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Mathematics and Computers in Simulation XXV1







Institut de CibernGtica, Universitut PoMcnica, Barcelona - 28, Spuin

A comparative analysis of of two-area interconnected to multi-area case, the interconnected structures models with both stiff and 1. INTROOUCT ION

stiff and elastic tie-line models used to simulate load-frequency control power systems is performed. Then, after the extension of the models lack of asymptotic stability of elastic tie-line models for certain is shown. To overcome this situation, asymptotically stable compound elastic tie-lines are proposed.

control of interconnected power load-frequency systems has been the object of a large number of studies. Several dynamic models have been suggested to analyse the behaviour of that kind of systems. In general the models deal with phenomena that extend their action from some seconds to few minutes and assume that the load-frequency and reactive-voltage control problems are decoupled in order to conjoin reasonable precision and low complexity [l], 121. Some models are based on the assumption that all system areas have the same frequency, the interconnection between areas being stiff (31. These models stand for the power interchange of each area as the balance of all its tie-lines. CXher models [4], [5], widely accepted, show explicit!y the power interchange through each tie-line. In these models, each area has its own frequency (elastic interconnections). This paper presents, firstly, a comparative analysis of the behaviour of these two kinds of model for a twoarea sygtem. The analysis, via hybrid computer simulation, leads to a clear interpretation of the relations between the responses of the models. Next, after the extension of the models to multiarea case, it is shown that the model with elastic tie-lines is not adequate to represent multiarea systems with specific interconnected structures due to the inherent lack of asymptotic stability of the model in those cases. This consideration leads us to propose asymptotically stable compound models with both stiff and elastic tie-lines. Several possible configurations and a detailed block diagram of the compound model of a three-area system are also presented. 2. TWO-AREA MODELS

whole system can be characterized frequency. That is, all the generators swing in unison.

by a single of the system

The real power deviation, A PIi, of the interchange between area i and the rest of areas in the system, can be obtained from the dynamic equation of the generators and the fact that the overall exchange balance between areas must be zero. The model proposed in ref [3] can be improved by introducing the load-frequency characteristic of the areas in the dynamic equation of the power system and representing in more detail the speed governor and the turbine-generator of the power plants. Then, assuming neglected line losses, the deviation of interchanged real power can be written as A P&-h where P12=(A PC+A d PGi is the PDlxlc+(J PG2-A PD2b - BAF of in

area i, A PDi is the increment

the area,

power generation of load consumption and ~1I 6 are coefficients given by


Hl.Prl a= Hl.Pr l+H2.Pr2 8 = 01a(D1+02)

where Hi is the equivalent inertia constant of machines in area i, Di is the area load-frequency characteristic and Pri is the rated area power. The system frequency will given by KP

A F(s) n !; ( i=i =------



l+sTp (1) 2Hl.Prl+2H2.Pr2 1 and D1+D2 frequency.



Tp k f F+

Kp 2


F* 2.1. Model with stiff tie line.

being the rated

This model is based on the assumption that transmission lines within each individual control area, and tie lines between areas, are completly stiff. Then, the 033%4754/84/$3.00 10 1984, IMACS/Els&er

A block diagram of the two-area system model is shown in figure 1, where blocks and nomenclature have

been taken from reference parison of models.





Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

Basaikz et al. / Power system control





Power System 1.2

Speed gove#nor



-Gene roIor

Figure 1: Block diagram of two-area system model with stiff tie-line. 2.2. Model with elastic tie-line.
where T12* k



The! two-area system mod81 with elastic tie-lines (fig. 2) is based on the assumption that transmission lines within each individual control area are strong in relation to ties between areas. So, a whole area can be characterized by a single frequency. This implies that generators belonging to an area swing in unison but not necessarily with generators of the other area.

cas(6 162)

is the synchronizing coefficient or electrical stiffness of the tie-line; X12, its reactance and Vi=1 Vi1 eJ&l the bus voltage of the line terminal i. The elastic tie-line model improves the stiff tie-line model because it supplies the individual frequency of each area. Nevertheless transmission lines within areas remain stiff.

