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Ralph Godbee Chief of Police

D.P.D. 568 (rev. 9/97)



March 25, 2011


Rev. Jerome L. Warfield Sr., Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners Commissioner Adela Rivera, Vice Chair Commissioner Toney Stewart Commissioner Michael Reeves Commissioner Donnell White

Subj: MEETING MINUTES, DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS, MARCH 24, 2011 At a regular scheduled meeting of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC), held in room #107 at police headquarters, on Thursday, March 17, 2011, BOPC Chair Jerome L. Warfield in the chair, and Mr. George N. Anthony as secretary, convened the meeting at 3:10 p.m. BOPC members present included: Commissioners Adela Rivera, Toney Stewart, Michael Reeves and Donnell White. The presence of four (4) members established a quorum. Assistant Police Chief Chester Logan represented the Department. NOTE: Todays meeting was moved from its customary location in room #328-A to room #107 because of an unexpected power outage in the building from shortly after 2:00 p.m. to approximately 4:20 p.m. The invocation was given by Police Chaplain Hester. On motion by Commissioner Rivera the BOPC approved the meeting agenda with the following amendments: the disciplinary appeal hearing for Police Officer Kenneth Cook, BPC 10-007D, was postponed until April 7, 2011, and the presentation by the Grants and Contracts Section was postponed until March 31, 2011. On motion by Commissioner Stewart the BOPC approved the meeting minutes for March 10 & 17, 2011. At approximately 3:20 p.m., the BOPC unanimously agreed to go into closed session to consider the employment application appeal of Ms. Carrie Ambrose. Ms. Ambrose had earlier requested the closed session pursuant to MCL 15. 268(f) of the Open Meetings Act At approximately 3:50 p.m., the BOPC unanimously agreed to reconvene for the public meeting and upon motion by Commissioner Rivera, unanimously approved her request to be furthered considered for employment. Chairman Warfield announced the next meeting date for the BOPC as being Thursday, March 31, 2011, at 3:00 p.m., at police headquarters, room #328-A. Chairman Warfield also announced that Monday, March 28, 2011 was a budget required furlough (BRF) day and that the BOPC office would be closed.

To: Commissioners Warfield, Rivera, Stewart, Reeves and White, BOPC Subj: MEETING MINUTES, MARCH 24, 2011

March 25, 2011 Page 2

Commissioner White advised the BOPC and the public of a conflict in his schedule on the 4th Thursdays of the month and that he may be from time to time have to be excused early from the meetings. The BOPC entertained oral communications from the public: As regards the new towing application process, one citizen observed that the environmental services portion for her property will take more time. The citizen also expressed continued frustration with the Departments failure to change to the new towing rotation that was authorized by the BOPC months ago. Through the chair, the BOPC noted that there is a charter gap that failed to give the BOPC enforcement authority. The BOPC also noted that it disagrees with the Department on this issue and that the current situation supports the old system. The citizen was advised to contact the Mayors office and Law Department with complaints. In response to a citizens inquiry regarding the number of officers who work at Sinai Grace as secondary employment, AC Logan promised that he would address the issue. In response to a citizens observation on the rash of shootings by officers, AC Logan advised that there has been only one (1) fatal police shooting in 2011. A citizen suggested that the Department deploy officers more efficiently and that it not criminalize cab drivers. A citizen inquired about the status of the towing permits and RFP. AC Logan indicated that he would provide that information the following day, Friday, March 25. On motion by Commissioner Rivera the meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

GEORGE N. ANTHONY Secretary to the Board

Approved: _________________

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