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White Paper

HUCKLEBERRY1 Exclusion of Late Payments

One of the original specifications for HUCKLEBERRY1 is causing this.

HUCKLEBERRY1 sums up the royalty amounts on a GLO-3 by lease number and, if the net sums to less than $25, all royalty lines are excluded. It is not desirable to include all lines because many times the reversals within a lease on a GLO-3 are moving money between months, generally to more recent months. This issue came up when some significant amounts were moved from one lease to another. Other amounts that were late for one of the leases were excluded from HUCKLEBERRY1 because the net balance of the royalty amounts were less than $25 for the given lease within the GLO-3. The manual processing component for HUCKLEBERRY1 does not provide a mechanism for adding records.

Proposed solution
Here some possible solutions. 1) Remove the constraint for netting a lease, but this will greatly increase the number of items for review and the business user is not in favor of this. 2) Manually calculate penalty and interest on detected items and add to SAGE after the Huckleberry2 run and importation into SAGE. This solution would result in SAGE entries that will not match up with the Huckleberry2 audit

Friday, July 08, 2011 7:42 a7/p7

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White Paper
records and users would need to provide adequate documentation of the differences. 3) Provide a mechanism within the Access application for HUCKLEBERRY1 to allow the user to provide a GLO-3 invoice number and select the items to add. This would require a modest change to the front end application. This is the long-term recommended solution.

MS Access User Interface of the HUCKLEBERRY1 Manual Review Process.

User would be able to provide a GLO-3 invoice number, open a form and select the line items for inclusion in HUCKLEBERRY1. Lines already in HUCKLEBERRY1 would be excluded based on lease number, production year month and amount. The selected records would be added to tblHuckleberryWorking. The user would still be prevented from deleting records, even those mistakenly added. The normal procedure of zeroing out the override amount would remain the method of preventing unwanted penalty and interest.

Add a column to this table to flag records that were added through this process.

The same column for flagging manually added records needs to be added here.

It seems the best and most efficient solution is to add the functionality allowing the user to import additional records from the GLO-3 invoices into the Working Table. Until this can be accomplished, the user has no other choice but to manually add line items into SAGE and document the additions.

Friday, July 08, 2011 7:42 a7/p7

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