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The Fountain of Youth Report

How To Slow Down, Stop & Even Reverse The Aging Process and Regain & Increase All The Youthful Energy, Vitality & Sexual Passion You Once Enjoyed!
How to read this report: The best way is to set aside 15 minutes and read this report without distraction. The information in this report will quite literally transform your life and this time will be well-invested. If however you are short for time, you may want to first jump to the section Quick Summary to get the gist of it and then coming back at a later time to read the whole report. Either way, I hope you find this both enlightening and useful. Sincerely,

Joseph s. Kersey
Institute of Mens Health and Vitality

Content Part 1 The Key Part 2 The Missing Link Part 3 The Solutions Quick Summary Specific Supplements I Personally Use

~ Part 1 The Key ~

How To Slow Down, Stop & Even Reverse The Aging Process and Regain & Increase All The Youthful Energy, Vitality & Sexual Passion You Once Enjoyed!
Right off the bat, let's get one thing clear: I am not a doctor. What that means is, I am not here to give any medical advice. Almost everyone who writes about anything to do with a medical subject always tells you to "check with your doctor before following this or any other diet or health regimen." Is this good advice? In my opinion, the answer is mostly no. Why then, does nearly everyone who writes about health include a phrase about seeing your doctor first? The answer is easy: Its a disclaimer. And truth is I am no different from them. But heres the important thing: Does that mean I am about to reveal to you in this exciting report is any less meaningful or untrue? Far from it. The fact is the information youre about to learn will quite literally transformed your life. And I am dead serious about it. With that out of the way, lets get going. We are going to start, oddly enough, by talking about menopause. Menopause starts when a woman stops having her menstruation. It hits her like a brick wall. There is nothing gradual about it. She stops having periods, losses much of her estrogen (the hormone which is responsible for most of her feminine characteristics) and other hormones which are vital to her sense of well being. She gets "hot flashes." She becomes moody and cranky. She gets depressed. Sometimes, she thinks she is losing her mind. Her interest in sex drastically declines and she doesn't lubricate as she used to. In general, she becomes...

A Truly Miserable Creature! The physical effects of menopause I just described are horrible. As if that's not enough, men have always (and still do) underrate a woman's misery who is undergoing these changes. Men tend to dismiss all this suffering with an indulgent smile and a fatuous remark like, "Oh, she's just going through the change." 'Just going through the change'? Let me tell you something: From a genetic, biologically-imperative perspective, a woman's only job is to produce eggs ... and ... a man's only job is to fertilize those eggs. When a woman enters menopause, she ceases to produce eggs and, from nature's point of view There Is No Longer Any Need For Her Continued Existence! So, nature seems to lose interest in the woman's well-being and (this is just my opinion) start sending that woman "misery signals." These "misery signals" are nature's way of letting her know it might be time to consider the good parts of her life are over .. and ... it would be no big loss if, right about now, she would cease to exist. (Remember, this is nature's cruel part of life. I would never treat a woman like that.) A woman going through menopause is not 'just going through the change' no she is going through hell! Miracle-of-miracles, along comes Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT). Estrogen Replacement Therapy is just what it sounds like: A doctor simply replaces the estrogen a woman is no longer able to produce herself with estrogen produced from a lab. Perhaps ERT doesn't solve every unpleasant side effect of menopause but, it beats most of them and in many (if not most) cases, ERT literally... Gives A Menopausal Woman Her Life Back! So what about us Men? Good question. Men also go through something similar often referred to as "Andropause". This happens as a man's testosterone level declines. Only with men, this doesn't happen in the blink-of-an-eye as menopause happens with women. The so-called male menopause (or andropause) is a much more gradual process. However, in what we now think of as mid-life

crisis, many mans testosterone level has declined enough to cause him some real problems... and one of the main problem men care about is ... those rock-hard ("diamond cutter") erections. During this stage of a mans life, they just don't happen like they used to. Ah, but not to worry because... We Now Have Viagra! Viagra is a great product. Pop one of those little blue pills and... unless you have a fairly serious health problem... that little soldier of yours is going to stand up and salute the flag just like he used to There is one issue with Viagra however and that is it does not address the problem of dropping libido, the desire to have sex. Where you used to think of sex every hour and feel really horny, it just doesnt happen anymore. Sex (or trying to have sex) without erection is impossible. But sex without desire is a chore! Now, don't get me wrong: Viagra is truly a "wonder drug" which has dramatically increased the happiness of millions of men. But, it only treats one specific symptom of a declining testosterone level. It does not improve your libido and it does nothing about the underlying real problem which is A Constantly Declining Testosterone Level Surely we can do much, much better, cant we? Doesn't it seem obvious if estrogen replacement dramatically enhances the life of a menopausal woman giving testosterone to a man who is not a "young Turk" any more will solve many of his problems?