API, can be written as







API12 = Tl2* VA fldt - J A f2dt)






*%2 Codroller t Speed I -

APD+sI __. --F----

R2 .
82 -

Figure 2: Block diagram of two-area system model with elastic tie-line.

56 2.3. Comparative analysis of the models.

L. &satlez et al. / Power systeM contd Expre&ons (2) to (6) show that tha fraquancy of tha stiff model can be interpreted as standing for the average behaviour of the different freqU?nCieS Of the system.

The extended use of both models makes interesting the comparison of their dynamic responses. In this way the comparison of the frequency of both models will be spe&ally relevant. _ From (l), the stiff expressed by KP l+sTp tie-line

2.4. Simulation results.

With the aim of comparing their behaviour and in order to verify the above relation between frequencies, simulation of the two modal8 of two-area system has been carried out, Rerrultr of two ca8e8 arc) presented: identical areas and different araaa. 2.4.1. Two identical area system response. For this case, data have been taken from (41, and the following parameter values have been choosan $=Dl+l/Rl pu MW/HZ pu MW/HZ Kll=K12=0,8 6 = SO Hz

model frequency

can be

AF = -

1 (APGl+APG2)-(APDl+A


The frequency of thie elastic tie-line AFi z KPi l+sTpi

model is [4] i = 1,2

(A PGi-A FDi-A PIi)

Defining a weighted average, A Fa, of both indiviaual area frequencies of the elastic model: $F, 2 ?.I AFl+x 2 AF2

Q=D2+l/R2 A PROG@

x1+x2 = 1


PROG2 = 0,Ol pu MW

and assuming the same instantaneous pc>wergeneration in both stiff and elastic models, it follows that
i?F = AF,

(3) Kp2(1+Tpld

Figure 3 shows the frequency and tie line power response of the two models for a step Load of 0,Ol pu MW applied to area 1. The same figure shows AFa computed from (2) with X 1=X2=0,5. It is verified that AF and 4Fa match quite well Figure 4 shows the response of the model to a 0,Ol pu MW step load in scheduled net interchange. It can be again verified that AF and AFa have the same time evolution. 2.4.2. Two different area system response.

Q,vhenh 1 =


Kpl(l+Tp2&Kp2(1+Tpl~) Kp+l+Tp2)



Therefore E_F can 4F2 by means of weighting factors transform variable

be expressed in terms of hF1 end a dynamic weighted average, the

being a function s. of the Laplace

In this case the system data values are the same as before excepting the rated power and the area loadfrequency characteristic of area 2, which are now Pr2=1000 MW, D2=16,66.lO- pu MW/HZ. Simulation results are shown in figures 5 and 6 for respectively 0,01 p.u. MW step load and scheduled interchange increases. Again A Fa, computed now with 1 = 213 and x2 = l/3, shows the same bahaviour as A F. Summarizing, though the behaviour of both models seems quite different, the frequency of the stiff model is the average of individual frequencies of the area8 of the elastic one. The oscillations in the area frequency response are compensated in the average which gives the same result as the stiff model, These conclusions, a8 it will be seen later, are particulary interesting in tha interpretation of the response of compound models of multi-area systema,

In tne case that Tp >jl and T,$>l, factors will be reduce a to

the weighting

Analoglously, for Tpl<<l

and Tp2g< 1, we would have









L Bade2

et al. / Power system control



API (hr(Wpu)

Figure 3:

Two identical area system. Frequency disturbance in area 1. a) Elastic model b)

and tie-lines

powor responses tc; step load

Stiff model


10 15




Figure 4:

Two identical area system. Frequency and tie-lines Fewer responses to a stbp in the achedulad power interchange.
a) Elastic model b) Stiff model

L Basdiez et 01. / Power system amtroi


- 0.016-. u

Figure 5:

Two different area system. Frequency disturbance in area 1. a) Elastic model b:

and tie-lines

power responses to a load

Stiff model

Af1 1


Figure 6:

