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Modern communication technologies, like radio and the internet, are essential tools if the Amazon rain forest

is to be developed in an ecological, social and economically sustainable manner. These technologies will allow the various inhabitants of the Amazon forest to communicate with each other and to develop political and economic strategies to ensure that the development is done in a sustainable way. As well, these technologies will allow the inhabitants to communicate with those people throughout the world who recognize the importance of the Amazon rain forest to the ecological health of our planet. The problem is that these technologies are not readily available. The hot, humid tropical conditions of the rain forest present their own engineering challenges. The sparse population of mainly poor and uneducated peoples spread out over miles of dense forest is another challenge. Private commercial interests have done very little to introduce these technologies since there is very little monetary reward and incentive.

Womens EMFLORES rainforest meeting

What is needed is support from outside the rain forest community to help subsidies this work. I am a social communicator seeking a digital inclusion for the people of the Amazon. In 1988, when I was 23 and full of dreams, I moved to Mapia, a community deep inside the Amazon that was founded some 28 years ago on spiritual and ecological principals. In 1998 I participated in establishing a radio station in Mapia. In 2000 I became active with the Net of Women in Radio (CEMINA-REDEH) and in 2003, with the help of Cyberela (an organization to help give women a voice in cyberspace) I had build the first satellite antenna. The antenna has allowed the establishing of a telecommunication centre in Mapia.

Cyberelas Group

I am seeking support in my attempt to gain a degree in Communications Engineering. This course is provided by CESF, a private degree granting institute of higher education, founded and maintained by FUCAPI, an institution founded in 1982 by academics and professional people. (see enclosed Institute of Higher Education FUCAPI CESF). I have been attending this course during this past year, but unfortunately, two bouts of malaria have prevented me from completing my semester and resulted with a debt to the university. I am seeking your support to help pay this debt, pay for future university fees and a living stipend while I am attending classes. Existing debt R$ 1,908.00 Tuition fees R$ 684. per semester x 5 yrs R$ 5,187.00 Living expenses RS 350. per month x 60 months R$ 21,000.00 Total RS 28,095.00

I still doing what I can for the telecenter in Mapi , I get 12 computers , and now in Manaus Im connected with Embratel for receive new link (satelital conection) .

Telecentro Nova Idia (Mapi)

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