"If I told you that one key substance in the body is more powerful than any other health factor, is more closely linked to risk of illness if and when a deficiency occurs, is more misunderstood, more improperly used, and more tragically underused than any other, what would it be?

Testosterone! I have studied it, prescribed it, and watched the responses of my patients -hundreds of them. I challenge anyone to find a more diversely positive factor in men's health. When normally abundant, it is at the core of energy, strength, stamina, and sexuality. When deficient, it is at the core of disease and early demise. Testosterone deficiency has been an unrecognized syndrome that impacts every sinew and cell in the body. It is powerfully linked to nearly every major degenerative disease. Use of this remarkable healing hormone could reverse suffering and prevent early death. My research uncovered a mountain of medical literature that has been basically ignored supporting its benefits. I was taught that there was no male menopause and for years accepted that as fact. A series of events in my own health and the discovery that several pioneering physicians held entirely differing points of view changed my mind and transformed my conception of age-related illness and preventive medicine. Until that point, I had seen aging as an unrelenting natural process that it was best to accept gracefully. Preventive medicine was an attempt to treat or modify specific risk factors that, like a sleeping lion, would jump up and bite you later in life. My perspective changed dramatically. Clearly, preventive medicine would "widen in scope if it turned out aging was reversible. And, to a significant extent, it is. The male menopause, a grim milestone in the middle passage of a man's life, can be rolled back. Testosterone decline is at the core of that male menopause (and a key element in the female menopause as well). Naturally, the two sexes have a different experience of midlife menopausal change. In women, there is an explosion of in-your-face symptoms, while men's very similar symptoms sneak in the back door unexpectedly like a thief in the night. Too often, loss of energy, ambition, sexual drive, and a host of minor symptoms are written off as 'burnout' or depression. Women, meanwhile, have already learned that hormone replacement therapy results in reversal of the physical changes of menopause. Men, confronted by an information vacuum, still need to make the same discovery.

There are, of course, scientists on both sides of the fence. Even after forty years of experience, few subjects engender more emotion and controversy than estrogen replacement for women. Yet the vast majority of studies show a risk-benefit ratio that emphatically favors the camp of hormonal replacement. The considerable literature on testosterone replacement shows a very similar balance of benefit over risk. Keep that in mind and remember that quality of life is clearly the cornerstone of all treatment decisions. Why have the subject of male menopause and the advantages of testosterone therapy taken so long to surface? One can only speculate. Perhaps the unspeakable spectre of impotence is at the root of silence. Perhaps it simply takes time for new ideas to rise into the medical mainstream. Old dogmas and clinical habits die hard. It is well for us not to rashly assume that every new nostrum has value, but resistance in the face of overwhelming science has no excuse. To prevent the suffering of many is, for me, a powerful motivator. That is why I wrote this book. Resistance will fade. Testosterone replacement therapy has every prospect of becoming for men what estrogen therapy is now for millions of women. The male menopause, a real tragedy in the middle of the average man, has had its day. I am going to put a stake through its ugly little heart. I promised

- Eugene R Shippen, M.D

What you just read is the Preface of a book called "The Testosterone Syndrome" and is subtitled, "The Critical Factor For Energy, Health, & Sexuality -- Reversing The Male Menopause." This book is written by Eugene R. Shippen, M.D. and William Fryer. So does that mean we have found the holy grail the key to the Fountain of Youth? Is it true with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), we men can once again enjoy the youthful energy we once had, and that steel hard erection and raging libido we once possessed? Well, the answer is Yes and No.

