, a18bb mindjart a cGreben. zuhatag kOvet-
this point is equally distributed over a longer
distance .
The cataracts which rendered necessary the
deepening of the bed by the removal of the
rocky banks are the Stenka, Kozla-Dojke, and
Izlas-Tachtalia. The construction of stone dams
was, on the other hand, necessary at Greben-
Milanovacz, Juez, and the Iron Gates.
The first cataract. the Stenka, is caused by
banks of granite which cross the Danube from
one side to the other, a distance of 1600 metres,
and by reefs which spring up from its depths,
To render this part navigable a passage of
1800 metres has been cut in the middle oftbe
bed. This necessitated the removal of 18034'64
of solid rock which lay under water.
The next rapid, Kozla-Dojke, extends ;a
length of about 4 kilometres, and is formed
by two rocky banks which enth'ely bar the
bed of the river in a width of 800 to 900 metres .
The Kozla bank is above, that of Dojke below;
both impede navigation at low water. To obviate
this a heading., or small channel, was bored
a length of 3500 metres, which cleared the two
banks. The removal of rocks here was carried
out over a mass of 58750'92 m

At 7'5 kilometers below Dojke we have the
cataract of Izlas-Tachtalia. Situated between
two defiles, it comprises three parts, each of a
distinct character. Above is a rocky shoal,
traversing the bed to the width of a kilometer.
The waters pass this bank willl a violent swirl,
concealing the sharp points of the next bank,
called Tachtalia. Further down we encounter
the group of breakers Wlasch,., in the neigh-
bourhood of the Greben promontory. These
walls of porphyry have been pierced, and near
the Servian shore a passage of 3500 metres has
been made, which follows the course of the
stream. 32266'80 m
of rock have been removed
at this point.
Hardly have we passed the cataract of Izlas-
Tachtalia than we encounter the promontory of
Greben. Here are, first of aU, steep rocks
-- !) -
kezik. Itt nemcsak a Grehcntol 2 kilometerre
eso Szvinicza kozsegig tcrjcdo Dunareszen elo-
fordul6 magas sziklacslicsok es Szvinicza kOz-
segnel leva sziklapad kepezetl akadalyt, hanem
az altai, hogy a mcredek csucs a
Dunaba messzirc benyult, magasabb vizalhisok-
mil oly szomlat kepzodOtt, mely folOIt a folyam
erosen felduzzadt. Minlhogy pedig a Duna a
grebeni csucs alaU a 420 m. szol"Ulatb61 egy-
szerre 2200 meterre szelesedett ki, hirtelen nagy
vizbukas t&madt es a viz Orvcnyezve oly sebes-
seggel folyt ala. hogy a haj6k atig tudtak a viz-
sebesseg es Orvenyek okozla nehezseget lekuz-
denio E kelfele hajozasi akadalyon ugy lett se-
gUve, hogy l-szor a Greben csucs 150 m. szeles-
segben kOzepvizallasig lehordatott, ugy hogy itt a
nagyviz 420 m. helyett 570 m. szelessegben
folyhat s tgy fOlfele kevesbbe lesz 'duzzasztva,
lefele pedig eses es sebessegkisebbedes all elo.
2-szor a Greben - Milano\-acz szerb
kozsegig egy 6 kim. hosszn szoriL6gat epfttetelt,
melylyel a Greben-Milanovacz kOzti Dunaresz
mintegy 570 meterre szorUtalott ossze. Ez a gtH
van hivatva egyreszt a Greben es Szvinicza kozti
szakaszon a kisvizszint emelni, masreszt nagy-
VIZ alkalmaval a grebeni csucs levagasnval
egynU Grebennel a vizbuknst csokkenteni. E ket
nemft munkan kivDl Szviniczamil meg vizalaUi
sziklaelhivoUtas altai medermelyitesi munkat is
kellett vegezni.
A cGreben-csucs lehordasa 327000 m
hegy elhivoUtasaval jart, a grebeni gntrendszer
kiepftesehez pedig 495206'62 m
koh6nyas sznk-
segeltetett, vegDI az 1200 meter hosszu szviniczai
medercsaloma tomege 13328'90 m
tOmlh' szam-
koves meszkoszikla volt.
Gr6bentol mintegy 10 kilometerrel lejjebb
van a Jucz-zuhalag. Ezt a zuhatagot egy a
DUOlin kereszlben athdzod6, gabbr6b6l fillo
sziklapad kepezi. mely mintegy 600-800 m
sztHessegii es 1000 meter hosszli, erosen kima-
gas16 csucsokkal biro znrt tOmegbol all. A Juez
is ketszeres akadalyl kepezett, t. i. fcnekakadalyt
es a kisvlznel sebesseg okozla akadaIyt. Elc5bbi
elharilasa czeljabol a sziklapadon keresztDl a
tObbi medercsatornakkal azonos meretii meder-
extending a distance of 2 kilomeb'es, from
Greben as far as the parish of Szvinicza, and
next the rocky banks spreading out in front
of Szvinicza. On the opposite side is the pro-
montory of Greben, which rises up from the
Danube in such manner as to narrow the bed
to 420 metres. Below Greben the bed suddenly
widens to 2200 metres, and into this basin the
water rushes with such swiftness and turbulence
that the boatmen have considerable difficulty
in guiding their craft. Here the headland has
been reduced over a width of 150 metres to
the mean level of the water. Consequently at
high water the stream flows in a bed enlarged
from 420 metres to 570 metres, which dimin-
ishes the eddy above and reduces the gl'adient
and speed below. Moreover a reserve dam
has been constructed, which extends from the
promontory of Greben to the Servian parish
of Milanovacz - a distance of 6'00 kilometres,
and nanows the bed to 570 metres between
Greben and Milanovacz. This dam serves, on
the one hand, to raise the low-water mark on
the section between Greben and Szvinicza, and
on the other to diminish at high water the fall
produced at Greben. Mot'eover, the rocks near
Szvinicza have been operated upon to deepen
the bed.
The reduction of the promontory of Greben
meant the removal of a mass of rock 327.000
in extent. The construction of the dam at
Grebcn necessitated filling in with rock over a
total area of 495.206'62 cuhic metres. The
Szvinicza channel, l:lOO metres long, contained,
when finished, a compact mass of 13.328'90 m
of limestone.
At 10 kilometres below Greben is the cataract
of Jucz. Here the bed is barred by a bank of
gabbro, formcd of massive rocks, 600 to 800
metres wide by 1000 metres long. At Jucz
navigation was impeded 8S much by the nature
of the boltom 8S by the speed at low water.
To remove the former obstacle a passage of
the same size as the others was cut through
the rocky bank. Iu order to check the speed
- 10 --
csatorna letesittetett. a sebesseg szabalyozAs4ra
pedig egy 400 m. hosszo szorit6gal epittetett,
melynek meg azon czelja is volt, hogy a viz-
szinduzzasztas folyt8n a letesftett medercsator-
min61 kevesebb sziklaeltavolitas valjek sztlkse-
Ezen zuhatag szabalyozasanal vegzett munka-
mennyiseg 29958'97 m
IOm6r szikla v(zalalti
eltavolitasa es 97605'00 m
kohanyas h!tesitese.
A legnagyobb haj6Z1isi akadaly es a legve-
szelyesebb zuhatag kOvetkezik ezutan, mely
Orsova magyar hatBrvaros alatt mintegy 10
kilometel're van es ez a tulajdonkepeni Vaskapu
nem mas, mint a Karpatokat a Balkan hegyseg-
gel Osszek6to agyagpalas, reteges als6 Jur4b61
6116 sziklaszirl (Prigrada), mely a Dumin ke-
reszttll huz6dik es egy val6sagos szikladuzzaszt6
muvet kepez, rendetlen csocsos es meredek
falo szikiatOmb6kkel, melyeken az atbuk6 \,(Z
eros Orvenyekel es limanyokat kepez. Itt a
folyamnak kisvfznel 1800 m hosszban 5 m
absolut esese van, mely csak a legnagyobb viz-
allasnal szall ala 1'0 m.-re. A vaskapui haj6zasi
akacMly elharitasa szinlen medercsalorna lete-
sitesevel eszkOzOltetett, de itt, a mint mar em-
littetett, a csatornat a tObbi zuhatagnail lete-
sitett medercsatornat61 elteroleg arviz f610tti
gatak k6ze kellett fogni, hogy annak vize
a Dunanak lepcsozetes konczenlralt esesu viz-
szinet61 el legyen knl6nflve es hogy a csa-
torna a zuhatag feletti es alalli vizszint egyen-
letes esessel kOsse 6ssze. A VaskapumU a szerll-
part k6zeleben Ietesitett galak kaze fOgl3lt
1720 m. hosszu nyilt csatorna 75 m, felleksze-
lesseggel es kisvlzszin alatt 3 m. melyseggel
bir, melynel a sziklaanyag eltavolitasa szaraz-
ban vagy legalabb csendes vizben eszkozolte-
tett oly m6don, hogy a csatorna felso tor kola-
lanaI annak jobb- es baloldali gatja ideiglenes
zargal aUal osszekoUetett es igy a Duna vize
a Ietesitendo volt csatorna terOleterol elterel-
tetett. A vaskapumunkalatok kiegeszlto reszet
kepeztek a csatorna felso torkolata fol6tt a
kelhl vizmelyseg eloAllftasa, mi az Orsova-Vas-
kapu, szinten 3 m. mely medercsatorna letest-
lese altai eretett el, tovabba az als6 tOl'kolat-
of the current a resel've dam 400 metres long
was constmcted, whieh served to raise the water-
level and to diminish the need for removal
of roeks in the channel
Here the removal of roeks is represented
by 29.958'97 m
and the filling in is represented
by a total of 97605'00 eubie metres.
After these cataracts we reach the most
dangerous of all, the one presenting the greatest
obstacle to navigation. This is the elron
properly so-called, at 10 kilometers below the
Hungarian frontier town of Orsova. A ehain of
cistuous jurassic rocks, the Prigrada, serves to
unite the Carpathians and the Balkans. It erosses
the Danube and forms a veritable rocky barrier,
steep, and with jagged edges, over which:the river
flows with angry swirls. At low water the river,
for a distance of 1800 metres, has a sheer descent
of 5 metres, which is not reduced to 1'5 metre
until high water, Here still another passage has
been made, with this difference, that it had to
be embanked between insubmersible dams, in
order that the water might be separated from
the bed, in whieh the descent is formed by
ledges, and in order that the gap of the levels
of the sections above and below the cataract
might be redeemed by a uniform descent. The
passage constructed near the Servian shore is
1720 metres long by 7";, wide and 3 deep at
low water. The rocks have been
either on the dry land or in smooth water, by
the aid of an improvised barrage which connects,
at the mouth of the channel, the right and
left dams, so that the waters of the Danube
might be turned ofT from the site of the intended
passage. The work was completed by the
establishment of the required depth above the
upper mouth of the passage, which was obtained
by cutting a channel of 3 metres between
Orsova and the Iron Gates, - the channel cut
through the .Little Iron Gates, which are
connected with the lower mouth, and finally by
the parallel dam in an artifical rock bed 1800
metres long. commencing at the right dam of
the channel and leading the waters of the
" ..
- 11 -
hoz csatlakozo U. n. cKis Vaskapu-n at vezetett
medercsatorna, vegal azon k6hanyAsb61 epfteU
1800 m. hosszu parhuzamruft. mely a Vaskapu-
csatorna jobboldali gatjat61 fOlfele huz6dik es
czelja a Duna vizenek a csator1ll1ba valo tere-
lese. Osszev6ve mindezen munkalatokat, azok
109700'02 m
sziklaeltavoUtast a szabad folyam-
ban, 367816'24 m
sziklae1tavolitast szarazban,
276404'11 m
kohanyu Jetesfteset es 264411'53
vegyesanyag (kotOrmelek) felt01test igenyel-
tek, nem emlitven a gataknak mintegy 60000
feltlleten tOrtent kiburkolasat es egyeb mun-
Az ismertetett aldunai zuhatagok szabAlyo-
zasa es az azoknal volt haj6zasi akad81yok el-
haritas'& tehat haromfele m6don tortent, t. i.
mederc8atorna litullissel, a Greben hegycsdcs-
nak lehorddsdval b gdtak epCMsevel.
A zuhatagok mentell letesitett medercsator-
nak vizalatti sziklaeltaivoUtast igenyeltek, mi a
mederfeneket kepez6 sziklak megtUrasat es rob-
bantasat, avagy zuzasat es ezek folytlin fel-
d ~ a b o l t sziklaanyagnak viz al61 val6 eltavolf-
taslit "vagyis kotruat es egyeb m6don tOrtent
kiemeleset teUe szOks6gesse.
Mielott azonban ezen munkalatok vegrehaj-
tasahoz how lehetetl fogni, a haromszOgtanilag
meghatarozott medercsatornlik helyen a folyam-
fenek formati6ja volt a legnagyobb pontossag-
gal meghatarozand6, hogy egyreszrol a csatorna
letesitese czelj8b61 eItavolftand6 sziklamennyi-
seg megallapfthat6 legyen, masreszt azonban,
hogy a fen6kformatio ismeretevel az is eldOnt-
heto leMYen, hogy min6 gepekkellesz czelszerft
az egyes csatornareszeken dolgozni, mert pI.
ott, hoi, Osszefoggo magas sziklapadok voltak
eltlivolitand6k, oU f6r6gepekkel es robbantassal
eszkOzOltetett a sziklaanyag fellazitasa, mig el-
lenben ott, hoI az eltavolftando sziklareteg
magassaga csekely volt, ott a szikla mechanikai
uton lett Osszezuzva.
A sziklafenek felv6tcle a kOIOn e cz61ra
szerkeSztett melys6gmero hajo segelyevel tOr-
tent, mig a sziklak fellazftasa az Ingersoll-fele
Danube thereinto, All these works have neces-
sitated the removal of 109.700 02 m
of rocks
in the river, and 367.816'24 m
of rocks on
land; 276.404'12 m
of artificial rock-bedding,
and 264.411'53 m
of mixed filling, without
mentioning the casing of the dams over a
superficial area of 60,000 m

