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#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 , enquiry@ingenioustech.

in, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

S.NO TITLE -2010





T A Machine Learning Approach C to TCP Throughput P th Prediction ro u g h p ut pr e di ct io n is a n i m p or ta nt ca p a bil it y fo r n et w or ks w h er e m ul ti pl e p

Networking .net

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

at hs e xi st b et w e e n d at a se n d er s a n d re ce iv er s. In th is p a p er , w e d es cr ib e a n e w lig ht w ei g ht m et h o d fo

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

r T C P th ro u g h p ut pr e di ct io n. O ur pr e di ct or us es S u p p or t V ec to r R e gr es si o n (S V R) ; pr e di ct io n is b as e d

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

o n b ot h pr io r fil e tr a ns fe r hi st or y a n d m e as ur e m e nt s of si m pl e p at h pr o p er ti es . W e e v al u at e o ur pr e

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

di ct or in a la b or at or y se tti n g w h er e gr o u n d tr ut h ca n b e m e as ur e d wi th p er fe ct ac cu ra cy . W e re p or t th e p er

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

fo r m a nc e of o ur pr e di ct or fo r or ac ul ar a n d pr ac ti ca l m e as ur e m e nt s of p at h pr o p er ti es o v er a wi d e ra n g e

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

of tr af fic co n di ti o ns a n d tr a ns fe r si ze s. Fo r b ul k tr a ns fe rs in h e a vy tr af fic us in g or ac ul ar m e as ur e m e nt s, T C P

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

th ro u g h p ut is pr e di ct e d wi th in 1 0 % of th e ac tu al v al u e 8 7 % of th e ti m e, re pr es e nt in g n e ar ly a th re ef ol d i m

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

pr o v e m e nt in ac cu ra cy o v er pr io r hi st or yb as e d m et h o ds . Fo r pr ac ti ca l m e as ur e m e nt s of p at h pr o p er ti es

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

, pr e di ct io ns ca n b e m a d e wi th in 1 0 % of th e ac tu al v al u e n e ar ly 5 0 % of th e ti m e, a p pr o xi m at el y a 6 0 % i

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

m pr o v e m e nt o v er hi st or yb as e d m et h o ds , a n d wi th m uc h lo w er m e as ur e m e nt tr af fic o v er h e a d. W e i m

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

pl e m e nt o ur pr e di ct or in a to ol ca lle d P at h P er f, te st it in th e wi d e ar e a, a n d sh o w th at P at h P er f pr e di ct s T C

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028


Feedback-Based Scheduling for LoadBalanced Two-Stage Switches

P th ro u g h p ut ac cu ra te ly o v er di v er se wi d e ar e a p at hs . A fr a m e w or k fo r d es ig ni n g fe e d b ac kb as e d sc h


#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e d uli n g al g or it h m s is pr o p os e d fo r el e g a nt ly so lvi n g th e n ot or io us p ac ke t m is se q u e nc in g pr o bl e m of a

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

lo a db al a nc e d s wi tc h. U nli ke e xi sti n g a p pr o ac h es , w e sh o w th at th e ef fo rt s m a d e in lo a d b al a nc in g a n

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

d ke e pi n g p ac ke ts in or d er ca n co m pl e m e nt e ac h ot h er . S p ec ifi ca lly , at e ac h m id dl est a g e p or t b et w e e n

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

th e t w o s wi tc h fa br ic s of a lo a db al a nc e d s wi tc h, o nl y a si n gl ep ac ke t b uf fe r fo r e ac h vi rt u al o ut p ut q

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

u e u ei n g (V O Q) is re q ui re d. Al th o u g h p ac ke ts b el o n gi n g to th e sa m e fl o w p as s th ro u g h di ff er e nt m id dl e-

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

st a g e V O Q s, th e d el a ys th e y e x p er ie nc e at di ff er e nt m id dl est a g e p or ts wi ll b e id e nt ic al . T hi s is m a d

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e p os si bl e b y pr o p er ly se le ct in g a n d co or di n at in g th e t w o se q u e nc es of s wi tc h co nf ig ur at io ns to fo r m a joi nt

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

se q u e nc e wi th b ot h st a g g er e d sy m m et ry pr o p er ty a n d in or d er p ac ke t d eli v er y pr o p er ty . B as e d o n th

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e st a g g er e d sy m m et ry pr o p er ty , a n ef fic ie nt fe e d b ac k m ec h a ni s m is d es ig n e d to all o w th e ri g ht m id dl e-

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

st a g e p or t oc cu p a nc y v ec to r to b e d eli v er e d to th e ri g ht in p ut p or t at th e ri g ht ti m e. A s a re su lt, th e p er fo

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

r m a nc e of lo a d b al a nc in g as w ell as th e s wi tc h th ro u g h p ut is si g ni fic a nt ly i m pr o v e d. W e fu rt h er e xt e n d

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

th is fe e d b ac k m ec h a ni s m to su p p or t th e m ul ti ca bi n et i m pl e m e nt at io n of a lo a db al a nc e d s wi tc h, w h er

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e th e pr o p a g at io n d el a y b et w e e n s wi tc h lin ec ar ds a n d s wi tc h fa br ic s is n o n n e gli gi bl e. A s co m p ar e d

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

to th e e xi sti n g lo a db al a nc e d s wi tc h ar ch it ec tu re s a n d sc h e d uli n g al g or it h m s, o ur so lu ti o ns i m p os e a

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

m o d es t re q ui re m e nt o n s wi tc h h ar d w ar e, b ut co ns ist e nt ly yi el d b et te r d el a yth ro u g h p ut p er fo r m a nc e.

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

La st b ut n ot le as t, so m e e xt e ns io ns a n d re fi n e m e nt s ar e m a d e to a d dr es s th e sc al a bil it y, i m pl e m e nt at io

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

n, a n d fa ir n es s is su es of o ur so lu ti o ns . 3. Trust management in mobile ad hoc networks using a scalable maturity based model In th is p a p er , w e pr o p os e a h u m a nb as e d m o d el w hi ch b uil ds a .net

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

tr us t re la ti o ns hi p b et w e e n n o d es in a n a d h oc n et w or k. T h e tr us t is b as e d o n pr e vi o us in di vi d u al e x

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

p er ie nc es a n d o n th e re co m m e n d at io ns of ot h er s. W e pr es e nt th e R ec o m m e n d at io n E xc h a n g e Pr ot oc ol (R

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

E P) w hi ch all o w s n o d es to e xc h a n g e re co m m e n d at io ns a b o ut th ei r n ei g h b or s. O ur pr o p os al d o es n ot re

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

q ui re di ss e m in at in g th e tr us t in fo r m at io n o v er th e e nt ir e n et w or k. In st e a d, n o d es o nl y n e e d to ke e p a

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

n d e xc h a n g e tr us t in fo r m at io n a b o ut n o d es wi th in th e ra di o ra n g e. W it h o ut th e n e e d fo r a gl o b al tr

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

us t k n o wl e d g e, o ur pr o p os al sc al es w ell fo r la rg e n et w or ks w hil e sti ll re d uc in g th e n u m b er of e xc h a n g e d

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

m es sa g es a n d th er ef or e th e e n er g y co ns u m pt io n. In a d di ti o n, w e m iti g at e th e ef fe ct of co llu di n g at ta ck s co m

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

p os e d of lia rs in th e n et w or k. A ke y co nc e pt w e in tr o d uc e is th e re la ti o ns hi p m at ur it y, w hi ch all o w s n o d es to i

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

m pr o v e th e ef fic ie nc y of th e pr o p os e d m o d el fo r m o bil e sc e n ar io s. W e sh o w th e co rr ec tn es s of o ur m o d el in

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

a si n gl eh o p n et w or k th ro u g h si m ul at io ns . W e al so e xt e n d th e a n al ys is to m o bil e m ul ti h o p n et w or ks ,

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

sh o wi n g th e b e n ef its of th e m at ur it y re la ti o ns hi p co nc e pt . W e e v al u at e th e i m p ac t of m ali ci o us n o d es th

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

at se n d fa ls e re co m m e n d at io ns to d e gr a d e th e ef fic ie nc y of th e tr us t m o d el . At la st , w e a n al yz e th e p er fo

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

r m a nc e of th e R E P pr ot oc ol a n d sh o w its sc al a bil it y. W e sh o w th at o ur i m pl e m e nt at io n of R E P ca n si g ni fic a

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028


nt ly re d uc e th e n u m b er m es sa g es . O Online social networks S N s a p pli ca ti o ns , it is a lo ca ti o nb as e d so ci al n et w or k se rv ic es , se cu



#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

rit y a n d pr iv ac y of O S N s, a n d h u m a n m o bil it y m o d el s b as e d o n so ci al n et w or k O S N s o nli n e se rv ic

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e sit e fo cu se s of so ci al n et w or ks or so ci al re la ti o ns a m o n g p e o pl e, e. g. , w h o sh ar e in te re st s a n d ac ti vi ti es .

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

A so ci al n et w or k se rv ic e es se nt ial ly co ns ist s of a re pr es e nt at io n of e ac h us er (o ft e n a pr of ile ), hi s/ h er so ci al lin ks , a

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

n d a v ar ie ty of a d di ti o n al se rv ic es . M os t so ci al n et w or k se rv ic es ar e w e b b as e d a n d pr o vi d e m e a ns fo r

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

us er s to in te ra ct o v er th e in te rn et , su ch as em ail a n d in st a nt m es sa gi n g. Al th o u g h o nli n e co m m u ni ty se rv ic es ar

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e so m et i m es co ns id er e d as a so ci al n et w or k o nli n e co m m u ni ty se rv ic es ar e gr o u pce nt er e d. S oc ial n et w or ki n g

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

sit es all o w us er s to sh ar e id e as , ac ti vi ti es , e v e nt s, a n d in te re st s wi th in th ei r in di vi d u al n et w or ks . 5. SYNCHRONIZATION OF LOCAL DESKTOP TO INTERNET USING FILE TRANSFER Fil e sy nc

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028


hr o ni za ti o n in co m p ut in g is th e pr oc es s of m ak in g su re th at fil es in t w o or m or e lo ca ti o ns ar e u p d at e d th ro u g h

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

ce rt ai n ru le s. In o n ew a y fil e sy nc hr o ni za ti o n, al so ca lle d m irr or in g, u p d at e d fil es ar e co pi e d fr o m a 's o ur ce '

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

lo ca ti o n to o n e or m or e 't ar g et ' lo ca ti o ns , b ut n o fil es ar e co pi e d b ac k to th e so ur ce lo ca ti o n. In t w ow a y fil

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e sy nc hr o ni za ti o n, u p d at e d fil es ar e co pi e d in b ot h di re ct io ns , us u all y wi th th e p ur p os e of ke e pi n g th e t w o

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

lo ca ti o ns id e nt ic al to e ac h ot h er . In th is ar ti cl e, th e te r m sy nc hr o ni za ti o n re fe rs e xc lu si v el y to t w ow a y fil e

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

sy nc hr o ni za ti o n. 6. Intrusion Detection for Grid and Cloud Computing Pr o vi di n g se cu rit y in a di st ri b ut e d sy st e m re q ui re s m or e th a n us er a ut h e nt ic at io n wi th

