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Physical Activity and Sleepiness Running Head: PHYSICAL ACTIVTY AFFECTS ON SLEEPINESS

The Relationships Between Physical Activity Levels and Sleepiness Daniel J. Sherkin The University Of Western Ontario

Physical Activity and Sleepiness

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between varying physical activity levels and sleepiness. Participants weekly level of physical activity was assessed using the General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ) and placed into one of four conditions; inactive (I), mildly inactive (MI), mildly active (MA), and active (A). A measure of sleepiness was taken using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and was assessed to be between 0 and 24. 77% of participants fell under the higher two activity levels and a mean sleepiness score of 8.5 was found. Participants were 26 students taken at random from the University Community Center (UCC) at the University of Western Ontario. Results of this study are converse with current findings of neuropsychological research such that no relationship between varying levels of physical activity and sleepiness was found.

Physical Activity and Sleepiness

The Effects of Physical Activity Levels on Measures of Sleepiness The notion that a physically demanding day will lead to a good nights sleep has been widely accepted for centuries. This is a sensible conclusion to draw from the fatigue associated with physical exertion and the required inactive homeostasis necessary for proper sleep. Atkinson and Davenne (2007) draw a distinction between the physiologic mechanisms required for exertion and homeostasis, and note that throughout antiquity there are important relationships between these mechanisms. Many studies have shown that the bodys propensity and control of thermoregulation are increased by regular physical activity (Atkinson, 2007; Hong, 2003). This proper functioning of key regulatory systems is believed to have a positive influence on sleep, sleep quality, and consequently sleepiness. Horne (1983) and colleagues have found that when exposed to exercise-mediated hyperthermia late in the day, subjects experience increases in restorative slow-wave sleep (SWS). From this he concluded that the benefits of late night body temperature increases from the physical activity outweighed the potential arousal and alerting influences of exercise late in the day (Horne, 1983). The mechanism which this result explains is that exercise is found to be beneficial to energy conservation and tissue restoration given the bodys signals of fatigue that sleep is necessary. Given the relationships between sleep and physical activity it would not be erroneous to postulate that the circadian rhythm in body temperature is vital to human sleep and vice versa, that good nocturnal sleep is an important factor in governing efficient thermoregulation (Atkinson, 2006). In fact because of this possible covariation it is difficult to discern the directionality of the relationship, and as such the findings of the current literature on this topic have found many small yet significant relationships between activity levels and constructs of sleep measurement. However, largely due to extraneous variables, researchers have been unable to ascertain a direct causal link between activity and sleep (Atkinson, 2007; Youngstedt et al., 2002).

Physical Activity and Sleepiness

Since sleep itself is not a measureable construct except as a clumsy measure of total sleep time (TST), this study will concern itself with sleepiness. The other construct to be examined will be physical activity level, otherwise referred to in this study as exercise, exertion, etc. The purpose of the study is to determine whether varying levels of physical activity correlate to measures of sleepiness. The review of the literature will begin with a discussion about the age related differences of sleep, followed by a brief covering of sleep related abnormalities. Then will follow an operational definition of the variables to be assessed as well as their importance to the study. A discussion of past findings on the topic of physical activity and sleepiness will be covered and the introduction will be concluded with a statement of the research hypothesis. Age-Related Differences of Sleep It is natural that people of different ages require different proportions of sleep in their day. Newborns can sleep up to 18 hours per day, one to twelve years olds require 9-12 hours per day, and adults/the elderly (65+) usually require 7-8 hours. Pregnant women who for obvious physiological reason are mostly excluded from study with exertion and sleep require 8+ hours per day. Due to these various requirements for humans at different ages and sleep hours it is important to analyze the within-subjects phenomena when studying samples with various participant ages (Atkinson, 2007). Many findings of exertion effects on sleep have different implications for different age groups as well. For example, Naylor (1999) showed that the elderly benefit from a definite and noticeable increase in performance on four specific memory tests (procedural memory, running memory, Sternberg-2 and Sternberg-4) when participating in a study attempting to enhance sleep through an increase in physical and social activity (Naylor et al., 1999). This study also showed that no similar results were found for dissimilar age brackets (Naylor et al., 1999).

