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Delving into the Faery Kindreds

by Cypress Knee

We have come to realize that life manifests itself as a mighty rainbow into which many
different beings and creatures are added as the array of different colors and spectral
shades highlight the afternoon sky after a refreshing rain. While all these manifestations
of life are descendants and children of the Earth Mother, there are at least two main
realms of being in which they exist. While we are semi-familiar with all the wonderful
creatures here in our mortal landscape, we have come to discover that other beings exist
that may be part of other worlds.

There exists a form of religion known as Druidry. Coming from the Greek root "drus"
meaning "oak tree" and the Indo-European root "id" meaning "to know", Druidry is the
religion of the trees and its inhabitants. It was also a term for "enchanters", "magicians",
and "knowers of tree spirits". Druidism is a very ancient form of Indo-European religion
that consisted of men and women of high respect in their tribes who led a religion in the
country that worshipped Gods and Goddesses, wells, trees, stones, ancestors, spirits and
faery being deeply entwined into the arts of magic, divination, and sacrifice. Today it has
been revived as Neo-Pagan Druidry as simply a religion that follows a nature based, earth
centered spiritual life that is based on early Indo-European Pagan ideals and practices
encompassing a mix of animism, polytheism, ancestor, and nature worship.

Under Druidic belief there exists basically three worlds: the land, the sky, and the sea. It
is under these realms that the multiple forms of life exist in a spectrum of creations. The
sky is the home of the shining ones, commonly known as the Gods and Goddesses who
watch over us all. These would range from a variety of personalities such as the Christian
God Yahweh to his Greek brother Zeus and his Irish sister Brigid. The Land is the home
of the human folk, the plants, rocks,trees, and animals of varying sorts. We as humans
exist within the realm of land in close relations to our evolutionary allies under the
common world of which we are just to familiar with as Earth.

The fresh sacred lifeway that flows up the earth as spring, river, well, lake, waterfall, or
sinkhole gives us the life essence of our mother. The Sea is the wild wasteland that lies
outside of the Land we call home and is teeming with all forms of bizarre life that reflects
our world but in an alien sense of our being. The Sea houses the home of the Otherworld
Isles, the home of the Sidhe - heroes and the land of the young and is connected with the
Otherworld as a place of concealed potential. (Corrigan 1993)

It is of these kindreds that I speak. From far beyond our world of mundane reality, within
its walls, behind its trees, in its shrubs, beneath the Mother's skin, and hidden all around
us, within these three worlds, lie mirror realms known as the Otherworlds. These are the
home of the faerie, the Sidhe, the Elves, the Good Folk, of mermaids, mermen, of divas,
of spirits, of Gods & Goddesses, and a multitude of other creatures. We reach these
homes by various doorways, gates, portals, and pathways that no one has been successful
mapping to this very day - whether it be through a misty fern gully, sailing the sea to the
Isle of Man or to Hercules columns, or any of the fabled isles and lands unchartered
today. These mystic places and realms hold wonder, surprise, awe, and mystery - danger
and gifts, fantasy and lore. A competitive and challenging journey awaits all who dare to
delve within. According to Celtic lore, the misty borders of the Otherworlds house the
Land of the Youth - where heroes, demigods, and Deity feast; the land of the Dead where
ancestors sleep, vacation, and contemplate on their previous lives. The lands under the
hill where the Gods and Sidhe hold their court. Under Pagan philosophy, these fantastic
places can be reached with the practice of the pseudo-science we all call "magic".

The Mighty Sidhe or the "Noble Ones", "The Good Neighbors", the "Fair Ones", are the
beings of non-human evolution. They come from both non-human and human origins,
whether of human or semi-human form, of being a never-born spirit, or one from the
death of a living creature. They come in all kinds of flavors and spices - from the really
cool to the ultra hot. They have their own powers and should be approached with respect
regardless of their power, authority, or being.

Druids often offer gifts to the Sidhe in their rites. These can be in the form of beer, wine,
ale, cakes, candy, home-made arts and crafts, a song, a poem, a dance, or bounty of one's
life. Herbs are a common offering amongst Neo-Pagan Druids. As is oil and essence, beer
or wine, song or dance.

Should one journey into Elfame, one should be aware of the gifts and the dangers. Its
well known that if in Elfame, one should not accept some of the same kinds of gifts from
the good folk that we often offer to them. Food and Drink in particular is a big taboo. We
know of this from the legend of Malekin in the Medieval Chronicle of Ralph of
Coggeshall, Rip van Winkle, or the ballads of Thomas the Rhymer. Also never eat the
food you leave out for the faeries should you find it still there after stating your gift to
them. It is believed that the fairies also steal the essential good out of human food and
leave an un-nourishing substance behind them. (Briggs 1976)

Should you come across a banquet that appears to be a spread of delicious foods be wary
that you may be hallucinating, for the tale of Herrick's minute fairy king - the banquet
offered in reality would not normally be appetizing to most mortals: A little mushroom
table spred, after short prayers, they set on bread; A Moon-parcht grain of purest wheat,
With some small glittering grit, to eate His choyce bitts with; then in a trice they make a
feast lesse great then nice.

And now we must imagine first the Elves present to quench his thirst ...

A pure seed-Pearale of Infant dew brought and besweetned in blew and pregnant violet;
which done his kitling eyes begin to runne quite through the table, where he spies, the
hornes of paperie butterflies, of which he eates, and tastes a little of that we call the
Cuckoes spittle.

A little fuz-ball-pudding stands by, yet not blessed by his hands, that was too coorse; but
then forthwith he ventures boldly on the pith of sugred Rush, and eates the sagge and
well bestrutted Bees sweet bagge: Gladding his pallat with some store, of Emits eggs;
what wo'd he more?

But Beards of mice, a Newt's stew'd thigh, a bloated earewig, and a flie; with the red-capt
worme, that's shut within the concave of a Nut, Browne as his toothe. A little moth, late
fatned in a piece of cloth: With withered cherries; Mandrakes eares; Moles eyes; to these,
the slain - Stags teares: The Unctuous dewlaps of a Snaile; The broke-heart of a
Nightingale Ore-come in musicke; with a wine, Ne're ravisht from the flattering Vine,
But gently prest from the soft side of the most sweet and dainty Bride, Brought in a
dainty daizie, which he fully quaffs up to bewitch - his blood to height; this done,
commended Grace by his priest; The feast is ended.

