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European response to growing Climate-induced migration.

Miriam Ferrer Gonzlez

MSc student, School of Integrated Climate System Sciences, Hamburg University, Hamburg

Winter semester, 2010-11

The purpose of this essay is to provide an overview of the current European policies regarding migration issues. Nowadays, many are the unknowns regarding Climate Change. Nevertheless, one thing is for sure, global warming will lead to an unprecedented increase in human migration. Governments in developed countries, are very much aware of it, therefore their migration policies are being changed. Cooperation with origin and transit countries and a major strengthening of border security are the strategies followed by Member States of the European Union.

This essay has been divided into several sections.

The first section is

about Climate change and its social impacts whilst the second part deals with the European Framework in migration policies. The third section provides an overview of Frontex which is the most representative institution of the European border regime. The following section deals with the drop in migration flux towards Europe. An interview with the General Coordinator of the European Centre for the Study of Migration Flows is given in the fifth section. The essay concludes with the writer's personal opinions.

Climate change and social disturbance

European Union member states are increasingly concerned about Climate Change. Global warming is commonly denominated as "threat multiplier", due to its potential to exacerbate existing tensions and social instabilities. Developing countries will directly suffer the current and future consequences of global change. However, developed nations will face them from a completely different perspective. Developed countries will be able to invest in mitigation and adaptation measures, whereas developing nations will be completely vulnerable to climate change impacts. Not only their economic situation is important, but also the social and political framework of these countries is crucial. Obviously, a destabilized society cannot deal with crisis situations in the same manner as a well-organized community.

Social problems driven by global warming will be many as well as with different in their characteristics. There will be conflicts over natural resources, some of them are currently taking place: lack of fresh water and food availability, fish stock deplection, decrement of arable land and often extreme events in the hydrological cycle are just some examples. These issues will lead to significant economic losses as well as social disturbance. Of course, climate-induced damages will be more severe in overpopulated countries. Roughly, one fifth of the worlds population lives in cities located on the coast. Most of the needed infrastructures to supply such cities are either along the seashore or in river deltas. Thus, hydrological risk due to extreme events will directly affect these populations besides global economy.

It is projected the greatest land mass loss, therefore conflicts over land and territorial rights are very likely. These disputes will adversely affect political stability of many countries. Fragile and failing states will be not be able to cope with climate change issues and it would lead to a worsening of existing tensions between different ethnic and religious groups. There is a commonly observed tendency to political radicalisation within this framework.

Environmental changes will trigger mass migrations. It is highly complicated to predict the scale and impacts of environmental migration, however, such events are very likely to amplify conflicts in origin, transit and destination regions.

Common European Framework for Migration policies

Since 1993, with the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty, the EU Member States agreed to cooperate on nine matters of common interest. In the document which was called Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), areas such as policies on asylum, external border controls and immigration issues were addressed. Six years later, in the Treaty of Amsterdam (ToA) the community method regarding asylum and migration policy was introduced. In order to improve European Actions towards this issue, the concept of comprehensive approach to migration was introduced by the Tampere European Council in 1999. It reads as follows: The European Union needs a comprehensive approach to migration addressing political, human rights and development issues in countries and regions of origin and transit. As a consequence, European asylum and migration policies develop an external dimension. Actions out of EU frontiers are taken in order to achieve an 'area of freedom, security and justice'. On a theoretical level, cooperation with not EU members, in particular with countries of origin and transit, is the key element which leads to a better management of asylum and migration problems. The High-Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration (HLWG), proposed by the Dutch delegation in 1998 is the first tangible measure for cooperation with third countries. Within this framework, the most important countries of origin and transit were selected, in order to develop such cooperation programs. These countries were: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Albania, Morocco, Somalia and Sri Lanka. An already existing action plan for Iraq was also taken into account by HLWG. The action plans should consist of : an integrated analysis of the induced migration, proposals focus on the improvement in regional development, detection of humanitarian necessities and suggestions to its eradication, strengthening of political and diplomatic dialogue with the country

concerned, suggestions for readmission clauses and agreements, possibilities for reception and protection in the territory, safe coming back, repatriation and collaboration with different kind of organizations (governmental,

intergovernmental, non-governmental) as well as with the UN's refugee agency. Due to the increasing trend of illegal immigration, in 2002 a new measure was introduced. In pursuance of stimulating the third countries cooperation, Noncooperative countries would be evaluated and penalized with the interruption of development aid. Such efforts would include an agreement on readmission of illegal residents, which was considered as the strategic element of prospered relations. Between 2004 and 2009, European migration policies were developed into the Hague Program. It covered a policy plan for economic migration, mechanisms for exchanging information on integration policy, cooperation with third countries and the creation of the border agency, Frontex. The aim of this measure was to create an integrated border management system. At the end of 2009, the member states agreed to the Stockholm Program that is the current framework in which migration policies are established. It has been assessed as a program with lots of detail that offers few specifics as to the final goal.

