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CHOSEN: for Mercy & Reconciliation.

Pius Kallang

1 Peter 2:9 Jesus calls us to be what? 1 Peter 1:15 Be saints! Saints radiate God. They remind us of Jesus. The Light of the world. What is sin? What is Mercy? Why and How to make a good confession?

1. What is sin? We have to trace the roots of why we need mercy. Gen 3:1-3 Garden symbolic of Gods goodness, his providence Tree of Life symbolic of Gods sharing of His life with us. Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil symbolic of Freedom of choice. Consequence to sin is death. And God cannot lie, so we must die. Sin has 4 characteristics. Something Good. Something pleasurable. Something desirable. Apart from Gods will for us. Sin was nothing to do with hurting about other people. Because the original sin had no harm on other people, but it had no poison, it was not rotten, it was only one thing. GOD SAID NO. The centre of sin therefore, is the I, or the ego. We decide what is good and wrong in our lives and not God. Sin is saying no to God. 2. What is Mercy? But God loves us so much that he had to do something so that we are not separated from him. God said I know, I will go down like them in all thing but sin. I will teach them, live with them, eat with them and fulfill my own justice on myself Only God can fulfill the law. And he took on himself the entire world. Everything from the beginning of time to the end of it... the sins of the world and nailed it on himself. The first move of God in all creation was mercy. And that is the only move of God throughout the bible.

CHOSEN: for Mercy & Reconciliation.

Pius Kallang

And if we are faced by Almighty God, one day, Why should I let you enter into heaven? If you were to answer Because I did this, or did that.. WRONG ANSWER! HERETIC! We cannot enter into heaven by works. Only though Jesus do we enter into heaven. The perfect sacrifice that God needed to atone for our sins. Jesus is the only reason why anyone would go into heaven. We have to participate in what God did for us. We need to live what Jesus lived 2 thousand years ago everyday as another Christ. The only thing any soul demands from a Christian every single time is this, Hey, I Want to see Jesus Christ. SAINT OF GOD, you are called to radiate HIM EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE. Do we live out our everyday relationship with God and our neighbor? Thats why we need to go to reconcile our relationship with God and our neighbours. Because we are supposed to live out our lives everyday be the relationships that we have in this life. Love God Love People. And ITS NOT! ITS NOT ABOUT BREAKING RULES AND LAWS! Amen? *Personal story about baby sister wetting shirt. I was 11, taking care of my cute baby sister. I was playing with her and wont you believe it, all of a sudden a weird smell started to radiate out of her. And I stopped and I just knew what happened. I mean how can something so beautiful produce something so vileI knew where it came from. This smelland as if it couldnt go any worse, her dippers gave way. And all of that spilled over my shirt and my pants. I had to take a shower. And when I went to take a bath in the bath tub, I realized that God spoke to me. Pius, do you know what is that? And looking at this thin layer of pee and on the water I replied Yes, Father Im sitting in it, thank you very much. You do that to me every time you sin And we have to get this. All sin hurts God. No matter how big or small, it stains and personally hurt God. It is not just something that we do, but we do all that business all over God. We must see sin as it is. And repent. 3. Why and How to make a good confession? Confession is not about admitting we did wrong I did this and this and that NO It means to reconcile.. To make perfect what was broken.

CHOSEN: for Mercy & Reconciliation.

Pius Kallang

IT is to say Jesus Im sorry that I hurt you, and I dont want to do it again. And we need to repent. *REPENT means METANOIA in greek, which means to turn away this is the words we hear when we receive the ashes on ash wed. turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel I go and say hi to____ and then break his legs and I say Im sorry. He forgives me right? I meet him another day and break his arms and then I say Im sorry. And he forgives me again right? I meet him again and I burn his house, and steal his food, and say Im so so so so sorry.. should he forgive me? BUT I Havent REPENTED!!! Power of the Priest? Matt 16:18 Priest has power of the keys - Representative of Jesus the Judge and forgives us our sins! John 20:21 - Forgiveness of sin (breath -power of the H.S.) - Jesus allows us the forgiveness of God. Priest has no power to read minds. Must hear to forgive the sin. We need to be serious about our relationship with Jesus. The beginning of Grace is the Cross, but Jesus calls us. And we can decide to answer or to ignore. But GOD LOVES US STILL how Romans 5:8 But God has shown how much he loves us-it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us! * SPIRITUAL PRINCIPAL God frees his people from Eygpt before he gives them the commandments. God dies on the cross and then he gives the Holy Spirit. God desires to give us freedom but we must acknowledge that by normal means confession is where sin is forgiven. SANCTIFYING GRACE (ASSURED GRACE) The point of this examination is not to make you feel guilty but to make sure you bring that cancer.. that pain you have and bring it to the priest who brings that sin to God. And God heals your wonds. But if you have cancer, the only question they would ask is.. Did they get it all? Cos cancer even a little bit left over in the body could spread. Examination of Conscious.

CHOSEN: for Mercy & Reconciliation.

Pius Kallang

Ex 20:2-17 I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Do not have any other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Do we keep God as No. 1 in our lives? Do we keep our prayer vs ordinary necessities, Love of them or love of God. v7 You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. Penalty of this sin is death. Our soul dies. We do it out of praise or just because everyone else says it? OMG? How do we like I if our name becomes a cuss word? Or we USE God as to our advantage? When we tell parents I have to go to Church today.. and we go to meet our gf/bf. Thats using GODs name in vain.

v8 Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Mortal sin Serious matter Full Knowledge Full consent of the will 1 mortal sin is enough to kill your soul & go to hell, do not pass go do not collect $200 If God punishes the sin and we are free from it, God cannot punish us. If God comes and punishes the sin are we clinging to than sin? And God punishes us. v12 Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Take care of your parents If they died, do we constantly pray for them Obedient? Willing to do chores?

v13 You shall not kill/murder. Words kill more than any sword can Abortion, helped anyone to go to abortion is just as wrong.

v14 You shall not commit adultery. Sex is Good. If you have sexual thoughts its okay its good. Because we are sexual beings. Sistine Chapel-Adam It is not what we have that makes a sin, but what we do with it.

CHOSEN: for Mercy & Reconciliation.

Pius Kallang

Masturbation, Pornography, Sex, Oral sex, Homosexuality, Birth Control, and Using condoms. This is body is mine!! NO Your body belongs Have you got drunk Have you got high

v15 You shall not steal. Stolen

v16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Lied Cheated Gossiped

v17 You shall not covet your neighbors house; you shall not covet your neighbors wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. Any feeling of envy Want of something not content

WE MUST APPROACH CONFESSION KNOWING GOD IS MERCY GOD IS COMPASSION GOD IS WAITING GOD IS CALLING That we are assured for forgiveness. Romans 5:8 But God has shown us how much he loves us- it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us! By his blood we are now put right with God; how much more, then, will we be saved by him from Gods anger! We were Gods enemies, but he made us hid friends through the death of his Son. Now that we are Gods friends, how much more will we be saved by Christs life!

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