So, as one can see, they can be a mighty tricky Sidhe - so be aware of their traps,
seductions, and trickery. The seduction of them sexually, their song and dance, can lure
one ito a coma-like trance. Keep a mind on time and place, for what seems to be an hour
could be several years and you wouldn't want to replicate the tale of Rip Van Winkle,
now would you? The Sidhe may be large or small in size, can be alluring and fanciful,
loving yet deceptive - but they carry a lot of wisdom, guidance, and inspiration that we
can benefit from. A good relationship with the Sidhe bestows great blessings upon one's
life. But a lesson can be learned from the Christian explanation of fairies - they are fallen
angels, too angelic to go to hell, and too devilish to belong in heaven. Their spirits are the
attributes of the yin and yang of what the Christian worldview foresees as heaven and
hell. Many may say they don't exist, but all in all you can always say as do many Irish - "I
don't believe in fairies! But I know they are there!" To end, let me leave you with the
account of Hartland in his exhaustive study of "The Supernatural lapse of Time in
Fairyland" giving a Pembrokeshire example of a visit to Fairyland: "

A Young shepherd joined a fairy dance and found himself in a glittering palace
surrounded by the most beautiful gardens, where he passed many years in happiness
among the fairy people. There was only one prohibition: in the middle of the garden there
was a fountain, filled with gold and silver fish, and he was told he must on no account
drink out of it. He desired increasingly to do so, and at last plunged his hands into the
pool. At once the whole place vanished, and he found himself on the cold hillside among
his sheep. Only minutes had passed since he joined the fairy dance.

Amethyst's Wicca

Seren shines acha 'r awr chan 'n yn cwrdd

(A star shines on the hour of our meeting)

As ever then with watchful eye

Singing songs in moonlit sky
Leaf and stone, sky and sea
Spirits old, wild and free
Ancient race of the Sidhe
Faery Offering
Amethyst's Wicca

If you want to attract fairies to your home you should leave some food offerings. This
will give the fairies something they want and it leads them to trust you. Try leaving small
cakes, candies, ginger, barely, icing candies (like for birthday cakes), etc. They also love
gardens, so you leave some of these offerings there, in a bowl or basket. Planting roses,
bluebells, thyme, etc. will also help attract them to you.

Don't look for the offering to disappear because the fairies don't physically eat them.
Fairies are capable of taking the energy from the offerings, rather than taking the offering
itself. In a few days, the cake may still be there, but it may look a bit plasticy or unreal.
Of course, if an animal comes along and eats the offering, this is a good sign. Don't send
it away. It may be the fairy in animal form coming for its present.

Fairy Garden
Amethyst's Wicca

You can plant a garden for the fairies. This is a wonderful idea. You can think about
planting bluebells and roses in the garden, since fairies love them. Also, fairies and
animals alike love water. You can create a wonderful pool in the middle of your garden.
Just dig a small hole and line it. Place rocks around the edge. You can replenish the water
each time you water your garden. Fairies also like the wild. Let a small portion of your
garden overgrow and get tangled, without deweeding it. This will be the place for those
wild Faeries.

Fairy Altar
Amethyst's Wicca

You can set aside a table top, corner, dresser top, etc. for a fairies Altar. On this altar you
can place your offerings in a basket. Also, you could have flowers and statues. Dirt and
water are also good. Make it pretty, but home-like as well. A rose oil burner can be great

Fairy Bubbles
Amethyst's Wicca

Buy one of those cheap bubble bottles (for kids) and sit in your garden. Ask the fairies to
join you and just blow bubbles. Watch the bubbles and relax. Don't just blow them all out
for the heck of it. Smile and have fun doing it.

Don't be nervous because

1) there is no reason to be
2) the fairies may sense it
Fairy Magick
Amethyst's Wicca

Fairies can be very helpful in magick, as they have a lot of power and they are certainly
not ignorant when it comes to using it. Fairies know a great deal of magick and glamour
themselves, so, if you can get them to trust you, they can be a great help.

Fairies, with the except of a small few, hate love spells and will not be able to help you
with them. Love isn't a big thing on the Astral Plane, so they really don't understand it
and can't work for it. Selfish spells, for only self improvement, are not good spells to ask
for help for either. Fairies will gladly help, when asked correctly and well thanked by
offerings, with spells that benefit others and nature.

When asking a fairy to help you, make sure you are safely inside a sacred circle of power
or atleast have a protection charm and spell working for you. Never let a fairy inside your
circle of energy, as there is no telling how dangerous they could be. If a bad fairy comes
through to you, send it on its way and ask for another.

Fairies are not content to simply stand on the outside of your circle and watch. Get them
involved. Singing, chanting, and music are great for involving the fairies, along with
inhancing your spells. Get them interested. If you're singing and dancing, they'll want to
come to you.

Thanks the fairies when you're done, but give them an offering too. They prefer food and
trinkets to a simple little "thanks".
Wiccan Fae Lore


Take the Fair Face of Woman... by Sophie Anderson A fairy is a spirit (supernatural
being) found in the legends, folklore, and mythology of many cultures. They are
generally humanoid in form, though of a higher, spiritual nature and so possessed of
preternatural abilities. They are often regarded as aloof, ephemeral, mercurial, and
whimsical, among other qualities that place them outside of a human scope and have a
tendency to make them associated or confused with other mythological creatures.

1 Etymology
2 Nature
3 Fairies in literature
4 Fairies in visual arts
5 Fairies in modern popular culture


The words fey and faerie came to English from French and, ultimately, Latin. The Latin
root fata, meaning fate in the sense of one of the Parcae, is an indication that fey have
abilities associated with knowledge (foresight) and manipulation (luck, blessing, cursing)
of fate, both of which are qualities of faeries in myth.

Fata influenced modern Italian's fada and Spanish's hada, both of which mean fey, and
the Old French fée, which gained the meaning "enchanter." By adding the ending -rie, we
get féerie, meaning a "state of fée" or "enchantment." This also befits fey, who are known
for casting illusions and altering emotions, particularly so as to make themselves alluring,
frightening, or unseen.

Modern English inherited the two terms "fey" and "fairy," along with all the associations
attached to them. Since the subjects of the words are somewhat alien and ethereal, the
terms are often used interchangeably and have no standardized spellings. Common ones
include the following:

There is, however, a slight distinction between the two. Properly, "fey" is a noun referring
to a specific race of otherworldly beings excising mystical abilities (either the elves [or
equivalent thereof] in mythology or their insect-winged, floral descendents in English
folklore), while "faerie" is an adjective meaning "of, like, or associated with fey, their
otherworldly home, their activities, and their produced goods and effects." Thus, a
leprechaun and a ring of mushrooms are both faerie things (a fairy leprechaun and a fairy

The question of a faerie "nature" has been the topic of many a myth or scholarly paper for
a very long time. This is partially due to the fact that, by being supernatural and chaotic
entities, they are difficult to pin down as being anything in particular and partially due to
the fact that humans have yet to answer completely what constitutes the racial ethos of
humanity. Consequently, faerie runs amok with creatures that are completely unrelated
save that they are mythologic in origin. There is a central archetypal figure behind most
of the stories described as a tall, delicate, radiant being of humanoid aspect. Such beings
are most often called "the shining ones."