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

p as s w or ds or di gi ta l ce rti fic at es a n d co nf id e nt ial it y in d at a tr a ns m is si o n. T h e Gr id a n d Cl o u d C o m p ut in g

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

In tr us io n D et ec ti o n S ys te m in te gr at es k n o wl e d g e a n d b e h a vi or a n al ys is to d et ec t in tr us io ns . 7. Adaptive Physical Carrier Sense in Topology-Controlled Wireless Networks Tr a ns m

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

it p o w er a n d ca rri er se ns e th re sh ol d ar e ke y M A C/ P H Y p ar a m et er s in ca rri er se ns e m ul ti pl e ac ce ss (C S M A) wi re le

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

ss n et w or ks . Tr a ns m it p o w er co nt ro l h as b e e n e xt e ns iv el y st u di e d in th e co nt e xt of to p ol o g y co nt ro l. H o

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

w e v er , th e ef fe ct of ca rri er se ns e th re sh ol d o n to p ol o g y co nt ro l h as n ot b e e n pr o p er ly in v es ti g at e d in sp it

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e of its cr uc ial ro le . O ur ke y m ot iv at io n is th at th e p er fo r m a nc e of a to p ol o g yco nt ro lle d n et w or k m a y b ec o m e

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

w or se th a n th at of a n et w or k wi th o ut a n y to p ol o g y co nt ro l u nl es s ca rri er se ns e th re sh ol d is pr o p er ly ch os e n. In

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

or d er to re m e d y th is d ef ici e nc y of co n v e nt io n al to p ol o g y co nt ro l, w e pr es e nt a fr a m e w or k o n h o w to in co

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

rp or at e p h ys ic al ca rri er se ns e in to to p ol o g y co nt ro l. W e id e nt if y th at joi nt co nt ro l of tr a ns m it p o w er a n d ca rri er

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

se ns e th re sh ol d ca n b e ef fic ie nt ly di vi d e d in to to p ol o g y co nt ro l a n d ca rri er se ns e a d a pt at io n. W e d e vi se a di

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

st ri b ut e d ca rri er se ns e u p d at e al g or it h m (D C U A) , b y w hi ch e ac h n o d e dr iv es its ca rri er se ns e th re sh ol d to w ar

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

d a d es ir a bl e o p er at in g p oi nt in a fu lly di st ri b ut e d m a n n er . W e d er iv e a su ffi ci e nt co n di ti o n fo r th e co n

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

v er g e nc e of D C U A. T o d e m o ns tr at e th e ut ili ty of in te gr at in g p h ys ic al ca rri er se ns e in to to p ol o g y co nt ro l, w e

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

e q ui p a lo ca liz e d to p ol o g y co nt ro l al g or it h m , L M S T, wi th th e ca p a bil it y of D C U A. Si m ul at io n st u di es sh o

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

w th at L M S TD C U A si g ni fic a nt ly o ut p er fo r m s L M S T a n d th e st a n d ar d 8. On the Quality of Service of CrashRecovery Failure Detectors We model the probabilistic behavior of a system Dependable .net comprising a failure detector and a monitored and crash-recovery target. We extend failure Security detectors to take account of failure recovery in the target system. This involves extending QoS measures to include the recovery detection speed and proportion of failures detected. We also extend estimating the parameters of the failure detector to achieve a required QoS to configuring the crash-recovery failure detector. We investigate the impact of the dependability of the monitored process on the QoS of our failure detector. Our analysis indicates that variation in the MTTF and MTTR of the monitored process can have a significant impact on the QoS of our failure detector. Our

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

analysis is supported by simulations that validate our theoretical results. 9. Layered Approach using conditional random field Intrusion detection faces challenges an intrusion detection system must constantly detect malicious activities in a network and must perform efficiently to cope with the large amount of network traffic. These two issues of Accuracy and Efficiency using Conditional Random Fields and Layered Approach. We show that high attack detection accuracy can be achieved by using Conditional Random Fields and high efficiency by implementing the Layered Approach. Experimental results on the benchmark KDD 99 intrusion data set show that our proposed system based on Layered Conditional Random Fields outperforms other well-known methods such as the decision trees and the naive Bayes. The improvement in attack detection accuracy is very high, particularly, for the U2R attacks (34.8 percent improvement) and the R2L attacks (34.5 percent improvement). Statistical Tests also demonstrate higher confidence in detection accuracy for our method. Finally, we show that our system is robust and is able to handle noisy data without compromising performance.


Privacy-Preserving Sharing of Sensitive Information

Privacy-preserving sharing of sensitive Security .net information (PPSSI) is motivated by the and privacy increasing need for entities (organizations or individuals) that don't fully trust each other to share sensitive information. Many types of entities need to collect, analyze, and disseminate data rapidly and accurately, without exposing sensitive information to unauthorized or untrusted parties. Although statistical methods have been used to protect data for decades, they aren't foolproof and generally involve a trusted third party. Recently, the security research community has studiedand, in a few cases, deployed techniques using secure, multiparty function evaluation, encrypted keywords, and private information retrieval. However, few practical tools and technologies provide data privacy, especially when entities have certain common goals and require (or are mandated) some sharing of sensitive information. To this end, PPSSI technology aims to enable sharing information, without exposing more than the minimum necessary to complete a common task. Security and privacy issues are of most concern in pushing the success of WMNs(Wireless Mesh



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Networks) for their wide deployment and for supporting service-oriented applications. Despite the necessity, limited security research has been conducted toward privacy preservation in WMNs. This motivates us to develop PEACE, a novel Privacy-Enhanced yet Accountable security framework, tailored for WMNs 12. One way banks mitigate phishing's effects is to remove fraudulent websites or suspend abusive domain names. The removal process, called a "take-down," is often subcontracted to specialist firms, who refuse to share feeds of phishing website URLs with each other. Consequently, many phishing websites aren't removed. The take-down companies are reticent to exchange feeds, fearing that competitors with less comprehensive lists might free-ride off their efforts. Here, the authors propose the Phish-Market protocol, which enables companies to be compensated for information they provide to their competitors, encouraging them to share. The protocol is designed so that the contributing firm is compensated only for those websites affecting its competitor's clients and only those previously unknown to the receiving firm. The receiving firm, on the other hand, is guaranteed privacy for its client list. The protocol solves a more general problem of sharing between competitors; applications to data brokers in marketing, finance, energy exploration, and beyond could also benefit. Various governments have been considering mechanisms to filter out illegal or offensive Internet material. The accompanying debate raises a number of questions from a technical perspective. This article explores some of these questions, such as, what filtering techniques exist,are they effective in filtering out the specific content, how easy is circumventing them ,where should they be placed in the Internet architecture. Because cloud-computing environments' security vulnerabilities differ from those of traditional data centers, perimeter-security approaches will no longer work. Security must move from the perimeter to the virtual machines. Encryption keys are sometimes encrypted themselves; doing that properly requires special care. Although it might look like an oversight at first, the broadly accepted formal security .net

The Phish-Market Protocol: Secure Sharing Between Competitors


Internet Filtering Issues and Challenges



Can Public-Cloud Security Meet Its Unique Challenges?



Encrypting Keys Securely


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definitions for cryptosystems don't allow encryption of key-dependent messages. Furthermore, key-management systems frequently use key encryption or wrapping, which might create dependencies among keys that lead to problems with simple accesscontrol checks. Security professionals should be aware of this risk and take appropriate measures. Novel cryptosystems offer protection for key-dependent messages and should be considered for practical use. Through enhanced access control in key-management systems, you can prevent security-interface attacks. 16. Auto-Context and Its Application to HighLevel Vision Tasks and 3D Brain Image Segmentation The notion of using context information for Pattern .net solving high-level vision and medical image Analysis segmentation problems has been increasingly and realized in the field. However, how to learn an Machine effective and efficient context model, together Intelligence with an image appearance model, remains mostly unknown. The current literature using Markov Random Fields (MRFs) and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) often involves specific algorithm design in which the modeling and computing stages are studied in isolation. In this paper, we propose a learning algorithm, auto-context. Given a set of training images and their corresponding label maps, we first learn a classifier on local image patches. The discriminative probability (or classification confidence) maps created by the learned classifier are then used as context information, in addition to the original image patches, to train a new classifier. The algorithm then iterates until convergence. Auto-context integrates low-level and context information by fusing a large number of low-level appearance features with context and implicit shape information. The resulting discriminative algorithm is general and easy to implement. Under nearly the same parameter settings in training, we apply the algorithm to three challenging vision applications: foreground/background segregation, human body configuration estimation, and scene region labeling. Moreover, context also plays a very important role in medical/brain images where the anatomical structures are mostly constrained to relatively fixed positions. With only some slight changes resulting from using 3D instead of 2D features, the auto-context algorithm applied to brain MRI image segmentation is shown to outperform state-ofthe-art algorithms specifically designed for this domain. Furthermore, the scope of the proposed algorithm goes beyond image analysis and it has the potential to be used for a wide variety of problems for structured

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

prediction problems. 17. CSMA protocol Mitigating Performance Degradation in Congested Sensor Networks This system is developed to show the descriptive management of dreadful conditions in Congested Sensor Networks. The dreadful conditions in sensor networks or any other wired networks will happen when bandwidth differs from receiving and sending points. The channel capacity of the network may not be sufficient enough to handle the speed of packets sent. In this system, we are presenting a view, how the data can be sent through the congested channel and also the safe delivery of the packets to the destination. This System is developed using java swing technology with jdk1.6. All the nodes are developed as swing APIs.Multiple APIs form a sink to the destination. The packets will be sent from Source to destination, via sink. In the sink, a node will be made congested and using channel capacity, the path of data will be calculated. Based on the result of the calculation, the congestion in the sink will be dissolved and data is set free to the destination.This system is an application to maintain the free flow of data in congested sensor networks using Differentiated Routing Protocol and Priority Queues, which maintain priority in data-types. java


Feature Analysis and Evaluation for Automatic Emotion Identification in Speech

The definition of parameters is a crucial step in Multimedia .net the development of a system for identifying emotions in speech. Although there is no agreement on which are the best features for this task, it is generally accepted that prosody carries most of the emotional information. Most works in the field use some kind of prosodic features, often in combination with spectral and voice quality parametrizations. Nevertheless, no systematic study has been done comparing these features. This paper presents the analysis of the characteristics of features derived from prosody, spectral envelope, and voice quality as well as their capability to discriminate emotions. In addition, early fusion and late fusion techniques for combining different information sources are evaluated. The results of this analysis are validated with experimental automatic emotion identification tests. Results suggest that spectral envelope features outperform the prosodic ones. Even when different parametrizations are combined, the late fusion of long-term spectral statistics with short-term spectral envelope parameters provides an accuracy comparable to that obtained when all parametrizations are combined. Identifying off-task behaviors in intelligent Learning .net


