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Friday, July 8 2005 Bismil-Lah As-salaamu Alaikum dear Brothers and Sisters: I pray to the Almighty Allah to preserve

you from any harm, to help you in your affairs and to help Humanity to avoid tyranny, mischief, transgression and disasters. May we all live in peace and compassion. Here is a summary of today's Jumm'a congregational prayer sermon: In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, most Merciful

1. According to the holy Qur'an, Allah (SWT) defined the believers as those who believe in Him as the one and only God, believe in the existence of the Angles, all His Scriptures and Revelations, recognize and respect all His Messengers and Prophets, and to believe in the Final Day of Judgment. 2. Prophet Mohammed (May Allah's Blessings be upon him and his family) said: "The Moslem (submitter to Allah and peacekeeper) is the one who preserves human beings from the harm of his tongue and hand". 3. It is a well known fact that a good Moslem shall do and command good deeds and avoid and forbid evil deeds. 4. A Moslem is the one who worship Allah alone and refrain from obeying a created person in any manner which displeases Allah. 5. Assassination style killing, deception and hypocrisy are not of a Moslem's way of conduct. 6. It is not of an Islamic character to dishonor a contract, a covenant or an agreement, especially when residing in a foreign land. A visa for example falls under such classifications. 7. It is not of a good Moslem's deed to expose the reputation of Islam to any harm leading to endangering its adherents, creating an atmosphere of hatred and anxiety to the Moslem Communities anywhere in the World. Islam came to liberate Humanity from the worship of idols (whether they are humans or other created bodies) to bring them into the fold of worshipping the One and Only God. This liberation puts all humans on one level and equal in front of God. Allah (SWT) created us from nothing. Can anyone trace the development of dust elements of Earth and follow their path to become a grown human being with flesh, bones and blood? Only Allah is capable of doing so. Even if someone can trace the elements of the earth on their way to become a living cell inside the ovary of a woman and the genitals of a man and all the biological, chemical and physical processes required by such development, the question remains: "Who delegates all this?" Suppose it could be explained by science how the body evolves, can we explain the existence of our mind, spirit, emotions, thinking, decision making and all the rest of metaphysical characters? Only Allah provided us with such faculties. All Humans have a portion of the Spirit of Allah in them, no matter who they may be, or where they happen to be born. All Humans have the potential to be guided towards Allah and His teachings. All Humans have the right to exist as the only One who has power over their lives is the Creator, with very limited exceptions, which are clearly defined in the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, Hadrat Imam Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "Humans are your brothers, if not in religion, then in creation". Also, therefore, Hadrat Omar (May Allah be pleased with him) told the former king of Syria, who slapped a Bedouin Arab because he accidentally stepped on his dress: "Since when you allow yourself

to enslave men, when their mothers delivered to be free?" He then ordered a just judgment: The Bedouin Arab slapped the king in the same manner. Humanity needed the Guidance of Allah, which He provided through His Messengers. We have been taught throughout the ages how to become highly stationed by obeying Allah and serving Humanity for His sake. Therefore, the Almighty Allah ordered the Angles to prostrate to Adam after He provided him with the intelligence and taught him the names of all things as well to distinguish good from evil. Only Satan disobeyed Allah. Therefore, the ones who follow Allah's teachings would be elevated to the level of Angles or above and those who follow their earthly desires would fall into the pit of evil. Well guided and believing Moslem will never condone criminal acts such as attacking civilians or causing mischief. Islam set out clearly the rules of engagement in an armed conflict. They included negotiations with the aim of avoiding the conflict, preservation of civilians; their property and honor, also forbid entering any dwelling, place of worship or cutting any tree without permission of the owner. Among the rules: Never shoot a fleeing enemy soldier. Why? Because Islam came to liberate Humanity, not to enslave it. "Such is Allah, your real Cherisher and Sustainer: Apart from the Truth, (what remains) but error?" Qur'an Chapter 10 (Jonah): 32. Part 2: In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, most Merciful: "When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned For what crime she was killed" Qur'an Chapter 81 (al-Takwir (folding up of the sun), verses 8-9. Some ignorant Arabs before Islam buried their infant females for fear of enslavement in the event of tribal wars. The Almighty Allah will recover their rights and question their murderers for the crimes these babies committed. It is to tell us that life is a gift, sacred and precious. Only Allah has the right to terminate it. Imagine yourself as an older brother or sister. You are about 11 years old and your mother delivers a baby boy, who was a victim of disease. I watched my mother spending nights without end comforting my little brother who had paratyphoid and other ailments, which lead to the deformation of his back. I never forget her putting the baby in her lap gently rocking him to help him to sleep. He had nothing but painful moans. My mother's eyes tried now and then to catch a little sleep, but were awakened throughout the night. The family stood firm patiently and prayed hard asking Allah to improve the conditions. The boy grew out of the painful stage. We thanked Allah and cherished the boy. I am sure that many families went through similar experience. The boy was assisted by his older siblings to graduate from the University, became a successful professional, carried out his duties towards Allah, his family, his Nation and served well in his professional capacity. Then the day came, when a tyrant appeared with tanks and forced his earthly ideology upon the people. When the boy among many of his Countrymen and women did not respond to the tyrant's call, they were harassed, jailed and savagely murdered. Who was the guilty one? In whose name such crimes have been committed? Certainly they have no Islamic roots or motives. It is clear that no right would be lost, no matter who's right it may be and no matter who commits the crimes. We pray to Allah for Guidance and Peace. Amen!

M. Aboud Mubareka Moslem Community Center, Edmundston, NB, Canada

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