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Draft v.3 October 18th 2010

Summary: The Charter Document for the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) sets out the vision, goal, objectives, time-line, how the GEC programme of work is organized, GEC bodies, governance and funds, based on inputs from the GEC Members and Steering Group. The content of the GEC Charter Document will be updated periodically by members and the GEC Steering Group. This Charter Document is a statement of intention and is not a legally binding document.

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010

Content 1. Name 2. Vision 3. Goal 4. Objectives 5. Time Line 6. Work Programme 7. GEC Bodies and Governance Secretariat Steering Group Members 8. Funds

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Acronyms GE GEC IIED PD SG Green Economy Green Economy Coalition International Institute for Environment and Development Programme Director Steering Group

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010

1. Name Green Economy Coalition (GEC). 2. Vision A fair and resilient economy, which provides a better quality of life for all achieved within the ecological limits of one planet. 1 3. Goal The GEC aims to accelerate the transition to a green and inclusive economy for the twenty-first century, by facilitating interaction and consensus building between organizations from different sectors and regions in order to develop and pursue a shared vision, strategy, and mutually supportive actions. 4. Objectives 4.1 Mobilize and build a global coalition of organizations from diverse sectors and regions for a green and inclusive economy. 4.2 Provide a platform for debate on green economy issues. 4.3 Identify priority issues and strategic opportunities to influence the transition to a green economy. 4.4 Build consensus on priority issues, ensuring that multi-sector perspectives and voices from the south" are integrated into discussions. 4.5 Jointly communicate positions on priority issues to key audiences & in strategic forums. 5. Time Line 5.1 Phase I. A Pilot Phase: 2009-2010. This is an exploratory phase to scope interest and support from diverse stakeholders in collaborating on a range of GE issues, and to build the strategy, work programme, governance, joint advocacy and identity of the GEC. 5.2 Phase II. An Incubation Phase: 2010-2011. This phase will undertake a collaborative work programme on priority themes, and generate and synthesize inputs from different economic and regional contexts. 5.3 Phase III: Final Year: 2011-2012. This phase will consolidate the findings of the GEC work plans and produce outputs, including for the Rio + 20 Summit in 2012. A decision will be made after Rio +20 on whether and how to sustain the coalition initiative.

6. Work Programme 6.1. To attain the objectives above, the GEC will develop a Work Programme that: mobilizes and enhances cooperation between diverse Members; provides forums worldwide for discussion on GE issues; undertakes GE knowledge management activities; prepares and disseminates information and communiqus on GE issues and options; represents the GEC in other forums so as to influence policies; and undertakes joint communications and policy advocacy. 6.2. An Annual Work Programme will be framed by GEC Members at annual GEC meetings.

This is also GECs working definition of a green economy

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010

6.3. The activities of the Annual Work Programme (work streams, leads, deliverables, learning) will be shared between Members according to specialized knowledge and capacities. 6.4. The GEC Secretariat will prepare the details of, and coordinate, the Annual Work Programme, which will be available as a separate document. 6.5 GEC publications (e.g. policy briefs) will be circulated to all members for inputs, will cite contributions from GEC members, and will be signed off by programme staff of Members before being classed as GEC products. 6.6 Joint advocacy (e.g. letters to the G20 group) will be prepared by the Secretariat in consultation with Members, and will receive express permission from Heads of Member Organizations before being communicated under the signature of respective organizations. 6.7. The GEC priority themes, as identified for 2010-2011 include: (1) Green Economy Big Picture; (2) Green Jobs and Livelihoods; (3) Governance with a special emphasis on accountability mechanisms; (4) Sustainable Production and Consumption with a special emphasis on sustainable public procurement. 7. Bodies of the Green Economy Coalition The GEC bodies comprise (1) A Secretariat; (2) A Steering Group; (3) Members. 7.1 Secretariat 7.1.1. Host of the GEC Secretariat The GEC Secretariat is hosted by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), located at 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD, UK. 7.1.2. Secretariat Functions inter alia The GEC Secretariat is the main executive body of the GEC, and is responsible for coalition building and liaison; fundraising and financial management; programme development and coordination; planning and coordinating thematic events; information and communications management; representation and outreach; facilitating engagement of Members in the work streams, Steering Group facilitation; reporting and accountability. 7.1.3 Composition of the Secretariat The Secretariat consists of one full time Programme Director (PD), whose main purpose is to develop and coordinate the activities of the GEC Secretariat, along with provision for research and communications staff. 2 The Secretariat is supported by staff inputs from the Host Agency. The main purpose is to act as the fiduciary agent for Coalition funds (administrative functions), and to help deliver the GEC Work Programme (substantive focus).3 Staff from the Host Agency of the Secretariat may also contribute to the GEC Work Programme, in IIEDs capacity as an institutional Member of the GEC.

