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Welcome Note Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI Call for Papers 1 2 3 7 8 9

Editor:EbroulIzquierdo Design:Lazaros Gymnopoulos Photos:QianniZhang Printing:Hyoung JoongKim Notforsale.

Welcome Note 1 2 3 7 8 9

Nowadayselectronicnewslettersseem topopupineverycorner of abusy ICT townfullofIPs,STREPs,NoEs andother fellow inhabitants. A question kept bot hering mewhendiscussingandplanning this new series of newsletters: how to make it different and appealing enough to keep potential readers interested? The right answer to this question ap pears to be key for the 3DLife project since its newsletters should be a main vehicle for dissemination and outreach, rather than yet another pamphlet born out of a contracted obligation and with little impact on the target audience. We willbelookingforanswerstothisques tion in every issue of this series by in volving the reader and the ICT commu nity atlargeintheproductionofitscon tent. Here, the 3DLife envisaged Virtual Centre of Excellence (VCE) will play a decisive role, too. Since you will hear a lot more on the 3DLife VCE in forth coming issues, we will disclose little about it in this first issue hoping that you will keep watching this space for relatednews. BringingtheMediaInternettoLife orsimply,3DLife isaEuropeanUnion funded project aiming at integrating re search conducted within Europe in the field of Media Internet. 3DLife is a Net work of Excellence, funded under the Cooperation segment of the Seventh FrameworkProgramme (FP7). This is the first issue of 3DLifes bian nual newsletter! Todrawyourattentionontheproject, westartthisseriesbyhighlightingsome of the most relevant events of 3DLife since its start in January 2010. We be

Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI Call for Papers

lieve that by helping you to understand the project activities, we are paving the waytowardscooperationbetween your institution and the 3DLife project. After nearlysixmonthsofexistence,theproj ect has started several technical and nontechnical activities. The success of alltheseactivitiesiscertainlyduetothe profound commitment of the project partners, its external advisory boards and the project officer as commission representative. Iwouldliketothankthemforbring ing the 3DLife endeavor to life. I am sure their commitment will continue to be the engine pushing forward both 3DLifeandVCEinyearstocome.Finally, letmealso thank in advance the poten tial readersofthisseriesfortheirinter est intheproject.Needlesstowritethat anyfeedbackorcontributionfromyouis extremely welcomed. Please visit our webpage at There you will find several options including 3DLife social networking links that al low you to participate in project activi tiesandinteractwithotherprojectpart ners.Wewanttohearfromyouindeed. TheProjectCoordinator

Prof. Ebroul Izquierdo

Welcome Note 1 2 3 7 8 9

Itiswidelyarguedthatthenextgener ation of Media Computing services will become the cornerstone of Information Societyinourcentury.Itsimpactonthe entertainment industry is already clear. However, its impact is expected to be much broader in changing the way that society delivers key services such as health care, learning and commerce. Sincethe3DLifeprojectcomprehensive ly addressesseveralchallengesofMedia Internet, its impact is expected to be vast in several aspects of modern life including,industrial,academicandsoci etal. Inordertoachieveitsambitiousgoals, the 3DLife project is structured around fourJointProgrammes (JPs): 1. JP on Management and Auditing (JMA), an envelope activity dedi cated to management and quality issues. 2. JPonIntegrationandSustainability (JIS),thatentailsalllongterminte gration activities. 3. JP on Cooperative Research (JCR), a program that addresses central researchdirectionstobeintegrated towardsMediaInternettechnology. 4. JP on Spreading Excellence (JSE), an envelope activity dedicated to dissemination. A cohesive management structure en sures theprojectssuccess.Itconsistsof: ManagementCentre(MC) thatcoor dinates andadministers, Network Steering Board (NSB) that makesthedecisions,and

Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI Call for Papers

VCETaskForce whichisintendedto be the first Executive Committee of the envisioned 3DLife Virtual Cen ter of Excellence in Media Comput ing andCommunications. The key factors making the 3DLife con sortium capableofexecutingtheplanned tasks and reaching the posed objectives are reflected in the scientific quality of the partners and the diverse yet com plementary research background they bringtotheproject.Thosefactorsare: Queen Mary, University of London (UnitedKingdom,Coordinator) DublinCityUniversity(Ireland) Heinrich Hertz Institute, Fraunho fer (Germany) Informatics & Telematics Institute (Greece) KoreaUniversity(Korea) MIRALab, University of Geneva (Switzerland) Tlcom ParisTech (France)

Finally,threeexternalboardsprovidead vice and ensure that high quality stan dards willbeachieved: thePanEuropeanAdvisoryBoard theIndustrialAdvisoryBoard,and theScientificAdvisoryBoard.