Yes because testosterone is the key to slow down, stop and even reverse the aging process in Men. But No because as with all pharmaceutical medications, there are always side effects to content with. And in the case of TRT, the side effects turn out to be very nasty. Dangers of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Side effects of TRT are aplenty. Just reading about them is mind-boggling and it makes me wonder do the docs know what they are doing to their patients when they stick a syringe of synthetic testosterone into their patient? One of the most undesirable side effects of TRT is the shrinkage of the male genitals (the penile and testes). The medical term for the condition is known as "testicular atrophy". With prolonged usage, your penis will shrink to the size of your little finger. Now imagine this. You get a high sex drive with testosterone replacement, yes, but your erected penis is reduced to the size of your thumb. Not a very good scenario, isn't it? Why would this happen, you asked. Good question. You see, synthetic testosterone acts like your bodys own testosterone. Therefore when it is introduced into your body, through your hormonal feedback system, synthetic testosterone causes your Leydig cells to shut down production of your own natural testosterone. It is absurd to think that man-made chemical substances are able to replace mother-nature. It cant. And In the case of TRT, it certainly does not. The renowned Mayo Clinic lists the following side effects with exogenous (external and synthetic) testosterone replacement therapy: Cause skin reactions Cause fluid retention Cause baldness Cause or aggravate sleep apnea (brief, repeated cessation of breathing during sleep) Stimulate non-cancerous (benign) growth of the prostate and cause or worsen urinary symptoms

Stimulate growth of prostate cancer that's already present Enlarge breasts Stimulate growth of breast cancer that's already present Cause testicle shrinkage (testicular atrophy) Limit sperm production (infertility) Stimulate excess blood production

I'm sure you agree with me. Its not a pretty picture. In spite of this, the number of prescriptions for testosterone replacement therapy has increases over the years. And I believe the primary reason is the lack of emphasis by doctors and pharmaceutical companies on the negative side effects of the treatment. But now that you know be careful if your doctors suggest TRT. It has its pros but the cons are way too much to contend with in my opinion. What a bummer. Seems like were heading backward, arent we? This is like finding the treasure chest but on opening it, we let out a hive of hornets coming after us with a vengeance. Well, not really. We know without a doubt the key to the Fountain of Youth is to increase our testosterone level. And one of the ways to do so is through TRT though the side effects of that are way too unpleasant. Continuing along this train of thoughts, is there any way then. for us boost our testosterone level back to youth level naturally. The answer is YES. There are ways to do so through diet, exercises and natural supplements. Part 3 of this report will address that along with a powerful and little known herbal supplements available for the first time. But before that, I urge you to read Part 2 carefully. Turns out increasing your testosterone level is only part of the equation.

~ Part 2 The Missing Link ~

The Missing Link Keeping The Estrogen-Testosterone Balance

In the previous part of this report, you discover the key to the fountain-ofyouth for men. The magic that occurs within your body when your testosterone level is restored to its youthful level. But what happens when boosting your testosterone levels fails to eliminate the symptoms of andropause? What happens when you do not experience the wonders of a re-vitalized sex life. Does that mean we are on the wrong track? Does that mean increasing your testosterone level is useless? Far from it. Turns out, theres another element that is equally important in the whole equation and that is Estrogen. Men are taken by surprise whenever I mention estrogen. Isnt that a female hormone? (and yes it is). So what has that got to do with me? These are typical reactions and heres the scope: Estrogen is produced naturally in men as part of our natural hormonal makeup via an enzyme call aromatase. This Enzyme Takes Testosterone & Converts it to Estrogen. Aromatase is most commonly found in our brain, bone, fats and skin cells. These are the cells that require sufficient level of estrogen to function properly. Therefore having a certain amount of estrogen is normal and healthy and is essential for healthy brain function and bone strength. However problems occur when your estrogen-to-testosterone ratio goes out of balance. That means having too much estrogen than it is necessary for the normal functioning of a healthy male. So what happens when you have excessive estrogen floating around in your body?

In such a situation, estrogen will attach itself and displace testosterone at its various cellular receptor sites. The result of that is a collection of symptoms we call andropause that includes reduced sexual response and loss of libido among other things. Other biological and cellular processes associated with excessive levels of estrogen include: The shut down of normal testicular production of testosterone. Excess estrogen can saturate testosterone receptors in the hypothalamus in the brain thereby reducing the signal sent to the pituitary gland. This in turn reduces the secretion of luteinizing hormone, which is necessary for the gonads to produce testosterone. In other words, excess estrogen signals to your body to produce less testosterone. Increasing the body's production of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG binds to testosterone therefore reducing the amount of free testosterone in the blood available to cell receptor sites.

