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1. Describe how to classify managers in organizations?

Ans: First Level Managers, Middle Level Managers & Top Level managers 2. What are the 4 functions of management? Ans: Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling. 3. What are the skills of a Manager? Explain with diagram. Ans: Technical, Human & Conceptual Skills

Top Management

Middle Management

First Level Managers


Human Skills


4 . What are the Six Management theories? Ans: Scientific Management theory General Administrative theory Quantitative Approach Organization Behaviour Systems Approach Contingency Approach 5. What are Fayols 14 Principles of Management? Ans: Division of work, Authority and responsibility, Discipline, Unity of command, Unity of direction, Subordination of individual interest to general interest, Remuneration of personnel, Centralization, Scalar chain, Order, Equity, Stability of tenure of personnel, Initiative, Esprit de corps. 6. Name the early contributors of organization behaviour? Ans: Mary Follet, Chester Bernard, Robert Owen, Hugo Munsterberg 7. What are the 7 dimensions of organizational culture? Ans: Attention to detail, Outcome orientation, People Orientation, Team Orientation, Aggressiveness Stability AND Innovation & Risk taking

8. Differentiate between Strong & weak cultures. Strong Culture Weak Culture Values widely shared Values are limited to few people usually TMCs Culture sends consistent messages about what Culture sends contradictory messages about is important what is important Most employees can tell stories about Employees have little knowledge about companys history companys history Employees strongly identify with Companys Employees have little identification with culture companys culture Strong connection between shared values & Little connection between shared values & behaviours behaviours. 9. What are the components of specific & general environment? Ans: Specific: The external forces that have direct impact on managers decisions & actions like customers, suppliers, competitors. General: external conditions that effect organization like economic, political / legal, technological & global conditions.

10. Name the different ways organizations can become international.

Ans: Global Sourcing, Exporting, Importing, Licensing & Franchising , Strategic Alliances, Joint Venture, Foreign Subsidiary. 11. Define, Global Sourcing, Exporting, Importing, Licensing & Franchising. Ans: Global sourcing is purchasing materials or labor from around the world wherever it is cheapest. E.g. Software Engineers in Indian BPOs for US IT Companies. Exporting is making products domestically and selling them abroad. E.g. Indian spices exported abroad. Importing is acquiring products made abroad and selling them domestically. E.g. Automobile spare parts imported from abroad Licensing is usually used by manufacturing organizations that make or sell other companys products. E.g. Franchising is usually used by service organizations that want to use another companys name and operating methods. E.g. Docomo mobile services 12. Define : Global Strategic Alliances, Joint Venture, Foreign Subsidiary. Ans: Global Strategic Alliances are partnerships between an organization and foreign company partners in which they share resources and knowledge to develop new products or build production facilities. A Joint Venture is a specific type of strategic alliance in which the partners agree to form a separate, independent organization for some business purpose. A Foreign Subsidiary is a direct investment in a foreign country by establishing a separate and independent production facility or office. 13. Name some companies with which JSW has Joint Ventures. Ans: JSW Ispat, JPOCL, JSW Severfield Structures Ltd, VMPL(Vijayanagar Mining Pvt Ltd) etc 14. What is Social Responsibility & name some CSR activities of JSW. Ans. A businesss intention to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society. JSW CSR activities: Rural infra-structural development (roads, garbage management in Vaddu, Kudtini, Toranagallu), Primary & Adult Education, Healthcare facilities, Self Help groups etc