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Findings Concerning Sleep-Related Abnormalities Pertaining to research with sleep, participants with sleep-related abnormalities are excluded from study which does not directly concern their condition. However, analysis of the manner in which physical activity affects such people can bring about intriguing results which can be transferred for consideration when analyzing the results of a study of non-affected persons. For example, narcoleptic individuals have an increased propensity for sudden bouts of daytime sleep in response to strong emotions or even exercise, a condition known as cataplexy (Atkinson, 2007, p. 229). Although no actual information concerning regular sleepers is found, this interesting parallel between increased sleep and increased exertion is found among a subgroup of humans, giving evidence to the existence of a correlation for physical activity and sleepiness. Hong and Dimsdale (2002) found a significant reduction in the respiratory disturbance index (RDI), an increase in TST, decreased awakenings and arousals during sleep, as well as improved mood following six months of a supervised exercise program for participants with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) (Hong, 2002). This result cannot be compared to normal sleeps for the obvious argument that people who suffer from OSA have much to improve upon in their sleep cycles, and thus results shown could not be transferred to a disparate subject. Hong also notes that although obesity is not a sleep-abnormality it hinders night-time breathing, and effects many other regulatory systems with increased strain, to the point that subjects to be included in studies of normal sleep must meet the requirement of having no more than 170% of ideal body weight according to Metropolitan Life Table (Hong, 2002, p.1089). Sleepiness Sleep-related constructs take on many process-specific measurement forms. Due to the inanimate state of a person during sleep, information cannot be directly received from an individual about their quality of sleep. In common usage for the purposes of a sleep study many

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instrument tools are used for polysomnography to collect information about the sleep of a subject, for example the total amount of slow-wave sleep (SWS) (Naylor et al., 1999). A full battery of testing in the sleep lab includes recording by: electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG), an airflow detector, electrocardiogram (ECG), pulse oximetry, and leg EMG electrodes (Naylor et al., 2000). The data rendered from these processes can show the functioning of almost any physiological process throughout sleep, particularly brain processes which are of the utmost interest. Using the information gathered, a computer simulates a graphical representation of sleep throughout the night, and those findings are used to determine four key measurement constructs of sleep: sleep onset latency (SOL), total sleep time (TST), wake after sleep onset (WASO), and sleep efficiency (SE:time asleep divided by time-in-bed) (Youngstedt et al., 2002). For the purposes of this study, and due to the constraints of not having access to a proper sleep lab and necessary equipment these constructs will be assessed as the variable sleepiness. Sleepiness is a measure of how much a subject requires sleep, and inversely the quantity and quality he/she receives, and will be measured using an adaptation of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (Johns, 1991). Physical Activity The other variable to be assessed is the exertion level of a subject, or his/her level of physical activity. This will be examined using the General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (Physical Activity Policy, 2009) which assesses a persons level of exertion during daily activity and their work, using a skew factor for their perceived level of walking speed. Using this inventory participants are classified into a four-level physical activity index (PAI) (Physical Activity Policy [PAP], 2009). The activity conditions are inactive (sedentary), moderately inactive, moderately active, and active (PAP, 2009). In common practice measures of activity level are taken from a wrist-mounted Actillume, which measures wrist activity and

