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Libra Horoscope for June 2011 By Susan Miller The eclipses are back, and this time we have

no less than three coming to us in a row, each two weeks apart. Eclipses arrive on new moons and full moons and are like new moons or full moons on steroids - they are powerful! They often bring dramatic, fast moving events that you don't expect, for they come from the outside world in. Eclipses almost always give us an important piece of information we did not have before, so that afterward we feel changed, enlightened by what we learned, and it changes our perception and understanding of the subject at hand. You're ready, dear Libra. It is only through change that we can experience progress. It's been years since we have seen three eclipses packed into such a tiny space of time, so it's sure to be a month with a great deal of news. The eclipses will arrive two weeks apart, giving you just enough time to catch your breath before the next one arrives. The last one of the three, due July 1, is the one for you to watch, for it will affect your career situation, possibly quite dramatically. Sometimes eclipses bring news a month to the day earlier (such as in May), or one month to the day later (July), plus or minus one week, so there is a chance you have already seen some of the dramatic events of these eclipses last month. Circle August 16-17 on your calendar too, as Mars will trigger the precise degrees of the July 1 eclipse on those days, and I advise you not to be traveling at that time. Let's get started looking at these three eclipses in detail. After I have finished telling you about them, I will briefly move on to some of the other interesting planetary events happening in this action-packed month. The first eclipse, June 1, will be a solar eclipse and will fall in your ninth house. That house rules foreign people and places, travel abroad or a far distance, your higher education, officials in academia, as well as the media, including publishing and broadcasting positions and projects. The June 1 solar eclipse will be quite friendly, so you may emerge from the first week of June saying to yourself, "I can do this!" and indeed, you can, dear Libra! New moon eclipses, like this one June 1, tend to bring new opportunities and happy events. If you are currently seeking a new position with the media, you may see lots of activity. Your phone will be ringing and your email will be overflowing. Keep your schedule light because it's about to fill up quickly after June 1. This eclipse, as said, will be in Gemini, so there's a strong chance you'd get TWO serious offers because Gemini is what the ancients called a "double-bodied sign" that always is looking for its lost twin. There's also a possibility you'll travel, possibly to a city quite far from yours, or even overseas. Gemini is a fast-moving, breezy sign, so whatever happens is likely to happen fast. Saturn will make a comforting and stabilizing vibration to this eclipse of June 1, and that means whatever happens may help you feel more secure. Decisions and actions you take, particularly

near June 7 or 8, will stay in place a very long time, for you will be building a foundation for the future. If you have an ongoing court case pending, you may hear news about it in the first half of June, too. Perhaps the opposing party will make you an offer or the court will hand down a decision, and either way it seems you will be pleased with the outcome. If you need to initiate a new lawsuit (not work on an ongoing one), the same rules apply - I suggest you wait a week after the eclipse June 1 before you file, for best results. Eclipses stir up a lot of cosmic dust and a lot of information will be hurled at you at once. You need time to sift through what you learn before you build a strategy, so take your time and then file papers. Neptune, currently in your sixth house of work assignments, will be in hard angle to the June 1 eclipse (but fortunately not super-close in degree). Neptune might be close enough, however, to temporarily cloud your view and understanding of what would be expected of you in any new position. Ask lots of questions. If you work freelance or have your own business, find out more about the project being brought to you now, and ask which methods your client would like you to use to get the job done. Finally, the ninth house is an intellectual, thinking house of the horoscope, where we weigh and reflect on various issues and subjects in our effort to find truth. In a month where your sector of attitude, opinion, ethics, and judgment will be brilliantly lit, you may change your mind about holding a certain stance you'd held for a long time. You may get new evidence or a piece of data that will change your view of the situation entirely. No matter what happens in early June, if your birthday falls on October 3, plus or minus five days, you will feel the June 1 eclipse more and benefit from it, either immediately or in time. Any eclipse can bring an out-of-left-field surprise, but this one seems more likely to please you. The next eclipse, coming June 15, will be a full moon, total eclipse of the moon and fall in Sagittarius at 24 degrees. This one will be more emotional than the solar eclipse that came earlier on June 1. With lunar eclipses, something ends. Because a full moon is involved, you may feel a bit wistful because you may feel the passage of time. You may feel that a certain part of your life has ended and changed forever. That is a part of life, but it never makes it any easier. I find most endings hard, so I am not one to give you advice! Keep in mind that all endings release an opportunity for something new to be born soon, so it's not really the end. This total eclipse of June 15 may bring a big focus on your sister or brother in coming weeks, or it may center your focus on a cousin or neighbor. A sibling is the more likely subject of this eclipse, but if you don't have one or are not close to yours if you do, you might see news with one of the other individuals I mentioned. Something is coming to critical mass, and you may be needed to help this person. Often we have no idea when a family member needs us, so keep your antenna up and check in often. It's also possible you'll be doing something in concert with your sibling, such as to take a trip, buy or sell a house / condo, or open a business together.