The regulation of the catarncts of the Lower
Danube was thus accomplished by three means:
by the cutting of channels or passages, by
the reduction of the promontory of Greben,
and by the construction of dams.
The channels cut along the cataracts required
the removal of rocks beneath the water. It
was necessary, either to bore the rocks from
the bottom and blow them up, or to break
and raise them, that is to say, to dredge the
But before commencing these operations it
was necessary to ascertain, with the greatest
possible exactitude, the formation of the bed
of the channels, determined by trigonometrical
surveys, in order to compute the mass of rock
to be cleared. The choice of machines required
an equally exact knowledge of the formation
of the strata; for the shoals, filled with rocks
of immense thickness, could only be attacked
by the aid of cboring-boats {bateaux-foreurs},
while the stony beds, less difficult were sub;-
milled to mechanical crushing.
The rocky bottom was surveyed by means
of sounding boats (bateaux-sondeurs) ; the
removal of the rocks was accomp'1ished by
American boring-boats equipped with Ingersoll
borers, or with Lobnitz rock-breakers. The
loosened rocks were drawn up by the great
Scotch bucket-dredger c Vaskapu and others ;
the American spoon-dredger, and the Priest-
mann excavator. Eventually a soundingboat
was employed, which later on was combined
with the Derouchoussel and Priestmann exCav-
ator to form the Universal boat (Bateau Un;-
versel) which sounded the bottom and at the
same time performed the crushing and dredg ..
ing of the rooks remaining in the channel. '
- 12
ftir6kkal felszerelt amerikai ftir6hajok vugy a
-Lobnilzlt-fele zuz6haj6k (derocheuse) segelye-
vel eszkOzOltetett, s a felapr6zolt sziklaanyag
eltavoIitssara a eredo Vnskapu new
nagy vedres sziklakotr6 es mas paternostel'-
kotr6k. tovabb6 az amerikui knnalas kotr6 es
a Priestmann-fele excavator; vegOI an-
nak kipuhatolasara, hogy a medercsatornak a
tervezeU meretekkel allittattak-e elo es hogy
8zok minden reszukben tiszhik, azaz nincsenek
bennOk egyes visszamaradt kavek, vagy szikla-
tombOk, arra szolgalt a kutnt6 haj6, mely ke-
sobb a derocheuse-el es Priestmann excavator-
ral combinalv8 szolgaitatta az U. n. universal-
haj6t, melylyeI a kutatb es az ezen llluvelet-
nel esetJeg visszamaradt szikhik ZUZ8sa es ki-
emelese is eszkOzolheto volt.
Lassuk sorban ezen felsorolt muukahaj6k-
kal vegzett munkak menctet, valamint azok
A melyslgmlro haj6 ket pontonra szerelt,
10 m. szeles es 20 m. hosszu mllnkaplateallb61
all, melyen hat egymast61 1-1 meterre fekvo
nyihis fut vegig hossziranyban olyforman, hogy
2 sin kOzOtt egy nyilas van. A sineken ket
kocsi mozog, melyek mindegyike 4 dm. be-
osztasu merocsovel van felszerelve, ugy, hogy
azok egy negyzetmetel' negy sarokpontjait ke-
pezik es a kocsin levo emelOgep segelyevel
vezeto csigak kozt fnggelyes irallyban mozgat-
hat6k es meg oly sebes viz ben is a fuggelyes
iranytol nem terven el, a valosagnak megfelelo
melyseget adjak meg.
A kocsira szerelt allvanyon minden csonek
megfeleloen egy-egy nonius van alkalmazva,
melyek a plateau sinfejetOi meghahirozoU (1'60
m.) magassagban vaunak, ugy, hogy a platcaull
leva s(nfcj Adria feletli magassagat parti ma-
gassagi jegyekbOi meghataroztak es a meder-
fenekre lebocsajtolt melysegmerocso vlzben levo
vegenek a nonil1st61 val6 tavolsagal leolvastak.
Ismerve mar most a melysegmerocso helyen a
csatornafenek tervezett magassagat, kOnnyen
meghatarozhat6 az eltavoliland6 szikla mngas-
The following is a brief description of the
construction and method of working of these
The Sounding Boat is a platform 20 metres
long by 10 metres wide, mounted on two pon-
toons; it is pierced with six longitudinal slits of
a metre apart, each slit being placed betweell
two rails. The rails bear two cars furnished
with graduated bars forming the: four angles
of a squal'e of one metre, and pullies on which
Uley slide up and down, The strongest current
cannot dislodge them, so that they always
indicate the exact depth sounded,
The car carries, for each graduated bar. a
vernier) placed at a fixed height (1'60 metre)
above the top of the rail. If the height of the
rail has been brought bal'k to the side of the
mark of the shore, and if the depth be ascert-
ained at which the end of the bar is found
touching the bottom below the zero of the
vernier. the depth at the point where the bar
has just touched l'an be gauged, and the height
of the rock to be removed calculated. A car,
with the graduated bars at its four angles,
gives four soundings, and these form -a group.
The plummer-block of a boat admits of 50
groups, that is to say, a boat anchored at a
point llllows of 50 positions of the car,
We have already stated that the roc.ks were
loosened by means of a) rock-breakers and
b) boring-boats.
a) The rock-breaker is constructed 011 the
principle that a centre-piece in the form of a
wedge, raised to a given height, falls down on
the rock and crushes it. This centre-piece is
fixed ill the vertical axis of a tripod at a height
of 13 metres; a chain attached to the drum
of a steam winch passes over the wheel at the
*) A geometrical instruRlent or precision. named
uftC?r the in\'entor.
Melysegmero haj6 - Sounding Boat.
Oldalnuet - Side View. Neut etotrol Front View.
Hosszmetszet - Longi t udinal Sect ion .
Keresztmetszet - Cross Section.
FCllUlnuet - View from Above.
Mt lysegmerB kocsi - Measuring Car.
, .
- 14 -
-'ga. Egy-egy kocsi nelD' sarkan leva melyseg-
mer6c8c; altai nyerheto negy szonda
CIOporlot kepez is egy teljes haj6plateauval 50
CIOportot lehet felvenni, ilIetaleg egy haj6allas
felvelelehez 50 kocsialJas szOkseges.
Mint mm- emliltetett, a .ziklalazl!d, ki/fele
m6don tijrlint e. pedig aJ zt1zdhaj6k .egiI6lge-
vel, b) 1t1r6haj6kkal.
a) A z6z6haj6k azon elven alapulnak, hOl!y
egy haj6testre feL .. zerelt ves6alak6 vasczOIOpOt
bizonyOl maga. .. sagra val6 emelk utan, szaba-
. don cjtenek a mederszikhira, hotly azt Osszc-
zllzza. Ket kapcsolt, vagy eleg DaRY egyes ha-
j6n, mintegy 13 m. magas luiromlab6 allvany
van, mclynek tetejere akasztolt 1'0 m. atmerajO
kerek kOrOI a haj6n leva gozcsOrla dobjar61
vastag lancz vezel. A lancz szabad
. vegen egy kapocsemeUyttvel eUAtotl harang van,
mely a leercsztesnel a veso fels6 vegere bo-
rulva, Onmttkod6leg a ves6kengyclbe kapasz-
kodik es fgy a vesat a vesaemelolanczczal, ille-
t6leg a geppel OsszekapcsoIja. A ves6 az emelc5-
geppel felemelletik addig, mig a kapocsemellyO
18ncza meg nem feszt1l: mire a a harang-
t61 elszabadul es lezuhan. A kikapcsol6 lancz
hossdval szabalyozhat6 a vesa csesi magas-
8aga i .. , mely a szerint, a mint a lazitand6 anyag
vastogabb vagy vekonyabb retegtt, nagyobbra,
vagy kiKebbre vetetik,
A ves6 egy 9 m. hosszu negyzetes kereszt-
metszettt vaKCZOIOp, kOzepen 40/40 cm., felso
vegen 20/20 em. m6rettel e8 sulya kOrolbelOI
o tonna. A vesa als6 veRe ekalaku, melynek
elet egy a vaKCzOIOp kOzepebe beilles1.teU es
llzzal egybeforrasztott aczellemez kepezi, minek
a1. az el6nye, hogy a ves6 mindig eles marad,
mert a kOlso vas kOnnyebben kopik, mint a
maRvllt kepezo aczellcmez.
A zuz6haj6 gepezcte ket foreKzblSl all es
pcdig a ves6emelogepb61 es II haj6 elore,
hatra es oldalmozgatasat eszkOzlo lavirgepbol,
es miuton a zuz6haj6 eijel is mdkOdesben volt,
meg cgy sehesen jAr6 kis gep volt a hajon a
dynomo reKzere, mely a villanyos fenyt szol-
top of the tripod; the free end of, the chain
carries a bell-formed vessel provided with a
hook-lever; this 'bell' covers the top oCthe centre-
piece. hooks it automatically in the strap of
the centre-piece, and thus binds it to the chaiq
and consequently to the winch. The winch
raises the centrepiece until the chain is pulled
'taut', then the centre-piece becomes detached
from the beD and falls with a crash to the
The length of the chain can be adjusted to
regulate the distance of the fall, which may be
inel'eased or diminished, according as the bed
to be crushed be more or less thick. '
The centre-piece is a square bar of iron, 40
by 40 centimetres at the middle and 20 by
20 at the top, weight about 9 tons. It ends in
the form of a wedge, whose edge has a steel
bevel welded in the middle of the bar. This
construction offers the advantage that the edge
remains always taper, for the steel nut does
not wear out so quickly as the iron exteriol.
Besides the centre-piece mechanism just
described, the rock-breaker consists of apparatus
which causes it to tack about - to advanu
and recede - or to make a flank movement,
as well as of a dynamo supplying electric light
for night work.
In front of the boat is the winch; in the
middle the iron tripod, with one leg in the
direction of the winch and the two others per-
pendicularly disposed at the longitudinal axis
of the boat. Between the legs i, the opening
for the centre-piece, furnished with a stout
wooden frame, and irons which guide the centre-
piece in its fall and prevent deviation to the
When the boat is secured by several anchors
in the section to be cleared of rocks, the rock-
breaker is set to work, but (in' view of the
difficulty of tacking) only in mid-stream and
facing the currenl
b) The removal of rocks is carried out also
by means of boring-boats.
" .....
Sziklazuz6 baj6. - Rock-breaker Boat.
Side View. Keresztmetszet - CrollS Section.
, I
- View (rom Above. Keresztmetszet - Cross Section.
-- 16
A kapcsolt haj6 elejen all a vesoemelogep.
a hujo kozepen a luiromlabu vasallvany, ket
Iabbal oldalvast es a harmadikkal a vesoemelo-
gep fele. Ezen allvliny oldalvast 8116 hibai kOzt
van a nyilas a szabadon levo veso reszere,
melyben eros allvany kOze fogott, megvasalt,
eros tOlgyfakeret van a veso vezetesere es a
veso oldalOteseinek felfogasara.
A zuz6haj6, miutan a laziland6 csatorna-
reszben fo-, oldal- es farhorgonyokkal meg-
felelOleg kihorgonyoztatolt, munkajat megkezdte,
mely a nehez lavirozas miatt egyszerre csak a
fel csatoma szelessegre terjedt ki es aluh-ol fOI-
fele tortenl.
b) A sziklalazitas masodik m6dja a /ar6-
haj6kkal val6 laz[his.
A fUr6haj6k altai a sziklafenekbe meghahi-
rozolt ilelyeken, a tervezelt alii,
1-2 111. nuHysegre akmik fliratlak, melyek
azutan robban6 anyagot tartalmaz6 patronok
altaI felrobbantallak.
A szabalyozasi munkBlatoknal alkalmazotl
fUr6haj6k IngersollfUrokkal voltak felszerelve
es szerkezetOk eRY foelveben mind megegyez-
tek egymassal, a mellnyiben mindenik negy
hibbal birt, keUo a haj6 elejen es ketlo a haj6
faran, melyekkel a ftlr6haj6knak a vfzfolyast61
es hulhimzast61 fOggellen es a fUrashoz szQk-
seges szilard {alias biztosittatotl. A hibak goz-
eravel, vagy viznyomlissal megfelelO szerkeze-
tek segelyevel, nagy eravel a medClfenekre
szoriUattak Ie, mililtal a haj6test a vizbal ese-
kely mertekben ki voll emelhetO.
A fUr6gepek elhelyezesehcz es mozgathat6-
sagahoz kepest a fUr6haj6k ketfele rendszeruek.
a) Vonalrendszerfi furohaj6k, melyeknel a
fur6gepek egy vonalban, sineken mozoghatnak
es a haj6 egyszeri beallitasanai esak egy vo-
nalban, ellllek azonban minden pontjaban dol-
gozhattak. A fUr6gepek itt vagy a haj6test 01-
dahin vagy pedig annak faran voltak elhelyezve.
b) TerOletszerfi flir6haj6k, melyekllcl a fUr6k
a ket haj6test kOzOtl mozgathat6 tol6padra
szilat'dan voltak feimolllirozva, ugy hogy a fUr-
Iyukak von!Jla egy beallihisnal tetszOlegesen
These machines serve to drill mining holes
in the rocky bed at a depth of from 1 to 2
metres under the projected floor of the channel_
Bombs filled with explosives afterwards spring
the mines.
The boJ'ing-boats employed in the regulation
of the Iron Gates were supplied with Ingersoll
drills. Their construction was on the general
principle that each hoat had four legs, two at
the fore and two at the stern, to assure the
boat a stedfast position, independent of the
current and the motion of the waves. These
legs were lowered to the bottom of the river-
bed, and maintained there by a constant
pressure, either of steam or of hydraulic power,
which raised the hull slightly above the surface
of the water.
Two kinds of boring-boats wel'e employed.
A) On the 'rectilinear' boring-boats the borers
were placed in a single line and moved on
rails, so that the anchored boat worked only
in that single line, but on all its poinl ... The
bOl'ers were fixed either on olle side or at the
stem of the boat.
B) On the 'superftcial' boring-boats all the
borers were invariably mounted on a movable
so that the boring lines might be
displaced at will, but the space between the
dt'illed mines remained always the same.
When a mining-hole had been drilled, it
was cleaned out by means of a jet of water;
a cartridge was then insel'ted by means of n
conducting-tube, the priming-wire escaping
through a slit in the tube. When the mine was
charged the (,onducting.wire was withdrawn
and the borer proceeded on its rails to drill
other holes.
When the mines drilled in a line determined
by the position of the boat, had been charged
with explosives and attached to conducting
wil'es, the legs were drawn up, the boat removed
to a distance of 20 to 25 metres, the electric
IV. szamu fur6 haj6 - Boring Boat No. IV.
hitulr61 - Back View.
- View from Above.
- 18 -
volt valtoztathato, azonban a fUrt aknak egy-
mlisl6li tavola mindig ugyannz maradt
Ha egy fdrlytik elkcszOlt, a fti.'o elhivolilasa
es a fUrlyuk kifecskendezcse ulan a lOIMny a
vezelocsOvOn a flirlyukba eresztheto, a tolleny
gytijto sodronya pedig a vezeloc.'so hasadekan at
kiszabadlli. I-:zulan a vezetocsovel a vezelotarto
segelyevel fOlemelik es a fU.'oliU"anyl egy tij fUr-
lyuk e16lillftasa vegett a sinpnron tovaibb loljak,
Miulan az egy haj68lIasb61 a megszabott
munkavonal iranyaban eJoallitott fUrlyukak rob-
banD anyaggal megtOllettek es a gytijlosodl'o-
nyok egymassal Osszekc')ttettek, a bajoIabak fel-
emeltettek es a bajo a flirlyukakt61 20-25
melernyire elta vozott, az Osszes vfzalatti akmik
villamos titon egyszerre felrobbantattak, Rob-
bantHs utan a haj6 tijra visszaereszkedelt a mar
felrobbanlott aknasor melle 1'5-3'0 m.-nyire es
az aknafUrast folytattak,
Az Uy modon felJazftott szikJaanyag kotrok
altai lavolitlatott el a medercsalormib61,
A mar emmett baromfele rendszerfi kotrok
kOzOI a vedres es kanalas kotrok OsszefQggo
terOletek atkolrasara alkalmaztattak, mfg a dartis
kolrok csak egyes nagy lOmbOk eJlavoUlasanaJ,
a letraskolr6k altaI osszetolt anyaggal elbivoli-
laslmal es a szetszortan visszamaradllaza anyag
kikotrasainal, vagyis a csatorna liszlibisanal
Annak kipuhaloJasara, vajjon a lelesilendo
volt . medercsatorna a tervben megallapitott
meretnek megfeleloen letl-e elkeszftve es hogy
nem maradlak-e abban egyes a csatornafem!k
fole ero sziklacsucsok vagy anyagkupaczok, a
kutat6hojd szolglilt, mely lenyegeben ket 7 m.
hosszU, fuggelyes allasu keretbol aU, melyek a
haj6 lcngelye irlinyaban egymas moge vannak
elhelyezve es a keretszelveny irlinyaban a
egyOtl egy lengely korOI forog-
halnak. A kerelek, melyek a keretvezetekek-
ben fel- es lefele mozoghatnak, sodronykOtelen
csOngnek es emelesOk es sOlyesztesiik kOlon
emel6gep segelyevel tOrtenik. Minden keret ket
oszlopbol all, melyek alul egy vfzszintesen fekvo
71) m. hosszti erO's vascsovel vannak Osszekap-
spark exploded all the mines simultaneously,
and the boat returned to continue its work on
a new line at a distance of 1-5 to 3'0 metres
frolD the preceding one,
The dredgers afterwards removed the mass
of rock thus displaced.
Of the three kinds of dredgers mentioned,
the bucket and spoon-dredgers were employed
for ordinal'y dredging, whilst the tooth-dredg-
ers raised the isolated blocks, and the chaplet-
dredgers the small rubbish left behind by the
Last of all it was necessary to ascertain
that the channel was being excavated along
the prescribed lines, and that there were no
longer any pieces of rock or debris remaining.
For this purpose a search-boat was employed,
carrying two vertical slides, 7 metres high, placed
in the direction of the boat's crank, one behind
the other, and turning with their guiding-
frames in the direction of the cross-section
around an axle. The slides, which ascended or
descended in the guiding-frames, were suspend-
ed by a cable, and raised or lowered, os
required, by means of a windlass. Each slide
was composed of two columns whose lower
ends were united by a horizontal iron tube
70() metres long. The columns were divided
into decimetres, and the centimetres were read
on the verniers attached to the guiding frame.
As the chaplet-dredgers could not make an
altogether clean floor, and as the cleansings
with the spoon-dredger failed to give all entire-
