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Studies regarding aridity phenomenon in Timi County, Romania

Rare Hlbac-Cotoar1
Abstract: Drought and the two associated phenomenas (aridity and desertification) represent problems which were very studied in the last period. In the last 55 years, temperature around Timisoara increase with 0.7C and the precipitation were reduced. Taking in consideration and other factors as human impact and soils characteristics, it can be observe especially in the northwestern part of Timi County the appearance of aridity phenomenon. This paper presents an assessment regarding the aridity in western part of Romania, Timi County, taking in consideration two indicators based on precipitation and temperature: De Martonne and Lang. Using these two indexes, were created and will be presented two maps. Keywords: aridity, indicators, De Martonne, Lang, maps

INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL ASPECTS The last century presents us that the human influence about environment had materialized not only through pollution, but especially by provoking climatic changes at global level, changes which affect us more or less. An important problem of our days, generated by these climatic changes, is represented by drought and the associated phenomenas aridity and desertification. On 17 June 1994, at Paris, was adopted the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD),


convention which became operatively in December 1994. The basis of this convention is the Resolution 47/188 of United Nations General Assembly from 1992, result of the United Nations Conference on Environmental and Development from Rio de Janeiro (1991). [1] Romania adheres to CCD in 1997 by adopting the Law 629/1997. Also, at national level, was adopted The Government Decision 474 from 01.04.2004 regarding the foundation, organization and function of National Committee for Drought, Land Degradation and Desertification Control. In Romania, the problem of drought was confirmed from many years. More than 2.8 million hectares of agricultural fields presents a tendency of desertification. At the same time, drought affects almost the entire Romanian agricultural fund. Timi County, situated in the western part of Romania, know a transition period, from humidity excess to humidity deficit because of a long period with intensive drainage. The lack of humidity in soils is more evident in the north-western part of this county. [1] A continuous decreasing of precipitations and, in the same time, the temperature increasing can be observed in the next figures.

Figure 1 Precipitations in western part of Romania [2]


PhD Stud. Eng., Politehnica University of Timiora, Hydrotechnical Engineering Faculty,

Figure 2 A comparison between temperatures from 2003 and 2004 and the normal for the respective period [2] TIMI COUNTY CLIMATE Timi County is situated in the western part of Romania, with a total surface of about 8.700 Km2. The territory is represented by a moderated continental 2. temperate climate with Mediterranean influences. As can be seen from the following image, all the forms of relief are represented in this county.

Figure 3 Timi County geographical map [8]

In Timi County were identified regional climates for each type of relief forms. The areas which presents periods with humidity deficit can be identified with 4 from the mentioned regional climates situated on low plains and high plains. The climate from Snnicolaul Mare area can be characterized through a reduced quantity of precipitations, specific to steppe. Because of 40 years with intensive drainage, on a large surface, water table level decrease dramatically. Biled-Banloc climate presents humidity deficit (drought periods) during summer and autumn. Timioara area appears on many maps as a region with severe periods of drought. The quantity of precipitations in this region overruns 600 mm. Gh. Iano and co. identify only one period with humidity deficit in the autumn. [5, 6] Orioara is the most important region from the humidity deficit point of view. It is the pole of drought for this county. The area can be characterized as an aridity one, all the hydrothermal indicators presenting low values. [5]


AND LANG INDICATORS. For aridity assessment can be used two indicators, De Martonne and Lang, but with the mention that both of them presents some advantages and disadvantages. These indicators use two natural climatic factors: precipitation and temperature as you will see in their formulas. Formula for De Martonne indicator:

monthly indicator makes a good differentiation for the areas affected by drought. There are and some disadvantages as: this indicator is not adequate for cold mountain forestry areas and presupposes values measured in standard meteorological stations. [3] Formula for Lang indicator:

IL =



IM =

P T + 10


Where P and T had the same significances as in De Martonne formula Aridity assessment using Lang indicator Values Assessment 0 .. 20 Arid climate 20 .. 40 Mediterranean climate 40 .. 70 Half-arid climate 70 .. 1000 Wet climate Regarding this indicator, the advantage of using it is that Lang indicator allows the delimitation of climates in plain (agricultural) areas. It cant be used in mountain forestry areas and cannot be applied using monthly values [3].