15. Differentiate between Classical & socio-economic views of social responsibility. Ans: Classical view: The view that managements only social responsibility is to maximize profits. Socio-economic view: The view that managements social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving societys welfare. 16. Describe how organizations can go green. Ans: Legal (or Light Green) Approach : Firms simply do what is legally required by obeying laws, rules, and regulations willingly and without legal challenge. Market Approach : Firms respond to the preferences of their customers for environmentally friendly products. Stakeholder Approach : Firms work to meet the environmental demands of multiple stakeholders employees, suppliers, and the community. Activist (or Dark Green) Approach : Firms look for ways to respect and preserve environment and be actively socially responsible. 17. What is the mechanism which JSW has incorporated for protecting its employees who raise Ethical issues or concerns? Ans: Whistle Blower Policy 18. What are the steps in Decision Making process. Ans: Identification of a problem / issue Identification of a decision criteria Development of alternatives Analysis of alternatives Selecting an alternative Evaluating decision effectiveness 19. Name the types of problems & decision Managers face. Ans: Programmed decisions Nonprogrammed decisions Structured problems Unstructured problems Lower managerial level Upper managerial level Repetitive, routine work New, unusual work Readily available information Incomplete information Clear & specific goals Vague goals Short term solution Long term Solution based on procedures, rules & policies Based on experience, judgement & creativity 20. How will the decision making style affect managers decision making? Ans:




Directive Behavioral





21. What is planning? Ans: Planning is the process used by managers to identify and select goals and courses of action for the organization. 22. Define Goals & Plans Ans: Goals: Desired outcomes for individuals, groups or entire organizations Plans : Documents that outline how goals are going to be met. 23. What are the types of Plans? Ans: . Types of Plans are as follows: Breadth Strategic: that apply to entire organization. Organizations overall goals & seek to position the organization in terms of its environment. Operational : plans that specify the details of how the overall goals are to be achieved. Time frame : Long term time frame beyond 3years. Short term 1 year or less Specificity : Directional: plans that are flexible and that set out general guidelines. Specific : plans that are clearly defined & leave no room for interpretation Frequency of use : Single use: one time plan specifically designed to meet the needs of a unique situation. Standing: ongoing plans that provide guidance for activities performed repeatedly. 24. What are the types of goals? Ans: Strategic or Financial goals AND Stated or Real goals 25. How do managers set goals? Ans: Traditional approach: An approach of setting goals in which goals are set at top levels of organization & then broken into sub goals for each level below. Means-ends chain : an integral network of goals in which the accomplishment of goals at one level serves as the means for achieving the goals or ends at the next level. 26. What are the steps in goal setting? Ans: Review the organizations mission or purpose Evaluate available resources Determine the goals individually or with input from others Write down the goals & communicate them to all who need to know Review results, whether goals are being met 27. What is Management By Objectives? Ans: A process of setting mutually agreed goals and using those goals to evaluate employees performance 28. Describe the Strategic Management Process with a diagram Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Identify the Organizatio ns current mission, goals & strategies

External Analysis: - Opportunitie s - Threats S W O T Analysis Step 3 Internal Analysis: - Strengths - Weaknesses

Formula te Strategi es

Implemen t Strategies

Evaluat e Results

29. What are the SWOT of JSW? (You may add some more) Ans: Strength : experienced employees Weakness : not owning dedicated Mines. Opportunities : Many successful Businesses Threats : Competitors 30. Name the types of organizational Strategies. Ans: Corporate, Business and Functional strategies 31. Name the 3 types of Corporate Strategies. Ans : Growth, Stability & Renewal 32. Give the full form of: i). EU = European Union ii). NAFTA : North American Free Trade Agreement iii). ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations iv). SAARC : South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation v). MNC : Multi National Corporation vi). GATT : General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade vii). WTO : World Trade Organization viii). CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility ix). BCG : Boston Consultancy Group x). SWOT : Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat 32. Discuss the BCG Matrix & how is it used by the managers. Ans: BCG Matrix: A strategy tool that guides resource allocation decisions on the basis of Market Share and Growth Rate of Small Business Units (SBUs)




CASH COWS (Low Growth, High Market Share) : Business in this category generate large amount of cash, but their prospects of future growth are limited. STARS (High Growth, High Market Share) : Business are in a fast growing market and hold a dominant share of that market. Their contribution to cash flow depends on their need for resources.

QUESTION MARKS (High growth, low Market Share): These business are in an attractive industry but hold a small market share percentage. DOGS (Low Growth, Low Market Share) : Business in this category do not produce or consume much cash. However they hold no promise for improved performance in future.

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