This same eclipse of June 15 may bring vital papers for you to sign, and if so, go slowly. You may want to negotiate for a little more time to reflect on the deal. Decisions made in the light of a full moon eclipse can be "off" sometimes, so don't be pressured to sign quickly. Give yourself a week to think things over and in the meantime, go to a lawyer to get her advice. The rule at eclipse time (plus or minus one week) is this - observe, but do not initiate. Listen carefully but try not to act directly on the date of the eclipse. You want to leave a little space between your action and the eclipse of about a week. You may travel at mid-month too, but if so, you won't cover as much ground as you may have done earlier in the month. Instead, if you do have to travel at mid-month, you'll more likely go to a city or town that is nearby, within the space of say, New York and Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco, or London and Paris. Not far! If your birthday falls on October 17, plus or minus four days, you will feel this eclipse the most and will also find a way to benefit from it. The big eclipse you need to watch will arrive as a solar eclipse in Cancer 9 degrees due July 1. It will light your tenth house of career, and this will be the last eclipse that you will feel in this part of your chart. Eclipses in Cancer, highlighting your profession, have been coming toward you for two years - July 21, 2009, December 30, 2009, July 11, 2010, and now this one. I will also add the monster eclipse of June 24, 2010, of last year that affected many Libras from its perch in Capricorn. To say you've been going through massive career shifts is putting it mildly. This last eclipse might be one of the most powerful, and doubly so if your birthday falls October 2, plus or minus five days. It is a new moon, so it should open a new path, but the path has some strong obstacles that you'll need to navigate. Think back 19 years, to June 30, 1992. On that date you experienced a very similar eclipse at the same degree - 9 degrees Cancer. Can you recall what happened at that time? Other planets in space have since moved to new positions, but that July 1 eclipse will be almost identical in degree to the one you had back then. Perhaps you can remember a general theme that emerged then that will come up again now in a different, but related, way. Actually ALL the eclipses this month, including the ones June 1 and June 15, will fall on the same mathematical degree as the ones in June 1992, as eclipses repeat every 19 years. (Just think back 20 years and add one year.) The July 1 eclipse will be tense, and I feel everyone, of very sign, not only Libras, will feel tension in the air. We will have major outer planets squaring off in the four corners of the sky. The July 1 solar eclipse will light your career sector and be in hard angle to Pluto in Capricorn in your home and family sector. Both will be in hard 90-degree angles to Uranus in Aries in your marriage / partnership sector and in 90-degree angle to Saturn in Libra in your first house of personality and vitality. Saturn is adding responsibilities to your shoulders, and at times, Saturn has made you doubt yourself. Don't. You can handle whatever comes up. Cardinal crosses are formed when all planets and (if applicable) the Sun are in cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. That is happening now. You may have to cajole a romantic or business partner, headhunter, or agent into accepting a decision you've made. Pluto will be