Where P represents annual average precipitations and T represents the annual average temperature. Aridity assessment using De Martonne indicator Values Assessment 0 .. 5 Arid climate 5 .. 20 Half-arid climate 20 .. 30 Half-wet climate 30 .. 55 Wet climate The advantages of using this indicator are: allow the delimitation of arid and half-wet climates;

4. STUDIES REGARDING ARIDITY FOR TIMI COUNTY AND THE RESULTS INTERPRETATION Table 3 Values of De Martonne and Lang indicators for some areas from Timi County and their assessment [4, 5] No. Meteorological Average* Average* De Martonne1 Lang2 Assessment Assessment station precipitation Temperature coefficient coefficient 1 2 1 Beba Veche 521 10,9 24,92 47,79 1 1 2 Teremia Mare 552,3 10,8 26,55 51,13 1 2 3 Snnicolau Mare 541,4 10,8 26,02 50,12 1 2 4 Jimbolia 560,1 10,7 27,05 52,34 1 2 5 Periam 530,3 10,7 25,61 49,56 1 1 6 Crpini 610,2 10,7 29,47 57,02 2 2 7 Cenei 540,5 10,7 26,11 50,51 1 2 8 Grniceri 619,7 10,7 29,93 57,91 2 2 9 Timioara 601 10,6 29,17 56,69 2 2 10 Ghiroda 631 10,9 30,19 57,88 3 2 11 Banloc 600,6 10,7 29,01 56,13 2 2 12 Liebling 586,6 10,6 28,47 55,33 2 2 13 Reca 615,4 10,6 29,87 58,05 2 2 14 Orioara 544 10,5 26,53 51,8 1 2 15 Giarmata 590,8 10,8 28,4 54,7 2 2 16 Maloc 617,3 10,7 29,82 57,69 2 2 17 Buzia 639,9 10,7 30,91 59,8 3 2 18 Lugoj 690,7 10,6 33,52 65,16 3 3 19 Cliciova 641,9 9,7 32,58 66,17 3 3 20 Bunea Mare 629,6 9,6 32,12 65,58 3 3 21 Coteiu de Sus 771,8 8,4 41,94 82,1 4 4 22 Huzeti 864,9 9,1 45,28 95,04 4 4 23 Visag 647,4 10,4 31,73 62,25 3 3

582 10,4 28,53 55,96 2 2 577 10,6 28,01 54,43 2 2 550,1 10,8 26,45 50,94 1 2 640 10,7 30,92 59,81 3 2 620 10,8 29,8 57,4 2 2 602 10,7 29 56,26 2 2 602 10,7 29 56,26 2 2 620 10,7 29,95 57,94 2 2 676,2 10,5 32,99 64,4 3 3 1040 8,8 55,32 118,18 4 4 836 9,8 42,31 85,34 4 4 628 10,8 30,19 58,14 3 2 * Values from these columns are forbidden to be used without the permission of Meteorological Centre Banat-Criana Timioara ** Values, from positions 1 to 23, are annual average temperatures and precipitations for period 1950-1999 while the values from 24 to 35 are representative for the interval 1896-1973. Table 4 Personal aridity assessment for Timi County climate using De Martonne indicator
Personal aridity assessment using De Martonne indicator Values Assessment 24 .. 28 Half-wet climate with increased risk at aridization 28 .. 30 Half-wet climate with low risk at aridization 30 .. 40 Half-wet climate with tendency to wet climate > 40 Wet climate

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Izvin Dudetii Noi Dinia Hitia Tormac Deta Denta Para Gvojdia Ndrag Fget Peciu Nou

Table 5 Personal aridity assessment for Timi County climate using Lang indicator
Personal aridity assessment using Lang indicator Values Assessment 40 .. 50 Half-arid climate 50 .. 60 Half-arid climate with periods of half-wet climate 60 .. 70 Half-wet climate without risk of aridization > 70 Wet climate

The maps representing aridity degree for Timi County, using De Martonne indicator, were realized taking in consideration table 3, table 6 and figure 4. Areas with a high vulnerability at aridization are situated in northwestern part of Timi County and in northern part, Orioara area, at the border with Arad County. On these territories, the precipitation level is low, temperatures increased and the soils had a small easily water capacity. I consider that the mentioned areas must be integrated in first class of vulnerability with a halfwet climate, having an increased risk at aridization. The second class of vulnerability at aridization is represented by the areas situated in central part and southern part of Timi County. A few parts from this territory present an increased risk to drought because of soil characteristics. Lands from first and second class had a plain relief, so they present a tendency of climate from half-wet to half-arid and even arid if the actual trend of climatic changes will continue. Territories with aridity values between 30 and 40 are generally situated on high plains or hills and do not present risk at aridization, we can say that the most of them had a

climate more closely to wet climate. Finally, areas with an aridity value bigger than 40 are situated on hills and mountains and their climate is wet. Taking in consideration Lang indicator, there are only two zones with half-arid climate: Beba Veche and Periam. This indicator presents large areas with halfarid climate but a big part of them had periods with half-wet climate and even wet climate. Unfortunately, in the last 10 years, the climate in Timi County became sometimes unpredictable, given us numerous surprises, generally not pleasant. Eastern part from this county, situated on high forms of relief, can be integrated in half-wet and wet climate accordingly to Lang indicator. A general assessment, taking in consideration both indicators, even there are some differenced between them, presents high and medium aridity risk in northwestern part of our county, the vulnerability to this phenomenon decreasing during the approaching to high forms of relief, situated in eastern part of Timi County. The impact of aridity upon lands is influenced and by soils characteristics as it is easily water capacity.

