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The existence of God is proven in these documents.

A - PROVING GOD EXISTS - God Named The First Human Being.

B - PROVING GOD EXISTS - The True Nature Of Political Reality.
C - PROVING GOD EXISTS - Things And Names.
D - PROVING GOD EXISTS - The Power Of God.
D - PROVING GOD EXISTS - Sport Is Invented.
E - PRVOING GOD EXISTS - The Initials Of The Names Of God Applied To The Creation
Of Things And The Means Of Production.


The Bible also proves the existence of God by revealing the concept of the Power
of God, and by revealing the idea of a living God, a God who has come to live in
the world to share his power with his chosen people, the state and capitalism.

Mark 12 : 24
You do not know the scriptures, nor the power of God.

John 1 : 12
But as many as received them, to them he gave power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe in his name.

Matthew 16 : 16
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.


In developing anarchist ideology it must be realised that God exists and that
God's power is involved in politics.

It can be logically deduced simply from a belief in the existence of God, that God
must desire at some stage in history to show and share his powers with human
beings, to form political alliances involving the sharing of his power with his
political allies. This can be logically deduced simply from a belief in the
existence of God as is shown here.

Jesus Christ by saying in the Bible "you do not understand the power of God"
prompts an analysis into the power of God, the powers of God.

The human mind has an interest in, has a desire for, things of the supernatural,
the paranormal, things beyond the normal. Examples of such things are miracles,
magic, hypnotism, time-travel. These things do not exist of their own accord but
are under the control of God. One of the most exciting things human beings could
discover is time-travel, but human beings cannot discover time-travel without God.
There would have to be rules governing time-travel and you need God. These things
of the paranormal then are under the control of God, are understood by God, and
therefore are powers of God. Because this interest in the paranormal is intrinsic
to human consciousness surely history would be boring if these magical aspects of
the paranormal were never realised within the course of history. Therefore, God
must be of the view that human history would be boring if such magical things of
the paranormal were never realised during the course of history, and therefore God
must decide to show and share these powers of God with human beings during the
course of history.

God in creating man and woman therefore set history in motion and therefore has an
interest in history. God in creating the dimension of heaven and the dimension of
earth obviously has such power. Heaven is one dimension of space and time, earth
is another dimension of space and time. It must be inevitable then because God
has an interest in human history that at some stage in human history God would
seek to show and share his power with human beings, form political alliances with
human beings on earth. Otherwise, human beings while in the course of history and
whilst having a belief in God wouldn't know, understand and use God's power and
that surely would make history boring. Therefore God must seek to show and share
his powers with human beings during the course of history.

The power of God, creator and controller of the universe, constitutes the control
of space, time and atomics. We can logically deduce these powers from a belief in
the existence of God. What are these powers then.

- time-travel. God existing in the eternal dimension above the normal conception
of time would obviously have the ability of time-travel. Heaven is one dimension
of space and time. Earth is another dimension of space and time. The ability of
God to have the power of time-travel is therefore deducible from the abiltiy of
God to move from the dimension of heaven to the dimension of earth.

- the ability to create parallel dimensions. God by creating the dimension of

heaven and the dimension of earth has obvioulsy the ability to create parallel
dimensions. God, as Jesus Christ, by moving from the dimension of heaven to the
dimension of earth obviously therefore has the ability to create parallel
dimensions. God therefore could create parllel dimensions in heaven and on earth.

- miracles. As demonstrated in the Bible, miracles constitute the ability to

control space, time and atomics.

- atomic structuring and restructuring of human beings. This could also be called
cloning and is obviously a power of God deducible from the fact that God came to
earth in the human form of Jesus Christ.

- The atomic creation of products out of God's mind.

- The atomic duplication of products.

- reincarnation, the real meaning of the word reincarnation constitutes the

ability to atomically restructure human beings in various ways and place them in
parallel dimensions, such parallel dimensions being visible to some and invisible
to others. Reincarnation therefore can be another word for hell.

- divine communication, divine interventrion. Logically a belief in God means that

God created the dimension of heaven and the dimension of earth. Those in the
dimension of earth can't see the dimension of heaven, but God in the dimension of
heaven can obviously see the dimension of earth. And the Bible tells us that God
created angels, so God and his angels reside in the dimension of heaven. Obvioulsy
God and his angels in the dimension of heaven have more power than those in the
dimension of earth, and can see the dimension of earth from the dimension of
heaven. So it must be logical that God and his angels in the dimension of heaven
would desire to communicate with human beings in the dimension of earth. That must
be logical, for if that is not so why would God have created the dimensions of
heaven and earth, with God and his angels having more power in the dimension of
heaven, the power to see the dimensioin of earth and the power to communicate with
human beings in the dimension of earth. God and his angels then, having this
power, the power to see the dimension of earth and the power to communicate with
human beings in the dimension of earth, must desire to use this power of
communication, must desire to communicate with human beings in the dimension of
earth. And so we have a history of divine communication and divine intervention.
Examples of divine communication\divine intervention.
- An angel appears to Mary and tells her she is going to conceive the immacualte

- An angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him to take the baby Jesus out
of Israel. The point in this is, where did Jospeh get the idea to leave Isreal
unless from God.