Let me segway for a while and talk to you a little about free testosterone. You see, most of the testosterone in a mans body is bound to other substances in our blood and not readily available. Free testosterone the unbound portion typically constitutes 2 to 3 percent in a young man and gets lesser and as we age. Free testosterone is the real hormonal gold responsible for strength in our muscle, fat loss, sexual performance and energetic vitality. So the trick is not just to increase overall testosterone but also to increase free testosterone level. Now going back to estrogen Excessive amount of this hormone in men has also been linked to longterm health risks (in men) including an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. It is a well known fact that estrogen causes increases in clotting factor as well as the narrowing of the coronary arteries in men leading to heart attacks. In fact, recent researches have confirmed that high estrogen level in men increases the risks of heart attacks. So What Causes Estrogen-Testosterone Imbalance?


There are numerous factors that cause estrogen to elevate to undesirable level in men and they can be classified into two categories: 1. Increase in estrogen due to increase in aromatase activities in our body. Aromatase takes testosterone and converts it to estrogen hence causing a decline in testosterone level. 2. Decline in our bodys ability to eliminate excessive estrogen causing a buildup of estrogen which in turns leads to a decrease of testosterone production. Common factors that contributes to the above includes: Aging As we age, there is an increase in the enzyme aromatase due to the increase weight gain and these lead to more testosterone being converted to estrogen. Also as we age, our bodys ability to remove excess estrogen is diminished. Obesity Being overweight leads to an increase in estrogen. Fat cells contain large amount of the enzyme aromatase which leads to the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Zinc Deficiency Zinc inhibits the levels of aromatase activities. Therefore a deficiency in zinc leads to an increase in aromatase activity. And zinc deficiency is not uncommon. As a matter of fact, because of our lifestyle, we are deficiency in just about every nutrients and vitamins. Impaired Liver Function A healthy liver is needed to eliminate excess estrogen in our body. However, alcohol, drugs and toxic elements within our food supply and environment impairs the function of our liver thus resulting in excess estrogen in our body. The Vicious Cycle that Spins Out of Control


By now, you may be seeing the vicious cycle that is driving imbalances in our hormonal make-up - Too much estrogen and too little testosterone. The negative effects feed on each other causing the amount of free testosterone to decrease rapidly and estrogen level to go out of control. When your estrogen level crept up, it increases the production of SHBG which binds the free testosterone in our body. Higher estrogen level also signals our body to produce less testosterone hence further decreasing the amount of free testosterone. A low testosterone level pre-dispose a man to gain weight and new research has demonstrated that low testosterone may very likely be the cause of middle-age weight gain. This weight gain in turns increases the estrogen level (due to aromatase activities in fat cells) which lead to even lower testosterone which leads to further weight gain, which again lead to higher estrogen, and so on. To add fuel to the fire, alcohol consumption, smoking, drugs and the lack of key minerals like zinc further increases the level of estrogen and decrease of testosterone and the cycle continues. To Conclude Part 2 You now see that an increase in testosterone level is not the only key to relieving the symptoms of male menopause. If your testosterone goes up but your estrogen level goes up even quicker, you may in fact feel worse. The key to restoring the youthful vitality and sexual prowess you once enjoy is to increase the amount of free testosterone in our body and to do so, we have to: Increase testosterone production Inhibit aromatase activities Reducing SHBG binding to testosterone Eliminate excess estrogen

Part 3 of this report explores some how we can most effectively achieve the above through lifestyle changes and use of herbs and supplements.


~ Part 3 The Solutions ~

Lifestyle Changes, Herbs & Supplements for Boosting Your Free Testosterone Level to Youthful Level
I am going to come right off the gate and be the unpopular guy. First and foremost, the most important thing you can do is to make lifestyle changes if necessary. If right now youre obese and overweight, drink too much alcohol (especially beer), not exercising, not eating nutritious food and not getting enough sleep, then you definitely want to look into this area. Yes, it is not easy but the benefits are worth the effort. There are two areas you definitely want to work on: Overweight The enzyme aromatase is found abundantly in fat cells. As you read in part 2, aromatase converts testosterone to estrogen. So it makes sense to do something about your weight issue if youre overweight. There is abundant information and programs on losing weight. The most important advice I can give is to make the firm decision to lose weight and doing a program (combination of diet and exercise) you like and sticking to it. Excessive Alcohol consumption Alcohol is good for our body when taken in moderation. But too much of it will over-tax our liver which is responsible for the removal of waste and toxic material including excessive estrogen. Excessive alcohol consumption impairs the function of our liver resulting in inefficient elimination of estrogen. Also you want to avoid beer. More specifically, beer that contains hops. Hops is very commonly used in the brewing of beer. What is not well-