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environmental illumination each minute, or at a pre-determined recording rate (Youngstedt et al., 2002). However, due to time and monetary constraints for this study the use of an Actillume is not optimal, and as such will be neglected. Physical Activity and Sleepiness The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eats little or much, (Ecclesiastes 5:12). The positive relationship between physical activity and better sleep has been believed to be true for centuries now, and intuitively it would be logical to abide by such a conclusion as fatigue seems to prompt sleep. In recent studies, possible relationships have begun to be uncovered and assessed by researchers as to why this relationship seems to occur. As mentioned previously in this article there is an observed relationship between exercised enhanced thermoregulatory processes and aspects of sleep. Atkinson (2007) believes that since endogenous concentrations of melatonin are affected by exercise, exercise performed in the early evening will lead to an increased propensity for proper thermoregulation during the evenings rest (Atkinson, 2007, p.230). However he also notes that since melatonin levels are affected by intervening daylight factors, gender etc that this relationship would be difficult at best to define (Atkinson, 2007). Youngstedt (2002) explains a possible directionality problem citing four possible explanations: First, bed rest is a soporific behaviour, contrary to this vigorous exercise is associated with increased vigour; secondly, better sleepers are likely more willing to partake in daytime exercise, as a low level of physical activity is a correlate of daytime sleepiness; third, persons who exercise tend to also exhibit other health promoting behaviours; and fourth, feeling pressured for time often causes a person to sacrifice leisure activities, so exercise could be a proxy for feeling stress-free which is associated with better sleep (Youngstedt et al., 2002). Evidently as more study is done on the relationship between exertion and sleep, more possible extraneous variables that confound and cloud the relationship seem to

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come to light. Most studies of this relationship seem to acknowledge this anomaly and state that more information on the topic needs to be found to truly shed light upon the nature of this correlation. Conclusion This study will be correlational in nature, as it will observe the relationship between physical activity, being the level of exertion per week of a participant, upon sleepiness, a measure of how much a participant requires sleep. It is largely perceived that a relationship does exist, however its exact parameters have not yet been defined. Also sleep and exercise may seem to be mediated by completely different physiological controls, but there is growing evidence for clinically important relationships between these two behaviours (Atkinson, 2007). Based upon an analysis of the current literature in this area, it is predicted that regular to high levels of physical activity will lead to a higher quality/quantity of sleep and therefore reduced sleepiness among normal sleepers. Method Participants 27 men and women between the ages of 18-25 years participated. There were 14 men (mean age = 20 2 months) and 13 women (mean age = 20 2 months) in group A. The participants were drawn from a random sampling of University of Western Ontario students who were in or around Westerns University Community Center (UCC). The UCC was chosen due to the variability within the population of students that can be found there, as opposed to a faculty building. Throughout sampling a one-to-one gender ratio has been observed to increase validity of the results. Materials General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ; Physical Activity Policy, 2009).

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The GPPAQ (Appendix A) was taken by all participants to render a relative score for their current level of physical activity. The information gathered by this scale summates participants; activity level at work, and their activity level in leisure activity. Lastly it provides a skew factor for the participants perceived level of walking pace, which either multiplies or subtracts from their raw score of physical activity given by the first two measures. The information that is formatted from these inputs is used to place participants into one of four physical activity conditions that are: inactive (sedentary), moderately inactive, moderately active, and active (PAP, 2009). Findings about the validity of the GPPAQ are that its face validity is intact, it is accurate in the sense that it has high construct validity, correlating well with measures it is intended to. As well it was found that the GPPAQ was a repeatable test; such that a participants scores remained stable from time one relative to time two (PAP, 2009). The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS; Johns, 1991). The ESS (Appendix B) is the most commonly used measure to assess sleepiness. It measures the propensity of a participants likeliness to sleep over eight situations and combines them into one general score of sleepiness. This score is given on an interval scale as a number between 0-24, and is recommended that a score above 10 likely indicates an abnormally high likeliness to be sleepy. ESS scores are reliable in a test-retest (0.82) condition even when looked at over a period of months. As well the ESS possesses a high level of internal consistency obtaining a Cronbachs alpha statistic of (0.88 -0.74 on average). It is important to note that while ESS scores are for obvious reasons correlated to duration of sleep at night, scores cannot accurately be used to asses measures of sleep at night, sleep deprivation, or sleep debt (Johns, 1991). Procedures Participants were taken at random from a sample of students who volunteered to complete the questionnaires (Appendix A and B). Completion of the questionnaires lasted about

