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Java Technologies

Prof. Nitin Zadpe MIT School of Telecom Management

MIT School of Telecom Management

What is JAVA Technology?

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What is Java Technology?

The Java technology is: A programming language A development environment An application environment A deployment environment

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Programming Language

As a programming language, Java can create all kinds of applications that you could create using any conventional programming language.

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A Development Environment
As a development environment, Java technology provides you with a large suite of

tools: A compiler (javac) An interpreter (java) A documentation generator (javadoc) A class file packaging tool and so on...
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An Application and Runtime Environment

Java technology applications are typically general-purpose programs that run on any machine where the Java runtime environment (JRE) is installed.
There are two main deployment environments:
1. The JRE supplied by the Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK) contains the complete set of class files for all the Java technology packages, which includes basic language classes, GUI component classes, and so on. 2. The other main deployment environment is on your web browser. Most commercial browsers supply a Java technology interpreter and runtime environment.
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Java Features
Some features of Java: The Java Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Code Security

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The Java Virtual Machine

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) an imaginary machine that is implemented by emulating software on a real machine provides the hardware platform specifications to which you compile all Java technology code Bytecode a special machine language that can be understood by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) independent of any particular computer hardware, so any computer with a Java interpreter can execute the compiled Java program, no matter what type of computer the program was compiled on
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Garbage Collection

Garbage collection thread

responsible for freeing any memory that can be

freed. This happens automatically during the lifetime of the Java program. programmer is freed from the burden of having to deallocate that memory themselves

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Code Security

Code security is attained in Java through the implementation of its Java Runtime Environment (JRE).


runs code compiled for a JVM and performs class loading (through the class loader), code verification (through the bytecode verifier) and finally code execution
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Code Security

Class Loader

responsible for loading all classes needed for the Java program adds security by separating the namespaces for the classes of the local file system from those that are imported from network sources After loading all the classes, the memory layout of the executable is then determined. This adds protection against unauthorized access to restricted areas of the code since the memory layout is determined during runtime
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Code Security

Bytecode verifier

tests the format of the code fragments and checks the code fragments for illegal code that can violate access rights to objects

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Phases of a Java Program

The following figure describes the process of compiling and executing a Java program

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Phases of a Java Program

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If you have any doubt. You should ask..

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History of Java

In the early 1990's, putting intelligence into home appliances was thought to be the next "hot" technology. Examples of intelligent home appliances:

Coffee pots and lights that can be controlled by a computer's programs. Televisions that can be controlled by an interactive television device's programs.

Anticipating a strong market for such things, Sun Microsystems in 1991 funded a research project (code named Green) whose goal was to develop software for intelligent home appliances. An intelligent home appliance's intelligence comes from its embedded processor chips and the software that runs on the processor chips. Appliance processor chips change often because engineers continually find ways to make them smaller, less expensive, and more powerful. To handle the frequent turnover of new chips, appliance software must be extremely portable.

History of Java

Originally, Sun planned to use C++ for its home appliance software, but they soon realized that C++ was less than ideal because it wasn't portable enough and it relied too heavily on hard-to-maintain things called pointers. Thus, rather than write C++ software and fight C++'s inherent deficiencies, Sun decided to develop a whole new programming language to handle its home appliance software needs. Their new language was originally named Oak (for the tree that was outside project leader James Gosling's window), but it was soon changed to Java. When the home appliance software work dried up, Java almost died before being released. Fortunately for Java, the World Wide Web exploded in popularity and Sun realized it could capitalize on that.

History of Java

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Web pages have to be very portable because they can be downloaded onto any type of computer. What's the standard language used for Web pages? Java programs are very portable and they're better than HTML in terms of providing user interaction capabilities. Java programs that are embedded in Web pages are called applets. Although applets still play a significant role in Java's current success, some of the other types of Java programs have surpassed applets in terms of popularity. In this course, we cover Standard Edition (SE) Java applications. They are Java programs that run on a standard computer a desktop or a laptop, without the need of the Internet.

History of Java
Year 1990 Development Sun decided to developed special software that could be used for electronic devices. A project called Green Project created and head by James Gosling. Explored possibility of using C++, with some updates announced a new language named Oak



The team demonstrated the application of their new language to control a list of home appliances using a hand held device.
The World Wide Web appeared on the Internet and transformed the text-based interface to a graphical rich environment. The team developed Web applets (time programs) that could run on all types of computers connected to the Internet.
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History of Java
Year 1994 Development The team developed a new Web browsed called Hot Java to locate and run Applets. HotJava gained instance success. Oak was renamed to Java, as it did not survive legal registration. Many companies such as Netscape and Microsoft announced their support for Java Java established itself it self as both 1. the language for Internet programming 2. a general purpose OO language. A class libraries, Community effort and standardization, Enterprise Java, Clustering, etc..