Fairies in literature

William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream deals extensively with the
subject of fairy-folk and their interaction with a group of amateur theatrical players. This
work details the spell cast by the mischievous fairy Puck (at the behest of the fairy-king
Oberon) on Oberon's wife Titania, who falls in love with the first mortal she casts eyes
upon, the unfortunate Bottom, whom Puck has transmogrified into having a donkey's

William S. Gilbert liked fairies and wrote several plays about them. The best is the
Gilbert and Sullivan operetta Iolanthe which deals with a conflict between fairies and the
House of Lords and, among other issues, touches on some of the practical consequences
of fairy/human marriages and cross-breeding in a humorous manner.

In his Fairy Folk Tales of Ireland (1892), W. B. Yeats coined the expression "trooping
fairies" to refer to those fairies who liked to travel together in groups. This is in contrast
to the solitary fairies, such as the banshee, leprechaun, or pooka. Typically Yeat's trooping
fairies are compared to the elves of English lore.

Fairies figure prominently in most of Neil Gaiman's works, primarily the Books of Magic
and Sandman.

Fairies in visual arts

Artists such as Brian Froud, Alan Lee, Myrea Pettit, Ida Rentoul Outhwaite. Cicely Mary
Barker, Amy Brown and Peg Maltby have all created beautiful illustrations of fairies.

Conversely, the Victorian painter Richard Dadd was responsible for some paintings of
fairy-folk with an altogether more sinister and malign nature. Another notable Victorian
painter of fairies was the artist and illustrator Arthur Rackham. Interest in fairy themed
art in Britain enjoyed a brief rennaissance following the Cottingley fairies photographs,
and a number of artists turned to painting fairy themes.
Fairies in modern popular culture

Holly Short

Main figure in Irish writer Eoin Colfer's stories about Artemis Fowl. In the first book,
Artemis Fowl discovers the existence of an underground world of fairies. Because of this
threat, captain Holly Short is sent to the Earth to eliminate Artemis Fowl. Though she
doesn't want to admit it, she slowly becomes friends with Artemis, and in the second
book they form an alliance to fight the Mafia.


Originally from the Peter Pan stories by J.M. Barrie, but more famous for the Disney
version, or the portrayal by Julia Roberts in the 1991 movie Hook. She is also often
referred to as a pixie, and leaves a trail of fairy dust (or pixie dust) behind wherever she

Kylie Minogue in Moulin Rouge!Blue Fairy

In Carlo Collodi's tale Pinocchio the wooden boy receives the gift of real life from the
Blue Fairy. In Steven Spielberg's A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001), where an android
longs to become a real boy, the Blue Fairy is voiced by Meryl Streep.

Green Fairy

Also called La Fée Verte, a nickname for the alcoholic drink absinthe. Called such
because of it's green color and intoxicating and seductive properties. originally
represented as a green women, later she has been represented as a more traditional green
colored fairy. Kylie Minogue played the green fairy in Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge!.

The Legend of Zelda

Fairies have been Link's helpers from the very first game. In the beginning the simply
replenished his health and now in the newer games they are life long companions.

ZanZarah: The Hidden Portal

The multi-platform action-adventure game features an array of various elemental fairies

which the player can capture and train in the course of the game and use them to fight in
fairy duels to advance the plot.
Fae Dictionary

There are very many types of faeries in the world, some kind some not so kind. Some are
beautiful and some are as ugly as sin. This dictionary shows the types of faeries that are
really out there, and tells the real name, where to find them, when to look for them etc.
Not all fairies are listed here.

Arêtes: See Jinn.

Land of Origin: Netherlands
Other Names: Ottermaaner
Element: Water
Appearance and Temperament: Alvens have very light bodies. So light in fact that it is
almost impossible to see them, they look so invisible. They do not have wings but
they can travel through the air by becoming incased in a water bubble.
Time most active: At night
Where to find them: In the River Elbe, an easy journey on the inner plane.
How to Contact them: Look for them in Faeryland and try approaching them as a friend,
someone who also loves the moon and nature.

Land of Origin: Brittany
Other Names: Death, the Grim Reaper and Father Time.
Element: The Ankou is part of all the elements including the fifth element, spirit.
Appearance, Temperament: He is a male, dark and rather Dickensian with his black
robed costume pulled high over his head.
Time most active: All year
Where to find him: Unknown
How to contact: NOT ADVISED!!!!!

Land of Origin: Ireland
Other Names: Bogles, Peat Faeries, Mudbogs, Bor-a-boos, Boggies.
Element: Earth
Appearance and Temperament: Ballybogs are mud covered creatures of very small size.
Their bodies are almost completely round, with their heads rising from their
bulbous bodies without benefit of necks. They have spindly arms and legs which
look too thin and baneful, but are usually said to be so stupid that it is hard to
determine their temperament. They speak no language and grunt and slobber
instead of speaking.
Time most active: All year
Where to find them: At peat bogs or mud holes.
How to Contact: Ask them to manifest in the physical.
Land of Origin: Greece
Other Names: Cockatrice
Element: Fire
Appearance and Temperament: The Basilisk has the body and the head of a huge golden
snake, but on its head sits a read comb like that of a rooster. It also has two arms
which it uses to increase the speed of its slithering and to hold the front half of
itself upright. It is highly poisonous and is reputed to hate humans.
Time most active: All year
Where to find them: Faeryland
How to Contact: Unknown. If you happen to run into one in Faeryland, immediate retreat
is advised.

Land of Origin: Ireland
Other Names: Water Woman, Weisse Frau.
Element: Water
Appearance and Temperament: This Faery is very protective of children and a kiss from
her renders a child almost indestructible. She has also been known to give
directions to lost travelers. She will however, drown those who displease her or
who hurt and abuse children. In England she is called Jenny Greentooth or the
Greentooth Woman, which has become a generic name for these types of
drowning faeries in English-speaking countries. Her name "Bean Fionn" literally
means "white woman" is a watery female Faery in a white gown who lives
beneath lakes and streams and reaches up to drag under and drowns children at
play or in the water.
Time Most Active: All year.
Lore: She may have been created by parents who wish to warn their children away from
dangerous lakes and rivers. An English nursery rhyme echoes the sentiments of
these worried parents:

"Mother, may I go out for a swim?

