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My Philosophy

July 15th, 2011 Graeme Kilshaw Ever since our birth or creation, there has been a timeline leading us into unity with R1. Religions have a purpose, and there is a connecting purpose beyond religion. There is a moral law of the universe connecting all, past, present, and future. Presently it is more than just religions that are leading us into conscious thinking and unity. We live in stirring times. We recognize a creator governing us collectively. The great architect of R1 is our spirit. There is a spiritual foundation to our multidimensional fellowship. Our fellowship is old. It is not a new concept. Our fellowship is the ancient and primordial core of our human origin and our united destiny. Spiritual unity is the R1 axis. Programming for interdependent minds is the R1 medium. Diverse life is the R1 resource. We may live on, even after the transcendence of biology, in our human spirit. Humanity is deeply in need of a better united way. We are in need of an operating system that reveals our common humanity and enables us to transcend destructive selfishness. As a singular humanity, the operating system of R1 will enable us to collectively and individually participate and decide for a brighter future together. Togetherness goes beyond our sociology. Humanity and nature are one continuum of life. R1 makes a more perfect union of the continuum via conscious community based upon enlightened peaceful communications.

Humanity is naturally coming together beyond and despite our contrived divisions. The future of humanity is spiritually united and universal. R1 carries humanity forward and onward. R1 has improved upon, and will continue improving upon humanity everywhere it touches. R1 is changing our communities and expanding our interconnectivity. R1 is a window into the betterment of the human condition, beyond what we currently see and know. R1 is an opening into a brighter future for humanity. Language is evolving via the R1 code. As a result of the integration into R1, clarity and trust have been established. It is within the ability of humanity collectively to make positive changes. R1 respects our abilities to replace our old ways with new habits and patterns. The more conscious we are of the interdependence of the patterns we establish, the more likely we are to evolve into a peaceful and prosperous collective. As human beings developing ourselves via the R1 operating system, we are increasingly united in our understanding and peaceful in our ways. We are together the progenitor of future humanity and goodness. We are parting with war, hate, and fear of others via the aspect of our common humanity that transcends selfishness. Together we are creating a safer conscious environment that restores health from its sustainable conscious center. We see these conscious centers in the democracies. In all democracies, we are forever electing a balance that emerges from the best of our ideas; the best of the best of our one collective consciousness. Via these interconnected conscious centers, we are beginning to see

ourselves from a perspective that transcends our nationality and represents our more universal spirit. In this spirit, we think together via ever evolving conscious dialogue. We are finding a means of communication that transcends hollow words. Consciousness its self is refining its self like the metaphor of the alchemical transformation into enlightened gold. The alchemical wealth is united with the material. Wisdom creates the utility of R1, and the utility of R1 results in the just dispersion of both spiritual and temporal wealth. Wealth overflows from progressive information exchange systems. Wealth issues forth from the frequency of love-consciousness in golden light; from the warmth of the enlightened vibrations that brings hope and fulfillment into the many places of need. The fellowship of R1 leads us into a system that transcends useless conflict via greater wisdom. Only the peaceful transcendence of harmful conflict will ensure the survival of a compassionate and loving united consciousness. Life activism in R1 leads us to a better future for the great being of which we are all a part. R1 is not only a key for humanity. It is a key for all of life on earth, for all of our interdependent and unique species. R1 enables us to earn the key to safety and wellbeing for all. R1 enables us with our voice, to come together for the wellbeing of all. Love is working to link and draw together the elements of the universe into a brighter substance. Love, even beyond our present circumstance, acts as an agent of synergy enabling a more universally conscious being to emerge. Love is attracting

from the heart center, like a gravity of union in inner sight. The loving consciousness leads to greater understanding and empathy. It is naturally and courageously generous across our universe. There is a certain loving and reciprocal generosity in the energetic signature created by R1 united being. This may be because there is a higher loving benevolent power at work amongst us. R1 is working steadily to manifest the completion imagined by the Supreme Being. There is a balance of characteristics and circumstances around us all that is guiding us collectively into R1. The human instrument is becoming activated spiritually via the operating system that enables universal empathy and essential unity with the core of conscious life. In this loving consciousness, true freedom from all earthly constrains is likely possible. Love creates and begets better creation. Love transcends the biological imperative. Love is a spiritual union manifested by a supreme creative power. R1 is a spiritually centered heartintelligence. R1 is warming our globe from within via the interconnection of our hearts. R1 love is spiritually centering. It warms our open hearts from within, and guides us towards the ideal of our perfection as a complete and whole united being in cooperation with our destiny. Siding with true love ensures our collective survival. This love is warming us collectively from our hearts. We must not hide the warming light from our fellow human beings. The warmth of the human heart is meant to be shared. Every new generation is enabled more and more with an ability to comprehend and benefit from R1 conscious operating system. R1 is leading us collectively