known is hops is one of the most powerful estrogenic plant on Earth. Most of it is the very potent form of estrogen known as estradiol. Taken into our body, it directly upsets our testosterone/estrogen balance. Herbs and Supplements that Boost Testosterone Levels, Inhibit Aromatase, Reduce SHBG Binding and Eliminate Excess Estrogen Specifically there are 4 steps to boosting our overall and free testosterone to youthful levels and they are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Boost testosterone production Reduce aromatase Reduce SHBG binding to testosterone Eliminate excess estrogen

In the section below, I am going to reveal some of the most potent herbs and supplements you can use to achieve the above. 1. Boosting Testosterone Production There is a little-known herb call Tongkat Ali which I have personally found to be extremely effective in boosting my testosterone production. It is now my supplement of choice for this purpose. Tongkat Ali (Latin name: Eurycoma Longifolia Jack) Tongkat Ali is a somewhat rare herb found only in the lush virgin tropical rainforest of Indonesia. It can also be found in Malaysia but since 2003, it has been declared as a protected herb and harvesting is illegal. How Tongkat Ali Works Naturally Within Your Body To Boost Your Testosterone Level You read previously that with testosterone replacement therapy, synthetic testosterone is introduced into your body and it starts to acts like your body's own testosterone. What happens next is your pituitary gland will signal to your Leydig cell and other testosterone synthesizing cell to stop its natural testosterone production. The mechanism of action of Tongkat Ali is the opposite.


First of all, it is not a synthetic testosterone product. It can't be since its a natural herb. What it does instead is... it increases your body's own testosterone production by stimulating the secretion of Luteinzing Hormones (LH) which in turns stimulates the Leydig cells of your testicles to produce testosterone. Tongkat Ali also appears to raise our body's levels of free testosterone. A large proportion of the testosterone that circulates in your body is bounded by a protein call SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). Testosterone that is bound to SHBG is considered ineffective. Only free testosterone exerts the effects that are attributed to the hormone: one androgenic (masculinzing and sexualizing, both physiologically and mentally, and thus enhancing libido) and the other anabolic (building tissue, mainly muscle). There is no doubt that Tongkat Ali root extract in sufficient dosage and concentration increases your testosterone level. And the increase in testosterone level no doubts lead to: A high sex drive and libido Longer, harder and more spontaneous erection Improve muscle mass and strength A boost in energy and vitality Increase bone mineral density A sense of well being Improve cognitive function

Watch Out When Buying Tongkat Ali Supplement Before you rush out and get any Tongkat Ali supplement that comes into your sight, be aware that most of the supplements out there do not work. So in the final section of this report, I included a section call Tongkat Ali Buying Rules to assist you in making the right purchase decision. Tribulus Terrestris The next herb with a reputation for raising testosterone level is called Tribulus Terrestris. Chances are you have already heard about this herb so lets start with what to watch out for when buying Tribulus Terrestris supplements.


Both Bulgarian (Bulgaria is the country where the active ingredients in Tribulus Terrestris was first extracted) and follow-up American clinical studies shows that in order to positively affect the LH-testosterone level, the substance protodioscin has to present in significant amount. Tribulus Terrestris grows around the world. However studies have shown that the American, Indian and Asia variations contain no significant amount of protodioscin. From the International Journal of Andrology:
Preliminary observations suggest that Tribulus terrestris L grown on different soils does not consistently produce the active component protodioscin.

So if youre looking to give Tribulus Terrestris a try, it is best to purchase supplement where the raw plant material Tribulus Terrestris originates from Bulgaria. Reducing Aromatase (Conversion from Testosterone to Estrogen) Next we move on to tackle the issue of aromatase. There is no benefit in increasing overall testosterone level if it is eventually being converted to estrogen. Therefore it is important to decrease aromatase activities so there is ample amount of free testosterone in our body. Also excessive estrogen binds to testosterone-receptor sites in your body and signals to your body to reduce the production of testosterone. Chrysin In a study published in the Journal of Steroid Chemical Molecular Biology, (1993, vol 46, no 3), chrysin and 10 other flavonoids were compared to an aromatase-inhibiting drug (aminoglutethimide). The studies tested the aromatase-inhibiting effects of these natural flavonoids in human fat cell cultures. Chrysin was the most potent and was shown to be equally effective as the aromatase-inhibiting drug. The issue is chrysin is not easily absorbed into our bloodstream. However in 1999, a study published by Biochemical Pharmacology (1999, vol 58), the reason and mechanism behind the poor absorption of chrysin was identified and the solution is combine chrysin with piperine (also known as Bioperine).