2 Taken from ToR Programme Director February 2010 3 Taken from ToR Host of GEC Secretariat February 2010

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010

7.2 Steering Group (SG) 7.2.1 Role of Steering Group The SG of the GEC is responsible for guiding the overall direction and overseeing the affairs of the Coalition, including Secretariat performance, and reports to Members of the Coalition. 7.2.2 Composition of Steering Group There will be seven members of the Steering Group representing and appointed from the major sectors of GEC membership.4 The members of the Steering Group are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Host Agency of the GEC Business Sector Labour Sector Environment Sector Regional Voice from the South. Finance Sector Vacant Sector (tbd)5 Programme Director (ex officio)6 The Steering Group will aim for gender-balance and regional representation. 7.2.3. Appointment of the Steering Group During the Phase I the Host Agency and PD will co-opt the Members of the Steering Group.7 Members of the Steering Group are co-opted in their (i) personal capacity,8 as well as their (ii) institutional capacity.9 During Phase II and subsequent phases of the initiative, Coalition Members will be invited to propose candidates for appointment to the Steering Group. Steering Group Members may retain their position, in their personal capacity, for a fullterm even if they change job, organization or sector.10 Members of the Steering Group may invite ex officio11 members from their participating organizations to attend Steering Group meetings. Steering Group Members withdraw from the group by submitting their resignation to the Steering Group.

4 Validated by the Coalition 28th October 2009 5 SG decision 20th January 2010. Proposal to invite Co-Founding member for continuity (August 2010).. 6 SG decision 20th January 2010 7 Phase I : July 2009 2009- October 2010 8 Criteria for selection on personal capacity include: commitment to vision, gender, region, knowledge, known to the Coalition members. 9 Criteria for selection on institutional capacity includes: sector, organization, influence. 10 Steering Group Decision 28th October 2008 11 Ex Officio means participation by virtue of the office or status held within an organization

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010

7.2.4 Term of Steering Group Members The Steering Group position is held for a one-year term. 12 None of the SG positions are permanent.13 Members of the Steering Group may not hold a Steering Group position for more than two terms.14 Steering group members should not all step down at once in order to safeguard continuity of strategic direction and governance. If Steering Group members do not attend more than three consecutive meetings, they will cede their position, and a new member be co-opted by the Steering Group, taking into account the evolving needs of the coalition.15 7.2.5. Functions of Steering Group inter alia To confirm and oversee the strategic direction, goals, and GEC work streams, for validation by wider Coalition.16 To plan global and regional meetings of the Green Economy Coalition. 17 To admit members to the Green Economy Coalition.18 To co-opt new members of the Steering Group. 19 To report to members on matters of strategic interest related to the objectives of the Green Economy Coalition. To publicize statements on significant issues concerning the objectives of the Green Economy Coalition. To fundraise for the GEC Secretariat and the GEC Work Plan. To confirm the appointment of senior secretariat staff and review their performance. 20 7.2.6. Steering Group Meetings The Steering Group will hold at least two face-to-face business meetings per year to conduct its business, and TELECONS as considered necessary. 21 Steering Group meetings will be chaired by a Steering Group member.

12 Proposal for Phase II 13 SG decision 20th January 2010

14 Proposal for Phase II

15 SG decision 22nd July 2010

16 Validated by Coalition 28th October 2009 17 Validated by Coalition 28th October 2009 18 Validated by Coalition 28th October 2009 19 Validated by Coalition 28th October 2009 20 Decision by SG on 22.12.2009 21 These will be held back-to-back with broader coalition meetings where possible.

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010 Meetings will have an agenda distributed prior to the gathering, and a summary of the meeting circulated to the Steering Group after the event.