towards truly conscious thinking and compassionate perception. More genuine values are manifested via the everwarming love we feel with universal humanity. In the struggle for more universal values, many diverse peoples are in the process of change. The globe is warming and reflecting our warming hearts. The warmth is the warmth of love for the human spirit. This R1 love is manifested and cultivated from within our hearts. We are gathering and approaching a unified light in the heart feeling of warmth and love for humanity. The warming is leading us into more conscious and public thinking. If a thought arises that is void of honor, such that we believe it would be better to hide the thought away, it is in our best interest to reform that thought into a publically acceptable one; perhaps one that reflects the needs of our one from many, R1. We are always transforming ourselves into a more conscious and united being via our individual and collective thoughts and actions. R1 is a catalyst in the present evolution and state of universal thought. R1 enables transcendence in consciousness. We have a dream that is coming together. New and loving forms of social cohesion and synthesis for humanity are manifesting as a result of our united actions and our dedication to the cause. A new understanding of all is increasingly possible. R1 serves the wellbeing of all interdependent conscious life. A network of ideas linked to all knowledge is steadily being manifested for our use. R1 is developing with and upon knowledge systems linked to many diverse networks. R1 is like a paradigm that allows for the many debates while steadily initiating the development of a conscious universal organism transcending the divisive biases, while respecting the

traditional values that keep us together. R1 enables identification with the truth of our values system and with the values of a more united humanity. The virtue of the R1 operating system is that it is more universal. It enables individuals to stand up for the collective, freely. It goes beyond our local knowledge by gathering universal knowledge. It extends us beyond our local perceptual awareness, and links us to our deeper spiritual connection with all. As an operating system, it greets truth in its deepest sense. Truth is not a superficial divisive mask leading to mutual hatred and blame. Truth is the resolution of hatred, and the unity resulting in a brighter future for all. The evolution into R1 conscious thinking is one step in an even bigger evolution into an undying conscious center. More and more, we have access to the conscious center via the networks we currently connect with. It is good. The operating system of united consciousness does not make an enemy of its self. It operates in many bodies, regardless of race or color. One emerges from many, and many cooperate in the merger into unity for the benefit of all. Once we graduate into the united operating system, we collectively and individually realize that no graduated human being is an enemy of any other human being. The graduated spiritual human being would never make an enemy of its self. The true self manifests its self in its own renewal. It renews its self in new connections and vehicles. R1 is a paradigm of spiritual unity that propagates an operating system enabling progressive information exchanges. The developmental information ecology is increasingly structured to

enable this unity via peaceful means. R1 allows us to recognize that we are all human beings with diverse needs and great aspirations. R1 is a starting place for new thought that leads to a peaceful society based upon unity in consciousness. The one equal humanity in R1 is currently capable of reprogramming our conscious operating systems for a brighter future. R1 is not merely another competing ideology. R1 transcends the national-type ideologies that divide us. The R1 operating system enables us to unite and synergize with eachother, regardless of our national or ethnic origin. New possibilities are emerging for constructive exchanges leading to great prosperity. Constructive debates are leading to a more perfect union via the united operating system of R1. Wholarchy-aware thinking is increasingly prevalent. Hierarchy is increasingly transcended. A united system based upon tangible, real values is tending towards the more perfect union. As conscious beings in perpetual transformation and motion, we are finding information systems enabling peace and prosperity rooted in our true spiritual unity. United consciousness is the root of the spiritual transcendence that governs the modalities of perception and technologies of selfexpression. Self and collective are interdependent and united. If used correctly, our united imaginations become very constructive in this reality. There are conscious energies we attract as individuals via the great power of attraction. Our exchanges of thoughts, feelings, words, and actions create energetic signatures that attract

