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Common name Celery seed (E) Sanskrit Ajmoda Latin Apium graveolens Semen (Umbelliferae) As with all members of the Umbelliferae family with their ascendant flower and seed heads, this is a digestive lightener. Its pungency and aromatic nature activate the digestive process and make light work of heavy food. Literally meaning goats delight, Ajmoda is a delicious shrub. ENERGETICS Rasa (taste) Pungent Virya (energy) Heating Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Pungent Guna (quality) Light, dry, penetrating Dosha effect VK-, P+ Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, marrow, nerve Srota (channel) Digestive, respiratory, nervous, urinary CONSTITUENTS Volatile oils d-limonene, alpha-selinine, santalol, Flavonoids Apiin, apigenin Coumarins Bergapten, celeroside, isopimpinellin BIO-MEDICAL ACTION Anti-spasmodic, carminative, nervine, emmenagogue, diuretic, broncho-dilator, expectorant INDICATIONS Lungs Asthma, bronchitis, cough, sinus congestion. It actively helps to dilate the bronchioles by preventing spasm in the airways. It positively affects the flow of prana and udana vayu. Excess mucus accumulation, a sign of aggravated avalambaka kapha is digested.2 GIT Flatulence, borborygmus and intestinal cramps. Low agni is stimulated by the pungent volatile oils. Samana vayu is regulated and apana vayu encouraged to flow freely downwards. It encourages the natural movement of digestion downwards.3 Nerves Spasms, cramps and muscular tension. Obstructed vata is released by reducing tension throughout the whole nervous system; this directly regulates the tension versus relaxation balance in the smooth muscles. Ajmoda benefits heart pain caused by nervous constriction.4 As an antispasmodic with an affinity for the lower abdomen it can also help ease the pain of dysmenorrhoea and menstrual cramps. Urine Ajmoda seed is a specific herb for treating kidney and bladder discomfort from cold; frequent, pale urine with lower back ache and nocturia.5 Caution should be observed in kidney inflammation as the volatile oils may cause irritation.6 Conversely, the vegetable stalk heals the urinary system afflicted with problems from heat, such as urinary irritation, cystitis, pain and frequent, dark urination with burning. AYURVEDIC ACTION
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Frawley and Lad Tierra 1988 4 Bhavaprakasha 5 Bhavaprakasha 6 BHMA, 1992

Sebastian Pole 2006

Deepana Awakens digestion Pachaka Digestive Shula prasamana Alleviates intestinal spasms Shwasa Benefits breathing Anuloma Mild laxative, corrects the flow of vata Amanashak Toxin digester COMBINATIONS + Ginger, Fennel, Cardamom, Cumin, Coriander for obstructed vata and digestive discomfort. + Pippali, Anthrapachaka, Haritaki for vata-kapha induced cough. + Jatamansi, Brahmi, Tagarah for debilitated nervous system and high vata. CONTRAINDICATIONS High pitta; hyperacidity It is safe in pregnancy despite mistaken concerns regarding celery seed containing the contraindicated apiol. SAFETY No drug herb interactions are known. DOSAGE 250mg5g/day or 315ml of a 1:3 @ 60% tincture. NOTES * It grows in dry soil; according to the doctrine of signatures this indicates its ability to oppose moisture and absorb damp mucusy conditions * It clears ama and general stagnation; it has an aromatic nature that warms and disperses cold, wet and damp symptoms. * Its pungent aroma is expansive and opening and, like the petals of its flower head, is dispersing and spreading outwards. It regulates prana, udana, samana and apana vayu, which helps to balance the entire nervous system. Whilst there is some concern regarding the furanocoumarin content causing phototoxicity, celery seed is a very safe remedy. Caution should be observed if using ultraviolet treatment.7

Bone 2003

Sebastian Pole 2006

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