exerting a lot of force from the home sector, so you may wonder which way to turn first. Everyone, it seems, will want your attention. When a cardinal cross - one of the most energetic and forceful of all cross patterns - occurs, it means that a matter before you has to be decided now, without delay. By that I mean you won't have the luxury of putting things aside for another time and place. Others will be quite insistent to hear your decisions. If you don't feel you've considered all the elements in the situation or plan, ask for as much time as you can get to reflect on what is occurring. I suggest you not be away on vacation during the last week of June, which will be action packed, due to a tough aspect over June 25, when the Sun and Uranus will duke it out, and June 27, when Pluto will take direct aim to the Sun. You will be feeling urgent energy building at that time. The solar eclipse will be a few days later, July 1, and things will certainly come into focus by then. If you were born on October 2 plus or minus five days, you will feel this eclipse too most directly, but you will need to work out a plan to deal with the obstacles created by this eclipse July 1. Elsewhere in your chart, more things are happening, but this time, my news is very upbeat. Saturn will turn direct on June 12, and this is good news, for Saturn is in Libra and has been retrograde for nearly five months, since January 26. If you've been trying to get proposals and deals to crystallize since the start of this year and have wondered why nothing seemed to gel, it was Saturn retrograde. Once Saturn is in strong shape, it will help all parts of your life, especially in regard to your dearest goals and also in regard to home-and-family-related decisions. Now let's turn to some more very good news! Your financial future looks very bright, dear Libra, now that Jupiter will make his monumental move into Taurus on June 4. Once in Taurus, Jupiter will light your house of "other people's money" - joint resources - for a full year, until June 11, 2012. This is the first time since the year 2000 that you've had this exceptional advantage! You will find that credit and capital is easier for you to be granted from banks and credit card companies and if you need venture capital or an investment in your business, show your business plan because you are likely to get it, with superb terms, too. If you are in college, apply for a scholarship or financial aid for tuition - you are in a perfect position to be approved. You may soon get a new mortgage, or if needed, you may refinance your present mortgage, and again, the terms would be excellent. Do you want a vacation or weekend home? Start to look for one - you may be able to find a bargain. If you are one of the homeowners that are suffering because you are described as "under water" because you bought your house but saw it depreciate in value, talk to your banker, especially if you are in danger of losing your home. At long last you have the right aspects to help you find a way out. Taurus is tied to the land in many ways, in terms of real estate in general but also farming and agriculture. All home-related properties are getting a boost from Jupiter now, dear Libra. You really do have a superb outlook for finances.

There are other ways Jupiter may help you financially. You may see a big commission, bonus, royalty, or advance check, say, for a creative project you are doing, or book you are writing. In the coming year, you may get a nice tax refund or insurance reimbursement. Alternatively, you may be given an inheritance, possibly now, decades before your parent passes away, as many parents today are granting all or part of their inheritance to their children while they are alive, so that their children can use the money to make a down payment on a house or go to college. A sum of money, usually granted in a large one-time chunk is likely to find its way to you now. You may want to check my essay on the nature of eclipses that I wrote, called "How to Deal With Eclipses," after you read this, your Libra forecast for June. Check the quick announcement at the very top of this page for the URL that will take you to another place on Astrology Zone. Also don't forget to read my new special report I just finished for you about Uranus in Aries - the URL is in the same place, with the quick announcements at the top of this page. As a special service to my readers, as I go through June, I will be writing about the eclipses in my special "Eclipse Watch Series" on Twitter each day. You don't have to tweet if you simply prefer to read, but not respond to, my updates. To see them, simply go to You won't have to register or tweet unless you want to do so. My tweets will be linked to my Facebook page too ("Susan Miller Astrology Zone" on Facebook), so you can read them there, too. Let's share stories of what happened and learn more about eclipses from the best laboratory - real life. Let's also be sensitive to each other and be of help. Everyone will be undergoing quite a number of changes in June, both challenging ones and happy ones. In a month like this one, all kinds of news will come up. Share your stories, dear readers! Check the summary to hear about your love life. Lucky you, it appears you'll have someone waiting to put his or her arms around you and listen to your stories this month. Venus and Mars are going to work hard to make you super-magnetic. Check the dates I listed for you below! Summary This month brings the return of eclipses, so it's sure to be action packed. The first eclipse, a solar new moon, June 1, will bring opportunities in publishing, broadcasting, or in academia. Solar eclipses are always exciting, because they open doors in surprising ways. Libra has not had the easiest time lately, so this eclipse will unlock a treasure chest of options that will cheer you. Both the June 1 solar eclipse and the one next, June 15, will bring you a chance to travel, both far and wide. If you need to go overseas, do so during June's first ten days. At mid-month, you may also have to settle an important matter with your sister or brother, so trips closer to home will be more convenient and appealing. If you feel the urge to take a proper vacation of a week or two, do so in June, the only month mid-year you will have time to do so.