EU response to growing migration pressures, FRONTEX

Asides from more restrictive visa requirements, current immigration measures taken by EU Member States can be classified into two groups:

Grants, loans and financial aid in order to enhance political and social stability in Origin and Transit Countries. The establishment of a militarized European Border Control Agency, which is called Frontex. It is the most representative institution of the European border regime.

In this section, an overview of the latter is given, paying special attention to its tasks as well as its growing budget. Frontex is the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union. Its main aim reads in its webpage as follows: to ensure that the EUs external borders remain permeable and efficient for bona fide travellers while being an effective barrier to cross-border crime. The legal basis of this institution was created within the framework of the area of freedom, security and justice, which is based on the Tampere (1999-04), Hague (2004-09) and Stockholm (2010-14) programmes. Frontex tasks can be classified as follow: Analysis of daily situation at the EUs external borders in order to optimise resource allocation. Integrated Management of joint operations at the Unions external land, sea and air borders. Technical assistance and training of border guardians. Developing a rapid crisis-response system, the "Rapid Border Intervention Teams" (RABITs), which act in case of an unlooked-for situation at the EU external territorial border. Assisting Member States in joint return operations When Member States make the decision to return foreign nationals staying illegally who have

failed to leave voluntarily, Frontex assists those Member States governments in coordinating their efforts to maximise efficiency and costeffectiveness while also ensuring that respect for fundamental rights and the human dignity of returnees is maintained at every stage of the operation. Operational cooperation with third countries - any country not a member of the EU - is also part of Frontex tasks, and this is considered as key tool for fighting against illegal migration and crime. Such collaboration leads to increased harmony between EU and non-EU systems and structures and promotes interoperability, which is in the common interests of all the authorities concerned. Frontex also tries to potentialize third countries cooperation in order to align their border control systems with European standards.

Broadly speaking, Frontex is a European militarized institution in charge of the whole set of migration-related issues. It is a legal entity, which enjoy operating, financial and administrative autonomy. Frontex budget comes fundamentally from European Community contributions and it has strongly increased since 2005, when it began its operations. In five years, its revenue has raised nine fold.

Great drop in African migration flux towards Europe

EU migration actions have had clear and convincing results. Even though, many armed conflicts in African countries persist, and their inhabitants are currently suffering from environmental problems related to Climate Change - The World Health Organization has reported around 150,000 annual climate-related fatalities, whilst the Global Humanitarian Forum puts this figure at over 300,000 migration fluxes have significantly decreased.

There has been an increase of 10% in the number of application for asylum in the EU Member States between 2008 and 2009. However, in the specific case of Spain this figure plummeted to its lowest level since 1989. There where 2.999 applications for asylum in 2009, 34% less than in the previous year. In Countries such as Italy, United Kingdom and Greece, there was also a drop in the number of applications. Nevertheless, the fall for these countries was no as sharp as in the Spanish case. As can be seen from the above graph, most of the asylum seekers in Spain last year come from African countries. Since 2002, a negative trend can be observed.

Organizations such as the European Commission in aid to refugees (CEAR, by its Spanish acronym), denounce this fact. Asylum seekers face enormous difficulties in accessing the asylum procedure. Border control policies have been becoming increasingly more oppressive and Spain has become a fortress, in which there is a lack of respect for human rights.

The number of illegal boat arrivals to European coasts has also strongly decreased over the last years, as can be seen by the figure below.

This drop is mainly due to the set of measures taken by Frontex border agency. The Spanish secretary of state for security, Antonio Camacho, stated that the causes of this decline are prompted by "the work of the State Security Forces, returns policies, agreements with the countries of origin and the effectiveness of Frontex". Members of CEAR condemn this phenomenon, from their point of view the externalization of EU border control - by transferring to third countries the control of migratory fluxes - make international protection access much more difficult.

Interview with Manuel Ferrer, General Coordinator of the European Centre for the Study of Migration Flows.
The purpose of this section is to provide a broad personal and professional opinion regarding this matter. This section has been entirely developed with the provided information by Manuel Ferrer during the interview. Among other topics, issues such as real consequences of EU migration policies, current cooperation European investments, over-exploitation by fishing industry from developed countries and deterioration of the African traditional fishing methods have been addressed.