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five minutes per participant. Prior to completion of the questionnaires participants were given the research consent form (Appendix C) and explained its meaning. After completion of the questionnaire the research debriefing form (Appendix D) and given a brief explanation about the aims of the study, and if they inquired were explained about past findings on the topic. Results Descriptive statistics were calculated for comparison purposes across sub-groups to assess levels of PAI and Sleepiness, and are presented below (see Table 1). Measures of PAI are rendered, from the GPPAQ, on one of four activity conditions (Inactive, Moderately Inactive, Moderately Active, and Active) and for statistical purposes assigned a numerical value of 1 through 4 respectively for the given conditions. It is important to note that this rendered data is given on ordinal scale and following from that a comparison of the means will be used to evaluate the datasets. The GPPAQ uses a skew factor of walking speed to account for a sedentary condition where reliability and validity are compromised for participants who are active at lower levels. As such the data collected for participant eight in the Male grouping had to be removed before calculation of results. Note that upon both constructs the scores for the Male grouping are greater in magnitude. Table 1 Descriptive Statistics by Gender for Sleepiness and PAI Scores n Activity Levels 1 Male Female Both 3 1 3 2 9.153 8 7.384 6 8.269 4.140 1 2.399 3 3.435 1 0 5 2 3 5 3 3 1 7 3 1 Sleepiness M SD 1 2 3 4 1.091 9 1.031 6 1.076 PAI SD

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A histogram (Figure 1) displaying average sleepiness scores as a function of which activity condition of PAI the participant falls under is also shown to facilitate ease and functionality when undergoing a comparison of the means for the subgroups of PAI. Figure 1

A test of comparison of the means was used to determine if increased activity levels were associated with decreased levels of sleepiness. As mentioned previous in this section measures of PAI are given on a categorical basis and thus do not grant way for statistical inference. A purely descriptive assessment will be taken to this effect. As seen In Figure 1 the four means of subgroups I, MI, MA, and A are respectably; 8.666, 6.333, 9.7, and 6.9 on the Epworth. The data used to calculate these means can be found in Appendix E. Measures of sleepiness are found to be highest when looking at groups I and MA, and lowest in groups MI and A. These results do not follow any consistent pattern of variation and as such it can be said that the results of this study fail to provide evidence to show that increased levels of physical activity can be associated with decreased levels of sleepiness. Discussion The reason for this study was to define the link between measured indices of physical activity levels and sleepiness, specifically to discern if a higher average weekly level of physical activity was associated with a lower propensity to be sleepy. Through a comparison of the means analysis of the data it was found that there was no such noticeable relationship, as individual participants data fell under no specific pattern of variation. As such, in light of minor spurious findings to be addressed later in this conclusion, it can be said that no significant relationship exists between measures of physical activity and sleepiness.

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It seems realistic to estimate a relationship between these two core constructs of human functioning, for lacking in either dimension would eventually lead to a decline in the global health of an individual. It is intuitive to think however, that sleep and activity are separate behaviours such that they occur distinctly. The two physiological processes are simultaneously mediated by various and sometimes contrasting factors, such as energy levels, total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), increasing and decreasing autonomic responses (blood pressure and heart rate), muscular fatigue, and melatonin levels. Recent findings indicate that endogenous concentrations of melatonin are affected by exercise, as well that the directionality of this effect is not clear due to an obscurement by variables such as light exposure (Atkinson, 2007). Accordingly, hypothermic effects of melatonin have been found to affect sleep propensity, leading to the conclusion that exercise late in the day or early in the evening will produce a decrease in wake after sleep onset (WASO) (Atkinson, 2007). In concordance with this trend it could be important to note that during times of activity or exercise blood pressure and heart rate rise, and vice versa during sleep hours. It is this inverse relationship of autonomic responses that likely contributes to a natural rhythm of the body and gives rise to healthy processes for example thermoregulation, and would give reason to suspect a relationship between sleep and activity. However, transverse to this reasoning it could also be said that such major processes as sleep and activity are not easily correlated due to their interactions with a various external stimuli. For example, it has been found that scheduled exposure to bright light can improve sleep and normalize circadian rhythms in adults, confounding the results of sleep studies with the time of year due to various seasonal weather patterns as well as daylight hours (Naylor, 2000). Some limitations of this study will be mentioned, giving rise to an explanation for the nature of the method of inference used concerning the data. The sample population used in this study was small in nature. Only 26 participants were used to establish the results. If a larger