July through mid-September will bring two hugely important career phases for you, due in part to the third eclipse, a new moon, July 1. You may start to see events shift already by late June, for the time near June 25 and June 27 brings some urgent energy to the surface. Spend all of June getting ready, say, by dusting off your resume. If you are creative, update your portfolio or reel, too. The July 1 eclipse will be challenging, and it will have to do with your career. Do not be away on vacation at this time - you need to be back to handle whatever comes up. A cardinal cross of planets in the sky is about to create tensions, and any situation that cannot sustain itself will now collapse. You seem to be involved in financial matters during the first three weeks too, and on June 17, financial luck will be strong, due to Mercury's friendly contact with Jupiter and Neptune. Romantically, Venus will be in Gemini from June 9 to July 3. Mars will be another planet dedicated to boosting your love life, and will be helpful to you from June 20 to August 3. As you see, you'll have an ideal phase coming up for finding fun and love. If you are dating, you have started to think about making a serious promise and you seem to be moving quickly in that direction. If your partner is not ready to make a commitment to you, you will wait, but not forever. Saturn is giving you a sense of urgency that will force you to move toward a stable, long-term situation. The Venus in Gemini (June 9 to July 3) will also give you the perfect moment for improving your looks too, from booking a salon visit to shopping for new clothes. Pay special attention to the dates Venus will move through Gemini, for on those days, you'll find your most flattering selections. Dates to Note for Libra The solar eclipse June 1 in Gemini will bring opportunity in regard to travel, publishing, broadcasting, and academia. Now that Jupiter will enter Taurus June 4 for the coming year, money matters should improve. Applications for large funds, such as for mortgage, venture capital, lines of credit, and so forth could be improved now. Travel is becoming a big new force in your life, due to both the June 1 and June 15 eclipses. Distant travel is emphasized, although near June 15 you would go a much shorter distance. Mars in Gemini from June 20 to August 3, is sure to extend the emphasis on travel not only this month, but also will likely do so for months into the future. You may get a client in a distant city who you have to see often, as one possibility, or take a position that requires you to travel more than usual.

Your sister or brother may be on your mind, as the full moon eclipse on June 15 will see to that, now or in months to come. You may be doing something together. Or, your sibling may be making news in your life. Your career is about to heat up - watch the third eclipse, July 1. August through mid-September will also be important months. Best, most romantic dates for you: 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 19, and 29.

Gemini Horoscope for June 2011 By Susan Miller Get ready to see yourself in a whole new light, dear Gemini. The eclipses are back in your sign as well as the sign that falls exactly opposite, six months away from yours, in Sagittarius. This means some rather vast and important shifts will take place unexpectedly in your life between now and when this series of eclipses ends in May 2013. You are setting the template for many years to come, but you may not have any clue that all this is about to happen so soon! The June 1 solar eclipse will have a very different look and feel from the one you saw in December. The one in December was a highly emotional full moon (more so if you were born near June 20), but this month's will be a bright and happy new moon solar eclipse in Gemini. Because it will be a very friendly one, it will open an exciting new path for you to investigate. Your attitudes or opinion may do a surprise shift in a new direction, or an opportunity you never expected to come up may materialize, and when it does, it will change everything you assumed. Gemini is very quick, breezy energy, so whatever this eclipse brings will happen fast. Eclipses never give you what you assume it will bring - it's always something different, but in the case of a friendly eclipse, that might be quite exciting. Gemini rules communication, including writing (books, magazines, Internet blogs, screenplays, journalism, cell phone and computer apps, poetry, inspiration, documentary work - you name it), as well as lecturing and speaking, editing, teaching, marketing, translations of work into different languages, copywriting, advertising, publicity, TV production and programming, telecommunications, research, and sales of every description. One of these areas may become very important to you now when a breakthrough opportunity comes your way. Gemini is a travel sign, so you may hit the road too, not just now, but in the months to come as well. It does not appear you'll go a far distance, but you may have to arrange a trip rather quickly. There is one other way you may feel things, and that is if your sister, brother, cousin, or even a neighbor has news for you, for that too is possible. Perhaps your sister will get a big promotion, or your brother will tell you that this wife is expecting a baby. Maybe you and your cousin are buying a house together, or you and your sister are starting a small business. Big news like this