Yes, my dearest daughter.
Hang your clothes on a rowan limb,
And don't go near the water."

Where to find her: Possibly in dark lakes where drownings have repeatedly occurred.
How to Contact: There is probably no way to contact her because she may no exist except
in the most rudimentary astral form. Contact is probably not a good idea anyway.
Land Of Origin: Scotland
Other Names: Hobgoblins, Goblins, Gobelins, the Boogey Man, Boogies, Padfoot,
Boggans, Hobbers, Gobs, Blobs.
Element: Earth
Appearance and Temperament: This Faery is a male dwarf with a squat and distorted
form. He is a cousin of the friendly house Brownie, but his intentions are very
different. Whereas a Brownie will adopt a home for the joy of offering his help
and mutual support, a Boggart will adopt a house just for the sheer delight of
destroying things. They are very ill-tempered and greedy.
Lore: In northern England the Boggart is known as a Padfoot or Hobgoblin and enjoys
frightening travelers and disrupting households. He is also thought to be
poisonous to the touch. The following poem by Mark Shapiro entitled The Wee
Little Hobgoblin typifies some of the havoc they can wreak on a happy home:

"One wee little Hobgoblin

All dressed up in red
Was spying on a farmhouse
With mischief in his head.
"This place" said the hobgoblin
"It could be lots of fun.
Everything’s so clean and tidy
and begging to be undone."
So the wee little Hobgoblin
He went to work with glee
He let the cattle out the gate
And set the piglets free.
He spilled some milk in the kitchen,
And overturned the butter churn.
He yanked the laundry off the line
And caused the soup to burn.
He pinched the baby, and scared the cat
And had the mostess fun.
And when the spree was over
He said "That's a job well done."

Time most Active: At night

Where to find them: Unknown, unless one has invaded your home. If you want to see
one, then let your deep mind take you to an infested house in the astral world. Just
make sure he doesn't follow you home!
Cailleac Bhuer:
Land of Origin: Scotland
Other Names: The Blue Hag, Black Annis, the Stone Woman.
Element: Water
Appearance and Temperament: This Faery is one of a kind. She is an old woman who
walks by night carrying her walking stick, her carrion crow on her left shoulder.
However, her reputation as dangerous and ill-tempered may be a mistaken one. It
is possible that this fear of her was created by the early Scottish churchmen
seeking to eradicate the vestiges of the Old Religion by demonizing its Crone
Time most Active: At night.
Where to find her: In Scotland Highlands, or near the western sea in Faeryland. The best
time to look for her is during the waning moon.
How to Contact: Do not fear her, but do use caution. Try making an evocation to her with
the same respect and reverence you would give to the Goddess in her guise as
Crone. She is most likely a Goddess, merely one in a devalued state.

Chi Spirits:
Land Of Origin: China
Element: Air
Appearance and Temperament: No one has ever seen a Chi Spirit as they are pure energy
and have no physical confines.
Time most active: All year.
Where to find them: Unknown. While the Chinese think of this energy as a Faery, Chi
Spirits may be no more than psychic vibrations which always surround us and are
part of everything.
How to Contact: Invite them into your home in a ritual you design just to bring them in.

Land of Origin: Northern Mexico.
Other Names: Not known
Element: Earth
Appearance and Temperament: This Faery has almost become a generic term for
"monster" among Mexicans and American Hispanics. If the Cucui had a
characteristic look, it has long been lost to us. He is not friendly nor is he
considered safe to be around.
Time most active: All year
Where to find them: Unknown
How to contact: Not advised!
Land of Origin: France
Other Names: They are called Dracae in England, where they are less well-known.
Element: Water
Appearance and Temperament: In their natural state Drakes appear as great floating
purple blobs in the surface of the water. But more often they are seen in the form
of a golden chalice or in a female humanoid form. They are dangerous to
Time most active: All year
Where to Find them: In the waters of France. In Faeryland search for them by the western
How to Contact: If you really want to meet one, try making a call to one while in
Faeryland at the western sea or other body of water. It is best not to go close
enough for one to touch you.

Land of Origin: England
Element: Fire.
Appearance and Temperament: Drakes have never been seen by human’s eyes, but they
have been smelled. They are benevolent house spirits who bless your hearth and
multiply and keep your firewood dry in exchange for living in your home.
Time most active: From nightfall until just past dawn.
Where to find them: In wood piles at heath sides and in deep woods with very old trees.
They prefer rural areas.
How to contact: Invite them to your hearth and they will probably come. Leave food and
provide warmth and respect to keep them. If you don't have a fireplace in your
home, then provide one for yourself and them in your astral home.
Land of Origin: World Wide
Element: Usually Earth.
Appearance and Temperament: Elves dress differently depending on what land they
come from, but are all small and chubby. Mostly they are kind and beneficial to
humans; a very few types are actually dangerous. As a general rule, trooping
Elves are good and solitary Eves and bad.
Time most active: Usually at night.
Lore: The following nursery rhyme tells of a group of spinning mice/elves and the cat
who tries to trick them into becoming her supper:

Six little mice sat down to spin

Pussy passed by, and she peeped in
"what are you doing my little men?"
"Weaving coats for gentlemen."
"Shall I come in and cut off your threads?"
"oh no Mistress Pussy, you'd bit off our heads!"
"Of course I shall not, But I'll help you spin."
"That you say, but you can't come in."

Where to find them: In fields, homes, woodlands, and all over Faeryland.
How to Contact: Invite them to your circle or home leave food and milk out for them, and
lock up the cat!

Land of Origin: Switzerland
Other Names: Duckfoots is a slang term for them. The males are called Hardmandlene,
and the females are called Erdbiberli.
Element: Earth
Celtic Fae

Aine - She is the Bright Faerie goddess, sister to Fennine, daughter to Egogaba a king of
the Tuatha de Danann. A Goddess of the Moon, she is also associated with meadowseet,
swans, horses and fire. Probably another form of Brigit, the Bright One.

Arkan Sonney - The fairy pigs of the Isle of Man, also known as "Lucky Piggy." Fairy
pigs are supposed to bring good luck if one is to capture it.

The Asrai - small, delicate female faeries who melt into a pool of water when captured or
exposed to sunlight

Aughisky - pronounced "Agh-iski"; They are the Irish version of the Each-Uisge.

