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1. Define dip of a bedding plane. 2. What do you mean by true and apparent dip? 3. Draw a neat sketch to define pitch and plunge of a line. (2) 4. Two planes intersect along a horizontal line. Must one of them be horizontal? Show with the help of neat sketches. (3) 5. What is plunge of a line? How is it represented? 6. How is the attitude of a plane represented? 7. Can the pitch of a line be greater than its plunge? Explain your answer. On what situation(s) is the pitch of a line equal to its plunge? (2+3) [JDC Test] 8. A bed is exposed along vertical planes of different orientations. Which vertical plane would show maximum plunge for the trace of bedding plane? [JDC Test 1993] 9. A bed (30/60SE) is exposed on a sloping surface. The bed shows an outcrop width of 20m measured in a down-slope traverse trending 75. The surface slope is 30. Determine the true thickness of the bed. (10) [JU 2004] 10. What is strike direction? (2) 11. State the condition in which pitch of a line is equal to its amount of plunge. (3) [CU 2002] 12. Can the amount of pitch be equal to the amount of plunge of a line lying on an inclined plane? Explain. (4) [CU 2004]

13. Orientations of both planar and linear structural elements may be represented by points on a stereographic projection. Is the statement correct? Explain your answer. (4) [CU 2004]

14. In an area an inclined bed is exposed on an oppositely inclined surface. The

outcrop width of the bed is 200m, measured along a trend of 30O with respect to the strike of the bed. The slope of the inclined surface along this trend is 20O. The bed dips 60OE. Derive the basic equation, and determine the actual thickness of the bed. (10)

15. Sketch circles and plot the following planes and their poles. (i) Vertical plane trending N45
(ii) Inclined plane trending N and dipping 45OW

(iii) Horizontal plane (3) [IIT 1991]

16. An inclined (40O) bed is exposed on a ground surface sloping in the opposite

direction. The outcrop width is 200 ft. measured along a trend of 45O with respect to the strike of the bed. The inclination of the ground surface along this trend is 30O. Determine the actual thickness of the bed. (10) [JU 2002]


17. Describe the outcrop pattern when: (i) A horizontal bed is exposed along a valley (ii) A vertical dyke is exposed along a valley (3+3) 18. Describe the outcrop pattern when (i) A horizontal bed is exposed on an irregular surface (ii) A vertical bed is exposed on an irregular surface (iii) An inclined bed is exposed on a flat horizontal surface (2+2+2) [IIT] [IIT]

19. In a gully of a mountain slope the apex of the V-shaped outcrop of a bed points down-slope. Does the bed dip in the same direction of the slope or in the opposite direction? Is the bed gentler or steeper than the slope? (4) [CU 2001]
20. The map of an area with homoclinal beds show extremely irregular outcrops

of formational contacts, almost like ammonite suture. Can you infer anything about the dip of the contacts? (3) [CU 2002]
21. The boundary between two rock layers in a homoclinal sequence shows an

elliptical outcrop. Could this pattern be explained as due to the influence of topography? Justify your answer. (4) [CU 2004]

22. In what situation proceeding towards dip direction does one encounter the outcrops of progressively older beds? Illustrate with a sketch. (4) [CU 2007]


23. What is meant by bedding plane/surface? How can you recognise it? Discuss its significance. [10]

24. Name three types of primary sedimentary structures from which you can determine the direction of younging. [JU 2002]

25. How do cross stratification form within ripples of dunes? (2) [CU 2007] 26. Briefly describe three primary structures which may be used in the determination of stratigraphic top. (6) [CU 2004]

27. Interpret the nature of the contact surfaces in each of the following cases: (i) Subhorizontal contact surface between subhorizontal sedimentary rocks and overlying basalt (ii) Subhorizontal contact surface between underlying basalt and overlying subhorizontal sedimentary rocks (iii) Subhorizontal contact surface between overlying rhyolite and underlying gabbro
(iv) A contact surface dipping 70 360 between a group of

sedimentary rocks with the orientation of 270/70 N occurring in south of a group of folded metamorphic rock in the north. The cross lamination in the sedimentary rock to indicate younging to the south. (4X4) [CU 2001]

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