often comes up at eclipse time. You might want to make a note to check in with your sibling, or a cousin, at this time - there will be news. You may see a development in one or more areas, as there can be overlap - the various parts of life that Gemini rules are not mutually exclusive. You can have more than one. In truth, because Gemini, the sign of the eclipse, is the sign of twins, there is a very good chance you may have two lovely offers, and perhaps you'll be able to take them both! This eclipse will be a friendly one, for it will be in excellent angle to Saturn, a stabilizing influence. Any decisions that you make will likely be in place a very long time. Saturn gives longevity to all that it touches, and that should be a comforting thought in a world that often offers little stability. You may be building the deep foundation for a very tall structure now! You need to watch your health all month as any eclipse in your own sign or in the sign that lies six months away, in Sagittarius, could bring a latent health problem to light that you would want to address. Even if you feel silly calling your doctor because the matter seems insignificant, you should check out any concern anyway. Not all concerns will turn out to be anything important, but you need to check. Eclipses are your friends, for they want you to be well. The universe uses an eclipse to warn you so that you can get quick help if anything is amiss. Here is the really exciting part to the June 1 new moon eclipse in Gemini 10 degrees. This eclipse falls in your solar first house of the horoscope, ruling your identity, personality, and vitality. You may change the way you see yourself - and the way others view you could also change. You may give yourself a radical new look to your appearance in weeks ahead, say, by changing your hair or mode of dress, or even beginning to lose quite a bit of weight. You may also adopt a new pen name, nick name, married last name, or change your name legally in court. Often when deep-seated changes occur within you over a long period of time, it's natural for those changes to eventually reach the surface and come out, so that it's obvious to others that you have changed, too. Your daily routine may shift and become quite different from the one you had followed before, so every day would take on a very new flavor. A prominent man may leave your life at this time too, such as your boss, who may change jobs, or your father, who may decide to move to a warm climate, as two of many possible examples. Keep in mind that changes may be immediate, or happen later, in weeks or months, but not more than six months from now. Most, but not necessarily all, changes happen within six weeks. You will feel this first eclipse of June 1 very directly if you were born on this day, plus or minus five days or if you have 11 degrees of Gemini rising (plus or minus five degrees). Mercury and Venus will be quite active this month. We need to look at Mercury to decide how this first eclipse will work out because the eclipse is in Gemini, and Mercury is its ruler. Mercury will first conjoin Venus at the eclipse, June 1, which is lovely. Venus always softens and soothes what she touches. This is a good sign that you'll like what comes up, for Venus will be so close to Mercury on June 1. This is also a sign you'll be popular with just about everyone.

