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Special characteristics of plants

1. Cactus/cacti (kaktus)

-native plants of desert eventhough

little rainfall (turun hujan )

has very

How can cacttus survive in desert ? Because they regulate their water usage effectively. Why like that ? a. the stem ( batang ) is composed (tersusun) of spongy tissue (jaringan spons) so that is to store a large amount of water as reservation in dry season. b. The roots are many and spread several centimeters underground . It can absorb water from infrenquent rainfall( air hujan yg sesekali turun)

c. Spine shaped leaves. to proctect water loss through evaporation and can produce dew drops(titik-titik embun) to protect from drought(kekeringan) and as defense mechanism againts other animals/herbivores

2. Water Lily( teratai ) - as aquatic plants, roots and stalks(batang) are underwater - the flower emerge(nempak menyembul) from waters surface

How does water lily deal with( mengatasi) the excessive water 9air berlebih) in its body to prevent from being rotten (busuk) ?

-By evaporation through its leaves surface -large leaves can accelerate the transpiration process (proses penguapan) to balance the water content in its body. -has waxy layer (lapisan lilin ) on leaves surface so can be waterproof ( tidak basah oleh air)

- has a lot of air chamber ( rongga udara) in its roots and stalks for floating tool and gas exchange ( pertukaran udara) inside the water lily

3.Insectivorous plants

Jenis tanaman karnivora gambar :

Sarracenia x 'Dana's Delight

Heliamphora pulchelli

Darlingtonia californica

Nepenthes (tropical pitcher plants) - Nepenthaceae

Drosera (sundew) - Droseraceae

How does insectivorous plant eat insects ?

By using special leaves that serves to trap ( menjebak ) insects, is known as trapping leaf ( daun penjebak ) When insects come near to leaves , they will be trapped (diperangkap)immediately or slipped into ( tergelincir ) the leaves. After that insects will be weak and finally die and the digestive enzyme in the trapping leaves will start digesting( mencerna ) the die insects to get their nitrogen

4. Mangrove( tumbuhan bakau )

- live in swamp ( rawa ) where the soil is covered by shallow water and lack of oxygen ( kekurangan oksigen )

How does mangrove fulfill its oxygen need ?

- by using additional root called breathing roots ( akar napas yaitu yg menjalar ) Breathing roots or aerial roots grow from the primary root and come up ( muncul ) from soil and waters surface. They have spongy tissues for oxygen absorption and then is transferred to the root underground and other body tissues.

Any question, student /

Dont be ashamed try to speak in english because we are still learned too.

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