- Christ says to George Fox "There is one who can speak to thy condition, namely
Jesus Christ." The point in this is, George Fox couldn't have founded the Quakers
unless he got this inspiration from Jesus Christ. Therefore, there is a
methodology in the inspiration of George Fox by Jesus Christ.

- Christ hypnotises Mother Ann Lee. If hypnotism can be described as control of

the mind, then it must be so that Jesus Christ hypnotised Mother Ann Lee. Again,
there's methodology in the inspiration because Ann Lee wouldn't have founded the
Shakers without this inspiration from Jesus Christ.

- the concept of entering the mind. The Bible says "Satan entered Judas."

- The appearances of divine beings such as the Virgin Mary at Lourdes, Fatima etc.

- The history of music.

And so if dvine communication is possible, if divine intervention is possible,

then other things could also be possible such as hypnotism, possession, control of
physiology, feelings.

These powers of God then are logically deducible simply from a belief in the
existence of God. The actual existence of God shows that these powers are real.

God who created heaven and earth, the universe, and who created human beings,
therefore has an interest in human history. I think you will agree that God,
having these powers, must be of the view that history would be boring if God
didn't reveal, show, demonstrate these powers to human beings and in fact give
these powers to human beings.

To show that this must be logically so. We have the idea the Jesus Christ will
come again. Supposedly then as we have this idea, we imagine that Jesus Christ
comes again and the world is transhormed so to speak. Is that the end of history
then? But God in consideration of this idea of Jesis Christ coming again must
reflect on previous history if the coming again to earth of God signifies the end
of history. For God must reflect then that history would have been boring if God
didn't show God's power, didn't give God's power to human beings during the course
of history. So Jesus Christ comes again and thinks for example "I never showed you
time-travel for instance during the course of history." Then history would surely
have been boring. Therefore, it must be logically so that God gives God's powers
to human beings, to his political allies during the course of history, and this is
the truth because this is what God has already done. And to do this, God must live
in the world as a human being to form a relationship of trust with those to whom
he has given God's power. And God has told me that history will continue

To do this then, to show and give these powers to human beings, God has to come to
earth and live in the world as a human being. Therefore we have the concept of the
living God - "Jesus is the son of the living God" - a God who is living in the
world as a human being. And a song says "what if God was one of us." God
therefore, in having these powers, inevitably desires to give these powers to
human beings and to do this God has to come to earth and live in the world as a
human being to form a relationship of trust with the human beings he wants to give
these powers to. Therefore God has come to live in the world and form political
alliances, to give these powers to his political allies. If you think about this,
and think about God's view and interest in human hsitory then I think you'll agree
that this must be so.

And in fact God has done this in the 20th century, God has come to live in the
world and give these powers to his political allies.

These powers then constitute the control of space, time and atomics and therefore
the political use of these powers is known as the space\time\atomic phenomenon.
Therefore the human political use to God's powers in the world is known as the
space\time\atomic phenomenon with God living in the world as a guide and advisor
to the use of these powers.

So we have the expression "sta" - space\time\atomic.

We find it in ideas such as.
- The stations of the cross.
- The state.
- Stadia - sports stadia.
- Television stations, mast, satellites.

These things made possible by the power of God.

I can prove that God exists, that God is living in the world, and that God's power
has been given to the state and capitalism.

Genesis 1: ! - 2 : 3
God created things and names

John 1 : 1-3
The Word. God created things and words.

John 1 : 12
God Gave Power to his friends.

John 8 : 58
Before Abraham I was.

Mark 12 : 24
You do not know the scriptures, nor the power of God

Mark 12:32
There is only one God

John 10: 30
'I and the father are one.'

Matthew 16 : 16
The Living God

God created invented all things, and the names for all things invented.
Genesis 1: ! - 2 : 3
John 1 : 1-3
1. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.
2. The same was in the beginning with God.
3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was

Words were with God before they were with human beings.
John 8: 58
'Before Abraham I was.'
The word 'Abraham' was with God before it was with human beings. God thought of,
created such a word, as God created all words, and human beings can only know
words by means of inspiration from God.

God has given his power to his friends, has shared his power with the state and
John 1 : 12
'But as many as received them, to them he gave power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe in his name.'

The Power Of God

Mark 12 : 24
You do not know the scriptures, nor the power of God

There is only one God

Mark 12:32
'There is one God, and there is none other but he.'
John 10: 30
'I and the father are one.'

The Living God

Matthew 16 : 16
'And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living

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