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History of Java
1998 1998 2004 2006 2007 2010

Development JDK 1.1 Realese

Java 2 platform source code is released Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5 (Project Tiger) is released Java SE and ME initial components are released as open source Sun released the source code of the Class library under GPL Oracle acquires Sun Microsystems.

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Java Features (1)


fixes some clumsy features of C++ no pointers automatic garbage collection rich pre-defined class library

Object oriented

focus on the data (objects) and methods manipulating the data all functions are associated with objects almost all datatypes are objects (files, strings, etc.) potentially better code organization and reuse

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Java Features (2)


java compiler generate byte-codes, not native machine code the compiled byte-codes are platform-independent java bytecodes are translated on the fly to machine readable instructions in runtime (Java Virtual Machine)

Portable(Platform Independence )

same application runs on all platforms the sizes of the primitive data types are always the same the libraries define portable interfaces The Write-Once-Run-Anywhere

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Java Features (3)


extensive compile-time and runtime error checking no pointers but real arrays. Memory corruptions or unauthorized memory accesses are impossible automatic garbage collection tracks objects usage over time


usage in networked environments requires more security memory allocation model is a major defense access restrictions are forced (private, public)

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Java Features (4)


multiple concurrent threads of executions can run simultaneously utilizes a sophisticated set of synchronization primitives (based on monitors and condition variables paradigm) to achieve this


java is designed to adapt to evolving environment libraries can freely add new methods and instance variables without any effect on their clients interfaces promote flexibility and reusability in code by specifying a set of methods an object can perform, but leaves open how these methods should be implemented can check the class type in runtime
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Java Features (5)


Exception handling built-in, strong type checking (that is, all data must be declared an explicit type), local variables must be initialized.

Architecture Neutral

The growing popularity of networks makes developers think distributed. In the world of network it is essential that the applications must be able to migrate easily to different computer systems. Not only to computer systems but to a wide variety of hardware architecture and Operating system architectures as well.

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Total Platform Independence



(same for all platforms)

(one for each different system)

Windows XP




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Java Syrup

Java Capsules

Injectable Java

Java HairOil

Dont wait for these products..

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Quiz Questions
1. a) b) c) Pseudocode uses precise computer syntax. compiles into object code. is often used when writing an algorithm.

2. Java programs can be embedded in Web pages, and such programs are called a) applets b) applications c) operating systems


Primitive Data types

Java has 8 (or so) primitive types:

float double boolean char byte short int long
integer numbers

real numbers
two values: true and false a single character

Also the void type

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Primitive real (floating-point) types

A float takes up 4 bytes of space


6 decimal places of accuracy: 3.14159

A double takes up 8 bytes of space


15 decimal places of accuracy: 3.14159265358979 will save you quite a headache!

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Always use doubles


Primitive integer types

Consider a byte:

1 byte = 8 bits Each bit has two possibilities: 0 or 1 28 = 256 Thus, a byte can have any one of 256 values

A Java byte can have values from -128 to 127

From -27 to 27-1

C/C++ has unsigned versions; Java does not

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Primitive integer types

Type byte Bytes Minimum value 1 -27=-128 -215= -32,768 -231=-2,147,483,648 Maximum value 27-1=127 215-1= 32,767 231-1=2,147,483,647

short 2



-263=-9,223,372,036, 854,775,808

263-1=9,223,372,036, 854,775,807

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Primitive character type

All characters have a integer equivalent


= 48 1 = 49 A = 65 a = 97

Thus, you can refer to B as A+1

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Primitive boolean type

The boolean type has only two values:

true false

There are boolean-specific operators


is and || is or ! is not
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Identifiers are names for variables, classes, etc. Good ones are compact, but inidicate what they stand for

radius, width, height, length

theRadiusOfTheCircle theWidthOfTheBoxThatIsBeingUsed the_width_of_the_box_that_is_being_used a, b, c, d, e

Bad ones are either too long

Or too short

Good identifiers will help the graders understand your program!

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Some words are reserved, and cant be used as identifiers

// Authors: J. P. Cohoon and J. W. Davidson // Purpose: display a quotation in a console window

public class DisplayForecast {

// method main(): application entry point public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("I think there is a world market for"); System.out.println(" maybe five computers."); System.out.println(" Thomas Watson, IBM, 1943."); }
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Case matters! public Public PUBLIC


is different

You can use Public as a identifier


recommended, though!

