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Mark Scheme (Results) June 2011

GCE Biology (6BI01) Paper 01

Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health

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June 2011 Publications Code US027472 All the material in this publication is copyright Edexcel Ltd 2011

General Marking Guidance

All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last. Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions. Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie. There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used appropriately. All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidates response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme. Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited. When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidates response, the team leader must be consulted. Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.

Quality of Written Communication

Questions which involve the writing of continuous prose will expect candidates to: write legibly, with accurate use of spelling, grammar and punctuation in order to make the meaning clear select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to complex subject matter organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate. Full marks will be awarded if the candidate has demonstrated the above abilities. Questions where QWC is likely to be particularly important are indicated (QWC) in the mark scheme, but this does not preclude others.

The following symbols are used in the mark schemes for all questions:
Symbol ; semi colon Eq / oblique {} curly brackets () round brackets [] square brackets [CE] or [TE] Meaning of symbol Indicates the end of a marking point Indicates that credit should be given for other correct alternatives to a word or statement, as discussed in the Standardisation meeting Words or phrases separated by an oblique are alternatives to each other Indicate the beginning and end of a list of alternatives (separated by obliques) where necessary to avoid confusion Words inside round brackets are to aid understanding of the marking point but are not required to award the point Words inside square brackets are instructions or guidance for examiners Consecutive error / transferred error

Crossed out work

If a candidate has crossed out an answer and written new text, the crossed out work can be ignored. If the candidate has crossed out work but written no new text, the crossed out work for that question or part question should be marked, as far as it is possible to do so.

Spelling and clarity

In general, an error made in an early part of a question is penalised when it occurs but not subsequently. The candidate is penalised once only and can gain credit in later parts of the question by correct reasoning from the earlier incorrect answer.

No marks are awarded specifically for quality of language in the written papers, except for the essays in the synoptic paper. Use of English is however taken into account as follows: the spelling of technical terms must be sufficiently correct for the answer to be unambiguous e.g. for amylase, ammalase is acceptable whereas amylose is not e.g. for glycogen, glicojen is acceptable whereas glucagen is not e.g. for ileum, illeum is acceptable whereas ilium is not e.g. for mitosis, mytosis is acceptable whereas meitosis is not candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark. a correct statement that is contradicted by an incorrect statement in the same part of an answer gains no mark irrelevant material should be ignored

Question Number 1(a)

Answer 1. protein / glycoprotein ; 2. facilitated diffusion ; 3. active transport / eq ; 4. ATP / adenosine triphosphate ;



Question Number 1(b)(i)

Answer 1. 77-70 / 7; 2. correct division by 77 (multiplied by 100) to give correct answer, e.g. 9.1 / 9.09 / 9.0 / 9 [CE applies] Correct answer = 2 marks



Question Number 1(b)(ii)

Answer 1. idea that not all of the {juice / sugar} washed off / idea that the strawberries were not dried after rinsing properly / idea that some water reabsorbed (during washing) ; 2. loss of mass of strawberries not as high as it should have been / eq ; 3. (%) value too small / eq ; OR 1. idea that strawberry {tissue / juice} lost because {washing too vigorous / tissue stuck to towel when drying / squeezing strawberries / juice absorbed from strawberries} / water lost through evaporation / eq ; 2. loss of mass of strawberries higher than it should have been / eq ; 3. (%) value too high / eq ;



Question Number 1(b)(iii)

Answer 1. correct reference to water gradient (between sugar and strawberries) ; 2. reference to osmosis (of water from inside of strawberry to outside) ; 3. idea that water is found in {cytoplasm / vacuoles} (of strawberry) ; 4. reference to water as a solvent (for the sugar) ; 5. reference to (di)polar nature of water / eq ;



Question Number 2(a)(i)

Answer 1. both hexose molecules in disaccharide correctly drawn ; 2. indication that water is formed ; 3. glycosidic bond correctly drawn ;



Question Number 2(a)(ii)

Answer condensation / polymerisation ;

Mark (1)

Question Number 2(a)(iii)