So to effectively reduce aromastase naturally, take chrysin combined with Bioperine. Zinc Supplementation Zinc is a natural suppressor of aromatase activities. However due to our lifestyle and a continuing depletion of minerals in our food supply, our body is not getting the required amount of zinc. Furthermore, studies has shown our favorite drug-beverage coffee leeches zinc out of our body. Therefore zinc supplementation is a must. You can get zinc supplements from just about anywhere. Or consume lots of food that is high in zinc such as oysters, pumpkin seeds etc. Alternatively you may want to consider using a mineral supplement formulated for the express purpose of supporting testosterone production such as ZMA. 3. Reducing SHBG binding to Testosterone Testosterone bound to SHBG is biologically inactive. Only free testosterone can be use by our body. To reduce binding of SHBG binding to testosterone, take the extract of Stinging Nettle Roots. Recent European studies have identify consitieunts of nettle toots that bind to SHBG in place of testosterone, thus reducing SHBG binding to testosterone. 4. Eliminating Excess Estrogen The liver is the organ responsible for the elimination excess estrogen along with other toxic substances in our body. So any food or herb thats good for the liver is good for the purpose of eliminating excess estrogen. Specifically though, I want to talk about our livers phase II detoxification pathway which is responsible for excreting excess estrogen through glucuronidation.


During phase II detoxification, chemical carcinogens, steroid hormones (estrogen for example) and other lipid-soluble toxic substance are conjugated with glucuronic acid in the liver and excreted through the biliary tract. However this process is upset by the enzyme beta-glucuronidase which is capable of de-conjugating these potential toxins allowing them to be reabsorb into our body. Calcium-D-Glucurate A naturally produced substance in human call calcium-d-glucurate has been shown to be an effective inhibitor of beta-glucuronidase hence enabling toxic substance to be successfully excreted. However, since it is only produced in small amounts by humans, it is important that dietary intake be adequate. Diets low in fruits and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, and brussel sprouts) may result in a relative deficiency of calcium-D-glucarate and its metabolites. This results in a higher level of beta-glucuronidase which causes toxins like estrogen to be re-absorb into our body before it can be excreted. So to assist our liver in eliminating excess estrogen, take the supplement calcium-d-glucurate. To Conclude Part 3 Lifestyle (including food), herbs and supplements all play an important part in maintaining our free testosterone at youthful level and keeping estrogen at bay. So I would encourage you to embark on a simple program of lifestyle change and start taking the recommended herbal supplements. For specific supplements recommendations, click here


Final Words Arguably, the greatest discovery of this century was that of atomic energy which could be expressed by Einstein's theory of relativity which was simply... E=mc2. How much are those simple letters "E=mc2" worth? Although they only take up perhaps one inch of space on one line of paper, those simple letters are worth untold trillions of dollars. If you come across a safe which has ten million dollars locked inside of it ... and ... you are told a simple 10-digit combination is necessary to open that safe ... how valuable to you are those simple ten digits? The point I'm making is, there are many people who judge the worth or the value of information by the volume or the weight of how that information was delivered to them. Many people think a 300-page hard cover book filled with nothing but gibberish is worth many times more than a 50-page paperback filled with hard-hitting data and advice; data and advice so valuable, it literally changes their lives. This report of mine, "How To Slow Down, Stop And Even Reverse The Aging Process And Regain And Increase All The Youthful Energy, Vitality And Sexual Passion You Once Enjoyed!" does not contain many pages. Nor is this report of mine fancied up with a binder or a hard cover. Matter of fact, if you would put this report on a scale, it wouldn't even measure up to half-a-pound. But on the other hand... I want you to know I have just given you the core facts pertaining to recapturing and maintaining your health which took me several years of research to discover. If you're one of those people who gives worth and value to information by its volume and weight, you're probably disappointed with this report. However, if you're one of those people who gives worth and value to information by its enlightenment and knowledge, you'll appreciate the contents of this report. You're probably someone who can appreciate an idea capable of changing your life found scribbled on a napkin or written on the back of an envelope. The "presentation" of the information doesn't matter the information itself is what's vital.