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Defining variables

Weve seen variables before in math


= mx + b Here y, m, x, and b can hold any value

To store things in a computer program, we also use variables Example:


x = 5; This defines an integer variable with value 5

The variable is x The type is int

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More on variables

An integer variable can only hold integers


other words, it cant hold 4.3

To hold floating point values, we use the double type


d = 4.3;

The variable is d The type is double

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Primitive variable assignment

Assignment operator =

the memory location for a variable to be updated

int j = 11; j = 1985;
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Variables must be declared before use

The following code will not work:


= 5; System.out.println (x);

Java requires you to declare x before you use it

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Variable initialization
Consider the following code: int x; System.out.println(x); What happens? Error message:


x might not have been initialized

Java also requires you to give x a value before you use it

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Consider the following:

final int x = 5;

The value of x can NEVER be changed!


value assigned to it is final

This is how Java defines constants

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What is the value used to initialize expression

int expression = 4 + 2 * 5;

What value is displayed

System.out.println(5 / 2.0);

Java rules in a nutshell


operator has a precedence level and an associativity

Operators with higher precedence are done first

* and / have higher precedence than + and -

Associativity indicates how to handle ties


floating-point is used the result is floating point

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Question on expressions

Does the following statement compute the average of double variables a, b, and c? Why or why not?
double average = a + b + c / 3.0;

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Java operators

The following are the common operators for ints: +-/*% Division is integer division 6 / 2 yields 3 7 / 2 yields 3, not 3.5 Because everything is an int, the answer is an int Modulus is % Returns the remainder 7 % 2 yields 1 6 % 2 yields 0 Floats and doubles use the same first four operators +-/* 7.0 / 2.0 yields 3.5 7.0 / 2 yields 3.5 7 / 2.0 yields 3.5 7 / 2 yields 3
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Java operators

Booleans have their own operators


is AND

Only true when both operands are true true && true yields true false && true yields false True when either of the operands (or both) are true true || false yields true false || false yields false Changes the value !true yields false !false yields true
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is OR

is NOT

In Java, functions are called methods Think of mathematical functions:

sin() cos() tan()

They take input (the angle)


produce output (the result)

In Java, they are called Math.sin(), Math.cos(), etc.


from the Math library, call the sin() method

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Hello World!
Lets consider how to write this program. What would be the input? What would be the output? What would the algorithm look like? Nothing Hello World! Display the text Hello World! on the screen.

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Sample Java Program

Here is the complete Java code for the Hello World! program. Lets look at it line by line.
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Sample Java Program

Lines 1-5 are called comment lines.

shown in green by most IDEs ignored by the Java compiler not executed used for internal documentation
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Sample Java Program

A multi-line comment is enclosed with /*...*/

Middle lines of code usually begin with an asterisks (*) to improve readability, but it is not a requirement.
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Sample Java Program

The text beginning with // at the right side of some lines are single line comments.

They are also ignored by the Java compiler and not executed.
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Sample Java Program

Line 7 is called the class header.

uses the Java keywords public and class keywords are displayed in blue by most IDEs
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Sample Java Program

Line 7 is called the class header.

identifies the name of this class or program HelloWorld is the class name in this program
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Sample Java Program

Line 7 is called the class header.

The Java filename should match the class name.

Therefore, the Java filename should be on your disk. Created by doing a File/Save As from the text editor.
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Sample Java Program

Line 7 is called the class header.

Note: Java is case sensitive.

HelloWorld does not equal Helloworld.

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Sample Java Program

Lines 8 through 13 are called the class body. The class body begins with a left curly brace ( { )
on the line after the class header. The class body ends with a right curly brace ( } ) on the last line of the program.
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Sample Java Program

Lines 8 through 13 are called the class body.

A class body is divided into one or more methods. This class has only one method the main method. The main method is a required method in every Java application (program).
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Sample Java Program

Line 9 is called the method header.

It uses the keywords public static void (meanings will be explained later in the semester). It also uses the name of the method (main).
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Sample Java Program

Line 9 is called the method header.

The rest of the method header will also be explained in a later lesson. For now, use the entire main method header as is without being concerned about understanding it.
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Sample Java Program

Lines 10 through 12 are called a method body. Like a class body, a method body is enclosed by
curly braces. These are indented to improve readability.
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Sample Java Program

Line 11 is an executable statement.

Java executable statements end with a semicolon. Notice that class headers and method headers are NOT terminated with a semicolon.
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Sample Java Program

Line 11 is an executable statement.

System.out.println displays to the screen the contents that are enclosed in parenthesis. In this case, Hello World! will be displayed on the screen.
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Sample Java Program

Line 11 is an executable statement.

The content inside the parentheses is called a string literal.
It must be surrounded by double quotes.
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