Awd Goggie - A type of Bogie who haunts forests and orchards, and kidnaps children.
Wise children will stay away from orchards when unsupervised lest Awd Goggie get

Banshee - actually should be spelled Bean Sidhe. The Scots call her Bean-Nighe. She's an
Irish death spirit. Their keening fortells a death. They have very long, flowing hair and
wear green dresses with grey cloaks. Their eyes are bright red because of their continuous

Barguest - A kind of Bogie. It has horns, dangerous teeth and claws, and fiery eyes. It can
take many forms, but usually is a shaggy black dog. Upon the death of a prominent
figure, it rounds up all the dogs in the community and leads them on a procession through
the streets, howling.

Bauchan - also Bogan. A type of Hobgoblin. Like most faeries, they are fond of tricks,
sometimes are dangerous, and sometimes are helpful.

The Bean-Nighe - pronounced "ben-neeyah"; type of Banshee around streams in Scotland

and Ireland. She washed bloodstained clothing of people who will soon die. They are
rumored to be the ghosts of women who died in childbirth and will continue to wash until
the day they should have died. The Washer at the Ford.

Bean sidhe (ban-shee): Ireland. "Woman Faery"; a spirit attached to certain families.
When a member's death approaches, the family will hear the bean sidhe wailing.

Bendith y Mamau (ben-dith uh momay): Mother's Blessing, which was the name of the
fairies of the Carmarthenshire country in Wales; this saying became a prayer spoken to
ward-off harm.

Black Annis - She is a Hag who eats stray children and lambs.
Blue Men of the Minch - They dwell in the strait between Long Island and the Shiant
Islands. They are responsible for sudden thunderstorms and shipwrecks, but their ship-
sinking attempts may be thwarted if you are an adept rhymer. Some think they may be
fallen angels.

Bodach - also Bugbear or Bug-A-Boo. They slide down chimneys to kidnap naughty

Boggart - Brownies that have turned evil.

Bogie - This is the generic name for some different types of Goblins. Their temperments
range the spectrum from benign to malevolent.

Bogles - They are a form of Goblin and are generally nasty in temperment. However,
they prefer to inflict their evil deeds upon liars and murderers.

The Brown Man of the Muirs - He is the protector of wild animals.

Brownie: A Bwca or Bwbachod in Wales; Bodach (budagh) in the Scottish Highlands;

Fenodoree in Man; Pixies or Psgies in the West County of England; Bockle in Scotland.
If one wants to court their friendship, they are called Bendith Y Mamau (the Mother's
Blessing). They are about two to three feet high and dress in brown clothes. They have
brown wrinkled faces and shaggy hair. Brownies make themselves responsible for for the
house where they live by coming out at night to complete unfinished work. Any offer of
reward will drive them away, but they expect an occasional bowl of milk and piece of
cake to be left out. Tradition says they do not like teetotallers and ministers. If offended,
brownies will create malicious mishchief. If there is a lazy servant in the home, he might
choose to plague him for it. All Brownies expect in return is a bowl of cream or good
milk and a honey cake. Never leave clothes and never leave too much food. They find
this offensive and will leave. Care should be taken not to criticize their work. When one
farmer criticized the mowing job, the Brownie responsible threw the entire crop over a
cliff. In the West County, Pixies or Pigsies occasionally perform the office of a brownie
and show some of the same characteristics, though they are essentially different. Border
brownies are most characteristic. They are small men, about three feet in height, very
raggedly dressed in brown clothes, with brown faces and shaggy heads. They make
themselves responsible for the farm or house in which they live: reap, mow, thresh, herd
the sheep, prevent the hens fromlaying away, and give goode counsel at need. A brownie
can become personnaly attached to one member of the family.

The Bwca - They are the Welsh version of the Brownie (see above). They have slightly
nastier tempers and are prone to tantrums if their work is criticized. They also despise
tattletales and people with long noses.

Cailleach Bheur: Scotland. The Blue Hag, a cross between the Underworld goddess and a
faery spirit. She has fangs and sometimes three faces, making her a triple being or deity.
Caoineag (konyack): Scotland. "Weeper"; a bean sidhe.

Cluricaun - He's a Leprechaun after he's finished work for the day. Cluricauns raid wine
cellars and torture sheep and dogs by riding them like horses in the moonlight. A solitary
faery who lives in cellars and likes to drink wine and other spirits. A cross between a
leprechaun and a hobgoblin.

Coblynau - (also Koblernigh) They are Welsh mine faeries, similar to Knockers. They are
considered good omens since the location of their mining usually precedes the discovery
of ore there. About 18 inches high, they dress like miners. Although they are ugly, they
are good humored and will knock where rich ores are to be found.

Corrigans: Malignant nature spirits found in Brittany, often associated with phantoms of
the dead.

Cu Sith: Scotland. A supernatural green dog.

Cyhyraeth (kerherriighth): Wales. A form of bean sidhe. It usually cries or groans before
multiple deaths by epidemics or accident.

Daoine Maithe: C. "The Good People", Similar to the Gentry, they were said to be next to
heaven at the Fallbut did not fall.

Daoine Sidhe - (theena shee): Ireland. A name for the faery people.This is the name
assumed by the Tuatha de Danann when the Milesians drove them underground. Their
King is Finvarra, who to this day hold court in his palace beneath the faerie hill of
Knockma. They are skilled chess players, and no human has ever beaten Finvarra in a
game. Finvarra is a womanizer, frequently kidnapping human women. The Daoine Sidhe
are also quite fond of hurling.

Dryads: All Celtic countries. Spirits who dwell in trees, oaks in particular. They were
contacted by druids and shamans for inspiration.

Duergar - These are a malicious form of Dwarf from Northern England. They revel in
tricking people into dying.

Dwarfs - They are short, usually bearded and appear to be very old. Their aged
appearance seems to be caused by the fact that they reach maturity at age three. They
exist mainly in the mountains of Scandinavia and in mines in Germany. They are
sensitive about showing their feet since they are usually deformed in some way. If you
are curious of their feet, the only way to get an idea is to put flour, ash, or something of
that sort in their path and to look at their footprints. Dwarves can't be above ground
during the day since sunlight turns them to stone. Some say they exist as toads during the
day and assume their familiar dwarvish form at night.
Each-Uisge - pronounced "Ech-ooshkya"; They are similar to the Kelpiebut far more
dangerous. They inhabit lochs and seas and will eat their victims after tearing them into
pieces, except for the liver, which they leave. If they are ridden inland, they are safe to
ride, but if they catch the slightest whiff of the sea air...

Ellyllon (ethlerthlon): Wales.They are tiny diaphanous fairies whose queen is Mab. Their
food is toadstools and faery butter, a fungus found on the roots of old trees.Their queen is
Mab. They are smaller than the Tylwyth Teg.