ly satisfactory result, in view of the waste of
time ond expense caused by the repeated
anchoring of these machines, a bout was con-
structed to sound the channel and at the same
time to remove the obstacles discovered in
sounding. To this end a tooth, dredger and a
rock-breaker were combined under the name
of a cUniversal boah, previously referred to, of
which a description is here given:
A flat-bottomed bont of the required size
was attached to a steam CI'ane, and in the
. ..
- 20 -
A kereloszlopok deczimelerekre vannak be-
oszlva es a czenlimelerek leolvasasa a keret-
vezeteken alkalmazolt n6niusokon torlenik.
Millthogy a paternosler kolr6k nem voltak
kepesek egy leljesen tiszla csalornafenekel eM-
allflani es az ulanliszUl6sok a daruskolr6val es
gozdaruval sem adlak kielegilo eredmenyl, fo-
pedigo merl ezen objeklumok ismelell
belillilasa es partra lilUtasa igen koltseges es
idorabl6 Yolt, kesobben oly kutal6haj6 szerkesz-
'lelelt, mely a kutalaslUil talall hihakal maga
'kepes elliivolflani, mi a rendes kUlat6-
haj6 kosarkotr6val es zuz6val is ellallatott. Ezen
haj6 hnj6nak neveztetetl el.
Az Universal- haj6 szerkezele lenyegeben
a kOvetkezo:
Valamely gozdamval egy megfe-
lelo kOveshaj6 kapcsoltatolt Ossze a kel haj6
kOzli hezagba, a baj6k hosszlengelyehez par-
huzamosan 5 drb 5 m. hossz6. mar osmerl
rendszerii kulat6keret allittalott fet Ezen kerel-
vonallal egy 25 m. hosszu csatornareszt lehe-
leU egyszerre alkutatni; minlhogyazonban a
teljesen megbizhat6 eredmellY cleresehez szQk-
seges, hogy a7. egyenkenl alkutalott csatorua-
terQlelek reszben egymast fedjek, csak 20 m.
hossztl csalornare3z veletelt egy-egy kulablsi
szalagnal szamba es a tuleso 5 m. biztonsagi
:szalagnak lekilllelett.
A ket haj6test kOzli hezagban meg el volt
helyezve egy Priestmann-fele kOSal' vezeteklUba
es mellette egy rendes ztlz6veso vezetek ke-
relje. A gozdaru rendeltctese a kotrasnal a
Plieslmann-fele kosarat sQlyeszleni, vagy emelni,
tovabba zuzasnal a vesot emelni. Ha lehat a
kulatlismil valami hiba talallalik, akkor a gO'z-
daru emel0 csigajaba a kosar lesz kapcsolva
es a daru mint Priestman-ftHe kotr6 dolgozik.
s a kotrott anyag egy sineken jar6 es a felhuzoU
kosar aln lolhaM huktat6 kocsi segelyevel lesz
az cUniversab melle allitolt dereglyebe Qrllve.
Ha ezen kotrasmH 8Z tiinik kit hogy a hiba
lermelt sziklab61 all, akkor a kosar a haj6 fe-
delzetere lesz leve es a gozdaru emelocsiga-
jaba a vesoharang lesz kapcsolva es fgy a
g01.daru minl zliz6haj6 dolgozhatik. A kutalas
intervening space five sounding-frumes of the
kind already described, 5 metres in length,
were placed parallel with the boal's axis. By
this means a section of 25 melres of the chan-
nel could be sounded at 0 nee. But absolute
certainly of aim being necessary, in order
lhal the seclions sounded one after the olher
should be perfectly united, the sounding was
limited to a section of 20 melres, the strip
of 5 metres which exceeded this length being
reckoned as a surety strip . Between the two
boats was also fixed' the guiding bar of the .
basket of the Priestmann dredger and the
guiding frame of a rock-breaker centre-piece.
The steam crane was used to lower and
raise the baskel of the Priestmann dredger,
and lo lift the rock-breaker cenlre-piece. When
in sounding an obstacle was encountered lhe
basket was hooked to the windlass, and the crane
was set to work 8S a Priestmann dredger.
A trolley, placed under the basket and moving
on rails, received the rubbish and emptied it
into the barge alongside the Universal boab.
When in sounding a point of solid rock was
encountered, the basket was placed upon ,the
plummer-block of the boat, the " bell " of the
centre-piece was attached to the windlass and
did duty as a rock breaker.
Sounding was done with the Universal boul
quile as much as with the soundingboat,
which we have previously described.
We will now return to the catal'act prop-
el"ly known as the ch'on Gates. The chan-
nel there has been cul between lWo stolle
dams, but the procedure employed in its con-
struction differs from lhal already described.
Here the superficial area of the channel was
drained by means or a cofferdam and drain-
ing-trenches, and the bed was bored by
Ingersoll drills worked by portable engines. The
rubbish was removed by trucks running upon
"Vaskapu" kotr6. - The Large Dredger "Vaskapu".
Olrlalm!zet -- Side Vitw. Nezet ellSlr81 - Front View.
- View from Above.
- 22
az cUniversal- hajoval kDIOnbell ugyanoly
m6don tOrtenik, mint a mar ismertetett kis
Atterve a Va"kapu-zuhatagra, megemJitendo,
hogy a Vaskapu-csatoma kogatak kOzOtt vezet,
s nem a fentebb lefft modon lett lemelyftve,
hanem, miutan e vezergatak kOzti csatornater
megfelelo ideiglenes zarogatak es szivararkok
segelyevel szarazzli tetetett, a mederfenek kO-
zOnseges vaslabas cIngersolh fUrokkal, melyek-
hez a szDkseges gozt lokomobilok szolgaltattak,
megfuratott es a lazitott anyag vasnti vaganyon
kocsikkal lett eltavolftva.
Az ideiglenes zargatak elhivolitasaval a csa-
torna bejarata es als6 torkolata ugyancsak a
leirt mfitargyak segelyevel kepeztettek ki.
A mi kQIOnOsen a kogatak eplteset illeti, e
helyen csak azon modszerek es nehezsegek fel-
emlitesere szorftkozom, melyek ezen glitak ep{-
t ~ n e l kOvettettek, illet61eg melyekkel ennel
meg kellett kQzdeni. A grebeni folyamszakaszon
felepitett, mintegy 6 kilometernyi szorftogat es
minlegy Osszesen 2 kilometer hosszn ket kereszt-
gat liltalaban alacsony kozepvfz magassaggal
bfrnak es kiepltesQk ketftHe m6dszer alkalma-
zlisBval torient.
A szorftogatnak kezdete, a grebeni csncshoz
csatlakoz6 resze, par szaz meter hosszban, a
hegytol kiindul6an szarazban leU elorehajtva
olyforman, hogy a hegylerobbantasmil nyert
koanyag vaganyokon halado kocsikra rakatott
es azok a gat helyen elorebuktahissal kiDritteUek.
Midon a k6hanyas a vizb61 kiert, ke1l6keppen
meg lell az szelesitve, erosftve es vaganyok he-
lyeztetlek reli, melyek lassankint ki lettek toldva,
dgy hogy az epites folyaman gozmozdony altai
vontatott egesz kOves vonatok kozlekedtek
A gatnak ezen resze oriasi, 30-35 m.-es
melyseget tOltven at, annak elOrehajlasa rop-
pant nehez volt es csaknem leheletlennek Utnt
az fel, a mennyiben nem egyszer tortent meg
az, hogy a mar szarazra kihozott gat egyszerre
csak megrogyott es helyen oly melyseg aHotl
elo, melynek njb6\i attOltese, ejjeli s nappali
munka mellett is, csak honapok mulva sikerDlt.
After the demolition of the provisional
coffer-dams, the entrance to and exit from the
channel were bored by the machines referred to.
With regard to the insubmersible stone-
dams, we shall content ourselves by merely.
describing the method of their construction,
and the difficulties that had to be overcome.
The longitudinal dam of 6 kilometres and .
the two transverse dams about 2 kilometres ";.
long, on the Greben section, have generally the
mean height of low water, and two methods
were employed in their constroction.
The first part of the reserve dam was con-
structed on the dry land, that is, some hund-
reds of metres from the point of connection
with the Greben promontory. To this end the
rocky rubbish caused by the demolition of the
promontory was carried on trucks to the edge
of the dam and there emptied down. Once the
first piece built large enough, rails were laid
down, a ~ d the dam was lengthened by means
of locomotives conveying trains loaded with
At tIns part of the dam, having to fill up
depths of from 30 to 35 metres, the work was
extremely difficult, and it once happened that
a portion of the dam already appearing above
water suddenly collapsed, leaving a gaping
void, which took whole months of further
labour to build up again.
Other parts of the insubmersible dam, as
well as the transverse dams, were constructed
by the aid of flat-bottomed boats. To this end
the water was first drawn off. some points
from the dam, being determined by triangulat-
ion. This accomplished, the flat-bottomed boats
had only to be placed in the position formed
by two succeSSlve points and to discharge their
contents continuously until the said points were
joined together by regular ridges emerging
from the wpter. These ridges were then successive-
ly extended until the required height. and slope
had been attained. ".
Po ~
.::: '"'
c:: ~
~ a
::ld .,
:z: :0
- 21
A szol'it6gat tObbi valamint a kereszl-
galak is kOvesdereglyekkel epittettek ki oly m6-
don, hogy miutan a gat bizonyos haromszog-
tanilag meghahirozott pontjaiban kohanyas-
kllpaczok Ielesfttellek, melyek a gat iranyait ke-
peztek, a kovel terhelt ezeo iranyokba
allotlak be es tartalmuk addig tll"itletett ki egy
helyben, mig a gat a vizb61 kiert, minek meg-
tOrtente utan a kOvesdereglyek ezen galvRz melle
allittatvan, lartalmllk a kituzotl galkoronaelektc51
melerrolmeterre tavolodva epitletett be es a gat
rezstlje es a szabvany szelvenye igy lett kike-
A Juczon eptlU minlegy 4 kilomeler hosszu
szol'U6gat csak 0'5 m.-rel er ki a duzzasztotl
kisvizbc51 es kizar61ag kOveshaj6k segelyevel
lell kiepitve, a galnak elozetes kokupaczok Iele-
sllese aUaI val6 kituzese utan.
A Vaskapunal lctesilett galakmil megktllOn-
bozteltlnk csatornavezergatakat, melyek a csa-
tornat maguk kOze fogjak. tovabba a csatorna
jobboldali vezergatjaba fut6 es a szerb part
meJlett huz6d6 parhuzammuvet keresztgatjaval,
melynek czelja a feltlll"ol jOv6 vizel a csator-
naba terelni.
A vezergatak kOztll a jobb oldaJinak csak
Iabazala all kohanyasb61, tObbi resze pedig ko-
tormeIekbOl, mig a baloldali vezergat teljesen
kogal es csak belseje van fold- es k6tOrmelek-
keverekbol all6 vegyesanyagb61 kepezve azon
czeIb61, hogy ne legyeD vizatel'esztc5, mi COkent
a csatorn8 sdrazban val6 kikepzesenel volt
Ezcn galak a szerb parlt61 kiindul6an szaraz-
ban lettek elorehajlva es ugy, mint a grebelli
gal kezdeli reszenel, midoD a galak mar bizo-
nyos hosszusagot eleltek, gozmozdonyok altai
vontaloU egesz kaves vonatok kOzlekedlek azo-
kOD. A balolduli vezergatnal elObb a hibazati
k6hanyas epUtelctt ki egydarabon, ennek ket
szelcn kohauyas hHesittetelt es ezek kOze ve-
gyesallyaggal leU kitOltve, vegtll pedig az egy
kogat altaI borittatoll Ie.
A vezergatak elkesztllte es a k6zttlk elhu-
z6d6 csutorna kimelyitese utan a szerb parlt61
a baloldali vezergatig teljedo gatresz, mely a
The reserve dam at JlICZ, 4 kilometres in
length, clears the low-water mark by 0'5 metre
only; its bed of rock has been constructed
by the aid of flat bottomed boats, in the same
way as at Greben.
With regard to the dams of the Iron Gates,
we must distinguish between the principal ones,
which enclose the channel, and the parallel
foredam following the Servian shOl'c, which
ends at the right conducting dam. Furnished
with a transverse spike (epi), it serves to guide
the waters of the river into the channel.
Of the two conducting.dams, that of the
right is only laid with rock at its foot, the
other part being filled up with smaller material.
That of the left is entirely laid over with stones,
and covered with earth and rubbish on the
inside only, in order to ensure impermeability,
which was absolutely necessary during the
pel iod of construction, the channel having been,
as we have observed, constructed on dl'y land.
The dams were erected on dry land,
beginning at the Servian sbore. When they had
attained a certain length, locomotives were set
to run with trainloads of stones. On the left
dam the work was commenced by filling in
the bed with rocks and finished with stones, a
coating of rubble over all.
When the principal dams were ready, and
the channel deepened, the temporary dam -
going from the Servian shore to the longitud-
inal dam on the left, and which had served as
a barrage during the operations - was remov-
ed to dry land and the part dredged.
The parallel foredam and the transverse
spike above the channel were constructed by
means of flat-bottomed boats. The top of these
is just the mean height of the water, while the
principal dams are above the high-water level.
The principal dams as well as the parallel
fore-dam have a solid coating of rubble.
"Universal" hajo - "Universal" boat.
- Side View.
Cross SectioD.
FISIUlnfzet. - View from Above.
- 2(;
munkalatok ideje aIaU zargatkent
szerepelt, reszben szarazban val6 lehordas,
reszben pedig kolras altaI eJt:ivolfUatott.
A csatorna foiott huz6d6 parhuzammti es
keresztgat kovesdere"lyek segelyevel Ietesittetett,
es mig a vezergatak arvfz fOle emelkednek,
addig ezek kozepvizaIlas magassagaban vannak
A vezergatak igen eros koburkolattal laltat
tak el, sot a parhuzammti is nyert megfelelO
burkolatot. A lefrt munkAk vegrehajtasa alkal.
maval zuhatagonkent teljesitett mennyisegek-
r61, valamint a felmerolt kOltsegekl'ol a 27-ik
lapon leva kimutatas szolgaItat kimerito ada-
Nyolcz evig tart6 faradsagos es lankadaUan
munkassag utan, melyben az emlitett vallalat
boven kivette a maga reszet, vegre 1898 szep-
temberben sikerOlt a szabalyozasi munkakat
rendkivOI nagy aldozatok aran befejezni es a
Vaskapu'esatormit, valamint a zuhatagok men-
ten Ietesitelt tObbi medercsatornat a haj6zasnak
Magyarorszag tehat htien megfelelt a ma-
gara vaUalt kOtelezettsegnek es biiszke fintu-
daUal utalhat azokra a diesel'O nyilatkozatokra,
melyekben hatalmas fejedelmek is legmagasabb
elismeresQknek adtak kifejezest.
Atlerek most mar annak megvilagitasal'a
hogy haj6zasi szempontb61 mino hatasa van a
Vaskapu es a tObbi aldunai zuhatag szabalyo-
zasanak? Ha e kerdesre meg akal'unk felelni,
Osszehasonlitast kell tennOnk a szabalyozus
elotli es utani haj6zas kOzt.
EddigeIe a haj6zasi ideny niall, mely alta-
laban februar 15-tol deczember 15-eig teljed,
h6napokig tartotl az a kis vidUas, melynel a
haj6zasnak reszben szOnetelni kellett, mi tonkre-
menessel fenyegeUe a haj6zasi vallalatokat,
mert a mil azok az ev egyik feleben megke-
restek, azt az ev masik feMben ismet elvesz
tettek; ugyanis kisebb vizalhisoknal az uszalyo
kat csak reszrakomanynyal jarathatlak a zuha-
tagok reszere kOlOn epllett kisebb
gozhaj6kkal. mino pI. a Tisza, Cserna, Szliva,
vagy pedig, a mi meg rosszabb volt, hogy az
On the next page a detailed statement will
be found of the works executed at each cat-
aract, with the relative expenses incm'red.
After eight years of desperate and unceas
ing labour on the part of both the Government
and the contractors, the task was successfully
accomplished. though not without tmormous
sacrifices. In Septembel' 1898 the passage of the
Iron Gates and the channels constructed along
the other cataracts were opened for public
Hungary having now faithfully discharged the
mission entrusted to her by Europe, it was
with a sentiment of legitimate pride that she
took note of the eulogies passed on her work
by the Sovereign Powers.
It remains for us to show the effect of this
work of regulation upon navigation. We must
therefOl'e take a glance at the previous condition
of things, and on the situation that was now
The navigation season lasts generally from
the 15th February till the 15th December.
Previously the period of low-water, which was
sometimes prolonged by whole months, compell.
ed river traffic to stop and threatened ruin to
many enterprises, which thus lost what they had
gained during the former part of the season.
Indeed, during this period the bal'ges could
only carry partial cargoes. In order to pass
the rapids they had to be towed by specially
constructed steamers of low draft, such as the
.fisza,., Cserna,., and cSzava:t j and when,
after the harvest, their engagements were more
considerable, they had to transfer their cargoes
to flat bottomed boats drawn by bullocks along
the towing-path. We may easily understand
that this situation frustrated all efforts to afford
cheap freight rates on the Danube; and if we
consider that, since the regulation of the mouth
of the Szulina, keen competition with maritime
freight had to be contended with, it is evident
thal without the regulation of the IrOll Gates
az aldunai Vaskapunak es a tobbi zuhatagoknak szabalyo-
zasa czeljab61 vegrehajtott munkakr61 es azok koltsegeir61.
of the works of regulation executed in the cataracts of the
Lower Danube, and of the expenses in connection with the same.
A munkanem A munkllhely megneveztlle - Locality of the Works Munkanem I
I ilIet51eg a klSltseg ezlme
:i Va]ue in Money
Kozla- hI as- Grtben- Vaskapu
Total I,
Nature of tbe Works Stenka J ucz
Dojke Tacbt"-lia Milanov"-cz Iron Gales of tbe Works :1 Korona
I CrowDs
1 S,lklaeltaYollth a Duna folyamban m
:} 18030iUO
Removal of Rocks In tbe RlYer .
85750'810 32266'500 13328.006 29!l58.070 477516'66 ()56852' 601 17322530 98
2 KoUuyAs - Rock-Iayng m

