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PTSD Screening (PCL) - Manual Instructions The following questions are a list of problems and complaints that veterans sometimes have in response to stressful military experiences. Please read each question carefully, then select the answer that indicates how much you have been bothered by that problem in the past month. Instructions on scoring and interpreting your results are located after the final question. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful military experience? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Repeated, disturbing dreams of a stressful military experience? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Suddenly acting or feeling as if a stressful military experience were happening again (as if you were reliving it)? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful military experience?

Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Having physical reactions (e.g., heart pounding, trouble breathing, sweating) when something reminded you of a stressful military experience? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Avoiding thinking about or talking about a stressful military experience or avoiding having feelings related to it? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Avoiding activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful military experience? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Trouble remembering important parts of a stressful military experience? Not at all A little bit Moderately

Quite a bit Extremely Loss of interest in activities that you used to enjoy? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Feeling distant or cut off from other people? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Feeling emotionally numb or being unable to have loving feelings for those close to you? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Feeling as if your future somehow will be cut short? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Trouble falling or staying asleep? Not at all A little bit Moderately

Quite a bit Extremely Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Having difficulty concentrating? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Being "superalert" or watchful or on guard? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely Feeling jumpy or easily startled? Not at all A little bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely How to score your answers. Now that you have answered each of the questions, you will need to score your answers. Each "Not at all" answer has value of one. Each "A little bit" answer has a value of two. Each"Moderately" answer has a value of three. Each "Quite a bit" answer has a value of four. Each "Extremely" answer has a value

of five. Total all your ans er scores to determine your screening result. R h f u nn u n0

Your screen results indicate that you have few or no symptoms of PTSD. This screen is not designed to provide a comprehensive assessment or diagnosis of PTSD. Only a qualified physician or mental health provider can provide a complete assessment and diagnosis of PTSD. Only a qualified physician or mental health professional can differentiate symptoms of PTSD from o ther medical conditions. Only a qualified physician or mental health provider can prescribe appropriate treatment for PTSD or other medical conditions. If y are concerned about any illness, regardless of what the screen shows, you should seek further evaluation from your physician. If you are concerned that you may have a medical emergency or are having thoughts of harming yourself or someone else, call 911, or go immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room for an evaluation. You can print this page for your own records or to give to your physician or a mental health care provider by pressing CTRL+P or by going to File>Print in your browser's menu. R h f u nn u n 21

Your screen results are consistent with minimal symptoms of PTSD. If these symptoms are distressing to you or are distracting you at work, or home, you may benefit from seeing your physician or a qualified mental health professional for a complete evaluation, as soon as practical. Although many veterans/individuals cope well with symptoms like yours, effective treatments for PTSD are available to help reduce your symptoms and improve your quality of life. A mental health professional or your physician can advise you about whether you can benefit from treatment and describe different treatment alternatives. This screen is not designed to provide a comprehensive assessment or diagnosis of PTSD. Only a qualified physician or mental health provider can provide a complete assessment and diagnosis of PTSD. Only a qualified physician or mental health professional can differentiate symptoms of PTSD from other medical conditions. Only a qualified physician or mental health provider can prescribe appropriate treatment for PTSD or other medical conditions. If you are concerned about any illness, regardless of what the screen shows, you should seek further evaluation from your physician. If you


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are concerned that you may have a medical emergency or are having thoughts of harming yourself or someone else, call 911, o r go immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room for an evaluation. You can print this page for your own records or to give to your physician or a mental health care provider by pressing CTRL+P or by going to File>Print in your browser's menu. R h f u nn u n 30

Your screen results are consistent with many of the symptoms of u h n qu f PTSD. Y u n h h f n f n . Although many veterans/individuals cope well with symptoms like yours, effective treatments for PTSD are available to help reduce your symptoms and improve your quality of life. A mental health professional or your physician can advise you about whether you can benefit from treatment and describe different treatment alternatives.

4 1G 661662 141BFG 8@ 2 9 8 7B 1425 31GG5 B 2 85 661 89F 4B 21 B 24 1G 315 5B 2 2 9 8 25 @5 67 F 9 87 116 84 3165 E32 19 2 8
Por favor, con su sexo y edad.

This screen is not designed to provide a comprehensive assessment or diagnosis of PTSD. Only a qualified physician or mental health provider can provide a complete assessment and diagnosis of PT SD. Only a qualified physician or mental health professional can differentiate symptoms of PTSD from other medical conditions. Only a qualified physician or mental health provider can prescribe appropriate treatment for PTSD or other medical conditions. If you are concerned about any illness, regardless of what the screen shows, you should seek further evaluation from your physician. If you are concerned that you may have a medical emergency or are having thoughts of harming yourself or someone else, call 9 11, or go immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room for an evaluation. You can print this page for your own records or to give to your physician or a mental health care provider by pressing CTRL+P or by going to File>Print in your browser's menu.