Elves - Scandinavian version of faeries,of two classes, light and dark, like the Seelie and
Unseelie. The Danish elves are beautiful from the front, but hollow when seen from
behind. The Danish elves also like stealing human foods. Elves are also another name for
the Trooping Faeries of Britain. In Scotland the fairy people of human size were often
called elves and Faeryland was Elfame; in England it was the smaller Trooping Fay who
were called elves, and the name was particularly applied to small faery boys.

The Fachan - Faeries from the Western Highlands of Scotland.

Faeries-Fairies: The earlier name was Fays. the term "faery" now covers Anglo-Saxon
elves, the Daoine Sidhe of the Highlands, the Tuatha De Danann of Ireland, the Tylwyth
Teg of Wales, the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, the Wee Folk, Good Neighbors, and many
more. Fair Family or Fair Folk: The euphemistic name used by the Welsh for the fairies.
See Tylwyth Teg.

Fair Family or Fair Folk: The euphemistic name used by the Welsh for the fairies. See
Tylwyth Teg.

Far Darrig, Fear Dearg, Fear Dearc: Ireland. "Red Man"; a solitary faery who wears a red
cap and coat and likes to indulge in gruesome practical jokes. However, some farmers
consider it lucky to have him around.

Farisees, or Pharisees: The Suffolk name for the fairies. The Suffolk children used to be
confused between the farisees and the biblical mentions of the Pharises.

Fary: The dialect name in Northumberland.

Fays: The earlier noun archaic of the word "fairy"; also referred to as the Fatae (three

Fear-Gorta: Ireland. "Man of Hunger"; a solitary fairy who roams the land during famine;
he brings good luck to those who give him money or food.

Feeorin: A small fairy that is indicated as being green-coated, generally red-capped, and
with the usual fairy traits of love of dancing and music.They are thought to be more or
less friendly to humans, and have given warnings to them.
Fees/Fetes/Fions: Upper Brittany. Faeries. Fees des Houles (Faeries of the Billows) live
in natural caves or grottos in sea cliffs, sea faeries. Fees are also storm faeries who dress
in the colors of the rainbow. They appear in procession before a storm, following a Queen
fee who is mounted in a boat made from the nautilus of the southern seas. And the boat is
drawn by two crabs.Associated with them are the Fions, a race of dwarfs with swords no
bigger than pins.

The Fenoderee - He is a type of Brownie from the Isle of Man who is large, ugly and
hairy. He is enthusiastic about helping the farmers, but isn't all that bright. The Fenoderee
once was tricked into trying to fetch water with a sieve. The Fenoderee was at one time a
handsome member of the Ferrishyn (the faerie tribe of Man), but he was exiled and his
good looks taken when he missed the Autumn festival to court a human girl.

Feriers, or Ferishers: Another Suffolk name for the fairies.

Ferries: The usual name for the Shetland and Orcadian fairies.

Ferrishyn (ferrishin): Isle of Man. Name for the Fary Tribe. A Manx name for the Fairy
Tribe; the singular is "ferrish". They are the Trooping Fairies of Man, though there does
not seem to be any distinction between them and the Sleih Beggey. They are less
aristocratic than the fairies of Ireland and Wales, and they have no named fairy king or
queen. They were small, generally described as three feet in height, though sometimes as
one foot. They could hear whatever was said out of doors. Every wind stirring carried the
sound to their ears, and this made people very careful to speak of them favorably.

Fetes: The Fates of Upper Brittany.

Fir Darrig - pronounced "fear dearg"; They like fairly gruesome practical jokes. Be nice
to them or you may be on the receiving end of one.

Foawr - They are Manx stone-throwing giants. They often ravish cattle. Nasty beings,
they are...

Fin Bheara (fin-vara)/ Fionnbharr (fyunn-varr) / Findabair (finnavar): Iraland. Thr Faery
King of Ulster, sometimes called the king of the dead. Although he was married to a faery
lady, he still courted beautiful mortal women. Not the same person as the daughter of
Aillil and Maeve.

Foawr, (fooar): Manx equivalent of Highland Fomorians/giants, stone throwing.

Frairies: The Norfolk and Suffolk, local version of the word "fairy".

Ganconer: (also Gean-cannah) Known as the 'Love talker', a handsome faerie who
smoked a short clay pipe and appeared to country maidens. After an encounter with a
ganconer the maid would pine away with the desire to see him again.
Gean-canach: Ireland. "Love-Talker"; a solitary faery who personifies love and idleness.
He appears with a dudeen (pipe) in his mouth. It is very unlucky to meet him.

The Gentry: An Irish name for faeries. The most noble tribe of all the fairies in Ireland. A
big race who came from the planets and usually appear white. The Irish used to bless the
Gentry for fear of harm otherwise. The class of aliens referred to as the "Nordics" may be
the Gentry. They often appear in dreams as seven foot tall glowing beings, known as "the
Shining Ones."

Gnomes: Earth Elementals. They live underground and guard the treasures of the Earth.
Gnomes are wonderful metal workers, especially of swords and armor.

Ghillie Dhu: He is a solitary Scottish faerie who can be found amongst birch thickets. He
is clothed with leaves and moss.

The Glaistig: She is a water faerie, a beautiful seductress with the body of a goat which
she hides under a long billowy green dress. She lures men to dance with her, then feeds
like a vampire on their blood. She can be benign as well, often tending children and the
elderly or herding cattle for farmers.

Goblins: They are somewhat malicious little creatures. They can appear as animals. They
are thieves and villains and count the dead among their companions. They like to tempt
people with faerie fruits. They're not truly completely evil, however. Mine goblins make
knocking noises where they know there are rich deposits of ore. To avoid the Knockers'
wrath, a pastie (traditional miner meal) should be left for them.

Goblins/Hobgoblins: Originally a general name for small grotesque but friendly brownie-
type creatures.

The Good Folk: A general name for faeries.

Good Neighbors: One of the most common Scottish and Irish names for the fairies.

Good People: The Irish often referred to the sidhe in this manner. See Daoine Maithe.

Green Children, the: The fairy are recorded in the medieval chronicles in under such a

Greencoaties: The name for the fairies that dwell in Lincolnshire Fen country.

Greenies: The euphemistic name used for the fairies in Lancashire; associated with the
Jacobean Fairies.

The Green Lady of Caerphilly: She haunts ruined castles, and often appears as ivy.
Grey Neighbors, the: One of the euphemistic names for the fairies given by the
Shetlanders to the Trows, the small grey clad goblins whom the Shetlanders used to
propitiate and fear, using against them many of the means used all over the islands as
protection against fairies.