Welcome Note 1 2 3 7 8 9

ProjectNews KickOffMeeting
The projects three day kickoff meet ing was successfully completed on the 14th of January, 2010. The meeting was heldatthepremisesoftheProjectCoor dinator Queen Mary University of London in London, UK and gathered together representatives of all Project Partners.

Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI Call for Papers

The first 3DLife paper was accepted on the 27th of January, 2010 for pres entation at the FOCUS K3D Conference onSemantic3DMediaandContent.The conference took place at INRIA Sophia Antipolis Mditerrane in France on the11th and12th ofFebruary2010. 3DLifescontributiontotheaforemen tioned conference is entitled, 3DLife: BringingtheMediaInternettoLife and was coauthored by N.E. OConnor, T. Boubekeur, P. Daras, P. Eisert, E. Izquierdo, H.J. Kim, and N. Magnenat Thalmann. More information about the confer ence canbefoundat:

3DLifeKickOffMeetinginLondon Duringthethreedayeventtherewas enough time for the projects first Ple naryandNetworkSteeringBoard(NSB) Meetingsaswellasfortheprojectsfirst Social Event. The Plenary Meeting took place on the 12th and 13th of January whiletheNSBMeetingtookplaceonthe 14th of January. Both meetings where conducted under the Chair of Prof. Ebroul Izquierdo. 3DLifes first Social Event took place on the evening of the 13th of January and it was a great success!

The 3DLife Network of Excellence ac quired its own voice within the World Wide Web as of the 28th of February, 2010 since the official web site of the project was launched successfully and can always be found at the following URL:

The website is part of the projects CollaborationSpace,acollectionofWeb 2.0applicationssupportingresearchre sults valorization. The creation of the website followed current trends in web applications de velopment, i.e. Web 2.0 and Social Net works,soastoenable lively interaction betweenMediaInternetresearchers,ex perts,andthepublic. The 3DLife Consortium hopes that through this kind of interaction, knowl edge sharing and support will improve and a culture of innovation will be es tablished amongthepeopleofEuropeas wellasworldwide. Welcome Note Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI Call for Papers 1 2 3 7 8 9

Thechallengeison!The3DLifeChal lenge 2010: Sports Activity Analysis in Camera Networks is, as of the 10th of March 2010, live within the ACM Multi mediaGrandChallenge2010.

3DLifeACMGrandChallenge Thechallengetextalongwithdetailed submissioninstructionscanbefoundat: es/mmchallenge/.

1st AdvisoryBoardsMeeting
3DLifes 2nd major meeting session tookplacebetweenthe24th andthe26th of March 2010 in Paris, France. The meetings took place at the premises of TelecomParisTech andgatheredtogeth er representativesofallProjectPartners aswellasmembersofboththeScientific andtheIndustrialAdvisoryBoards(SAB &IAB).

TheOfficial3DLifeWebsite More information about the 3DLife CollaborationSpacecanbefoundat the respectivewebsitepage.

Duringthethreedayeventtherewas enough time for internal project meet ings but,mostimportantly,fortheproj ects firstSABandIABmeetingsaswell. The SAB Meeting took place on the eveningofthe25th andbroughttogether the NSB and the projects scientific advisors for the first time. An overview of the 3DLife project as well as details about initial activities and plans were presented to the board. A lively dis cussion took place and the project partners gathered useful feedback. Fi nally, an initial discussion took place regarding the 3DLife VCE and the con sortium planstowardsitscreation. Welcome Note Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI Call for Papers 1 2 3 7 8 9

The 3DLife project will be organizing and sponsoring the ACM Workshop on SurrealMediaandVirtualCloningwith intheACMMultimedia2010conference which will take place in Firenze, Italy between the 25th and 29th of October 2010. The workshop aims at presenting a representativesampleofresearchwork towards the creation of surreal media andrealistic3Dvirtualenvironmentsin which virtual humans can interact re motely.Theprimaryobjectiveistopres ent and discuss key research issues re lated tothegenerationofsurrealmedia and3Dcooperativevirtualworlds. More information on the conference canbefoundat: ImportantDates: PaperSubmission: 17June,2010 Notificationofacceptance: 10July, 2010 CameraReadysubmission: 20July, 2010 Workshop: 29October,2010

1st IndustrialAdvisoryBoardMeeting The 3DLife NSB members met their industrial advisors for the first time on the morning of the 26th of March, 2010 and had a rich discussion with them on variousprojectissues,including: Presentationofthe3DLifeProject Presentationofinitialactivitiesand plans Cooperation issues between the IABandthe3DLifeconsortium

Both aforementioned meetings were conducted under the Chair of Prof. EbroulIzquierdo.