- - -
495206'6110 9i605 760 276404'111 869216 m
5R29097 76
3 KoMnyas klegyeolltts m
- - - 65299.UQ --
50318'8&9 115618.889 179276 10
Construcllon of Slopes m
4 K6b1inyas Jdszedts m

:} Removal of tbe Debris m
- - - -
- 11268'16, 11268.l6j 74144 50
5 Kiiborkolat - Slone casing m' . - - - -
66254'071 66254' 077 37485-1 18
6 Yegyes YaM rellOltes m
J Embankment In Mixed Material m
- - - 55965'100 - 264411.616 320377' m
7 Hid (t drb) - Ooe BrIdge . - - - - - 1 1 18786 -
8 PatorJat r. m. - Wooden LIre-guard m - - - - -
2634'.00 26344.on 9273 08
9 KlUiinMz6 Urtaianitasok
1751462 42
Various Indemnities .
- - - - - - -
10 SodrooykiitelYontat6 baJO ara
:} 000000
One Tog-boat
- - - - - - - -
11 Rakpartepites killtsege . .\
1635844 32
Construction or Quays .J
- - - - - - -
12 IDYalal epDlelenek kollsege. . . . .}
170882 14
Expenses In connection '11th Service Buildings
- - - -
- - -
13 Elim un kAlal, k is hi.!1 k" .lIs be, ,Igre baJIOli
munkik. . . . . . . . .
530846 28
Preparatory and works In the bands
- - - - - - -
of Truslees . . . . . . . .
14 Kozponl1 tis 'plt'sl relugyelel koltsege . .)
Expenses In connection wltb Central Admin 1-J - - - - .- - - 1609054 36
suation and Overslgbt . . . . .
15 Pensertekben - Totals. 543614'18 2569283.1' 968623 31 5184150." 1552966.u. 1-t580453 253990903C
- -
- Total:
I I 1 1 1 I II
lis I ,101.553 160
- 28 -
aratAs utani t6meges szaJlitasi kOtelezellsegnek
megfelelhessenek, kis dereglyeket kel-
lett jaratni es ezeket OkrOkkel kellett a zuha-
tagok menten atvontaltatni. Termeszetes. mi-
szerint ily kOzt azon tOrekves,
hogy a vizi szalUtAs 0lcs6va sikertelen
maradt es ha figyelembe veszszOk, hogy a Szu-
lina-torkolat szablilyozaisaval a tengeri haj6zas
rendkivOI 01cs6 dfjteteleivel a dunai haj6zAsnak
nagy konkurrenseve lett, belathat6, hogy az al-
dunai zuhatagok szabalyozasa nelkO), a dunai
haj6zas soha sem volna el a folyam
fOIdrajzi fekvese altai feltetelezell
Ugyanis az Aldumin kOzlekedo uszalyok,
melyek rendesen 18 dm merOiesre vannak
terhelve, szabalyozas el6ll a Vaskapu men ten
csak orsovai + 3'50 m vizallAsnal kOzleked-
heltek ezen + 3'50 m-es vizallas a rendes
haj6zAsi idenyben marczius 1-t61 november
30-ig atlag csak 91 napig fordul e16, tehat a
18 dm merolesti uszaly egy haj6zaisi ideny
alatt atlag csak 91 napon at kOzlekedhetett
Orsova-Turn-Severin k6zt. Ellenben az ily
terheIes(1 haj6 most mar Orsova + 80 cm
vizallasnal is felvontathat6 Turn-Severintal Or-
sovaig es az ehhez sZOkseges vizaillas, a haj6-
zasi ideny alatt, Atlag 271 napon at fordul e16,
lehat a szablilyozas 9.ltal Orsova-Tum-Severin
kOzt egy evben 180 nappal IObb napon at koz-
lekedhetik egy 18 dm uszaty, mint
a hany napon at a szabalyozas elatt kOzleked-
helett. UgyaniJy merOlesti uszalyok Orsova fO-
lolli szakaszon szabalyozas eI6tt csak Orsova
+ 2'80 m fololli vizallasmU kOzlekedhettek,
mely vizaillasok atlag 150 napon at fordultak
ela egy esztendoben, mig most efl'e csak
orsovai + 1'20 m vizallAs kell, mi egy
At atlag 258 napig van.
De hogy a szablilyozas a haj6zas fellendO-
mennyire elOsegfte, azl pregminsan bizo-
nyilja azon kOrOlmeny is, hogy a \'askapun al
1898 okt6ber-deczember h6napokban igen
vfzallasnAI mintegy 1.810,000
forgalom lett lebonyolitva.
Szablilyozais ezen emlilctt 3 h6nap-
ban a haj6k 43 napon at semmikeppen sem
the Lower Danube would never have acquired
tlle important geographic position it holds at
the present day.
Before the regulation, ,the barges on the
Lower Danube, usually loaded to a draught
of 18 decimdl'es, could only pass the Iron
Gales when the scale of Orsova (echeUe Jluviale)
marked a level of 3'50 metres - a level which
obtained, during the season from the first of
March to the 30th November, for an average
of 91 days only, so that a barge having a draft
of 18 decimetres had but 91 days in which to
ply between Orsova and Turn-Severin.
Today these barges can be towed from
Turn-Severin to Orsova at a water-height of
+ 0'80 metres only, on the same scale, a level
given on an average 271 days of the season.
That is to say, a barge drawing 18 decimetres
of water, plying between Orsova and Turn-
Severin, has gained 180 days by the present
situation over that previously existing.
Above Orsova the same barges could only
pass the cataracts with a level of + 2'80 met-
res, observed at the scale of Orsova, a level
observed, in a season, for an average of 150
days. Today a level of + 1'20 meh-e suffices,
and this is attained on an average 258 days
of lhe year.
The impetus given to navigation by lhis
work may be somewhat realised by the fact
that during the months of October, November,
and December IH98 the traffic on the Lower
Danube - notwithstanding the extreme lowness
of the water in the river - reached about
1,810.000 metric quintals.
But for the regulation the boats would have
had, during the three months in question, to
stop running for 43 days; and even the spe-
cial boats, .Tisza., cCserna., and cSzava.,
with their draught of 90 centimetres, could
only have run for 28 days in all_
A metric qUintal is about 220 pounds.
- 29
kOzlekedhettek volna es a D. G. T. a Tisza,
Cserna es Szava nevu, 90 em merOIesu,
kitOno katarakta-haj6kat ez ida alatt csak 28
napig lett volna kepes jaratni.
Ezek szerint a haj6zasi ideny alatt minden
kOrn)menyek kOzOtl lehet szamitani az Alduna
haszn81hat6sagara es pedig sokkal kevesebb
havariakkal, mint azeloU, a minek jelenlosege
akkor lunik ki, ha figyelembe vclelik, hogy ez-
elotl mar a 15 deczimeter meroIesu uszaly lel-
jes terheIesunek tekintelett.
. A felsorolt teoyek bizonyitjak, hogy a Vas-
kapunak es az ottani lObbi zuhatagoknak sza-
balyozasa teljes mertekben sikerOU, mert mint
latluk, 1898 ev oszen oly kis v(zallasmil, mely
ritkan szokoU elc5fordulni, tekintelyes hajOfor-
galom volt. De magaban veve az altai, hogy
van viz, a haj6zas nem minden kOvetelmenyenek
van eleg teve, mert haj6zasi nehezseget kepez
pI. a viznek nagy sebessege is, melyet a goz-
haj6 vagy nem tud lekOzdeni, vagy pedig az
i1y nagy sebessegu folyamreszen csak kis te-
helTel vagy elofogattal Iud athaladni. Lassuk
rOviden, hogy a szabalyozasnak mino hatasa
van ezen szempontb61. Nagy viznel a Stenka,
Kozla-Dojke,lzlas-Tachlalia zuhatagokon szaba-
lyods elott sem volt olyan v(zsebesseg, hogy
az haj6zasi akadalyt kepezeU voloa, mert az
egyes helyeken, Igy a Dojkenel es az IzIasnal
volt jelenlekeny sebesseg csak nagyon rOvid
vonalra terjedt ki, ugy hogy gozos es vontal-
many nem, egyszerre keroIt a sebes vizbe.
A gozOs athaladva a sebesebb vizen, csendesebb
vlzbe kerOIt es mivel a maga tovahaladasara
most mar csekely era kellett, nagy erot adha-
toll at a vontat6 kOtelre, es a vontatmanyt aka-
dalytalanul vitle tova. Kisebb vizallasnal kOIO-
nOsen KOZ1811 es Tachtalian, voltak lenyegesebb
vizbukasok es sebessegek, melyek a csatorna
Ietesitese folyhin csOkkelltve lettek, minthogy a
vizesest kepezo mederszikhik eltavol1llattak, mas-
reszt a Tachtalianal a vizsz(neses, a grebeni
gat okozta eros duzzadas visszahatasa folytan
KOlon()sen szembeszoko a Greben Dunasza-
kasz szabalyozasa allal elerl eredmellY. III sza-
It may thus be seen that the regulation
assures navigation on the Lower Danube
throughout the season, and that with much less
damage than in the past. which results from
the sole fact that formerly the barge was sup-
posed to be fully loaded when its draught of
water was 15 decimeters.
Such are the proofs that the regulation or the
Iron Gates and other cataracts has perfectly
succeeded; and if further confirmation were
wanting, it is supplied by the considerable traffic
we have shown for the autumn or 1898, notwith-
standing a level seldom seen so low.
But even the fact of sufficient water does
not fulfil all the requirements of navigation;
for it may still be impeded by the excessive
swiftness of the cUlTent, which either stops the
boat or compels it to reduce its load. or else
to get towed. In that respect the situation has
also altered. During the period of high water,
the speed produced in the cataracts of Stenka,
Kozla-Dojke, and Izlas-Tachtalia was nol, be-
fore the regulation, so strong as to oppose an
obstacle to navigation. At Dojke aod Izlas this
was apparent only along a very short distance.
so that the tug and barge were not both in
the rapids at the same time. The tug which
had just passed the rapids soon reached calm
waters, so that, its own propulsion needing
less effort, it could with little difficulty concen-
trate aU its attention on the towing of the
barge. As to the falls which appear in the Kozla
and Tachtalia during the low-water period, the
new channel has diminished them by the re-
moval of the reefs, and the eddy produced
by the Greben dam has compensated for the
slope or Tachtalia.
The most striking result has been
by the works carried out on the Greben sec-
tion. Here, before the regulation, a level of
+ 3'0 metres on the scale of Orsova was suf-
ficient for the eddy caused by the Greben
promontory and the fall caused by the enorm-
ous abrupt widening or the bed to obstruct
- 30 -
halyods eMtt mar kOzep vizlillasnal Orsova +
30 metertol fOHeIe a Greben-csucs okozta eros
duzzadas, majd a folyamnak hirtelen 6riasi m6-
don val6 kiszQesedese altaI keletkezeU nagy
vizbukason a gozOsOk vagy eppen nem, vagy
csak nagy nehezen tudtak lithaladni. Magaban
veve talan a vlzsebesseg, illetoleg vizbukas nem
kepezelt volna lekOzdhetetlen akadalyt, ha a
bukAs alatt kozvetlenol Orv6nyek nem Ieteztek
volna, melyek a gozOsok es uszalyok korma-
nyozhat6sagal akadalyoztak es ha a medernek
hirtelen kiszelesed6se folytan eloallotl old al- es
keresztfolyasok a haj6k vezeteset nem gatoltak
volna. Elegg6 gyakori volt nagyobb vizallasmil
az az eset, hogy a megfelelo eros gozOs von-
tatmanyaval hosszantart6 munka utan majdnem
teljesen athaladt a grebeni bukason, midon az
uszalyt a keresztfolyas elragadta, mely esetben
ha a vontat6kotel elszakadt, csupan az uszaly,
ha pedig az nem szakadt el, a gozOs is az em-
liteltem 6riasi Orvenyekbe kerOlt, mi nagy ve-
szedelmet okozolt.
Mindezen bajokon a csucs lehordasa es a
szorit6gat kiepitese segiteU.
Ajuczi medercsatornamil nagyobb v(zallasok-
kor a kazani visszaduzzadas folytan a viznek alig
van sebessege 6s a kisvizneI nagyobbod6 sebes-
seg daczara is a haj6k akadalylalan kOzlekede-
sOkben nincsenek fellarlva. Az e szakaszon epOIt
szorit6gat 16nyegesen segitett azon nehezsegen is,
melyet a viznek magyar partt61 szerb part fele
val6 keresztfolyasa a haj6knak a csatornabani
vezetes6nel, kisebb vizallasn6i okozhatott volna.
Ha vegiil a legjelentekenyebb haj6zasi aka-
dalyon at, a Vaskapunal letes(telt haj6zasi csa-
tornat tekintjOk, ugy azt kell konstatalnunk,
hogy a csatorna 16tesilesenek czelja el6retett s
a csatorna rendeltelesenek tOkeletesen megfelel,
a mennyiben azon a legkisebb vizallasnal is ter-
hes uszalyokkal lehet kOzlekedni. A Vaskapu-
csatornaban uralkod6 vizsebesseg bar jelente-
keny, mindazon81tal abban kis es kOzepviz-
Allasoknal a gozhaj6k erOfeszites nelkOI halad-
nak fOlfele nagy terhG uszalyokkal.
Magasabb v(zalJasnal a Vaskapu-csatomaban
a vizsehesseg nOvekedlevel a haj6zas is nehe-
navigation. The swiftness of the current alone
would not have been an insurmountable obst-
acle; but the swirl of waters caused by the fall
interfered with the application of the rudder,
and the currenls produced in the river, suddenly
swollen to an enormous extent. rendered the
steering of a boat extremely difficult.
At high-water it often happened that the
steam-tug and its barges, after prolonged efforts,
passed lhe fall of Greben in safety, but at the
last moment a crosscurrent carried away one
of the barges. In case the cable had snapped
the barge only went into the abyss, but if the
cable remained intact, the barge carried off
the tug also in its wake to the dangerous
Thanks to the reduction of the promontory
and the construction of the reservation dam,
these dangers are henceforth abolished.
In the passage of Jucz the high waters flow
following close upon the eddy of Kazan, with
a minimum swiftness of current. At low-water
the speed increases, but boats may run without
difficulty. The cross current which goes from
the Hungarian to the Servian shore might, at
low-water, have prevented boats from entering
the passage, but the obslacle was removed by
the building of the reservation dam on this
If, finally, we examine the channel cut through
the Iron Gates, we may satisfy ourselves
that the desired object has been fully realised,
and that the channel completely fulfils its mis-
sion; for loaded boats can now run even at
low-water. The strength of the current is con-
siderable here, but at low-water and at mean
level boats can ascend it without unusual effort,
even while towing heavily-laden barges.
At high-water the strength of the current
increases in the channel, so that navigation is
rendered more difficult; but now ordinary
traffic may use the old way without the need
of assistance. Nevertheless, in order that the
large tugs which serve the Lower Danube may
- 31 -
zebbe valik, ekkor azonban a rendes forgalom
a regi dtban bonyolflhat6 Ie kOIOnos seged-
eszkOzOk nelkOI. Hogy azonban meg ekkor is a
rendes forgalomban lev5knel nagyobb uszalyok
nagyobb Ozemkolts6g nelkOI a csatormin fOUele
sz6llfthat6k legyenek, a magyar kormany
mesterseges vontabis rendeztetett be, t. i. a na-
gyobb terheket egy sodronykotelhaj6 vontatja fOI.
mely kepes a Vaskapu-csatormin at meg 5 meter
m6sodpercznyi v(zsebesseg mellett is ket da-
rab teljes rakomanynyal terhelt 650 lonmis vas-
uszMyt 6rankenti ket kilometeres atlagos sebes-
s6ggel felvontatni. A a Da-
nubius-Schoenichen-Hartmann egyesOIt buda-
pesti haj6- es gepgyar-reszvenytaJ"Sasagmil epOlt.
llyforman minden nehezseg Ie lenne kOzdve,
mely az aldunai haj6zast evszazadokon at meg-
akasztotta 65 a Vaskapu, valamint a t6bbi aldunai
zuhatagok led51t az a khinai
fal, mely a dunai allamokkal val6 keres-
kedelem fejl5des6nek utjat s ezzel
Magyarorszag a vilagforgalomnak uj 6tat nyi-
tott, a mely az eur6paszerte eszlelhetO gazda-
sagi es kultur:ilis mozgalmak fejlesztesebcn nem
a legjelentektelenebb tenyez5 lesz.
pass the channel, even at high-water, without
considerably increased expenditure, the Hun-
garian Government has inaugurated a traction
service. A tug-boat will tow in the channel
(even though the speed of the current should
rise to 5 metres per second) two iron barges
of 650 tons each, fully loaded, at an average
speed of 2 kilometers an hour. Such a tug-
boat has been built in the dockyards of the
Danubius-Schoenichen-Hartmann Company of
It will thus be seen that all the obstacles
to the navigation of the Lower Danube, which
existed for so many centuries, are now re-
moved. Thanks to the regulation of the Iron
Gates and other cataracts of the Lower Danube,
the Chinese Walb which so long stood in the
way of the traffic of the Lower Danube
States has been demolished, and Hungary has
opened up to the world's commerce a new
highway that shall contribute its part to the
great economic and intellectual progress of
(Translated by: Arnold De Lisle Budapesl.)
~ u = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = ~ o
lIornYAII!<zky V. (s. 4!. kir. ud,. ki'"Y'nyornJaija lIudal'tst.
A fiumei kikoUS.
Magyarorszag egyediil szambaveheto tengeri
kikOtoje Fiume, mely az Adriai tenger eszaki
csucsan fekvo Quarnero-6bolben 4519' fOld-
rajzi 'szelesseg es Greenwichtol sdmUoU 1427'
fOldrajzi hosszusag alatt fekszik.
A Quarnero-ObOll50 negyszOgmertfOld kiter-
jedesti, es del fele Veglia, Chel"So es tObb kisebb
sziget nItal van az Adriai tengertol elvalasztva,
s a CObb viziutak (1st ria partja es Cherso szi-
gete, Cherso- es Veglia-szigetek, s Vegliasziget
es a magyar-horvat part kOzott fekvo csator-
nak) kelloleg meg vannak
Leggyakorihh szelek a Quarneroban az
eszaki, edakkeleti es keleti szelek, s legerosebb
hullamzast okoznak az eszakkeleti cs delkeleti
szelek s mig az eszakkeletiek altai okozoU
hullamoknak llllrhnenti kifejlOdese mcrsekelt,
. addig a delkeleti szelek 2-3 meter magas es
30-32 meter is eIero hullamokat
terelnek az Adriab61 a Quarnero-ObOlbe.
Az apaly es dagaly kOzOtti kOlonbseg
0'4--0'6 meter kOzOtt valtozik, s szOko dagaly
ritkain fordul elo, de ily alkalommal a vizalMs-
kOIOnbOzet 1'5-2'5 meterig is terjed.
A vizallas nullvonala a felel
Mair reg idotol fogva volt Fiumeban egy
kisebb kikOt6, de ennek nagyobbmervt1 fejlesz-
tese csak az 1872-dik evben vette kezdetet,