Guillyn Veggey: The Little Boys is a Manx term for the fairies that dwell on the Isle of

Gwartheg Y Llyn (gwarrthey er thlin): A. Wales. Faery cattle.

Gwragedd Annwn: pronounced "Gwrageth anoon"; They are beautiful Welsh water faerie
maidens who sometimes marry humans.

Gwragedd Annwn (gwrageth anoon): Wales. Lake faeries; harmless Water sprites.

Gwyllion (gwithleeon): The evil mountain fairies of Wales. They are hideous female
spirits who waylay and mislead travelers by night on the mountain roads. They were
friends and patrons of the goats, and might indeed take goat form.

Hags: They are the personification of winter in the British Isles, anare thought to be the
remnants of the most ancient godesses. Some hags turn from hideously ugly (their usual
state) to breathtakingly beautiful at the turn of winter to spring.

Hobgoblin: They have a bad reputation since the Puritans used their name to refer to
wicked Goblin spirits, but they're really a sort of friendly Brownie. They are helpful at
times, but like practical jokes. But don't annoy them or they can become nasty.
Hounds of the Hill, Cwn Annwn (coon anoon), Herla's Hounds: Wales and many other
Celtic areas. The phantom hunting dogs of Arawn, the Lord of the Underworld. Very
large; white with red ears.

Howlaa: A faery sprite who wails along the sea shore before storms.

Kelpie: A supernatural Water elemental which takes the form of a horse, malevolent.

Hyter Sprites: They are faeries from East Anglia. They are able to appear as sand martins
(a type of bird).

Jack-In-Irons: He is a giant from Yorkshire who haunts lonely roads.

Jenny Greenteeth: She is the Yorkshire River version of Peg Powler.

Jimmy Squarefoot: His appearance is said to be frightening, but he is actually harmless.

The Kelpie: They are Scottish water faeries. Usually they are seen ayoung horses, but
sometimes they appear as hairy men. They haunt rivers and streams, letting men mount
them and then riding off into the water, dunking them. (See also Each-Uisge.)

The Killmoulis: He is an ugly Brownie who haunts mills. He has an enormous nose and a
missing mouth. He eats by stuffing the food into his nostrils. He works for the miller but
he plays pranks so often he is often more of a nuisance than a help.

Knockers, Knackers: A. Cornwall. Mine spirits who are friendly to miners. The knock
where rich ore can be found. Also called Buccas.

Kobolds - These are the German version of Knockers. They are known for causing
problems for the miners and undoing their progress. To keep the miners guessing, they
occasionally help them.

The Lady of the Lake - She is a faerie whose palace is hidden by the illusion of a lake.

Leanhaun Shee-Sidhe (also Leanan Sidhe): Ireland. "Faery Mistress", in return for
inspiration she feeds off the life force of the individual until he -she wastes away and
dies. Gaelic poets tend to die young if they strike a bargain with this faery.

Leprechaun (lep-ra-kawn): Ireland. A solitary faery who makes shoes and generally
guards a pot of gold. The name comes from the Irish leith brog, the name in Irish is leith
bbrogan. They tend to be practical jokers, as are the Cluricaun and Far Darrig. This Irish
faerie is always seen alone. He can be found happily working on a single shoe under a
dock leaf or a hedge. They are very cunning, an it is difficult to get them to let on to the
location of their amazingly well-hidden pots of gold, since to do so you must see the
Leprechaun before he sees you. Leprechauns usually wear a three-cornered hat, and have
been seen spinning on them like tops.

The Little People of the Passamaquoddy Indians - There are two kinds:

the Nagumwasuck and the Mekumwasuck. They're both two to three feet tall and ugly.
The Passamaquody Indians live close to teh Canadian border, by the way. The
Nagumwasuck are closely involved with their humans, often singing sadly when there is
a death in the tribe, and they dance at weddings. They are self-conscious of their ugliness,
and it is near fatal to laugh at them. The Mekumwasuck live in the woods and dress
outlandishly. Their faces are covered with hair. They are the guardians of the Catholic
Church. If a Mekumwasuck looks directly at you, you either die or acquire a contagious
disease of some sort.

Lunantishess or Lunantishee - They are the tribe which guards blackthorn bushes. They
will never allow a stick to be cut on November 11th or May 11th. If you manage to cut a
stick on those days, you will experience misfortune.

Mab - She is the traditional queen of the faeries.

Mer-People: Mermaids; water dwellers who are human from the waist up but with tails of
fishes. They are irresisible singers who sometimes lure fisherman to their deaths.They
lure humans with their beautiful singing, which carries with it an enchantment. They
create storms which wreck ships. They are often seen vainly combing their hair, admiring
their reflections in mirrors. The Irish equivalent of the mermaid is Murrughach,
Murdhuacha (muroo-cha), or Merrows. It is possible for them to take the form of a
human with tiny scales and move about on land. They wear a cobullen druith, which is a
red cap covered with feathers.

Merrows - They are the Irish merpeople. They wear red feather caps. If their caps are
stolen, they can't return to the depths of the sea where they live. Female merrows are
beautiful and to see one is an omen of a storm, but they are benevolent and often fall in
love with fishermen, probably because the male merrows are so repulsive. Males are,
however, generally friendly. They often come ashore in the form of small hornless cattle.

Muryans - It's the Cornish word for "ant" . They are the souls of those sent to Purgatory.
Their souls dwindle in size until they are the size of ants. Then they disappear, and no one
knows where they go after that. So never step on ants. You could be stepping on your

Nuckelavee - He is a horrible Scottish sea faerie who appears as a gigantic horse with
legs that are part flipper, a gigantic mouth and blazing, evil eyes. Rising from its back is a
hideous torso with arms that nearly reach the ground and it appears that its neck is too
weak to support its monstrous head. It has no skin, exposing black blood in yellow veins,
white sinews, and strong red muscles. He hates fresh running water, so if you are ever
chased by him, just find a stream and cross it.

Nuggie: A. Scotland; a water sprite.

Oakmen: Britain. Wood sprites who live in oak trees and oak groves. They are hostile to
humans but benevolent to wild life.

Old People: Cornish name for faeries.

Oonagh (oona): Ireland. Wife of Fin Bheara.

Peg Powler - She inhabits the River Tees. She is a green water Hag with long hair and
sharp teeth. She is fond of grabbing the ankles of those who stand too close to or wade
into the water and pulling them underwater to drown. Fear of her was written into a
popular Mother Goose rhyme:

"Mother, may I go out to swim?"