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sample size was used it is possible more significant results could have been produced. Another issue with the sample is the population from which it was taken. This study used 26 Western Ontario University students between the ages of 18-22. This population from which the sample is taken decreases the ability to generalize results, as many university students as a result of their environment are very similar people. In addition the lifestyle of university students clearly involves abnormal sleep patterns. It would be rational to speculate that on average they are worse sleepers, however it is also important to consider higher than normal qualities of sleep could be produced by a lighter than normal commitment load. Also the active lifestyle of university students could skew their activity scores from the normal of a general population, due to the importance placed on physical fitness at this age, as well as the abundance of coordinated group activity. The measurement instrumentation used in this study could also account for the lack of an established correlation. It would have been wise, although not feasible due to the time constraints of this study, to garner two different activity scores at different time sets to measure a difference in physical activity. Hong and Dimsdale (2002) found that a single measure of self report of physical activity, proved inadequate to provide significant associations between activity levels and polysomnographic records of sleep (Hong, 2002, p.1091). An additional benefit to administering a second bout of the GPPAQ would be a second data set for the ESS, which could be acquired at the same administration to increase test-retest result. The two questionnaires were measures of self report, and were administered to students in the University Community Center (UCC). It is possible, though not able to be proven, that this aspect of self report would lead participants to socially desirable answers especially in such a public setting. As well if single participants were especially tired that day, they might be more or less inclined to report an elevated level of sleepiness, and much the same is true if they were particularly active that day. Another effect of gathering data in the UCC was that some students may be in a

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rush, or a less than serious mood and may have treated the survey as a joke. It is important to consider floor and ceiling effects for the ESS as the scale showed no score below five, and only one above thirteen, a single outlier of twenty. This could be due to the design of the test for it is recommended if your score is above ten you might have a sleep-related abnormality. It is also possible to attribute the results to the sample populations situational similarity, nay the outlier who could have been taking the survey to an unserious effect. The GPPAQ found participants in all categories, however with 76.9% of results falling under the highest two activity levels (MA and A), while 23% fell to the lower of the conditions (I and MI). This could be due to the nature of scoring for the GPPAQ, to fall under the lowest two conditions self-report measures of physical activity required that one had to report almost no activity on a weekly basis. Again however, this effect of a mass of the sample falling into the higher activity conditions can be contributed to the sample population and their active lifestyle. It is important to note that the GPPAQ places participants into one of four exclusive activity subgroups and does not render a numerical value. The groupings have been assigned numerical values of one through four, and these values represent ordinal data as the groups follow a logical coherent order, but do not have any defined distances between data points. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale allows for Ratio data. Given the constraint of ordinal data statistical calculation was not permitted for the purposes of this study and instead a post-hoc comparison of the mean sleepiness by activity subgroup was assessed. This studys lack of conclusion as to the statistical significance between sleep and physical activity has been echoed in current literature about the topic. For example Youngstedt et. al. (2003) found no significant between or within-subjects correlations between mean exercise duration and mean sleep for any sleep variable. They note however that WASO was approximately ten minutes lower on the most active days of their study as well as SE was found