Welcome Note 1 2 3 7 8 9 Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI Call for Papers

The 3DLife NoE announced an Open Call for Fellowships under the 3DLife VCE Fellowship Programme, a funding and support scheme for exceptionally qualified researchers in the scientific fieldofMediaComputing.Moreinforma tion and application instructions can be foundat: collaboration/vce/fellowships/. Theprogramoffersfundingforyoung researchers (Ph.D. students) within the European Union emphasis on the 12 newEUmemberstates.Itofferssupport for senior researchers (scientific group leaders)worldwide.Finally,itoffersthe opportunitytoyoungresearchers(Ph.D. students or Postdoctoral Researchers) to participate to the program on their ownexpenses.

2nd AdvisoryBoardsMeeting
3DLifes third major meeting session took place on 12 June 2010 in Paris, France. The meetings took place at the premises of Telecom ParisTech and gathered representatives of all partners aswellasmembersofboththeScientific andtheIndustrialAdvisoryBoards(SAB & IAB). During the two day event the projects second SAB and IAB meetings occurred. The SAB Meeting took place on the morning of the 1st of June and brought togethertheNSBandSABinalivelyand productive discussion mainly about the envisioned 3DLife Virtual Center of Ex cellence.Followingthediscussion,post ers and demos for 3DLife Integrated Projects were presented to the board members. TheNSBand IABmetontheevening of the 1st of June, also for the second time, and had a rich discussion mainly on the same issue the envisioned 3DLife VCE. The aforementioned demo sessionwasrepeatedfortheIAB. Questionnaires regarding the Inte gratedProjectswerehandedbothtothe SAB and IAB members in order to fill them out and thus provide a detailed feedbackonIntegratedProjects. Bothmeetingswereconductedunder theChairofProf.EbroulIzquierdo.

The first 3DLife journal paper was accepted on the 25th of May, 2010 for publication at the Pattern Recognition journal,theofficialjournalofthePattern RecognitionSociety. The paper is entitled: Viewpoint in dependent object recognition in clut tered scenes exploiting raytriangle in tersection and SIFT algorithms Pattern Recognition and the authors are Mr. G. Kordelas and Dr. P. Daras of the In formatics and Telematics Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. The Pattern Recognition jour nal ispublishedbyELSEVIER.

Welcome Note 1 2 3 7 8 9

StudentImpressions SeungWonJung Korea

MyparticipationinmanyKoreangov ernment fundedprojectsbutthelackof similarexperiencesabroadmademeea ger tojointhe3DLifeprojectassoonasI haveheardaboutit. Although we are still in the first year of the project, I am already deeply im pressedregardingseveralofitsaspects. First,thisprojectisreallywellorganized. Fromtheprojectproposaltoeveryproj ect meeting,everythingissmoothlycon trolledandmanaged,sowejustneedto followthepredefinedsteps.Second,the project members are active and ener getic.Onecaneasilycontactanyproject member by using the 3DLife social net works, 3DLife website or simply by e mailingthem. Even though my research group is in Korea, I already feel like working together, in the same place, with European partners. Third, the re search topics are interesting and prom ising.Theprojectmemberswereableto freelychooseresearchtopicsandallthe selectedtopicsareverychallengingand fascinatingtome. Forthesereasons,Idoappreciatethe chance given by EU FP7 to my group in Korea University to be able to collab oratewithEuropeaninstitutes.

Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI Call for Papers

MarcGowing Ireland
My background is in Software Engi neering, with a particular interest in sensortechnology and immersive virtu al worlds. So, when I heard about the 3DLifeproject,Ijumpedattheopportu nity tostartmyPh.D.Beingabletowork with leading researchers from all over Europe,travellingtotheirlabsandbeing given access to cutting edge technology isreallyexcitingandhugelybeneficial. The project itself is very well organ ised andeveryoneiseagertoparticipate in shared research. I was very impress ed by how many collaborative research projects were suggested at the first meeting in London, which speaks vol umes abouteveryone'senthusiasm.You were also given the opportunity to choosewhichprojectsyouwouldliketo beinvolvedin,andhadachancetodis cuss aspects of each project with junior andseniorresearchers. I'm currently working on the robust virtual mirror integrated project which also involves HHI in Berlin and ITI in Greece. To date, my involvement in this integrated project involves using DCU's wireless inertial measurement units to assistthevisionbasedtrackingofHHI's virtual shoe mirror system. As part of this project, I got the opportunity to travel to Berlin for a joint data capture