Automatic Detection of

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Off-Task Behaviors in Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Machine Learning Techniques

tutoring systems is a practical and challenging Technologie research topic. This paper proposes a machine s learning model that can automatically detect students' off-task behaviors. The proposed model only utilizes the data available from the log files that record students' actions within the system. The model utilizes a set of time features, performance features, and mouse movement features, and is compared to 1) a model that only utilizes time features and 2) a model that uses time and performance features. Different students have different types of behaviors; therefore, personalized version of the proposed model is constructed and compared to the corresponding nonpersonalized version. In order to address data sparseness problem, a robust Ridge Regression algorithm is utilized to estimate model parameters. An extensive set of experiment results demonstrates the power of using multiple types of evidence, the personalized model, and the robust Ridge Regression algorithm. Here's a sobering thought for all managers IT responsible for Web applications: Without proactive consideration for an application's security, attackers can bypass nearly all lowerlayer security controls simply by using the application in a way its developers didn't envision. Learn how to address vulnerabilities proactively and early on to avoid the devastating consequences of a successful attack. .net


Web-Application Security: From Reactive to Proactive


Trust and Reputation Management

Trust and reputation management research is INTERNET .net highly interdisciplinary, involving researchers COMPUTING from networking and communication, data management and information systems, ecommerce and service computing, artificial intelligence, and game theory, as well as the social sciences and evolutionary biology. Trust and reputation management has played and will continue to play an important role in Internet and social computing systems and applications. This special issue addresses key issues in the field, such as representation, recommendation aggregation, and attackresilient reputation systems. An efficient and robust framework is proposed Image .net for two-view multiple structure-and-motion Processing segmentation of unknown number of rigid objects. The segmentation problem has three unknowns, namely the object memberships, the corresponding fundamental matrices, and the number of objects. To handle this otherwise recursive problem, hypotheses for fundamental


Multi-body Structureand-Motion Segmentation by Branch-and-Bound Model Selection

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

matrices are generated through local sampling. Once the hypotheses are available, a combinatorial selection problem is formulated to optimize a model selection cost which takes into account the hypotheses likelihoods and the model complexity. An explicit model for outliers is also added for robust segmentation. The model selection cost is minimized through the branch-and-bound technique of combinatorial optimization. The proposed branch-and-bound approach efficiently searches the solution space and guaranties optimality over the current set of hypotheses. The efficiency and the guarantee of optimality of the method is due to its ability to reject solutions without explicitly evaluating them. The proposed approach was validated with synthetic data, and segmentation results are presented for real images. 23. Active Image Re ranking Image search reranking methods usually fail to capture the user's intention when the query term is ambiguous. Therefore, reranking with user interactions, or active reranking, is highly demanded to effectively improve the search performance. The essential problem in active reranking is how to target the user's intention. To complete this goal, this paper presents a structural information based sample selection strategy to reduce the user's labeling efforts. Furthermore, to localize the user's intention in the visual feature space, a novel local-global discriminative dimension reduction algorithm is proposed. In this algorithm, a submanifold is learned by transferring the local geometry and the discriminative information from the labelled images to the whole (global) image database. Experiments on both synthetic datasets and a real Web image search dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed active reranking scheme, including both the structural information based active sample selection strategy and the local-global discriminative dimension reduction algorithm. An innovative approach based on an evolutionary stochastic algorithm, namely the Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO), is proposed in this paper as a solution to the problem of intelligent retrieval of images in large databases. The problem is recast to an optimization one, where a suitable cost function is minimized through a customized PSO. Accordingly, the relevance-feedback is used in order to exploit the information of the user with the aim of both guiding the particles inside the search space and dynamically assigning .net


Content Based Image Retrieval using PSO


#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

different weights to the features. 25. Automatic Composition of Semantic Web Services An Enhanced State Space Search Approach This paper presents a novel approach for semantic web service composition based on traditional state space search approach. We regard automatic web service composition problem as an AI problem-solving problem and propose an enhanced state space search approach toward web service composition domain. This approach can not only be used for automatic service composition, but also for general problem-solving domain. In addition, in order to validate the feasibility of our approach, a prototype system is implemented. Although semantic technologies aren't used in current software systems on a large scale yet, they offer high potential to significantly improve the quality of electronic services especially in the E-Government domain. This paper therefore presents an approach that not only incorporates semantic technologies but allows to create EGovernment services solely based on semantic models. This multiplies the benefits of the ontology modeling efforts, minimizes development and maintenance time and costs, improves user experience and enforces transparency. This paper firstly introduces the characteristics of the current E-Learning, and then analyzes the concept and characteristics of cloud computing, and describes the architecture of cloud computing platform; by combining the characteristics of E-Learning and learning from current major infrastructure approach of cloud computing platform, this paper structures a relatively complete set of integration and use in one of the E-Learning platform, puts the cloud computing platform apply to the study of ELearning, and focus on the application in order to improve the resources' stability, balance and utilization; under the conditions, this platform will meet the demand for the current teaching and research activities, improve the greatest value of the E-Learning. Cloud computing provides people a way to share large mount of distributed resources belonging to different organizations. That is a good way to share many kinds of distributed resources, but it also makes security problems more complicate and more important for users than before. In this paper, we analyze some security requirements in cloud computing environment. Since the security problems both in software and hardware, we provided a method to build a trusted computing .net


Knowledge-first web services an EGovernment example



The Applied Research of Cloud Computing Platform Architecture In the E-Learning Area

Cloud .net comput ing


Cloud Computing System Based on Trusted Computing Platform


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environment for cloud computing by integrating the trusted computing platform (TCP) into cloud computing system. We propose a new prototype system, in which cloud computing system is combined with Trusted Platform Support Service (TSS) and TSS is based on Trusted Platform Module (TPM). In this design, better effect can be obtained in authentication, role based access and data protection in cloud computing environment. 29. IT Auditing to Assure a Secure Cloud Computing. In this paper we discuss the evolvement of cloud computing paradigm and present a framework for secure cloud computing through IT auditing. Our approach is to establish a general framework using checklists by following data flow and its lifecycle. The checklists are made based on the cloud deployment models and cloud services models. The contribution of the paper is to understand the implication of cloud computing and what is meant secure cloud computing via IT auditing rather than propose a new methodology and new technology to secure cloud computing. Our holistic approach has strategic value to those who are using or consider using cloud computing because it addresses concerns such as security, privacy and regulations and compliance. Advanced computing on cloud computing infrastructures can only become viable alternative for the enterprise if these infrastructures can provide proper levels of nonfunctional properties (NPFs). A company that focuses on service-oriented architectures (SOA) needs to know what configuration would provide the proper levels for individual services if they are deployed in the cloud. In this paper we present an approach for performance evaluation of cloud computing configurations. While cloud computing providers assure certain service levels, this it typically done for the platform and not for a particular service instance. Our approach focuses on NFPs of individual services and thereby provides a more relevant and granular information. An experimental evaluation in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) verified our approach. People can only enjoy the full benefits of Cloud computing if we can address the very real privacy and security concerns that come along with storing sensitive personal information in databases and software scattered around the Internet. There are many service provider in the .net


Performance Evaluation of Cloud Computing Offerings



Providing Privacy Preserving in cloud computing


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internet, we can call each service as a cloud, each cloud service will exchange data with other cloud, so when the data is exchanged between the clouds, there exist the problem of disclosure of privacy. So the privacy disclosure problem about individual or company is inevitably exposed when releasing or sharing data in the cloud service. Privacy is an important issue for cloud computing, both in terms of legal compliance and user trust, and needs to be considered at every phase of design. Our paper provides some privacy preserving technologies used in cloud computing services. 32. VEBEK: Virtual Energy-Based Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks Designing cost-efficient, secure network Wireless .net protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) Computing is a challenging problem because sensors are resource-limited wireless devices. Since the communication cost is the most dominant factor in a sensor's energy consumption, we introduce an energy-efficient Virtual EnergyBased Encryption and Keying (VEBEK) scheme for WSNs that significantly reduces the number of transmissions needed for rekeying to avoid stale keys. In addition to the goal of saving energy, minimal transmission is imperative for some military applications of WSNs where an adversary could be monitoring the wireless spectrum. VEBEK is a secure communication framework where sensed data is encoded using a scheme based on a permutation code generated via the RC4 encryption mechanism. The key to the RC4 encryption mechanism dynamically changes as a function of the residual virtual energy of the sensor. Thus, a one-time dynamic key is employed for one packet only and different keys are used for the successive packets of the stream. The intermediate nodes along the path to the sink are able to verify the authenticity and integrity of the incoming packets using a predicted value of the key generated by the sender's virtual energy, thus requiring no need for specific rekeying messages. VEBEK is able to efficiently detect and filter false data injected into the network by malicious outsiders. The VEBEK framework consists of two operational modes (VEBEK-I and VEBEK-II), each of which is optimal for different scenarios. In VEBEK-I, each node monitors its one-hop neighbors where VEBEK-II statistically monitors downstream nodes. We have evaluated VEBEK's feasibility and performance analytically and through simulations. Our results show that VEBEK, without incurring transmission overhead (increasing packet size or sending control messages for rekeying), is able to eliminate

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

malicious data from the network in an energyefficient manner. We also show that our framework performs be- - tter than other comparable schemes in the literature with an overall 60-100 percent improvement in energy savings without the assumption of a reliable medium access control layer. 33. Secure Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Randomized Dispersive Routes Compromised node and denial of service are two key attacks in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, we study data delivery mechanisms that can with high probability circumvent black holes formed by these attacks. We argue that classic multipath routing approaches are vulnerable to such attacks, mainly due to their deterministic nature. So once the adversary acquires the routing algorithm, it can compute the same routes known to the source, hence, making all information sent over these routes vulnerable to its attacks. In this paper, we develop mechanisms that generate randomized multipath routes. Under our designs, the routes taken by the ?? shares?? of different packets change over time. So even if the routing algorithm becomes known to the adversary, the adversary still cannot pinpoint the routes traversed by each packet. Besides randomness, the generated routes are also highly dispersive and energy efficient, making them quite capable of circumventing black holes. We analytically investigate the security and energy performance of the proposed schemes. We also formulate an optimization problem to minimize the end-to-end energy consumption under given security constraints. Extensive simulations are conducted to verify the validity of our mechanisms. .net


Aging Bloom Filter with Two Active Buffers for Dynamic Sets.