Next, on June 4, Mercury will signal Uranus in a very friendly way, bringing surprises and spontaneous fun with friends. On June 7, Mercury will send a sublime signal to Saturn, making it a great day to sign papers or make a promise to someone. Another sparkling date will be June 17, when Mercury will send a vibrant signal to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Some good news may arrive on this date. June 18 will be troublesome, however, for Mercury will challenge Uranus, making it a very tough day and few things will go right. Do not sign documents on June 18 or even give your verbal commitment. Your friends and family may not be aware of what is going on within you until Mars reaches Gemini, June 20, and beyond. You may be too busy to share any of the news, or there may be reasons you really do have to keep things confidential. Pay special attention to the dates when Mars reaches 11 degrees, the same degree of this first eclipse. Mars will reach this point over the days of July 1-3. July 1 is important for another reason, as it happens to be the date of the third eclipse, so it's a hot button date for several reasons. I will discuss that one later in this report. My antenna is up for July, for it will be a month when things will begin to show they are moving into a very different place than they were before and you begin to see what massive change is happening around you. On July 9, Saturn will move to 11 degrees Libra, sending a 90-degree square. This is another sign that early July will bring a lot of news. Your second eclipse, due June 15, in Sagittarius 24 degrees, will be a total eclipse of the moon (a full moon). This eclipse will highlight a very close relationship in your life, either business or romantic in nature. Something said or that you discover may surprise you, for that's what eclipses do. How things will go with this eclipse depends on how things have been going all along between you, only magnified so you can see the detail of it clearly. If you need to know something about the character of your partner to protect yourself, this eclipse will send you that information. However, conversely, if you have a strong relationship, then you may both decide to take a step forward in commitment. In the case of a full moon lunar eclipse (which the one June 15 will be), sometimes a prominent woman leaves our daily environment. I say "woman" because lunar eclipses are designated to be female in nature. This person could be a relative, a romantic partner, or someone you are aligned with in business, such as an agent, publicist, business partner, or collaborator. Money will come up as part of your meditation of the June 15 eclipse, for the moon rules your second house of personal income and wealth. All lunar, full moon eclipses bring money into the conversation for you, dear Gemini, because the moon naturally rules your solar second house of earned income, and this is a lunar eclipse on June 15. The July 1 eclipse, falling in Cancer in your salary house, will magnify the theme of money even more - but I will get to that discussion in a moment.

Eclipses usually comes by in pairs, in your own sign and in your opposite sign, arriving every five and a half months, falling at varying mathematical degrees so that every Gemini will get a chance to experience the enlightenment and opportunity that eclipses bring. Actually, the very first eclipse in this Gemini-Sagittarius series occurred six months ago as a lunar (full moon) eclipse on December 21, 2010. The Gemini who felt the first eclipse in the series, the one in December, were born at the end of their sign, near June 21, minus five days. The lunar eclipse, due later this month on June 15 will highlight almost the same Gemini, for it will touch those born within five days of June 15. If you were born at the end of your sign, think about what came up, for the second eclipse this month - June 15 - will advance the talks of December 21 eclipse. It's almost as if the universe knows that there is a limit to how much change we can absorb, so to create a transformation in your life, the eclipses in any one family of signs (like Gemini-Sagittarius) work together to advance things in a step by step way. By May 2013, you will be in a whole new place, and it will be a better one for you. I am cheered by the fact that Saturn will go direct motion on June 12, just three days prior to eclipse day, June 15. After all, Saturn has been out of phase since January 26 of this year, almost five months. This means that if you've been trying to increase business or get more salary at work, but feel like your efforts seem to keep leading you in roundabout circles - and back to square one - things will improve from now on. Keep working on your goal, for you will see success soon. Financially things will be MUCH better after Saturn goes direct. This particular eclipse of June 15 will be tied to the one that fell last December 21, 2010, and bring up some of the news you discussed then, and advance it forward to a new level of discussion. Think about where you were and what you were thinking about just a few days prior to Christmas. You will see more news will come up. (If you recall, there was unrest in Egypt and Libya, so more news should emerge from those countries, too. Turkey is due to have some vital elections June 12, just prior to the eclipse.) Near this June 15 eclipse, you will need to watch your health again, as an eclipse in the sign opposite yours can be draining. Should you find you need medical or even psychiatric help of any kind, or rehab or physical therapy treatment, you would have no trouble locating the right professional. Ask friends and family for a number of trusted references, and keep searching until you feel confident you've located the right medical professional for you. I want to emphasize that I am not saying you will need any medical help at all this month. Among the tiny proportion of Gemini who will, the position of Jupiter will be quite a blessing and I wanted you to know that. Jupiter brings gifts of healing and regeneration - wonderful gifts. The closer your birthday falls to June 15, plus or minus five days, the more likely you are to see some sort of change as a result of this eclipse. Eclipses have a wide area of influence, so you can feel their effects for six months or more. My Little Mom was born June 15, so we will keep a close eye on her, for sure. Lunar eclipses often point to a change in regard to a domestic or family condition.