Answer (1, 4) glycosidic (bond / link) ;

Mark (1)

Question Number 2(b)(i)

Answer A;

Mark (1)

Question Number 2(b)(ii)

Answer B;

Mark (1)

Question Number 2(b)(iii)

Answer B;

Mark (1)

Question Number 2(c)(i)

Answer 1. genotypes of parents correctly shown ; 2. alleles present in gametes correctly shown ; 3. possible genotypes of offspring correctly shown ; 4. probability stated as {0.5 / 50% /1 in 2 / / 50:50} ;



Question Number 2(c)(ii)

Answer The same (as the probability is for the first child) ;



Question Number *3(a) QWC

Answer (QWC Spelling of technical terms must be correct and the answer must be organised in a logical sequence) 1. reference to CFTR {gene / channel} not functioning properly ; 2. reference to {thicker / stickier / eq } mucus ; 3. (mucus) blocks (pancreatic) {duct(s) / eq } ; 4. in the pancreas ; 5. idea that enzymes cannot {be secreted into / reach} small intestine ; 6. idea of reduced digestion of {food / named food} ; 7. reference to reduced absorption / eq ; 8. idea of {malnutrition / weight loss} ; 9. idea of {self-digestion of (pancreatic) cells / problems controlling blood sugar levels / cysts / fibroids} ;



Question Number 3(b)

Answer 1. reference to {IVF / description of preimplantation} ; 2. {embryo / eq} DNA analysed / eq ; 3. presence of CFTR {gene mutation / faulty allele / eq} tested for / eq ;



Question Number 3(c)

Answer Any of the following paired points 1. who has right to decide if tests should be performed / eq ; 2. {implications of medical costs / disagreements over next step / embryo has rights} ; OR 3. issues relating to confidentiality of {parents / child} / eq ; 4. idea that {some other abnormality may be found / paternal DNA does not match / other family members have right to know results} ; OR 5. idea some other abnormality may be found / false negative ; 6. comment on possible problems with e.g. future employment / insurance / what constitutes a serious condition / eq ; OR 7. idea that embryo could be {damaged / destroyed / discarded / eq} / false positive ; 8. embryo {is a potential life / has rights} /destroying embryo is {wrong / unethical / murder / eq} ;



Question Number 4(a)

Answer (DNA) { polymerase / helicase / ligase} ;

Mark (1)

Question Number 4(b)

Answer Stage 1 1. only one bond drawn in lower half of tube ; Stage 2 2. one only bond drawn (higher than the one drawn in stage 1) ; Stage 3 Diagram 3. {1 / 2} molecules shown with one light and one heavy strand ; 4. {1 / 2} molecules shown with two light strands; Test tube 5. 2 bands shown in roughly correct position (middle to upper half of test tube) ; 6. bands should be of (roughly) equal width ; [consequential error from stage 2 should apply for both marking points 5 and 6]



Question Number 5(a)(i)

Answer Any three from: 1. decrease in smoking / not smoking / eq ; 2. reference to {increase / regular / eq} exercise ; 3. improvements to diet qualified, e.g. reduce salt, reduce saturated fat, increase fibre ; 4. maintaining appropriate weight / eq ; 5. {moderate / reduced} alcohol consumption / eq ; 6. reducing stress / eq ; 7. use of medication e.g. statins, antihypertensives, warfarin ;



Question Number 5(a)(ii)

Answer 1. (less) cholesterol (in blood) to build up on artery (wall) / eq ; 2. less likely to develop atherosclerosis / eq ; 3. credit correct reference to subsequent consequence of atherosclerosis e.g. narrowing of arteries, ischaemia, decrease in flow of blood (to heart) ;



Question Number 5(b)

Answer 1. age effect qualified e.g. older increases risk, {arteries {become less elastic / more easily damaged / blood pressure increases} with (increase in) age ; 2. gender effect qualified e.g. {women less likely to develop CVD than men / oestrogen offers some protection to women against CVD } (pre menopause) / eq ;



Question Number 5(c)(i)