mid6n a magyar ki- es beviteli forgalom kOz-
vetit6jeve Fiume jelOltetett ki.
A kereskedelem igcnyeinek megfeleloleg tOr-
tent e kikOt6 fejlesztese.
The Port of Fiume.
The only seaport of Hungary of any import-
ance is Fiume, situated in the Bay of Quar-
nero, at the northern extremity of the Adriatic
Sea, under latitude 45
19' n0l1h, and longitude
14 24' east of Greenwich.
The Bay of Quarnero is 150 square miles
in extent, and is separated from the Adriatic
on the south by V cglia, Cherso, and other
islands. The chief waterways, (i. e. the
channels between the Istrian shore and the
Isle of Cherso, between Cherso and Veglia
Islands, and between Veglia Island and the
Hungaro-Croatian seaboard), are properly
In the Quarnero Bay, the north, north.east,
and east winds are the most frequent. The
most powerful waves arc hlown up hy the N.
E. and S. E. winds; whilst the breakel"S on
the coast, caused by the N. E. wind, reach only
a moderate height, the S. E. winds drive up
from the Adriatic waves 2 to 3 metres in height
and 30 to 32 metres long into the Bny of
The difference between high and low tide
varies from 0'4 to 0'6 m.; spl'iug-tides occur but
rarely, but 011 such occasions the variation of
the water-level may be as much as fl'om
1'5 to 2'5 metres. The zero-point of the water
corresponds to the menn level.
From earliest times there was a small port
at Fiume, but its evolution on a lurger scale
hegan in 1872, when Fiume was mal'ked out
as the centre of the export und import
traffic for Hungary.
This evolution of the port kept even pace
with the requirements of trade.
- 4
A hatvanas evekbcn 1,200.000 korona volt
e kikOto epitmellyeibe hefektetve, rna mar a
befektettSs :l 81,000.000 korona erteket meg-
haladja (24 korona = 1 font sterlinR).
Alig harmincz evet meghalad6 ido Blatt ily
nagymervii kiadasokkal tartoU a forgalom
emelkedese. melyr61 e fOzet vegen meHekelt
wafikus tAblbatok teljes kepet nyujtvan. eIeg
legyen itt felemliteni, hogy a haj6forgalom 1872.
evr61 190ft eyre 325.116 tonmir61 -1.131.317
tonnara, s a tengeri arUforgulom 167.015 ton-
n6r61 1,351.587 tonnara emelkedett.
Maga a kikOto Fiume vAros menten van
elhelyezve, de a farakhelyek atnyulnak a szom-
szedos SU8nk kOzseg ternletere is.
A forgalom lebollyolftasAra rendelkezesre
all 53 kilometert meghalad6 vasuti vagany,
lK9 csoporl valt6, 88 darab ford1t6-korong.
0000 vasuti kocsirakomany hefogadasara szol-
gal6 tarhazak, GooO kocsirakomany elhelye-
Iyezesere szolgal6 nyilt teroletek, tiO hekt:ir
feltaItOtt ternlet es 5-1 hekhir vizfelOlet, (i159 m
A koolajfinomft6, rizshalltol6, a Whitehead-
fele torpedo-. a vegyi es vegyipari keszilmenyek
elOallftasara szolgal6 gyarak, a
a Danubius-fele haj6gyal', a Smith es Meynier-
fele papirgyar, az allami dolulnygyar, aszfalt-
CS olajgyarakon kivol szAmos apr6bb gyarak
elenkitik e kikOto forgalmat, s szamos penz-
illtezeten es ld- es beviteli tarsulatokon kivOI
az amm6 raktarvallalat jaml kOzre a forgalom
A kikOtO. mely rna meg tranzit6-jelleggel
biro a magyar kormany gondoskodAsa folytan
halnd azon czel fele. hogy kereskedelmi empo-
riumnHi vAljek.
A kikOto CObb epitmenyei: a nagy kikOtO,
a Baross Gabor fakikOto a kazeli farakhelyek-
kel, a hadi tengereszeti akademia naszadkik{)-
toje, a koolajkik{)tO es a hnj()gyari telep II hozza-
tartoz6 dokkmedenczevel, s vegre a Fiumara-
In the sixties 1,200000 crowns had been
invested ill harbour construction. and at the
present day the investments actually exceed
the sum of 81,000.000 crowns (24 crowns =
1 sterling), .
this period of more than 30 years
the increase of traffic kept pace with the
enormous expenditure, of which increase the
diagrams attached to this pamphlet give a
complete representation; wherefore it suffices
to mention here that the tonnage of shipping
from 1872 to 1906 increased from 325.116 to
4.131.317 tons. and the traffic in merchandise
from 167.0\5 to 1,351.587 tons.
The port itself extends along the coast the
whole length of the town; but the limber-yards
encroach upon the territory of the neighbouring
commune of Susak.
To meet the requirements of the traffic there
are more than fl3 kilometres of railway track,
11s9 series of points, 88 turn-tables, warehouses
to accommodate 9000 waggon-Ioads, open spaces
for stacking 6000 waggon-Ioads, flO hectares of
embanked al'ea, and 54 hectares of water area,
and 6159 metres of wharfage. In addition to a
petmleum refinery, a rice-hulking factOl'y, tile
Whitehead torpedo factory, various chemical. ..
factol"ies for the production of industrial chemi-
cals, a chocolate factory, the c Danubiuslt dock-
yards, Smith and Meyniers paper-miD, the State
tobacco manufactory. an asphalt factory and
an nil factory, numerous smaller factories which
give animation to the port; besides several
financial institutions, and export and import
firms, the Independent Warehousing Company
contrihuting to the completion of transactions.
The port. whkh sel'ves to-day more as
a medium of transit, is advancing through the
care of the Hungarian Government towards
the goal of becoming a commercial emporium.
The principal constructions of the port are
the Great Harbour. the Gabriel Baross Timber
Harbour, with the timber-yards lying close by,
the {jun-boat Harbour of the Fiume Naval
Academy, the Petroleum Harbour, the Shipping.
- 5 -
cslltornakikotO, a hoi a parli vilorlais haj6k
vegezik muveletciket.
A kikolobe befekleleU toke a kovetkezo;
tcngeri epitmcnyek erteke
tengeri berendezcsek.
tarhazak erleke
vastiti berendezesek. .
00,000.000 kor.
10,500.000 "
mely munkllk a kcrcskcdclemnb'Yi
Ill. Idl. ministcrium kOzvetlen hahiskoreben,
reszben a m. kir. allamvasulak altai hajtallak
A ministeriuDl koz\"etlen hataskOreben
5O,ti50.000 korona crteku munka hajlalolt vegre
1.8(lO.000 korona felDgyeleti koltseggel.
Az epitesnel a legnagyobb nehezsegel a nagy
vfzmelyseg okozta, mit iIluszlral azon korOI-
meny is, hogy a hull:imgalat 38-42 m, a rak-
partokat aUag 16 m, a m616kat :lO- :-10 m, a
feltolteseket 5-20 m vizmelysegben kelletl
A kikOlo munkalatai, illetve az akkoriban
meg volt es 2(iO m hosszu hulIamgaltal vedett
kis kikoto fejlesztese 1872. evben vette kezdetet.
A kikOlo els6 tervet a m. kil"o allamvasutak
kOzegei keszitettek es az Pasqual marseillei
mernok felDlvizsgalata alapjan fogadtatott el
a kivitel alapjaul.
A forgalom rohamos emelkedese azonban
azon meggyozodesre vezetell, hogy
az eredeti terv nem fog megfelelni a kovetel-
mcnyeknek, s igy allnak m6dositasa es kiter-
jesztese lovid idon belDI napirendre kernlt.
Hosszabb tanulmanyok, bel- es knlfoldi szak-
cltok nezetcinek kikerese utan Hajnal Antal
akkori fomernOk es a kikotocpitesi hivatal
fOnOkenek lerve fogadtatvlln el, a kikoto mai
aIlapotaban ezell terv alal)jan epnlt fel.
A lalajviszonyok az epitesre ncm voltak a
legkedvezobbek. 17-2<J m iszap fedle a feneken
Wharves with the dock-basin attached, and
finally the Fiumara Canal Harbour, where the
coasting-vessels transact their business.
Capital invested in the Port is distributed
as follows:
Value of maritime 60,000.000
Marine equipmenls 2,800.000
Value of Warehouses .. 8,200.000
Railway Plant . .. .. 10,000.000
We will now give some account of the
works out partly under direct
isation of the Minister of Commerce and
partly by the Royal Hungarian State Railways.
The cost of the works thus executed under the
authOlity of the Minister of Commerce amounted
to 50,650.000 crowns, in addition to 1,860.000 ex-
pended upon supervision.
During cOllstrudion the greatest difficulty ex-
was Ihat caused by the extreme deplh
of water, whkh is illustrated by Ule fact that
the breakwaters hud to be built in water from
38 to 42 m. deep. the quay ill an average
depth of 16 m., the moles in 20 to 30 m., and
the embankments in from 5 to 20 m.
The harbour-works, (i. e. the enlargement
of the small port then hy a break-
water 260 m. long) were begun in lX72.
The first plan of the Harbour was drawn
up by the l'ngineers of the Royal Hungarian
State Hailways, and, after being to
the revision of the )Im-seilles engineer, )1.
Pasqual, was adopted for carrying out the
construction. The rapid f.!rowth of the trank.
however, soon Illude it evident that the originul
plan would not to meet the leqllircments;
and therefore in a short time its moditication
and extension were put on the order of the day.
After long consideration and after calling
upon foreign experls to express their opinions,
the plan of )11". Anthony Hajnal, Ulen chief
engineer, and head of the Harbour Works
Office, was a(xcpted and Ihe Harbour was
constructed in its present form on the basis of
this plan.
-- It
a sziklatalajt, a 16--15 III volt, s
az utalt arra, hogy oly m6dszer
mely e hatranyos ellensulyozz8, s
a mely abb6l allott, hogy a feltoitesek, mol6k
ISs hullamgatak nagyobb-kisebb darabokbol
allo tiszta k5anyagb61 keszittessenek, s a
anyag az epitesb51 teljesell kizarassek ez
aUal eIeretett az, hogy habar kisebh-nagyobb
csuszamlasok, Olepedesek fordultak is elc5, ele
az elemi karok a millimumra IeszalloUak az
elc5iranyzott 1 %-at alig haladtak meg.
A uralkodo gyakoribb szelek a
b6ra es a scirocco. A bora ellcn vedi a kiko-
tOt a hatter magas hegyeivel, a scimcco ellcll
pedig mestersegcs 6ton er5s hulhimgatak altai
kellett a vlSdeni.
A nagy kik6t5 es ennek kiegeszit5 reszet
kepczc5 kisebb kik6tOmedellczek Fiume osszes
tengerpartjat foglaljak eI, de s5t a farakhelyek
a szomszedos horvat-szlavon ternletre is at-
Nyugat fele a legkOls5bb epftkezes a 30.000
kiterjedcsu haj6epito telep a 60 m hosszu
hajocsllszda es a 15() m hoss7ou, 60 m szcles
es 8'5 m vlzmelyseggcl biro dokkmedenczc, mely
a legkozelebbi idc5ben epitendo 75 m hosszu-
saggal es 20 m bels5 szelesseggel, 3750 lonna
hordkepesseggel bir6 usz6dokk befogadasara
fog szolgalni.
A hajoepit5 telepen epnU 1906-bull a Danu-
bius-fele hajogyar, a mely a legmodernehb
A koolajkikoto k6zvetienOI a k5olajfinomito-
gyal' szomszedsagaban cpOU 320 m hosszti
hullamgat altai vedett 1'9 hekhir vlzfelOletlel
cs 310 111 hossz6 rakodoparttal.
A koolajkik6t5 es a nagy kikot5 k6700tti
feltoUes a palyaudvar czeljaira vetctik igenybe.
E fcltiHtes mcntcll van clhdyczve a IUtszael
The charactel' of the soil was unfavourable
i'0l' building purposes, as a deposit of mud
from Ii to 29 metres thick the found-
below; the depth of water was from
16 to 45 metres; and therefore some method
of overcoming these disadvantages was dem-
anded. The method adopted consisted in the
construction of embankments, moles, and
breakwaters, composed only of blocks of stone
of various sizes; earthen material had to be
excluded entirely. By this means although
there were greatel' or lesser land-slips and
subsidences, it was effected in such manner
that the total outlay scarcely exceeded the
estimate by one per cent.
The most prevalent winds at Fiume are
IhecBora- and the Againstthe .BOl"d,
the high mountuins in the baekgrolllld form
a )ll'Otedion to the Harbour; but massive hreak-
waters hadtobe to shelter it against
the .Siro('.co..>.
The Great Harbour, and the smaller basins
whkh form its complement, Ol'.CUPY the whole
length of the shore at Fiume; hut the timber-
yards extend even into part of the neighbouring
Croato-Slavonian territory.
Towards the western extremity of the port,
the farthest outlying strudure is the wharf,
l'overing 30.000 square metres; a launching
slip 60 metres long, and a dock-basin of 150
m. long, by 60 m. wide, and 8'5 m. draught of
water, which wiD serve for the reception of a
floating dock 75 m. long, by 20 m. wide, with
a capacity of 3i50 tons, which is to be built
in the immediate future.
Within the wharfage area, the Dalwbius
Ship Wharf was buill in 1896, and furnished
with the most modern appliances.
The Petroleum Harbour was built in the
immediate neighbourhood of the Petroleum
Refinery, and is protected by n breakwater 320 m.
long, with 1'9 hectares wuter-area, and quays
:$-10 m. in length.
The embankment between the Petroleum
Harbour and the Great Harbour is devoted to
the requirements of tlw Hailway Station.
Bergudi dokkmedencze keresztszelvenye. - Transverse Section of the Bergudi Dock-Basin.
Kazan- es gepmfihely. - Boiler and Engine-Workshop.
., _It
- t ..... " ~ ~ , , ....... - ,.
t .... I ' _ .t Ir
' / 2 If ~ -
Leptl!k. - Scale.
A klSolajkikotlS keresztszelvenye. - Transverse Section of the Petroleum Harbour .
.. ...... . ,.... . ~
Leptek. - Scale.
- 8
kik6to, mcly a csaszari kirulyi haditengere-
szeli akademia haszllalutaru van atmlva. Ezen
kikoto 0'1 hekbil" vizfelOlelet 82 m hosszu
hullamgat vedi s 90 m hosszu partfal szolgal
a gyakorl6 csoillakok es egy torped6naszad
kikntesere. A vlzmelyseg e kikt'ilobell 5'5 m es
abban van egy haj6csuszda, kezelesi epOietek
egy Odv6zlo 16vesekre szolgul6 agyuOteg.
A nagy kik6to k6vetk('zik ('zutan :i nagy
es 2 kis m6t6val s az (;pOIO felhen levo es
190R. ev vegevel befejezesl llyero zur6mol6vaJ,
:1124 m rakparlhosszsza1 s hulhimgat altai
vedelt ,U'S hektar vizfelOleltel.
A hulhimgat lSiR m hoss?u. folyamatban
,'an annak 300 meterrel val6 meghosszahbi-
hi sa, a mely 1 H08. vegen elkeszOI.
A nagy m616k szelessege egyenkint SO m,
hosszuk 120, 150. 210 m; a zur6m616 hossza
160 m es szelessege 50 111.
A ral<partok a nugy haj6k reszcre 1 iO m-tol
:lOO m kozolt, a Ids haj6k reszere 40-80 m
valtoz6 hosszszal hirnak.
A kis m616k 1.1-20 m szelessegbt'l1 es ,15-
80 m hosszusaggal epilllek.
A parlmenti vizmelyseg a kis haj6k l'eszer('
szolgal6 mei.enczckben 5-u'a m, a huj6k
reszere szolgal6 medenczekben a partok mcllell
i'5-S'5 m k6zolt va1tozik. A hulhimgat a m616k
fejetcll 150- 178--:228 m bivolsagra van elhe-
lyezve, bogy a haj6k ki- es bemenele akaehily
nelkOl eszknznlhet<'i legyen.
A hullamgaton van elhelyezve :1 szenraktar
flOOO lonna szen hefogadasanl, a m616kon es a
rakparlok menlen pedig a tarhazak feknsznek,
melyekhez vastili vaganyok kozlekednek, a
m616kra a vaganyok fOJ'dit6 korongokon at
vezettelven. A pari menlcn vaganyok vannak
lel'akva l:S a kozlili kocsik kozlekedesere k6ve-
zeit ulak szolgalnak.
Az ugynevezctt Delta es Brajdica 250.000
kiteljedesti farakhelyek kllzelebl'J) van el-
helyezve a Baross Gabor fakikf)lo, mdy a nagy
kik6tovel egy 18 III szeles csatomuval van
Along this embankment lies the (;unboai
Harbour, which is resel'ved for the use of the
Imperial Dnd Hoyal ;Naval Acadcmy. This
harbour has a water-area ofO'l hectare, protected
by a breakwater S2 m. long, with a shore
embankment of 90 m. long. servinR fe)l' mooring
the drill pontoons and a torpedo-boat. The
draught of water in this harbour is 5'5 111., and
there is also a launching slip, administrative
huildings and a battery for firing salutes.
We next come to the Great Harbollr, with three
large and two smaU('r moil'S, and a closing pier
(now in course of constrl1etion, to be finished
this year 1 H08) of 3.124 m. unloading length. and a
superficial area of 41'8 hedarcs, protected by
a breakwater. which is 1.3iS m. long, but il ..
extension by 300 m. is in cOUl"Se of progress and
will be completed by the end of ther present year.
The widUl of the larger moles is 80 m.,
and their respective lengths 120, 150 and 210 m.;
thc dosing pier is 160 m. long by 50 m.
wide. The C(unys for larger vessl'ls vary between
1 iO and :1flO m. ill length; for smaller vessels
they are from 40 to SO m. long.
The smallcr moles are eOllstruded from
15 to 20 m. wide, and from 45 to 80 m. long,
The draught of water along the shore in
the basins for smaller ,"esse Is is from 5010 I)' 5 m ..
and in those for larger vessels from 7'5 10 8'5.
The breakwater is placed at a distance of
150, 17S. and 228 m. from the head of the respect-
ive moles ill order to free ingr('ss and
egress to vessels.
Upon the breakwater there are tlu'ee eoul-
depots with a of ()OOO tons, and along
the moles and quays lie the warehousl's, to
which railway tracks lead up. crossing the moles
over turn-tables. Rails are laid along the bank.
and the r(Huts arc paved for traction ,"chides.
Ncar the so-called Delta and Brajdica Timber-
yards, of 250 sq. m. area, is situated the
(;Clbriel Baross Timber Harbollr, connected
with lhe GI'eat Harbour by u canul 18 Ill. wide
OWl' which all hyeiI'aolicnlly worked turning,
bridge ('.:U'ries the lraffic to the
Zichy m616 keresztszelvenye. - Transverse Section of the Zichy Mole.
.... o. t . _ __ _ ____ ___ !; _ _ ____
- Scale.
Stefania rakpart keresztszelvenye. - Transverse Section of the Stephanie Quay.
.. r