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to be higher on the most active days (Youngstedt, 2003). Interestingly, Naylor et. al. (2000) using a between groups comparison found that there was no significant difference in their activity baseline and activity control groups. They also noted an increase of ten minutes in SWS in the first half of the nights sleep for the activity baseline group, with no difference in the second half of sleep (Naylor et. al., 2000). Some researchers explained why a relationship between these two mechanisms is so difficult to establish saying, only a combination of biologic and socio-behavioural research strategies can explore the effectiveness and acceptability of exercise interventions on sleep (Atkinson, 2007). Through an evaluation of conclusions of the literature on this topic a few conclusions are common and evident. Firstly, when considering dimensions of sleep it is clear that no significant results are found when exploring the link to physical activity. Secondly, most theorists agree that even though sleep is not affected by activity level on a grandiose scale that moderate levels of energy expenditure throughout the day will lead to a higher quality of sleep. This is generally attributed to an increased propensity, brought about by increased activity, for the body to properly thermoregulate itself correctly throughout the circadian rhythm. In future studies regarding the nature of this subject it would be crucial to focus on specific trends of activity and sleep, and not the global processes of these mechanisms. Generality has been the downfall of past research, which nevertheless usually leads to specific results. It could also be said that research in this field is useless, and warrants no attention, due to; the unreliable results of current and past studies about the topic, and the propensity of a normal sleeper to maintain good sleep patterns naturally using innate biologic systems. I do not agree with this viewpoint as I believe this field of research to be of paramount importance, especially when considering that it is concerned with sleep and physical activity, two major and time intensive aspects of life. Any information garnered by research in the future could be of the

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utmost importance when considering the populations in the world with sleep related abnormities, including apneas and insomnias. These abnormalities are a major concern for those stuck with them and a quality of life, a less tired life, would be their number one concern. Although this area is plagued with confounding variables and notions that there exists no justification for the research, two central processes of human functioning cannot be ignored and must be treated as such. This study has found there to be no relationship between an increased level of physical activity and measures of sleepiness. It is this researchers strong recommendation that more in-depth analysis of this topic should be conducted as the practical implications of what can be learned both medically and ethnographically are limitless and invaluable.


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Atkinson, G., & Davenne, D. (2007). Relationships between sleep, physical activity and human health. Physiology & Behavior, 90(2-3), 229-235. Hong, S., & Dimsdale, J. E. (2003). Physical activity and perception of energy and fatigue in obstructive sleep apnea. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35(7), 1088-1092. Johns, M. W. (1991). A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth sleepiness scale. Sleep, 14(6), 540-545. Naylor, E., Penev, P. D., Orbeta, L., Janssen, I., Ortiz, R., Colecchia, E. F., Keng, M., Finkel, S., & Zee, P. C. (2000). Daily social and physical activity increases slow-wave sleep and daytime neuropsychological performance in the elderly. Sleep: Journal of Sleep Research & Sleep Medicine, 23(1), 87-95. Physical Activity Policy, Health Improvement Directorate., (2009). General Practise Physical Activity Questionnaire. In The General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPPAQ) A screening tool to assess adult physical activity levels, within primary care. Retrieved from h_1 01579.pdf Youngstedt, S. D., Perlis, M. L., O'Brien, P. M., Palmer, C. R., Smith, M. T., Orff, H. J., & Kripke, D. F. (2003). No association of sleep with total daily physical activity in normal sleepers. Physiology & Behavior, 78(3), 395-401.

Appendix A

General Practice Physical Activity

Physical Activity and Sleepiness Questionnaire


Date Name..
1. Please tell us the type and amount of physical activity involved in your work. Please tick one box that is closest to your present work from the following five possibilities: Please mark one box only a b c I am not in employment (e.g. retired, retired for health reasons, unemployed, full-time carer etc.) I spend most of my time at work sitting (such as in an office) I spend most of my time at work standing or walking. However, my work does not require much intense physical effort (e.g. shop assistant, hairdresser, security guard, childminder, etc.) My work involves definite physical effort including handling of heavy objects and use of tools (e.g. plumber, electrician, carpenter, cleaner, hospital nurse, gardener, postal delivery workers etc.) My work involves vigorous physical activity including handling of very heavy objects (e.g. scaffolder, construction worker, refuse collector, etc.)