A Bloom filter is a simple but powerful data Data Mining .net structure that can check membership to a static set. As Bloom filters become more popular for network applications, a membership query for a dynamic set is also required. Some network applications require high-speed processing of packets. For this purpose, Bloom filters should reside in a fast and small memory, SRAM. In this case, due to the limited memory size, stale data in the Bloom filter should be deleted to make space for new data. Namely the Bloom filter needs aging like LRU caching. In this paper, we propose a new aging scheme for Bloom filters. The proposed scheme utilizes the memory space more efficiently than double buffering, the current state of the art. We prove theoretically that the proposed scheme outperforms double buffering. We also perform experiments on real Internet traces to verify the

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

effectiveness of the proposed scheme. 35. Bayesian Classifiers Programmed in SQL The Bayesian classifier is a fundamental classification technique. In this work, we focus on programming Bayesian classifiers in SQL. We introduce two classifiers: naive Bayes and a classifier based on class decomposition using Kmeans clustering. We consider two complementary tasks: model computation and scoring a data set. We study several layouts for tables and several indexing alternatives. We analyze how to transform equations into efficient SQL queries and introduce several query optimizations. We conduct experiments with real and synthetic data sets to evaluate classification accuracy, query optimizations, and scalability. Our Bayesian classifier is more accurate than naive Bayes and decision trees. Distance computation is significantly accelerated with horizontal layout for tables, denormalization, and pivoting. We also compare naive Bayes implementations in SQL and C++: SQL is about four times slower. Our Bayesian classifier in SQL achieves high classification accuracy, can efficiently analyze large data sets, and has linear scalability. Top-down process improvement approaches provide a high-level model of what the process of a software development organisation should be. Such models are based on the consensus of a designated working group on how software should be developed or maintained. They are very useful in that they provide general guidelines on where to start improving, and in which order, to people who do not know how to do it. However, the majority of models have only worked in scenarios within large companies. The authors aim to help small software development organisations adopt an iterative approach by providing a process improvement web-based tool. This study presents research into a proposal which states that a small organisation may use this tool to assess and improve their software process, identifying and implementing a set of agile project management practices that can be strengthened using the CMMI-DEV 1.2 model as reference. Web service technology aims to enable the interoperation of heterogeneous systems and the reuse of distributed functions in an unprecedented scale and has achieved significant success. There are still, however, challenges to realize its full potential. One of .net


Using a web-based tool to define and implement software process improvement initiatives in a small industrial setting


37. 2

An Online Monitoring Approach for Web Service Requirements (An Online Monitoring Approach for Web Service Requirements


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web services(ME))

these challenges is to ensure the behaviour of Web services consistent with their requirements. Monitoring events that are relevant to Web service requirements is, thus, an important technique. This paper introduces an online monitoring approach for Web service requirements. It includes a pattern-based specification of service constraints that correspond to service requirements, and a monitoring model that covers five kinds of system events relevant to client request, service response, application, resource, and management, and a monitoring framework in which different probes and agents collect events and data that are sensitive to requirements. The framework analyzes the collected information against the prespecified constraints, so as to evaluate the behaviour and use of Web services. The prototype implementation and experiments with a case study shows that our approach is effective and flexible, and the monitoring cost is affordable.

S.NO 1.

TITLE -2011




Exploiting Dynamic In recent years ad hoc parallel data processing Parallel Resource Distribution has emerged to be one of the killer applications Allocation for for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. Major Efficient Parallel Cloud computing companies have started to Data Processing in integrate frameworks for parallel data processing the Cloud in their product portfolio, making it easy for customers to access these services and to deploy their programs. However, the processing frameworks which are currently used have been designed for static, homogeneous cluster setups and disregard the particular nature of a cloud. Consequently, the allocated compute resources may be inadequate for big parts of the submitted job and unnecessarily increase processing time and cost. In this paper, we discuss the opportunities and challenges for efficient parallel data processing in clouds and present our research project Nephele. Nephele is the first data

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

processing framework to explicitly exploit the dynamic resource allocation offered by today's IaaS clouds for both, task scheduling and execution. Particular tasks of a processing job can be assigned to different types of virtual machines which are automatically instantiated and terminated during the job execution. Based on this new framework, we perform extended evaluations of MapReduce-inspired processing jobs on an IaaS cloud system and compare the results to the popular data processing framework Hadoop. 2. Data integrity proofs in cloud storage Cloud computing has been envisioned as the de- Communicat facto solution to the rising storage costs of IT ion System Enterprises. With the high costs of data storage & network devices as well as the rapid rate at which data is being generated it proves costly for enterprises or individual users to frequently update their hardware. Apart from reduction in storage costs data outsourcing to the cloud also helps in reducing the maintenance. Cloud storage moves the users data to large data centers, which are remotely located, on which user does not have any control. However, this unique feature of the cloud poses many new security challenges which need to be clearly understood and resolved. One of the important concerns that need to be addressed is to assure the customer of the integrity i.e. correctness of his data in the cloud. As the data is physically not accessible to the user the cloud should provide a way for the user to check if the integrity of his data is maintained or is compromised. In this paper we provide a scheme which gives a proof of data integrity in the cloud which the customer can employ to check the correctness of his data in the cloud. This proof can be agreed upon by both the cloud and the customer and can be incorporated in the Service level agreement (SLA). This scheme ensures that the storage at the client side is minimal which will be beneficial for thin clients. In many applications, including location based Knowledge services, queries are not precise. In this paper, we & data study the problem of efficiently computing range engineering aggregates in a multi-dimensional space when the query location is uncertain. That is, for a set of data points P, an uncertain location based query Q with location described by a probabilistic density function, we want to calculate the aggregate information (e.g., count, average} and sum) of the data points within distance \gamma to Q with probability at least \theta. We propose novel, efficient techniques to solve the problem based on a filtering-and-verification framework. In particular, two novel filtering techniques are proposed to effectively and efficiently remove


Efficient Computing of Range Aggregates against Uncertain Location Based Collections

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

data points from verification. Finally, we show that our techniques can be immediately extended to solve the range query problem. Comprehensive experiments conducted on both real and synthetic data demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of our techniques. 4. Exploring Natural phenomena show that many creatures form large social Knowledge Application-Level groups and move in regular patterns. However, previous works & Data Semantics for Data focus on finding the movement patterns of each single object orEngineering Compression all objects. In this paper, we first propose an efficient distributed mining algorithm to jointly identify a group of moving objects and discover their movement patterns in wireless sensor networks. Afterward, we propose a compression algorithm, called 2P2D, which exploits the obtained group movement patterns to reduce the amount of delivered data. The compression algorithm includes a sequence merge and an entropy reduction phases. In the sequence merge phase, we propose a Merge algorithm to merge and compress the location data of a group of moving objects. In the entropy reduction phase, we formulate a Hit Item Replacement (HIR) problem and propose a Replace algorithm that obtains the optimal solution. Moreover, we devise three replacement rules and derive the maximum compression ratio. The experimental results show that the proposed compression algorithm leverages the group movement patterns to reduce the amount of delivered data effectively and efficiently. 5. Improving Aggregate Recommendation Diversity Using Ranking-Based Techniques Recommender systems are becoming increasingly important to Knowledge & Data individual users and businesses for providing personalized recommendations. However, while the majority of algorithms Engineering proposed in recommender systems literature have focused on improving recommendation accuracy (as exemplified by the recent Netflix Prize competition), other important aspects of recommendation quality, such as the diversity of recommendations, have often been overlooked. In this paper, we introduce and explore a number of item ranking techniques that can generate recommendations that have substantially higher aggregate diversity across all users while maintaining comparable levels of recommendation accuracy. Comprehensive empirical evaluation consistently shows the diversity gains of the proposed techniques using several realworld rating datasets and different rating prediction algorithms. Business processes are increasingly distributed Service and open, making them prone to failure. Computing Monitoring is, therefore, an important concern not only for the processes themselves but also for the services that comprise these processes. We present a framework for multilevel monitoring of these service systems. It formalizes interaction protocols, policies, and commitments that account for standard and extended effects following the language-action perspective, and allows specification of goals and monitors at varied abstraction levels. We demonstrate how the framework can be implemented and evaluate it with multiple scenarios that include specifying and


Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

monitoring open-service policy commitments. 7. One Size Does Not Fit All Towards User- and QueryDependent Ranking For Web Databases Knowledge With the emergence of the deep Web databases, searching in domains such as vehicles, real estate, etc. has become a routine & data task. One of the problems in this context is ranking the results engineering of a user query. Earlier approaches for addressing this problem have used frequencies of database values, query logs, and user profiles. A common thread in most of these approaches is that ranking is done in a user- and/or query-independent manner. This paper proposes a novel query- and user-dependent approach for ranking the results of Web database queries. We present a ranking model, based on two complementary notions of user and query similarity, to derive a ranking function for a given user query. This function is acquired from a sparse workload comprising of several such ranking functions derived for various user-query pairs. The proposed model is based on the intuition that similar users display comparable ranking preferences over the results of similar queries. We define these similarities formally in alternative ways and discuss their effectiveness both analytically and experimentally over two distinct Web databases.


Knowledge Optimal Service Pricing Cloud applications that offer data management services are & data for a Cloud Cache emerging. Such clouds support caching of data in order to provide quality query services. The users can query the cloud engineering data, paying the price for the infrastructure they use. Cloud management necessitates an economy that manages the service of multiple users in an efficient, but also, resource-economic way that allows for cloud profit. Naturally, the maximization of cloud profit given some guarantees for user satisfaction presumes an appropriate price-demand model that enables optimal pricing of query services. The model should be plausible in that it reflects the correlation of cache structures involved in the queries. Optimal pricing is achieved based on a dynamic pricing scheme that adapts to time changes. This paper proposes a novel price-demand model designed for a cloud cache and a dynamic pricing scheme for queries executed in the cloud cache. The pricing solution employs a novel method that estimates the correlations of the cache services in an time-efficient manner. The experimental study shows the efficiency of the solution. Knowledge A Personalized Ontology As a model for knowledge description and formalization, & data Model for Web ontologies are widely used to represent user profiles in engineering Information Gathering personalized web information gathering. However, when representing user profiles, many models have utilized only knowledge from either a global knowledge base or a user local information. In this paper, a personalized ontology model is proposed for knowledge representation and reasoning over user profiles. This model learns ontological user profiles from both a world knowledge base and user local instance repositories. The ontology model is evaluated by comparing it against benchmark models in web information gathering. The results show that this ontology model is successful. A Branch-andBound Algorithm for Solving the Multiprocessor In branch-and-bound (B&B) schemes for solving a minimization problem, a better lower bound could prune many meaningless branches which do not lead to an optimum Computers



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Scheduling Problem with Improved Lower Bounding Techniques

solution. In this paper, we propose several techniques to refine the lower bound on the makespan in the multiprocessor scheduling problem (MSP). The key idea of our proposed method is to combine an efficient quadratic-time algorithm for calculating the Fernndez's bound, which is known as the best lower bounding technique proposed in the literature with two improvements based on the notions of binary search and recursion. The proposed method was implemented as a part of a B&B algorithm for solving MSP, and was evaluated experimentally. The result of experiments indicates that the proposed method certainly improves the performance of the underlying B&B scheme. In particular, we found that it improves solutions generated by conventional heuristic schemes for more than 20 percent of randomly generated instances, and for more than 80 percent of instances, it could provide a certification of optimality of the resulting solutions, even when the execution time of the B&B scheme is limited by one minute.