7.2.7. Decision Making within the Steering Group Steering Group decisions will be made democratically by aiming for consensus within the group.22 In cases where consensus cannot be reached, members will be invited to vote on particular issues. The seven members of the Steering Group are eligible for one vote each. Ex officio members are not eligible for an individual vote. 7.2.8. Steering Group Chairs The Steering Group will be chaired by a member of the Steering Group on a rotational basis. 23 The Chair will be knowledgeable of group dynamics and be able to facilitate discussion and resolve disagreements. 7.2.9. Steering Group Model The Steering Group role, composition, and procedures will be reviewed on an annual basis with GEC Members. 7.3 7.3.1 Members Role of Members The GEC Members are responsible for collaborating with other GEC Members on GE issues; framing the overall GEC Strategy and main elements of the GEC Work Plan; and assisting in the implementation of GEC work streams, at times taking lead roles where agreed. 7.3.2 Membership Composition The GEC will be open to diverse stakeholders from institutions working on GE issues (see Figure 1 Illustrative Membership Spectrum below). There will be different Membership Categories: Founding Members; Collaborators; Associate Members; Observers. Founding Members: These are the original participants of the GEC Founding Meeting (March 2009), but who will not necessarily be active collaborators in implementing the GEC Work Plan

22 Consensus is defined here as decisions that the majority supports and that others can live with. 23 Validated by Coalition 28th October 2009

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010 Collaborators: These are representatives from about twenty organizations from different sectors and geographic regions working actively together in shaping and/or implementing the GEC Annual Work Plan, and in joint advocacy. Associate Members: This is a wider group of individuals and institutions who have registered an interest in the GEC, who may have participated in GEC events, who receive updates on GEC activities, but who are not actively involved in shaping or implementing the GEC Work Plan. Observers: The Secretariat will occasionally invite Observers from international, regional and national institutions to participate in GEC working meetings. The GEC will aim to engage organizations rather than individuals as members. The composition of GEC Membership will complement the United Nations work, which focuses on collaborating with governments and UN agencies. It is anticipated that Coalition Members from regional and national organizations will be key resources for the eventual decentralization of some of GECs functions24. Figure 1 Illustrative Membership Spectrum

7.3.3 Admission of GEC Members The Steering Group will co-opt GEC Members according to the spectrum and categories of Members outlined in above. Prospective GEC members will submit a concept note to the GEC Secretariat of why they want to join to the GEC Coalition, and what they wish to achieve individually and collectively. Applications for GEC Membership will be reviewed regularly by the GEC Steering Group. The GEC Secretariat will confirm the existing membership by letter or email.

24 To be confirmed.

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010

7.3.4 Term of Members Membership periods and exit criteria do not exist because of the limited time frame of this initiative. 7.3.5 Membership Fees There is no fee to become a GEC Member, although Members will be invited to help support the GEC Secretariat through contribution of financial contributions, secondments and/or other in-kind resources. The Founding Members will be encouraged to support the GEC Secretariat through contributions of financial and/or in-kind resources until 2012. 7.3.6 Members Meetings The GEC Secretariat will convene at least one meeting of Founding Members and active Collaborators per year to review progress, plan new Work Programmes, revise governance, etc. GEC Meetings will be professionally facilitated and/or co-chaired by Members to facilitate a spirit of co-ownership within the GEC. The Secretariat will develop and distribute an agenda and background materials prior to GEC meetings, and a summary of the meeting circulated to all members and made available on the GEC website after the event. 7.3.7. Decision Making by Members Decisions within the GEC Members meetings will be made democratically by aiming for consensus within the group.25 In cases where consensus cannot be reached, Members will be invited to vote on particular issues. Observers are not eligible to vote. The GEC role, composition, procedures will be reviewed on an annual basis with the GEC Members, and revised as appropriate. 8. Funds 8.1 An annual budget will be developed by the Secretariat to cover staff time, overheads, and programme activities. 8.2 Financial and in-kind support will be sought from Founding and other Members (who are expected to make a commitment in principle to 2012), Foundations, the private sector, and Government Agencies. 8. 3 Funds will be received by the Host Organization, who will act as the legal guarantor for all financial management and reporting commitments undertaken on behalf of the GEC.

25 Consensus is defined here as decisions that the majority supports and that others can live with.

Draft: v. 2 October 18th 2010

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