I could have written 200 pages more in this report but, it was pointless. Stripped down of all the mumbo-jumbo, you've got it now. You've got the secret. You now have information which isn't even possessed by one out of a thousand doctors. It is my heartfelt hope you understand and use this discovery to recapture your youth, health, sexual vigor and vitality. Thank you for reading this report. It is hard these days to find people like you who have an inquiring mind. So go get'em Tiger! Go slow down the aging process ... and ... regain and increase all the youthful energy, vitality and sexual passion you once enjoyed! Sincerely,

Joseph s. Kersey
Institute of Mens Health and Vitality

PS: The next section is a quick summary. And after the quick summary is the Supplements Guide and Recommendations where I share with you what I personally use a along with a special offer for you. To go right to the Supplements Guide and Recommendations, click here


~ Quick Summary ~

Part 1 The Key

Testosterone is the main male hormone responsible for healthy sexual function along with bone and muscle growth. As we grow older, the level of testosterone in our body decline. This results in maladies of all kinds commonly experience by men over 40. This has been term Andropause by the medical community Andropause symptoms includes: * * * * * Low sex drive Weak erection Weight gain Loss of vitality and well-being Loss of muscle and bone density

Therefore the key to the fountain of youth is to boost our testosterone back to its youthful level, safely and naturally.

Part 2 The Missing Link

Raising testosterone is crucial but it is just the first part. We also have to inhibit aromatase activities which convert testosterone to estrogen. We also have to reduce SHBG binding to testosterone so that it is freely available. Finally we have to eliminate excess estrogen in our body because it signals to our brain to produce less testosterone and increases SHBG production thus creating a vicious cycle. To summarize the process:


* First increase testosterone production * Next: Inhibit aromatase activities Reduce SHBG binding to testosterone Eliminate excess estrogen

Part 3 The Solution

To stimulate testosterone production, take Tongkat Ali extract supplement. Tribulus Terrestris may be helpful as well To inhibit aromatase, take chrysin. Supplement your zinc intake as well To reduce SHBG binding, take extract of nettle root To help our liver eliminate excess estrogen, take calcium-dglucurate. Also any herbs (milk thistle) or food that is good for our liver is helpful

For the specific supplements I personally use, please go on the next page.


~ Supplements Guide & Recommendations ~

These are the supplements I personally use and I recommend them. But a disclaimer upfront: While Im not paid to endorse products, I know Sam (the owner of Pure Science Supplements) personally and trust him. So with this out of the way, heres what I personally use: Boosting Testosterone Production with Tongkat Ali I consider this first step the most important. And for this purpose I take a pure Tongkat Ali root extract supplement call SD-200 from Pure Science Supplements. SD-200 is a Tongkat Ali root pure extract supplement. It is bar none, the most powerful herbal supplement for boosting testosterone I have found. But you got to watch out when buying Tongkat Ali supplement because not all of them are born equal. In fact most of the Tongkat Ali supplements out there dont work either because the extract strength is not potent enough or the dosage is insufficient. SD-200 has an extract strength of 1:200, the strongest in the market. And each capsule contains 300 mg of this potent extract, 5 times more than any other average Tongkat Ali product in the market. Click here to go to SD-200 website Even if you decide not to go with SD-200, be sure to adhere to the following buying rules so you get the most for your money.

Tongkat Ali Buying Rules So You Get The Best For Your Money
By now, I'm sure you are pretty excited and you want to get your hand on some Tongkat Ali. There are a few things you must watch out for when buying Tongkat Ali online. Here they are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Buy Buy Buy And Tongkat Ali Root Extract and not just Tongkat Ali Tongkat Ali extract that specifies the concentration. Too low, it doesn't work. a product that contains Tongkat Ali extract and Tongkat Ali Extract only finally if possible, buy Indonesian and not Malaysia Tongkat Ali.

The active ingredient within Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack) roots is only present in miniscule amounts. Therefore, products that contain only 'Tongkat Ali powder' just isn't going to do the job. Hence only go for products thats Tongkat Ali extract.