Lt!ptt!k. - Scalf!.

. ... .
Rudolf m616 keresztszelvenye. - Transverse Section of the Rudolph Mole .
_.. ,. i a .:-
I ! i i L .. l

- Scale.
Ferencz Salvator rakpart keresztszelvenye. - Transverse Section of the Francis Salvator Quay.
Ott. , 4' .".
.. ..
t. $. ..
- Scale.
Maria Valeria m616 keresztszelvenye. Transverse Section of the Maria Valeria Mole .
, ,- -
.. "

.. __
-- --...,::
t ...
Uptek. - Scale.
Zar6 m616 keresztszelvenye. Transverse Section of the Closing Mole.


(','':", ,)'

,,,; . /""

..--<: ' '/'
,<1;;(:;>< ..... .
..uc .
r=::- , \ .. . ..... ........ - ..... - _4"'O"-- ____ -"""-.:... . .., ( I .. < " ' . _ _ Cl
, . " .... , .. .
' 1 .. .. 44 .... ..;
Leptek. - Scale.

- 12
oss1.ek6tve, melyen at egy vi1.nyomassal mfik()d5
forg6hid k6zvetiti a hulhimgatrn valo k01.1eke-
dest ; a huUamgat hosszfak tamlasara is
A Baross Gabor fakikmo vfzfelnlete (hi hek-
hiI', melyet 520 m hoss1.u hnlhimgut meg
a hulhilllzlist61. Ezen kikoh; ;1'5 11l'khir nagy-
sugu clokikolovel bit ..
A fakikoh; egy 10i) 111 hosszu es 8 m
SZt;]cs l.ur6gattal es ()5 III hosszu es III
szeles ztir6sarkantyuval van nyngat felOl lUlhi-
rolva, a Illelyek kozott 50 m szeles bejarat
marad a haj6k A kikotohen "un meg
('gy 105 m hosszti es atlag .to m szelcs m616,
A rakodasra alknlmas pm-tok hossza 12ijO Ill.
A partmenti vizmelyseg l' kik<lloben S;) Ill.
A Baross Gabor fakikotobe tOl'kol a kis
parti vitorhis hnjok kikMoje, a Fil1llulm
10m a, Illely l:J m szeles es ;iOO m hosszil.
:Hlngos (; Ill. EZl'll esatornan at J;t
fordfl6hid k{;zvl'liti a vasllti es k{\zuti k{;zle-
ked est.
A Hl'cina folyo kct partjn Illl'nlcn vannak
a Delta es Brajdicu fUl"ukhclyck l'Z(:}szerucn
berendezeU vasuti vag:inyokkul. A H('cinn foly6n
kct allando hid klUi f)ssze u D(,lta es Bl'aj-
die:. farakhclyeket.
A Brajdica teroletl"e vezet Ie u Kamlyvliros-
fiumei vasuti fc;vonal ki:igaztlsakcnt egy mellek-
vagany, mely egy 182:J III hossz" k{;ralaguton
at fut Ie a farukod6 a mely faruk-
hclyek szamarn erkezo tchcrvonatok ossze@i-
lasarn a k()zeli Buccm'i ullonuis szolgal I"endczo
A fiumei kisebb-nagyobb kikotokben van
{;sszesen Ii];')!) m rakod6parl. 2080 m hosszu
hulhimg:lt, ;}10 hekhir vizfelnlet j H kikc)to es
p:Hyaudvat {;ssztcriilete no hektar, a melyho!
10 heklar punto-fruncoul vlln bekerilve. .
A kikiHobcll clhelyezcst llyerhct 51 kisebb-
nagyohh goziis CS 120 kisehb.nagyobb vilorlas-
Az epitkezesekncl II legnagyobb tolllegii
mUllku a kohunyas letesitese volt. Tobb
This breakwater serves at the same time
for the storage of longer pieees of timber.
The suprrficial area of the Gabriel Baros,'i
lIal'lumr is (;.!) pl'Otedetl against
the hreakers hy a breakwater 52() m. long,
This harbour has a fore-harbour of :H; I\('d-
ares superficial area.
The timber harbour is eonfined on the
by a mole X m. wide hy Hi!) m.
long; und a closing groyne of X'4 m. wide by
(;5 m. long j hetween which there is an
50 Ill. wide, giving to vessels. Within the
port there is another mole 150 m. long, with
an average width of 40 111. The length of
wharves fhr loading is 1.260 m., and the depth
of water along the l'mhankment is Si) m,
The small harbour for eoasting vessels, the
FiuIll3l'1l Canal, which is 13 m. wide by 500 Ill.
long, with an average depth of (i m. dehouches
into thl' Gabriel Baross Timber Harbour. Over
this two turning-hridges carry the traffie
of the railway and of the public road.
Along the banks of the dYer HecinH nrc
tlll' Delta and Brajdica Timber-ym'ds with
practically constructed railway tracks. Two
manent bridges over the Hecina conned the
Delta and Brajdir.u Timber-yards.
A branch from the Karolyvaros-FiulllC
Hailway leads down fmlll the main line to the
Rrajdica district, und runs down to the Timber-
wharf through a tunnel lX2:i m. long; the
neighhouring Buccari Station provides sidings
for making up tlw good struins arriving at the
Altogether there are in the Fiume Harbours,
slllall and great, lil5H m. of wharfage, 2.030
Ill. of hreakwater, 5, hectares of water-area j
the total sUlwrficial area of the Harbour and
Hailway Station is tiO hectares, of which 10
enclosed for the free port. There is room for
51 steanll'rs and 120 sailing.vessels of various
During the construction the largest of
material was used in making the stone cmbank-
Maria Terezia m616 (hullamgat) keresztszelvenye. - Transverse Section of the Maria Theresia Mole
e:.:-:. , ..

J : '

. ,/ir ,
. ,)-"
,. :.<:,.".y
/ ..<./ ..... ;../
//,.' ':/
/ . , .. /"

a." "bi".,,;,
,. . . . . 1
Leptek. - Scale.
Baross Gabor fakikoto keresztszelvenye. - Transverse Section of the Gabriel Baross Harbour.

Leptek. - Scale.
- 14 -
kObanyan kivQl szamos kisebb kc5banya szol-
g81tatta a kc5hanyashoz szokseges anyagot,
nagyobb es kisebb hajokkal, valamint gOr-
kocsikkal es kOzonseges kocsikkal tOrtcnt a
A feltoltesekhez, molokhoz es bulhimgatak-
hoz term ell, iIletve szallitott anyag ugy a ko-
banyakbc'ln, mint a helyszinen sulyegyscg szerint,
illetve merlegeles utjan vetetelt at aUami fel-
ogyelc5kOzegek altai es 1906. ev vegeig a mi-
nisterium hahiskOreben letesitett epilkezesck-
nel beepfttetett 23,48(>'000 tonlla kohanyas, a
verores anyag ),!;, lonmiig tcrjedo
darabok). , . . , . , , .
I. oszt. termesz. kc5z0m 015 -1';) t. drb
II. :>
Ill. :.