The third eclipse, July 1, in Cancer, coming as a new moon solar eclipse, is the big one, for it will lasso in so many big planets: Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, and all will be speaking to the Sun. Like a big family who just can't get along and shout at each other all day long, they will be at formidable odds and will create a cardinal cross in the sky (cardinal signs positioned opposite each other in a cross pattern, including Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) and together they will create no less than six 90-degree squares. My goodness. You may recall we've had a lot of eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn, and you'll be relieved to hear this is the last one. This eclipse will affect your finances in one way or another. New moon solar eclipses can help you bring in a lot of money, but not always from the source you might expect. For example, you may receive a big insurance payout to cover a large outlay of cash you had made some time ago. It's not necessarily a big windfall lotto prize, commission, or bonus that you had hoped it might be. Money could flow in or out of your account on this eclipse, and I am hoping you will be one of the lucky ones where the money just keeps flowing in! With Pluto being so harsh to other planets at the time of the eclipse July 1, you may have to deal with the government, or a difficult venture capitalist, creditor, banker, or investor. If money comes in, it may go right out again. Saturn will be a in a bad mood too, so you may have to help out one of your older children financially. For example you may opt to pay for special lessons for your child, or send her to a lovely camp for the first time ever. If your child is grown but temporarily out of work, you might choose to give her money to pay for gas or other living expenses. There is no doubts this eclipse will cause some strain on you, but it will for everyone, of every zodiac sign. Keep your schedule light, for you might have to respond to fast moving conditions. I don't think you should travel at this time, anywhere near July 1. This eclipse July 1 may ask you to give up one source of income, but it may also give you another one from another source. You seem to be speaking with a very powerful person or company who works on a massive, global scale. See how this might affect you, and stay calm. With the eclipses stirring the pot, there will be lots of opportunities around you as everyone gets shuffled into new positions. I feel it'll be best for you to listen to what others have to say in June but, if possible, to make no binding promises until mid-to-late July, for so many elements will be changing around! Fortunately, by time the July 1 eclipse comes by, Mars will be in Gemini, so you will have a very strong measure of control. This is extraordinary luck and timing, for Mars only comes to visit your sign every two years for about seven weeks. Everyone loves having Mars in their sign, for when Mars is in our sign, we feel strong and confident, unshakable and unstoppable. Like Clint Eastwood in his early movies, you'll be saying, "Come and get me - make my day! - Yeah, just try it!" Mars makes us very courageous! Mars will make you VERY attractive in the romantic sense too, so you'll gain on the romantic front. These same eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius-Cancer happened in June 1992, to exact mathematical degrees, falling on the same days as they did in 1992. While the eclipse will be at the same degree and sign of that year, the other planets will have moved, so nothing in the universe ever repeats exactly. I mention this June 1992 in case you can think of a certain theme that may emerge from what happened on June 1, June 15, or July 1, 1992.