"Yes, my darling daughter.
Hang your clothes on an alder limb
And don't go near the water."
(Alder trees are considered a sort of charm against evil faeries.) See also Jenny

The People of the Hills - English faeries who live under green mounds. subterranean

People of Peace: Ireland, Scotland. Another name for the Daoine Sidhe.

Phooka - Phouka (pooka): This is an Irish Goblin who appears as a variety of beasts. It
can take various forms and is considered dangerous. Sometimes he appears as a dog, a
bull, a horse, or an eagle and he is almost always black with blazing eyes. He is fond of
offering rides to weary travellers, appearing to be a kind, docile pony, but then takes them
for the wildest ride of their lives once they have mounted and soon after dumps them
headfirst into an undesirable locale.

Pixies - Piskies-Pisgies: The name for faeries in Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall. Green
faeries who often take the form of hedgehogs. They are also known as urchins, pisgies,
piskies, and pigseys. They originated in Cornwall. They like to dance in the shadows of
stones. Their bells are often heard on the moor. They like to steal horses and torture them
to get them to run faster. They delight in throwing pots and pans at kitchen girls. They
usually mean no harm, however. Beware of doing pixies favors, for they have a tendency
to backfire.

The Plant Annwn (plant anoon): Wales. Gwragen Annwn is the Welsh name for their
women. Faeries of the Underworld. The entrance to their kingdom is through lakes. Their
king is called Gwyn ap Nudd. Their speckled cattle are Gwartheg Y Llyn and their white
hounds are the Cwn Annwn (see Hounds of the Hill).

Plant Rhys Dwfen - They're a tribe of faeries who inhabit a small invisible land. It is
invisible because of a certain herb that grows on it. They are beautiful people, quite short,
and they are fond of outbidding at Cardigan auctions. They are honest in their dealings,
and kind to people who are kind to them.

Portunes - They are small agricultural faeries who work on human farms by day, and spit-
roast frogs by night. They are generally very old men with wrinkled faces and patched
coats. However kind they are, they have a weakness for grabbing the bridles of horses
whom men are riding alone at night and leading them into ponds, laughing.

Puck - He is a mischievous, shape-shifting Hobgoblin, made famous by Shakespeare. He

is also associated with the Pwca (maybe aka Pooka) and the Phooka (both on this page).

Pwca (pooka): Wales. A version of Puck; not like the Irish Phouka. They are helpful if
milk is left out, but can also be mischievous.

Redcap - He is one of the most evil Goblins. He inhabits ruined towers,especially those
that have a history of evil. His red cap is dyed with human blood.
Roane: A. Scottish Highlands. Water Elementals or mermen who take the form of seals.
Irish name for the Selkie.

Seelie (Blessed) Court: Scotland. These trooping faeries are benevolent towards humans,
but will readily avenge any injury or insult. They are a good-natured aristocracy of
faeries. They are fond of riding in long solemn processions called faerie Rades. They are
believed to be the last of the Tuatha de Danann. Their evil opposite is the Unseelie Court.

Selkies - Also known as the Seal-Faeries, they inhabit the seas around Orkney and
Shetland. A female selkie can shed her seal skin and become a beautiful woman. If a
human gets ahold of the empty skin, the selkie is forced to become the perfect wife. But
he must keep the skin hidden from her since she may return to the sea if she finds it
again. The husband then dies of a broken heart. The male selkies create storms and flip
boats to take revenge for their kin murdered at the hands of humans.

Shellycoat - He is a Scottish Bogie who haunts streams. He is covered with shells which
clink together when he moves. He likes to trick travellers and lead them astray.

Sidhe-Sidh-Sith-Si (shee): Ireland, Scottish Highlands. Name for faeries and their
subterranean dwellings. A barrow or hillock which has a door to a beautiful underground
realm of the Tuatha or faeries. They are Irish faeries who are very attracted to beauty and
luxurious locales, and detest pennypinchers.

Silent Moving Folk

Sluagh (slooa)- The Host: Scotland. The Host of the Unforgiven Dead, or Pagan
anscestors. The most formidable of the Highland faeries. Some account them as being the
dead, some think they are fallen angels. But the most popular view is that they are the
souls of dead mortals.

Sithein (sheean): Ireland, Scotland. Name for the outside of a faery hill or knowe. The
inside is called the brugh.

Solitary Fairies - Never trust a solitary faery, they are usually outcasts and renegades.
Solitary faeries include Brownies, who may be the exception to the rule, and
Leprechauns, Pookas, Banshees, the Fir Darrig, Bogies, Duergars, Brown Man of the
Muirs, Shelleycoat, and Nuckelavee.

Spriggans - They are ill-temepered, and ugly little things . They are very small, but are
able to inflate to monstrous proportions. They are thought to be the ghosts of giants. They
guard the treasure of hills. They are destructive, dangerous, skilled thieves. They have
been known to kidnap babies and leave baby Spriggans instead, which are quite

Subterranean Faeries: Scotland. Faeries who live in bochs or hills. They travel from place
to place at Imbolc, Beltane, Ludhnassadh, and Samhain in order to change their

Trows: Shetland faeries. Some are similar to Scandinavian trolls, they live beneath the
ground and must take care to avoid sunlight. If a trow is caught above ground when the
sun rises he cannot return to his home until the sun sets again. King Trows were
exclusively male and would leave their homes to court and marry mortal women, though
as soon as her baby was born the mother would die. Other trows could be much like
faeries in general, helpful to those they found favorable and offended by any gifts set out
for them.

Tuatha de Danann: The people of the goddess Dana were traditionally an early race of
Ireland who were forced to take refuge beneath the hills after the arrival of other people.
They were masters of magic, and over time faded in nature and became known as the
Daoine Sidh, though they could still be more majestic than mortals.

Tylwyth Teg: "The Fair Family" of Wales, they have fair hair and dress in white. They are
sometimes called Bendith y Mamau, "Mother's blessing". Like other faerie folk they are
fond of dancing and singing, and are partial to golden haired mortals. They will give
wealth to their favorites, but if this is mentioned to anyone else it will vanish.

Unseelie Court: The Sluagh, or the Host, are the unsanctified dead who fly above the
earth, stealing mortals and take great pleasure in harming humans. Unlike other faeries
they are never kindly disposed towards mortals, and many solitary faeries of malicious
nature, such as the redcap, are also part of the Unseelie Court.

Urisk: A Water Elemental who appears as half-human, half-goat, associated with


Wee Folk: Scotland, Ireland. A name for faeries.

Wild Hunt: The night hunt by the Slaugh with their terrible hounds. They are said to
kidnap humans they encounter during their rides.

Will o' the Wisp: A faery who appears at night in lonely places carrying a lantern. It uses
this light to cause travelers to lose their way.

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