1'05--1'0 t.
j) 4'00-{;'0 t. ,.
A feltultesek vegyes anyagb61, iIletve npl'ohb
konnyagb61 keszoltek cs a vizfeloli oldalon
I. cs II. oszl81yu termeszeles z()mokbol ull6 es
2::J lejtojii rezsOvel bir6 :-\'0 m vastag vede-
zettel hiUattak el s ott, a hoI a talaj lejlos
volt, elopadkak keszOlLek I. es II. osztruyu
A fcitultesck vizszintes szakaszokban keszOl-
tek. Elobb a lilbazatnal, hogy a CSUSZllsok meg-
gatoltassanak es hogy az apl'ubb anyag a szel-
venybol ki ne nyomuljon, zomokb(31 koluinyas
Vedetlcll helyeken a fcltoltes a tenger feloH
oidnlon tel'meszctes zomOkkel vcdetik es pedig
5 m vizmelysegig I. es II. oszhUyu zomokkel,
azon alul I. osztalyu zomOkkel.
A m616k es hulIamgatak kohanyasllnal
szintcn ezcn elv alkalmaztatik, a rezsOk 2; 3,hoz
kcszOlnek, de a hullamwitaknal 5 m vizlllcly-
segcn felol a vedkoluinyas II. cs 111. oszhilyu
tCl'mcszctcs zomokbc51 keszOI.
menls, Several large quarries, besides numerous
smaller ones, furnished malerial for the con
slruction of these slone embankmenlsj and
the conveyance of this was effected by large
and small vessels, as well as by trucks and
ordinary carts.
The stone material used in the construction
of embankments, moles, and breakwaters, was
taken over, in the quarries as well as on the
spot, by weight-units or by gauging, by the
State superintending officials; and up to the
end of 1906, the total bulk of material used
in the works made under authority of the
of was 23,48(;.000 tons of
rubble stone; in there were:
Blocks of mixed materiul up to
0'15 tons. . , , . . . Xl'5"!"
First class hl()Cks of native
stone from 0'15 to 1'5 tons.
Second class blocks of native
slone from 1'5 to 4'0 tons ,
Third class blocks of native
stone from 1'0 to 6'0 tons .
The embankments are of mixed material,
i. e, of smaller blocks of stone, and on the
side facing the water they are provided with
a easing of first and second class native blocks,
at u slope of 2 in 3, with a thickness of 3
mcll'es, and where the gl"Ound was sloping
small hanks were built ill front of first and
second dass blocks,
The embankmenls were built up in hori
zontal sections; at the bottom was first made
a foundation of blocks in ordel' to prevent
sliding, and in order that the smaller material
might not bulge out from the surface.
In unpl'otected places the embankment is
faced on the side of the sca by bloeks of native
stone, to a depth of 5 m, with first and
dass bl<wks, and below that with first
dass blcll'ks.
In the stone foundations of the moles and
bl'cakwatcl's the same prindple is followed.
The slopes are 2 in 3, hut in the breakwatel'S
the emhankment above ;) Ill. depth of water
- 15 -
Egy kobmeter iirszelveny kitoltesere utlng
kellett: a feltolteseknel 1'8 tOillUl, a m616knul
1'9 lonna es a hulhimgatakmil 2'3 tonna ko-
A fentemlilelt 23,486.000 tonna kohanyas-
b61 szallittatott:
kishaj6kkal .
vasdti gorkocsikkal
kozuti kocsikkal
12,69;1.300 lonna
5,440.400 ~
A kohanyasi anyug termelesere nagyobbara
diorexin robbant6-anyag ulkalmuzlatolt, de a
tarmik, aknak es lOporkamnik keszilesenel, vala-
mint nagyobb kotOmbok szeboepesztesenel,
illetve apr6zasanal es kisebb robbanhlsoknal
kOzonseges lopor es dinamit is haszmillatott, de sot
kisebb aknak tagftasan8.l a s6savvnl etetes is volt
regebben ulkalmazva Jelenleg a tanuik es ukmik
felrobbanbisara kOzonseges IOpor haszmillatik.
A nagy kobanyakbun a robbantasokr61
nyilvantartas vezettelett, a melynek 1906. ev
vegeig terjedo eredmenye a kovetkezo volt:
Felrobbantatott 600 nagy akna 1550 tonna
robban16.anyuggal, az eredmeny volt 4,000.000
anyagtermeIes; tovabba 1,800.000 kis akna
700 lonna robbunt6.anyaggal. Az alIagos toiles
nagy aknaknal 2'8 tonna, kis aknaknal 0'O()5
lonna robbant6.anyag volt. A legnagyobb akna
tollese 26'7 lonna robbant6-por volt 63.000 m
A porkamraba elhelyezett diorexinbe dina mit-
toltenyek helyeztettek el, a melyeknek elsQlese
villamossaggal lortent, magat61 ertodven, hogy
a porkamra-larna, illetve akna czementfalazatlal
elobb elzaratott.
A nagy aknak robbunmsa nal a robbant6-
anyag menllyisegenek megallapitasa elso idok-
ben sok bajt okozott. A teoretikus szamitasok
nem valtak be; kiserlelek tctettek teluit a
karsztkozetben, bogy mily tOltes utan eretik el
oly robbantas, mely az anyagot a legnugyobb
mennyisegben es a legmegfelelobh aranyban
is made of second and third class blocks of
native stone.
The filling in of 1 cubic metre of profile
required on the average 1'8 tons in the banks,
1'9 in the moles, and 2'3 tons of rubble stone
in the breakwater.
For the above-mentioned, 23,486.000 tons of
rubble stone were conveyed by:
Large vessels. 12,694.300 tons
Small vessels 5,440.400
Railway trucks . 674.000
Road carts . . 4,677.300
For obtaining the rubble stone, diorexin was
mostly used as an explosive, but in dliving
shafts, mines, and blasting.chambers, both for
blasting large blocks of stone or <:rushing them,
and for smaller blastings, l:ommon gunpowder
or dynamite was used; in widening smaller
mines, corrosion by hydrochloric acid was for-
merly employed; at present only ordinary pow-
der is used for blasting in shafts and mines.
In the larger quarries the blastings are
recorded, and the results up to the end of
1906 were as follows: 600 large mines were
blasted by 1550 tOllS of explosive, producing
4,000.000 cubic metres of material; furthe .. ,
1,800.000 small mines by 700 tons of explosive.
The average eharge of explosive in large mines
was 2'8 tons, in small ones Otl05 tons. The
dlarge for the largest mine was 26'7 tons of
blasting'powder, with a result of 63.000 cubic
In the blasting-chambers dynamite cartridges
were put into the diorexin; the ignition was
performed by eleclridty, and as a matter of
course the shaft of the blaslingehamber or mine
was previously closed by a cement wall.
In the blasting of large mines the calcul-
ation of the quantity of explosives gave at first
mueh bouble. The theoretkal calculations were
not good; therefore experiment .. were made in
the Karst rocks in order to ascertain what
charge would yield that result in blasting which
furnishes the greatest quantity of material and
the most favourable proportions.
- 16
Ennek alapjan megallapfttatott, hogy a por-
kamra elhelyezese u legkedvezObb, ha u leg-
kisebb ellenlalhisi vonal a Immra f616tti
magassag '/s-"/r,-vel vetctik. A toltl;S
nagysagat pedig nll'garlja kilogrammokban a
meterekbcn kifejczelt lcgkisebb cllentalhisi vonal
harmadik hatvanyanak a t6ltcsi egyiilthat6val
val6 szorzata. A diorexinporra ne1.VC U
egyntthat6 a legsikernItebb robhantasok alapjall
l'080-nak tahiltatott. Ezen . egyuUhal6 alkalma-
zas8vul a fentiek szerint kiszamitoll diorexillpor-
tollest a )lurkamra viszonyai szerint egy
kisse meg kellett valloziatni. nevezetcsen, a
szerint. amilll a kamra kemenychb vagy I.evesbe
ellenta1l6 kozctbe jutott, a IdszamUolt t6ltest
valamivel nilvelni vagy csokkenteni kellett.
Sz6val, itt u tapasztalalnak es a gyakorlati er-
zeknek fontos szerep jut.
A k(,)hanyak 0'82 m llyomtavl\ vaganyok-
lUll, kczi- es gozdarukkal CS rakod6hirlukkul
hillattak el es a sz81litmttny kocsinkillt a rakod6-
hidakra vezeto vagallyokba beiktatott hidmer-
legekell lemerve rakatotl be a haj6kba, a melyek
:J-'l-vel vonatol{ka 6sszeallitva goz6s altaI
"ontattaltak az epitesi helyrc, a hoI uz atvetel
alkalmaval a haj6rakOlmtny ukolas clleu-
Az akollis utjall llyert es a lenu!rt suly ko-
zulli knlonhseg l';,-2Ufo-ra tCljed-
he tell.
A szallit6-haj6k rcszben el-
hHotltartanyhaj6k, reszhen fedeles haj6k voltak,
amazok vegyes anyagra. emezek z6m6kre.
A fedeles Imj6k kiOrUcsc vagy HZ egyik 01-
dalra rakolt h'ilsuly vizbcdobasa, vugy pedig
altai t6rtent. Ez ut6bbinal a
hajok egyik olrlalan a tell es nres vizvonal
kozutl a haj6k hclsejeben egy hoss1.caisson al-
kalmaztatolt, mely egy szeleppel elzarhat6 cso
utjan a vizzel k6zlekedeU. A caissoll, a haj6
beallitasa utan, a szelep kinyitasa altai vizzel
megtoltetven, a haj6 fcloldalt fel<ndl es a haj6
fedelzeterc rakott z6m6k vizbe gurultak, minek
On the basis of these experiments it was
discovered that the situation of the blasting-
chamber is most favourable when the line of
It'ast resistance is taken <,qual to the elevation
of to of the height of mountain above
the chamber. The quantity of tlw charge is
found in kilograms if the third power of the
line of least resistance in metres is multiplied
by the co-efficient of the charge. The co-efficient
of charge for diorexin was found on the basis
of the most successful blaslings to be 1080; in
applying this co efficient it was still necessary
to modify somewhat the charge of diorexin
calculated as above, according to the COll-
ditions of the powder-chamber; viz. accord-
ing to whether the chamber happens to be in
a harder or less-resistant rock, it is necessary
to increase or diminish somewhat the calculated
quantity of explosive; in a word, experience
and common-sense played a part here.
The quarl'ies were provided with tracks of
0'82 gauge, with manual and steam-cranes, and
The freight was weighed on weigh-bridges
on the leading to the loading-bridge, and
then transferred to the ships; which in files of
:i or .. were towed by a steamer to the place of
construction, where the reception of the freight
was controlled by means of gauging.
The variations of weight ascertained by
gauging and by weighing were allowed to
reach as far as from 1 to 2 per cent.
The transport vessels were partly tank-ships
provided with trap-doors, and partly decked ships,
the formel' for mixed material, the latter for
The unloading of the decked vessels was
performed either by throwing into the water
the over-weight packed 011 one side, or by
sinking it sidewise. In this latter case a long
caisson, placed within the vessels on one side
of them between the load-line and the empty
water-line, was used, which communicated with
the water by means of a pipe provided with a
valve. After the vessel was moored, the caisson,
was filled with water by opening the valve i
- 17 -
megtortcntcvel a hajo felemelkcdett az nres
vlzvonalra, a eaissonhan levu viz magatol ki-
folyt es a szelep lezarasa utan a haj6 folytatla
A kepezi alapjat a partfalaknak.
A partfalaknak viz alaU levo alupfala ... vagy
5 cgyrmisru rakolt mestcrseges zomsorhol kesznIl.
A Iegllls6 mesterseges zomsor a kello gonddal
upr6bb koanyaggal kiegyenlitett koluinyasra
hclyeztetett el s a tobbi zomsorok elTe a
I(otes szabalyainak szemmeitartasaval rattattak
Ie oly mod on, hogy 1I mesterseges zomok az
alattuk lCvo sorhan elhelyezctt mestel'seges
zomok hezagait takarjak. Hogy a val'hat6 nle-
pedes az olesobb kohanyasra essck, a koluinyas
kicgycnlitese a szabvanyos mCl'cten reInl
1'0-1'5 m-rel magasabban tortent.
A mestersegcs zomc)k :i'7 m hosszul, 2'0 III
slclesseggel CS 15 III magassaggal epittetll'k es
sidyuk 25 tonna volt; a sznkscghez kepest
azonban kisebb z()mok is keszHtettek, meg
pedig rendesen 3'7, 1'8 cs 1'5 m, tovabba 2'85,
l'B es 1'5 m meretekkel.
A mesterseges zomok usz6 gozduruk
lye vel helyeztettek el HZ alapfalhu, em
hezaggal kotesben.
A mesterscges zomc>k u szaruzon epittcttek
tcrmcskovekbol suntorinhabarescsul, Illclynck
kcvcrcsi at'allya volt:
1'000 m
O'3X5 olLott mcsz,
O'OU(i hOll1ok.
A mcsterscges zomok 2-:i h6napi szarachis
utan yoltak szulUthat6k cs uz cpites alatt 2%
tf)res fordult elo.
A mcsterseges zomalapfal lerakasa ullin
megterheltetett 2 SOl' mesterseges zommel,
the vessel then careened half-over, and the
blor.ks stacked on the deck fell into the sea;
whercupon the vessel rose to thc empty water-
line, the watel' ran out of the caisson automatic
ally and the valve dosed, so that the ship could
proceed on its voyage.
The stone-wharf forms the foundation of all
the embankments.
The foundation of aUlhe embankmcnts below
water consists of four or five supel'imposed
rows of artificial blocks; the lowest row of
artificial bloeks was placed upon the stone-
wharf, whose interstices had becn l.areflllly
levelled up with smaller material, and the sub-
scquent rows were laid according to the rules
of so that the upper blocks might
cover the interstices of the blocks beneath.
In order to cause the expected settling to fall
011 the cheaper stone wharf work, the levelling
of this latter was made from 1'0 to 1'5 metres
above the normal measurement.
The artificial blocks were :-3'7 111, long by
m. wide and t5 m. high, and weil-{hed
tOilS, However, as necessity arose f>1l1aller blocks
were prepared. measuring ordinarily :l'7 m. long
by 1'8 m. wide aod l-;j m, hil-{h; later on 2'8;'
m. loug by t'H m. wi de Hnd l"i) m. high.
The Hrtificial blocks were laid hy floating
steam-cranes in the foundation-wall with inter-
stices of 2 to 4 cm.
These artifidal blocks were made up on dry
land from native stone with santorillC Illortm',
of whidl the composition proportions were:
l'0nO cubic metres sHlltorine,
0'3X5 lime.
O'OB() sand.
The artificial blocks \wrc built in allel' drying
from 2 to 3 mouths, and during const1'llCliOll 2"/0
bl'eakages took place.
After the foundation of artificial had
been laid, two rows of artificial blocks were
- 18 -
esetleg hasonl6 stilyu kovekkel aze.t, hogy kc-
sClbbi nlepedesllek eleje vctessek.
A terhelCs rendszerint 1-2 h6napig tartott,
de ha nlepcdcs nyomai mutatkoztak, a terhe-
lCs tovahb is rajta hagyatoU.
A terhelCs elhivolitasa utan a partfal epftese
velte kezdetet, mely kozonseges termesko-
falazatb61 aUolt es kelloleg mcgmunkalt kovek-
kel burkoltatott. E falazat santorin-habarcscsal
kcsznU es 0'6 m magas cs 1'0 m szeles faragott
kOvekkcl fodetett be.
A partfulak nullvizfeletti szabvanyos magas-
saga 2'72 m, a hullamgat partfalmagassaga
azonbnn l'UO more volt meg'llapitva; de tekin-
tettel a meg varhnt6 nlepedesre, a partfalak is
magasabbra epittettek.
A partfalak ko- es vaskOlooszlopokkal, koto-
karikakkal, ujabban kOtobnkokkal, kolepcsok-
kel es vaslcpcsokkel vannak ellatva.
A hullamgatakmil a vedokohanyason beiDI
hullaimfalnk alkalmazvak, a melyek szinten
santorinhabarcsba rakott kozOnseges termesko-
falazatb61 keszDUek.
A partfalak mente, a hullamgatak es az utak
homokba rakott lavakOvezettel burkoltattak,
n melynek hezagai portlandczementhabarcscsal
Ontettck ki.
A kikOtoepflmenyeknel 1906. ev vegeig
felhaszmilt nagyobb tOmegti munkak mcnnyi-
sege a kOvetkezo volt:
kohanyas . .
kiemeles, kotras. .
felnletkiegyenUtes .
mestcrseges zomllk .
santorin- es czcmcntbctoll
fcd6kOvck. .
kOvezet . . .
vasulkutreszek .
23,486.000 tonna
234.700 m
188.800 m:!
2:>.500 m:!
i..lOO m
72.000 mt
5:i2 tonna
Az epitmcnyek utlngos koltsege volt:
1 fm pnrtfnl alapo1.assnl . 1.160 kor.
1 mi m616 koluinyusa 2U m vfz-
melysegben . . . . . HO
superimposed, in some cases stones of similar
weight, in order to obviute subsidence later.
This load continued from 1 to 2 months as a
rule. but if signs of subsidence appeared, the
loud was allowed to rcmain on.
After removal of the load the building of
the wall bcgun, and consisted of walling of
native stone, which was lined with properly
dressed stoncs. This walling was made with
santorine mortal', and covered with stones of
0'6 m. high by 1'0 wide.
The normal height of the embankmcnts
above meun water-level was 2'72 m., and tile
height of brcakwuler walls was fixed at 1'60 m.,
but the emhunkments wcre built higher in view
of expected further subsidence.
The embankments were provided with stonc
and iron mooring-posts and mooring-rings, and
later on with mooring-jacks, and staircases of
stone and iron.
On the breakwater within the protccting
stone-wharf, tide-walls werc erected, made of
ordinary nativc stone luid in sanlorine mortar.
The quay walls, breakwuters, and roads are
paved with lavu laid in s::mtorine, into the inter-
stices of which Portlandcement mortar wus
The quantity of massive work used in 1906
in the construdion of the Imrbour works was as
Hubble stone. . . .
Excavation, dredging.
Lcvelling . . . . .
Artificial blocks. . .
Santorinc and cement
beton. . . .
Walling. . . .
Covering stones .
Paving stones .
Iron material. .
23, t86.000 tons
234.700 cubic m.
::J84.000 square m.
HS8.800 cubic m.
72.000 square m.
532 tons.
The uveragc cost of construction was:
1 linear metre of sea-wall with found- crOWDS
ution . . . . . . . . . .. 1160
1 squnre met.'c of mole rubble in
20 111. depth of water. . . " 90
t ....
:. ....
- Transverse Section
of a Lining WaU.
la. A klkO\6bcD - In the barbour.
lb . .AJbergudj - In tho Sergudl
Ic. A hulli.m.gAtnal - At I.he Breakwater.
2. kom.lok,zatJ IdltlSka,lka - Front
28. Metsset - Scctlon.
2b HomlokD6UI - Front View_
t.6. iI.
3. OntattYa. kat6bak - Cast Iron
4. Lanczos rel.1S kat6karlka - Upper chain
4a. Metszet - Section.
4b. Alaprajz - Ground Plan.
t ....


5. OntattYa. klSt6oszlop v.slEptsDvel _
cast Iron moorlngpo.t with Iron.talr cue.
58. Metszet - Section.
5b. Homlomezet - Front View.
5e. Alaprajz - Ground Plan.

6. KEtkara Ifpc8G - Stone stairs of two
68. Melnet - Section.
6b. Homloknbel - Front View.
&C. Alaprajz - Ground Plan.
7. Rudullom!okzatl k6tlikarlka tRndol{.molo)
Pole 'ront moorlng.rlng (RudOlph Molel.
8. Ruda. fe.I.6 k4t6karlk. (dokkmedBllczeJ-
Pole upper moorlng- r lag (Doc!r-Basln),
t ml rakpart kohallYus t6 m alla-
gos 50 kor.
1 fm teljesen kcslcn 30
-40 m vizmelysegben 12.000-15.000

felt61tes 5-10 m vizmeIy-
segben 10-28
A hirluizak a rakpurtok menten, a m61okon
cs u palyaudvaron vunllak elhelyezve cs resz-
ben a fiumei rukhirvnllalat, reslben pedig u
magyar kil". allamvasutak altai kezeltetnek.
A hirnk egy es t6bb emeletesek es pincze-
vel ellUivak, reszhcn f61dszintesck cs ideiRlencs
fuszinek, melyek cgyOlveve m! kihaSl-
llulha16 rakterOleten 9000 vasuti ImcSil'akomany
befogadasat kozvetilik.
A t6bb emelettel hir6 larak fcIvon6kI(al
cl, a mciyekhez az erot a varosi vizve-
lctek i lCgk6rnyomasu vize szolgaJtatja.
A hirhazak epitcsi rendszel'e 1'alazat es vas-
szerkezct kombimlczioja, szilard liizmentcs
es felmeno vaIaszfalakkal.
A tcrhcles f61dszfntcll m!l-kinl 1800 kg, az
I. cs II. l'mclelncl 1200 kg es a III. emelelncl
1000 kg-ra van szumitva.
AUaguruk voiluk:
1 m
eUiuiUhisa 13 kOl'.
1112 fulazuli fOllIszintes tar
1 emclctes hir
118 "
1 pim'zewl dlutoll elllelcics [til'
1 1U
pinczc"cl cll:itolt 2-cmeletes tar 1 Hi
1 mll pilll'zcvl'i elhi.toU 3-emcll'les hi!' 21X "
20 -
t square metre of quay with rubble
in 16 m. avel'aRe depth of water 50
1 linear mctre of brcakwatcr com-
pleted in :i8 to 40 m. depth of
water . . . 12.000 to 15.000
1 square metre of embankment in
5to 10 m. depth of water . . 10 to 28
Thc warehouses, situated alonR the quays
and Ilcar the Railway Station, are mRnaRed
partly by lhe Fiul11e Warehouse Company and
partly by the Hoyal Hungarian State Hailways.
They have one or more storics, and arc
provided with vaults, cellars, partly ground-
floor and temporary woodcn sheds. which to-
gether cover It surface of 90.000 square metres
of practicable stOl'ageroom, with capacity for
9000 railway-wuggon loads.
Those having upper stories are provided
with Hils, whidl are worked by the town water-
main at a pressure of i atmospheres.
The system of warehouse construction is a
combination of Inickwork and iroll Rirders,
with firm fireproof Monier ceilings and through
The aceolllodation area is reckoned at 1800
kgr. per squarc mdre on the g\'Ound-f1oor,
1200 kgr. on the I. untl II. stories, at 1000 kg ...
on the Ill, storey.
The average eost was:
1 S(IUal'C metre woodell eOllstrue-
tion. 1:1
1 square metre walled ground-floor
warehouse 5:1
1 square metre one storiell warehousc
without vaull 118
1 square metre one warehouse
with vuull .
1 square meh'c two 8tOl'ied wal'ehouse
with vault 1!17
1 square metre three storied warehouse
with vault . .. 218
- 21
A nyilt rakhelyek fatarolasra hasznaltatnak.
IIy teruletek a kikiHo es palyaudvar kiterjede-
334.000 m
van, melyekbol50% vaganyok
es utak reszere !even szilkseges, 167.000
teljesen kihasznalhat6 teruleten 8400 vasuti
kocsirakolminy al"u nyerhet elhelyezest.
A kikOtok kelloleg vihigitott kcnyelmes beja-
raUal birnak. A llagy kikoto bejarata 225 m
szeles cs 33 m mely; a Baross Gabor fakikiHo
bejarata 50 m es 20 m mely. s a ko-
olajkikOto bejarata 50 111 szeles 14 m mely;
s a bergudi dokkmedencze bejarata 45 m sze-
les es 8'5 m mely.
berendezes a rakhiri felvollokol1
kivul csakis 2 hirhazban van es pedig a1. egyik-
ncl gaz , a masikmH villamos erorc,
Rakod6hidak, nehUny fix forg6daru kc)zvelitik
a be- kirakodast, a mely kulOnbell a haj6-
gepek k01.vetitesevel kezieroveI tOrtenik.
Tervben, sot rcszben folyamatball van a
kikolonek portal - rakod6darukkal val6 fel-
A kikoto elcktromos vihigihisat egy magan-
rcszvenytarsasag kozponti telepc
s a kulso viiligitasmil 36 drb 12 Amperes IV-
himpa es 16 drb 16 gyertyas izzolampa, a tar-
hazakban 480 drb ilIelve 1(; gyertyas izzo-
lampa van felszerelve.
A deljelzes relldszerescn tortcnilc
A haj6k megkotesere es mozgasara u kiko-
tok belsejehen es az elokik<1l6kben lIszorok
vUllnak alkalmazva.
A kikotO es a palyaudvar cgesz teruletCn u
varosi vfzvezetekkel kapcsolatos vizvezeteld
berendezes Ietezik, a mely o1y
Ilyel't, hogy tuz ugy a hirakmil, mint
azok bclsejeben ki)nnycn hozzaferhelO hydran-
sokkal tol'lenik az olhis, czelszeruell bcrcndc-
The open air storages are used for stacking
timber. Such areus within the Harbom' and
Railway Statioll precincts amount to 334.000
square metres of which 50% is nceded for
tracks and roads, so that 167.000 squ8l'e metres
left entirely fOl' the service of storing 8400
railway-waggon loads of merchandise.
The Harbours havc wcll-lighted and convell-
ient entrances. The entrance to the Great
Harbour is 225 lU. wide by 30 m, deep; the en-
trance to the Gabriel Haross Timber Harbour is
50 metres wide by 20 111. dcep; and lhe entrance
to thc Petroleum lIarboUl' is 50 m. wide by
14 Ill. deep; the entrance to the Bergud Dock
Basin is 45 m. wide by X'5 111. deep.
installations, hesides warehouse
lifts, nre found only in two warehouses, heing
in onc worked hy gas and in thc other by
electric power.
Loading-bridges and several fixed tuming
cranes are used for loading and unloading,
which arc also ell'ccted by m'eans of ship
cranes worked by hand-powl'I ..
The equipmenl of the harbour wilh ferry-
boat cranes is contemplah'd, and this work is al-
ready partly in hand.
The currcnt for l'ledrk lighting fi'om a
eentral slation is fUl'1lished by a private Iimiled
company; and for oulsidc lighting there arc
36 arc lamps of 12 amperes. Hi incandescent
lamps of l() candle power; and in the ware-
houses 1-80 incandescent hurners of and
11) candle power arc employcd.
The mid-day signal is regularly given.
Buoys arc employed for mooring and warp-
ing lhe ships in till' inncr and outer harhours.
The Harhour and HaiJway Station arc sup-
plied Um>L1ghout by a water-muin, in
with the municipal water supply, whkh is so
disposed that in caSt' of fire, outside as well
as inside the warehouses, l'xtinction lIlay he
accomplishl'd by easily accessihle hydrants; and
- 2'2 -
zelt villamos ltizjclzes jelezven a tliz keletke-
zeset a rendszeresitett Uizolt6csapat laktanyltiban.
A kikOtoben a rendorsegi szolgalatot a fiu-
mei varosi rendorseg egy kirendelt szakasza
vegzi, a tengeri rendori szolgalatot pedig a rev-
hivatal szemelyzete latja el.
Par sz6t keD meg sz61anunk az epitesi ad-
.. Az epftes kOzvetlell vezeteset es feltigyeletet
1890-ig ktilOn kikOtoepftesi hivatal, s az6ta a
m. kir. tengereszeti hat6sag mtlszaki osztalya-
nak szemelyzete gyakoroita, a mely a terveket
is kesziti. .
A munka egysegarak alapjan vallalat altai
hajtatik vegre.
A munkanapok szama ltUag havonkint 20-
22napraesa munka6rak 8zama 9
/. 6rltra
A munkasok szama 500-600 kOzOtt valto-
zott, s munkakOzben az egesz epftesi idoszak
alatt 11 hahiIeset, 83 nehez cs 180 kOnnytl serti-
les tOrtent.
Az allami felOgycloszcmtHyzet egy fonOkbol,
2-5 mcrnOkbol, 18-25 felvigyaz6b61; a val-
lalali szemelyzet egy igazgat6b61, 2-3 mernok-
bol, 3-5 hivatalnokb61, 10-16 felvigyaz6b61,
18-20 kapihiny- es gepeszbol allott.
A vallalatok. Qzemi berendezese a munkak-
hoz kepcst 400.000--800.000 koromira ment.
A fontosabb Qzemi berendezesek voltak:
7 -10 vontat6gozos, 4-5 usz6 gozdaru, 14
kezidaru, cgy hydraulikus emelosajt6kkal fel-
szerelt szallit6kocsi a mesterseges zomOk re-
szere, 1-3 gozkotr6, 28-31 leppenlyiis es
20-27 fedelzetes haj6 az anyagnak a kobanyak-
b61 val6 szallitasara, 24-30 csolnak, 8 bid mer-
leg, 100-200 ladas es 80 - 90 zOmkocsi, habarcs-
es betonkevcrogepck stb.
Az epitesre evenkellt 600.000-1,800.000 kor.
adatott ki.
there is a practical system of electric signalling
which warns the organised fire brigade at its
station of the outbreak of fire.
Policing is done in the Port of Fiume
by a separate municipal police force, while
the maritime police are supplied by the staff
of the Harbour Office.
We must further say u few words about
the building administration.
The direct munagement and supervision of
the construction was, until 1890, under It spe-
cial Harbour Construction Board, and since
then has been uuder the staff of the Technical
Department of the Royal Hungarian Maritime
Authority, which also draws up the pluns.
The work itself is carried out by contractors
on the basis of unit prices.
The number of average working days per
month rose as high as 20 to 22 days, and the
average working hours from 9
to 10
The number of workmen varied from
500 to 600. During the whole period of construcl-
ion 11 deaths occurred during employment; 83
serious and 150 slight accidents also happened.
The Stale superintending staff consisted of
1 chief, 2 to 5 engineers, 18 to 25 over-
seers; the contruclors' staff of 1 manugtr,
2 to 3 engineers, 3 to 5 clerks, 10 to 16 over-
seers, 18 to 20 foremen and mechanics.
The capital invested by contractors in plant
represented, according to the needs of the
work, from 400.000 to 800.000 crowns.
The most important items of plant were
i lo 10 steam-tugs; 4 to 5 floaling cranes; 14
hand-cranes j a waggon for transport of blocks,
provided with hydraulic machinery; 1 to :i
steam-dredgers; 28 to 31 steamers with trap-
doors, 20 to 27 decked barges for transport
of material the quarries; 24 to 30 wher-
ries; 8 100 to 200 r.arts,
80 to 90 lorries, morlar and beton mixing ma
chines, &c.
From 600.000 to 1,800.000 crowns were
spent annually on the construction.
- 23
Fiume hajozasi viszonyair61 kell meg meg-