You may also want to check my general essay on eclipses that I wrote, called "How to Deal With Eclipses," after you read your Gemini forecast for June. Check the quick announcement at the very top of this page for the URL that will take you to another place on Astrology Zone. Also don't forget to read my new special report I just finished for you about Uranus in Aries - the URL is in the same place, with the quick announcements at the top of this page. As a special service to my readers, as I go through June, I will be writing about the eclipses in my special "Eclipse Watch Series" on Twitter each day. You don't have to tweet if you prefer to simply read my updates. To see them, simply go to You won't have to register or tweet to read them. My tweets will be linked to my Facebook page, too ("Susan Miller Astrology Zone" on Facebook). Ideally, we will share your stories of what occurred this month, so that we can learn from each other. As you watch the eclipses, you will get better at estimating what an eclipse might bring. The first two eclipses have you as the subject and star, so much of the news will be made by you, dear Gemini. I have a note about romance in the summary. Assuming you come through the June 15 eclipse without a breakup, you'll have some sweet days to look forward to enjoying. I have a feeling there'll be many Gemini giving proposals and accepting them for marriage this month. I will be with you every step of the way, dear Gemini. Summary You have entered a landmark month, where all sorts of shifts, on every level, will take place. Your personal life will see the biggest changes, and those will be driven by both circumstances and your own preferences. The new moon solar eclipse of June 1 is friendly and will bring you an array of choices. It should be fairly easy to find answers to current questions because, with an eclipse in the double-bodied sign of Gemini, at least two courses of action will show up if you look for them. You can choose the best. The second eclipse June 14 will have to do with a close alliance in love or business. You will either forge a new relationship, or end a troubled one. With Saturn in good angle, you can expect your decision to have a long-range affect. The moon rules your second house of income, so with the moon going through a total lunar eclipse, money - as income or expense - will be on your mind and will become an increasingly intense focus by month's end. Another eclipse - the most powerful one of the three - is due on July 1 and will emphasize how you earn, spend, and save. It would not be wise to make any financial decisions until this July 1 new moon solar eclipse has spoken. Protect your health all month by eating right and not burning your candles at both ends. Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius can occasionally point out latent health problems you were not aware of but need to address. If you feel "off" for any reason, see a doctor to get back to feeling strong and energetic again.

Mars will start to tour Gemini on June 20, heralding a new chapter that is about to start up for you. At this point you will enjoy a rare, once-in-two-year favor for seven weeks. You'll soon notice that in coming weeks, VIPs will be more willing to approve your plans and ideas, and your courage and drive will inspire many others to follow your lead. On the romantic front, Mars in Gemini will give you presence and an attractive glow, and suddenly your social life will perk up in the most delightful way. There's more! You've truly hit the cosmic lottery, for Venus will be in Gemini too, making you unstoppable all month, from June 9 to July 4. Romance has been a sore spot for you, but this month could change all that - step out and meet your "true North." If you break up with one person due to the June 15 eclipse, be philosophical. You won't be alone for long, and you will soon find someone far better for your future. Are you dating and ready to wed? The eclipse could bring you together, or give you second thoughts - all depends on how things have been going so far in your relationship. Whatever happens, you'll feel better afterward, for your relationship status will be clarified and you can plan accordingly. Happiest and most romantic dates this month: June 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 23, 24, and 29. There are more events due, and I have listed them below, so do write them on your calendar. I want you to have every advantage, dear Gemini! Dates to Note for Gemini If you were born June 1 or 15, plus or minus five days, you will feel this eclipse the most. You might be on TV or see your picture "out there" in the press on June 8, thanks to Jupiter's work with Neptune. The new moon solar eclipse in Gemini on June 1 could bring exciting developments in your personal life. Something dearly important to you is about to take flight. A close romantic or business relationship is about to reach a critical stage, either to completion, commitment, or end, at the full moon lunar eclipse June 15, plus or minus one week. Neptune, the natural ruler of your tenth house of career, will go retrograde on June 3 until November 9. Your best progress will occur on projects and relationships in place now - no need to search for new ones during this time. With your ruler, Mercury, in perfect angle to surprise-a-minute Uranus, June 4 should be a VERY good day for you! When Venus enters Gemini from June 9 to July 4, your charm will increase and you'll have a chance to improve your looks AND your love life.

Mars will tour your sign from June 20 to August 3, the time when your courage and drive will allow you to start a whole new personal cycle. What you start now has outstanding chance of success. Others will listen to you. A friend may go out of his or her way for you, June 27, due to Mars and Uranus in ideal sync. Afinancial matter may move forward with force and power once Saturn goes direct June 12. The weekend of June 11-12 will be lovely due to Venus and Uranus in harmony. A change in source of income may be imminent due to the solar eclipse of July 1. Happiest and most romantic dates this month: June 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 23, 24, and 29.

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