Two different area system. Frequency and tie-lines power responses to a step in the scheduled power interchange a)

Elastic :n.odel


Stiff model

L Basa~~ez al. / Powersystem control et 3. MODELS FOR MULTI-AREA SYSTEMS


3.1. Ext8neion of the mock18 to multi-area


The models described in the preceding paregraph caq be euily extended to include multi-area cases. The Wt tie-b9 power incre4nent of area i of a muiti-area ryetommodelled by atiff interconnection will be APQ = (AffijAPDi)-ai Hi.Pq whereq = r Wi.Pri) $a=1 8 i=D~~iCDii i Cfi i=O Ei(APGi-APDi) -SiAF

The exteneion of the elastic model is also straightforward. The net incremental power interchange of area i can be written, as in the two-are8 case, by the sum of the incremental power through the tie-lines of that area, that is APIi - c {T***( /Afidt-/A f*dt) } I J j 2ll I Vi I I vj xij Figure 6 shows the part of a block diagram of the elastic model corresponding to the tie-lines interconnecting area 1 with areas 2, 3 and 4 of a power system. Unlike the stiff model the elastic individuai power through each tie-line net power interchange of each area. one supplies the and not only the

COS(di*C-6 j)



= -_.-.-

The p8r8metOr8 8d Kp will now be Tp

c (OHi.Pri)

eXpI%?fBed by

A1 =;a

CD i i

; KpiA c Di i

AF, Is)

Figure 7 shows the part of the block diagram corresponding to tranamisaion and tie-lifU38 of 8 thrcearea 8y8t8m with rtiff interconnection!&


8: Block diagram for 8 multi-area

of the elastic tie-line power system.


3.2. Stability



As has b88n pointed out, the elastic model works properly in the two-area case giving more information than the corresponding stiff model. Nevertheless, in the m&i-area case, and with certain tie-line configurations, a isck of asymptotic stability can appear. For of a three-area system in a triangular configuration, Fig. 9, displays, even in the absence of di8tUrbanC8S, 8 continuously incressing interchange of power, but keeping up the area balance nearly equal to the net. scheduled power interchange and making the frequency errors practically null. instance, the simulation

model with elastic


Figure 7: Block diagram of tha stiff tie-line 8 multi-area power syattsm.




L Basafiez et al. / Power system control



*2 88 4

A2 AL 5 Al A2 % xx A3

Figure 9:

Three area figurhtian





The Zlastic model is then useless for simulation in these cases, its undesirable behaviour being due to the existence of at least a zero eiqenvalue in the system matrix. This situation and the ineludible presence of amplifier offsets in analog simulation or numerical noise in digital simulation produces that increase on the power tie-line. The zero eigenvalue is due to the interconnection configuration and the way in which the tie-lines are modelled. The stability analysis of this system can be performed defining the state vector: 2 = [ .1Fl, 1F2,A F3, APIl2, API23, APII3, APCI, APC2, L, PC3,A XE1,1IXE2, nXE3, APG1, (5PG2, APG3]T

"2 A& A3

Figure 10:

Some multi-area power system figurations. a) Elastic model allowed b) Elastic model not allowed


Rows 4, 5 and 6 of A system matrix will be

T12* 0 TI3* leading values. -T12* T23+ 0 0 -T23* -T13* 0 .. . 0 .. . 0 .. . 0 0 0