Figure 4 Soils map of Timi County [7]

Next table will present the class of vulnerability for some soils, according to National Strategy and Action Program Concerning Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought Prevent and Control, elaborated using the results obtained by Forest Research and Management Institute (FRMI), Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry (RISSA), National Company National Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Water Management (NC-NIMHWM), Studies and Designing

Institute for Land Improvement (SDILI), National Institute of Research Development for Environment Protection (NIRDEP), Research and Technological Engineering Institute for Irrigations and Drainage, Bneasa-Giurgiu (RTEID), Research Institute of Life Quality, Research Institute for Grains and Technical Crops Fundulea (RIGTC) and Research and Production Institute for Grass Cultivation, Mgurele Braov (RPIGC). [1]

Table 6 Soils vulnerability to drought [1]


Figure 5 Aridity map for Timi County using De Martonne indicator (Hlbac, 2006)

Figure 6 Aridity map using De Martonne indicator. Vulnerable areas to drought (Hlbac, 2006)

De Martonne indicator variability at Tim isoara m eteorological station 1 60 1 40 De Martonne indicator values 120 1 00 80 60 40 20 0 III IV V VI Month VII VIII IX X De Martonne indicator values for 1901 - 1990 De Martonne indicator values for 2001 De Martonne indicator values for 2002 De Martonne indicator values for 2003

Figure 14 Variability of De Martonne indicator at Timioara meteorological station

6. CONCLUSIONS The climatic changes from the last years can generate unpredictable phenomenon as fast flooding or severe drought in very short periods. For Timi County, as example, the map with humidity excess presents an overposition with drought areas. The drought from 2000 was followed, in just 5 years, by very strong flooding with disastrous effects. Still, drought and the associated phenomenons as aridity and desertification, remain a real menace for this region of Romania. Many surfaces, even they are not arid, are much closed to this situation so are imposed to be taken measures for land reclamation and improvement. Thats why, important areas benefit by irrigation systems. The drainage systems, which provoke an important decrease of water table level, can be replaced which controlled drainage system, more efficient than the actual arrangements. In Timi County, aridity phenomenon is present, in not a severe form, in north-western part. Around Timioara, this phenomenon appears only during autumn (sometimes beginning with the last summer days) and sometimes in the spring. The majority part of Timi County had a climate which balances between half-wet climate and half-wet climate with tendency to half-arid. BIBLIOGRAPHY

The eastern part, which is situated on hill and mountains, had a wet climate, without risk to aridization. One from the presented maps took in consideration not only the precipitations and temperatures, but also the soils characteristics and especially the capability of retaining water and the quantity of water retained in the soil layer. Regarding the aridity phenomenon, researches must be continued because drought, after pollution, is the second problem of our world and our times, with many unpleasant effects. The presented maps must be and will be improved, at this hour not presenting a high quality from esthetical point of view, and, in some points, even from used data point of view. Part from the presented values covered only a reduced period of time (1896 -1973) and must be actualized in order to obtain more accurate and more precisely results. Also, I proposed to be created specialized software on drought problems, able to simulate meteorological phenomenons specific for Timis County and to give detailed and accurate prognoses regarding aridity, drought or dryness period of time with applicability in economical and social sector.

xxx National Strategy and Action Program Concerning Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought Prevent and Control; xxx United States Agricultural Department Site; Barbu Ion, Popa Ionel The monitoring of drought appearance risk in Romanias forests, Bucovina Forestier IX, 1-2; Stanciu Eugenia Atmospheric precipitations from Banat Area, Eurostampa Publishing House, Timioara, 2005; Iano Gheorghe, Puc I., Goian M. Banat Soils, Natural Conditions and Fertility, Mirton Publishing House, Timioara, 1997;

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ardelean Victor, Zvoianu Ion Timi County, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Timioara, 1979; 7. xxx Synthesis of drainage studies with proposals of drainage tubes, filtering materials and drainage solutions for zones with humidity excess from western part of Romania, counties: Timi, Arad, Bihor, Maramure and Satu Mare, Theme no. 6, Code CNCSIS 519; Contract no. 40535/ 2003, Director: Prof. Dr. Ing. MAN Teodor Eugen; Research team: Prof. Dr. Ing. WEHRY Andrei, Prof. Dr. Ing. ROGOBETE Gheorghe, Prof. Dr. Ing. ORLESCU Mircea, Conf. Dr. Ing. CONSTANTINESCU Laura, ef. Lucr. Dr. Ing. ELE Gabriel, Asist. Drd. Ing. POPESCU Filip, Student HLBAC-COTOAR Rare. Value 82.500 thousands lei

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