Computers Design and Evaluation of Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems generate a major fraction of the current Internet traffic, and they a Proxy Cache for Peersignificantly increase the load on ISP networks and to-Peer Traffic the cost of running and connecting customer networks (e.g., universities and companies) to the Internet. To mitigate these negative impacts, many previous works in the literature have proposed caching of P2P traffic, but very few (if any) have considered designing a caching system to actually do it. This paper demonstrates that caching P2P traffic is more complex than caching other Internet traffic, and it needs several new algorithms and storage systems. Then, the paper presents the design and evaluation of a complete, running, proxy cache for P2P traffic, called pCache. pCache transparently intercepts and serves traffic from different P2P systems. A new storage system is proposed and implemented in pCache. This storage system is optimized for storing P2P traffic, and it is shown to outperform other storage systems. In addition, a new algorithm to infer the information required to store and serve P2P traffic by the cache is proposed. Furthermore, extensive experiments to evaluate all aspects of pCache using actual implementation and real P2P traffic are presented. Robust Feature Selection Feature selection often aims to select a compact feature subset Computatio for Microarray Data to build a pattern classifier with reduced complexity, so as to nal Biology and Based on Multicriterion achieve improved classification performance. From the Bioinformati Fusion perspective of pattern analysis, producing stable or robust cs solution is also a desired property of a feature selection algorithm. However, the issue of robustness is often overlooked in feature selection. In this study, we analyze the robustness issue existing in feature selection for highdimensional and small-sized gene-expression data, and propose to improve robustness of feature selection algorithm by using multiple feature selection evaluation criteria. Based on this idea, a multicriterion fusion-based recursive feature elimination (MCF-RFE) algorithm is developed with the goal of improving

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both classification performance and stability of feature selection results. Experimental studies on five gene-expression data sets show that the MCF-RFE algorithm outperforms the commonly used benchmark feature selection algorithm SVMRFE. 13. Image-Based Surface Matching Algorithm Oriented to Structural Biology Emerging technologies for structure matching Computatio based on surface descriptions have demonstrated nal Biology their effectiveness in many research fields. In and particular, they can be successfully applied to in Bioinformati silico studies of structural biology. Protein cs activities, in fact, are related to the external characteristics of these macromolecules and the ability to match surfaces can be important to infer information about their possible functions and interactions. In this work, we present a surfacematching algorithm, based on encoding the outer morphology of proteins in images of local description, which allows us to establish point-topoint correlations among macromolecular surfaces using image-processing functions. Discarding methods relying on biological analysis of atomic structures and expensive computational approaches based on energetic studies, this algorithm can successfully be used for macromolecular recognition by employing local surface features. Results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can be employed both to identify surface similarities in context of macromolecular functional analysis and to screen possible protein interactions to predict pairing capability Computer Vision, IET


Iris matching using Iris recognition is one of the most widely used biometric multi-dimensional technique for personal identification. This identification is artificial neural network achieved in this work by using the concept that, the iris patterns are statistically unique and suitable for biometric measurements. In this study, a novel method of recognition of these patterns of an iris is considered by using a multidimensional artificial neural network. The proposed technique has the distinct advantage of using the entire resized iris as an input at once. It is capable of excellent pattern recognition properties as the iris texture is unique for every person used for recognition. The system is trained and tested using two publicly available databases (CASIA and UBIRIS). The proposed approach shows significant promise and potential for improvements, compared with the other conventional matching techniques with regard to time and efficiency of results. Real-time tracking using Many vision problems require fast and accurate tracking of A* heuristic search and objects in dynamic scenes. In this study, we propose an A* template updating search algorithm through the space of transformations for computing fast target 2D motion. Two features are combined in order to compute efficient motion: (i) Kullback??Leibler measure as heuristic to guide the search process and (ii) incorporation of target dynamics into the search process for computing the most promising search alternatives. The result value of the quality of match computed by the A* search


Computer Vision, IET

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algorithm together with the more common views of the target object are used for verifying template updates. A template will be updated only when the target object has evolved to a transformed shape dissimilar with respect to the actual shape. The study includes experimental evaluations with video streams demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency for realtime vision based tasks with rigid and deformable objects. 16. Integral image compression based on optical characteristic The large amount of image data from the captured three-dimensional integral image requires to be presented with adequate resolution. It is therefore necessary to develop compression algorithms that take advantage of the characteristics of the recorded integral image. In this study, the authors propose a new compression method that is adapted to integral imaging. According to the optical characteristics of integral imaging, most of the information of each elemental image is overlapped with that of its adjacent elemental images. Thus, the method is to achieve image compression by taking a sample from the elemental image sequence for every m elemental image to get image compression. Experimental results that are presented to illustrate the proposed compression technique prove that the proposed technique can improve the compression ratio of integral imaging Computer Vision, IET


Image A Variational Model for In this paper, we propose a variational formulation for Histogram Transfer of histogram transfer of two or more color images. We study an Processing Color Images energy functional composed by three terms: one tends to approach the cumulative histograms of the transformed images, the other two tend to maintain the colors and geometry of the original images. By minimizing this energy, we obtain an algorithm that balances equalization and the conservation of features of the original images. As a result, they evolve while approaching an intermediate histogram between them. This intermediate histogram does not need to be specified in advance, but it is a natural result of the model. Finally, we provide experiments showing that the proposed method compares well with the state of the art. Nonlocal Mumford-Shah Regularizers for Color Image Restoration Image We propose here a class of restoration algorithms for color images, based upon the Mumford-Shah (MS) model Processing and nonlocal image information. The Ambrosio-Tortorelli and Shah elliptic approximations are defined to work in a small local neighborhood, which are sufficient to denoise smooth regions with sharp boundaries. However, texture is nonlocal in nature and requires semilocal/non-local information for efficient image denoising and restoration. Inspired from recent works (nonlocal means of Buades, Coll, Morel, and nonlocal total variation of Gilboa, Osher), we extend the local Ambrosio-Tortorelli and Shah approximations to MS functional (MS) to novel nonlocal formulations, for better restoration of fine structures and texture. We present several applications of the proposed nonlocal MS regularizers in image processing such as color image denoising, color image deblurring in the presence of Gaussian or impulse noise, color image


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inpainting, color image super-resolution, and color filter array demosaicing. In all the applications, the proposed nonlocal regularizers produce superior results over the local ones, especially in image inpainting with large missing regions. We also prove several characterizations of minimizers based upon dual norm Formulations. 19. A MajorizeMinimize Strategy for Subspace Optimization Applied to Image Restoration Image This paper proposes accelerated subspace optimization Processing methods in the context of image restoration. Subspace optimization methods belong to the class of iterative descent algorithms for unconstrained optimization. At each iteration of such methods, a stepsize vector allowing the best combination of several search directions is computed through a multidimensional search. It is usually obtained by an inner iterative second-order method ruled by a stopping criterion that guarantees the convergence of the outer algorithm. As an alternative, we propose an original multidimensional search strategy based on the majorize-minimize principle. It leads to a closed-form stepsize formula that ensures the convergence of the subspace algorithm whatever the number of inner iterations. The practical efficiency of the proposed scheme is illustrated in the context of edge-preserving image restoration. Image We propose a variant of the Mumford-Shah model for the Processing segmentation of a pair of overlapping objects with additive intensity value. Unlike standard segmentation models, it does not only determine distinct objects in the image, but also recover the possibly multiple membership of the pixels. To accomplish this, some a priori knowledge about the smoothness of the object boundary is integrated into the model. Additivity is imposed through a soft constraint which allows the user to control the degree of additivity and is more robust than the hard constraint. We also show analytically that the additivity parameter can be chosen to achieve some stability conditions. To solve the optimization problem involving geometric quantities efficiently, we apply a multiphase level set method. Segmentation results on synthetic and real images validate the good performance of our model, and demonstrate the model's applicability to images with multiple channels and multiple objects. Image This paper presents a multiphase fuzzy region competition model that takes into account spatial and frequency informationProcessing for image segmentation. In the proposed energy functional, each region is represented by a fuzzy membership function and a data fidelity term that measures the conformity of spatial and frequency data within each region to (generalized) Gaussian densities whose parameters are determined jointly with the segmentation process. Compared with the classical region competition model, our approach gives soft segmentation results via the fuzzy membership functions, and moreover, the use of frequency data provides additional region information that can improve the overall segmentation result. To efficiently solve the minimization of the energy functional, we adopt an alternate minimization procedure and make use of Chambolle's fast duality projection algorithm. We apply the proposed method to synthetic and natural textures as well as real-world natural images. Experimental results show that our proposed


A Variational Model for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects With Additive Intensity Value.


Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Spatial/Frequency Information

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method has very promising segmentation performance compared with the current state-of-the-art approaches. 22. H.264 video watermarking with secret image sharing More people are studying digital video stream transference via Image networks. However, frequent Internet use increases the Processing, IET requirement for copyright protection and security. As a consequence, to prevent video streams that belong to rightful owners from being intentionally or unknowingly used by others, information protection is indispensable. The authors propose a novel method for video watermarking that is specifically designed for H.264 video. For the experiment, a low-energy signal can relatively guard against low-pass filter attacks. Conversely, a high-energy signal in the host signal can relatively guard against the high-frequency noise attack. In view of these facts, the proposed system design embedding algorithm provides high-energy and low-energy blocks. The blocks in the host image frame are divided into two different groups by estimating the block energy. The existing singular value decomposition methods were employed to calculate the watermark information. In order to enhance the security, the proposed system also employs torus automorphisms to encrypt the watermark. To achieve better robustness, the encrypted results use secret image sharing technology embedded into different I-frames in the video stream.


Image Rotation, scaling, and Traditional watermarking schemes are sensitive to geometric translation resilient distortions, in which synchronisation for recovering embedded Processing watermarking for images information is a challenging task because of the disorder caused by rotation, scaling or translation (RST). The existing RST-resistant watermarking methods still have limitations with respect to robustness, capacity or fidelity. In this study, the authors address several major problems in RST-invariant watermarking. The first point is how to take advantage of the high RST resilience of scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features, which show good performance in terms of RSTresistant pattern recognition. Since many keypoint-based watermarking methods do not discuss cropping attacks, the second issue discussed in this study is how to resist cropping using a human visual system (HVS), which also helps us to eliminate computational complexity. The third issue is the investigation of an HVS-based watermarking strategy for extracting only feature points in the human attentive area. Lastly, a variable-length watermark synchronisation algorithm using dynamic programming is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are practical and show superior performance in comparison with many existing works in terms of watermark capacity, watermark transparency, and the resistance to RST attacks. Neural Improvements on Twin For classification problems, the generalized eigenvalue Support Vector proximal support vector machine (GEPSVM) and twin support Networks Machines vector machine (TWSVM) are regarded as milestones in the development of the powerful SVMs, as they use the nonparallel hyperplane classifiers. In this brief, we propose an improved version, named twin bounded support vector machines (TBSVM), based on TWSVM. The significant advantage of our TBSVM over TWSVM is that the structural risk minimization principle is implemented by introducing the


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regularization term. This embodies the marrow of statistical learning theory, so this modification can improve the performance of classification. In addition, the successive overrelaxation technique is used to solve the optimization problems to speed up the training procedure. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our method in both computation time and classification accuracy, and therefore confirm the above conclusion further. 25. Feature Selection Using Probabilistic Prediction of Support Vector Regression Neural This paper presents a new wrapper-based feature selection Networks method for support vector regression (SVR) using its probabilistic predictions. The method computes the importance of a feature by aggregating the difference, over the feature space, of the conditional density functions of the SVR prediction with and without the feature. As the exact computation of this importance measure is expensive, two approximations are proposed. The effectiveness of the measure using these approximations, in comparison to several other existing feature selection methods for SVR, is evaluated on both artificial and real-world problems. The result of the experiments show that the proposed method generally performs better than, or at least as well as, the existing methods, with notable advantage when the dataset is sparse.