Mr. Seung-Won Jung


sessionanddiscussionsonhowbestto collaborate. AlthoughI'monlysixmonthsintomy Ph.D, and I'm definitely enjoying the experiencesofar. Welcome Note Project Overview Project News Student Impressions 3DLife and FMI 1 2 3 7 8 9


Mr. Marc Gowing

Call for Papers

fashionattheInternetscale,offeringad vanced applications and natural inter actions. The 3DLife NoE aims at heavily impacting and influencing these main constituentsoftheMediaInternetby: integrating the different technolo gies throughstructured repositories ofmodularsoftwaretools; disseminating and sharing the inte gratedtechnologiestoalargeraudi ence viathe3DLifeVCE; adoptingausercentricpolitic,where all the scientific and technological aspects are developed towards a greateruserexperience;

TheMediaInternetsupportsprofessional andnovicecontentprosumers andisatthe crossroadsofdigitalmultimediacontentand Internettechnologies.Itencompassestwo mainaspects:Mediabeingdeliveredthrough Internetnetworkingtechnologies(including hybridtechnologies)andMediabeing generated,consumed,sharedand experiencedontheweb.TheMediaInternet isevolvingtosupportnoveluserexperiences suchasimmersiveenvironmentsincluding sensorialexperiencesbeyondvideoand audio(engagingallthehumansenses)that areadaptabletotheuser,thenetworksand theservices
Future Media Internet Research Challenges and the Road Ahead, White Paper, European Commission, Networked Media Unit, Informa tion SocietyandMedia,Apr2010.Preparedby theFutureMediaInternet TaskForcewhichis coordinatedbytheCAnextMEDIA.

In order to realize the aforemention ed objectives,duringthefirstsixmonths of the projects lifespan, 3DLifes bene ficiaries wereengagedinseveralFuture Internetrelated activities, such as the Future Internet Assembly (FIA), the FutureMediaInternet TaskForceand the Future Internet Architecture Initia tive joining forces with other EU stake holders for establishing and supporting the European vision towards a Future (Media)Internet.

The above definition of Media inter net implies the notion of multimodal communication as a multistream be tween users, where content, services, and networks are built in a modular


Dr Petros Daras

Call for Papers

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing Special Issue on Music Signal Processing The extraction of meaningful information from audio waveform data is a central application of digital signal processing. When dealing with specific audio domains such as speech or music, it is crucial to properly understand and apply the appropriate domain-specific properties, be they acoustic, linguistic, or musical. This special issue seeks to gather contributions that address aspects of music signal processing by explicitly incorporating the distinctive characteristics of music audio, such as the presence of multiple, coordinated sources, the existence of structure at many temporal levels, and the peculiar kinds of information being carried. Of particular interest are papers that aim to establish a rigorous foundation for the processing of music signals, in contrast to the widespread approach of borrowing and adapting techniques from speech processing. For example, new signal models and parameter estimation algorithms are required that can accommodate polyphonic and multitimbral music signals. Furthermore, in the design of musicallymeaningful audio features, approaches must account for high-level musical aspects regarding melody, harmony, rhythm, and other acoustic and structural properties. All contributions should have a clear focus on the processing of waveform-based music audio recordings. However, the work may also exploit complementary sources of musical information such as lyrics, symbolic score data, MIDI, or textual annotations. The complexity and diversity of music data makes automatic music signal processing a challenging field of research. Music processing systems may need to take account of aspects such as genre (e. g., pop music, classical music, jazz, ethnological music), instrumentation (e. g., orchestra, piano, drums, voice), and many other musical properties (e. g., dynamics, tempo, or timbre). Our goal for this special issue is to spur progress in core techniques needed for the future signal processing systems that will enable users to access and explore music in all its different facets. Submission deadline: September 20, 2010 First Review completed: December 20, 2010 Revised manuscript due: February 20, 2011 Second Review completed: March 20, 2011 Final manuscript due: April 10, 2011 Tentative publication date: May 2011 Guest Editors: Dr. Meinard Muller, Saarland University and MPI Informatik, Germany, Dr. Shigeki Sagayama, The University of Tokyo, Japan, Dr. Anssi Klapuri, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Dr. Gael Richard, Telecom ParisTech, France, Dr. Daniel Ellis, Columbia University, USA,


Concertation meetingatBrussels,Feb.2010.

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