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PRIORITIZATION Date 7-1-11 Nursing Problems Identified Ineffective tissue perfusion related to vasoconstrictions of blood vessels as evidenced by increased

Blood Pressure. Cues Bigla nalang tumaas BP nya, as verbalized by the clients husband. Justification This nursing problem identified is our first priority in rendering interventions to alleviate condition because due to heavy bleeding or hypovolemia in our patient it resulted in decrease blood flow which carries oxygen in different part of the bodies thus resulting in blood tissue exchange which can lead to impaired oxygenation and further more can damage vital organs of the body if not treated immediately. This nursing problem identified is our second priority in rendering interventions to alleviate condition because when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount being taken in dehydration sets in which can lead to more serious complications which can harm the health of the patient. This nursing problem identified is our third priority in rendering interventions to alleviate condition because of seizure activity of the patient it will most likely cost her to be prone from injuries like falling and causing another problem. Safety should be strictly implemented.


Fluid Volume Deficit related to active fluid loss as evidenced by increased urine output


Risk for trauma related to altered consciousness

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