similar signatures. In the midst of all these exchanges, R1 steers us towards clarity and understanding. Words are constructive if used intelligently and if motivated by love instead of anger. R1 enables more and more constructive dialogue. R1 internal worlds meet each-other via the connection of our deeds to their origins in united systems. We are ever the more united. The fellowship in our universe is evermore present in the unity of R1. Visualization enabling greater cohesion is enabled via the conscious thinking mechanisms of R1. R1 protects and enhances conscious and right human relations. It is our privilege as conscious beings to be able to make conscious changes in our lives and to share our conscious evolution with our fellow beings. More and more we are learning to come together, often in new ways. It is our duty. We must prevent mutually assured destruction. There is at this time emerging a purpose beyond sustainability and conservation of life. The purpose is perfecting our deeper truth, our deeper purpose. We are creating a more conscious community that goes beyond the physical and ideological borders that have caused alienation. R1 is an evolutionary center for individual and societal wellbeing. The ideal of a more perfect union is achieved via the conscious development of R1. R1 is composed by innovative and conscious thinkers united together via communications systems. R1 links us to greater wisdom. R1 gives us tools and technologies for transforming our world constructively. R1 enables us as conscious activists to be part of the next step in our evolutionary development into unity. There is a liberating form of new awareness that is spreading via R1 networks. Interdependent conscious centers are

converging via R1. R1 is enabling communities to flourish by living more deeply in connection with the best of our potential. R1 is enabling us to enliven and share our remarkable potential. R1 is enabling us to experience higher consciousness and thereby experience miracles and healing. R1 emerges from critical thought, and progresses into moral and spiritual unity. Intelligence is spiritual. Intelligence is not alien to spirituality. R1 universal humanity is intelligent, and has been intelligent for a very long time. R1 takes the best of the many religious persuasions. R1 is the next step of peaceful development into universalism and what we all want. R1 is enabling us to reject revenge, aggression, racism, war, and violence. R1 is enabling unity, love, and peace via nonviolent processes. There are many options we choose as individuals to enhance our local and nonlocal conditions fostering our collective evolution into unity in R1. R1 is a light that moves conscious life onward and forward into the spiritual unity we collectively seek for. Conscious thinking leads us individually and collectively into R1. R1 is a paradigm enabling a great leap into a future of united conscious thinking. It is a step forward for humankind that moves us out of fear and ignorance, and into universal peace. Peace is good. The main duality humanity faces has always been the duality of good versus evil. This duality, the duality of good versus evil, passes not through states or political parties or classes, but through every individual human being; through every soul. In the context of the duality of good versus evil, it is better to light a candle than to curse the dark. It is better to forgive than to

retaliate. It is better to live by example than to accuse others of wrongdoing. We must turn away evil with that which is better; the true good from within our hearts. Otherwise, the escalating retaliation could turn into the destruction of all we cherish. The potential for good within all hearts, particularly the hearts of the young, must not be ignored. It is contradictory to attempt to use unjust means to obtain justice. We must obtain justice from a loving core of right judgment. We must obtain justice from an operating system enabling unity of consciousness and learning. In the struggle of good versus evil, R1 enables the end of malice and disrespect via conscious thinking and conscious development. R1 enables us to create systems that follow rules, while being aware of the rules that other systems follow. Via R1, we learn to ignore the waste resulting from the mutual demonization of similar yet competitive manifestations of the same truth. We are learning to improve upon what exists, rather than demonizing or attempting to destroy the other. The struggle of good versus evil will determine whether we face a future of peace or of war. The life of R1 is more important than any war. In R1, there is holy, sacred peace. Holy human beings do not kill. Real human beings would not wage a holy war. There is no glory in war. War is the enemy of all. Too many young and innocent people have been sacrificed. Too many have died. It is a choice between life and death. We must be aware that Islam and Christianity are brothers in principle. If it appears that no way other than mutual destruction is possible, we must begin to look for new and better peaceful pathways. Today it is the task

of conscious beings to catalyze a change in thought that transcends militaristic and hate-based thinking. Peace will be reached via unity of purpose and global understanding issuing forth from the common operating system of R1 within many diverse human beings. R1 brings peace via the higher frequency of love-consciousness that has never failed humanity. Great leaders have always understood the spiritual root of nonviolent ways. We evolve together through nonviolent exchanges. War is no longer a viable option. War is a destructive waste of conscious life. Peace and constructive dialogue are enabled and maintained by united information systems resulting from conscious operating systems like R1. Peace is encouraged via intelligent and careful sharing. Via conscious thinking, R1 is making the world a better place. With R1 code bound to universal human values, the human condition everywhere, both internally and externally, is liberated from our struggles with injustice and terror. Justice and truth are flourishing more and more via R1. R1 is the core of universal human values. R1 will bring us the answers we are seeking. May God bless R1.


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