Exmenes de autoevaluacin para trastorno de estrs postraumtico

3 2

11D41C 65 4B 619 A 5 119 @6 9 87 5 65 4 321






3 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experimentado pensamientos intrusivos o recuerdos de los acontecimientos? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

4 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experim entado sueos recurrentes angustiante y aterrador sobre los hechos o cosas relacionadas con los eventos? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

5 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experimentado usted se ha sentido como si estuviera reviviendo los hechos una y otra vez? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

6 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experimentado te pareci or voces o sonidos asociados con los eventos? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

7 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experimentado usted tiene un sonido normal o la vista provoc un retroceso de los hechos? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

8 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experimentado usted ha notado que a ti mismo "espaciar" o sentirse desconectado de s mismo? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

9 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experimentado ha reaccionado emocionalmente a las personas, lugares o cosas asociadas con los acontecimientos? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

10 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experimentado usted ha sentido que ha sido no slo para ti? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

11 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha experimentado que otros te dicen que no te parece? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

12 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha tenido dificultad para recordar los detalles de los eventos? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

13 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos que usted tiene de su futuro pareca oscura o incierta?


A menudo

A veces


14 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos que usted tiene el inters en cosas que se neg? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

15 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha tenido dificultades para dormir? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

16 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos que tienen dificultad para concentrarse? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

17 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha estado en 'alerta'? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

18 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos ha tenido explosin de ira que son diferentes a usted? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

19 Desde que ocurrieron los hechos se han dado cuenta de que se asustan con facilidad? Siempre A menudo A veces Nunca

Las personas que son detenidas deben ser sometidas a exmenes fsicos peridicamente y el mdico no debe limitarse a las quejas que se le hacen, porque muchas veces la vctima no consigue valorar todo el contexto de su sufrimiento. b) Peritaje de la seora Ana Deutsch, psicloga La perito indic que el seor Wilson Gutirrez Soler prese nta estrs postraumtico. Dicho diagnstico se realiz basndose en los criterios establecidos por el manual de diagnsticos psiquitricos publicado por la Asociacin Americana de Psiquiatra de 1994. Para formular tal diagnstico se deben reunir seis cr iterios: el primer criterio es la experiencia de un hecho traumtico que afect al individuo y respecto del cual reaccion con horror y con pnico. Los hechos sufridos por el seor Wilson Gutirrez Soler cumplen con ese criterio. El segundo criterio es la recurrencia molesta de recuerdos del evento que se presentan en la memoria espontneamente y que producen sufrimiento emocional cada vez que eso sucede. Dichos recuerdos se pueden presentar durante la vigilia o el sueo, o pueden ser evocados por estmulos del medio ambiente. El seor Gutirrez Soler relat que tiene que luchar para espantar esas memorias que

se le presentan a diario cuando va al bao, cuando observa las cicatrices, cuando escucha a alguien hablar en tono fuerte o ve a alguien que se est peleando. La violacin sexual le afect hondamente su autoestima y su dignidad masculina fue atacada. El tercer criterio es la evitacin, el cual consiste en que la persona evita exponerse a situaciones que le recuerden el trauma. El seor Gutirrez Soler se asla socialmente para que no le hagan preguntas, pues eso le evocara las razones por las cuales viaj a Estados Unidos. En este ltimo pas casi no se relaciona con otros colombianos porque le producen incomodidad y siente temor de que pudieran estar relacionados con los agentes del Estado que le causaron tantos problemas. El cuarto criterio es la presentacin de sntomas de sobreexcitacin o reaccin exagerada a estmulos mnimos y la presencia de irritabilidad. El seor Gutirrez Soler seala que se volvi muy temperamental despus de la tortura y eso agrav algunos conflictos matrimoniales. En aqul entonces era impaciente e intolerante con su propio hijo. Actualmente, contina teniendo perturbaciones en el sueo, le cuesta dormirse y se despierta sobresaltado por ruidos leves. El quinto criterio consiste en que la duracin de estos sntomas es superior a un mes. El seor Gutirrez Soler ha sufrido estos sntomas por ms de diez aos, y si bien en el pasado eran ms intensos, todava los presenta co n variada intensidad. Ha tenido mejoras en algunos aspectos, pero en definitiva debe seguir un tratamiento psicolgico. El ltimo criterio se refiere al dao en el rea laboral, de aprendizaje y social; en cuanto a lo laboral, por aos vivi prcticamente dependiente de su familia. El seor Gutirrez Soler presenta otros sntomas que se sobreponen al diagnstico de estrs postraumtico y que conforman ms bien un cuadro de depresin, como la falta de energa, una visin pesimista del mundo, estados de nimo de tristeza, apetito reducido y deseo sexual casi nulo. Asimismo, la impunidad ha reforzado todos los sntomas y reacciones que ha tenido el seor Gutirrez Soler y ha incidido en la visin que tiene de la justicia.

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