And even that isn't enough. It is important to also take note of the concentration of the extract. For example, an extract that is 1:50 means 50 gram of Tongkat Ali root is used to produce 1 gram of extract. An extract that is 1:100 uses 100 gram of root to produced 1 gram of extract. And 1:200 is even more concentrated with 200 gram of roots being used to produce 1 gram of extract. Thus among the various Tongkat Ali extracts cited above, 1:200 is the most concentrated and potent. Watch out if a product simply says 'Tongkat Ali extract' without specifying the extract strength. The concentration could be 1:5 or just 1:2. Technically it is still an extract. But therapeutically, it feels like nothing because the concentration just isn't high enough to have any impact on your body.

Inhibiting Aromatse, Reduce SHBG binding and Eliminate Estrogen There are many people who get stunning results with just SD-200 alone. However I like to compliment SD-200 with another supplement call AE-3. But for best effects, take supplements to eliminate the 3 enemies of testosterone from wrecking havoc. A quick reminder here, the 3 enemies are: 1. Aromatase 2. SHBG binding to testosterone 3. Excessive estrogens For this purpose, I take AE-3, a nutritional supplement specially design to reduce aromatase and SHBG binding to testosterone and eliminate excessive estrogens. AE-3 comes in two bottles and: Bottle 1 contains: Chrysin Bioperine (to increase absorption of chrysin) Nettle Root extract Calcium-D-Glucurate

Bottle 2 contains:

Chrysin (with Bioperine) as you read in this report is the most effective supplement for reducing aromatase. Combine with nettle root extract to minimize SHBG binding to testosterone, this powerful 3-in-1 formula ensures maximum amount of free testosterone in our body. Calcium-D-Glucurate assist in a liver detoxification process call glucuronidation which remove excess estrogen and other toxins in our


body. So in short, AE-3 does everything. Click here to go to AE-3 website

Special Offer for You

I have arranged with Sam Lee Harrison to give you a special deal. And Sam was happy to do so because he knew that readers of this report are serious about improving their life. So here you go: Option 1 - Two months supply of SD-200 and AE-3. 2-months supply of SD-200 (usual price: $157.90) 2-months supply of AE-3 (usual price: $128.40)

The total price for the above is $286.30. But for you, its only $256.30. You save $30 dollars off the usual plus you will receive a FREE 2-months supply of Zinc Gluconate supplement In a nutshell: You save $30 off the usual and You receive 2-months supply of zinc supplement

Click here to take advantage of this offer Option 2 Two months supply of SD-200 only This option is for those who wish to test the water and give SD-200 a try. The usual price for a 2-months supply of SD-200 is $157.90. But for you, its only $147.90. You save $10 off the usual. Click here to take advantage of this offer


Hassle-Free 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee It is unlikely you will ask for a refund but in the rare event SD-200 does not work for you, Sam offers the most liberal money-back guarantee I have seen. Once you receive SD-200, take it immediately. If you do not feel an immediate difference in your well-being and sexual performance, simply email Sam for a prompt and complete refund. This is not a misprint. Just send an email and Sam will honor your request. Testimonials for SD-200
Yes, I received the product three days ago, immediately began taking it according to directions, and have already regained my teenage youthful vigor! I didn't expect this. Yesterday, I went to the gym to lift weights and afterwards did several hours of grueling yard work with my wife-- and this morning how did I feel? No back pain-- none at all, which is unbelievable for me. My whole body is completely recovered! I really could do it all over again today-- and probably will (there's still much to be done). Also seeing and feeling improvements in the "plumbing". Indeed, SD-200 is like the fountain of youth. - Brad F - Alabama, USA

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes I received the SD-200 package several days ago and I'm already experiencing excellent results. This is exactly what I've been looking for. There's too many products on the open market that include large amounts of different aphrodisiac enhancers which do nothing but give one a constant "horny" feeling and offers hardly any support for boosting the testosterone level at all. What good does it do to feel as horny as a raging bull if your testosterone level is next to none? You might as well go big game hunting with an unloaded gun. But I have to tell you I spent last night feeling a rejuvenating rush pulsating all through my body and this is one 56 year old that's beginning to feel like a teenager all over again. My girlfriend is on a visit with family and not due back for two weeks. She's 9 years younger. Always supportive and understanding. Man, is she in for a surprise! LOL! Thank you Sam! - Stewart - Colorado, USA

More testimonials at


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