d e


During the last week, how many hours did you spend on each of the following activities? Please answer whether you are in employment or not Please mark one box only on each row None Some 1 hour 3 hours but less but less or more than 1 than 3 hour hours

a b c d e

Physical exercise such as swimming, jogging, aerobics, football, tennis, gym workout etc. Cycling, including cycling to work and during leisure time Walking, including walking to work, shopping, for pleasure etc. Housework/Childcare Gardening/DIY

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3. How would you describe your usual walking pace? Please mark one box only. Slow pace (i.e. less than 3 mph) Brisk pace Hit 'Return' to calculate PAI Steady average pace Fast pace (i.e. over 4mph)


Appendix B

Physical Activity and Sleepiness


Appendix C

Research Information and Consent Form

Physical Activity and Sleepiness


Project Title:

The Effects of Physical Activity Levels on Sleepiness


Daniel Sherkin, 5th year student, Psychology 2820 Research Methods

I agree to take part in a study entitled The effects of Physical Activity Levels on Sleepiness which is being conducted by Daniel Sherkin. Participants will be asked to complete two short questionnaires concerning their weekly levels of physical activity and sleep. I understand that the data provided by me will be kept confidential and will be used only for research purposes. The experiment will take about 5-10 minutes. I know that I am free to leave blank any questions that I do not want to answer and that I am free to withdraw from the experiment at any time without penalty. I have been told that there are no known risks associated with my participation. I also understand that I will receive written feedback at the end of the session, at which point any questions I have will also be answered.

___________________________ (Participants Signature) ___________________________ (Researchers Signature)

______________________ (Date)

Appendix D

Research Debriefing Form Project Title: The Effects of Physical Activity Levels on Sleepiness

Physical Activity and Sleepiness



Daniel Sherkin, 5th year student, Psychology 2820 Research Methods

The purpose of this experiment was to examine the relationship between levels of physical activity and sleepiness. This area of research has in recent years had many practical applications when looking at sleep disorders especially sleep apnea which affects approximately 20% of the population. The measures used to determine these constructs are the General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Epworth Sleepiness scale, which rendered practical scores for their respective constructs which will be compared to see if there is a directional effect between the two measures

Your involvement has benefitted this research project by providing information to further our understanding sleepiness and physical activity levels. Thank you for your participation. The references below provide further information related to this research. If you have any further questions, please contact Daniel Sherkin at Suggested Reading:
Hong, S., & Dimsdale, J. E. (2003). Physical activity and perception of energy and fatigue in obstructive sleep apnea. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35(7), 1088-1092. Naylor, E., Penev, P. D., Orbeta, L., Janssen, I., Ortiz, R., Colecchia, E. F., Keng, M., Finkel, S., & Zee, P. C. (2000). Daily social and physical activity increases slowwave sleep and daytime neuropsychological performance in the elderly. Sleep: Journal of Sleep Research & Sleep Medicine, 23(1), 87-95. Youngstedt, S. D., Perlis, M. L., O'Brien, P. M., Palmer, C. R., Smith, M. T., Orff, H. J., & Kripke, D. F. (2003). No association of sleep with total daily physical activity in normal sleepers. Physiology & Behavior, 78(3), 395-401.

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Appendix E Participant Data Displayed Graphically

Participa nt 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sleepines s 12 20 6 6 7 11 PAI Group 1 3 4 4 3 3


Physical Activity and Sleepiness 7 8 9 *8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5 8 5 6 13 9 9 8 6 8 9 6 10 5 9 3 8 12 8 7 5 4 4 4 3 3 4 1 4 3 4 2 3 1 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 1



Data Used For a Comparison of The Means PAI (Number Of Sleepines Participants) s Means I (3) 8.66666 MI (3) 6.33333 MA (10) 9.7 A (10) 6.9

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