Fiume a magyar korona orszagainak egye-
dOli szambaveheto kikotdje, hoi Magyarorszag
tcngeri be- es kiviteli forgalma osszpontosul.
A tengeri forgalmat magyar, resz-
ben mas illetosegii hajok kozvetftik.
A fiumei illetosegti hnjok szama jelenleg
121 haj6 109.811 tonnatartalommal, mely szam-
ban a gozosok 101 szammal es 108.481 tonna-
tartalommal vannak
Ezen, a forgalomhoz aranyilva, csekely
hajopark a forgalmat nem gyozi meg es idegen
hajok nagyobb szamban keresik fel a kikotot.
Dgy a hajo-, mint az aruforgalom rohamos
emelkedeset a fOzet vegen levo grafikus tabla-
zalok mutatjak, melyekhez a kovetkezo meg-
jegyzeseket ft1zzok:
A haj6forgalom, mely 186i-ben 12.420 ha-
j6ra 229.976 tonnatarlalomra mcnt, folytonosan
emelkedik, s az 1906. evben az erkezeU es
indult hajok szama 16. 124-re, tonnatarlalmuk
pedig 4,131.317 tonnara emelkedelt.
A tengeri artlforgalom 1867. evben alig
haladla meg a 120.000 tonnat, azota evrol-evre
novekedik es 1906. cvben 1.351.5R7 tonnara
cmelkedett, a melyboI a bevitelre 585.802 tonna,
a kivitelre 765.785 tonna eseU.
A fiumei kikoto, mely a hatvnnas cvekben
alig szambaveheto lenyezokent szerepelt, rovid
ido alatt oly lendOletet nyert. hogy ma mar
kOlkereskedelmOnk hathatos tenyezojeve vall,
s a vilagforgalomban is ismeretes mint kello
vfzmelyseggel biro, biztos kikolO.
A tengeri 6ruforgalomban nagyobb behoza-
tali czikkek a kaYe, dlHigyOmolcs, dohany,
rizs, bor, szen, koolaj, kenkovand, foszfat, jutn,
tengel'i so, pamut, legla es ("serep, nyersvas es
rezgalic, vas- es aczellemez, saletrom es ken.
Nagyobb kiviteli czikkek: llyers- es 6nomi-
tolt czukor. dohally es dohanygyarlmany, buza,
arpa, zab, tengeri, bab, rizs es mellekterme-
nyei, liszt, borszesz, fa, magnesit, cserkivonat,
asvanyolnj, papirosanyag, asvanyviz es korpa.
We have now to refer to the traffic of the
Port of Fiume.
Fiume is the only port of the kingdom of
Hungary of importance where the exports and
imports by sea are concentrated. The sea-traffic
is carried on partly by Hungarian ships and
partly by those of other nationalities.
The fleet of Fiume numbers at the present
lime 121 ships of 109.811 tons burden, amongst
which are 101 steamers of 108.481 registe"ed
This relatively small fleet is unable to cope
with the traffic j and a still larger number of
foreign vessels call at the port.
The mpid evolution of both shipping and
merchant traffic is shown by the diagrams ut
the end of this pamphlet, to which we subjoin
the following remm'ks:
The shipping traffic, which in 18H7 was
12.420 vessels of 229.976 registered tonnage,
is constantly increasing, and in 1906 the arri-
vals and departures ships rose to 16.124, with
a registered tonnuge of 4,131.317. The maritime
goods traffic in 1867 barely exceeded 120.000
tons. Since then it has grown from yem' to
year, and in 1906 it reached 1,351.587 tons,
of which 585.802 tons fall to imports, and
i65.785 tons to exports.
The port of Fiume, which was of hardly
any account in the sixties, has progressed so
remarkably that it has become today an important
fuctor in our foreign trade, and known to the
traffic of the world as a port of sufficient draught
of water and possessing a secure harbour.
In the maritime goods traffic Ule chief art-
icles of imporl are coffee, southern fruits, tobacco,
rice, wine, coal, petroleum, pyrites, phosphate,
jute, sea-salt, wool, bricks and liles, pig-iron,
copper-snip hate, iron and sheet steel, saltpetre
and sulphur.
Larger export articles nre: raw and refined
sugar, tobacco and tobacco manufactures, wheat,
barley, oats, ll1uize, beans, rice and by-products.
flour, alcohol, timber, magnesitc, extract of
tannin, mineral-oil, cellulose, mineral-wate,',
and bran.
A kOhillamokkal val6 forgalomban a beho-
:atalndl: Auszlria. Olaszorszag, .Nagybritanllia.
T(}rl>korszag, Brit-Kelet-Illdia, Eszakamerika,
Egyesolt-AUamok; a kil1ilelnil: Ausztl'ia. Olasz-
orszag, Francziaorszag. Bclgium, HoUandia,
Nugybritullnia, Spanyolorszag, Gl>rl>gorszag. T()-
rokorszag, Bril-Kclel-India. Egyptom, Algir,
(<:szakamerika, Egyesolt-Allamok, Brazilia szere-
pel nagyobb menllyiseggel.
A magyar korona orsz6gainak
kedelmi forgahmibol lOO/o-ot meghuludo rcsz
Fiumcn at megy a vihigpiaczra.
A forgalomnak mintegy 50%-Ut szerzO'des
alapjan segelyezelt haj6zasi tursulutok, It t(}hbit
egycb hajosvallalatok kozvetitik.
Az allamilag segelyezett tengeri hajoztisi tur-
sulatok a kovetkezO'k:
Az ,,:'dria" m. kir. te1lgeri h(/juzd .. re.'!:-
evi 1,1-t0.OOO kor. allamsegelylyd.
A tarsasag szckhelye Budapest, de intezo
igazgat6saga Fiull1cban szekcl. AlaptO'kcje
10,000.000 korona. Hajoinak szama gozos
-12.020 tOllnatartalommal, mely haj6rajjul az
alhlmmal fenmill6 szerzodese ertelmeben 23
rcndes haj6z3si vOllalat tart fenn olasz. franczia,
spanyol, portugal, angol. nemet, belga, hollandi,
eszakafrikai es braziliai kikotokkel.
A "Magyar-horvdl iengeri hajuzusi reszve1l!l-
Idr,yasug" Fiume szekhelylyel, evi 590.000 kor.
allami segelylyel, 2,000.000 korona alaptokevel.
Hajoinak szama 35 gozos 6125 tonnatar-
E tarsulat a parthajoz8st tizi a magyar-horvat
tengcrparton, tovabba lsztriaval, Triesztlel cs
Dalmaczhival, valamint az azokhoz tartozo szi-
getekkel, vegre Ancomivul es Velenczevcl tart
fenn katelezetl jaratokat. .
Az allamilag segelyezetl kaze tar-
tozik a 1HO.000 korolla cvi suhvelltiovul biro
"Magyar keleli lengerhaj6zusi
is, a mely az()uban Galaczhol tart fenn
tokat a kl>zbenso kikOlok erintesevel Konstunli-
napolyig es a nyugoteuropai kikotO'khe. Ezen
Concerning the traffic with foreign couulries,
thc following are the principal importas:
Austria, Italy. Great Britain, Turkey, British
East Indies, North America, Unitcd States; in
the.> f!4rport traffic. Austria. Italy, France.
giull1, Holland. Great Britain, Spain, Greece,
Turkey. British East-Indies, Egypt, Algeria,
North America, United States. and Brazil, play
the largest parl
Of the foreign commerce of the countries
of the Hungarian Crown. more Uum 100/
through Fiume to the world's markelc;.
About 50"10 of the traffic is in the hands ()f
shipping companies subvcntioned on u con-
t!'act basis. the rest in other shipping firms.
The marine shipping companies suhventiollcd
hy the State are the following:
Tile .4dria Royal Hungarian Sea N(wi-
galion Compa1lY. Ltti. with an annual suhvcn-
lion of I,UO.OOO crowns.
The headquarters of this company are at
Budapest, hut thc management is at Fiumc.
The foundation capihll is IO,OOO.OOO C1owns.
The number of ships is 33 steamers of :12.020
tons burden. which fleet according to contract
maintains regular lines to Italian, French,
Spanish. Portuguese, English, German. Belgian,
Dutch, North-African, and Brazilian ports.
The H1l1lgum-Croala Sea Navigation Com-
pClllyC has its headquarters at Fiume, nn annual
State subvention of 590.000 crowns, and a foun-
dation capital of 2,000.000 crowns.
The number of its ships is 35 steam ers of
6125 tons burden.
This Company works the coasting trade 011
the Hungaro-Croatian littoral. also with Istria,
Trieste, Dalmatia with its islands. finally with
Ancona and \' en ice. where it maintains thc lines
contracted for.
Among the enterprises subsidised by the
State is the lIungarian LeIJatzi Company, receiv-
ing a subvention of 187.000 crowns per
annum, which maintains lines from Galatz,
touching the intermediate ports, to Constantin-
ople and the western ports of Europe. This
- 25 -
lIirsasag haj6inak szama 7 gozos 12.148 tonna
Ezen tarsulatokon kivQI nem segelyezett
luti6z8Si tarsulutok is miikodnek Fiumeban es
Az oszlrak kcwmuny altaI ,,00>iZ-
trdk Lloyd", n)('ly thessaliai, gorogkcl('li, indo-
khinai. japani hraziliai vonalain oda cs vissza-
utnztabun erillti Fiumet.
Az ."Orient" haj6zasi wrsulat 5 go.zosevel
U.Si')7 tonnalartalommal, a "CopailicJl b /Ursai"
haj6zasi hirsulat pedig 1 gc'iztlsevellli<H tonnn
tarlalommal iizllek szabadhaj6zast.
A "Fo/ogen-tdrslliut'" f'gy lankgo1.ose 2370
lonna tarlalommal a fiumei koolajfinomH6 l'eSZ-
venylur'sasag I'cszcl'e szallitja a nyers anyagot.
Az "Atlantica" lengel'hajozasi reszvcny-
hlrsasag () gozosevcl 1;').1;(;.') lOllnahu'lululllmal
lcgnagyobh reszl Fiullle cs angol kikolok kuzolt
houyolU Ie forgalmat.
A ".lJagyar-llOl'f}(l/ .f(zal)(ulhlljfJ=u.'ti I'e.'twhlll
icll','tWIUg" 5 gozossel 1 UH2 lOnllalal'lalolllluul.
Company has i steamers with registered ton-
nage 12.148.
Besides these Companies there are unsubvent-
ioned shipping firms ulso in operation in Fiul11c,
viz. the .Jllsil'ian Lloyde, subsidised by
lhe Auslrian Government, which at Fiunw
on its voyages to and from Thessuly,
Indo-China, Japan and Brazil.
The .Oriente Navigation Company with
i') steamers of l:tSi'), regisler'ed tonnage, mul
the Copaitich ami Co. Navigation Company
with onc steamer of 1()Ol lOllS, carry uut tltd)'
voyages unfettered.
The PllOtogell Compalllle with one tunk
steamer of 2:JiO l'l'gistereci tonnage,
crude oil fur the Petroleum Hefiner'Y Co. ttl
The Allllllticac Steam Company
with (; sll'Hmel'S of 15.(j(j;) rcgistcl'l'd tuns,
the gl'eatest parl of the tratric belween Fiume
and the English pOltS.
The .Hllll!/Ql'o.Cl'oata Free XUlJi{Jalioll Com-
pnllye has 5 steHlllers of 1 un 2 registl'red
A martinschizzai veszteg-
Ot kilometernyi tavolsagbon Fiumct61 kelet
fete fekszik a martinschizzai OhoJ, eszakkeleti
es delnyugoti iranyban ket oldalon magas szikla-
partok altaI szcgelyezve, eszak fete kis vOlgy
altai hatarolva.
Ezell vOlgyben eptlll 1833. evbcn a fiumei
kikOto vesztegintezcte, mely a szaraz feloli
oldalon magas kofallal van kOrtllveve.
A 350 metcr hosszd falazott rakpart kisebb
baj6k szamara kikOtohelytll szolgal, de az Obl>l
a huJlamokt61 teljesen vedve nem leven, nagyobb
haj6k az obOJben horgonyon allanak.
A vesztegintezet eredetileg a kolera behur-
czolasa elleni vedelemre kesztllt; 1899-ben azon-
ban o]ykep lett atalakitva es kibovitve, hogy
jelcnleg minden ragalyos belcgseggel fcrtoz6tt
haj6 kezelesere alkalmas.
A Fiumeba crkezo haj6 a kikotobe val6
belepese elolt megvizsgaItatvan, ha syanus vagy
betcg eset konstatallatott, a haj6 a martin-
scbizzai vesztegzari kikotobe ktlldctik.
A haj6 a vesztegintezetbe megerkezvcn, a
haj6n leva Osszes szemelyek a partra szallit-
tatnak, s onnan egy nyilott higos csarnokba
Mig az orvos oket rcndelo szobajaban beha-
t6bban megvizsglUja, addig ruilliik es agyne-
miiik a csarnokban levo fertOtienilo-keszO-
Iekben nedves es szaraz gozzel, vagy pcdig a
szertarban kesz]etben tarlott fcrtotienilo szc-
rekkel kezeltetnek.
A ragalyos betegsegbcll szcnvedonek tnMIt
egyen a ragalyos hetegek k6rhaza-ba szaUit-
The Martinschizza Quarantine
At a distance of 5 kilometers eastward from
Fiume lies the bay of Martinschizza, in a
north-east to south-westerly direction bounded
on two sides by high rocky shores, and closed
in on the north by a small valley.
In this valley in 1833 the P0l1 of Fiume Qua-
rantine Institution was built, which. on the
landward side is surrounded by a high stone wall.
A walled quay 350 m. long serves for shelt-
ering a number of small vessels, but the bay
not being entirely protected from the waves,
larger ships lie at anchor in the harbour.
The Quarantine Institution was originally
erected as a protection against the introduction
of cholera; but in 1899 it was so modified and
enlarged that at the present day it is able to
deal with any vessel infected with any zymotic
On examination of the ships arriving at
Fiume before entering the harbour, if a suspi-
cious or infected case be found, the ship is
sent to the Quarantine harbour at Ma11inschizza.
On the ship's arrival at the Quarantine Insti-
tution, the whole personnel of the ship is disem-
barked, and led thence into a spacious hall.
While the physician examines them closely
in his consulting room, their clothcs and bed-
linen are treated in thc disinfecting appumtus
in the hall with wet und dry steam, or else by
disinfectants kept in stock in the stores.
Any individual found to be suffering from
infectious diseuse is transferred to the hospital
A martinschizzai Quarantine Buildings at Martinschizza.
f ... ". tel';
A LOporkamra
B 16kemeocze
C Szio
D Nyill zin, benne
1 Orvosszoba fOrdo
2 FerHilienitll szerl:lr
E Baklar
F Raklar
o I Hullakumra
2 Mos6 es preparal6
a Laboralodurn
4 Or os szolgalakas
H 1 Velk6z0 fiirdlSk
2 Ffird6vizforraI6.helyi. . g
:1 Mo 6helyi
.. clrll6
a Va a16, miingorJ6
t5 Ruhah1r
mellette kaz:inhaz
2 r vo , gepesz es
3 mlO lakasa
4 zivatlyutelep
K 1 rvosszobAk
2 kOzOtlllk fOrdo
3 Parlatorio
4 FOzOkonyha
r' " n " y + It .&a-.2&... ..
.. I I I I I i--4---/
5 Fuskamra
A Gunpowder Magazine
B Combustion furnace
C Shed
D Open shed containing.
Disinfecting engine
1 Physicians' room and bath.
2 Di!'infectant store
E Magazine
f Magazine
o t Mortuary
2 Wash-house and Prepar-
:-l Laboratory
4 Physician's and servant's
H t Dressing-room and baths
2 Heatingchamber for hath-
3 Laundry
" Drying-room
5 Ironing and manglingroom
6 Linenroom
1 Disinfectingengine
Boilerhouse close by
2 Physician's, Mechanic's:md
:-l Stoker's quarters
.. Pumpingplant
K 1 Surgeries
2 Baths between them
3 Parlour
4 Kitchen
5 Wood-cellar
L t Superintending Sisters
2 Guardhouse
3 Kitchen and sel'vants'rooms
M Observation Hospital
N Hospital for contagious
(for plague and cholera
o Sailors' Parlour
P Barracks for Coast-guards
and Sanitary Guards
L 1 Felug elO apAczak
2 Kalona6rhh.
3 Konyha, cs IMlaklis
M MegfigyeJ6 k6rhAz
N lIagiilyosok k6rhdza
(pesti s vagy kolera bete-
o Baj6sok parlalori6ja
P R v6rOk e
Oruk laklanyAja
Q Kapolna
R Igazgatosagi pUlel, benne :
Igazgat6 kapus lakasa,
iro!!9, szobak, a haj6vizs-
gM6 or vosok, lelkt!sz
igazgato zolgAja
S Katonai or fenlartott
hel risegek
T U F:i kanm.'tk
V Revbizlo laka ' n
X Rahoo zt6kamra
Kelt5s kernen ze.
Z Z, Z, Eleloszl6kamriik
I. Hom. kath. }
IT. 05rOg kath. temelG
TIl . Mohammeda n
Rib Ragalyos betegek szakasza
OY/b Gyanus betegek szakasza
S/G Szedimental6 medencze
Q Chapel
R Manager 'soffice-buildings, in-
c1uding : Manager's and
porter's Quarters, Office,
Rooms for the Examining
PhysiCians, for the Clergy,
and fortheManager'sservant
S Rooms reserved fortheGuard
T & U Wood'('ellars
V Harbour-lnspector'sQuarters
X Clothes distribution room
Y Oouble combustion-furnace
Z ZJ Z, Food distribution
I. Rowan
II. Greek CathoUc , Cemetery
III. Mahometan J
RIb Division for contagious
OYlb Oivision for suspected
Sic Sediment basin
- 28 -
tatik, a ncm ragalyos hetegsegben lalaIt, iIletve
ragalyos bclegsl:g gyunujahan aH6 cgycn kOlihl
aH6 es kolon clzart osztulyokba kOldelik. az
egeszsegesnek hizonyultak pedig a haj6ra vissza
Befcjezletvcn az orvosi vizsgalat, az orvos
a melletti fOrddbcn megfilrdik es
Az egeszen elkOlonftctl, magas kofalakkal
korfllvett "ragalyos bctegek szakaszll -nak kllze-
pen u k6rluiz, luirom bctegszobaval, az
apol6k szobajavul, filrdovcI, tellskonyluival es
iIlemhelyckkel. .
Ezell epOlct osszes hclyisegei aszfalthurko-
laltal vannak ellatva es a falak es mennye-
zetek mazolva, az ahlakok vas-
racsokkal elzal'vak, az ajt6nyilasokon legyfog6-
haJ6k lilJithat6k he.
A k6rhazh61 szarmaz6 OrOlek es szemet vas-
edenyekhen lesz os.'izegyujt ve es tllrfaval vegyUve
az elegeto-kemenczehen mcgsemmisfttctik.
A "ragalyos hctegek szakaszu"-hoz tartoz6
epOletben az orvosok reszere harom szoba,
fOrdo es ilIemhely, a szoJgak l>gy
lagas szoba es ilIemhely all rendelkezesre, e
mellett van a baktcriologiai laborat6rium, egy
praeparal6-helyiseg es hullakmllara, egyuUaJ
A lak6szobllk ezen eptllet osszes
aszfaUburkolaUal vannak elhilva es
a falak ket meter magassagig olajfestel<kel
vannak mazolva. Az ezen epOlelbol credo orOIek
es szemet az elegeto-kemellczebe szal-
A l'agulyos szakaszaban elzarl sze-
melyek elelmezese akkep tOl'tenik. hogy az inte-
zeli lIugy f6zokonyhaban keszilell elcl egy
kOllln hilal6belyisegbe szuJliltalik cs az cdenyck
tol6ablukon at nriltetnek ki uzou edellyekbe,
melyekel a ragalyos betegek szakaszlib61 a
szolga oda hozott; ezell egyszeru atontes altai
l{ikcrOltclik uz()n \eszely. hogy a l'<1glilyos
helegseg uz liltal tovuhh tCl:jesz-
for infectious diseasesc; those who are found
to be not suffering from un infectious disease
arc respedively discharged: those suspected are
sent to a separate shut-ofT department; those
eertified as sound, back on board the vessel.
When the physician has finished his exami-
nation he takes a bath ill the bath-room con-
tiguous to his consulting- room, after which he
may depart.
The hospital stands in the middle of the
departm('nt for infectious diseases (which is
entirely sepamtcd and sUlTounded by high stone
walls) having three skk wards, a room for the
attendants, a halh, a tea-kitchen, and latrines.
All parts of this building are covered with
asphalt flooring, the walls and ceilings arc oil-
painted, the windows barred with irongratings
and in the dool"\vays by fly-catching network.
The cxeremcnl .. and refuse emanating from the
hospital are in il'Oll vessels, mixed with
pellt IUld destroyed in the furnace.
In thc building apper'laining to the infectious
diseases department there lire thme rooms for
the physicians a bath and W. C.; for the accom-
modation of the servants also a lal'ge room a
W. C.: close by is the bacteriological labora-
tory. a preparing-room, and a mortuary which is
at the same time a dissecting room.
With the exception of the living rooms, all
parts of Ihis building arc pl'Ovided with asphalt
floors, and the floors are oil painted up to a height
of two metres. The excrements and refuse from
this building arc also committed to the com-
bustion furnace.
The victualling of persons confined in the
department for iufedious diseases is performed
so that the food prepared in the large kitchen
of Ihe institution is taken to II special serving-
room, where the vessels are emptied through a
sliding window into those vessels which the
servants from the Infectious Diseases Department
havc hl'Ought with them. By this simple pro('ess
til(' danger of infediolls disease being propagated
tll1'ough food utensils is uvoided.
Nehogy a ragaly a. fchernemu altai lovabb Lest contagion should be conveyed further
vitessek, a ragalyos bctegck szakaszab61 kike- by the linen, all soiled linen coming from the
rOIi) Osszes szcnnyes ruha egy kOlon kis epOlel Infectious Diseases Dl'partment is put into a
kamarajabn helyeztetik, sublima tba martott chamber in a small separate building, and after
lepedobe burkolva a vasbadogl:ldaba attetetik, being wrapped uJ> in a sheel soaked with
s azon szolga veszi at, a ki a vizforral6ban a sublimate is transferred to a chest made of
fertotlenitest vegzi; s csak ezen muvelet ullin sheet-iron, and taken over by the servant who
kerOI a szennyes fehernemu a mos6kollyhllba, peIforms disinfectioll in the boiling-room.
innel pedig a kel nagy ferlotlenili) gozgep Only after this operation does the soiled linen
egyikebl', ferlotleniles uhin pedig a szarfl6bu, come to the laundry and thcnce into one of
a hoI a most mar leljesen tisztanak lckinthelo . the large disinfecting steamengines; aUer dis-
feherncmii egy Perkins-fele serpenlina altaI infection into the drying room, where the linen,
melegill'll levcgovel tell helyisegben megszaril- which musl now be considered perfectly clean,
lntik. Mangorllls es vnsulas utan H kesz feber- is dried in a room contnining nir heated by tl
ruhadarub aladalik a ruhatarnak, hoI az tovabbi Perkins selpentine. After mangling and ironing
hasznalntig t'lhelyezletik. the linen is ready, and ac('ordingly handcd
A nem ragalyos belcgsegbcll szenvedonek
lnlall, vugy valumely rngalyos betegseg gyanus
jcleit mutat6 egycn a vizsgal6 c.surnokb61 kOl<)n
(}sztalyba tavozik. Ezt az ulul uszfaltjardan leszi
meg es a helyisegbe erve levelkezik es ruhajat
a vizforra16ba adja at.
A ruhat ill fert6Uenftik, s n poszt6ruhat
k6zvetlenOI a fertoUen(to gepbe kOldik es szn-
l'itas utan a l'uhalarba helyezik el, a feher-
nemiit pedig az elobb lcirt (don u l1losokonyhan,
fertollcnilon es szarit6n at a ruhutarbn viszik.
A levetkozolt bcteg fOrdot vesz es k6rhazi
ruhaba Oltoztetve a megfigyelO k6rhazba szal-
Ezen k6rllUz 4 teljescn elkOIOnilett reszre
osztott es 1-1 udvan'al blr6 emeletes epOlet.
Az emelet minden egyes szakaszlin harom,
illetve lU;gy tagas betegszoba, egy-egy fiirdo-
szoba, ket-ket arnyekszek es egy-egy apoloi
lakszoba van. mig f61dszint az egyil< oldalon
Ilegy tagas hetegszoba, egy fnrdoszoba es ket
illemhely, a masik oldalon egy npol6i szoba
es mellette levu teaslwnyha, ket tagas beteg-
szoha, ket illemhely es egy fOrdoszoba van.
Az ul6bb emlitett szakasz szolgal a ragalyos
i)etegscg gyanus jeleil frltOnteto szcmclyek
over to the linen room where it remains till
furthel' required.
Persons l'crtifted as not sutl'ering from
an infectious disease, or those who show
signs of eontagion. go from the examination
hall to a special department. This is covered
with an asphalt flooring; and when they arrive
on the spot they undress nnd their clothes are
sent to the boiling-room.
Here the clothes are disinfected, and cloth
garments are sent at once 10 the disinfecling
engine, and after drying to the clothes depol;
the linen is taken in the mmmer above described
through the washing-room, disinfecting-room
and drying-room into the linen-room.
The patient, when undressed, takes a balh,
and being provided wilh hospital dothes is
transferred to the observation hospital. This
is a one-storied building divided into foul'
distinct parts, each with a yard.
In each division of the story there are three
or four spadous sick wards, each of which has
a bath-room, two 'V. C's. and an attendant's
room; whilst on the ground-floor on one side
are 4 large sick wards a bath-room and 2
\V. C's.; on the other side an attendanl's room,
and close by 3 tea kitchen, 2 large sick wal'ds
2 W. C's. and a bathroom.
This latter division servrs to separate indi-
viduals showing signs of infectious disease;
- 30 --
elkOlonftesere es ehhez kepest ezen szakasz
helyisegei aszfalUal vannak burkolva es a falak
es mennyezetek olajfestekkel vannak mazolva,
mig a tObbi harom szakaszban a szobak maizolt
deszkapadozattal hitvak el es a falak ket meter
magassaigig vannak olajfestekkel mazolva.
A gyanus elhelyezett betegek
szinten folylonos orvosi felOgyeletet igenyelven,
az e szakaszban leva orvosok reszere ket szoba
van berendezve kOzos fOrdoszobaval es ilIem-
Ugy a gyanus szakasz, valamint egyaltala-
ban az egesz meg6gyelO epoletbol kikerOlo
OrOlek es szemet vasedenyekhen gydjtetik Ossze
es az elegeto kemenczeben megsemmisittetik,
a fehernemd pedig elkOlonitve bair, de ugyan-
azon utat teszi meg, mint a ragailyosbetegek
szakaszab61 szarmaz6 fehernemfi.
A gyanus szakaszhan elkOlOnitett betegek-
nek. apol6knak es orvosoknak eIelmezese a
fOzokonyhaval kapcsolatos tourniquet segelye-
vel torlenik, mig a megfigyeloepOlet tohbi
hairom szakaszaban elhelyezett egyenek a fozo-
konyhab61 mas oldalon levo szoban at hUtal-
nak el az elelmezessel. ,
Ezen szoba a szakacsne es a ruhatar-fel-
Ogyelono lakasaul szolgal, a mellette leva kis
fOldszintes epoletben pedig a COzo- es mos6-
szemelyzet nyer elhelyezest.
Kozvetlenol a nagy fertotIenitO gepek mel-
lett van a gepesz es fotok Iakasa es egy szen-
tar, a masik oldalon az intezetnek v(zvezeteke-
hez tartoz6 szivatlyu- es kazanlulz.
A OOlso fegyelem felltartasal'a es az intezetnek
tokeletes elkOlonitese czeljab61, a mfikodesbe
helyezes idejen 28 fobol all6 kalonacsapat ren-
deltetik ld. mely addig, mig a l'agaly tovabb
teljedesenek veszelye lart, az intezethen marad.
E czelra ket epOletben ot helyiseg van, ezen-
klvol meg kOIOn orszoba is van az igazgat6-
sagi epOlet foldszintjen, a melybol a kivOlrol
jovo egyenek vagy a parlatoriumban I'Okonaik-
kal es ismeroseikkel tahilkoz6 szemelyek, vala-
mint az elbocsatott egyenek ellenorizhetok. Az
and accordingly the floors of this division
are covered with asphalt, and the walls and
ceilings are oil-painted; in the other three
divisions the boarded floors are oil-painted and
also the walls, but only up to 2 m. high.
The patients quartered in the suspicious
division requiring also constant supervisi,?n, 2
rooms are arranged for the physicians of this
division, with a common bath-room and W. C.
The refuse and excrements coming Crom the
suspicious division, as well as from the entil'e
observation hospital, are collected into iron
vessels, and consumed in the combustion furnace;
while the linen, though separately, passes
through the same process as the linen from the
infeclious wards.
The victualling of tIle sick-attendants and
physicians in the ward Cor segregated suspected
cases, passes through a turnstile in connection
with the kitchen; whilst the individuals quart-
. ered in the three remaining divisions of the
hospital receive their food from the kitchen,
through a room on the other side.
This room is the living room of the female
cook and the Cemale superintendent of the
clothes depot, and in a small ground-floor build-
ing at the side the kitchen and lavatory staff
are quartered.
Immediately by the large disinCecting mach-
ines are the engine-men and stokers' dwellings
and a coal-cellar. On the other side are the
pump and boiler-house of the hospital water-
In order to maintain interior discipline, and
to safeguard the complete isolation of the in-
stitution, a detachment of 28 soldiers is 011 duty,
when it is ill operation; and they remain at
the institution as long as there is any risk of
spreading contagion.
For this purpose there are two buildings,
and five locations, and also a separate guard-
room on the ground-floor oC the administrative
. building, from which individuals from
outside, or such as meet their relations or
- 31
ut6bbiak az illtezet vegleges elhagyasa el6ll
fOrdot vesznek, mely utan az oltoz6ben sajat
rululjukat felveve, a vesztegzart elhagyhatjak.
A tiszta szakasz nagy udvaraban all6 egy-
emeletes epiiletben az intezet igazgat6janak
lakasa, a haj6vizsgal6 orvos, lelkesz es az igaz-
gat6sagi szolgak vannak t.>lhelyezve.
Itt Osszpontosul a telcfonvezetek, mely min-
den szakaszt az igazgat6saggal osszekOt, mig
ez viszont Fiume varos telefonha16zataval all
Az igazgatosag epOletenek padlasan allanak
a viztart6k, melyekbol az osszes epOletek, az
intezet teroleten fekvo forrasb61 szl1rmaz6 j6
vizzel hoven ellaltatnak.
A tiszta szakasz udvaraban lill tovubba a
klipolna, a gy6gyszertar, a rev- es egeszsegOgyi
orOk lakasait lartalmaz6 harOO1 eptllet tartoze-
kaikkal egytlU es csatlakozasban 3 nagy rakhlr.
Felemlitendo meg a szedimenhil6 medencze,
melybe az egesz intczet ((Wdo- es szennyvizei
Osszegyujtetnek oly czelb61, hogy a tengerbe
val6 lecsapoIas eMU mcszvizzel kezeltessenek
es hogy a fertozoanyagok lerak6dhassanak.
A ragalyos betegek korhazab61 szarmaz6
ffirdoviz azonban megelozoleg ktllon kis szedi-
mental6 medenczebe lesz felfogva es csak
azutan kerOI a nagy gyujtomedenczebe.
Az intezeti terolet kolso rcszen, de meg
mindig az egesz telket kilrOlvono 3'50-4. m.
magas korfalon helOI all a borraktar, mellette
egy nagy elegeto kamara, a puskaporraktar es
3 kOIOn temeto a kOlonbozo valIasfelekezetek
Az intezet leltari erteke 508.000 korona.
in the reception room, as well as
the discharged patients, may be controlled. These
last are obliged to take a bath before fillUUy
leaving the institution, after which putting on
their own clothes in the dressing-room they may
quit the Quarantine.
In the one-storied building in the large yard
of the clean department, is the dwelling of the
monager of the institution, of the ship-inspecting
physician, the clergy and the manager's servants.
Here meet together the telephone lines con-
necting each division with the manager, who
on his part is also connected with the telephone
system of the town of Fiume.
In the garrets of the Management buildings
there are cisterns by which all the buildings
are freely supplied with good water, fmm sources
within the area belonging to the institution.
In the ym'd of the clean division are the
chapel, the dispensary, the three ,buildings con-
taining the dwellings of the coast-guard and the
sanitary guard with their appurtenances; and in
connection with the three large storehouses
we may mention the sediment basin, into
which all the bath-water and dirty water of the
Institution empty themselves, in order to be
treated with lime-water before being emptied
into the sea, and to allow iufections substances
to settle.
However, the bath-watel' which issues fmm
the hospital for infectious diseases, is previously
caught in a separate and smaller sediment basin,
and only after that is it ullowed to reach the large
collecting basin.
In the outer part of the Institution area, but
still inside the wall of from 3'50 to 4'0 metres
high which encircles the whole area, stands the
skin-depot, and by it a large combustion-chamber,
the powder magazine, and three separate ceme-
teries fOi' the respective religious confessions.
The value stated in the Inventory or the In-
stitution is 50H.000 crOWllS.
- 32
A mugyur kormany tudahival bh' ullnak,
hogy a ki- beviteli forgalom clenkilcsellel
meg sok u tecndo, s e tekintetben a parthajo-
zas fejlesztese, ujnbb hajozasi irllnyok letesitese,
s a f61dk6zi tengel'j kik6tokllek Fiumeval SZOI'O-
sobb kapcsolathu hozatalaval, olcs6 mktarozas, a
kikotonek tervbe velt tovlibbi kibovftesevel es
annuk rakodasi darukkal valo felszerelcsevel
torekszik arru, hogy a szomszedos versenyzo
kikotok f616tt Fiume rcszere elonyt biztosfl-
son es Fiumet odnfejlessze, hogy hivatasahoz
kepest a mngyur tengel'i kereskcdelem igenyeit
The Hungarian Crown is keenly nlive to the
fuet thnt there is much still to be done to streng-
then and improve the export and import traffic. In
this respect it endeavours to secure for Fiume an
advantage in competition with the neighbouring
ports by developing the coast shipping, by the
creation of new routes, und by bringing Fiume
into closel' cOllllcdion with the other ports of
the Meditermllean, by cheap warehousing rates,
by the planned extension of the port, by fitting
it with and by developing the
town and port to sudl an extent that it may
fulfil its destination and satisfy the requirements
of Hungarian ocean commerce,
(Trmlllialed by Bela Parlngi nod H. Sharp Buci;,pcsl.)
A fiumei kikoto haj6forgalma 1872-tol 1906-ig. - Shipping Traffic of the Port of Fiume from 1872 to 1906.
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A fiumei kikotiS tengeri arUforgalma 1872-lg06-ig. --- Maritime Goods Traffic of the Port of Fiume
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