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Unit 4 - Reading part 4: Conquering Raw Deal & Predator Vocabulary

To riddle: to make a lot of holes in someone or something especially with bullets. Riddled with: full of small holes. A gunman riddled the faade of a building with bullets. In bloom: flowering To snake: to move in or have a series of long curves: wind snake through: the path snakes through the trees and up the hill. To traverse: to move over or across an area. It took several weeks to traverse the desert. Terrain: a area of land, usually one that has a particular physical feature. Familiar terrain, hilly terrain, mountainous terrain. Trail: path in countryside To meander: a river or road that meanders follows a path with a lot of turns and curves. Meandering: winding Carved: if wind, a river carves something in the land, its action forms it over a period of many years. The river has carved a series of spectacular gorges. (gorge: a deep valley with high straight sides where a river has cut through rock. Flood: when water covers something. Flooded with: covered or filled with water as a result of a flood. Flash: involving a very quick process. Flash freezing, flash flood Turn off: if a liquid turns off, or if you run it off, it flows away from or out of something. This channel allows rainwater to run off. Turn off: to suddenly leave a place or person. To scatter: or drop things so that they spread over an area. I scattered some grain on the floor of the hen house. Outcrop: a rock or a group of rocks that sticks out of the ground. Rocky outcrops: a large mass of rocks sticking out of ground. The dead of winter: the middle of winter. Boulder: a very large rock or piece of stone. Hard-core adj. very determined or unwillingly to change your opinions or your behavior: hardcore opposition, hard-core criminals. Crawler: if a vehicle crawls, it moves forwards very slowly. Cars and lorries crawled along the main road. Hand-picked: carefully selected for a specific purpose. A few hand-picked individuals were in charge of security. Hub: the part at the center of a wheel. Spread out: place things separately; cover area in front of you. Full-on: inf. Used for emphasizing that someone or something has a lot of particular quality= complete. Things were developing into a full-on catastrophe. Cleft: a narrow space in the surface of something, for example in a rock or someones chin. Tip over: lose balance or turning over. if something tips over, it falls into its side. Be careful that the vase doesnt tip over. He tipped over his drink. Leg: part of journey or race Puncture: if a small hole made by accident in a tyre. Nasty: dangerous, hazardous Kissed: scraped against, touched Ravine: a very deep narrow valley with steep sides Grab : an attempt to get hold of something Contend with: to have to deal with problems or difficulties, especially in order to achieve something. They had to contend with winds of over 40 miles per hour. Unyielding: inf. very hard or firm; formal: very strict and severe Due date, due time: the date, time on which something is planned and expected to happen. Ledge: a narrow surface that continues out from the side of a cliff, wall or other surface. They were perched on a narrow ledge near the cliff top. Intriguing: fascinating Mishap: a minor mistake or accident. Hundreds of children end up in hospital after preventable mishaps. Downpour: a large amount of rain that falls quickly= deluge Drench: to make someone or something very wet. Come down with: to become ill with a particular disease, usually one that is not serious

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