Answer 1. Finland has the highest death rate / eq ; 2. Sweden has the lowest death rate /eq ; 3. credit correct manipulation of figures to compare one of these countries to one other country ;



Question Number 5(c)(ii)

Answer 1. Finland {highest on graph / not highest on map} Germany and UK have the highest on the map / eq ; 2. idea that a number ( 3 or more) of countries are the same on the map ; 3. France does not have the lowest number of deaths / eq ; 4. Credit any other correct comparison ; 5. {map shows number of deaths and graph shows relative death rate / map gives the results grouped together but graph shows individual values / map does not allow for population size} ;



Question Number 5(c)(iii)

Answer Any one from: 1. the data on the map is shown in groups / eq; 2. the data might come from a different year / different time / no information given on the year / eq ; 3. different groups of people were surveyed / eq ; 4. idea that bar graph shows number of deaths relative to population / the map does not take into account the population of the country ;



Question Number 6(a)

Answer 1. presence of amine group /eq ; 2. presence of carboxyl group / eq ; 3. reference to R group ; 4. reference to central carbon atom ; [award marks on correctly drawn diagram]



Question Number 6(b)

Answer 1. correct reference to transcription ; 2. DNA {unwinds / strands separate / eq} ;


3. (RNA) (mono)nucleotides {line up against / attach / eq} to one (DNA) { strand / template / eq} ; 4. reference to complementary base pairing (between DNA and (mono)nucleotides) ; 5. reference to {(mono)nucleotides joining together / formation of phosphodiester bonds} ; 6. correct reference to condensation reaction ; 7. correct reference to named enzymes involved / eq ; 8. mRNA detaches (from DNA) / eq ; (4)

Question Number 6(c)(i)


Mark (0)

Question Number 6(c)(ii)

Answer B;

Mark (1)

Question Number 6(c)(iii)

Answer D;

Mark (1)

Question Number 7 (a)

Answer 1. cooking decreases all the vitamins / eq ; 2. reference to only zinc does not change / eq ; 3. biggest decrease is in Vitamin A ; 4. credit manipulation of figures with units (if appropriate) to compare raw and cooked ;



Question Number *7(b) QWC

Answer (QWC Spelling of technical terms must be correct and the answer must be organised in a logical sequence) 1. idea that some carrots need to be boiled in water and some cooked in microwave ; 2. reference to control of appropriate variable; 3. reference to {juice / cooking water} being used ; 4. reference to DCPIP ; 5. {reference to titration / description of titration} (of juice) ; 6. colour change of DCPIP e.g. from blue to {colourless / pink} as juice added / until stays blue as DCPIP added ; 7. reference to {comparison of volumes of DCPIP added to each / use of calibration curve / calculation of vitamin C concentration against known vitamin C solution} ; 8. reference to repeats ;



Question Number 8(a) (i)

Answer 1. group on diet Q loses more mass (overall in the 6 months) / eq ; 2. both groups lost mass in the first { 2 / 6 } months ; 3. the group on diet Q {lost the most mass / lost mass the fastest} in the first 2 months ; 4. between 2 and 6 months there was {no more loss of mass / slight increase in mass} in the group on diet P AND those on diet Q lost more mass / eq ; 5. credit correct manipulation of figures to compare mass loss between two of the groups ;



Question Number 8 (a) (ii)

Answer not following the diet {anymore / so strictly} / not doing so much exercise /eq ;



Question Number 8(a)(iii)

Answer Any two from: 1. gender / eq ; 2. age / eq ; 3. extent to which individuals were overweight / eq ; 4. occupation / eq ; 5. alcohol intake / eq ; 6. standardised exercise programme / amount of exercise taken eq ; 7. health / disability / stress / eq ; 8. timing of meals / eq ; 9. time of weighing / eq ;



Question Number 8(b)

Answer 1. idea that exercise uses energy ; 2. the {longer / more intense} the exercise, the more {energy used / weight loss} / eq ; 3. idea of {mass / weight} loss depends on energy input lower than energy output ; 4. idea that exercise increases metabolism / muscles use more energy than fat ;



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