Networking Energy-Efficient In cooperative networks, transmitting and receiving nodes Protocol for Cooperative recruit neighboring nodes to assist in communication. We Networks model a cooperative transmission link in wireless networks as a transmitter cluster and a receiver cluster. We then propose a cooperative communication protocol for establishment of these clusters and for cooperative transmission of data. We derive the upper bound of the capacity of the protocol, and we analyze the end-to-end robustness of the protocol to data-packet loss, along with the tradeoff between energy consumption and error rate. The analysis results are used to compare the energy savings and the end-to-end robustness of our protocol with two noncooperative schemes, as well as to another cooperative protocol published in the technical literature. The comparison results show that, when nodes are positioned on a grid, there is a reduction in the probability of packet delivery failure by two orders of magnitude for the values of parameters considered. Up to 80% in energy savings can be achieved for a grid topology, while for random node placement our cooperative protocol can save up to 40% in energy consumption relative to the other protocols. The reduction in error rate and the energy savings translate into increased lifetime of cooperative sensor networks. Networking Parametric Methods for This paper develops parametric methods to detect network Anomaly Detection in anomalies using only aggregate traffic statistics, in contrast to Aggregate Traffic other works requiring flow separation, even when the anomaly is a small fraction of the total traffic. By adopting simple statistical models for anomalous and background traffic in the time domain, one can estimate model parameters in real time, thus obviating the need for a long training phase or manual parameter tuning. The proposed bivariate parametric detection mechanism (bPDM) uses a sequential probability ratio test, allowing for control over the false positive rate while examining the tradeoff between detection time and the strength


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of an anomaly. Additionally, it uses both traffic-rate and packet-size statistics, yielding a bivariate model that eliminates most false positives. The method is analyzed using the bit-rate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) metric, which is shown to be an effective metric for anomaly detection. The performance of the bPDM is evaluated in three ways. First, synthetically generated traffic provides for a controlled comparison of detection time as a function of the anomalous level of traffic. Second, the approach is shown to be able to detect controlled artificial attacks over the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, campus network in varying real traffic mixes. Third, the proposed algorithm achieves rapid detection of real denialof-service attacks as determined by the replay of previously captured network traces. The method developed in this paper is able to detect all attacks in these scenarios in a few seconds or less. 28. Peering Equilibrium Multipath Routing: A Game Theory Framework for Internet Peering Settlements It is generally admitted that interdomain peering links represent Networking nowadays the main bottleneck of the Internet, particularly because of lack of coordination between providers, which use independent and selfish routing policies. We are interested in identifying possible light coordination strategies that would allow carriers to better control their peering links while preserving their independence and respective interests. We propose a robust multipath routing coordination framework for peering carriers, which relies on the multiple-exit discriminator (MED) attribute of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) as signaling medium. Our scheme relies on a game theory modeling, with a non-cooperative potential game considering both routing and congestions costs. Peering equilibrium multipath (PEMP) coordination policies can be implemented by selecting Pareto-superior Nash equilibria at each carrier. We compare different PEMP policies to BGP Multipath schemes by emulating a realistic peering scenario. Our results show that the routing cost can be decreased by roughly 10% with PEMP. We also show that the stability of routes can be significantly improved and that congestion can be practically avoided on the peering links. Finally, we discuss practical implementation aspects and extend the model to multiple players highlighting the possible incentives for the resulting extended peering framework. Networking Traditionally, it had been assumed that the efficiency requirements of TCP dictate that the buffer size at the router must be of the order of the bandwidth-delay (C RTT) product. Recently, this assumption was questioned in a number of papers, and the rule was shown to be conservative for certain traffic models. In particular, by appealing to statistical multiplexing, it was shown that on a router with N long-lived connections, buffers of size O([(C RTT)/(N)]) or even O(1) are sufficient. In this paper, we reexamine the buffer-size requirements of core routers when flows arrive and depart. Our conclusion is as follows: If the core-to-access-speed ratio is large, then O(1) buffers are sufficient at the core routers; otherwise, larger buffer sizes do improve the flow-level performance of the users. From a modeling point of view, our analysis offers two new insights. First, it may not be appropriate to derive buffer-sizing rules by studying a network


Impact of File Arrivals and Departures on Buffer Sizing in Core Routers

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with a fixed number of users. In fact, depending upon the coreto-access-speed ratio, the buffer size itself may affect the number of flows in the system, so these two parameters (buffer size and number of flows in the system) should not be treated as independent quantities. Second, in the regime where the core-to-access-speed ratio is large, we note that the O(1) buffer sizes are sufficient for good performance and that no loss of utilization results, as previously believed. 30. Networking Dynamic measurement- Traffic monitoring is a critical network operation for the aware routing in practice purpose of traffic accounting, debugging or troubleshooting, forensics, and traffic engineering. Existing techniques for traffic monitoring, however, tend to be suboptimal due to poor choice of monitor location or constantly evolving monitoring objectives and traffic characteristics. One way to counteract these limitations is to use routing as a degree of freedom to enhance monitoring efficacy, which we refer to as measurement-aware routing. Traffic sub-populations can be routed (rerouted) on the fly to optimally leverage existing monitoring infrastructures. Implementing dynamic measurementaware routing (DMR) in practice is riddled with challenges. Three major challenges are how to dynamically assess the importance of traffic flows; how to aggregate flows (and hence take a common action for them) in order to conserve routing table entries; and how to achieve traffic routing/rerouting in a manner that is least disruptive to normal network performance while maximizing the measurement utility. This article takes a closer look at these challenges and discusses how they manifest for different types of networks. Through an OpenFlow prototype, we show how DMR can be applied in enterprise networks. Using global iceberg detection and capture as a driving application, we demonstrate how our solutions successfully route suspected iceberg flows to a DPI box for further processing, while preserving balanced load distribution in the overall network. Measurement and diagnosis of address misconfigured P2P traffic Networking Through measurement study, we discover an interesting phenomenon, P2P address misconfiguration, in which a large number of peers send P2P file downloading requests to a ?? random?? target on the Internet. Through measuring three large datasets spanning four years and across five different /8 networks, we find address-misconfigured P2P traffic on average contributes 38.9 percent of Internet background radiation, increasing by more than 100 percent every year. To detect and diagnose such unwanted traffic, we design the P2PScope, a measurement tool. After analyzing about 2 Tbytes of data and tracking millions of peers, we found that in all the P2P systems, address misconfiguration is caused by resource mapping contamination: the sources returned for a given file ID through P2P indexing are not valid. Different P2P systems have different reasons for such contamination. For eMule, we find that the root cause is mainly a network byte-order problem in the eMule Source Exchange protocol. For BitTorrent misconfiguration, one reason is that anti-P2P companies actively inject bogus peers into the P2P system. Another reason is that the KTorrent implementation has a byte-order problem. The wireless sensor network (WSN) has emerged as a Networking



Packet traffic: a good

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data source for wireless promising technology. In WSNs, sensor nodes are distributedly sensor network modeling deployed to collect interesting information from the and anomaly detection environment. Because of the mission of WSNs, most nodewide as well as network-wide activities are manifested in packet traffic. As a result, packet traffic becomes a good data source for modeling sensor node as well as sensor network behaviors. In this article, the methodology of modeling node and network behavior profiles using packet traffic is exemplified. In addition, node as well as network anomalies are shown to be detectable by monitoring the evolution of node/network behavior profiles. 33. Experiences of Internet Since the early days of the Internet, network traffic monitoring traffic monitoring with has always played a strategic role in understanding and tstat characterizing users?? activities. In this article, we present our experience in engineering and deploying Tstat, an open source passive monitoring tool that has been developed in the past 10 years. Started as a scalable tool to continuously monitor packets that flow on a link, Tstat has evolved into a complex application that gives network researchers and operators the possibility to derive extended and complex measurements thanks to advanced traffic classifiers. After discussing Tstat capabilities and internal design, we present some examples of measurements collected deploying Tstat at the edge of several ISP networks in past years. While other works report a continuous decline of P2P traffic with streaming and file hosting services rapidly increasing in popularity, the results presented in this article picture a different scenario. First, P2P decline has stopped, and in the last months of 2010 there was a counter tendency to increase P2P traffic over UDP, so the common belief that UDP traffic is negligible is not true anymore. Furthermore, streaming and file hosting applications have either stabilized or are experiencing decreasing traffic shares. We then discuss the scalability issues software-based tools have to cope with when deployed in real networks, showing the importance of properly identifying bottlenecks. Network traffic Modern computer networks are increasingly pervasive, monitoring, analysis and complex, and ever-evolving due to factors like enormous anomaly detection [Guest growth in the number of network users, continuous appearance Editorial] of network applications, increasing amount of data transferred, and diversity of user behaviors. Understanding and measuring such a network is a difficult yet vital task for network management and diagnosis. Network traffic monitoring, analysis, and anomaly detection provide useful tools for understanding network behavior and determining network performance and reliability so as to effectively and promptly troubleshoot and resolve various issues in practice. Networking




Scheduling Grid Tasks in Grid scheduling is essential to Quality of Service provisioning Network and Service Face of Uncertain as well as to efficient management of grid resources. Grid Communication scheduling usually considers the state of the grid resources as Management Demands well application demands. However, such demands are generally unknown for highly demanding applications, since these often generate data which will be transferred during their execution. Without appropriate assessment of these demands, scheduling decisions can lead to poor performance. Thus, it is of paramount importance to consider uncertainties in the

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formulation of a grid scheduling problem. This paper introduces the IPDT-FUZZY scheduler, a scheduler which considers the demands of grid applications with such uncertainties. The scheduler uses fuzzy optimization, and both computational and communication demands are expressed as fuzzy numbers. Its performance was evaluated, and it was shown to be attractive when communication requirements are uncertain. Its efficacy is compared, via simulation, to that of a deterministic counterpart scheduler and the results reinforce its adequacy for dealing with the lack of accuracy in the estimation of communication demands. 36. Network and Improving Application Dynamic application placement for clustered web applications Service Placement for Cluster- heavily influences system performance and quality of user Management Based Web Applications experience. Existing approaches claim that they strive to maximize the throughput, keep resource utilization balanced across servers, and minimize the start/stop cost of application instances. However, they fail to minimize the worst case of server utilization; the load balancing performance is not optimal. What's more, some applications need to communicate with each other, which we called dependent applications; the network cost of them also should be taken into consideration. In this paper, we investigate how to minimize the resource utilization of servers in the worst case, aiming at improving load balancing among clustered servers. Our contribution is two-fold. First we propose and define a new optimization objectives: limiting the worst case of each individual server's utilization, formulated by a min-max problem. A novel framework based on binary search is proposed to detect an optimal load balancing solution. Second, we define system cost as the weighted combination of both placement change and inter-application communication cost. By maximizing the number of instances of dependent applications that reside in the same set of servers, the basic load-shifting and placementchange procedures are enhanced to minimize whole system cost. Extensive experiments have been conducted and effectively demonstrate that: 1) the proposed framework achieves a good allocation for clustered web applications. In other words, requests are evenly allocated among servers, and throughput is still maximized; 2) the total system cost maintains at a low level; 3) our algorithm has the capacity of approximating an optimal solution within polynomial time and is promising for practical implementation in real deployments. Efficient Network When a link or node fails, flows are detoured around the failed Network and Service Modification to Improve portion, so the hop count of flows and the link load could Management QoS Stability at Failure change dramatically as a result of the failure. As real-time traffic such as video or voice increases on the Internet, ISPs are required to provide stable quality as well as connectivity at failures. For ISPs, how to effectively improve the stability of these qualities at failures with the minimum investment cost is an important issue, and they need to effectively select a limited number of locations to add link facilities. In this paper, efficient design algorithms to select the locations for adding link facilities are proposed and their effectiveness is evaluated using the actual backbone networks of 36 commercial ISPs. Spectral Models for In network measurement systems, packet sampling techniques Network and Service