EU immigration investments are fundamentally focused in security matters. This means, border control and prevent departures are their priority. It leads to a temporary success, if we can contemplate EU migration policies outcomes as such. People who starve go on in the same situation, but at their homes, they are not able to come to Europe to disturb European population. Nevertheless, it is very likely that the moment when these people finally migrate has been postponed. Before they die of starvation, they will try another illegal migration route to come to Europe, which will be much more dangerous. When one border is blocked, they seek another one. When Sahara shore was patrolled, then Noadib coast was used as alternative route, and when Noadib was controlled people used further south routes. Thus, European migration mechanisms are effective, regarding to security control. There has been a sharp decrease in the number of irregular migrants arrivals. Although Manuel Ferrer does not think this is the manner in which EU should deal with this issue.

An effective European investment in cooperation would lead to better outcomes. A type of cooperation that should be different from the existing one, which is used for private interests. For instance, last political campaign of the current Senegal president was funded with Spanish Cooperation Funds. In spite of the fact that such funds were given in order to help repatriated people, they did not benefit from them.

There is a total lack of communication between NGOs related to migration issues and governmental institutions. A consultation process was possible during the last law on Foreign Nationals redaction, and it did work fairly well. Nevertheless, from a practical point of view as well as at regional level, authorities could not care less. Except for grants -which have been sharply reducedgovernmental institutions are unaware of the NGOs needs. Also they are indifferent to the current growing difficulties faced by NGOs. From Ferrers point of view, Frontex is like trying to kill a flea with the sledgehammer. Measures taken by Frontex are disproportionate responses to the problem. Of course, the real intention of European migration policies by means of the operations coordinated by Frontex is not to kill people, but such measures cause many deaths. Under no circumstances, this issue should be tackled by deterrence through strength. Over-exploitation by European, Japans and Chinese fishing industry, along the African coasts has led to deterioration of the African traditional fishing methods. Manuel Ferrer has travelled to Mauritania and Senegal, where he has personally known affected fishermen. Senegal has been especially touched, traditional fishing techniques are part of its culture as well as its mean of subsistence. Small canoes - the same crafts that nowadays are used to migrate cannot compete with the powerful fishing vessels. Senegalese boat owners are forced to sell their crafts in order to survive, they cannot fish anymore. They know that their boats would most likely be used for illegal migration, but they do not have any other option. Even worse, a large number of Senegalese boats sink due to crash into those large boats.

Ferrer thinks that it is obvious the correlation between natural resource depletion and human migration. It is difficult for him to give his opinion regarding this topic and does not get too worked up. From his point of view, EU has lost sight of reality, EU migration policies are completely uncoordinated. Actions are too slow and there is a poor sense of perspective, which is at the least insufficient. The EU main concern lies in keeping immigrants out of EU borders at all costs and integration and cooperation policies goes up in smoke.

Personal Opinion
Many are the ways as well as the means that people use to reach others countries. Legal procedures to migrate from one region to another are long and most of the time unsuccessful, therefore many people who do not have any subsistence way are forced to travel under dreadful conditions. Even though, Climate Change consequences are still unknowns, without a shadow of a doubt global warming will lead to an increase of non regulated migration fluxes. Developed countries borders are being strictly blocked and legal procedures become even more complicated. It is commonly believed that we are in a growingly borderless world but many are the arguments against such a statement. Even though, there is a tendency to eliminate physical barriers between countries, there are many different ways to get the same result. Visas are documents which permit entry into and travel within a particular country. Nevertheless the possession of it does not provide a guarantee of entry into this region, another kind of documents may also be required. Reasons why a visa may be denied are many as well as very interesting. From having a criminal record or criminal charges pending to not have a good moral character. The former could be understood as a security measure in order to protect people who inhabit the country, somehow it does make sense. Nevertheless, the latter is just a meaningless excuse to ban human freedom. The role of bulky and obvious walls has been replaced by light and subtle papers. In the section "EU response to growing migration pressures, FRONTEX", some parts have been literally copied from the source. I did so because, from my point of view, discourse and real goals are not pointing in the same direction. I would like to quote a sentence that was written by George Orwell in his book "Why I write", "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind". Whilst the revenues of NGO's and organizations that aid immigrants have been dramatically reduced - with the current global crisis as excuse - Frontex enjoys greater funds. This fact demonstrates the real concern of Europe politicians, to keep the European public unaware of migrations problems. Regardless of the terrible conditions that most of the world population is suffering.

Migration Information Source Frontex web site CLIMATE CHANGE AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY Paper from the High Representative and the European Commission to the European Council (S113/08, 14 March 2008) Cear report 2010 Europe's global role: external policies of the European Union Jan Orbie, 2008

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