In a compound model several control areas are grouped into %ectors, the areas in a sector having the same frequency and tie-lines interconnecting those areas being considered stiff. On the contrary, tie-lines interconnecting areas of different sectors are modelled as elastic. Note that each area remains a control area in spite of belonging to a sector. To assume stiff tie-lines in lieu of elastic ones is reasonable when frequency differences between several areas are of the some order of magnitude as those existing within areas. In these cases it is realistic to consider that a serious error is not commited considering those areas forming a sector and having the same frequency. When previous assumption does not apply, compound models can still be used, if a loss of information of the system behaviour is accepted. Then, as it has been show 1 in paragraphs 2.3 aQd 2.4, a sector frequency could be interpreted as the weighted average of the frequency of the areas belonging to the sector. In order to ensure compound asymptotic stability, tielines interconnecting sectors must not form closedpaths. (Fig. 11). A compound model has been successfully applied to describe the load-frequency control behaviour of the Catalan system, composed gross0 modo by two companies (E.N.H.E.R. and F.E.C.S.A.) strongly interconnected and geographically overlapped. This system is described as two-area sector, and the remainder Spanish power companies (R.&C.) and the French system (E.F.) are considered control areas with individual frequencies (Fig, 12). A detailed compound model block diagram of a threearea system in a triangular configuration has been shown in Figure.13. Two of the areas are stiff interconnected while remainder tie-lines are elastic.

matrix A be singular, independently of Tij* Then, this system has at least a zero eigen-

value and is not asymptotically stable. Multi-area elastic models can have, or have not, zero eigenvalues due to their tie-lines configuration. Figure 10 a) shows some examples of multi-area systems that could lead to asymptotically stable models. In opposition the mode!s of Figure 10 b) have at least a zero eigenvalue because of the existence of closed paths through the tie-lines and areas and, then, are not able to be used as models for computer simulation. 3.3. Compound models The la:!-. of asymptotic stability of certain elastic tieline models can be handled in different ways. One possible solution is to reject the simplificative hypothesis assumed in settling the above models, making use of more detailed and complex representat ion of the power system [6]. This solution, feasible in some cases, will be in general expensive and timeconsuming. Because of this, we propose the adoption of cornpound models to simulate interconnected systems when the corresponding elastic models are not asymptotically stable.

L Baudez et al. / Power system control 4. CONCLUSIONS


A'r' 8%


Load-frequency control models of interconnected power system with elastic tie-line representation are a clear improvement upon models with stiff tie-lines. In fact elastic models provide more detailed information about the system behaviour because they supply the time evolution of the frequency of each individual control area and the power interchanged through each tie-line. Nevertheless elastic models can be unsuitable when used in computer simulation of certain multi-area power systems. Closed tie-line paths lead to the existence of at least a zero eigenvalue making the model not asymptotically stable. Models with stiff tie-lines do not present that stability problem and, although they do not allow to know some individual system variables, they describe properly the lobal system behaviour, since the frequency supplied as a dynamic I! y the model can be interpreted weighted average of the frequency of the different areas. In order to avoid stability problems, compound models with both elastic and stiff tie-lines can be used. In these models several areas having nearly the same frequency are considered interconnected via stiff tielines and grouped into a sector. Thus the model supplies the frequency of each sector as the dynamic weighted average of the frequency of the areas belonging to it. Compound models have been successfully applied to the analysis of the load-frequency control strategy to be used in the Catalan power system. REFERENCES QUAZZA, G., (1977), Large scale control problems in electric power systems, Automatica, Vol. 13, pp. 579-593. STERLING, M.J.H., (1974), Power System Control, TEE Cantrol Engineering, serie 6. ERBACHER, W., (1965), Theoretic bases for the study of load-frequency control by analog computers. Technical notes num. 296. Regulation working group of UCPTE. ELGERD, O., FOSHA, C.S., (1970), Optimum Megawatt-frequency control of multi-area electric energy systems. IEEE T. PAS-89, num. 4, pp. 556-563. ELGERD, O., (1971), Electric energy systems theory: an introduction, McGraw-Hill. DAVISQN, E., TRIPATHI, N., (Feb. 1980), Descentralized tuning regulators: an application to solve the load end frequency control problem for a large power system. Large Scale Systems, Publishing Vol. 1, num. 1. North-Holland Company.



Figure 11:

Some multi-area power system configurations. a) Compound model allowed b) Compound model not allowed Supraindex identifies sector, subdindex area.

Figure 12:

used model structure Compound analyze the Catalan Power System.



L.Basafiezet al. / Power


1 l+sT~~


1 _ l+sTT,

Figure 13: Block diagram of the compound model of a three-area system in triangular configuratron.

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