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Bitrate Measurement from Packet Sampled Traffic

Management are usually adopted to reduce the overall amount of data to collect and process. Being based on a subset of packets, they introduce estimation errors that have to be properly counteracted by using a fine tuning of the sampling strategy and sophisticated inversion methods. This problem has been deeply investigated in the literature with particular attention to the statistical properties of packet sampling and to the recovery of the original network measurements. Herein, we propose a novel approach to predict the energy of the sampling error in the real time estimation of traffic bitrate, based on spectral analysis in the frequency domain. We start by demonstrating that the error introduced by packet sampling can be modeled as an aliasing effect in the frequency domain. Then, we derive closed-form expressions for the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) to predict the distortion of traffic bitrate estimates over time. The accuracy of the proposed SNR metric is validated by means of real packet traces. Furthermore, a comparison with respect to an analogous SNR expression derived using classic stochastic tools is proposed, showing that the frequency domain approach grants for a higher accuracy when traffic rate measurements are carried out at fine time granularity Security & Systems proposed in academic research have so far failed to make a significant impact on real-world vulnerability detection. Privacy Most software bugs are still found by methods with little input from static-analysis and verification research. These research areas could have a significant impact on software security, but first we need a shift in research goals and approaches. We need systems that incorporate human code auditors' knowledge and abilities, and we need evaluation methods that actually test proposed systems' usability in real situations. Without changes, academic research will continue to be ignored by the security community, and opportunities to build better tools for finding bugs and understanding software will be missed. Service-based systems that are dynamically composed at Software runtime to provide complex, adaptive functionality are Engineering currently one of the main development paradigms in software engineering. However, the Quality of Service (QoS) delivered by these systems remains an important concern, and needs to be managed in an equally adaptive and predictable way. To address this need, we introduce a novel, tool-supported framework for the development of adaptive service-based systems called QoSMOS (QoS Management and Optimization of Service-based systems). QoSMOS can be used to develop service-based systems that achieve their QoS requirements through dynamically adapting to changes in the system state, environment, and workload. QoSMOS service-based systems translate high-level QoS requirements specified by their administrators into probabilistic temporal logic formulae, which are then formally and automatically analyzed to identify and enforce optimal system configurations. The QoSMOS selfadaptation mechanism can handle reliability and performancerelated QoS requirements, and can be integrated into newly developed solutions or legacy systems. The effectiveness and scalability of the approach are validated using simulations and a set of experiments based on an implementation of an adaptive service-based system for remote medical assistance.


Vulnerability Detection Systems: Think Cyborg, Not Robot


Dynamic QoS Management and Optimization in Service-Based Systems

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Seeking Quality of Web Service Composition in a Semantic Dimension

Knowledge Ranking and optimization of web service compositions and Data represent challenging areas of research with significant Engineering implications for the realization of the Web of Services vision. Semantic web services use formal semantic descriptions of web service functionality and interface to enable automated reasoning over web service compositions. To judge the quality of the overall composition, for example, we can start by calculating the semantic similarities between outputs and inputs of connected constituent services, and aggregate these values into a measure of semantic quality for the composition. This paper takes a specific interest in combining semantic and nonfunctional criteria such as quality of service (QoS) to evaluate quality in web services composition. It proposes a novel and extensible model balancing the new dimension of semantic quality (as a functional quality metric) with a QoS metric, and using them together as ranking and optimization criteria. It also demonstrates the utility of Genetic Algorithms to allow optimization within the context of a large number of services foreseen by the Web of Services vision. We test the performance of the overall approach using a set of simulation experiments, and discuss its advantages and weaknesses. Knowledge Researches on Location-Based Service (LBS) have been and Data emerging in recent years due to a wide range of potential Engineering applications. One of the active topics is the mining and prediction of mobile movements and associated transactions. Most of existing studies focus on discovering mobile patterns from the whole logs. However, this kind of patterns may not be precise enough for predictions since the differentiated mobile behaviors among users and temporal periods are not considered. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, namely, Cluster-based Temporal Mobile Sequential Pattern Mine (CTMSP-Mine), to discover the Cluster-based Temporal Mobile Sequential Patterns (CTMSPs). Moreover, a prediction strategy is proposed to predict the subsequent mobile behaviors. In CTMSP-Mine, user clusters are constructed by a novel algorithm named Cluster-Object-based Smart Cluster Affinity Search Technique (CO-Smart-CAST) and similarities between users are evaluated by the proposed measure, Location-Based Service Alignment (LBS-Alignment). Meanwhile, a time segmentation approach is presented to find segmenting time intervals where similar mobile characteristics exist. To our best knowledge, this is the first work on mining and prediction of mobile behaviors with considerations of user relations and temporal property simultaneously. Through experimental evaluation under various simulated conditions, the proposed methods are shown to deliver excellent performance. Previous studies have demonstrated that document clustering Knowledge and Data performance can be improved significantly in lower dimensional linear subspaces. Recently, matrix factorization- Engineering based techniques, such as Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Concept Factorization (CF), have yielded impressive results. However, both of them effectively see only the global euclidean geometry, whereas the local manifold geometry is not fully considered. In this paper, we propose a


Mining ClusterBased Temporal Mobile Sequential Patterns in Location-Based Service Environments


Locally Consistent Concept Factorization for Document Clustering

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

new approach to extract the document concepts which are consistent with the manifold geometry such that each concept corresponds to a connected component. Central to our approach is a graph model which captures the local geometry of the document submanifold. Thus, we call it Locally Consistent Concept Factorization (LCCF). By using the graph Laplacian to smooth the document-to-concept mapping, LCCF can extract concepts with respect to the intrinsic manifold structure and thus documents associated with the same concept can be well clustered. The experimental results on TDT2 and Reuters-21578 have shown that the proposed approach provides a better representation and achieves better clustering results in terms of accuracy and mutual information. 44. Service mashup is the act of integrating the resulting data of Knowledge two complementary software services into a common picture. and Data Such an approach is promising with respect to the discovery of Engineering new types of knowledge. However, before service mashup routines can be executed, it is necessary to predict which services (of an open repository) are viable candidates. Similar to Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), we introduce the Knowledge Discovery in Services (KDS) process that identifies mashup candidates. In this work, the KDS process is specialized to address a repository of open services that do not contain semantic annotations. In these situations, specialized techniques are required to determine equivalences among open services with reasonable precision. This paper introduces a bottom-up process for KDS that adapts to the environment of services for which it operates. Detailed experiments are discussed that evaluate KDS techniques on an open repository of services from the Internet and on a repository of services created in a controlled environment. Knowledge The intrusion response component of an overall intrusion detection system is responsible for issuing a suitable response and Data to an anomalous request. We propose the notion of database Engineering response policies to support our intrusion response system tailored for a DBMS. Our interactive response policy language makes it very easy for the database administrators to specify appropriate response actions for different circumstances depending upon the nature of the anomalous request. The two main issues that we address in context of such response policies are that of policy matching, and policy administration. For the policy matching problem, we propose two algorithms that efficiently search the policy database for policies that match an anomalous request. We also extend the PostgreSQL DBMS with our policy matching mechanism, and report experimental results. The experimental evaluation shows that our techniques are very efficient. The other issue that we address is that of administration of response policies to prevent malicious modifications to policy objects from legitimate users. We propose a novel Joint Threshold Administration Model (JTAM) that is based on the principle of separation of duty. The key idea in JTAM is that a policy object is jointly administered by at least k database administrator (DBAs), that

Knowledge Discovery in Services (KDS): Aggregating Software Services to Discover Enterprise Mashups


Design and Implementation of an Intrusion Response System for Relational Databases

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

is, any modification made to a policy object will be invalid unless it has been authorized by at least k DBAs. We present design details of JTAM which is based on a cryptographic threshold signature scheme, and show how JTAM prevents malicious modifications to policy objects from authorized users. We also implement JTAM in the PostgreSQL DBMS, and report experimental results on the efficiency of our techniques. 46. Knowledge An individual is typically referred by numerous name aliases on the web. Accurate identification of aliases of a given person and Data name is useful in various web related tasks such as information Engineering retrieval, sentiment analysis, personal name disambiguation, and relation extraction. We propose a method to extract aliases of a given personal name from the web. Given a personal name, the proposed method first extracts a set of candidate aliases. Second, we rank the extracted candidates according to the likelihood of a candidate being a correct alias of the given name. We propose a novel, automatically extracted lexical pattern-based approach to efficiently extract a large set of candidate aliases from snippets retrieved from a web search engine. We define numerous ranking scores to evaluate candidate aliases using three approaches: lexical pattern frequency, word co-occurrences in an anchor text graph, and page counts on the web. To construct a robust alias detection system, we integrate the different ranking scores into a single ranking function using ranking support vector machines. We evaluate the proposed method on three data sets: an English personal names data set, an English place names data set, and a Japanese personal names data set. The proposed method outperforms numerous baselines and previously proposed name alias extraction methods, achieving a statistically significant mean reciprocal rank (MRR) of 0.67. Experiments carried out using location names and Japanese personal names suggest the possibility of extending the proposed method to extract aliases for different types of named entities, and for different languages. Moreover, the aliases extracted using the proposed method are successfully utilized in an information retrieval task and improve recall by 20 percent in a relation-detection task. Most existing data stream classification techniques ignore one Knowledge important aspect of stream data: arrival of a novel class. We and Data Engineering address this issue and propose a data stream classification technique that integrates a novel class detection mechanism into traditional classifiers, enabling automatic detection of novel classes before the true labels of the novel class instances arrive. Novel class detection problem becomes more challenging in the presence of concept-drift, when the underlying data distributions evolve in streams. In order to determine whether an instance belongs to a novel class, the classification model sometimes needs to wait for more test instances to discover similarities among those instances. A maximum allowable wait time Tc is imposed as a time constraint to classify a test instance. Furthermore, most existing stream classification approaches assume that the true label of a

Automatic Discovery of Personal Name Aliases from the Web


Classification and Novel Class Detection in Concept-Drifting Data Streams under Time Constraints

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

data point can be accessed immediately after the data point is classified. In reality, a time delay Tl is involved in obtaining the true label of a data point since manual labeling is time consuming. We show how to make fast and correct classification decisions under these constraints and apply them to real benchmark data. Comparison with state-of-the-art stream classification techniques prove the superiority of our approach. 48. A Machine The Machine Learning (ML) field has gained its momentum in Knowledge Learning Approach almost any domain of research and just recently has become a and Data reliable tool in the medical domain. The empirical domain of Engineering for Identifying Disease-Treatment automatic learning is used in tasks such as medical decision Relations in Short support, medical imaging, protein-protein interaction, extraction of medical knowledge, and for overall patient Texts management care. ML is envisioned as a tool by which computer-based systems can be integrated in the healthcare field in order to get a better, more efficient medical care. This paper describes a ML-based methodology for building an application that is capable of identifying and disseminating healthcare information. It extracts sentences from published medical papers that mention diseases and treatments, and identifies semantic relations that exist between diseases and treatments. Our evaluation results for these tasks show that the proposed methodology obtains reliable outcomes that could be integrated in an application to be used in the medical care domain. The potential value of this paper stands in the ML settings that we propose and in the fact that we outperform previous results on the same data set.

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028


Image Processing

Face Recognition by Information jointly contained in image space, scale Exploring Information and orientation domains can provide rich important Jointly in Space, Scale clues not seen in either individual of these domains. The position, spatial frequency and orientation and Orientation

selectivity properties are believed to have an important role in visual perception. This paper proposes a novel face representation and recognition approach by exploring information jointly in image space, scale and orientation domains. Specifically, the face image is first decomposed into different scale and orientation responses by convolving multiscale and multi-orientation Gabor filters. Second, local binary pattern analysis is used to describe the neighboring relationship not only in image space, but also in different scale and orientation responses. This way, information from different domains is explored to give a good face representation for recognition. Discriminant classification is then performed based upon weighted histogram intersection or conditional mutual information with linear discriminant analysis techniques. Extensive experimental results on FERET, AR, and FRGC ver 2.0 databases show the significant advantages of the proposed method over the existing ones.


Detection of We present methods for the detection of sites of Image Architectural Distortion architectural distortion in prior mammograms of Processing in Prior Mammograms interval-cancer cases. We hypothesize that screening mammograms obtained prior to the detection of cancer could contain subtle signs of early stages of breast cancer, in particular, architectural distortion. The methods are based upon Gabor filters, phase portrait analysis, a novel method for the analysis of the angular spread of power, fractal analysis, Laws' texture energy measures derived from geometrically transformed regions of interest (ROIs), and Haralick's texture features. With Gabor filters and phase portrait analysis, 4224 ROIs were automatically obtained from 106 prior mammograms of 56 interval-cancer cases, including 301 true-positive ROIs related to architectural distortion, and from 52 mammograms of 13 normal cases. For each ROI, the fractal dimension,

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

the entropy of the angular spread of power, 10 Laws' measures, and Haralick's 14 features were computed. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves obtained using the features selected by stepwise logistic regression and the leave-one-ROI-out method are 0.76 with the Bayesian classifier, 0.75 with Fisher linear discriminant analysis, and 0.78 with a single-layer feed-forward neural network. Freeresponse receiver operating characteristics indicated sensitivities of 0.80 and 0.90 at 5.8 and 8.1 false positives per image, respectively, with the Bayesian classifier and the leave-one-image-out method. 3. Enhanced Assessment of the Wound-Healing Process by Accurate Multiview Tissue Classification With the widespread use of digital cameras, freehand Image wound imaging has become common practice in Processing clinical settings. There is however still a demand for a practical tool for accurate wound healing assessment, combining dimensional measurements and tissue classification in a single user-friendly system. We achieved the first part of this objective by computing a 3-D model for wound measurements using uncalibrated vision techniques. We focus here on tissue classification from color and texture region descriptors computed after unsupervised segmentation. Due to perspective distortions, uncontrolled lighting conditions and view points, wound assessments vary significantly between patient examinations. The main contribution of this paper is to overcome this drawback with a multiview strategy for tissue classification, relying on a 3-D model onto which tissue labels are mapped and classification results merged. The experimental classification tests demonstrate that enhanced repeatability and robustness are obtained and that metric assessment is achieved through real area and volume measurements and wound outline extraction. This innovative tool is intended for use not only in therapeutic follow-up in hospitals but also for telemedicine purposes and clinical research, where repeatability and accuracy of wound assessment are critical.


This paper presents a new supervised method for Image A New Supervised blood vessel detection in digital retinal images. This Processing Method for Blood Vessel Segmentationmethod uses a neural network (NN) scheme for pixel in Retinal Images by classification and computes a 7-D vector composed of gray-level and moment invariants-based features for Using Gray-Level pixel representation. The method was evaluated on and Moment the publicly available DRIVE and STARE databases, Invariants-Based widely used for this purpose, since they contain Features retinal images where the vascular structure has been precisely marked by experts. Method performance on both sets of test images is better than other existing solutions in literature. The method proves especially accurate for vessel detection in STARE images. Its application to this database (even when the NN was trained on the DRIVE database) outperforms all analyzed segmentation approaches. Its effectiveness

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

and robustness with different image conditions, together with its simplicity and fast implementation, make this blood vessel segmentation proposal suitable for retinal image computer analyses such as automated screening for early diabetic retinopathy detection. 5.

Graph Run-Length Matrices for Histopathological Image Segmentation

The histopathological examination of tissue Image specimens is essential for cancer diagnosis and Processing grading. However, this examination is subject to a considerable amount of observer variability as it mainly relies on visual interpretation of pathologists. To alleviate this problem, it is very important to develop computational quantitative tools, for which image segmentation constitutes the core step. In this paper, we introduce an effective and robust algorithm for the segmentation of histopathological tissue images. This algorithm incorporates the background knowledge of the tissue organization into segmentation. For this purpose, it quantifies spatial relations of cytological tissue components by constructing a graph and uses this graph to define new texture features for image segmentation. This new texture definition makes use of the idea of graylevel run-length matrices. However, it considers the runs of cytological components on a graph to form a matrix, instead of considering the runs of pixel intensities. Working with colon tissue images, our experiments demonstrate that the texture features extracted from graph run-length matrices lead to high segmentation accuracies, also providing a reasonable number of segmented regions. Compared with four other segmentation algorithms, the results show that the proposed algorithm is more effective in histopathological image segmentation. In this study we present an efficient image Image categorization and retrieval system applied to medical Processing image databases, in particular large radiograph archives. The methodology is based on local patch representation of the image content, using a bag of visual words approach. We explore the effects of various parameters on system performance, and show best results using dense sampling of simple features with spatial content, and a nonlinear kernel-based support vector machine (SVM) classifier. In a recent international competition the system was ranked first in discriminating orientation and body regions in X-ray images. In addition to organ-level discrimination, we show an application to pathology-level categorization of chest X-ray data, the most popular examination in radiology. The system discriminates between healthy and pathological cases, and is also shown to successfully identify specific pathologies in a set of chest radiographs taken from a routine hospital examination. This is a first step towards similaritybased categorization, which has a major clinical


X-ray Categorization and Retrieval on the Organ and Pathology Level, Using PatchBased Visual Words

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

implications for computer-assisted diagnostics 7. Standard Deviation for Obtaining the Optimal Direction in the Removal of Impulse Noise This letter proposes a new technique of restoring Image images distorted by random-valued impulse noise. Processing The detection process is based on finding the optimum direction, by calculating the standard deviation in different directions in the filtering window. The tested pixel is deemed original if it is similar to the pixels in the optimum direction. Extensive simulations prove that the proposed technique has superior performance, when compared to other existing methods, especially at high noise rates.


Removal of High A modified decision based unsymmetrical trimmed Image Density Salt and Pepper median filter algorithm for the restoration of gray Processing Noise Through Modified scale, and color images that are highly corrupted by Decision Based salt and pepper noise is proposed in this paper. The Unsymmetric Trimmed proposed algorithm replaces the noisy pixel by Median Filter trimmed median value when other pixel values, 0's and 255's are present in the selected window and when all the pixel values are 0's and 255's then the noise pixel is replaced by mean value of all the elements present in the selected window. This proposed algorithm shows better results than the Standard Median Filter (MF), Decision Based Algorithm (DBA), Modified Decision Based Algorithm (MDBA), and Progressive Switched Median Filter (PSMF). The proposed algorithm is tested against different grayscale and color images and it gives better Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Image Enhancement Factor (IEF). IMAGE Resolution Enhancement by Using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet Decomposition In this correspondence, the authors propose an image Image resolution enhancement technique based on Processing interpolation of the high frequency subband images obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the input image. The edges are enhanced by introducing an intermediate stage by using stationary wavelet transform (SWT). DWT is applied in order to decompose an input image into different subbands. Then the high frequency subbands as well as the input image are interpolated. The estimated high frequency subbands are being modified by using high frequency subband obtained through SWT. Then all these subbands are combined to generate a new high resolution image by using inverse DWT (IDWT). The quantitative and visual results are showing the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional and state-of-art image resolution enhancement techniques. Under the framework of computer-aided eye disease Image diagnosis, this paper presents an automatic optic disc Processing (OD) detection technique. The proposed technique makes use of the unique circular brightness structure associated with the OD, i.e., the OD usually has a circular shape and is brighter than the surrounding


10. Automatic Optic Disc Detection From Retinal Images by a Line Operator

#241/85, 4th floor, Rangarajapuram main road, Kodambakkam (Power House) Chennai 600024 ,, 08428302179 / 044-42046028

pixels whose intensity becomes darker gradually with their distances from the OD center. A line operator is designed to capture such circular brightness structure, which evaluates the image brightness variation along multiple line segments of specific orientations that pass through each retinal image pixel. The orientation of the line segment with the minimum/maximum variation has specific pattern that can be used to locate the OD accurately. The proposed technique has been tested over four public datasets that include 130, 89, 40, and 81 images of healthy and pathological retinas, respectively. Experiments show that the designed line operator is tolerant to different types of retinal lesion and imaging artifacts, and an average OD detection accuracy of 97.4% is obtained. 11. Wavelet-Based Image Texture Classification Using Local Energy Histograms In this letter, we propose an efficient one-nearestImage neighbor classifier of texture via the contrast of local Processing energy histograms of all the wavelet subbands between an input texture patch and each sample texture patch in a given training set. In particular, the contrast is realized with a discrepancy measure which is just a sum of symmetrized Kullback-Leibler divergences between the input and sample local energy histograms on all the wavelet subbands. It is demonstrated by various experiments that our proposed method obtains a satisfactory texture classification accuracy in comparison with several current state-of-the-art texture classification approaches.

12. A Ringing-Artifact

Image This paper proposes a new ringing-artifact Processing Reduction Method for reduction method for image resizing in a block Block-DCT-Based discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain. The Image Resizing proposed method reduces ringing artifacts without further blurring, whereas previous approaches must find a compromise between blurring and ringing artifacts. The proposed method consists of DCT-domain filtering and image-domain post-processing, which reduces ripples on smooth regions as well as overshoot near strong edges. By generating a mask map of the overshoot regions, we combine a ripplereduced image and an overshoot-reduced image according to the mask map in the image domain to obtain a ringing-artifact reduced image. The experimental results show that the proposed method is computationally faster and produces visually finer images than previous ringingartifact reduction approaches.

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